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» Caring for parquet – tips for every day and for general cleaning! Proper care of parquet boards and parquet is a way to preserve the coating

Caring for parquet – tips for every day and for general cleaning! Proper care of parquet boards and parquet is a way to preserve the coating

Parquet board is a multilayer material based on natural wood, suitable for installing a practical, warm, natural floor. Proper care will help extend its service life. parquet board in compliance with the recommendations of specialists and using means specially developed for these purposes.

Like any other covering, parquet needs to be looked after, and especially carefully.

General care means delicate use of the floor based on parquet boards, protecting it from moisture, mechanical damage and regular cleaning in compliance with the manufacturer's requirements.

Simple measures will help ensure the protection of the coating from scratches, chips and bald spots. For example, furniture legs will not scratch the coating if you stick small felt pads on them. If this is furniture on moving casters, special plastic mats made of transparent materials will help save the situation.

There are even special designer nozzles with felt, which can be easily removed if desired or necessary.

Considering that natural wood parquet is subject to the abrasive effects of sand brought into the room from the street, it is necessary to consider the construction of a protective zone. Again, specialized mats of two types are suitable:

  • hard;
  • soft.

The former will collect solid particles, the latter will prevent liquid dirt from spreading across the floor in bad weather.

As for care, for general cleaning A soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a retractable brush that cannot scratch the coating will be sufficient. Periodically, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning using a soft rag slightly moistened with water.

Under no circumstances should the coating be allowed to flood with water, even if there are heavily contaminated areas. To remove them they are used special means, about which in more detail below.

Oil-wax coating of the board - features of operation and maintenance

To properly care for parquet, you need to know exactly what products were used for it. finishing. If we're talking about about oil-wax compositions, there are certain nuances here. When applied to the surface of a board, such a coating does not form a film, but is only absorbed by the pores of the wood, protecting it from moisture and dirt.

If it is necessary to restore a parquet board with such a layer of protection, the areas requiring it are sanded, and then re-treated with oil, repeating the procedure several times.

For wet cleaning of oil-wax-impregnated floors, soap solutions are best suited. The rag should not be too wet; in addition, it is recommended to move it parallel to the grain of the wood.

Before cleaning any surface, you should always study the methods and means of cleaning it.

Wet cleaning is carried out infrequently, but only as needed. In order for the floor to completely dry after treatment, leave it for at least half an hour, after which using universal remedies To care for parquet, polish it to enhance its protective properties and give the coating an aesthetic appearance.

The greater the load on the parquet board or parquet flooring, the more often it will need to be updated. So, for example, if we are talking about public premises, then reconstruction will be needed at least once every six months. In apartments and private houses, where the coating is carefully monitored, following the recommendations for care and use, updating once a year or even less often will be sufficient.

Wax floor - features of use and care

Wax flooring imposes certain obligations on its care. To understand how to care for parquet under a protective layer of wax, you need to know about its properties to respond to certain tests during operation. For example, wet cleaning of the coating will not give the desired effect due to the surface repelling any moisture. That is why only dry cleaning using special wax or solvent-based products, if necessary, will be effective.

Soap solutions containing alkali are unacceptable. Their contact with a waxed coating will lead to a change in its color.

The more carefully you use and clean the surface, the longer it will last and retain its attractive appearance.

Prevention for wax-oil-coated floors

Preventative maintenance of the floor depends on the duration and intensity of its use. In the first year after installation, the coating is treated every three months in the following order:

  • clean;
  • wipe with a damp cloth;
  • give time to dry;
  • soaked in oil;
  • remove excess oil with a napkin;
  • give time to dry (days);
  • apply wax for protection.

With the onset of next year, the frequency of processing is reduced and carried out as needed.

Cleaning the floor too frequently can also negatively affect the condition of the parquet surface.

Lacquered surfaces - how to care for them correctly?

To extend the life of parquet with varnish coating Certain care and preventive maintenance requirements must also be observed. Regardless of the durability of the parquet wood and quality parquet varnish used for its processing, over time the surface will wear out and lose its aesthetic appearance due to cracks, chips, abrasions.

