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» Herbs and plants for winning. Herbs, roots, resins in magical rituals. Roots, rhizomes, tubers and bulbs

Herbs and plants for winning. Herbs, roots, resins in magical rituals. Roots, rhizomes, tubers and bulbs

From the beginning of spring, the time for collecting herbs begins and this period lasts until late autumn. I would like to clarify right away that herbs are collected for different purposes, taking into account certain properties of the plants.

Conventionally, the properties of plants can be divided into the following types:

Healing properties- those properties of a plant that allow you to preserve, maintain or restore health. For example, Icelandic moss or Icelandic cetraria helps improve immunity; it is also used as a choleretic, healing, anti-inflammatory, laxative and antimicrobial agent.

Household properties- those properties of a plant due to which people use these plants for comfortable life. So planting marigolds in the garden will help get rid of aphids, mole crickets and ants. If you splash essential oil cloves, this will provide you with a pleasant summer evening without annoying mosquitoes. Tobacco, lavender or myrrh can be put in wardrobe, this will protect clothes from moths and give things a special smell (what it will be is up to you to choose). Fabric is made from hemp and cotton, paper and furniture are made from trees, creams are made from fruits and herbs, etc. and so on.

Nutritional properties- those properties of plants due to which we can use them as food. Vegetables, fruits, berries, roots, seeds and leaves various plants help keep us alive and give us energy.

Magic properties- those properties of plants, thanks to which we can use them in Magic to protect, sanctify, heal, attract, strengthen, bloom or destroy something. For example, thyme has protective properties; it can be consecrated and hung over the entrance. Lovage will enhance the attractiveness if you add it to the bath and speak to the water. Laurel will help you take a high-ranking position and gain the respect of society.

Perhaps next time, before you wipe your dirty shoes on the grass or rip off a leaf from a tree to remove nervous tension, someone will remember that the plants that are around us are a generous gift from the Ancestress. And that if you need to pick or use them, then you need to do this with a clear understanding of the purpose.

In this article I will tell you how to collect correctly magic herbs, i.e. how to collect herbs so that their magical properties manifest themselves. So:

Understand what you need what you want to attract or change in yourself or your life. There can be several goals. And throughout the spring, summer and autumn (and winter, if anyone wants to collect the mistletoe correctly) you will harvest the necessary herbs.

The goals can be different, for example, protecting loved ones, comfort in the home, wealth and love.

Decide on those herbs which will be needed for this.

I will share with you how to make it very strong protective solar amulet. For it you will need to collect three solar herbs: sunflower petals, moss and St. John's wort.

For the amulet that will help create an atmosphere of comfort and peace in your home you will need apple flower petals, moss, lemon zest.

To create an amulet on attracting wealth, collect thyme, oak leaves and millet.

Very interesting action amulet for love will happen if you collect cinnamon, moss and verbena.

As you may have noticed, some amulets contain ingredients that are difficult to assemble on your own. They may simply not grow in the region where you live, or you may be in in the right place, but at the wrong time and this will also not allow you to collect the desired plant. The solution here may be to purchase required ingredient at a pharmacy, herbalist or in the food section of the store. But what can we do? These will be completely different herbs in terms of energy, their Magic force may be asleep or completely absent. I will tell you what to do in this case in this video.

So, we decided on the goal, we understood what herbs we needed for this. Now you need figure out what time to collect this or that magical plant. Here, in essence, everything is simple: we collect petals when the grass or tree is blooming, leaves and stems while they are in their sap (no longer small and not yet withered), seeds when they are ripe, roots in the fall, when all the strength of the plant is gone to the root. As you understand, we do not collect all the herbs on the Summer Solstice, simply because some plants by this time may have already lost the quality we are looking for, while others have not yet acquired it.

It is also important to know where, how and with what to collect magical plants?

Place to collect the right herb should be a pleasant experience for you. You should not collect grass for protection, wealth, love and other creative purposes in cemeteries, landfills, roadsides or ruins. It is best to collect magical herbs in nature, in the garden or on your own plot.

What to collect? Many herbs can be collected by hand or (if this is difficult to do by hand) magic knife with a white handle or a new knife purchased specifically for this purpose and used only for this purpose. But there are some plants that only need to be collected wooden knife, for example, nettle and datura.

