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» Thin dough for real Italian pizza. Real Italian pizza at home. Thin Italian Pizza Recipe

Thin dough for real Italian pizza. Real Italian pizza at home. Thin Italian Pizza Recipe

We all know and love pizza - a traditional Italian dish that is made in the form of a thin flatbread with a filling on top. In fact, the minced meat for it can be whatever you find in your refrigerator; this is exactly what real Italians do. They put leftover products in it that are no longer suitable separately.

But you can’t do this with the dough, since this is the basis of the dish, and it is the key to delicious pizza. The classic composition of products for its preparation includes flour, yeast, olive oil, water and a pinch of salt. It is rolled out quite thinly – up to five millimeters, smeared with tomato sauce, then the filling is laid out and everything is baked in a special wood-burning oven called “Pompeian”.

Classic recipe

In a small bowl, mix sugar, yeast and salt in heated water. Add one spoon of flour and leave the dough for ten minutes until it ferments - you will see characteristic bubbles on the surface.

In a separate container, combine the crushed flour and olive oil, pour in the yeast mixture and knead into a soft, pliable dough. The kneading process should take at least ten minutes, since the mass must be thoroughly kneaded.

We coat the base with oil, wrap it in cellophane film and leave it for an hour and a half, it will increase several times. Divide the dough into three parts. We make a flat cake from each, coat it with the prepared sauce, add the filling and bake for ten minutes at a temperature of 210 ° C.

Yeast-free dough recipe

There are many base recipes for this dish that do not include yeast as ingredients. The flour mixture cooks much faster and turns out no worse than yeast.


  • flour – 2 cups;
  • olive oil – 1 tsp;
  • milk – 140 ml;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.

Preparation: 35 minutes.

Calorie content: 63 Kcal/100 g.

Drive the cooled eggs into the container and beat with a fork or whisk for about five minutes. Add butter and slightly warmed milk. It’s better to use homemade one, it’s richer and the dough will knead better.

When the liquid becomes homogeneous, add sifted flour in small batches. Place the lump of flour on a flat, dry surface and begin kneading the dough with your hands. You don’t need to use kitchen appliances for this; you should feel its consistency yourself. This process will take ten to twelve minutes.

Transfer the finished base into a deep bowl, cover it with cling film and leave to rest for fifteen minutes. Then roll it out on a floured surface, lay out the filling and bake in a preheated electric oven.

Toppings and sauce for real Italian pizza

For the filling, you can use absolutely any products that you most want to see on pizza. But as for the sauce, no experiments will work here.


  • sun-dried tomatoes - 1 can;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 pcs.;
  • oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper, salt, oregano - a pinch;
  • ham – 230 g;
  • parmesan – 120 g;
  • mozzarella – 110 g.

Preparation: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 248 Kcal/100 g.

Prepare a small saucepan with a thick bottom and pour vegetable oil into it. Peel the onion and garlic, chop finely. Open the sun-dried tomatoes and mash them with a fork until they become mushy.

Place the onion in the heated oil to sauté, stirring it constantly so that it does not fry, but only becomes transparent. Add the tomato mixture to it and mix thoroughly, simmer for several minutes and add the garlic and other spices.

Keep on the fire for another one to two minutes and set aside. The sauce should be thick. If you come across small pieces of tomato, it's okay.

Cut the ham into strips. Grate the cheese. If you do not have one of the specified varieties, you can replace it with Russian or Dutch. Once again I would like to note that for the filling you can add many other ingredients: mushrooms, chicken, sweet peppers, olives, corn, seafood, minced meat. This recipe contains ingredients for classic Italian pizza.

  1. Do not roll out the dough with a rolling pin, but stretch it on your knuckles as thin as possible, so the base will have an ideal thickness all around, without thick dry edges;
  2. Italian pizza should have a combination of several cheeses at the same time, this is what distinguishes it from the rest;
  3. To prevent the top of the pizza from becoming dry, drizzle it lightly with olive oil;
  4. It is recommended to coat the edges with beaten egg yolk so that they do not turn out dry;
  5. Tomatoes can be used not only fresh, but also canned. Ready-made homemade ketchup or sauce will do;
  6. For thin Italian pizza, you need a small layer of topping, otherwise it will fall out and the base will tear. If you are preparing thick yeast bread, more like a crumpet, you don’t have to limit yourself here;
  7. The readiness of the dish is checked with a toothpick or match; if it is dry, it is ready;
  8. The pizza is placed only in a preheated oven;
  9. Sunflower and olive oil can be mixed; this trick will help make the dough softer.

