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» Standard window size in an apartment. Window sizes in typical houses

Standard window size in an apartment. Window sizes in typical houses

In this article I am going to analyze the features of choosing and installing windows in panel houses. I will give standard window sizes for houses of the P-3, P-30, KOPE, P-44, P-49, P-68/01 series and give a number of recommendations for choosing a particular double-glazed window, profile and sets of fittings for them. In addition, the article will touch upon the problem of ventilation in apartments with plastic windows.


  1. What is the size standard window V panel house P-44 series?

For a one-room apartment:

  • In the kitchen - 1470x1420 mm,
  • The room has a window 1160x1420, a balcony door 2160x700 mm.

For a two-room apartment:

  • The window with a balcony has dimensions of 1160*1420 with a balcony door of 2160x700;
  • Both remaining windows are 1760x1420.

For three rooms:

  • Window with balcony - 1460x1420, door 2160x700;
  • The remaining openings are the same - 1760x1420.

  1. What are the standard window sizes in panel houses of the KOPE series?


  • Window with balcony - 1160x1420 cm, door 2160x700;
  • The window in the kitchen is 1470x1420.


With door Without a door
1160x1420 + 2160x700

Three-room apartment:

With door Without a door
1460x1420 + 2160x700


With door Without a door
660x1420 + 2160x700

  1. What is the size of the window in a panel house of the P-30 series?


  • 1470x1420;
  • 2080x1420.


  • The size of the three-leaf window is 2080x1420;
  • Window with balcony - 870x1420, door - 2180x700;
  • Double-leaf window - 1470x1420.
With door Without a door
870x1420 + 2180x700
870x1420 + 2180x700


With door Without a door
870x1420 + 2180x700
870x1420 + 2180x700
870x1420 + 2180x700

  1. What kind of windows are in houses of the P-3 series?


  • 1740x1400;
  • 1460x1400.


  • 1460x1400;
  • 1740x1400;
  • 1160x1400 and balcony door 2160x670.


With door Without a door
1160x1400 + 2160x670
1160x1400 + 2160x670


With door Without a door
770x1400 + 2160x670
1160x1400 + 2160x670

  1. What size window opening is typical for the P-68/01 series?

1-room: two adjacent openings have a height of 1530 mm and a width of 1320 and 1560 mm. The width of the insert between them is 145 mm, the dimensions of the balcony are 2250x820.


  • Adjacent openings are separated by an extension insert 145 mm wide. Window sizes - 1560x1530 and 1320x1530, doors to the balcony - 2250x820;
  • Another opening is 1320x1530 mm.


  • Adjacent openings - 1320x1530 and 2320x1530;
  • Separate opening without balcony - 1320x1530;
  • The opening with the balcony is 770x1530 with a door 2040x730.

One of the most unaesthetic projects is the P-68/01 series.

  1. Are the windows big at 9? storey building P-49 series?

One-room apartment:

  • 1310x1520;
  • 1310x1520.


  • 1310x1520;
  • 1310x1520;
  • 1230x1520 and door 2220x680.

Three-room apartment:

  • 1310x1520;
  • 1310x1520;
  • 1910x1520;
  • 1230x1520 with door 2220x680.


  • 1310x1520;
  • 1310x1520;
  • 1910x1520;
  • 1230x1520 with door 2220x680;
  • 1230x1520 with door 2220x680.

  1. What are the openings in houses of series 1-335 ( panel Khrushchev, 5 floors) ?

In houses of this series, regardless of the layout and number of rooms, there are only three types of openings:

  • 1280x1340;
  • 2080x1340;
  • 1285x1340 with door 2070x680.



  1. The price of profiles from German and Chinese manufacturers varies markedly. Is it worth overpaying for Rehau or KBE products? ?

Perhaps I will say a seditious thing, but there will be no difference between them in a panel house at all.

Rehau profile systems are superior to their Chinese counterparts primarily in bending strength - due to the fact that the manufacturer does not skimp on the thickness of the steel liners. However, the rigidity of the frame plays some role only with a large glazing area and significant wind loads.

I have them installed at home panoramic windows with Hautec profiles, one of the cheapest on the local market at the time of purchase. total area glass gables of the attic - 26 square meters. The region is characterized by strong winds throughout the winter. The windows have been carrying them without any incidents for three years now.

The window area in any panel is several times smaller than in my attic. And, therefore, the deforming load is less. Obviously, the owner does not have to worry about the integrity of the frames and sashes.