When to collect? Typically, herbs are collected at dawn before the dew dries on them. This mainly refers to the collection of flowers and stems. The fruits can be collected in the morning and during the day, but the roots are dug after sunset.

How to collect? Imagine that you are Spirit. You live in the branches of a tree, care for it, protect it, negotiate with other Spirits so that they help or do not interfere with your tree. And then the time came and the fruits ripened on the tree, filled with juice and fragrance. And then a creature comes who, without asking, breaks branches and reaches for the most beautiful and ripest fruits. He throws them to the ground, doesn’t take all of them, but bites down the ones he took, throws some away, and takes some with him. How will you feel when left alone with a damaged and robbed tree? Your permission was not asked, your work was destroyed, you got the remnants of its former splendor...

Many people do not even realize the retribution that awaits them when they pull out an entire thyme bush in a clearing without permission, cut down a tree in the forest, or uproot steppe tulips. Every place, every plant is watched over by the Spirit. And if you collect or spoil something, the Spirit will take revenge for it. Of course, the Spirit’s vengeance will not manifest itself with lightning speed, and yet it will do everything to ensure that the offender experiences in his life the same thing that the Spirit experienced.

Therefore, prepare in advance. Take it with you fresh bread(I recommend taking bread for offerings) or good milk or coins of any denomination. Take a scarf or natural fabric where you will place the collected grass. Take a knife (if necessary). Approaching the place where the desired plant grows, break off a piece of bread and say with all respect:

Spirit of the Place, I (name or magical name), greet you. I ask you, accept this gift, let me collect (such and such a plant) in order to make an amulet (for such and such a purpose).

Mentally ask where to put the bread and place it where your gaze falls. Next, you will need to talk to the Spirit of the plant, from whom you will ask for part of it (and not simple part, but endowed with magical powers). Go to a tree, bush, flower or grass, break off a piece of bread and say:

Greetings, (name of the plant), please share with me your power, which (and you need to say what this power does, i.e. name the magical property that you need (and which this plant definitely has) for example, gives protection or helps to attract love).

Place a piece at the roots of the plant or on its branches. Cut or pinch, tear off or dig up the part of the plant you need. Fold the selected plant cloth or scarf. Take as many magical herbs as you need for your purpose. You shouldn’t take more than you need; a sense of proportion is more important than ever here. When you collect required quantity, thank the Spirits of plants and the Spirit of place:

“Thank you, Spirits (name of the herb) and Spirit of the place. Let there be peace between us."

You turn around and, without looking back, leave.

This way you will collect a plant endowed with magical power. It will keep in the plant for up to a year. next season specifically collecting this plant. If during this time you do not use the magic herb, then it is advisable to burn it or bury it with the words:

Let the power of (such and such) herb return to her. Let it be so and so it is!

I wish you fruitful practice and friendly relationships with yourself, your loved ones, Spirits and the World.

As you know, plants have strong energy. Many herbs are used in medicinal purposes, and someone uses them for magical rituals and ceremonies. But few people know that herbs can be powerful talismans and amulets. Let's look at the main names of herbs and how you can use their magical powers.

Aloe can become a talisman to attract money. It can be grown indoors. If you need luck and money outside the walls of your home, it is recommended to dry the aloe root and always carry it with you. Such a talisman will attract good luck at work, in communicating with people and will be able to guide you to the right decision.

The apple tree works real miracles! Divorce Apple orchard and you will feel the energy coming and vitality. The apple tree gives people youth and beauty. Her energy will help in any endeavor. It can also raise the self-esteem of girls who suffer from complexes.

Chamomile is considered a universal plant in magic. It brings money and health, and also attracts love and gives family happiness. Keep bouquets of chamomile in your house more often. In order to make a talisman from this plant, you can dry the flowers, put them in a bag and always carry them with you.

Dill is used to improve relationships in a married couple, as well as to attract love. This plant can awaken passion, preserve feelings and strengthen affection. And if you hang a bunch of dill on front door, then robbers will not break into the house.

Aspen may become a strong talisman for those who are afraid to speak in public. This tree helps develop eloquence. It gives you self-confidence and takes over fear. To make an aspen talisman, you will need either the roots of this plant or its top and branches.