Bon appetit!

Pizza has long been an international dish. It is loved and prepared everywhere and people have completely forgotten that it owes its birth to sunny Italy. Italian pizza is a favorite product of gourmets all over the world, so our article will focus on it.

We will tell you how to cook it in several different ways and teach you all the intricacies of Italian cuisine.

What types of pizza are there in Italy?

Unlike our housewives, who prefer to cook this dish with meat and aromatic sausages, Italian cooks put seafood and mushrooms on pizza, generously sprinkling the dough with nuts and various herbs. Often berries and fruits, such as grapes, also end up there. And, of course, you will never find mayonnaise or ketchup in classic pizza from Italy.

Delicious topping for Italian pizza

What toppings do they use on pizza in Italy?

1. Carbonara is a popular pizza based on smoked brisket, Parmesan and tender mozzarella.

2. Marinara - made from mozzarella, tomatoes, oregano and basil.

3. Salmone - very tasty, original pizza with salmon, fillet of other red fish, lemon zest, moscarpone, arugula.

4. Fungi - pizza for mushroom lovers, for the preparation of which oyster mushrooms, champignons, chanterelles, and porcini are used. Parmesan and mozzarella are also used in the recipe.

5. Four cheeses - original recipe with assorted cheeses: blue mold, white mold, hard Parmesan, mozzarella.

6. Neapolitan - prepared from the following ingredients: onions, thyme, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, salt, anchovy fillets, Swiss cheese, olives.

Features of real Italian pizza

Italy has adopted a special law on the rules for preparing pizza:

  • the shape should be round - up to 35 cm in diameter;
  • the cake should be thin; when cooking, it should be tossed and rotated by hand;
  • spices - only parsley, basil, oregano and garlic;
  • special varieties of tomatoes and flour, mozzarella from the southern regions of the country are suitable for the filling;
  • Only olive oil is used to make pizza.

And now the recipes themselves!

Recipe 1. Italian pizza cooked on regular bread

This recipe will be useful for people who do not have time to prepare complex dishes. But being completely busy is not a reason to deny yourself your favorite treat. So, for preparation we will need:

  • a little cheese called mozzarella (150 g),
  • about twelve green olives,
  • a couple of mint leaves,
  • 7 medium sized tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • about one tablespoon of capers,
  • 4 spoons of tomato paste,
  • olive oil.

Before you start cooking, preheat the oven to 240 degrees. Take slices of wheat bread and fry them in a toaster or in a frying pan, grate with ground garlic and brush with tomato paste. Then, on each slice of bread, place several slices of tomatoes, a basil leaf, a small piece of cheese, capers and olives. Sprinkle all this with a few drops of olive oil and place in the oven for 10 minutes. The pizza is prepared quickly. You just need to wait until the cheese melts. The dish is served on the table with green salad leaves and fresh vegetables.

Recipe 2. Italian pizza with dough

We talked about the so-called “quickie” option, and now we’ll discuss classic Italian pizza with dough. Depending on your wishes, pizza is made from either thin or fluffy dough. It is prepared with the addition of flour, water, salt, yeast and olive oil. If you want to get a thin dough, then you will need very little yeast, only 1 spoon of vegetable oil and half as much flour as for fluffy pizza.

Standard proportions:


  • three glasses of flour;
  • 200 grams of lukewarm water;
  • one packet of dry yeast;
  • A couple of tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon salt.

The preparation is as follows. The yeast combines with water and sugar, some time passes and it comes to life. After this, knead the dough, combining it with the remaining ingredients. The formed dough rests for a while in a warm place, then it is gently kneaded and placed on a baking sheet greased with olive oil. The pizza is topped with toppings and sprinkled with cheese. All this goes into the oven and bakes until fully cooked.

And now that we’ve talked about the dough, it’s time to talk about pizza topping options.

Recipe 3. Italian pizza “Margherita”

The pizza recipe is set in a special standard. Brush the dough with tomato sauce made from exclusively San Marzano tomatoes. Place in the oven for 10 minutes, then remove and add young Mozzarella di Bufalo cheese. Drizzle the pizza with extra virgin olive oil, sprinkle with sea salt, and top with a few fresh basil leaves. Place back in the oven for a few minutes until done. Simple, isn’t it, like everything ingenious.