Prevention is as important as routine parquet cleaning.

Preventative measures can also be considered as caring for your parquet flooring, extending its lifespan. For example, to restore the lost shine of a surface and remove small stains, a special “freshener” composition is suitable. Polishing the surface at least once every few months will enhance its protection from moisture.

A complete renovation of such a floor is carried out no earlier than 12 years after active use with scraping, sanding and re-treatment with varnish mixtures. It is possible that restoration will be required earlier if there was no one and no time to properly care for the parquet boards, for example, in public premises.

What products are used to care for wooden floors?

Specially for the care and restoration of parquet and parquet boards, products and preparations have been developed that simplify the task, but most importantly, are safe for natural wood. When it comes to cleaning solutions, they are called cleaners. Same as classic household chemicals, they are sold in concentrated form. The compositions do not harm parquet and help clean it efficiently without smudges or stains. Below are the most famous of them.

One of popular means for parquet care

It is believed that the leading product on the market is an American-made parquet care product, both at home and in public buildings, called Aqua Sport Wood Flor Cleaner. It is followed by the Spanish analogue Rubi, and the Ukrainian anti-inflammatory drug is practically not far behind. greasy stains on wood Glutoclean Pufas and a German concentrate including surface polishing wax - Thomas Floor Pro.

Choosing a soap solution that is accessible to everyone involves observing certain subtleties during use. Soap should be with a small alkali content, liquid, diluted with water. A rag for wet cleaning must be soft, with elastic bristles. The perfect solution- special microfiber or felt rags with a high level of absorbency.

You can make caring for varnished or oiled parquet as easy as possible by following the general tips:

  1. You only need to wash the floor parallel to the grain (as mentioned above).
  2. Pots with plants should not be placed on the floor, not only for fear of getting it dirty, but also because of the accumulation of condensation under it.
  3. Protective nozzles on furniture, house “socks” for animals with claws, rugs - all this will protect the coating.
  4. The humidity level in the room should be maintained in the range from 30 to 60%.
  5. Temperature level is 20-24 degrees Celsius.
  6. For cleaning and restoration, use only specialized preparations, without trying to resort to traditional methods.

Simple but important nuance- indoor shoes not only for animals, but also for people. These should be soft, non-scratching slippers without heels.

Don't forget to stock up on slippers for guests

Simple restoration actions - how are they carried out?

If, despite all your efforts, you still cannot protect the parquet, you need to move on to radical measures. It is not always possible to remove chips and scratches, numerous abrasions and stains, especially long-term ones, with local repairs of a separate area.

In cases where all else fails, looping is the solution. This procedure is effective and uncomplicated. It is carried out no more than several times during the entire period of operation of the coating. The number of scrapes allowed for parquet depends on the quality and type of wood and the thickness of the facing layer. Largest quantity permissible scraping - 7 times, minimum - 1 time.

For processing, special machines are used that delicately remove a few millimeters of the damaged layer. It's easier to rent them than to buy them. As an option, it is worth considering ordering the services of specialists who have in their arsenal the equipment and tools necessary for grinding and surface treatment, as well as experience, skills and the desire to restore the coating original appearance on time.

Cycling is a slow and expensive procedure, so it is better not to bring the floor to this state and take good care of it in advance

Specialists can also advise on how to cover a parquet board and what to use after repair to extend its useful life depending on the level of load, and will help you learn how to cope with it yourself minor repairs floors using varnish, oil, special mixtures based on parquet chips and glue to solve problems with dents and scratches.

In conclusion, we note that proper and careful care with periodic updating of the parquet floor on time will extend its service life by several decades.

In this article we will look at tips for caring for wooden parquet floors, having previously studied the features of sanding, sanding and varnishing the floor. Let us turn to the currently existing types of wood varnishes. We will also describe special industrial products, which will help maintain the parquet coating in perfect condition for a long time.

Oddly enough, coating parquet with varnish alone is not capable of giving the floor the property of retaining its qualities and external characteristics for a long time: shine, smoothness, cleanliness. To care for it, you need special liquids and solutions, which we will talk about later. We will start with sanding and varnishing the floor, so that it is clear what determines the need to use special floor care products.

