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» Which grass is better, rolled or seeded? Should you prefer a rolled or seeded lawn, and which grasses are better to choose? Which lawn grass to choose to create a lawn with your own hands

Which grass is better, rolled or seeded? Should you prefer a rolled or seeded lawn, and which grasses are better to choose? Which lawn grass to choose to create a lawn with your own hands

Relaxing on the green lawn in summer is a real pleasure! The lawn allows you to landscape your summer cottage, prevents the spread of weeds, and does not require complex care. There are several types of lawns, which can be divided into 2 large groups - rolled and seeded. Which is better, what to look for, how to choose a rolled lawn? We will give answers to these questions right now, and also consider the pros and cons of different types of lawns. Our company not only gives useful recommendations, but also provides assistance with landscaping!

What is a rolled lawn? Characteristics, pros and cons, reviews

Rolled lawns are special mats made from synthetic or natural materials on which the grass mixture is grown. Before sale, the finished turf is cut and rolled into tight rolls, which greatly facilitates transportation and subsequent installation. Let's consider the advantages of such a lawn:

  • no need to select and germinate the grass mixture, control the density of the lawn and the density of the grass cover;
  • high-quality rolled lawn does not require complex maintenance;
  • almost 100% survival, because the grass used in such rolls has excellent characteristics;
  • high resistance to drought, heat, frost, and other unfavorable climatic conditions;
  • There is no need to additionally sow the grass mixture in case of bald spots. If defects are detected, the damaged part of the lawn is cut out and new turf is laid in its place;
  • the ease of laying the lawn, which can be carried out by our contracting company specializing in landscaping;
  • aesthetic appeal and wide scope of application. Rolled lawn can be used for summer cottages, playgrounds and areas intended for recreation, entertainment and sports.

The disadvantages of roll coating include:

  • a cost that is not much higher than the price of a seeded lawn;
  • Before laying, it is necessary to prepare the area, but the work is very simple: removing uneven areas, massive branches and stumps, weeds, large stones, etc. By the way, most often laying is carried out from April to September-October, which depends on climatic conditions. Work is carried out under dry weather conditions.

The average service life of a rolled lawn is 5-6 years or more.

How is a rolled lawn installed? Main stages

A high-quality rolled lawn needs a well-prepared base; we carry out the work in the following order:

  • thorough clearing and subsequent digging of the area, during which weeds, dry small bushes, grass are removed - everything that will interfere with installation;
  • creating drainage. For this work, a layer of fertile soil (35-40 cm) is removed, a drainage cushion consisting of a mixture of gravel and sand is filled in, and previously removed and sifted soil is filled in. At this stage, the soil is also fertilized with a special mixture and rolled;
  • Rolled lawn is laid according to technology. It is not recommended to walk on the lawn in the first days, otherwise it may become deformed.

Please note that the steps and methods may be in a different order. It all depends on the region in which the rolled lawn is laid, the type of soil (sandy, clay, etc.), and the area of ​​the site.

What is seed lawn? Pros, cons and features

The seeded lawn is represented by a mixture that includes grass, flowers and other types of plants. The arrangement of such a lawn is carried out in several stages; planting, as in the case of a rolled lawn, is carried out from April to September:

  • preparation of dry soil, during which weeds are removed, the area is dug up (10-20 cm), large branches, stones and other large fragments are removed. It is recommended to perform leveling using hand tools or a cultivator;
  • you need to sow the grass mixture into the soil, after which the soil should be fertilized and watered;
  • after a few days or weeks (depending on the grass mixture and the seeds included in its composition), the first shoots appear.

It seems that everything is simple, but sometimes the grass mixture has poor germination, so the lawn turns out uneven, and in some areas bald spots are even visible. If the technology of planting and subsequent care was followed correctly, then after 2-3 years the grass will form a beautiful covering with tightly intertwined roots. Let us highlight the main advantages of such a lawn:

  • affordable cost and relative ease of lawn arrangement;
  • high germination of high-quality grass mixtures;
  • wide range: flowers, grass;
  • quick adaptation to any type of soil.

The disadvantages are the following:

  • uneven coverage;
  • high susceptibility to pests and diseases, which is not typical for a rolled lawn;
  • difficult care, because the seeded lawn must be regularly fertilized, watered, and weeds removed. The soil should not be dry, otherwise the lawn will lose its decorative characteristics;
  • the grass grows quickly, so it needs to be cut several times during the season;
  • 3-4 years after planting, the lawn becomes less dense and requires restoration.

In general, a seeded lawn combines a good price-quality ratio, but you need to invest a lot of time and effort into its creation.