Recipe 4. Italian Pizza Peperoni


  • 250g ready-made thin Italian pizza dough
  • 100-150g Mozzarella cheese
  • 100g pepperoni sausage
  • 80-100g tomato sauce
  • 10ml olive oil
  • olives (optional)

How to make Italian Pepperoni pizza:

Roll out the dough to a diameter of about 30cm, brush with tomato sauce, sprinkle with grated mozzarella cheese, and top with thinly sliced ​​pepperoni sausage and olive rings. Bake the pizza in an oven heated to 250-300 degrees for no more than 10 minutes, grease the edges of the finished pizza with olive oil and serve it hot, cutting it into 8 pieces. Bon appetit!

Recipe 5. Italian pizza “Four Seasons”

Ingredients (for 1 pizza 30cm in diameter):

  • 50g Parmesan cheese
  • 30g each marinated artichokes, salami and pitted olives
  • 20g each of sweet pepper, Mozzarella cheese and fresh champignons
  • 3 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 3 tbsp. tomato sauce

How to make Italian pizza

How to make classic Four Seasons pizza? Cut the champignons in half lengthwise, then cut the halves into thin slices, cut off the base of the artichokes, leaving only the slices. Thinly cut the salami, the pepper into half rings, the cherry tomatoes into halves, if the mozzarella cheese balls are small, also cut them in half, the egg in half, cut the halves into plates, grate the Parmesan on a fine grater. Roll out the dough for thin pizza into a 30cm flat cake no more than 1cm thick, place it on a pan greased with olive oil, make marks with a knife, lightly cutting the dough into 4 equal sectors (do not cut through the dough all the way). Grease the pizza with tomato sauce, moving 1-2 cm from the edges, place mushrooms and egg in the upper right sector, then, moving clockwise, artichokes and olives, the third sector - salami and sweet peppers, the last - cherry tomatoes and mozzarella. Sprinkle the pizza with grated cheese and bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Bon appetit!

Recipe 6. Italian pizza with sage

To prepare it we will need:

  • about 450 grams of dough and several types of cheese;
  • 100 g Dor Blue and 100 g Gouda;
  • a couple of sage leaves;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • a little flour and black pepper.

Heat the oven to a temperature of 220 degrees, cut the Dor Blue cheese into small cubes and grind the Gouda using a coarse grater. Garlic can be passed through a garlic press. Then we take the dough and put it in a baking dish, sprinkle it with flour, and roll it out over the entire area. In order for it to bake well, pierce it in several places with a fork. Place cheese, garlic and sage leaves on top of the dough. Pepper, salt and bake on the lower level of the oven for about 15 minutes. Then take it out and let it simmer at medium level for about 3 minutes.

Recipe 7. Italian fish pizza with salmon

To prepare we will need:

  • approximately 100 grams of canned salmon,
  • 100 grams of mushrooms,
  • a little tomato
  • 50 grams of mozzarella cheese,
  • one tomato,
  • a little chopped dill,
  • 1 zucchini squash
  • black pepper,
  • salt to taste,
  • olive oil for frying.

Roll out the dough into a circle, place it in a baking dish, and generously grease it with tomato. Place grated zucchini and thinly sliced ​​tomato on top. Canned salmon should be opened, excess liquid drained, the fish separated from the bones and mashed thoroughly. Place a layer of salmon on the pizza, top with thinly sliced ​​mushrooms, dill and cheese. Salt, pepper and place in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes until fully cooked.

Recipe 8. Italian seafood pizza

The so-called sea cocktail is suitable as a filling; it includes various seafood (mussels, shrimp, pieces of red fish, etc.). We will also need:

  • about 60 grams of mozzarella cheese and 20 grams of parmesan cheese,
  • some olives
  • yellow sweet pepper,
  • capers,
  • marjoram,
  • dried oregano,
  • olive oil,
  • salt and pepper.

Roll out the dough into a circle shape. Sprinkle generously with flour and place on a greased sheet. Carefully place the seafood cocktail there, sprinkle it with pepper cut into large cubes on top.

Then add capers, cheese, sprinkle with herbs. The final touch is to add olives, pepper, salt, and oil. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until done. Cooking time is approximately 20 minutes.

Do you like Italian pizza? What fillings do you prefer? Share with us in the comments!