Do-it-yourself parquet floor scraping

It is impossible to varnish a wooden floor without sanding; it always needs treatment.

With the help of a scraper it is removed from the floor upper layer and unevenness, this is necessary in order to renew the coating and give it a fresher look.

During this processing of parquet, you must use a respirator, since wood dust and shavings produced during the sanding process can enter the respiratory tract.

For scraping with your own hands, you can use a tool called a hand scraper, but the process of working with it is quite long and energy-consuming. If possible, it is worth purchasing or renting a sanding machine for sanding. She processes the parquet using a roller with sandpaper of different grain sizes.

Then, using wood putty, you need to treat all the cracks and joints of the parquet boards, so that later, when wet cleaning after scraping, water did not penetrate there and dirt did not clog, forming black streaks.

After puttying, it is necessary to sand the floor using a sanding machine, using sandpaper fine grain. This step is important because otherwise you may end up with small bumps and ridges on the floor.

The final step in preparing the floor for painting with varnish is to remove wood dust and shavings with a vacuum cleaner.

For scraping and initial processing of the floor with your own hands, you need the following materials and tools:

  • Manual scraper or scraping machine;
  • Wood putty;
  • Grinder machine.

Types of parquet varnish

In this section we will look at four types of coatings: water-soluble, alkyd, polyurethane and acid-curing varnishes.

When applied, water-soluble varnishes are a dispersion of water, varnish and solvent. Their advantages include a mild odor, which will disturb others much less than saturated chemical varnishes. In addition, water-soluble varnishes are non-flammable, which means they are safer to use. Their disadvantages include low wear resistance and adhesiveness, which can be reduced using a preliminary primer. These varnishes contain alkyd resins, which are produced from wood oil, which allows them to penetrate deeply into the floorboards. Also, this mixture does not have adhesive properties, unlike water-soluble varnishes, and they tolerate temperature changes well, which is important for rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen. The disadvantages of alkyd varnishes are long drying times and difficulties during application: too thick a layer can cause wrinkles.

Polyurethane varnishes adhere well to wood and are resistant to chemicals. When applying, you need to make sure that the humidity of the wood is not high, otherwise this will lead to defects in the coating. The disadvantages of polyurethane varnishes include adhesive properties, which lead to the bonding of the planks to each other.

Acid-curing varnishes tolerate moisture and temperature changes well. In addition, the varnish gives the floor a soft shade that does not change the color of natural wood, which is appreciated by lovers of eco-design. This coating is also durable, wear-resistant and will last a long time. Like most of the above products, this one also has adhesive properties. In order to choose which varnish is suitable for your material, you need to take into account the purpose of the room, how often the parquet flooring will be exposed to mechanical stress and temperature changes. And also whether you need a tint varnish or one that will preserve the color of the wood in its original form.

How to properly varnish parquet

Now that you have chosen a varnish, you can start painting.

First, vacuum the floor to remove dust and dirt. If this is not done, particles of dust and shavings will stick along with the varnish, which will make the coating cloudy and rough. Then you need to thoroughly rinse the coating with a wrung out cotton cloth. After complete drying, you can begin varnishing.

Varnish in small portions poured onto the floor and distributed foam roller with a long handle, and in hard to reach places– a brush with high-quality bristles that should not fall out.

Painting the floor begins from the far wall, gradually moving towards the door. The roller can move in different directions, but the final stripes, which will harden after the solvent evaporates, must be unidirectional and even.

The applied layer of varnish dries for approximately 8-12 hours; during this time you must not touch it to avoid damage and the appearance of defects on the surface. To ensure that the final result of your efforts looks like the work of a professional, each layer of varnish must be processed grinder. This procedure will remove adhering dust and small fluff, which will give the varnish ideal smoothness and shine. Typically, three to five layers of varnish are enough for a parquet floor, because the wood absorbs the first few coats.

While applying the varnish and drying it, the room must be ventilated. People doing work with their own hands must use respirators, otherwise they can get irritation of the mucous membranes and even allergies.

