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» Tiger man and dragon woman office romance. Compatibility of Dragon and Tiger. Love and marriage. General compatibility of Dragon and Tiger

Tiger man and dragon woman office romance. Compatibility of Dragon and Tiger. Love and marriage. General compatibility of Dragon and Tiger

In building harmonious and happy relationships, compatibility plays a major role. You also need to know about the problems that may arise in a relationship with a particular person, and the ways that will help you avoid these problems.

The tiger is a born leader. If you are a Tiger, then you easily subjugate those around you to your will; they themselves begin to rely on you in making important decisions. Even if from the outside you seem completely calm, those around you feel the strength that is hidden under this mask. This inner strength attracts representatives of the opposite sex, and, as a rule, you do not have any problems with women - you are able to lie down and charm any beauty! However, in some cases, your intense passions and strong feelings make it difficult for you to maintain your existing relationships. Your mood changes very often: today you take full responsibility for everything that happens around you and expect your partner to obey your leadership and follow you, and tomorrow you demand care and sympathy from your partner and want her to be with you babysat

When you first meet a Dragon woman, you feel literally knocked off your feet. This woman wears her strength like a dress, and no one even thinks of doubting her power and authority. Just like you, this woman is a born leader. It has no less strong natural magnetism. The Dragon Woman literally radiates power. You will either hate each other at that very second, considering each other rivals, or you will not be able to resist each other’s charm - there is no middle ground. In some cases, both happen at once. The dragon is always surrounded by crowds of admirers, and in a sense she depends on them, because their admiration fuels her strength - the same is true in your case. This woman extremely rarely demonstrates her vulnerability, but in reality she needs support no less than you.

The dragon strives for power in the same way as you strive to find new reasons for the manifestation of your rebellious nature. The beginning of your relationship can be physically draining. A strong sexual attraction and intense romantic feelings arise between you, with which you literally infect each other. It's like you can't get enough of each other, and from the outside your relationship may seem perfect. You both follow your hearts and tend to act without thinking, so you're likely to put your foot on the gas in an attempt to speed up the progress of the relationship. Despite the fact that such a prospect may seem very tempting, you should still avoid at all costs too early vows of eternal love and other similar promises. Before getting married and having children, you should test your relationship with time.

One of the possible causes of conflicts in your relationship may be pathological jealousy and the desire to make your partner your property, which is inherent in both of you. Cheating hurts you and makes you angry. Instead of breaking up with your unfaithful partner, you will try to become even closer to her, and then at the most unexpected moment you will carry out your terrible revenge. Unfortunately, the Dragon may well cheat on you, because she needs constant attention and admiration. In addition, she is constantly surrounded by crowds of fans, and she constantly has to fight temptation. If your Dragon partner decides to calm down and settle down, she will devote herself entirely to you, and this problem will disappear by itself.

These relationships can rightly be called extreme. On the one hand, they will bring you both a lot of pleasure, but, on the other hand, such violent conflicts may arise between you as you have never had with anyone else. However, if you decide to commit to each other and show a desire to work on the relationship, you can be happy together because you are alike in many ways. Each partner in this couple is advised to maintain a certain social circle outside of the love union, and you should also remember that from time to time it is useful for you to take a break from each other.

The compatibility of the Tiger and the Dragon can hardly be called ideal. But such a union has every right to exist. These signs of the eastern horoscope are in many ways brothers. They are able to balance each other provided that both partners are wise enough.

It’s not for nothing that pictures and tattoos with the yin yang symbol are often complemented by images of these signs. You can see how beautiful it looks in the photo.

Compatibility in love between Dragon and Tiger

Both the Dragon and the Tiger can be called strong, active, purposeful and ambitious natures. But their union is a storm of passions due to the stubbornness, temper and overwhelming selfishness of both signs. On every occasion, each partner will always have his own opinion, which he will defend to the last, without hiding his emotions.