From the moment pizza gained worldwide popularity, recipes from restaurants quickly migrated to the home kitchens of housewives from all over the world. But perfectly tasty pizza, the same as in a restaurant, does not always come out. Traditional or classic pizza, which is prepared in a pizzeria, differs mainly in its dough. In a cafe or restaurant, we get pizza that has a thin and crispy dough, with a golden crust and a soft center. At home, we take out of the oven a lush, rosy base, which is very tasty, but differs from the ideal and resembles

In order to prepare the most delicious classic pizza at home, you need to figure out what it is, how to prepare the dough correctly, and what recipes are available.

What is Italian pizza?

Italian pizza is a national dish that dates back several centuries of its existence. The dish looks like an open baked flatbread with filling placed on top. Today pizza is a world famous dish and has more than a thousand recipes. But the classic pizza recipe is considered the standard.

Classic dough recipe

The most important thing in preparing the right pizza is the right recipe, and a special technology that will prepare the perfect pizza dough. The classic recipe can be used as a basis for preparing various types of dishes. For the test you will need:

  • boiled water at a temperature of 40 o C - 0.3 l;
  • dry or live yeast - 10 g or 0.5 packs;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • durum flour - 1 cup;
  • soft flour - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.

First of all, the dough is prepared. Pour warm water into a deep bowl, add sugar, yeast and add one tablespoon of both types of flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave to rise in a warm place.

After a quarter of an hour in the bowl, the yeast will dissolve and foam will form on the surface. In another bowl, mix flour, salt, butter and suitable dough. The dough is kneaded. One of the important factors affecting its quality is the correct consistency. The result should be a soft and at the same time elastic pizza dough. The classic Italian recipe involves a thin base, which is easier to roll out from pliable dough.

How to prepare the preparation correctly?

As a rule, the above recipe for classic pizza at home involves preparing five or six bases. This volume cannot always be prepared and eaten at one time, so it is recommended to make preparations that can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.

So, step one is forming a ball of dough. The lump should be about fifteen centimeters in diameter. The ball must be rolled in flour, then placed on a dry surface, for example, on a cutting board and pressed with your fingers, at a distance of one centimeter from the edge. With your other hand, lightly press and pull the dough to the side, turning it.

Step two is stretching. Once the ball becomes a disk shape, you need to continue to stretch it in different directions until its diameter increases to a size of twenty-five centimeters. At the same time, the main thing is not to try to level the base sheet, it will be in special tubercles, otherwise the dough will lose air, and the pizza will not turn out attractive and without any peculiar spots on the crust.

Step three - formation. Having placed the resulting disk of dough on your knuckles, at a distance of a couple of centimeters from the edges, you need to start twisting the base, moving your hands under it at a high pace. In the process of such manipulations, it will become thinner and expand. As soon as the dough reaches a size of thirty centimeters, place it on a cutting board in flour.

Now the base is practically ready, like the classic one itself, which can be changed depending on the availability of food in the refrigerator.

Pizza classic

In order for the Italian pizza to come out, you can turn on the music and, while enjoying the pleasant atmosphere, start preparing the dish.

How to make the base is already extremely clear, but the rest needs to be sorted out. First prepare the sauce:

  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • hot ground pepper - a pinch;
  • oregano, basil or other Italian spices - to taste;
  • salt and sugar - 1 teaspoon each.

The filling, as a rule, can be anything, from cheese and olives to sausages, meat or seafood. But classic Italian pizza contains (one hundred and fifty grams) and one tomato.

To prepare the sauce, remove the skin from the tomato and remove the seeds (this is not necessary, but this is the classic recipe). Then the tomatoes are cut into small cubes and sent to a frying pan, pre-greased with olive oil. Tomatoes give juice. As the sauce cooks, stir it, and after fifteen minutes, as soon as it thickens, add salt, sugar, spices and garlic. The proportions are not indicated in the recipe, as the sauce is made to taste.
The tomato and mozzarella filling should be thinly cut into slices and placed on the prepared base, pre-greased with sauce.

Place the finished but raw pizza in a preheated oven and bake at a temperature of 220 to 230 degrees Celsius for ten minutes.

Pizza thin

How to prepare classic Italian pizza dough is already known, and the preparation of the sauce is usually standard. Now about the filling. It uses several types of filling, which gives it a unique taste.