Which lawn is better, rolled or seeded?

Land owners, faced with choosing a lawn, most often cannot make a final decision. When answering the question about which lawn is better, rolled or seeded, it is impossible to give an exact answer and point to a specific option. Each type of lawn receives positive reviews, in which people point out both the pros and cons. If you approach the issue from the point of view of practicality and comfort, then it is better to choose a rolled lawn, if from the point of view of economy, it is better to choose a seed lawn.

How to choose the right rolled lawn? Practical advice

If you do not know how to choose a rolled lawn, you can contact our company. Specialists will evaluate the site, calculate the amount of lawn, and provide assistance during the purchase. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • the height of the grass on the surface should be uniform, optimally 3 cm and above;
  • You should definitely focus on the composition of the grass surface and the region in which it will be used. Some types of lawns tolerate drought without problems, others tolerate excessive humidity and frost;
  • the grass should be bright green and slightly damp, and not dry, crushed and yellow;
  • The rolls should not smell damp or moldy. If there is such a smell, then you are looking at products that, as a rule, are of low quality;
  • What is important is the absence of bald spots and high density of turf.

If you have any questions or would like to order lawn laying, be sure to call our company: (number)! We have high professionalism, guarantee reasonable prices, as well as comprehensive support regarding landscaping issues.

A good and well-groomed lawn pleases the eye of any person. It is placed in front of the house, in the park, on the playground or at the stadium. For each object, a certain type of grass is selected that will satisfy certain conditions. Depending on the ripening time of the lawn and financial capabilities, there are two types of lawn:

  • Sowing;
  • Rolled.

They vary in cost, complexity of care and time required for the grass to ripen. Before you figure out which lawn is better, rolled or seeded, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with each type in more detail.

Rolled lawn

This type of lawn covering is often used for municipal needs or in luxury landscaping. The grass is grown in special fields. The lawn is grown to a specified height and cut into long strips. They are removed using mechanical devices and rolled up. Hence the name of this type of coating.

Due to pre-growing, grass covering has a higher cost and final price.

Advantages of rolled lawn

This coating is suitable for quickly setting up a lawn. It comes ready-made. Installation of a grass surface for a small garden plot takes one working day. The rolled covering prevents the spread of weeds and other plants, as it consists of treated grass and a thick cushion of adapted turf. Thus, the lawn has high quality indicators in the first years of its use.

Disadvantages of using roll coating

Despite the fact that the grass for this type of lawn is grown and prepared in advance, it has its drawbacks. Roll coverings are usually grown in open areas with constant access to the sun. In some cases, the grass layer may have difficulty adapting to low light conditions. Therefore, before planting, it is necessary to find out in advance the grass composition of the future covering. It is also important to carefully prepare the soil for the roll flooring. Leftover weeds or unharvested grass can become a serious problem in the future. After some time, they will begin to rot and accumulate harmful organisms, which can lead to disease in the lawn grass.

Another disadvantage is the time it takes for the lawn roll to deteriorate. The recommended time for laying this lawn should not exceed three days. Otherwise it may get damaged.

Do not forget that a finished lawn grass flooring will cost much more than sowing vegetation yourself.

Seed lawn

This type of lawn is known to a larger number of summer residents and owners of private houses. Most often, such people do not have a question: which lawn is better, rolled or seeded? They are very happy to choose the second option.

Grass material for this type of lawn is sold in almost any gardening store. It is a grass mixture in bags for self-planting in the ground. Herbal composition may vary depending on where the grass is planted. For lawns in front of the house, choose an unpretentious and fast-growing lawn. Grass that is resistant to trampling is selected for the children's and playgrounds.

Pros of seed grass

Although this type of lawn has a longer maturation cycle, hand-sown grass has its advantages. With proper care, the lawn adapts better and grows into a smooth green surface. From year to year, grass occupies a large growing area, due to which weeds and unnecessary plants are completely displaced from the sown surface. If acclimatization is poor and growth is poor, the herbal composition can be updated or reseeded. In the future, a lawn sown with your own hands will be much better resistant to mold and mildew.

Disadvantage of seeding a lawn

The main difficulties that may arise when sowing grass are the long and careful care of the growing cover. The lawn may emerge in uneven areas, so it must be reseeded in poorly growing areas. It is important to understand that a good lawn does not grow in one year. A dense and healthy grass cover appears in the second or third year of growth.

How to give your garden plot an aristocratic look, highlight the beauty of flower beds, spreading bushes and neat paths? The answer to this question is very simple: you need to make a lawn on your property. It will not only give the garden a well-groomed appearance, but will also create a beneficial microclimate, since green grass effectively absorbs dust.

