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» A comfortable do-it-yourself bean bag chair in just half an hour. DIY bag chair: materials and assembly steps Sew a bag chair from old jeans

A comfortable do-it-yourself bean bag chair in just half an hour. DIY bag chair: materials and assembly steps Sew a bag chair from old jeans

Frameless chairs are used to save space, so the question of how to sew a bag chair with your own hands often arises among residents of modern apartments, because ready-made copies are not cheap. Such interior items are bright, soft and can be a bean bag or ottoman, a giant pear or ball. Sewing a bag chair with your own hands is not too difficult, there are several ways to do this. With at least some sewing skills, things usually go faster, but even a beginner, with effort, can cope with this task, spending perhaps a little more time. Even if the work does not look perfect, this fact can be disguised as an author's idea and get a unique handmade bean bag chair.

The bag chair is popular because it takes the shape of the body of everyone who sits on it.

DIY bag chair: choice of material

Frameless furniture is subject to the same loads during operation as standard furniture, and possibly to a greater extent. Therefore, before sewing a bag chair, you need to choose the right fabric for it. The material should be durable and pleasant to the touch, and everyone chooses the colors from those available to their liking. In order to sew a bag chair on your own, silk, satin, calico or satin will definitely not work, as they are too thin and fragile and are not intended for this kind of exploitation.

You can use velor for the outer cover, this fabric resembles faux fur, it is soft and fleecy to the touch, velvety and quite durable. Flock is similar to it with its properties, which also has water-repellent properties. This fabric is recommended for use by young children, as it is very easy to wash or clean and does not fade in the sun for a long time.

Chenille fabric can be used to sew the bag chair.

If, in order to sew a bag chair, you can use fabrics of non-natural origin, then chenille is a good option. This fabric has synthetic fibers in its composition, due to this the surface does not form pellets, is easy to care for and, like any furniture fabric, is quite durable. Jacquard is very similar to chenille, which also has a small percentage of synthetic fibers. Despite the presence of a loop pile on the front surface, this coating does not unravel if one thread is accidentally hooked and broken. It is recommended to sew a chair from such a fabric, as it is durable and all dirt is easily washed off its surface.

A do-it-yourself bag can be sewn using artificial suede or leather. These materials are not budgetary, but a bag chair made of them will last a long time. Faux suede has pile and is very durable, leather can be embossed and is also very durable. With no restrictions on funds, you can also use a tapestry, it is a very durable and dense fabric of natural composition, on which various patterns are woven. This type of material has anti-static properties, so it is especially good for sewing a chair filled with Styrofoam balls.

You can fill the chair bag with foam balls.

The fabric that will be used for sewing the inner bag can be any. Mandatory characteristics are breathable properties, since air must freely pass through the structure without preventing it from taking the desired shape. You can not take slippery and too loose fabrics for the inner bag; lining materials used in tailoring will not work. You can take satin, calico or flannel, chintz and cotton are used in 2 additions.

Most often, the fabric sold in rolls has a factory width of 140-150 cm, which is enough to sew a frameless chair without unnecessary seams. A material of a smaller width is not suitable for every model, and it is not advisable to choose a larger width, since the remains are unsuitable for further use and go to waste.

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How to sew a pear chair with appliqué

For work you will need:

  • coarse calico, satin;
  • fabric for the outer cover;
  • 2 zippers;
  • appliqué fabric;
  • filler;
  • threads in color;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure;
  • pencil;
  • pins.

The pattern needs to be transferred to the fabric, increasing to the desired size. Most often, the pattern consists of a small lower part, which will serve as the bottom, and 6 wedges for the chair itself. Details are cut out, leaving the necessary allowances for the seams. Before stitching or after it, it is imperative to process the inner edges of the seams. If the fabric is dense and voluminous, it is more convenient to process it in one layer before the cover is sewn. Artificial leather, suede and flock do not need this operation, since their edge does not crumble.