To properly apply varnish with your own hands, we will need:

  • Foam roller;
  • Brush;
  • Grinder machine.

Parquet care products

When choosing a product in a store, be sure to carefully read the label: you need a solution intended specifically for parquet treated with varnish. If you purchase flooring products with oil or wax impregnation, they will be useless for caring for your parquet.

Immediately after laying a new floor and allowing the varnish to dry, you should use coating care products that create protective film, which will protect the floor, for example, it will prevent the appearance of black stripes from shoes.

Standard DIY floor washing with water is not suitable for parquet if you want to keep it in its original form for a long time. Wet cleaning should be done using a special aqueous solution of a mild cleaning agent for parquet care, which does not contain abrasive substances, which means it will not harm the coating. For washing, you can use a squeezing mop or cotton fabric, which must be carefully squeezed out, since excess moisture can reduce the life of the floor.

There are also polishing coating care products that create a protective film on the floor surface and are used after each wash. After application, you need to wait 20-30 minutes and only after that you can walk and rearrange the furniture. An important advantage of this coating care product is that it gives the floor dirt-repellent, antistatic and anti-slip properties.

Once every two weeks you can use deep cleaning solutions that not only deal with heavy pollution, but also remove previous layers of protective coatings. With their help, you can remove grease, dirt and household stains with your own hands, and also give the room a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Since all coating care products are intended for cleaning in residential areas, they most often have a neutral PH and will not harm children or material sensitive to chemicals. We list the companies that produce specialized care products for varnished parquet: Blanchon, Parquet Hall, LobaCare, Berger, Bona, Coswick, Parquetline and many others.

If you want your parquet flooring to serve you for a long time, you need to care for it quite often. If you see sand or dirt on the floor, you need to remove it immediately, as sand, being an abrasive, can create scratches and make the floor rough. Also, you need to make sure that the vacuum cleaner does not pose a threat to the coating (the wheels do not leave marks or scratches on the varnish).

Since all pollution is brought from the outside, regularly clean the external and internal entrance mats, where street dirt accumulates and then spreads throughout the house.

During wet cleaning, water will inevitably get into the joints between the dies. Because of this, warping of the wood may occur, which will lead to rapid wear of the parquet. To prevent this, you can use a parquet joint preservative that will reliably protect the coating and the space between the boards from water ingress.

In order to process the floor, we will need the following tools and materials:

  • Means for preserving parquet joints;
  • Wallpaper silicone spatula;
  • Pure cotton fabric.

Not a large number of The product must be applied to the parquet board and spread with a spatula, filling the joints between the dies. Then you need to rub the product into the boards using a cloth. As we can see, this process is not difficult and can be done with your own hands.

Tip: To ensure that the parquet lasts a long time and is not subject to deformation due to furniture, place felt pads under the legs of all bulky objects. This trick will significantly reduce the pushing and scratching of the varnish.

If we simplify cleaning, we only need two specialized parquet care products: cleaner (cleaner) and polish (polishing solution).

The purifier is available in two configurations: ready solution and a concentrate for dilution with water. As the name suggests, it helps to care for the floor covering by removing dust, dirt, traces of liquids, etc. from it.

The polishing solution creates a protective film on the floor surface and adds additional shine to the coating.

So, we have looked at all stages of floor treatment: from sanding and varnishing to care procedures. As we can see, natural wood floors require a careful, regular and multi-stage maintenance procedure, but their excellent external qualities completely justify this investment of time and effort.

How should parquet maintenance be done? Typically, parquet flooring is the best decoration any room, it will add completeness and a certain chic. Wood is distinguished by its naturalness, besides, it makes the floors warm and ennobles exquisite interior. New products and color solutions allow you to choose a product for any room. But how to care for parquet boards?

Most people whose floors are covered with parquet boards are concerned about the main question - how to properly wash parquet and is it possible to do it? Experts advise following the recommendations for caring for parquet boards, because the surface of this floor covering is very sensitive to even small scratches.

