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» Thesis plan for the shot. “Shot” (analysis of the story). Explanation of Silvio to Ivan Belkin

Thesis plan for the shot. “Shot” (analysis of the story). Explanation of Silvio to Ivan Belkin

"Belkin's Tales", written by Pushkin in 1831, were highly appreciated by the Russian reading public.

The great poet also turned out to be a skilled prose writer. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy called Pushkin’s style of “Tales...” a wonderful school for aspiring writers. Five works are preceded by the story “The Shot” by Pushkin. A summary of this work is the topic of this article.

A Tale of the Morals of the Nobles

She is deeply psychological. Its atmosphere is a specific society of serving nobles. On the one hand - imperial principles: harsh and strict service, a heightened, exaggerated concept of honor. On the other hand, there is a passion for things that are momentary and transitory: wine, cards, love affairs. The dueling form of resolving conflicts (often contrived or provoked) was also specific.

The story is told on behalf of the local nobleman of the village of Goryukhino, Ivan Petrovich Belkin. The events take place in a certain provincial town, the name of which the narrator has forgotten. The cavalry regiment stationed there was not overburdened with service. The officers only studied and rode horses in the arena until lunch. Having dined with the regiment commander or in a tavern, they whiled away the time with conversation, cards and punch. Aristocrats in uniform were not always distinguished by their courtesy, and often the dispute for primacy escalated into a duel. At times, the competition between the egos of different people became truly dramatic. Pushkin wrote the story “Shot” about one such story. Its brief content boils down to the story of one delayed duel shot.

The main character is a retired hussar

We meet the retired hussar officer Silvio (the Italian name is deceptive, underneath it hides a purely Russian man). He is 35 years old. His lifestyle, apparently, has not changed since the days of hussar service. His house is always open to the military, and they are always provided with a multi-course meal prepared by his servant Silvio, a retired soldier. Although, on the other hand, this dwelling can only be called a home. It’s hard for our contemporary to imagine, but according to Alexander Sergeevich, its walls and ceiling are so riddled with bullets that they resemble a honeycomb. Silvio practices shooting accuracy every day. Pushkin talks about his ability to kill a fly with one shot without getting up from his chair. The summary of the work for comparison mentions that among the hussars, a master of shooting is considered to be one who hits the map ten times in a row from ten steps. It is obvious that Silvio's skill is an order of magnitude higher. And he really enjoys undeniable authority among his guest officers. He is insightful, he is fearless, he is generous with his friends...

A motivated attempt to avoid a new conflict

However, one day this respect wavered... And this episode served as the beginning of the composition. Nothing foreshadowed such an outcome when once again a group of officers played bank in Silvio’s house.

(Let us pay attention to the detail: why exactly in it? After all, the author mentions only “playing cards.” At the time of Pushkin, preference had not yet come to Russia, and it was the bank that literary heroes, contemporaries of the great poet, played.)

Silvio, as an experienced player, took on the function of the main punter - he wrote down the players' points with chalk and corrected mistakes. One of the new officers, a lieutenant, counting his points, lost count out of absent-mindedness, or, in card terminology, “turned a corner,” that is, he added his bet to the bet of another player. Thus, he unreasonably increased his points. Such a moment in a bank game was not uncommon. Silvio, who played professionally, automatically and without comment corrected the hapless punter's note with chalk. He, heated by the drink and the ridicule of his comrades, not understanding the motives of the actions of the main character of the story and perceiving them as rudeness, threw a heavy copper Arabic candlestick (chandal) at him.

The situation escalated to the level of a duel... Pushkin tells not only that Silvio managed to evade. A summary of this scene demonstrates the unhussar behavior of a 35-year-old man. Obviously, he violated the unwritten “code of honor” by not challenging the impudent man to a duel (and, judging by Silvio’s skills, the officer had very little chance of surviving). Those present suspected that the idol, who had tarnished his reputation, was a sin unacceptable for military aristocrats - cowardice. That evening all the hussars went home disappointed...