In order to sew a frameless bag with your own hands, you must first fold and sew all the wedges in turn, while leaving a small area unsewn, a zipper is inserted into it. Two seaming wedges are folded with the right sides of the fabric inward and cleaved with pins so that the fabric does not move out and the seams are even. All 6 wedges are sewn in this way, not forgetting the zipper. For a beginner in the sewing business, it can be advised to start with the inner cover, on which the errors are not so critical and practically invisible, and then take on the outer one, which must be sewn flawlessly.

The bottom is sewn on last. The lower, inner cover, which any bag chair has, is sewn in the same way, but it is usually easier to work with it, since its fabric is thin and easier to process. To fill the inner cover with filler, and remove the outer one for washing or cleaning, a zipper is sewn into one of the wedges.

The zipper in both covers must be sewn with special care, checking the strength of the fixation of the slider. An open zipper will create a lot of difficulties with collecting the filler and placing it back into the case. A zipper on the inner cover is necessary, since the filler becomes caked after a while, it is necessary to fill it up so that the chair does not lose its shape. The inner cover for 2/3 of the volume is filled with a special filler, then the zipper is fastened and the outer cover is put on it.

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How to sew a rectangular frameless bag with your own hands

To make such an interior item, you will need the following materials:

  • fabric for the inner cover;
  • fabric for the outer cover;
  • threads in tone;
  • 2 zippers;
  • filler;
  • needles;
  • tailor's pins;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • tape measure;
  • square.

Patterns can be drawn on paper and then transferred to the fabric or drawn directly on the fabric. They are cut out, leaving the desired size allowances for the seams.

First of all, in order to sew a chair, you need to connect the bottom and back, while not forgetting to insert a zipper into the seam. After that, the sides and back are sewn together. The front side is sewn to the sides last, the seams are processed using an overlock or a zigzag seam on a typewriter. After that, the bag chair is turned inside out.

In order to sew a rectangular chair and ensure that this shape is maintained during operation, it is necessary to process the seams with a piping or make an additional line along their contour, attaching the seams to the inner contour at a distance of 0.7 cm. Then the filler is poured into the inner cover, fastened with a zipper and put on outer cover.

Such an element of interior decor as a pear chair has gained great popularity; any needlewoman who has used a needle and thread at least once can make it with her own hands.

We sew a pear chair with our own hands: materials and tools

In order to find out how much fabric you need, you should decide on the desired size of the chair, since its consumption depends on this value. Based on the average size of a chair that is suitable for an adult, you will need:

  • Millimeter for making patterns
  • Fabric for the main (inner) cover. It can be calico or white satin. It is undesirable to use another color in order to avoid its translucence through the second cover. Cut size 3.5m x 1.5m
  • Removable cover fabric. It is better to immediately use several color options for the fabric for the manufacture of several covers. The fabric should be durable and pleasant to the touch. The color should be chosen based on the interior design and color scheme in it. Cut size 3.6m x 1.5m. The size is slightly larger than the first one in order to make the case loose, and you can easily put a bag of granules into it
  • Lightning. For the inner cover, you need to take a zipper 40 cm long. For external - 60cm
  • Filler. The required amount is a quarter of a cube. Foam foam is usually used
  • Sewing machine
  • Ruler, pencil, sharpened bar of soap, or special fabric pencil

For sewing such a chair, a special pattern is used. It can be found in two versions, both quite common and easy to perform. The first option suggests sewing the main part of the chair from wedges, the upper part is a hexagon, and the bottom is a circle.

The second option is fundamentally different from the first. The side of the chair is cut in two parts, the top of the chair resembles a drop, the bottom, as in the previous version, is round.

In this master class, we will use the first pattern. To build a pattern, it is better to immediately use full-scale sizes, which will prevent possible errors when calculating scaling. In total, the chair can be thought of as a simple bag. The height of the wedges, for which one piece of the pattern is built, should be 1.2m, width - 0.45m. The top of the chair is a hexagon with a height of 0.21m and a width of 0.182m.

On the image of the pattern there are two details of the bottom, this is only half of the element, the bottom consists of two central and two extreme parts. The bottom is presented in separate parts to save fabric. Savings occur due to the fact that these parts can be cut out of scraps from other elements of the pattern.