The duration and seriousness of this couple’s love relationship will depend on whether the Tiger and Dragon can agree, set a common goal, and correctly distribute roles:

  1. In bed, both of these signs prefer to dominate. At first, this peculiar struggle for “who will be on top” spices up the relationship and makes sex bright and varied. But over time, when the passions subside a little, the Tiger and the Dragon must learn to give in to each other, to attach importance not only to their own desires, but also to the desires of their partner. To achieve sexual harmony, they must try to make their partner’s erotic fantasies come true.
  2. Unfortunately, the relationship between the Tiger and the Dragon does not always end with the creation of a family. Official marriage is not always in their interests. However, this does not prevent a man and a woman from loving each other and enjoying “civil” relationships. Among the representatives of these signs, “childfree” ones are also often found.
  3. If the wedding between a dragon and a tiger does take place, mutual respect and trust will help them to be happy in their marriage. Even if the rational and intellectual Tiger does not understand everything about the impulsive dragon, who is sometimes guided not by logic but by intuitive instinct, he should under no circumstances criticize him. Otherwise, the Dragon will withdraw into itself or seek outside support. One way or another, the relationship will fail. At the same time, the Dragon should not prevent the Tiger from planning his life ten years in advance, as he loves, or diligently searching for his destiny.
  4. Such an alliance does not accept protracted conflicts. It is better to resolve all issues here and at once, showing maximum diplomacy. The longer one of the partners wears the stone in their bosom, the stronger the explosion will be. Considering the rancor of both signs, it will be very difficult to reconcile later.
  5. The Tiger and the Dragon must inspire each other in their work; their success in the business field depends on this. This family is one of those who in the kitchen until late at night discuss everything that happened during the working day. Spouses value each other for their complicity and desire to help. But to preserve love and family, they should not work together. The desire to constantly prove something to each other, ambition and careerism can make them enemies.

Tiger Man and Dragon Woman

Due to the fact that in such a union the man is the creator and the woman is his muse, it can be very productive. The Dragon Girl is able to delight the demanding and very masculine Tiger of the opposite sex. She generates ideas, and he, as an outstanding strategist, thinks through the plan and puts them into reality.

Both partners always have fun and interesting time together. The only stumbling block may be the reluctance of the Dragon woman to “domesticate”. In this case, the Tiger must behave with restraint and consistency, not forgetting to reward the chosen one for any achievements in the home field, even the smallest ones.

The well-being of such a union depends on who the partners are according to the horoscope:

  1. A strong family will be possible if the wife has an earthen zodiac sign - Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn. He will give her calmness, practicality and down-to-earthness, and will help her become a good housewife and mother.
  2. According to the horoscope, a Gemini man will turn the life of his soul mate into an extravaganza, because he is always ready for the most risky actions. His attempts to surprise usually end in success.
  3. The Dragon – Aquarius woman with her beauty, intelligence and endless fountain of ideas captivates the Tiger man. At the same time, she knows how to use it and, if necessary, will give her husband the leader’s jersey without a fight.

Dragon Man Tiger Woman

The Tiger woman is ambitious, straightforward and powerful. She takes care of her appearance, loves to flirt and experiment in bed. For a Dragon man, it can become fatal. But he will have to make a lot of efforts to make this careerist a homemaker. He has no right to give in, otherwise his partner will quickly lose interest in him. She also will not tolerate for long if her bald and fat husband spends hours watching a cartoon toradora film, without engaging in self-development and not at all interested in the life and successes of his wife.

On the other hand, perhaps, with no one other than the Dragon, the Tigress herself will not be able to afford to become weak.

The most favorable unions are:

  1. In which she is a Tiger, and he is a Dragon, if according to the horoscope the man is Aries, Leo or Sagittarius. The fire sign of the Zodiac makes a man, who is a Dragon according to the eastern calendar, more balanced and restrained; he will be able to withstand the pressure of the Tigress.
  2. If the man is Scorpio, it will be difficult for the couple. Sharp-tongued, capricious, he can shake his partner’s faith in his own impeccability.

The compatibility of signs where a Tiger woman and a Dragon man is based on the ability of partners to join forces and implement their plans, coming to each other’s aid. Both he and she are fiery, strong, and actively engaged in promoting their ideals into the world. They both feel their high purpose, which drives them. Life together will take on color and become meaningful only if they manage to find a common interest.


Hurricanes of passions rage in this union. Sex here takes a lot of time and with the help of it the energy remaining during the day is realized. Therefore, the amount of sex is inextricably and inversely related to productivity in creative activity - less creativity equals more sex. It will take them many days to learn to separate love from emotions, the needs of the soul from sexual attraction.

The sooner the Dragon and Tiger find common ground, the sooner they will find meaning in their lives. It will not be so easy for them to find balance; in order to do this, they must stop proving something and learn to help their partner. Quarrels must be brought to a final resolution, otherwise hidden grievances will greatly poison life together.