For this reason, it is necessary to protect contact with certain substances, including:

  1. Water, which is perhaps the main danger for parquet. As soon as liquid gets on such a floor, it must be removed as soon as possible. Therefore, even wet cleaning must be done correctly. How to wash the coating in in this case? You should wipe the floors only once a week, do not flood the parquet with water, but use a soft, well-wrung out cloth. Experts do not recommend using washing vacuum cleaner.
  2. Sharp objects, such as pet claws. In this case, it is necessary to either give them a manicure or partially remove their claws.
  3. In order for it to shine, you will need to use special products that protect the floor.
  4. Legs from pieces of furniture. In stores today you can buy various linings, for example, rubberized or felt.
  5. How to clean parquet if it is very dirty? For high-quality cleaning, you need special parquet care products, and it is advisable that the brand matches the brand of varnish used; they will allow you to clean the floor without streaks or harm.
  6. Heels, that is, you cannot walk on it in shoes of this kind. If such a floor is in the corridor, then a transparent rug must be laid on the threshold.
  7. Sand and other dirt, which very quickly spoil parquet floors. They not only scratch it, but also penetrate inside.

When taking into account enemies, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions indoors. Therefore, it is so important that parquet care at home is carried out efficiently and in a timely manner.

If severe damage has already occurred, the top layer of parquet will need to be removed.

Caring for parquet depending on climatic conditions

Due to the fact that such a floor is made of natural wood, it is very sensitive to the microclimate in the room and to how to wash the parquet floor. Moreover, this fact does not depend on the fact that during the manufacture of parquet, each layer of natural wood is treated with special means. But how to wash parquet and is it even possible to do it?

As the level of humidity in the house increases, the tree begins to increase in size, as a result of which specific bumps form on the surface. And if the air in the room is too dry, the product dries out, which often leads to the formation of cracks.

During installation, it is important to ensure that it does not adhere to the walls, that is, the gap must be a centimeter, which is subsequently filled with sealant. This is necessary to prevent lumps from forming on the parquet, since this material is elastic.

But is it possible to wash parquet or will it change its properties after this procedure, or is it possible to carry out wet cleaning depending on the type of wood used? Every housewife washes the floors with plain water and a rag; with parquet, the situation is similar, but the rag must be wrung out well before use, otherwise the planks will swell. But this will not make the floor shiny; for this you can use a safe and cleansing agent.

When choosing a tree, you should give preference to non-exotic species, as they are very demanding to use. Of course, it will not be possible to avoid deformation, since different time The climate in the house changes every year. Therefore, the care of parquet floors must be carried out accordingly.

For example, in winter they turn on heating devices, and the air becomes dry, so the slats decrease. But you should not be afraid of this, since in the spring the situation with the floors will change and the slats will expand again.

But in spring and summer, due to frequent rains, the slats will expand, but this is not so critical, since with the onset next season the situation will change.

But, if the microclimate changes greatly, the service life of the coating will be reduced. Therefore, you will need to lay this coating in a slightly different way. That is, before placing the product, the planks should be sanded and coated with oil. After this, you should place the backing and lay the planks on top, but using glue in this case is strictly prohibited. Therefore, it is so necessary to know how to care for parquet at home so that it lasts as long as possible.

In order to do this, you need to know where it comes from, because creaking, as a rule, is formed for the following reasons:

  • the slats creak due to friction against each other;
  • the boards rub against the nails with which they were secured;
  • they rub against the underlying substrate.

In addition, squeaky floors can be caused by joists or improperly installed underlayment that does not adhere properly to the subfloor.

In rare cases, it is possible to eliminate the creaking of parquet yourself, but it is better to use the help of specialists who will either disassemble and partially replace the product, or fill the voids with a special compound.

In order for this flooring been used for as long as possible, care should be taken to ensure that the humidity does not exceed sixty percent, and temperature regime ranged from fifteen to twenty-five degrees.

On construction market There is a huge variety of parquet available. But how to properly care for it, because different coating requires a special approach?

The most common type of parquet is varnished.

