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» Tusur is passable. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. What kind of education can you get?

Tusur is passable. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. What kind of education can you get?

Information is updated by a representative of the educational institution. Last modified: 06/07/2016

License No. 1703.0000 dated 08/05/2011 00:00, valid indefinitely.

Accreditation No. 636.0000 dated 05/31/2013 00:00, valid until 05/31/2019 00:00.

Rector: Shelupanov Alexander Alexandrovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education in Russia. Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of education (2009). Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of science and technology (2013). Three times laureate of the Tomsk Region Prize in the field of education and science (2004, 2007, 2014).

He was awarded many industry awards and medals from FSTEC of Russia, FSB of Russia, Federation of Cosmonautics of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, Tomsk and Tomsk region.
Chairman of the Board of the Tomsk Professorial Assembly.
A.A. Shelupanov is the responsible manager (coordinator) of eight government projects under Resolutions No. 218 and 219 of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Member of the program committee of the largest European forum “European Forum On Electronic Signature - EFPI”. From 2000 to the present - Chairman of the organizing committee of the annual All-Russian competition of students and graduate students in information security "Sibinfo".

Scientific director of the ongoing scientific Tomsk IEEE seminar “Intelligent systems for modeling, design and control.”

Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of Tomsk.

Member of the expert council under the Deputy Governor of the Tomsk region for the scientific and educational complex and innovation policy.

Member of the Public Council under the Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Tomsk Region.

Availability of a military department: No

Availability of hostel: Yes

CodeNameQualificationProfileType of trainingType of trainingQuotas, peopleCompetition, person/placePassing score
11.03.01 (11.03.01) Radio engineering Bachelor not specified In-person Free 80 not specified 161
11.05.01 (11.05.01) Radio-electronic systems and complexes Specialist not specified In-person Free not indicated not specified not specified
09.03.01 (09.03.01) Bachelor not specified In-person Free 120 not specified 170
09.04.02 (09.04.02) Information systems and technologies Bachelor not specified In-person Free 20 not specified 205
09.03.03 (09.03.03) Applied Informatics Bachelor not specified In-person Free 22 not specified 172
09.03.04 (09.03.04) Software Engineering Bachelor not specified In-person Free 50 not specified 194
10.03.01 (10.03.01) Information Security Bachelor not specified In-person Free 25 not specified 210
11.03.02 (11.03.02) Bachelor not specified In-person Free 100 not specified 166
11.03.03 (11.03.03) Electronic design and technology Bachelor not specified In-person Free 75 not specified 158
11.03.04 (11.03.04) Bachelor not specified In-person Free 95 not specified 169
12.03.03 (12.03.03) Photonics and optoinformatics Bachelor not specified In-person Free 20 not specified 159
20.03.01 (20.03.01) Technosphere safety Bachelor not specified In-person Free 15 not specified not specified
27.03.02 (27.03.02) Quality control Bachelor not specified In-person Free 18 not specified 177
27.03.03 (27.03.03) System analysis and management Bachelor of Engineering and Technology not specified In-person Free 11 not specified 175
27.03.04 (27.03.04) Management in technical systems Bachelor not specified In-person Free 24 not specified 192
27.03.05 (27.03.05) Innovation Bachelor not specified In-person Free 18 not specified 173
28.03.01 (28.03.01) Nanotechnology and microsystem technology Bachelor not specified In-person Free 25 not specified 170
38.03.01 (38.03.01) Economy Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.02 (38.03.02) Management Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.03 (38.03.03) Personnel Management Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
05.03.06 (05.03.06) Ecology and environmental management Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.04 (38.03.04) Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.05 (38.03.05) Business Informatics Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
39.03.03 (39.03.03) Organization of work with youth Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
39.03.02 (39.03.02) Social work Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
40.03.01 (40.03.01) Jurisprudence Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
43.03.01 (43.03.01) Service Bachelor not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
10.05.02 (10.05.02) Information security of telecommunication systems Specialist not specified In-person Free 25 not specified 204
10.05.03 (10.05.03) Information security of automated systems Specialist not specified In-person Free 25 not specified 215
10.05.04 (10.05.04) Information and analytical security systems Specialist not specified In-person Free 25 not specified 206
38.05.01 (38.05.01) Economic security Specialist not specified In-person Paid not indicated not specified not specified
09.03.01 (09.03.01) Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
09.03.03 (09.03.03) Applied Informatics Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
09.03.04 (09.03.04) Software Engineering Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
11.03.01 (11.03.01) Radio engineering Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
11.03.02 (11.03.02) Infocommunication technologies and communication systems Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
11.03.04 (11.03.04) Electronics and nanoelectronics Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.01 (38.03.01) Economy Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.02 (38.03.02) Management Bachelor not specified Correspondence Free not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.03 (38.03.03) Personnel Management Bachelor not specified Correspondence Paid not indicated not specified not specified
38.03.04 (38.03.04) State and municipal administration Bachelor not specified Correspondence Paid not indicated not specified not specified
39.03.02 (39.03.02) Social work Bachelor not specified Correspondence Paid not indicated not specified not specified
40.03.01 (40.03.01) Jurisprudence Bachelor not specified Correspondence Paid not indicated not specified not specified