Nuance: the first Chinese profiles appeared on Russian market in the 90s, they compromised themselves with the low quality of PVC. They turned yellow in the sun after 2 - 3 years. Last years I have not heard any mention of such a problem.


  1. You can also save on accessories?

In no case. The proper service of windows is determined precisely by the quality of the fittings - the thoughtfulness of its design and the wear resistance of steel parts. I strongly recommend choosing fittings from one of the following list of manufacturers:

  • Siegenia;

  • Maco;
  • Roto;
  • Winkhaus.
  1. What, besides the brand, should you pay attention to when choosing accessories??

The transom mode (when the sash does not open on hinges, but tilts towards the room) is offered by most sellers by default. It's really convenient; in particular, the folding shutter will allow you to ventilate the room in the rain without fear of flooding the window sill and floor.

Both windows and balcony doors must be equipped with a mechanism for pressing the sash - rollers at the top and bottom of the frame. If the sash is only fixed central locking, it will not be airtight. Heat loss will be a burden on your wallet, and cold drafts are not the best guest in the house.

Microventilation (it is possible to fix the sash by turning the handle in the half-open position) is also an undoubted advantage. A little later I will tell you why ventilation is so important in apartments with plastic windows.

Double-glazed windows

  1. Which double-glazed windows should you prefer - single-chamber or double-chamber??

Instructions vary depending on where you live.

If your region is characterized by cold winters with temperatures below -30 degrees, your choice is double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass (for example, 4 - 10 - 4 - 10 - 4i).

Help: i-glass differs from regular glass in that it is coated, opaque in the infrared part of the spectrum. Accordingly, it reduces heat loss due to radiation.

A popular solution for the central part of the country is double-glazed window with ordinary glasses.

Finally, in the south (including in Crimea, where I live), windows with single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed windows (4 - 16 - 4i) are in great demand. In particular, this is exactly how the notorious panoramic windows in my attic are assembled.


  1. Is the installation of plastic windows in a panel different from the same operation in a brick building??

There is no fundamental difference. Here step-by-step technology DIY installation of plastic windows in a panel house:

  • We dismantle the old window. The box will have to be sawed in several places hand saw or a jigsaw, then it is pulled out with a pry bar;

  • We clear the opening from any remaining waterproofing and debris;
  • We drill holes in the new window frame with the sashes removed for screws and dowels;
  • We set the window to the horizon according to the building level;
  • We drill the wall through the previously drilled holes in the frame;
  • We fix the window frame;

Use only plastic dowels. Wooden chopsticks dry out and fall out when humidity fluctuates. The window will only hold on polyurethane foam, which is not very good from the point of view of its resistance to wind loads.

  • We put the doors in place;
  • We fix the ebb. The seam between it and the box can be additionally sealed with silicone sealant;
  • We foam the gap between the box and the opening around the entire perimeter;
  • We cut it to size and level the window sill on wooden supports, after which we sit it on the foam. It is better to load the window sill while it sets: the foam noticeably increases in volume.

  1. How to finish slopes?

Outside - cement plaster with finishing with façade putty (cement or acrylic). After puttying, the slopes should be painted with any white facade paint: The room will become noticeably brighter.

Internal slopes can be finished:

  • Drywall. It sits on gypsum glue or regular putty. The seams are puttied with obligatory reinforcement with serpyanka or fiberglass;
  • Plaster. If the opening is properly ventilated, you can use not only cement, but also gypsum mixtures;
  • Plastic panels. Wall panels inserted into the box secured to the box with self-tapping screws starting profile. Adjacency plastic slopes closed to the wall with a decorative corner.


  1. Why do you need window ventilation??

All Soviet-built panel houses are provided only exhaust ventilation. Exhaust grilles are located in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. Inflow fresh air According to the design, the rooms were provided with gaps in wooden frames.

Replacing large-slot wooden windows for hermetically sealed plastic ones, we completely deprive the apartment supply ventilation. The consequences are quite predictable:

  • Musty air;
  • A drop in the oxygen content in it;
  • Gradual increase in humidity level;
  • Dropping out excess moisture in the form of condensate. Usually the glass becomes damp first, then water appears on the frames and slopes of the windows.