You will need:

  • tomato sauce - 100 g;
  • ham - 70 g;
  • cheese - 30 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pieces;
  • olives - 30 g;
  • olives 30 g;
  • mushrooms (champignons) - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil (for greasing the baking sheet) - 1 tablespoon.

The entire filling is laid out in random order onto the prepared piece, greased with sauce or tomato paste. Before laying out, the ham and vegetables are cut into cubes. Finally, cheese is grated on top. Bake in the oven at about 220 degrees Celsius for eight minutes.

Pizza "4 cheese"

The classic pizza called “4 cheese” is especially popular with us. It is distinguished by the delicate taste and aroma of four different cheeses.

To prepare you will need:

  • cheeses "Mozzarella", "Parmesan", "Dor Blue", "Emmental" - 100 g each;
  • (spices) - to taste;
  • tomato - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil.

The classic Italian pizza recipe calls for four recommended types of cheese, but you may not have some of them on hand, and that's no problem. Cheeses can be replaced with analogues.

So, we grate each type of cheese, and you can crumble the soft cheese with your hands. The cheeses are laid out in layers on the finished base, spices are sprinkled, and a tomato cut into slices is laid out on top. Bake for up to fifteen minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

Secrets of delicious pizza

  1. To prepare thin and crispy pizza, place two baking sheets in a heated oven, with pizza on top and empty below.
  2. The process of kneading dough requires a good mood; you can turn on music, but not loudly, but in the background.
  3. The flour must be sifted so that the dough becomes homogeneous.
  4. Fresh yeast is always better than dry yeast. But if they are missing, you can replace them.
  5. When kneading the dough, add only half the flour at first, and mix in the rest gradually.
  6. It is advisable to replace vegetable sunflower oil with olive oil. It has less aroma and will be invisible when baking.
  7. The process of kneading the dough must be continued until it stops sticking to your hands. It must be remembered that the pizza should not tear at the stage of kneading and forming the base. The dough needs to be soft and elastic.

Bottom line

To sum it up, we can say that classic pizza can be prepared at home. You just need to follow some rules, and a persistent and attentive hostess will turn out to be an excellent Italian dinner. It’s not only possible, but also necessary to experiment with fillings. After all, classics love perfection.

Pizza has become the most famous and popular Italian dish. In addition to classic recipes for dough and fillings, there are many quick, original ideas that originate from the classic ones. But today we won’t talk about how to simplify the process and cooking time. We will share a dough recipe for real Italian pizza. You will be surprised, but it is simple and easy. The amount of ingredients is for 3 pizzas. This is done for convenience, because... It is quite difficult to calculate exact norms for one. You can make just one pizza and put the rest of the dough in the freezer, or surprise your loved ones with three different types of toppings.

To prepare the dough for real Italian pizza, you need:

  • boiled warm, but not hot, water 300 ml;
  • flour 500 g;
  • dry yeast 10 g;
  • sugar 10 g;
  • salt 5 g;
  • any vegetable oil 30 ml.

Let's move on to preparing the dough for real Italian pizza!

1. We will need a deep container for preparing the dough. Pour water into it, put a tablespoon of flour and add sugar, yeast and salt. Mix the contents and leave for 20 minutes. During this time, the yeast will begin to ferment and foam will form.

2. Take another container. We put all the remaining amount of flour into it, a little salt and pour in vegetable oil and the ready-made dough. Mix these ingredients into a dough.

3. Important: remember that the dough should not be too dense. The ideal pizza dough is elastic, easy to work with and does not stick to your hands. At the same time, it should not tear.

4. When kneading the dough is finished and it has reached the desired consistency, we begin another significant stage of work. The dough needs to be rolled out as thin as possible.

5. To begin with, we divide the entire product into three parts, equal in size. Roll out each part with a rolling pin, doing it very carefully. Ideally, the dough should be slightly thick at the edges and thin in the middle.

6. When the dough has reached the desired thickness, all that remains is to prepare any filling to your taste. If you want to make the dish completely Italian, make the filling from tomato sauce, mozzarella, tomato slices and basil.

7. Preheat the oven to 250°C, cook the pizza for 12-15 minutes.

This dish will pleasantly surprise family and friends with its taste and aroma, and the preparation is quite simple. We wish you bon appetit!


Recipe name:

Dough for real Italian pizza


Pizza is one of the most popular dishes in the world. Recently collected statistics state that approximately 500 million pizzas are eaten every day around the globe. And only those purchased in supermarkets and ordered in various restaurants and cafes were taken into account. We are sure that if someone also counted home-made pizzas, this figure would be twice as high. Do you want to finally start making pizza at home, but don’t know how to make it delicious? The recipe for Italian pizza, as well as real dough for it, which we will offer today, will help you master this simple science.