Description of the educational institution Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR)

TUSUR is one of the leading centers of education, fundamental and applied science in Russia. Training of specialists, bachelors and masters is carried out in 140 basic educational programs in the field of radio engineering, electronic and computer technology, programming, automation and control systems, information technology, information security, innovation, economics and social work.

TUSUR is a technical university that provides high quality education, guaranteed employment and career opportunities. One of the main priorities of the educational process at the university is the preparation of widely erudite, innovatively active specialists. For this purpose, an educational environment has been created aimed at highly effective training of graduates for staffing basic sectors of the economy, the social sphere and priority areas of development (PDD) of science, engineering and technology, including for business activities.

A feature of the TUSUR educational process is the opportunity for students to participate in group project-based learning, build an individual learning path, and use the university’s innovative infrastructure.

It is very important that more than 98% of TUSUR graduates, according to the employment office, find a job immediately after graduation. Of these, more than half decide on their future job while still studying.

TUSUR is a center of new educational technologies and a leader in the creation of information educational resources, as well as a center for innovative development of the university educational, scientific and innovative complex.
The mission of TUSUR as an entrepreneurial research university is to create and develop a cultural, educational, scientific and innovative environment that ensures the success of graduates, whose work and knowledge high technologies serve the state, society and the world.

Conditions for admission to Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR)

On June 20, 2016, the acceptance of documents at TUSUR begins.
When entering TUSUR, you must choose 3 areas of training/specialty
The applicant has the right to make changes to the list of selected areas of training/specialties before the deadline for accepting documents.

List of required documents:

  • application of the established form,
  • document or copy of education document with attachment,
  • identity document, citizenship,
  • 6 photographs 3x4 cm,
  • statement of consent to enrollment,
  • other documents confirming special rights upon admission in accordance with clause 4.16 of the Admission Rules.

You can submit documents in the following ways:
  • personally bring it to the selection committee in the main building of TUSUR at the address: Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 40,
  • transfer through the manager at document collection points,
  • send by mail to the address: 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 40, admissions office,
  • through the applicant’s personal account.
Direction of training/specialty Number of budget places 2016 Passing score 2015 Entrance tests

Radio engineering

80 161

Radio-electronic systems and complexes

30 172

Infocommunication technologies and communication systems

100 166

Russian language, mathematics, physics


Ecology and environmental management


Russian language, geography, mathematics

Electronic design and technology

75 158

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Technosphere safety


Russian language, mathematics, physics


Photonics and optoinformatics

20 159

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Electronics and nanoelectronics

95 169

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Nanotechnology and microsystem technology

25 170

Russian language, mathematics, physics


Business Informatics


Russian language, mathematics, social studies

State and municipal administration


Russian language, mathematics, social studies

Informatics and Computer Science

60 172

Russian language, mathematics, computer science

Applied Informatics

22 172

Russian language, mathematics, computer science

Software Engineering

50 194

Russian language, mathematics, computer science


System analysis and management

11 175

Russian language, mathematics, computer science

Management in technical systems

24 192

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Information systems and technologies

20 205

Russian language, mathematics, computer science

Informatics and Computer Science

60 170

Russian language, mathematics, computer science


Economic security


Russian language, mathematics, social studies

Information security of telecommunication systems

25 204

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Information security of automated systems

25 215

Russian language, mathematics, computer science

Information and analytical security systems

25 206

Russian language, mathematics, computer science

Information Security

25 210

Russian language, mathematics, physics

Becoming a TUSUR student is not easy: the university has serious requirements for applicants, but applicants can increase their chances of admission with the help of additional points, which are added to the results of the Unified State Exam or the results of the university entrance examination. Athletes, volunteers, young scientists

There are facts that are well known to all future applicants: “gold” and “silver” medalists, winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads, young people who have achieved sports success - candidates for master and master of sports, holders of the GTO Badge have special rights when admitted to a university. as well as voluntary assistants - volunteers (if they have a volunteer book recording the number of hours worked). Taking into account these and a number of other individual achievements of applicants is determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, however, there are some criteria that the university takes into account at its discretion. Let's look at them in more detail.