  1. How to provide ventilation?

Here are some of the most obvious solutions:

  • Install a supply valve on the window frame or in a niche under the window sill;
  • When ordering a window, select fittings with microventilation;
  • Screw the comb to the frame - a simple device that allows you to fix the sash open by 3 - 5 millimeters;

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Multi-storey buildings and residential buildings are built based on standards, rules and window sizes in standard houses. At the same time, everything construction organizations leave standard window openings. New technologies contribute to this, and architects have long figured out how to calculate the sizes of windows so that they do not differ. Yes and benefits standard sizes windows can be attributed to the fact that the production of such windows is simpler and faster.

Plastic windows are ideal for standard window sizes. It is for them that construction organizations adapt.

During the seasonal surge, the production of standard sizes of PVC windows is a priority for all companies, because their production and installation times are very short.

Window sizes in a panel house

Panel-type houses are mainly represented to us by Khrushchev-era buildings. Orders for the replacement and installation of windows of standard sizes in houses with such an old foundation occur quite often. This is how window manufacturers calculated the standard sizes of windows in homes. Almost every company makes it possible to calculate the full cost of all work using a plastic window price calculator. In this way, you will not become hostage to an awkward situation and will be able to save up funds in case of a lack of money.

Window sizes in typical panel houses:

  • height no more than 1.53 meters;
  • the width of 2 doors is no more than 1.45 meters;
  • standard size windows of 3 sashes no more than 2.06 meters.

The window manufacturing company must find out during installation required size windows in the house, how many in each house there are still differences in size. This service will create your comfort and your new windows will fit perfectly into the opening.

Window size in a brick house

Installation and dismantling of windows in brick houses is more expensive than in panel houses. The reason for this is that more materials are spent on slopes. But the tenants brick houses may be happy, because the advantages of such a house are obvious. However, the installation and production of plastic windows is complicated here non-standard sizes windows The opening and window size often do not match.

You need to carefully calculate the size of a window in a house, taking into account all the nuances of the house. It is better to leave this work to an experienced specialist and order inexpensive plastic windows only from trusted companies.

Window sizes in brick house:

  • 2-hung window 1.49 x 1.53 meters;
  • The size of the three-leaf window is 2.06 x 1.53 meters.

The sizes of windows in a typical brick house can vary by 10 cm, so the standard window size is a relative concept.

When ordering any window, energy-saving double-glazed windows as a GIFT!

Standard window sizes in panel houses

Very often our office receives calls asking us to calculate the cost of glazing an apartment in a panel house. And here we have to literally convince clients of the need for a surveyor to come to accurately calculate the cost of glazing the apartment. After all, the sizes window openings differ in different panel houses. Moreover, they can differ within the same apartment building.

The most rational decision this will arrange for window measurements. After all, the measurer comes not only to take measurements, but also looks at the complexity of installation and the presence of communications that may interfere with the installation of windows. The issue of choosing a suitable profile, the availability and configuration of sashes, and much more is also decided on site.

In order for the “preliminary calculation” to be more or less correct, we will analyze each series in detail panel house indicating standard window sizes. All window sizes in this article are in millimeters. First specify the width and then the height of the window.

P-44 series

Window sizes in apartments:

1. One-room:

  • room: 1470*1420

2. Two-room apartments

  • room 1: 1760*1420
  • room 2: 1760*1420
  • kitchen with balcony: part with window sill: 1160*1420 door: 700*2160

3. Three-room apartments:

  • room 1:1760*1420
  • room 2: 1760*1420
  • kitchen with balcony: part with window sill: 1460*1420 door: 700*2160

P-44-T series

1.Single rooms:

  • room 1:1460*1420
  • kitchen: 1160*1420 balcony door: 680*2160

2. Two-room apartments:

  • room 1: 1460*1420
  • kitchen with bay window: 940*1420 and 940*1420
  • room 2: part with window sill: 1160*1420 balcony door: 680*2160

3. Three-room apartments:

  • kitchen with three-section bay window: 740*1420 plus 2300*1420 plus 740*1420
  • room 1: part with window sill: 1460*1420 balcony door: 680*2160
  • room 2: section with window sill: 1460*1420 balcony door: 680*2160

KOPE series

In one-room apartments:

  • room: 1470*1420
  • kitchen: 1160*1420 balcony door: 700*2160

2. In two-room apartments:

  • room 1: 1470*1420
  • room 2: 1470*1420
  • kitchen with balcony: 1160*1420 door: 700*2160

3. In three-room apartments:

  • rooms 1, 2 and 3: 1760*1420
  • kitchen with loggia: section with window sill: 1460*1420 door: 700*2160