Basil will attract abundance and money into the home. There is an opinion that basil helps overcome the fear of flying on an airplane, and in general eliminates the fear of heights.

Bay leafstrong amulet from negative energy envious people and enemies. It is able to neutralize any negative impact on its owner, and when necessary, restores energy.

Juniper will protect against diseases. If you decorate a window with its branches, it will not let negativity, damage and the evil eye into the house. The place where juniper grows is a source of energy where you can simply come and recuperate.

Marigolds will create a favorable atmosphere in the house. A bouquet of marigolds can charge your home with positive energy for a long time. In addition, this plant will help in solving legal problems. When going to court, you need to take the marigold flower with you, then the case will turn out in your favor.

Valerian is a plant of peace and tranquility. Its leaves are good to use to reconcile people. To do this, those who are in a quarrel need to discreetly place valerian leaves in the inner pocket of their clothes. Soon all grievances will subside and peace will reign.

Yarrow is a plant for family happiness and well-being. A bag of dried yarrow is given to newlyweds. According to ancient beliefs, this plant keeps spouses together for seven years. After this period, the husband and wife need to throw away this talisman bag and make a new one. Yarrow leaves protect the family from adversity and sorrow, give financial well-being and healthy children.

Plant talismans are our natural protectors and helpers. Using them, you can improve your position in life, become successful, healthy, loved and rich. If you found this information useful, click on and

15.11.2013 14:28

Nauz is an ancient Slavic weaving of knots aimed at attracting what you want. Sciences are woven from everything that can be woven: ...

Ecology of consumption. The moon greatly influences the quality of certain parts of plants collected. In this regard, the collection rules are applied in practice. medicinal plants

The moon greatly influences the quality of certain parts of plants collected. In this regard, the rules for collecting medicinal plants are applied in practice; in the first phase of the moon it is best to collect rhizomes, roots and root crops, especially in the sixth and seventh phases lunar day. During this period, energy and microelements are maximally found in the underground part of the plants.
The second phase of the Moon is most favorable for collecting above-ground plant organs. Energy coming from the bottom up carries out a lot of microelements. The best time to collect herbs is when the moon is visible.
The third phase of the Moon is similar to the first. During this period it is also good to dry herbs: microelements and others useful material better preserved. The fourth phase of the Moon is similar to the second in its properties when collecting herbs.
Quarter-moon short development cycles (phases) are conveniently modeled according to our seven-day social cycle, in fact. So the statements of experienced herbalists, which seem absurd at first glance, that, for example, plantain should be collected on Sunday, actually have a solid scientific basis, namely, knowledge of the peculiarities of plant rhythms.


The sun is a male “planet”, so plants help cope with specific male diseases. Plants of the Sun activate processes in the body - increase blood pressure, enhance hair growth, accelerate the maturation of abscesses. Solar plants invigorate, increase the tone of the body, strengthen the immune system. Plants of the Sun - dry, bright, flowering, round, yellow or golden in color, odorless or with a faint odor, grow in open places. The stem is hard, the leaves are tough. If it is a tree, then it is tall and straight, with a lush crown. Such plants are: orange, arnica, immortelle, valerian, grapes, cloves, heliotrope, red hyacinth, gentian, mustard, elecampane, angelica, St. John's wort, Ivan da Marya, raisins, ginger, calendula (marigold), cinnamon, mullein, chickweed, laurel, buttercup, coltsfoot, lemon balm, almond, juniper, mint, foxglove, sea buckthorn, cucumber, dandelion, plum, mistletoe, walnut, eyebright, parsley, tansy, peony, primrose, plane tree, sunflower, wormwood, motherwort, chamomile, fragrant rue, sandalwood, pine, bearberry, poplar, string, celandine, fennel, saffron, ash.


Elecampane - at the beginning of August, at noon, on the waxing moon and on the full moon.
St. John's wort - in July, August from sunrise to noon, on the waxing Moon.
Ivan da Marya - before sunrise, in the second quarter of the Moon.
Calendula (flowers) - at noon in the bright Sun, immediately after the new moon.
Coltsfoot - in the morning at dawn, on the waxing Moon.
Melissa - in the morning on dew, near the full moon.