Explanation of Silvio to Ivan Belkin

However, after some time, the hospitable 35-year-old man nevertheless regained his status among officers. However, the narrator Belkin (the story is told through his lips) was left with an unpleasant aftertaste from the unclaimed Silvio from the unlucky lieutenant of the duel.

Further, following the rules of literary intrigue, under mysterious circumstances he separates Ivan Belkin from Silvio Pushkin. The story “The Shot” tells about a letter Silvio suddenly received, which he had been expecting for a long time. The main character was in such a hurry that he left immediately into the night. However, not forgetting about traditions, he invited the officers to a farewell dinner, asking the narrator to come. Why did he treat Belkin specially? Pushkin is quite convincing here. Before the duel episode, the young officer was enthusiastic about Silvio, considering him a model, an ideal man and officer. The main character, an experienced person, probably felt a change in the narrator’s attitude towards his person. In addition, Silvio considered Belkin his friend, so he finally decided to explain his behavior to him.

Silvio informed Belkin that he had no right to put his life at even an insignificant risk (even because of a drunken madcap lieutenant), since he was saving it for another, postponed duel. And from the lips of the main character flowed a speech that captivated the imagination of the readers... With this technique, Pushkin suddenly introduces romance into the narrative, where previously a purely everyday character prevailed. The story “The Shot” introduces us to Silvio’s memories of his hussar times, bright, dramatic events...

Conflict between Silvio and the new officer

Silvio, talking with Belkin, took out a cap with a band pierced an inch from the head. The clever Pushkin found a technique to immediately intrigue the reader. The protagonist's story began to flow about his hussar times, when the hussars “doted on him”, and the authorities, having resigned themselves, perceived him as “inevitable evil.” He was a dashing warrior and a duelist. He was considered the first brawler in the army.

But the other one turned out to be no less brilliant hussar, who fired a deliberately mocking shot at Silvio’s headdress.

Who was the one whose name and title Silvio deliberately did not mention? “Brilliantly lucky,” “scion of a noble family”... A big name, careless courage, a sharp mind, beauty, wild gaiety and endless money generously thrown down the drain... Silvio’s championship was shaken, but he knew what had to be done. The subsequent plot tells about his intention to kill his lucky opponent in a duel.

Pushkin’s “Shot”, with the help of artistic means, reliably introduces us to the situation that modern psychologists call the competition of alpha males. The old idol of hussar society was jealous of the new informal leader.

The duel is the first climax of the story

Silvio comes into conflict with an unnamed new officer. Having decisively rejected the counter-offer of friendship, he begins to look for a reason to provoke a quarrel. He succeeded, but not right away. Epigrams were ineffective. The counterpart turned out to be more talented. Then the main character, at a ball in his mistress’s house, provoked his rival with his rudeness and impudence. The answer was expectedly followed by a slap in the face. Behind her is a challenge to a duel. It would seem that everything is going according to Silvio’s plan... But the situation suddenly went wrong and got out of his control.

When the main plot-forming characters of Pushkin’s story “The Shot” fought each other in their first duel, psychological dominance was not on Silvio’s side. Let's give his opponent credit. He was brighter and bolder to the point of extravagance. He flaunted his indifferent attitude towards his life and death so convincingly that he embarrassed the main character.

They say about such people: “Nerves are like ropes!” Agree, not everyone can, while waiting for a shot from their counterpart, at the same time indifferently take berries out of their cap filled with cherries and spit them towards their opponent.

Since Silvio’s goal was absolute championship, he did not need a purely physical victory in a duel that did not shake the enemy’s spirit. “What’s the point of taking the life of an opponent if he doesn’t value it!” - he thought. Pushkin writes that the first duel did not realize Silvio’s plan (“Shot”). The main characters at this level are psychologically equal, and their confrontation does not resolve the issue of dominance. Silvio turns to the seconds with a statement to interrupt the duel, leaving the shot behind him.