Open the fabric.

Lay the fabric on a firm, flat surface with the wrong side facing up. You need to experiment with the layout of the patterns in order to get the most optimal and economical cutting option.

When you have decided on the layout of the patterns, you need to transfer them to the fabric with a margin of 1 cm around the perimeter for seam allowances and cut out the details. Allowances for all parts are the same.

If this is done by one person, then more time and effort will be spent, since each detail will need to be pinned to the fabric. The side wedge will need to be pierced six times. If you do this together, then it will take much less time, because one person will hold the pattern without attaching it.

Cover sewing.

To sew the chair cover, you must first sweep the bottom details so that they are symmetrical. Then sew on a typewriter along the marked joints of the parts and iron the seams with an iron.

Sweep and then sew all side pieces except for the final seam. The seam should be 1cm from the edge. Bend the allowances so that they look in one direction. Then turn the part inside out and sew all the seams on the typewriter again from the front side, capturing the allowances. This will give the chair extra strength and durability. After that, you can sew the last seam. From the wrong side, stitch 40 cm at the top and bottom. In the remaining 40cm in the middle, sew in the prepared zipper.

The next step is to sew the hexagonal part of the top to the resulting pipe. The bottom is sewn on last. All these actions must be done with the zipper on the cover open, so that there is always free access for the hand on the wrong side, if suddenly something needs to be corrected or straightened during work.

The outer cover is sewn similarly to the inner one. When both cases are ready, you need to put the smaller case into the larger case. Then pour the filler and close the zippers on the covers. The pear chair is ready. The result can be seen in the photo:

In such a chair, everyone will be comfortable, as it takes the form that the posture of a seated person sets.

Video selection on the topic of the article

Your attention is invited to a video selection of lessons in which the manufacture of a pear chair is considered, as well as recommendations for tailoring.

When planning to make a master class on sewing the now popular bean bags, or bean bags, I realized that the main difficulties for those who decide to sew a bean bag arise with the selection of material.

What is a bean bag, or bean bag, I will not explain here, there have already been such publications at the Fair.

In short, bean bag consists of:

  1. outer case
  2. Inner case
  3. Fillings in the form of expanded polystyrene granules.

That is, for self-production of a bean bag, we need:

1. Fabric for the outer cover of the chair

2. Fabric for the inner cover of the chair

3. Filling

  1. Strong threads
  2. long zipper

Let's take a closer look at each point.

Fabric for the outer cover. Which one can be used and where can I get it? There are many options. The most inexpensive, and perhaps quite affordable material is Oxford. Jacket-like fabric. Tents and various tourist primambas are sewn from a similar fabric. Usually comes with waterproof impregnation. Found in fabric stores. It is inexpensive. Available in bright, solid colors. And often still found with a protective, "military" print.

Bean bags made of this fabric are good if you plan to use an armchair, for example, on the street, on the veranda of a country house. We took pouffes-tablets from Oxford for public events in nature. For the home, in my opinion, it is better to look for a more comfortable fabric.

Ideally furniture. The fabric used in the manufacture of standard sofas, armchairs. It is better to use plain fabrics: chenille, flock, microvelvet.

I have not seen furniture fabrics in fabric stores, or they are sold in a very, very narrow assortment, and it is unrealistic to pick up something worthwhile there.

You need to look for a company that wholesales furniture fabrics and supplies furniture production in your city. As a rule, they all work for cash. True, not everyone cooperates with individuals. So you have to call and check. And, as a rule, such companies agree to sell at least 1 meter of fabrics.

Micro-velvet, also called "Velvet LUX" has a very large selection of solid colors, and the colors are very pleasant. The fabric is also not very expensive. Cheaper to buy corduroy lux at wholesale price than oxford at retail price. As another plus of this fabric - the cover from it can be washed in a washing machine. True, the manufacturer does not allow this. But I washed mine repeatedly, for a year now, and nothing.

Also, furniture fabric suppliers can look at artificial leather, or as it is called "eco-leather", and artificial fur. And all this at very reasonable prices! Again, fur and eco-leather - for an amateur. Eco-leather is good for office space, for example.

