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» The reason for the increased humidity in the apartment. Dampness in the house - how many reasons it appears, and how to remove it

The reason for the increased humidity in the apartment. Dampness in the house - how many reasons it appears, and how to remove it

Excessive humidity in the room provokes not only the appearance of condensation on window glass, but also creates a favorable environment for the growth of mold, fungal spores, and pathogens. A person, constantly being in a room with high humidity, begins to get sick more often and more severely, and many things gradually become unusable. Therefore, it is important to fight with all our might excess humidity V living rooms, reducing its level to the optimal level of 60%.

Sources of moisture in rooms

To eliminate any problem, you need to know its causes and factors contributing to its occurrence. Therefore, in the case of excess humidity in the premises, it is first necessary to determine what is its source, and then take any measures.

So, the humidity level in the house increases if:

· in residential areas, laundry is dried after washing;

· the room is rarely ventilated;

· ventilation is poor in the bathroom and kitchen;

· they cook a lot in the kitchen;

· the shower is used intensively;

· available a large number of flowers that have to be watered;

· aquariums are installed in the house;

· the “heating off-season” begins, when there is autumn or spring thaw outside, and the heating is already or has not yet been turned on;

· the building is located on an area with an excess of groundwater, as a result of which raw air actively penetrates from the basement into the living rooms;

· heating pipes or water supply system is leaking.

The table below gives some idea of ​​what can disrupt normal microclimatic conditions in residential premises.


grams per hour









What measures can be taken to reduce humidity?

Of course, a person cannot limit his life activity, i.e. stop bathing, cooking, doing laundry, etc. But it is quite possible to reduce the consequences of all these actions. For this you can use:

Heating devices that increase the air temperature in the room, which leads to the evaporation of moisture;

Ventilation devices that allow you to effectively remove moisture from the room to the outside;

Air conditioners that have the ability to absorb moisture from the air in the house.

Banal ventilation of the room by opening the transom of a window or window is also an effective measure. For example, while cooking in the kitchen or after it is completed.

It is most difficult to remove moisture from the surface of the ceiling, especially if it is plastered. Plaster absorbs moisture well, and then also releases it well to the air in the room. Therefore it makes sense to choose alternative options ceiling finishing.

Plastic windows that are constantly clogged, due to their tightness, prevent air exchange between the street and internal space building. Therefore, when ordering PVC window blocks, you need to choose options that provide a ventilation system - valves and a micro-ventilation function.

How to reduce the level of fogging on PVC window glass?

Fogging of glass on plastic windows is caused by a number of factors:

Increased level of humidity in the room;

Errors in the installation of window blocks (insufficient foaming, ignoring the laying of a vapor barrier, getting the block into the area negative temperatures when the window is located on the north side of the building).

You can get rid of this only by reducing the overall humidity in the room and using the services of highly qualified installers.

Stages and terms of work 1 day 3 days plastic 14 days wooden 1-2 days

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When visiting, you may notice a smell characterized as musty. Some people give off this smell outerwear. But when you notice black or brown spots in your home, you become doubly upset. After all, this is what mold looks like. It does not allow a person to live in peace, not only because of the smell, but also because serious damage to the room occurs:

  • walls;
  • slopes;
  • floors;
  • ceiling.

Dampness in the home is a serious problem

But most often the corners suffer, and from them the fungal mold infection spreads to furniture and things. In addition, due to high humidity the human immune system fails. Allergies appear, the whole family gets sick more often from colds, and tuberculosis often occurs. What is the reason for the appearance of dampness:

  • external damage to panel high-rise buildings. Damage can occur anywhere: the roof, walls, seams between panels are especially dangerous, since rainfall causes moisture to enter the apartment. Even when living on the middle floors, it is quite possible to become a “lucky” owner of dampness: then one or two apartments higher. The owners of the first and last floors get the most. There are always gaps and condensation in the basement;
  • internal problems. This includes condensation. Availability plastic windows that do not allow air to pass through are not enough good heating during the cold seasons of the year. But this includes ruptures in pipes and sewer systems. Cooking food that always produces fumes. Even aquarium fish and availability indoor plants can become a threat, since constant watering and care requires water treatments.

People living in private buildings are most susceptible to having problems of this kind. The soil on which the house stands provides moisture. The groundwater and own sewerage system, regular watering personal plot. As we can see there is water on all sides. Ensure basement waterproofing or sealing of all openings (windows and doors), drainage system, walls and roofing is very difficult as there are many jobs on the ground that need to be done daily.

Consequences of high moisture in the home

IN autumn period problems that have not been eliminated in the summer season. Destructions appear that were not noticeable. Rain and snow, falling into minor cracks, begin to destroy the house, moisture accumulates and gives rise to dampness. The walls freeze, which means mold will appear immediately. If there is a wooden floor, rotting and destruction occurs. A huge number of insects appear, which help maintain the humidity level at a high level.