Silvio's solution is to morally defeat his opponent later

He is confident that time will put everything in its place.

Let's return to modern terminology, albeit cynical, but reflecting the essence of things. Silvio is a natural leader. The direction of his personality is a constant conflict with others for the right to be considered the best in military affairs, in duels, and in success with women. He is a polygamous and dominant man. Such people are not created for a family, they are not attached to other joys of life and are uncompromising in their views.

The work “Shot” by Pushkin tells about Silvio’s reasonable plan. The interest in life in his so far invincible counterpart will soon prevail over a careless attitude towards death. Wealth and well-being will certainly, over time, transform his rival from a desperate hussar into the most ordinary landowner and everyman. And what can make a man fall in love with life more than love, wedding and the desire to start a family? This is what Silvio was counting on... He resigned from military service and left for a while, obliging his friends to inform him when his opponent in the duel was going to get married. Years have passed... Thirty-five years is the time to start a home, a family... But Silvio is not like that. He internally remains the same officer, eager to gain primacy in a long-standing dispute. For him this is more than important.

Landowner Belkin visits the count couple

Years and years have passed since Ivan Belkin served in the regiment... He is a local nobleman and is engaged in farming. He learns about the fate of his friend Silvio quite by accident, paying a courtesy visit to his neighboring landowners.

In the dialogue between the guest and the hosts, Pushkin (“Shot”) introduces readers to the continuation of the postponed duel. The heroes meet exactly as Silvio intended. He unexpectedly appears at his counterpart's house when he is least ready.

They (husband and wife) bear the title of count and countess, are rich and rarely visit their vast and luxurious estate. Having shown hospitality, the couple invite their neighbor, the landowner Belkin, into the living room. There, looking at the paintings, he notices in one of them, depicting the landscape of Switzerland, two bullets embedded in one another, and tells the count about the successful shot.

Pushkin’s story “The Shot” tells in detail about their further conversation. Finally, the thread of the author's intrigue emerges completely. Belkin says that the best shooter he knew shot three times a day. The Count inquires about his name. Having learned that his name is Silvio, he turns pale and admits that the second bullet in the film was fired by him under dramatic circumstances.

Silvio's plan was a success

One day in the first year after their marriage, the Count and Countess returned separately from a horse ride. The countess's horse became stubborn. The Count, having returned home earlier, found Silvio in his house, claiming his right to fire back. The Count turned out to be the same old rival with whom Silvio dreamed of a repeat duel.

Pushkin ends his story (“Shot”) with a description of their meeting. The analysis of this duel of nerves (namely, Silvio turns his demand for a return shot into it) ends with his complete psychological victory.

Duel Master

Firstly, the 35-year-old man did not stoop to a banal murder (his shot would certainly have been fatal). After all, most of all he wanted to receive moral satisfaction over the enemy, and therefore a final victory. He triumphed, he enjoyed revenge. For some reason, I remember the words written much later and spoken by Don Capone: “Revenge is a special dish, you need to enjoy it when it has cooled down...”. Silvio was stalling for time. He asked to light all the candles in the hall. Then, not paying attention to the count’s calls to “finish the matter quickly,” he held him at gunpoint for a full minute. This moment turned out to be the most terrible in the life of his opponent. And only then Silvio joked that since his pistol was not loaded with cherry pits, he wanted to start the fight “from scratch,” that is, on standard conditions, starting with the right of the first shot. Now the psychological advantage belonged entirely to him...

Moral victory for Silvio. Resolution of the composition

The count, who won the right to shoot, was demoralized and shocked.

He missed, putting a bullet into a painting of a Swiss landscape. It's time for Silvio to shoot. And then the countess arrived in the living room. She fell at his feet, begging him not to shoot. The count himself was neither alive nor dead from shock...