There is no doubt: the lawn has many advantages. Therefore, you will make the right decision if you decide to get one. However, before you start arranging it, you should definitely decide on its type. And here the question may arise as to which lawn to choose for your garden: rolled or seeded? In order not to regret your choice, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of each type, and then draw conclusions based on them.

Pros and cons of rolled lawn

Let's start with the advantages that a rolled lawn has:

  • uniformity of sowing;
  • speed (can be done in just a day);
  • excellent turf resistance to drought or high humidity;
  • a rolled lawn can be created at almost any time of the year: autumn, summer, spring;
  • there is no need to weed for the first 2 years;
  • no need to wait for the grass to grow, immediately after laying the garden will look perfect;
  • is characterized by increased resistance to trampling.

Now let’s look at the disadvantages of rolled lawn:

  • fades quickly in shaded areas;
  • Felt may appear under the rolls over time, contributing to the spread of grass diseases and spoiling the appearance of the lawn;
  • Rolled lawn must be distributed throughout the garden area using special equipment and the involvement of professionals, since its weight is significant;
  • If the grass in one of the areas dies, it will be extremely difficult to restore it.

At the same time, the most significant disadvantage of such a lawn is its high cost. Its purchase will cost a considerable amount.

In addition, you will need to pay additionally for the help of specialists who will participate in the distribution of turf throughout the territory. You also need to include additional expenses necessary to pay for the rental of special equipment. After all, you won’t be able to unload containers with rolls on your own.

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Pros and cons of seeded lawn

It's time to find out what advantages it has:

  • increased resistance to temperature changes and the vagaries of nature;
  • the ability to choose grass that is ideal for the setting in the garden: shaded and sunny places, clearings for active recreation and decorative purposes;
  • grass mixtures immediately adapt to existing natural conditions;
  • durability;
  • If bald spots appear on the lawn, you can get rid of them in a short time by sowing additional grass mixtures;
  • This type of lawn is much more unpretentious than a rolled lawn.

Just like rolled lawn, sowing lawn has its disadvantages:

  • you will have to do the device yourself;
  • you will need to prepare the soil before sowing grass;
  • It will take a lot of effort and time before the desired result is achieved.

As for the cost of seeding a lawn, it will pleasantly surprise you. It will take you a minimum of money to create landscaping. Therefore, you will be able to save a lot of money.

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Which lawn should you choose?

From the presented pros and cons of each type of lawn, it becomes clear that it is best to give preference to sowing. It is ideal for the garden. After all, with its help you will be able to create natural landscaping, avoid the appearance of felt, which will contribute to the spread of diseases among plants, but most importantly, you will be able to save a considerable budget. At the same time, you will definitely be satisfied with the result. Accordingly, the question of which lawn is better to choose is no longer before you. This means you can start creating it on your site.

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What grass should I sow the garden with?

As for which grass is best to choose for a sowing lawn, everything will depend on what kind of landscaping you need: one that will be used solely for decorative purposes, or one on which animals will actively walk and children will play. Let's look at the most popular types of seeded lawn:

  1. Parterre lawn. It is placed in open areas and, as a rule, combined with flower beds. Such lawns are created in order to focus attention on the main elements in the garden: flower beds, flower beds, exotic trees, water features. Their grass is thick, low, uniform, with a velvety texture. One does not walk on such landscaping, but only admires it and treats it regularly. It is usually created using bluegrass seeds. It is resistant to frost, durable, but the first months are quite weak. By the second year, it turns into a perfect thick green carpet of rich color. Meadow bluegrass begins to turn green earlier than many other grasses. It grows in sunny areas for many decades. But in the shadows it quickly dies. The seeds of this grass germinate well in loamy soils. She is not afraid of increased moisture. With insufficient care, it can lose its malachite color, but if it is restored again, it will soon become incredibly beautiful again.
  2. Moorish lawn. It is represented by cereal herbs. They rise quickly, are resistant to cold and are easy to process. Such plants can be safely used in shady areas of the garden. They form dense turf over time. Caring for such a lawn is not too difficult. It needs to be cut sometimes and weeded 2 times a week. is a silky and very beautiful green canvas, which is great for those places that are not subject to increased use.
  3. Sports lawns. Such landscaping is created from a special type of seed - raygrass. They tolerate loads well. Therefore, you can play and walk on them without fear. This lawn looks very beautiful, but it requires regular watering, mowing and weeding.