Caring for parquet boards in this case comes down to following the following recommendations from specialists:
  1. For the first two weeks, this flooring cannot be washed; the parquet should be cleaned only using a dry method.
  2. Absolutely cannot be used to remove contaminants. detergent and gasoline.
  3. Caring for parquet flooring involves one more feature - soft rubber or other pads must be placed under all furniture, as they damage the floors.
  4. After the above time has passed, you can do wet cleaning, but how to wash the parquet? To do this, you need to use only a soft cloth, which you must first wring out well.
  5. If the floors are very dirty, then cleaning the parquet is carried out only by cleaners. After all aggressive means to care for parquet, they destroy the top layer, since their cleaning composition is dangerous for most floor coverings.

Unfortunately, the varnish deteriorates over time, so it must be changed every five years, but the planks should be sanded before coating.

Care products for parquet boards should be selected in accordance with the coating itself, since otherwise the surface layer may be damaged.

Parquet coated with varnish - all the rules for caring for the floor are practically no different from the previous version; in this case, the answer to the question of how to wash parquet is absolutely the same. Wash it with a well-wrung out cloth, but no more than once a week. But it will need to be cleaned and updated not once every five years, but once every eight months, since it is less wear-resistant. During maintenance, you should use dry cleaning and do not use alkali or powder, even if you cannot wash the dirt off the parquet. But how to clean parquet if it has become seriously dirty? For cleaning, you can use regular laundry soap.

It is also important for owners to know how to remove parquet squeaks, although in most cases it is better to seek the help of specialists. After all, a creaking floor causes a lot of inconvenience to the owners of an apartment or house.

Natural parquet - the whole procedure for cleaning parquet is practically no different from the previous ones, but if there is dirt on it that cannot be cleaned, then how to wash the parquet board in this case? Here it is better to seek help from specialists, because only they know how to remove parquet if necessary.

During operation, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the parquet, otherwise the top layer will have to be changed much more often than is necessary according to the standards; for this you should know how to clean the parquet.

Parquet can be safely called the best solution to cover the floor in your home. It has a luxurious appearance and the best heat retention without any accessories. But to preserve the appearance and quality of the parquet, it will not be enough to simply lay it and cover it with a protective layer. After all, parquet has many of its own vagaries and nuances in use, and its lovers must take them into account and regularly provide proper care for the parquet throughout its entire service life. Now let's try to figure out what exactly you will have to face if you lay out a parquet floor.

Caring for parquet at home

Parquet can serve regularly for up to 60 years without losing its qualities. But the wood from which it is made is natural material and requires appropriate treatment and care. Regardless of the coating material, there are basic ways to care for parquet:

  • regular cleaning;
  • use of specialized care products;
  • regular coverage updates;
  • air humidification.

Parquet cleaning

Caring for parquet and laminate flooring are similar and have same features. The following recommendations will help you carry them out correctly regular cleaning:

Caring for parquet in summer

Humidity greatly affects the “behavior” of parquet, since the board tends to expand and contract depending on its saturation with moisture. Preserved in summer warm weather and it often rains. Therefore, humidity often reaches high level and you should expect swelling of the parquet, and sometimes even protrusion of the edges of the joints. Not everyone feels comfortable feeling the parquet planks under their feet, but that’s the essence natural material, all that remains is to wait out the season.

Care during the winter season

Cold weather means turning up the heating indoors, which naturally dries out the air and affects your hardwood floors. And what the frost is stronger outside the window, the more heat the heating systems produce. The consequence is a narrowing of the parquet and the appearance of not only gaps between its slats, but also cracks in them. You can combat dry air with the help of humidification systems, which should be used in advance and prevent the parquet from drying out. Moreover, dry air negatively affects human health: the supply of oxygen to the body is hampered (which means the functioning of organs and their functions deteriorates), the skin becomes tight, headaches occur, concentration decreases, and immunity declines. Therefore, the use of air humidifiers will be the optimal solution not only for caring for parquet in winter, but also for maintaining your own health.

Types of parquet flooring

Based on the coating, the method of caring for the parquet is determined. There are the following materials used to cover parquet:

  • oil;
  • oil with wax;
  • UV oil;
  • varnish and UV varnish.

Uncoated parquet is also used, but it is used mainly for cladding walls and ceilings. It is strongly not recommended to lay parquet on the floor and start using it without any protective material.