What can help

If it was not possible to maintain thermal insulation in the room, then you need to know how to solve how to get rid of dampness in a house or apartment. And here the key to a positive result in any case will only be a reduction in evaporation and removal of vapors from the home. Once this has been achieved, you can begin to dry and carry out all measures to restore a normal and dry atmosphere in the living space.

For first floors

No matter how the tenants of the lower floor apartments struggle with dampness, the result will appear only after the problems and accidents are eliminated basement. Here, only utility services (housing and water utilities, water utilities) should be involved, but often residents need to intervene in the procedure on their own repair work. Still, their health and the integrity of the apartment depend on it.

The main reason for the appearance of moisture on the top floors is the roof. How to remove dampness from in this case? Just cover it and add a drain. Since if there is flat roof water will accumulate regularly. It is a little easier for those residents whose house roof is sloping. It's easier to make a drain here. It is also recommended to waterproof not only the ceiling of the apartment, but also attic space or technical floor. Remove mold that has formed in the apartment yourself using one of the suitable tools.

Mold can be removed in several ways

There are several problems for middle floors:

  • careless neighbors who love to cause floods;
  • the presence of plastic windows;
  • poor sewerage.

A little about secrets...

Ventilate the room more often, with high humidity

Owners of houses in the private sector get the most. They face problems more often than renters. There are eight reasons for this:

  • the foundation is poorly or incorrectly waterproofed. You can notice this by the appearance of stripes on the baseboards. They can be either green or black. The baseboards gradually become damp, and then the wallpaper suffers. After a while, the entire wall is susceptible to infection with fungus. If humidity is affected groundwater, then the mold first settles in the corners and immediately affects an area of ​​one and a half meters. If the waterproofing is weak and the foundation is not made correctly, then there is no need to be upset. There is always a way out: a trench and creation vertical waterproofing. But it will not cost small amounts. But there is no need to rebuild the house, and dampness will leave your home forever;
  • problems with waterproofing the basement. If water appears in it, it should be removed and then dried for a long time. It is also necessary to dig a trench and install vertical waterproofing. If there is normal dampness due to poor ventilation, additional insulation and sealing procedures can be carried out;
  • violation of the integrity of the roof. The ceiling will be the first to suffer. The owners will suggest a solution to the problem top floors high-rise buildings. But you will have to ventilate and dry it in any case. You will have to replace not only a piece of the roof, but also check the entire ventilation of the house, since a faulty roof can harm it too;
  • If there is no blind area around the house, then be prepared for the appearance of mold on the walls. Everything is simple here: make it, but keep in mind that the blind area should have a slope and extend beyond the edge of the cornice;
  • damage to walls. Any, even minor, crack on the wall causes harm to the entire structure. If snow gets into it or rainwater, will saturate the entire wall, which means stains will definitely appear on the walls;
  • drainage is required in a private building. When a gutter breaks, all the moisture is sent into your home. So the solutions are to check the drain regularly and repair it if necessary;
  • poor or clogged ventilation. Ventilation in a private building must be carried out strictly following the rules and regulations. To make life comfortable and cosy, you can install an acclimatizer. Either follow proper work existing hoods and ventilation pipes;
  • The last reason is plastic windows. Only regular ventilation will help avoid moldy deposits on walls and slopes.

Checking the humidity level with a hygrometer

Need to know! The humidity level in any living space is checked using a simple device that can be purchased at the store. It's called a hygrometer. Thanks to it you can monitor moisture. In a house or apartment it should not be lower than 30%, but not higher than 60. The best option – 45 %.

Additional events

To the question: “How to get rid of dampness in an apartment or house?”, you can give a lot of advice. But even regular ventilation will not give the desired result if you constantly dry wet clothes in the bathroom or kitchen. Therefore, it is best to install additional ventilation, which will help restore air circulation. It is also possible to install an alpine window, which fits perfectly and ensures the exchange of air, both external and internal.

There are other useful devices:

  • forced exhaust;
  • hygro-controlled grilles;
  • built-in recuperator;
  • additional fan.

Constant bad smell, indicates increased humidity in your home; after a while it can lead to serious troubles. In order to eliminate the problem, you need to find out why the humidity level has increased, after which it will become clear how to get rid of the smell of dampness in the house. There is no point in using flavorings; they will only worsen the situation, masking the problem, while the fungus will develop successfully. Only by discovering and eliminating the cause can you get rid of this scourge.

Why does it smell damp?