Suddenly Silvio stopped the fight. He told the count that he was completely satisfied with his timidity, his fear, and the fact that he forced him to shoot first. Having said this, he left the living room with a quick step, but, turning around on the threshold, fired almost without aiming at the picture, hitting his bullet in the place where the count’s bullet ended up. It was a phenomenal shot - a memory for the count couple for the rest of their lives...

Later they learned from the newspapers that Silvio took part in the armed uprising of the Greeks under the leadership of the Russian general Alexander Ypsilanti and was killed by the Turks in the Battle of Skuljani, which took place on June 16 and 17, 1821, where the Greek rebel army was defeated.

Instead of a conclusion

Is it so important what the main idea was in the classic work? “The Shot” by Pushkin, perhaps, does not have one. But it has something else: expression, intrigue and... classic composition. That is why Leo Tolstoy encouraged aspiring prose writers to learn to write from Pushkin. Judge for yourself:

Plot plot (unrequited insult to Silvio from a drunken lieutenant in a duel).

First climax (first duel).

Second climax (second duel).

Denouement (Silvio's satisfaction with only a moral victory, the news of his stupid and accidental death).

1. The story about Silvio.
2. Lunch at Silvio's.
3.Card game.
4. The quarrel was forgotten.
5. Silvio must leave.
6. Silvio’s story about the slap..
7..Visit to the Count.
8 The Count told about the return shot...

The story tells about the life of officers in the town of ***., where they “wasted” their lives. In the morning, training, arena, lunch, either with the commander, or in a tavern, in the evening, punch, cards... They have already visited all the houses of the town. Apart from military uniforms, they see no one. Only one person there was not a military man. This is Silvio. Once he was a hussar, now retired. And he dispels their boredom in the service. Everyone knows that Silvio has some kind of secret, but no one knows what it is about knows... He keeps an open table for officers, where wine flows, glasses clink, and for this Silvio is forgiven for everything. He is very good with pistols. He even has a collection of them, and the walls in his room are all covered in bullet holes
He doesn’t talk to officers about fights, but when asked about participating in them, he replied that he had to.
One day the officers gathered at Silvio’s, drank, and started playing cards. One officer, not understanding Silvio, threw a shandal at his head. Everyone thought that Silvio would challenge him to a duel, everyone knew how it would end, but Silvio did not challenge him and his opinion of him worsened. Slowly everything was forgotten... One day Silvio received some news, invited everyone to a farewell dinner, saying that he was leaving. In the evening, he revealed his secret to one of the officers, that several years ago, he received a slap in the face, and his offender is still alive. Silvio was the leader in the regiment until a new “lucky guy” came to them, who was always lucky in everything .At first he wanted to make friends with Silvio, but nothing worked out. His leadership became unstable and he hated the new guy. What happened was that at one ball they quarreled and Silvio challenged him to a duel, but in the morning he came to the duel with a cap full of cherries. The “lucky guy” was the first to shoot and shot through Silvio’s cap, and he himself, with the gun pointed at him, ate cherries, the seeds of which flew to Silvio,
who was so angry that he refused to shoot, and his opponent said that the shot would remain with Silvio.
Silvio retired and came here, where he now lives. The letter that was brought to him informed him that his old enemy was going to marry a very beautiful girl, and Silvio wanted to see how his enemy would look death in the face before the wedding, so he now and leaves. After the conversation, the friends said goodbye and Silvio left.
After some time, the officer who spoke with Silvio retired and left for his village. It was very boring there and he was looking for somewhere to spend time, until the count and his young wife arrived at a neighboring estate and he went to visit them. On the wall he saw a picture where she was shot through with two bullets, and the bullets were embedded in one another. He said that he knew only one such person who could shoot like that, calling the name Silvio. Both the count and the countess were embarrassed by this name. The Count asked if Silvio had told him a strange story and the guest immediately guessed who was standing in front of him now... The Count said that the shot-through painting was a monument to their meeting. a man came to the count, but did not give his name. And the count saw Silvio and immediately remembered the shot, and Silvio said that he had come to unload his pistol.. The countess had to come up, the count was nervous and in a hurry, and Silvio, on the contrary, hesitated, and even forced the lot to be drawn again. And again the count had to be the first to shoot, and he did shoot, hitting the picture. The frightened countess entered and the count told her that he and his friend were joking like that, but it didn’t look like a joke and the count shouted for Silvio to shoot and he shot, without even aiming, and hit the hole in the painting shot through by the count. He fulfilled his dream, he saw animal fear in the count’s eyes. They said that Silvio left and, participating in the Greek uprising, died..