You can combine eco-leather and fur.

There is also such furniture fabric as faux suede:

As a bonus, you can also ask fabric swatches from suppliers of furniture fabrics, you can do a lot of things from them.

And also very cool bean bags are obtained from dense printed fabrics, such as tapestry, gabardine, twill. The density is similar to jeans. They are the hardest to find. Armchairs are interesting, bright.

You can also take a closer look at curtain fabrics: the choice is much easier, and due to the large width (usually 2.8-3m), not much fabric is needed at all.

There are interesting fabrics all in the same Ikea. You just need to look at which are dense and which are not. The following chairs were sewn from IKEA fabrics:

Tip: walk through the salons with upholstered furniture. All salons have fabric samples for upholstery selection. On top of the sample, there is usually the name of the factory and the website. On the back of the fabric - the name and shade that you need to remember. Next, you can contact the factory, go to their website, find the nearest representative who may sell you the fabric you need.

Yes, an ordinary household sewing machine as a whole sews furniture fabrics quite well. Faux leather and fur are a little more difficult.

Chair fabric. Many manufacturers use dense spunbond. Ideally with small holes for ventilation. This material is cheap, and therefore has found wide application. Sold mainly in rolls. Finding a spunbond of the required density is quite difficult. If you use a loose spunbond, the product may "part".

Therefore, it is better to use fabric for the inner cover. The fabric must be:

  • dense, not less than 130-150 g/m;
  • breathable, otherwise the balls inside will “stick together”.

Take a closer look at fabrics for workwear, for example, medical - relative availability and an adequate price.

Chair filler. Expanded polystyrene granules are used as a filler. Only balls, no crumbs, no waste! Buy from manufacturers or online. The pellets are very light (the weight depends on the density, they usually sell pellets with a density of 15: 1000 liters weigh about 15 kg), so mail delivery will not be very expensive.

The smaller the balls, the better. Ideally 1-2 mm, not bad and 3-5 mm.

A large bean bag will take 300-400 liters, depending on the pattern. And it’s better to take a supply right away, about 100-150 liters, since the granules tend to “sag” over time and decrease in volume. 100-150 liters is enough for an ottoman.

You will also need lightning: on the outer case it is long so that it is possible to remove the case, on the inner case it is short enough. No. 5 roll zippers work well.

Threads must be durable. Otherwise, the product will quickly tear at the seams! Regular #40 threads will not work. We used #70 threads. The thread should be difficult to break with your hands, or not break at all.

And another small "trifle" - blocks. They are needed if a non-breathable fabric is used for the outer cover, or for decorative purposes. You can put in the studio. You can do without them.

Here, in a nutshell, is what she knew. I apologize for some of the photos. I hope my post is helpful to someone!

The soft and cozy chair will become irreplaceable entertainment for your children. After all, such a chair has no sharp corners and takes any shape of the body.

Necessary materials
- Fabric (breathable, dense) two-thread (3 meters).
- Plastic zipper.
- Cloth (dense) oxford. Black - 2.5 meters, white - 1 meter, and orange - 50x50 cm.
- Filler (polystyrene foam) (200 liters). Can be purchased at a hardware store.
- Sewing machine.
- Threads, needles.
- Velcro (10-20 cm).


We sew an outer cover

1. We cut out 6 side parts from black fabric and “two-thread” fabric. They will serve as our inner and outer cover. The sides should be pear-shaped. They are larger on the bottom and smaller on the top.

2. Cut out the bottom from the same fabrics. The bottom should be larger than our lid.

3. Cut out the lid from the same materials. In order for our parts to converge, it needs to be made in a hexagonal shape.

P.s. The sides of the hexagon should be equal to the top and base of the pear.

4. Cut out the tummy for our penguin, from white fabric. And sew it with black fabric.

6. Then we sew the side parts to our zipper, and the tummy.

7. Cut out the paws, from orange fabric, 4 things, and sew them together.

8. Cut out the eyes. To do this, take a white fabric, and cut out an irregular figure eight from it, and then two small, black circles. They also need to be connected.