There are several possible reasons for the appearance of persistent, characteristic odors - from the usual and simple, to the most unusual:

  • Water entered the room due to roof leaks, due to the fault of the neighbors;
  • Pipeline accident heating system or water supply;
  • Problems with the ventilation system or its absence;
  • The walls have poor quality hydro or thermal insulation;
  • Sometimes high air humidity may appear due to a hobby for home floriculture, with poor ventilation;
  • A feeling of damp air in living rooms and the appearance of mold in them, which can get there, for example, from the bathroom.

Even if there are no listed reasons for dampness, you need to regularly ventilate the apartment, especially closed and remote rooms. It is a good idea to install an air conditioner in the apartment to eliminate dampness; it will simultaneously regulate the temperature and humidity in the apartment. Additionally, you can use natural absorbents (soda, salt, activated carbon).

Cleaning the room with a solution can help remove the smell of dampness in the house. ammonia, bleach and vinegar. After cleaning, it is advisable to spray some essential oil, this will freshen the air and delay the development of bacteria.

How to eliminate moisture that appeared after flooding?

If your home is flooded, you will have to make repairs. To do this, first dry the room, then remove traces of mold, and prime the walls with preparations with additives that counteract the development of bacteria.

What needs to be done to remove the smell of dampness in the apartment after the room is flooded:

  • In case of high humidity, you need to place a special dryer or oil heater in the room;
  • Surfaces must be treated with odor absorbers. They are sold in hardware or construction departments of stores;
  • Carefully inspect hard to reach places to detect traces of dampness and places covered with mold (under carpets, linoleum, behind wallpaper);
  • For prevention, it is advisable to dry everything well textile products in the home, from clothing to upholstered furniture.

Additional surface treatment vinegar solution, allows you to remove barely audible notes of dampness. For thick and multi-layer products (for example, cushioned furniture or regular pillows), you will have to treat with special antibacterial drugs.

Important: Work with anti-bacterial compounds should only be performed with enhanced ventilation. If there is no ventilation, or it is difficult to do, you need to place several powerful fans in the room and use them to obtain the necessary air exchange.

How to remove damp smell in a basement, closet or bathroom?

Mold does not always appear after a house is flooded; this often occurs as a result of errors or shortcomings in the design or construction of the building.

Dampness can occur in a home due to an inefficient or improperly designed heating system. To eliminate the smell of dampness in the apartment, you can place additional radiators in it. Another way is to install a heated floor, thanks to which the air in the room will be evenly heated, which will make it possible to forget about dampness.

In this situation, simple baking soda will also help. To treat a room, add 10 g of soda to 3 liters of water. Use the prepared solution to wipe all surfaces in rooms with high humidity.

You can eliminate the smell of dampness by treating the room with bleach; this method is no less effective. This way you can eliminate various odors, not just those that appear during high humidity. You need to take 10 parts of water and add 1 part of bleach; this mixture is used to wash tiles, glass, tiles and any stain-resistant chemical compositions surfaces. After such treatment, be sure to ventilate the room.

What to do in problem areas:

Bathroom. In this room, mold appears first on the seams of the laid tiles; poor workmanship is to blame for this exhaust system. In this case, it will be necessary to improve the ventilation, otherwise it will not be possible to get rid of the problem, and the dampness will constantly return, gradually spreading throughout the house. In addition, you will need to think about purchasing a good towel dryer and plan to regularly ventilate the room. Surfaces on which traces of mold are visible must be treated with preparations containing chlorine or with a steam generator.

Wardrobe. The items stored in it are removed from the closet, carefully inspected and dried in the open air. This work will require you to spend 2-3 days (depending on the number of things), but you will be able to achieve best result. The surfaces inside the cabinet must be treated with a weak solution of vinegar essence and left open until dry (until the specific smell disappears). If there are traces of mold on clothes, then they need to be washed before drying, and then ironed with a hot iron.

Basement. Immediately after the smell of dampness appears in your home, you need to check this room. It may be necessary to urgently change the pipeline in the basement, replace the waterproofing of the ceiling and walls. This problem can arise not only for owners of private houses, but also for people living on the ground floor of an apartment building.


To avoid the need to eliminate unpleasant odors in the house, it is necessary to take preventive measures in advance:

  • Regularly ventilate all rooms in your home, especially the bathroom, kitchen, and pantry;
  • Place moisture absorbers in the rooms, for example, you can use containers with regular coarse salt;
  • Various essential oils are good for air freshening;
  • Maintain an optimal microclimate in your home; if it smells damp, what should you do in this case? A dehumidifier or regular air conditioner can help.

The fight against moisture in the house will be effective if a set of measures is used to solve the problem. We must not forget about prevention; these are simple procedures, but they are accessible to anyone.

Eliminating dampness and fighting mold is a long and troublesome process that requires certain knowledge. Only with a consistent and comprehensive approach to eliminating the problem can you count on a positive result.