brief analysis of the work

Main characters
- Silvio;
- Count B.;
- Lieutenant Colonel I.L.P. (narrator).

- theme of duels.

- the problem of revenge;
- the problem of mercy, compassion and nobility.

At first glance, Silvio seems to be an exceptional person. But all his energy is spent on satisfying petty pride. He is looking for championship, but not in anything serious, but in what is considered important in an empty hussar company (drunkenness, duels, rowdy behavior).
Silvio devotes all his mature years to preparing for revenge on the count. He waits for the moment when it will be difficult for his opponent to give up his life, and achieves his goal: he sees not only the count’s confusion, but also the horror of his young wife. But something prevented Silvio from killing the count? Maybe he took pity on his wife, maybe because she was no longer the former brilliant rival, the careless brave man who treated himself to cherries at the point of his gun, but a family man whose murder no longer flattered his pride. Or maybe because natural human feelings awoke in him, and he freed himself from false romantic concepts.
One way or another, this bloodless denouement is characteristic of the spirit of humanity that gives so much warmth to Belkin’s Tales: it shows faith in the victory of “good feelings” over the evil prejudices of the environment.

Title page of the first edition of the Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin A.S. Pushkin. 1831

A. S. Pushkin a book was written called " Stories of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin", which essentially consisted of 5 independent stories:

Shot Blizzard Undertaker Station Warden Young Peasant Lady

They were united only by the author - the late nobleman Belkin, who died of fever in the thirtieth year of his life. The young man had a weakness for literature and tried himself in the art of writing. But I couldn’t run my farm until it was impossible. This was reported in a letter sent by Belkin's elderly friend and neighbor. The surviving stories were attached to the letter. In this article we will talk about the first Belkin's stories « Shot"

Shot: Summary

During his service, the narrator met a mysterious young man of Russian appearance named Silvio. Silvio was 35 years old, he had once served as a hussar and was distinguished by his accuracy in shooting. He was respected for his experience and violent temper. No one knew why this fearless young man retired. But Silvio's love for martial arts was further confirmed by the presence of books on this topic in his library and daily shooting exercises. Silvio led a rather mysterious lifestyle. He lived in a poor environment, but at the same time he had daily receptions for the regiment's officers, during which champagne flowed like a river. No one could even imagine what his financial situation was. Silvio never discussed or supported conversations about duels and fights. When asked if he had to take part in fights, he dryly answered that yes. This created the impression that Silvio was an innocent victim of his excellent shooting ability. All the officers of the regiment felt that Silvio was keeping some secret.

One evening, as usual, everyone gathered at Silvio’s house. A young lieutenant who had recently joined the regiment and did not know Silvio’s character and habits was also present. Everyone, as usual, was drunk and decided to play cards. Silvio was persuaded to sweep the bank. As a rule, he kept track of the players' mistakes in their notes. Nobody ever argued with him. But this time everything turned out differently. The new officer decided that Silvio had mistakenly corrected the recording and said so. To which Silvio did not react at all. Then the lieutenant repeated again. But this time Silvio pretended not to hear him. The lieutenant corrected the entry by erasing the chalk. Silvio, still silent, again corrected the entry at his discretion. Then the enraged officer threw a shandal at Silvio’s head, but missed, because the latter managed to dodge. Silvio immediately asked the young officer to leave his house. Everyone believed that the lieutenant’s fate was predetermined and that a new vacancy would soon appear in their regiment. But the duel did not follow either the next morning or a week later. Such an incident greatly damaged Silvio's reputation, but it seemed that he did not care at all.