Sea buckthorn - from midday to full moon sunset.

Dandelion (flowers) - in the morning after sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Sunflower - at noon, on the new moon.

The sequence is in the evening before sunset, near the full moon.


The moon gives plants the ability to reproduce. It affects the pistil, protective coverings of the plant and the fruit. Plants of the Moon contain a lot of juices, they have thickened stems and leaves with a dull color and a weak odor. Their flowers are white. According to US scientists from the University of Illinois, on a full moon vegetable plants grow more intensively and increase productivity by 15-20%. Potatoes were grown in the experimental plot.
Moon plants absorb diseases well. For example, white cabbage leaves are applied to the inflamed mammary gland. Magic plants The moons are lotus and white lake lily, willow and all the trees inclined towards the water.
Plants of the Moon: calamus, watermelon, banana, birch, willow, seaweed, mushrooms, melon, larkspur, willow, hyssop, white cabbage, potatoes, watercress, water lily, laurel, lily of the valley, water lilies, linden, lotus, onion, juniper, carrots, sea buckthorn, cucumber, aspen, shepherd's purse, plantain, purslane, chamomile, lettuce, marsh cinquefoil, poplar, turnip, pumpkin, tricolor violet, horsetail, white rose hip, apple tree.


Birch (tussocks) - during the day summer solstice, on the waxing Moon.
Cabbage, white - before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Lily of the valley - on the rising Sun on the morning dew, near the full moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset, during the full moon.
Cucumber - before sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Plantain (leaf) - during flowering, after evening dew, on the waxing Moon.
Chamomile - in the morning in the dew sunny weather, in the first quarter of the Moon.


Climbing, dry creeping subshrubs, small-leaved plants and plants with variegated colors, as well as all multi-component mixtures (including finely chopped salads). Mercury plants include: azalea, wild rosemary, birch, lingonberry, valerian, heather, bindweed, anthelmintic algae, knotweed, peas, elecampane, sweet clover, blackberry, strawberry, Ivan da Marya, galangal, cauliflower, fireweed, clover, coriander, lavender, cinquefoil, vines, marjoram, raspberry, juniper, wild carrot, coral moss, mint, birch mistletoe, hazel, fern, parsnip, shepherd's purse, parsley, wormwood, wheatgrass, chamomile, celery, knotweed, thyme, caraway, bearberry, shamrock arable, cane, dill, horsetail, hops, winter savory, string, blueberries, mulberries, rose hips, horse sorrel, endive.


Lingonberry (leaf) - before noon, in the second phase of the Moon.
Lingonberries (berries) - before noon, in the first phase of the Moon.
Sweet clover - before noon, on the waxing Moon.

Strawberry (leaf) - before noon, in the second phase of the Moon.
Strawberries (berries) - in the morning dew, on the waxing Moon.
Raspberry (leaf) - first half of the day, in the second phase of the Moon.

Mint - at sunrise, on the growing moon.
Birch mistletoe - after sunset, during the full moon.

Chamomile - in the morning after dew in sunny weather, in the first phase of the moon.
Bearberry - in the first half of the day, on the full moon.

Horse sorrel - after sunrise.


The planet gives plants the following characteristics: beauty, tenderness, aroma, attractiveness and charm, affects petals and flowers. The flowers of the plants are red-purple; white with a predominance of delicate tones, pleasant to the touch and taste. Venus has a fertile force and rejects everything harmful. Under its influence, plants accumulate necessary nutrients and vitamins. It is she who gives beauty and harmony to flowers and gives them a wonderful smell.
Plants of Venus apricot, marshmallow, wild rosemary, birch, elderberry, valerian, cornflower, verbena, strawberry, Ivan-da-Marya, Ivan-tea, viburnum, marsh marigold, clover, nettle, gooseberry, lavender, lily of the valley, levkoy, lily, burdock, lovage, raspberry, coltsfoot, bearberry, almond, young, lemon balm, mint, daffodil, forget-me-not, black alder, holly, peach, plantain, wheat, wheatgrass, rose, chamomile, wild rowan, sundew, marsh cinquefoil, osprey, licorice, caraway, bearberry, umbilical grass, yarrow, dill, beans, fennel, violet, chicory, bird cherry, blueberries, sage, rose hips, tarragon, apple trees, orchis.