Thus, additional points upon admission to TUSUR are awarded to those who have completed training at the Open Youth University or the TUSUR School University - a structural unit of the university that trains high school students in the field of Information Technology. Participation in the work of the Druzhba Center for Youth Innovative Creativity is also taken into account, where schoolchildren realize their technical ideas in the field of prototyping, computer modeling, electronics and industrial design. Children of different ages study here, but high school students who complete the course during the academic year have the opportunity to receive a diploma, which gives them advantages for enrollment in the Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics.

Since 2017, the university has introduced a new parameter for recording the individual achievements of applicants - successful participation in the annual International Scientific and Technical Conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “TUSUR Scientific Session”. There is a separate section “Discoveries”. Creation. Projects”, created specifically for schoolchildren with the opportunity to present scientific reports in eight areas - chemistry, ecology, humanities, economics, physics, robotics, electronics, mathematics. All performances are evaluated by an expert commission, and the best participants in the event, along with an award, will now receive additional points for admission to a university. The next Scientific Session of TUSUR-2017 will take place in May; applications for schoolchildren are accepted until April 20.

The school years are, of course, wonderful, but the years ahead are even better. This is me talking about the wonderful time of being a student. To help applicants take their first steps in this wonderful time, namely, decide on a university, our newspaper is launching a series of articles for graduates and their parents about popular universities in Tomsk, where six higher educational institutions are located. And one of them is TUSUR, Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics.


TUSUR is one of the leading technical universities in Russia. It is among the top 5 universities in Russia in terms of the “Share of foreign students” indicator in the QS EECA ranking;
TUSUR took 11th place in the ranking of demand for engineering universities in the Russian Federation according to the “Social Navigator” project of the MIA “Russia Today;
every fifth Tomsk “UMNIK” (“Participant of the Youth Scientific and Innovation Competition”) is a graduate, graduate student or student of TUSUR. By the way, the winner of this competition receives a two-year grant - 400 thousand rubles - for the development of his scientific project.

Education can be obtained here:
1. Full-time – at 10 faculties in 6 specialties, 28 areas of undergraduate study and 37 master’s programs;
2. By correspondence – at the correspondence and evening faculty (ZiVF);
3. Distance – at the Faculty of Distance Learning (FDL).

TUSUR prepares higher education students at the bachelor's, specialist's (which is rarely seen anymore) and master's levels.
First of all, everyone is probably interested in the number of budget places and the passing score. TUSUR provides the largest “budget” at the Faculty of Radio Engineering. This is the largest faculty of the university. For example, in the direction “Infocommunication technologies and communication systems” there are 82 such places. To enter here, you need to pass physics, mathematics and Russian. The passing score this year is 182. And in the “Radio Engineering” direction – 172 (the lowest at the university)! Also, the Faculty of Computer Systems has 164 budget places (92 of them are in the direction of “Informatics and Computer Engineering”). Only the pass rate here is a little higher: 195. By the way, the highest pass rate (227 points) is in the “Information Security of Automated Systems” direction, and there are only 25 budget places there.
But in general, the “techies” were luckier. At the humanities and law faculties there is generally no opportunity to study at the expense of the state. As for the prices for paid education, they range from 99 to 141 thousand rubles for applicants this year.


All faculties can be studied in detail on the official website of TUSUR. It's very easy to navigate there. I’ll tell you about student life, about which you won’t find information on any website. And Alexandra Novokshanova, a resident of Sharypovo and 3rd year student of TUSUR, direction “Management”, will help me with this.