Initially, this coating appeared for use in places with high traffic and load on the floor, namely in bars, restaurants, office premises etc. An oil coating has its advantages in that chips and scratches appear least visible on it, since the oil penetrates into the pores of the wood and does not create a mirror-like layer. And although it is recommended to renew the oil layer every six months, it is not necessary to completely sand the oil coating before applying the oil. Just like you don’t need to remove all the furniture from the room. It will only be enough to manually re-impregnate the floor a few times. And the cost of such oil is low. The advantages also include the absolute environmental friendliness of the material.

But caring for oiled parquet will require some effort. Especially in the first days after treatment, until the pores are finally “saturated” with oil and dirt stops sticking. In case of contamination, it is allowed to wipe the floor with a slightly moistened mop with the addition of special soap for such a floor. Since the oil coating becomes dull after exposure to water, it must be polished manually with a soft or woolen cloth, and then the best option- using a polishing machine. You can remove small scratches yourself by sanding them in the direction of the grain with abrasive paper and then filling them with oil or wax. Due to the fact that the scratches are not on the varnish layer, but in the wood itself, they have its color and are less noticeable. And after treatment with oil, they swell and tighten over time. At the end of the treatment, the damaged areas are polished. It is also recommended to periodically rub the floor with a special oil mastic or a special care product, followed by polishing.

Oil finish with hard wax

This parquet became the next stage in the development of oil coating, because after adding wax the oil received high strength and additional protection from damage. At the same time, wax also does not require sanding to restore it and retains all the environmental benefits of an oiled floor. Restoration occurs once every couple of years in the form of impregnation of the coating using special care products for parquet of this type. Maintenance is carried out according to the example of oil-coated parquet.

UV oil

This oil passes through ultraviolet light and hardens with a protective layer that increases the strength of a conventional oil coating by up to 30 times. Today, world manufacturers actively use this type of oil. parquet flooring, since a high production speed is achieved in combination with high strength and presentable appearance of the parquet. An indisputable achievement is the absence of the need for regular care. But local restoration of damaged areas is no longer allowed in every model of this floor. In addition, a special oil for restoring parquet must be selected from the same manufacturer that produces the purchased parquet, matching the color of the specific board to the color of the product.

UV varnish

Coating parquet with UV varnish follows a similar principle to UV oil. The only difference is that the resulting ultraviolet rays the coating has not only greater strength, but also fragility relative to the hardening of the varnish under natural conditions. Therefore, this varnish is more resistant to impacts than an ordinary varnish coating on parquet.


Varnish is much stronger than oil and is characterized by the formation of a “glass” protective layer on the parquet. But its main disadvantage is its high susceptibility to scratches and chips. Even a broom can damage the varnish coating. And the use of abrasive or hard objects to remove stains is strictly prohibited. Therefore, caring for varnished parquet has a number of its own characteristics. To avoid blackening and ensure an excellent appearance of varnished parquet, it is necessary to completely sand the coating once every 5 years and apply 4 to 7 layers of varnish, depending on the desired “mirror” appearance of the layer.

After the varnish has dried, the next two weeks should be carried out exclusively by dry cleaning.

If you decide to use varnished parquet, then all the casters and legs of the furniture should be soft and carefully rearranged, without dragging across the floor. Heels and any hard or heavy objects should not be present on the floor.

If a scratch appears, it should be removed immediately, as it allows moisture to enter the wood, which starts the process of rotting.

To do this, you should use only special care products for varnished parquet.

Special parquet maintenance products

Today, the market for parquet maintenance products can satisfy anyone who wants to restore or maintain the beauty of their wooden floor. We offer a variety of products that simultaneously care for and thoroughly clean wood flooring from shoe marks, liquids and stains without losing the shine of the floor. There are also concentrates for regular wet cleaning, which are added to water and do not contain substances harmful to the floor. The concentrate can not only refresh a wooden floor with any coating, but also eliminate stubborn stains from a wide variety of liquids. And or pastes will help remove scratches on the parquet. The leading manufacturers of such products are German companies, which guarantee the quality of their products and results.