Ledum - around noon, near the full moon.
Valerian (root) - near sunset, on the waning Moon.

Oregano - at the end of July, after sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Ivan da Marya - before sunrise, in the second phase of the Moon.
Ivan-tea - before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Clover - at sunrise, on the growing moon.
Lily of the valley - at sunrise on the morning dew, near the full moon.
Linden (color) - at noon under the scorching Sun, on the waxing Moon.
Raspberries (berries) - in the morning on the dew, on the waxing Moon.
Melissa - in the morning in the dew, near the full moon.
Peppermint - at sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Cumin - at sunset, on the growing Moon.
Dill - in the first half of the day, on the waxing Moon.


Jupiter, together with Venus, ensures assimilation nutrients plants, protects and guides their development. The ripening of fruits and harvest are under its beneficial influence. Plants of Jupiter are large-leaved, spreading, often with umbrella-shaped inflorescences and hollow trunks. Plants on the planet help restore strength after a serious illness. They cleanse the blood and liver. Oak is especially useful - a symbol of longevity and power. Plants of Jupiter- calamus, aloe, aster, marshmallow, anise, watermelon, birch, henbane, lingonberry, cornflower, cherry, wild carnation, hornbeam, yellow sweet clover, oak, angelica, datura, honeysuckle, strawberry, calendula, cabbage, chestnut, cranberry, hoof, coriander, lemon, larch, linden, burdock, leek, lovage, daisy, lemon balm, liver moss, foxglove, sea buckthorn, borage, dandelion, comfrey, nutmeg, parsnip, shepherd's purse, tansy, sycamore, plantain, wormwood common, motherwort, rhubarb, burdock, beetroot, red and black currants, pine, caraway, scurvy herb, yarrow, dill, fig, chicory, mulberry, pink rosehip, horse sorrel, eucalyptus, apple tree, ash.


Calamus marsh - near sunset, in the third phase of the Moon.
Althaea (root) - after sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Cabbage - before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Cranberry - in the morning or evening dew, on the waxing Moon.
Linden (flowers) - at noon, under the scorching Sun, on the waxing Moon.
Burdock (leaf) - at the end of July before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Lovage (root) - at the end of August before sunrise, on the waning Moon.
Foxglove - near sunset, in the third phase of the Moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset, during the full moon.
Shepherd's Purse - before noon, on the waxing Moon.
Plantain - around noon, on the waxing Moon.
Chicory (root) - before sunrise, on the waning moon.
Horse sorrel - after sunrise, in the second phase of the moon.
Apple tree - from sunrise to noon, on the waxing Moon.


Calamus, anemone, artichoke, basil, barberry, henbane, hawthorn, lingonberry, valerian, wolf's bast, buckwheat, gorse, hyssop, cactus, capers, cranberry, coriander, stinging nettle, watercress, gooseberry, onion, buttercup, madder tincture, mint, foxglove, sea buckthorn, sedge, fern, hot pepper, plantain, wormwood, motherwort, wheatgrass, radish, roses, marsh cinquefoil, boxwood, pine, arrowhead, blackthorn, bearberry, tomato, Chernobyl, black root, string, thistle , garlic, celandine, rose hips, hops, horseradish, tarragon.


Calamus marsh - before sunset, in the third phase of the Moon,
Lingonberry (leaf) - before the full moon, in the second phase of the moon.
Cranberry - by morning or evening dew, on the waxing Moon.
Sea buckthorn - from noon to sunset during the full moon.
Motherwort - around noon, on the waxing Moon.
Bearberry - first half of the day, on the full moon.

Rosehip - in the morning, after the dew has disappeared, on the full moon.