Accordingly, you should choose which type of seeded lawn is best based on your preferences. But since each of them is described in detail, it will not be difficult for you to decide. Good luck in

Today, the lawn plays a very important role in landscape design. A green carpet significantly increases the aesthetic appeal of the area, harmoniously combines with various trees, shrubs and flowers, giving the area a well-groomed and aristocratic appearance. Seed and roll lawns, which are used most often, are characterized by the presence of certain advantages and some disadvantages. Therefore, the choice of one type or another should be approached as carefully as possible.

It is a mature coating that has been pre-grown for several years. A distinctive feature is the presence of a turf backing, thanks to which it can be rolled into rolls and transported or stored in this form for a short time. The standard roll length is 2 meters, width – 40 cm, thickness – no more than 2 cm.

A distinctive feature is the presence of a turf backing, thanks to which it can be rolled into rolls and transported or stored in this form for a short time.

Rolled lawn is grown in special nurseries. They are huge fields in area, with well-leveled soil prepared for the sowing process. Herbal mixtures are distinguished by their significant variety, which is done for the convenience of choice on the part of the buyer. The fields are regularly looked after - fed, weeds are removed, and various diseases and pests are effectively combated. They also resort to cutting and watering.

After the lawn becomes as strong and developed as possible, special agricultural technology cuts it off along with a small layer of soil. This will allow him to settle down in his new place in the future with virtually no problems. The maximum permissible period within which it is necessary to lay a rolled green carpet is three days.

The advantages of this material are obvious:

  • frost resistance. Thanks to this, installation can be carried out even in late autumn or early spring;
  • there is no need to wait a long time for the grass to grow, since this lawn will look as impressive as possible immediately after completing all the work associated with its installation;
  • weeds are extremely rare guests on such a surface. They may not appear for several seasons at once;
  • high surface quality, tear resistance, uniformity;
  • resistance to drought, damping off, high humidity and trampling.


  • high price;
  • poor growth in shaded areas;
  • complexity of installation;
  • shorter service life than seeded lawn.

Seeded lawn - advantages and disadvantages

A classic option that is very popular in our country. At first glance, it will be possible to equip it with much less time and financial costs. However, in order to get a perfectly smooth carpet, you will have to first become familiar with some of the features of this type of lawn.

You can choose from a wide variety of seeds. There are special lawn grasses that are resistant to negative environmental influences. Some of them are characterized by increased strength, thanks to which you can run on them, play sports games, and hold various public events. Others are intended exclusively for decorative use - they only decorate the area, but are very sensitive to mechanical stress.


  • affordable cost of seeds;
  • durability;
  • a wide range of different options;
  • perfect appearance after two years of growth.

There are also disadvantages:

  • the need for careful soil preparation for sowing;
  • Lawn care must be carried out regularly, in addition, it is very labor-intensive, and in this regard it is similar to watering and;
  • with manual sowing it will be almost impossible to achieve the most uniform distribution of seeds;
  • poor resistance to low temperatures.

Which lawn is better, rolled or seeded - comparative analysis

Buying seeds for sowing in many ways looks like buying a pig in a poke. The fact is that in this case it will be completely unrealistic to understand what exactly was purchased until the herbs not only sprout, but grow. The modern specialized market is filled with products from hundreds of manufacturers, and therefore the risk of running into an irresponsible brand selling low-quality goods is quite likely.

For example, low-growing varieties of grass, ideal for creating spectacular green carpets, in a year will look like cereal crops - with a stem and a height of almost a meter. It is also not uncommon to add ryegrass to grass mixtures - a plant that sprouts very quickly, thereby compensating for the speed of germination of the main crops. But the presence of ryegrass will negatively affect the future condition of the lawn, because this grass will suppress all other varieties included in the mixture.

The modern specialized market is filled with products from hundreds of manufacturers, and therefore the risk of running into an irresponsible brand selling low-quality goods is quite likely.

But as for the rolled lawn, the situation here is radically different. Manufacturers, as a rule, take a responsible approach to the choice of grass mixtures, since what exactly grows on the carpet will be very clearly visible to the buyer. Here there is such a parameter as the commercial appearance of the product - the more beautiful and high-quality the roll is, the more willingly it will be purchased.

Soil preparation

This event is decisive for the successful cultivation of not only a lawn, but also all other plants.

In order for the sown seeds to take root, you need to create a twenty-centimeter fertile layer of soil.

But for a rolled carpet, half the size will be enough - this is due to the fact that it partially already has a high-quality base for further cultivation in the form of a turf layer. Accordingly, in this case, the costs of soil preparation are significantly reduced, and much fewer requirements are put forward for its composition.

Before sowing seeds, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the land plot of all weeds and third-party plants present on it. When laying rolled material, this activity can be omitted.