Of course it should be noted high cost such goods. Less expensive products are available from Polish manufacturers and the Swedish company Bona. Parquet care is more affordable with them, and the quality of the product is decent.

However, when choosing a product, you must first choose the right one. Otherwise, money will be wasted, and using the wrong remedy may lead to undesirable consequences.

When choosing a rag, give preference to a material that absorbs water well. The rag should not be hard so as not to scratch the parquet.

Features of care

Parquet has different top coatings: oil-wax, varnish.

There are some features of caring for varnish coating. The application of a varnish layer to the boards is carried out by the manufacturer during the manufacture of the parquet board, or immediately after installation of the parquet. When applying the varnish layer using the second method, we recommend postponing the installation of furniture for 10-14 days. During this time, the varnish layer will completely harden and furniture can be placed in the room. When using the coating, dirt accumulates on the varnish layer, small scratches and abrasions appear. To eliminate all these flaws, special means are needed; soap solution cannot be used. Large parquet manufacturing companies offer a full line of products that can be used to care for the flooring.

Advice ! The best option will purchase a cleaning composition recommended by the manufacturer of the parquet board.

To update parquet flooring in areas with maximum traffic (corridor, kitchen), special products can be used 2-3 times a month. Most care products are offered by manufacturers in the form of wax-based polishes. Such funds are deprived unpleasant odor, and therefore safe for the inhabitants of the apartment.

Restoring the shine of parquet is possible by using a special product - a freshener. To eliminate “bald patches” on parquet, you will need a spray varnish. If the parquet is systematically maintained, the coating can last 10-15 years, after which the varnish coating will have to be renewed.

Let us highlight the main options for caring for parquet covered with a wax or oil layer. Before cleaning, it is important to check the condition of the floor. If defects are found: chips, cracks, you need to carefully clean them with wire, then fill them with wood glue mixed with sawdust.

Attention ! If you ignore this procedure, the parquet will begin to rot in the chipped areas.

Waxed parquet requires dry cleaning. As prophylactic agents, you need to select formulations that contain solvent and wax.

Advice ! Wet cleaning is allowed only if the amount of water is minimal. Apply protective equipment with a damp rag parallel to the direction of the wood grain.

When wet cleaning parquet, do not use soap. Otherwise, the color of the floor will change in those places where the soap gets in, and there will be no talk of any aesthetics of the parquet floor. Caring for new parquet involves cleaning 2-3 times a month according to the following algorithm:

  • cleaning, drying the floor;
  • treatment with protective oil, elimination of excess oil;
  • treatment of the coating with a layer of protective wax.

Prevention measures

Parquet floors are tested daily mechanical influences, scratches and chips appear on them. To increase the service life of such coatings, you can use the following methods:

  1. We remove floor carpets. A large amount of dirt accumulates under carpets. Small grains of sand can ruin the top wax or varnish layer of parquet.
  2. We control furniture on wheels. When moving such furniture, scratches and chips appear on the parquet boards.
  3. We make special felt pads for furniture legs. U entrance doors We put a rug so that moisture is absorbed and sand does not spread across the parquet.

Parquet care products

Currently, manufacturers offer many preventive measures that can be used to restore parquet to its original shine.

Varnishes for parquet. The protective varnish forms a dense layer on the surface of the board. Varnishes are distinguished: on water based; based on synthetic solvent

These varnishes are suitable for application on parquet in production premises. There are varnishes, the application of which requires the use of ultraviolet lighting. To increase the moisture resistance of parquet, it is advisable to apply a layer of water-based varnish to the boards after installation.

Attention ! It is not advisable to use synthetic varnishes in children's rooms, as well as in apartments where there are pets. They have a pungent odor, cause suffocation and allergies.

Wax-oil mixtures. Getting deep into the wood, such compounds fill the pores, emphasize the individuality of the wood, and give the parquet a unique look. First, a layer of special oil is applied to the floor, then the floor is covered with a mixture of oil and wax. This mixture is safe for pets and does not cause allergies in children. The frequency of covering parquet floors with this composition is once a year.