Saturn gives plants the following characteristics; stability, endurance, long-term preservation, crystallization, thickening, affects the root. Plants sown or planted at the wrong time and forced to grow in the wrong phase of the Saturn cycle develop slowly and often die.
Plants of Saturn: calamus, marshmallow, aconite, pansy, wild rosemary, henbane, immortelle, flea beetle, blue wrestler, legumes, lingonberry, valerian, cornflower, heather, hernia, sweet clover, oregano, fumifera, blackberry, spruce, larkspur, galangal, cypress, cranberry, groundsel, buckthorn, flax, lichen, bear's ears, juniper, moss, loquat, comfrey, aspen, nuts, fern, ivy, plantain, parsnip, nightshade, wormwood, rye, rue, rowan, beet, licorice, pine, thorn , yew tree, thuya, yarrow. horsetail, black hellebore, bird cherry, blueberry, thistlehead, sage, tarragon.
A decoction of lingonberry, bear's ears or blueberry leaves has a strong diuretic effect, so it helps to lose weight. But in order not to be washed out of the body along with extra pounds and precious calcium - do not forget to eat cottage cheese or apricots, rich in this element.


Calamus marsh - near sunset, in the third phase of the Moon.
Althaea (root) - after sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Ledum - around noon, near the full moon.
Belena - after sunset, near the full moon.
Immortelle - around noon, on the waxing Moon.
Valerian (leaf) - during the transition of the Sun from Cancer to Leo, afternoon, on the waxing Moon.
Valerian (root) - near sunset, on the waning Moon.
Cornflower - in the first half of the day, on the waxing Moon.
Heather - in the first decade of Virgo, on the waning Moon.
Blackberry - from noon to sunset, on the waning Moon.
Comfrey - before sunrise, on the waxing Moon.
Yarrow - near sunset, on a sunny, windless day, and in last quarter Moons.
Blueberries - in the morning dew, before the full moon.
Tarragon - before sunset, on the waxing Moon. published

Talismans, amulets and amulets made from plants.

Not only magicians, but also ordinary people undertake the production of amulets for homes, cars and people, without even noticing it. A child's favorite toy taken on a trip sometimes plays the role of a talisman to a greater extent than an amulet purchased from a magician. Do not scold your child on the road for a damaged or lost toy; it is quite possible that she took a “blow of fate”. And adults don’t lag behind children, buying keychains, jewelry and other trinkets. By hanging a keychain on the keys, we do this so that they do not get lost, thereby programming the keychain as a key amulet. By consciously making amulets and talismans for yourself, family and friends, you can avoid many troubles.

Amulet- a pleasant little thing in which protective forces are concentrated. The amulet protects the owner, house or car by repelling the evil eye, damage, illness, envy, theft, etc.

Amulet- a thing “charged” with active energy, which can be replenished in places of power or charged independently. The energy of the amulet is narrowly targeted, that is, it brings good luck in only one area. By charging an amulet “for love” you will receive it, “for money” you will receive money, for each action you need a separate amulet. Do not wear the used amulet, put it in a box and keep it at home. Don't let children play, don't show it to strangers.

For example, after the amulet works, put it in a black box and hide it in the northern part of the house. Amulet "for the birth of a child" in a white box and go home to the western part of the apartment. “Get well” in a yellow box and in the center of the house. Amulets can be charged in this place and maintain the achieved result.

Mascot- has all the properties of both a talisman and an amulet, and can both help and harm. A toy “grabbed” from someone else’s house can take revenge on the new owner. Other people's talismans will never be useful; they will give away all the negativity of the old owner in revenge. Sometimes talismans come unexpectedly: they are given, found, inherited, but they have one thing in common - affection for the owner. Having forgotten the talisman at home, the owner will be “out of place”, energetically feeling the gap and loss. The most accessible talismans for us are the pectoral cross, rosary or wedding ring.

On the one hand, it is good for people with a weak will to have talismans, since they nourish the owner, but on the other hand, if they are lost, they can get a nervous breakdown, since a strong attachment occurs. We must remember: if the talisman is lost, it means its power has been exhausted and the owner no longer needs it. Don’t despair, and if you need this type of magic, then look for it or wait for a new one to arrive.

Self-production medicinal fees.

The proposed therapeutic single doses and the number of herbs are not strictly mandatory; the doses of herbs depend on the state of health and well-being, as well as on the weight and age of the patient. Doses can be reduced, but should not be increased, and we also must not forget that many herbs are strong allergens.

All medicinal teas must be taken under the supervision of a physician. At the same time, you need to monitor your well-being and the body’s reaction. All plants can bring both benefit and harm. There are no “harmless” herbs that you can take just in case.