A seeded lawn, especially at an early stage of its development, requires competent, labor-intensive and regular care. It is necessary to resort to weeding, removing weeds, watering and fertilizing. It is also strictly forbidden to walk on it. Among small seedlings, it is extremely difficult to determine where exactly the weed is formed.

While the root system of the green carpet is still weak, it can be destroyed by drought or, conversely, heavy rains. There is often erosion of the fertile layer, as well as soil erosion - these problems are extremely difficult to eliminate.

A seeded lawn, especially at an early stage of its development, requires competent, labor-intensive and regular care.

In the case of a rolled base, most of the disadvantages are eliminated. First of all, it should be noted that you can walk on it literally immediately after installation. After a short period of time - about two to three weeks, such a carpet is completely ready for the maximum permissible mechanical loads.

An important parameter on which not only the quality, but also the durability of the lawn directly depends. Roll material may be subject to significant stress several weeks after installation. The rigidity of the herbal mixtures used reliably resists trampling and, as a result, the appearance of bald spots on the carpet.

As for the seed, you will have to wait much longer. It will be possible to walk on it carefully in two to three weeks, but it will reach its maximum strength only after several seasons.

Rolled and seeded lawns are characterized by good resistance to trampling.

In general, both rolled and seeded lawns are characterized by good resistance to trampling. Here, a lot depends on the varieties of herbs, proper care, as well as the frequency of use.

Top dressing

Additional feeding of the soil on which the green covering grows is necessary in the case of both laying a rolled carpet and a sowing one. If this is not done, then the turf lawn will significantly lose its decorative appearance - it will become less saturated in terms of color and density, bald spots will appear, and the blades of grass will become much less durable. But the lack of fertilizing for the seeding carpet is like death. A lack of useful microelements and vitamins will inevitably lead to its death.

Perhaps the main task facing such lawns is decorating the area. A beautiful, well-groomed, rich green lawn can clearly demonstrate the good taste of its owner, as well as declare his high status. It also goes perfectly with other decorative elements, for example. In this case, it does not matter whether the material was purchased ready-made or whether the carpet was created using independent sowing.

The main task facing the lawn is decorating the area.

Both types boast amazing decorative properties. However, in the case of a roll, you can enjoy its aesthetics literally immediately after installation. But sowing requires a fairly long wait until the first blades of grass appear from the ground. Such a coating will reach its maximum density only after one or two seasons.

The cost of rolled lawn is its significant disadvantage. One square meter of this material will cost several times more than all the seeds combined. However, we should not forget that the buyer receives at his disposal a coating that is actually ready for use, while the seed one still needs to be grown. There is an analogy here with the cost of building materials and the finished structure.

The cost of rolled lawn is its significant disadvantage.

In the first case, you will need to pay not only for the seeds, but also various fertilizers, chemical treatments, care products, creation of an irrigation system, etc., and in the second - only for the decorative coating itself.

From all of the above, it is quite difficult to draw a specific conclusion and directly answer the question that interests many summer residents - which is better: a rolled lawn or a seed lawn. Here everything depends on many factors that directly affect the technical and operational characteristics of a particular type of green covering, as well as its advantages and disadvantages. First of all, this is:

  • existing climatic conditions in the area;
  • budget possibilities;
  • individual preferences of a person;
  • original product quality;
  • nursing literacy.

If you want to create a high-quality and visually attractive grass area as quickly as possible, you need to buy rolled material.

Rolled lawn is much more expensive than seeded lawn, but it requires much less maintenance. But a lawn you create with your own hands will delight you with its presentable appearance much longer than one purchased in a store. That is, a person himself has the right to decide which type is more suitable for him, and therefore better. You can only give him certain advice that will help him make the most optimal choice.

If you want to create a high-quality and visually attractive grass area as quickly as possible, you need to buy rolled material. It will be ready for limited use within a week after installation, purifying the air in the area from dust and other small contaminants dangerous to humans.

If you are the type of person who values ​​manual labor and handcrafted products, now is the time to stock up on plenty of high-quality herb seeds. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend more than one hour of free time on such a site, putting in quite a lot of physical and material effort.

If weeding for the owner of a summer cottage seems like real hard labor, it is recommended to pay attention to the finished turf. The dense root system of such grasses suppresses the development of third-party plants. For such coatings, the main care consists of regular watering and trimming, and these processes are quite simple to perform and can even bring some satisfaction.

It is necessary to clearly understand that you will have to invest in the seeded lawn throughout its existence. But this is also true for roll coatings, although, of course, on a smaller scale. Materials such as herbicides, pesticides, various fertilizers and fertilizers will need to be purchased in both cases.