9. Cut out the nose, two triangular areas. We also sew two parts. We sew the nose to our tummy, and sew the eyes on top of the nose.

10. We also cut out the wings from the fabric, 4 triangular areas, and sew them to our torso.

P.s. Before stitching the orange fabric and wings, you need to fill them with cotton wool or polystyrene foam.

After all the steps, we should get such an outer cover.

We sew an inner cover

It needs to be sewn so that our little foam polystyrene balls do not crumble.

11. It is sewn in the same way as the outer cover. In addition to attaching the bottom.

12. We will make the bottom with Velcro to fill the cover. We cut the bottom into two parts, the first part should be smaller than the second. We attach our Velcro to both parts, putting the parts on top of each other.

Making a bean bag chair with your own hands is quite simple. Such an element of furniture provides many advantages, because today the product is considered one of the most popular and stylish interior elements.

The structural diversity of frameless furniture allows you to adapt the item to individual requirements. You can make a spectacular and comfortable seat for yourself or children, based on the step-by-step manufacturing instructions described in this article.

Beanbags are the best furniture product, as they provide for practicality and ease of use. Contrary to the belief that they are a "dust collector", bean bags are much easier to clean, since removable covers can be easily machine washed. Simple maintenance, safety make the product in demand and relevant. Over time, the filler can be added to the required volume of the chair.

Among the most significant advantages of furniture without a frame are:

  1. Mobility. Frameless furniture provides a small weight in comparison with armchairs, sofas with a wooden frame.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Natural fabrics and hypoallergenic filling make such furniture environmentally friendly.
  3. Security. The elements do not provide for corners, which allows you to secure the space for children.
  4. Ease of maintenance. The product allows you to quickly clean.
  5. Durability. High-quality filler does not absorb moisture, dust, keeps its shape.
  6. Convenience, comfort. Frameless furniture adapts to the curves of the body, spine, creating comfortable conditions for relaxation.

This type of product will help you relax after a hard day's work, they will perfectly serve as children's furniture.

What you need to make a bean bag chair

Before you make a bag chair, you need to prepare the materials.

You need to understand that to create a large-scale product, many components will be required:

  • fabric for creating inner and outer covers;
  • two large zippers for convenient use and maintenance of the chair;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • filler;
  • a sewing machine will simplify the process of work, providing a neat seam.

The volume of materials is determined by the desired dimensions of the product.

How to sew a bean bag chair - a step by step description of the process

When deciding to make a furniture element on your own, you need to competently approach the preparatory work. It is important to make a pattern, calculate the amount of materials for tailoring the product. We will consider each item that will help in creating a bean bag chair. There are many types of product design, which will make a stylish furniture element suitable for the interior.

Creating a pattern + ready-made patterns

It will help to make an even chair bag pattern. You can draw a diagram yourself by calculating the size of the chair. Initially, it is necessary to determine the type of binbeg, and then select the appropriate drawings. Different designs require different basic components.

The scheme of the drop chair mainly consists of a common main part (back, side elements), a seating area and the bottom of the product.

A round product, as well as a pear chair, is formed from wedges. Their number is determined by the required dimensions of the seat. In addition to the side elements, there are two circles for the upper and lower parts of the chair. We must not forget about the allowance for stitching the components.

Filler selection

More often, expanded polystyrene is used as a filler. Round granules allow you to create a light, comfortable product that will not be subject to liquid absorption, will become a breathable, hypoallergenic interior component. Balls do not absorb odors, dust does not settle on them. At the same time, expanded polystyrene has excellent thermal insulation.

Over time, foam balls can lose their shape. You can update the chair by adding polystyrene foam.

In addition to it, in the production of bean bags, the following are used:

  • wood shavings;
  • cereals;
  • down, feathers;
  • holofiber, synthetic winterizer.

When choosing natural materials, it is necessary to take into account allergenicity, the ability to absorb moisture, dust. Hollofiber, synthetic winterizer, foam rubber roll faster. Grains and shavings do not withstand wet exposure. Down and feather fillers provide for the possibility of allergies, are not very convenient to use.