After some time, the quarrel was forgotten and only one person, the narrator himself, in his heart could not come to terms with such incomprehensible behavior of Silvio. It should be noted that the narrator and Silvio were friends. It happened that they often stayed and talked. But from the moment of the failed duel, the narrator began to avoid his previous relationships. One postal day, a message for Silvio arrived in the regiment. After reading the message, Silvio was delighted and invited everyone to a farewell dinner. No one knew what was said in this letter. Just like no one knew why Silvio decided to so unexpectedly leave this unsightly place where he had spent several years. That evening Silvio was very cheerful, and when everyone began to go home, Silvio asked the narrator to stay. That's when the secret of the mysterious man was revealed.

Silvio admitted to the narrator that he did not demand satisfaction from the officer who threw the shandal at him, because he was not completely sure of the outcome of this duel. He must not die until he is avenged. It turns out that during his years of service, Silvio was very popular among his fellow soldiers and prospered. But one day a young officer of great wealth and a noble family joined the regiment. He was an extremely lucky fellow. He shook Silvio's significant position, which caused him great envy. The young officer was respected in the regiment and he enjoyed success with women. At first, the newcomer wanted to get closer to Silvio, but was rejected. The young officer was not at all upset. Silvio began to look for a quarrel. And such an opportunity presented itself during a ball hosted by a Polish landowner.

Silvio saw how the chosen one of fortune enjoyed great success with women, including the hostess of the ball, with whom Silvio was in a relationship. Then Silvio came close to the hated lucky man and said some flat and rude joke in his ear. The young man flared up and gave Silvio a resounding slap in the face. The rivals grabbed their sabers, but were separated. That same night they went to a duel. Silvio was in great excitement. The same could not be said about his opponent. He came with one second and calmly waited. Fearing that his faithful hand would tremble from excitement, Silvio offered the first shot to his opponent in the hope of calming down his anger during this time. But he refused. Then it was decided to cast lots. The lucky young man got to shoot first. The bullet only pierced Silvio's cap. It was Silvio's turn. The skilled marksman raised his pistol and saw his opponent enjoying the cherries without worrying about his life. Then Silvio was overtaken by great disappointment. The faded life of the lucky man could not satisfy Silvio. Realizing this, he lowered the pistol and refused to continue the duel. Silvio reserved the right to shoot. And now he received a message that his rival intends to marry the beauty. Therefore, he is happy and has something to lose! Therefore, Silvio decided to claim his right to his shot right now.

Several years have passed. The narrator settled in a remote village and was very bored. But then a rumor reached him that the countess and her husband had arrived at the neighboring estate. The narrator went to visit them. The hosts turned out to be friendly. The narrator was very embarrassed at first. Looking for a subject for conversation, he involuntarily looked at the walls on which paintings hung. The narrator was not good at painting. But one of the paintings still struck him, since it “was shot through by two bullets embedded in one another.” The narrator was very happy about the topic that was close to him and stated that he knew one person who had the talent to shoot accurately. The Count immediately asked what this man's name was. Hearing the answer, the owners sank. And after some time, the narrator learned the continuation of Silvio’s secret story, because the bullet holes in the painting were left by him. This is what the Count said. 5 years ago he married the beautiful Masha. They were very happy and spent their honeymoon in the village. One day the count was informed that a man was waiting for him who did not want to give his name. Seeing Silvio, the count did not immediately recognize him. Then Silvio reminded himself, saying that he had stopped by to unload his pistol. The Count asked Silvio to shoot as quickly as possible, before his beloved wife arrived. But Silvio was playing for time and suggested that the count cast lots to find out who to shoot first. The lot fell on the count and he shot through the painting. At that moment, the frightened wife ran in. Then the count tried to calm his wife down, saying that Silvio was an old friend of his, with whom they joked. But the Countess did not believe it and threw herself at Silvio’s feet. Then the count asked Silvio to shoot as quickly as possible. But his opponent declared that he would not shoot, because he saw fear and confusion on the count’s face. Satisfied, Silvio was already leaving, but right at the door he stopped and fired. His bullet pierced exactly the place where the count's bullet had hit before.