– Sasha, did you consider other universities when applying?
- Yes, I did. But the final decision fell on Tomsk, which I am very happy about. And I didn’t regret it. Studying at TUSUR is a pleasure if you enter based on your own desires and feelings. In my field of study, studying does not bring any inconvenience if you do everything on time. In the first year, we almost always studied from the first class; by the third year, the school day starts from 10:40-12:15, you can get enough sleep.
– Did they somehow help you get used to student life in your first year?
- Certainly! Each group is assigned a teacher-curator who can be contacted in any situation. In addition, we, like everywhere else, have an institute of curators - this is an organization of students that helps first-year students get comfortable in their group. There are also tutors - volunteer senior students who can help with free tutoring or simply provide moral support.
– What is GPO – a system of group project-based learning?
– Every student can take part in the GPE, this is especially interesting for state employees, who receive additional payments to the scholarship for this. I also have my own group and project, which is called “Monitoring the attendance and performance of 1-2 year students of the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics.” We have control points by which we monitor student attendance, and if we see that it is less than 85%, we send a letter to the truant’s parents. In my opinion, this encourages you not to miss classes and really study.
– After receiving your diploma, do you plan to go to work in your specialty?
- Yes, definitely. I am very interested in the field of merchandising. Or, for example, working in continuous production is when mass products of some kind are made on an assembly line: pharmaceuticals, clothing, and so on. I can already imagine how I’m sitting and calculating how many products were produced, how many were missing...
– What is your scholarship at the university? Is it possible to reach higher prices?
– Regular – 1639 rubles. There are also bonuses for participation in the GPO, as I already said: everyone receives an additional 1200-1400 per month. And it’s easy to get to the higher level. An example of this is almost all of my classmates who are on a budget. You need to “close” three sessions in a row only with “excellent.” and you can get a cash incentive of up to 15 thousand rubles! By the way, for those who enter this year with a Unified State Examination score of 240 or higher, TUSUR provides an increased scholarship of 7 thousand rubles for the entire first semester.
– Tell me about the educational buildings. After all, most of each student’s time passes inside them.
– I study in the educational and laboratory building, it is 800 meters from the hostel, which is very convenient, you can walk there in 10 minutes. It was built and launched not long ago; there are beautiful modern rooms, projectors, and interactive whiteboards. And in general, all our classrooms are spacious and equipped with the necessary equipment.
– Study is study, and lunch is on schedule. What places are there at the university to grab a bite to eat between classes? How much will it cost on average?
– We have canteens in each building where students can eat well. Lunch will cost about 200–250 rubles.
- Isn't it expensive?
– I most often bring lunch with me. Eating in the canteen every day is a little expensive.


– Let’s touch on life in the hostels. How would you rate comfort out of 10?
“When I first saw the room where I would live, I was a little horrified. Shabby walls, empty beds and closets are uncomfortable. But over time I got used to it. Sectional type dormitory: the section consists of 8 rooms. Each has 2 toilets, a shower, sinks, and a kitchen. The kitchen has 2 stoves, sinks, tables. There are no problems with neighbors or with everyday life. The shower is open 24 hours a day. Out of habit, of course, the hostel brings discomfort. But if I were offered to rent an apartment at the moment, I would refuse. I’m already used to this image: your friends and classmates are nearby, it’s much more fun here. And yes, student life is not the same without a hostel. I rate my comfort level at 8.
– What is there in the hostel?
– A store, a gym equipped with exercise equipment, mats and weights for training, a dance hall, rooms for activist meetings and a training room, a cafe.
- I know that TUSUR has a holiday that is celebrated especially brightly - with a procession and they also say that you throw televisions from the top floor of the hostel. This is true?

– Radio Day, which is celebrated annually on May 7, is a professional holiday for Tusurovites. The celebrations last for a whole week. They organize the RadioBOOM festival, within the framework of which they hold ceremonial, creative, sports and charitable events, as well as a traditional procession and, yes, the dumping of unusable equipment. In 2016, it was planned to set a Guinness record - dropping 500 pieces of equipment. The most annoying thing is that we actually set this record, but were unable to document it.
- And if it falls on someone’s head...
– Don’t worry, everything is safe. At least nothing has fallen on anyone's head yet. At a certain time, everyone gathers near the walls of the hostel, forming a semicircle. At this time, on the 9th floor there are already pre-prepared televisions, computers and keyboards. Activists from among the students, having placed a mattress on the window to facilitate the process, take it and, one by one, throw it all down. This all lasts about 15 minutes, no more. This is the show.

Today, more than 11 thousand students study at TUSUR, 2 thousand of which are from different foreign countries.


Acceptance of documents for full-time and part-time studies begins on June 20. In order to enroll here, you will need:
certificate (original or copy) with attachment;
copy of the passport;
6 photographs 3x4 (can be taken at TUSUR when submitting documents in person).
If it is not possible to personally visit the admissions office (Tomsk, Lenina Ave., 40), then you can submit documents:
through your personal account on the website;
transfer through the manager at field reception points;
send by mail (not e-mail) to the address: 634050, Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 40, admissions office.

No worries, graduates! And not a feather!