The choice of material for the cover

There are a lot of options for using fabric for the outer cover. It is desirable that it be dense, easy to clean.

Often products are sewn from a material called "Oxford", reminiscent of jacket fabric. Tents are also made from it. The advantage is water resistance.

When choosing a more “cozy” fabric, you can pay attention to dense textiles - flock, chenille, microvelvet, eco-leather is used. Suitable gabardine, twill, jeans.

It is advisable to choose a material that will not stretch.
For the inner cover, a dense spunbond is used. It provides holes for ventilation, does not absorb liquid. But you can buy an ordinary dense fabric, while being breathable. If air is not supplied, the polystyrene balls will crumple.

Cover tailoring

The do-it-yourself pouffe chair is made on the basis of a pattern, a drawing.

To stitch the components of the cover you need:

  1. Transfer the pattern pieces to paper and then cut them out.
  2. Spread the material for making the inner cover on a flat surface.
  3. Attach the pattern components to the fabric, circle with chalk with an allowance of about 2 cm.
  4. This method creates the elements of the outer cover, only the allowance is taken about 4 cm.
  5. Cut, baste, or pin the wedge elements.
  6. Sew them on the machine and the wrong side for the inner cover. Then reinforce the seams on the outside for the outer bag.
  7. The side seams must be ironed.
  8. We must not forget about the place for lightning. Leave about 40 cm for sewing the lock on the upper back of the product.
  9. Baste and then stitch the zipper.
  10. Attach the bottom of the product to the workpiece.

It is better to make the outer cover a few centimeters larger than the volume of the inner bag. After filling the product, you can stitch the top of the binbag.

Filling with polystyrene foam is carried out by pouring the elements through the lock. For convenience, you can cut off the sides of a half-liter bottle, place it in a case, pour foam balls. The edges of the bag can be sprayed with antistatic agent.

Other popular models and techniques for sewing bean bags

We looked at the most popular and simple methods for assembling parts for making a bean bag. Round frameless pouffes become convenient products for children's rooms, gardens, as their dimensions can be varied, children can easily move them, they provide maximum safety.

Drop chair

As a comfortable place to relax at home and in the office, drop-type chairs are often used. They provide a more rounded shape. Such products are relevant not only for use by adults, but also by children, because frameless furniture is considered universal for creating a comfortable interior design. They provide a compact and neat design.

Stylish drop chairs are made according to the principle of stitching the main element, including the back, sides, seats, lower component. No need to prepare a large number of wedges.

Pear chair

This type of beanbag provides for larger dimensions. It contains a high back. Features of tailoring are the need to prepare several wedges, the upper and lower parts. Comfort and convenience guarantees the presence of the back. The pear chair is actively used by children, young people, as well as the elderly.

The shapeless design makes the element comfortable for relaxation, as it adapts to the shape of the body as much as possible. Often it is used by pregnant women, as it allows you to fully relax.

Bean bag chair made from old jeans

A budget, but at the same time spectacular, interesting option is the use of old materials to create a stylish case. Denim is the most suitable type of fabric, as it has excellent durability, fits any interior design, looks stylish, and is resistant to damage.

The difficulty in making such a chair lies in the fact that it takes more time to prepare the pattern and stitch the elements together. Since denim clothing often does not have sufficient dimensions to make up large chairs, it is necessary to sew wedges from small fabric components. The production of drops and round seats, poufs will be optimal. They require less material, but at the same time look quite stylish, practical to use.

Video with a master class

You can make an ottoman bag with your own hands using various materials. A variety of drawings and designs allows you to implement interesting projects, adapting the parameters of the chair to your requirements. We provide the simplest instructions for compiling such products. Watch the video tutorial on assembling frameless furniture to understand the rules of work and create your own masterpiece.

The production of a beanbag is considered not too difficult work, but it allows you to make practical, functional furniture for the home, which will be comfortable for children and adults to use. The basis of successful design is the presence of a good drawing, the correct selection of materials.

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