From that moment on, neither the count nor the narrator saw Silvio, only rumors brought the news that he fought on the side of the rebel Greeks under the leadership of Alexander Ypsilanti and died.

Good luck with your exams!

Story by A.S. Pushkin’s “Shot” is included in the collection. This work is distinguished by its compactness and conciseness, characteristic of Pushkin’s manner of writing prose works. The narration is told on behalf of a certain Lieutenant Colonel I. L. P, who at the time of the events was a young officer in the Russian tsarist army. But there are two more narrators in the story - Silvio and the count, who was supposed to shoot with Silvio. This is a compositional feature of the work, which gives the reader the opportunity to see the events described in the story and its main characters from different angles.

First, Colonel I. L. P. introduces the reader to Silvio, not a military man, but a man who loves to shoot, and riddled all the walls in his house. The description of Silvio and his house is an exposition. Silvio once served in a hussar regiment, but retired. Therefore, one can understand his friendship with the officers who served in that place, organizing dinners for them. But none of his guests knew who he was or where he was from. And what happened in his past.

Written in a romantic style. Silvio is quite a remarkable romantic personality. It was typical for a literary romantic hero to have a secret that weighed on his soul. The narrator introduces the main character as a mysterious, demonic person, on whose conscience is “some unfortunate victim.” The officers often started talking about fights among themselves, but Silvio did not support such conversations. Even if they asked him, he preferred to remain silent.

If you take a closer look at Silvio, the reader appears before the reader as a kind and decent person, for whom honor is not an empty phrase. He is not a killer. He can squash a fly into a wall, but he always finds a reason not to shoot a person.

Card games were also organized here as entertainment. The conflict that breaks out during such a game serves as the beginning of the plot. The episode when Silvio refused to shoot with R. is the culmination of the chapter. The denouement is Silvio’s departure and his story about the count.

The events of the second part take place in a different time and place. I.L.P. retired for family reasons and led the life of an ordinary landowner, doing household chores during the day and missing his former life in the evenings. He did not make friends with landowners and lived alone. The exposition is a description of the life of I. L. P.

In the N district there was a rumor about the arrival of a new landowner and his wife. The plot begins. I. L. P. decided to meet his new neighbors and went to them to pay his respects. Here the lieutenant colonel heard the continuation of the story that Silvio told him before leaving.

The storyline of the story is based on the conflict between Silvio and the Count. Once upon a time, the count greatly hurt the pride of Silvio, who was accustomed to excel in everything, and a duel took place between them. The Count fired his shot. But Silvio saw that the count was indifferent to what was happening and did not value his own life. And Silvio, realizing that even if he kills his offender, he won’t care now. He postponed his shot indefinitely. 6 years have passed. Silvio learned that the count was married and happy. He realized that now the count would not be so careless about his own life. Then he got ready and left the town where he met I.L.P.

Silvio came to the count and saw fear in his eyes. The Count loved his wife and was afraid of hurting her. It can be assumed that Silvio, seeing a beautiful young woman, also did not want to take her happiness away. He enjoyed the anxiety and fear of his offender, put a bullet into the picture, in the same place where the count shot, and left. With his shot he made it clear that the count's life was in his hands. The count's story about Silvio's arrival to him serves as the culmination of the 2nd chapter and the entire story as a whole.