In accordance with the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 21, 1962, the Institute of Radio Electronics and Electronic Technology (TIRIET) was organized in Tomsk. TUSUR received its modern name in 1997.
Currently, TUSUR trains specialists, bachelors and masters in 140 basic educational programs in the field of radio engineering, electronic and computer technology, programming, automation and control systems, information technology, information security, innovation, economics and social work.

The university includes 13 faculties, 8 research institutes, the Institute of Further Education, the Institute of Innovation, the Institute of System Integration and Security, the Center for Professional Retraining, the Center for International IT Training, and the Academy of Business Informatics.

In 2004, TUSUR was the first in Russia to open a student business incubator.
Since 2011, TUSUR graduates can receive European-style supplements to their higher education diploma.
In 2011, TUSUR won the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science to support strategic development programs for universities for 2012 - 2014. A joint project of TUSUR and JSC ISS named after. ak. M. F. Reshetnyov" became the winner of the public competition according to government decree No. 218. The TUSUR program became the winner of the competition to support the activities of student associations of Russian universities, held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

A feature of the TUSUR educational process is the opportunity for students to participate in group project-based learning, build an individual learning path, and use the university’s innovative infrastructure. More than 98% of TUSUR graduates, according to the employment office, find a job immediately after graduation. Of these, more than half decide on their future job while still studying.

Faculty of Distance Learning TUSUR (FDO TUSUR)- the largest department of the university. FDO TUSUR has over 7,000 students living in more than 100 cities in Russia and the CIS countries, 17 years of work experience and more than 5,500 graduates.

Distance educational technologies used in the educational process of TUSUR are based on the use of the Internet to provide student access to information educational resources of our university, regardless of its location. These technologies provide comfortable distance learning and getting you quality higher education.

You can receive a first or second higher technical and humanitarian education remotely using distance learning technologies in areas of training.

Education is one of the most important components of a successful career, the ability to navigate life situations and be a competent person in any circumstances. Without proper education it is impossible to get a decent job. The problem is that many people have practically no time to attend lectures every day. The reason for this may be a remote place of residence, employment, as well as the presence of children who need to be looked after. Yes, there may be other reasons. For such people, distance learning TUSUR - control systems and radio electronics was created.

Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning

Distance learning TUSUR offers its applicants a very convenient and profitable education program. But, like any other learning process, it has its advantages and pitfalls. First, let’s look at the advantages that distance learning gives us. Firstly, you can start training at any time that is convenient for you. In distance learning, there is no such thing as clearly defined session periods. You study remotely from your home or workplace. There is absolutely no need to travel somewhere, which means you can remove the “transportation costs” column from spending on education. You independently determine the pace of your learning depending on your work commitment and your own ability to absorb new information. You take all tests, finals and exams via the Internet.

There are not many negative aspects to this method of study, but they still exist. TUSUR distance learning is suitable for people capable of self-discipline. There is no control on the part of teachers under such conditions for acquiring knowledge, the schedule is quite flexible, which means that the likelihood of putting everything off until the very last moment is very high. The second drawback will affect you if you do not learn information well on your own and require detailed and repeated explanations from a professional teacher. Still, TUSUR distance learning involves the majority of the provided manuals and literature, as well as access to the resources of the training system.

What kind of education can you get?

FDO TUSUR offers its applicants ample educational opportunities. With the help of the educational institution's programs, you can obtain a first or second degree, improve your qualifications for successful career advancement, and take short-term courses in certain areas of training. Training programs also include retraining according to your profile if you decide to radically change your professional activity.

How to proceed

To get started, read the statutory documents of the FDO TUSUR on the website of the educational organization. The next step is choosing the direction in which you will undergo training. The third step is submitting documents to the admissions committee. You will be required: an application addressed to the rector, six photographs of size 3 by 4 with the surname on the back side, the original document on education or its certified copy with a statement of consent to enrollment (it must indicate the name of the organization in which the document is located), When transferring from another educational institution, a certificate of the established form is required. You need a passport, and also, if you changed your last name, a document confirming this. In addition, you must sign an agreement on the provision of paid educational services using distance learning technologies.

Applicants must pass the entrance examination to TUSUR. Written examinations are accepted for applicants with secondary and higher professional education. Students with secondary general education must provide USE results.

TUSUR: faculties

TUSUR offers its applicants 12 faculties to choose from. Among them there are both humanitarian and technical ones. Humanitarian ones include:

At the end of mastering all programs and disciplines required by the Ministry of Education, the student undergoes final certification. Upon completion, he is issued a state diploma.