Mutual respect can be the basis of a relationship. The Dragon man is accustomed to active actions, he takes them without wasting time on thinking. His main advantages are natural intuition, ingenuity and fortitude. This goes well with the strong intellect and ability to strategically plan the Tiger woman, who is more far-sighted and better aware of the meaning of things and processes. They will have fun together.

Entering into confrontation will have a detrimental effect not only on their union, but also on each partner individually. It is much more useful to help each other move forward, then both will benefit.

Close relations

It will be more difficult to achieve balance in a couple if the Tiger woman does not take on the responsibilities of being the hostess. Devoting a lot of time to herself and her interests, she is quite capable of forgetting about the needs of her family. In this case, the Dragon man will regret taking her as his wife, since even he is looking for a quiet place where he would like to return home from work.

She needs to learn to be flexible, wise and a little temperamental. Having become diversified and self-sufficient, she will become more attractive to him. Then the Dragon man, inspired by her care, will open new worlds to her and lead her.

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In this topic:

Character of those born in the Year of the Tiger

All Tigers are distinguished by their independent character and desire for leadership. They have an indomitable rebellious spirit and inner freedom. They are prone to instant fascination with new things and mood swings. There is no point in putting pressure on these people. They will never come to terms with someone else's domination. Those born under the sign of Taurus are especially independent. However, Taurus people tend to be gentle and non-confrontational.

Every Tiger is very active, this quality is enhanced if it is Aries or Leo. They say about the latter that these are people of action. But, unfortunately, they often act first and think later.

Main qualities:

  • independence;
  • activity;
  • impetuosity;
  • emotionality.

Character of those born in the Year of the Dragon

The Dragon's mind is combined with a desire for freedom, which somewhat hinders him in life. He can also be overly straightforward, overwhelmed by a passion for victory. He often tries to manipulate others; Virgo and Capricorn do this most of all.

In all other respects, these are wonderful people, always ready to help, purposeful and noble. They are good, sympathetic friends; in marriage they do not openly show their feelings; the partner may even think that there is no love. But that's not true. Of course, the Dragon will not burn with passion, but it is quite capable of long and strong feelings.

Main qualities:

  • intelligence;
  • straightforwardness;
  • decency;
  • talent (Gemini and Aquarius are unique in this regard);
  • emotionality (a storm of emotions constantly rages among those who are Scorpio according to the horoscope).

Compatibility. Dragon Man and Tiger Woman

Tiger and Dragon have a lot in common. But these are not the qualities that help create relationships. They are explosive, active, everyone strives for their goal. The unifying moment at the first stage will be sex. Unrealized energy will be spent on it. The problem will arise when the husband realizes that his wife is more passionate about herself than about housework. He needs a cozy home to relax and calm his soul.

He won't be satisfied with travel alone. However, she will not strive to cook and clean up. If she can combine intelligence, flexibility, homeliness and temperament, a man will be at her feet! If the wife manages to achieve this, then the love of the Tiger and the Dragon will give unprecedented results in old age: a large family, prosperity, and prosperity.

Compatibility. Tiger Man and Dragon Woman

In such a tandem, the compatibility of Tiger and Dragon is at a very high level. Partners complement and stimulate each other. She acts as an inspiration, and he pushes his partner to be active. These are creative intellectuals leading a vibrant life full of pleasant experiences.

It is important that spouses learn to unite their efforts and achieve their goals, tirelessly helping each other. You also need to have a common interest, perhaps a hobby, this will be their point of contact. Because even if one partner is in peace and harmony, the other will definitely be “on fire.” Therefore, you should strive to help your soul mate, and not argue and prove that you are right.

The Tiger and the wise Dragon can build their relationship on mutual respect, natural ingenuity, and intuition. If they come to an agreement, this couple will become invincible. Astrologers advise husbands in a Dragon-Tiger couple to encourage their wives to do household chores, then compatibility will be even better. Another problem may be the constant struggle for leadership. Given the opportunity to reduce their ardor in this direction, the couple will become harmonious, everyone will be confident that they are loved and appreciated.

Prospects for the development of relations

Dragon and Tiger compatibility in love is unique. It is no coincidence that the image of the yin-yang symbol is complemented by images of these signs. The Crouching Tiger, as well as the Hidden Dragon, personify the unity of opposites, balance and harmony of the world.

Therefore, many astrologers consider this couple to be almost ideal. If for some reason there is no romantic relationship, they will remain friends for a long time.