How to choose pizza ingredients: basic principles


If you want to follow all the canons of preparing real Italian pizza, give preference not to plain wheat flour, but to wholemeal flour. It has now become quite popular, so finding it in the supermarket is not a problem.


There are two options here: either dry or pressed. The choice is individual and depends only on personal preferences. Choose those that you think will be easier to measure exactly according to the recipe. This is important because every extra gram, according to experts, will affect both the taste and texture of the dough.

The most popular and favorite option is traditional pizza.


Italians, of course, only use olive oil. It is significantly different from the sunflower we are used to in both aroma and taste.

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The main principle that guides most people who prepare pizza at home is personal preference. That is, everyone puts what they like on pizza. This is correct, but still in the right Italian pizza there are a number of classic toppings, distinguished by a unique combination of tastes and aromas. We highly recommend trying them.


One of the most important components of any pizza. In our country, we are accustomed to using mixed store-bought ketchup and mayonnaise as a sauce. Even many pizzerias are guilty of this, which would shock any Italian. It will be much better and tastier to make your own tomato sauce.


  • 400 g fresh or canned tomatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic:
  • 1 pinch each of dried oregano and basil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper.

Peel the tomatoes, place in a blender bowl along with other ingredients and blend until smooth.

Pizza was originally a poor man's food. It consisted of cheese, delicious and expensive, in our times, “Mozzarella”

Real dough for Italian pizza: recipe and detailed cooking instructions

One of the main features of pizza made by a professional that you can rarely recreate at home is the dough. It is very thin, crispy, but at the same time it cannot be called too dry, much less tough. In fact, in its preparation everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. There are no specific ingredients or culinary processes in it, but some rules still need to be followed.

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The recipe for classic Italian pizza dough is as follows. The amount of ingredients is designed for 4 large bases (about 30 centimeters in diameter), but this does not mean that they all need to be prepared at once - you can wrap them in cling film and put them in the freezer. The dough can lie there for up to 3 months, the main thing is not to forget about it the next time you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with this delicious dish.

So take:

  • 1 kg flour;
  • 600 ml warm water;
  • 15 g of dry yeast or 50 g of pressed yeast;
  • 2 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 100 ml vegetable oil (preferably olive).

The classic composition of products for its preparation includes flour, yeast, olive oil, water and a pinch of salt.

In a container with half the required amount of water, add yeast (pressed must be crumbled) and sugar, mix thoroughly. Pour salt into the remaining water, pour in the oil and stir. Sift the flour into a large bowl or directly onto a clean, dry work surface, make a well in the top of the mound and pour in the water with yeast and sugar, as well as the water with salt and butter. Knead the dough vigorously for at least 15 minutes until it begins to pull away from your hands. Place the dough in a floured bowl, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for an hour and a half until the dough rises. Knead the risen dough again, divide it into 4 equal parts, roll them into balls, which need to be dusted with flour.

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The pizza base is made from a layer of dough as follows:

  • Place the dough on a clean, flat surface;
  • place the fingers of one (non-dominant) hand into the dough a few centimeters from the edge;
  • with the other hand, pressing on the dough, stretch it to the sides;
  • when the layer becomes like a disk, begin to stretch it to the sides with both hands, kneading it;
  • when the disk reaches 25–30 centimeters in diameter, you can try to do as professional pizza makers do - lift it on your knuckles and spin it, tossing it slightly.

Do not try to make the disk perfectly even and smooth. The tubercles indicate that the dough has been saturated with oxygen and will be exactly as needed.

In fact, the minced meat for it can be whatever is in your refrigerator, this is exactly what real Italians do

How to make traditional Italian pizza at home: recipes

Recipe for classic Italian pizza "Margherita"

Literally anyone, even a novice cook, can prepare such a pizza. It is very simple, contains a minimum of ingredients in the filling, but nevertheless is so popular both in Italy itself and abroad that it is certainly one of the first items on the menu of any pizzeria.

To prepare it you will need:

  • about 250–300 grams of dough;
  • 100–150 grams of tomato sauce;
  • 150 g “Mozzarella”;
  • 1-2 tomatoes;
  • 10 basil leaves.