4. In four-room apartments:

  • rooms 1, 2: 2060*1420
  • rooms 3 and 4: 1470*1420
  • kitchen with loggia: 660*1420 balcony door: 700*2160

P-30 series


  • room: 2080*1420
  • kitchen: 1470*1420

2. Two-room apartments:

  • room 1: 2080*1420
  • room 2: 1470*1420
  • kitchen with loggia: section with window sill: 870*1420 door: 700*2180

3. Three-room apartments:

  • room 1: 2080*1420
  • room 2: 1470*1420
  • room 3 with loggia: section with window sill: 870*1420 balcony door: 700*2180
  • kitchen: 1470*1420

4. Four-room apartments:

  • room 1: 2080*1420
  • room 2 and 3 with loggia: 870*1420 door: 700*2180
  • room 4: 1470*1420
  • kitchen with loggia: section 870*1420 balcony door: 700*2180

Series P-3

In one-room apartments:

  • room: 1740*1400
  • kitchen: 1460*1400

2. In two-room apartments:

  • room 1 with loggia: 1160*1400 and door: 670*2160
  • room 2: 1740*1400
  • kitchen: 1460*1400

3. In three-room apartments:

  • rooms 1 and 2 with loggia: 1160*1400 door: 670*2160
  • room 3: 1740*1400
  • kitchen: 1460*1400

4. In four-room apartments:

  • room 1 with loggia: 770*1400 balcony door: 670*2160
  • rooms 2 and 3 with loggia: 1160*1400 door: 670*2160
  • room 4: 1740*1400
  • kitchen: 1460*1400

P-43 series

1. One-room apartments:

  • room: 1740*1400

2. Two-room apartments:

  • room 1: 1740*1400
  • room 2: 1460*1400
  • kitchen with loggia: section with window sill: 1160*1400 balcony door: 670*2160

3. Three-room apartments:

  • room 1: 1740*1400
  • rooms 2 and 3: 1460*1400
  • kitchen with loggia: section with window sill: 1160*1400 balcony door: 670*2160

Series II-49

  • small window: 1310*1520
  • large window: 1760*1520
  • balcony: section with window sill: 1310*1520 door: 660*2220

Series 137, 504, 600, 600-11, 606. These houses are also called "Brezhnevki". Years of construction: 1965-1975. The opening sizes of these series are approximately the same.

  • Balcony block: Door 750×2150, window 1400×1400 mm
  • Three-leaf window: 2100×1400 mm

Apartment buildings with "improved layout". Built since 1996.

  • Double-leaf window: 1460×1430 mm
  • Three-leaf window: 1780×1430 mm
  • Balcony frame (L-shaped): 2500-2800×1500 mm, 800-1000×1500 mm
  • Balcony block: Door 750×2150, window 800×1430 mm
  • Balcony frame (Semicircular): 5 parts of 750×1500 mm

Brick houses of the "Stalinka" type. Built from 1930 to 1960. last century.

  • Double-hung T-shaped window: 1500×1900 mm
  • Double-hung T-shaped window: 1250×1800 mm
  • Double-hung T-shaped window: 1080×1800 mm
  • Balcony T-block: 1500×2700 mm

Dimensions of window openings in Khrushchev buildings. Built from 1958 to 1985.

  • Double-leaf window: 1280×1340 mm
  • Balcony block: Door 680×2070, window 1350×1340 mm
  • Three-leaf window:2040×1500mm
  • Balcony frame (U-shaped): 800×1500, 2500×1500, 800×1500 mm

Dimensions of window openings in "Czechs". Built from 1990 to 2000.

  • Double-leaf window: 1300×1400 mm
  • Three-leaf window (hall):2460×1400 mm
  • Three-leaf window: 1760×1400 mm
  • Balcony block (in bedroom No. 2): Door 750×2150, window 1400×1400 mm
  • Balcony block (hall): Door 800×2150, window 1760×1400 mm
  • Balcony frame (Straight): 2500×1500 mm
  • Balcony block (in the bedroom): Door 750×2150, window 1050×1400 mm

The size of a window in a panel house is strictly regulated by GOST 11214-86 “Wooden windows and balcony doors with double glazing for residential and public buildings" Window sizes used to be standard and were used to design residential buildings, regardless of the structural design.

The use of Gost standards was applied to both brick and panel buildings. Now, in order to replace windows in a house, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the opening and the window itself.