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» Laying of rolled turf and grass care. Lawn care by season Advantages of rolled grass

Laying of rolled turf and grass care. Lawn care by season Advantages of rolled grass

It is necessary to water the lawn immediately after laying it.

Check the level of moisture in the lawn by lifting a corner of the laid roll (in 10-12 places throughout the area). The water should soak the lawn right down to the surface of the soil. Water the newly laid lawn every day for the first seven days, and then every other day or two the following week, depending on the season and rainfall.

Make sure that the irrigation covers the entire area of ​​the lawn. The best time for watering is early morning and late evening, i.e. the time when the sun is least active.

The new lawn is mowed only 5-7 days after it is laid. At the same time, mowing the grass to a very deep depth is not permissible (the recommended mowing height, in this case, is 6-8 cm). Additional fertilizers are applied at a later stage.
The lawn needs to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers. During the season, the grasses are fed with nitrogen fertilizers (50 g per m2). This is done in two steps: in early spring and in mid-summer. From the beginning of August, you should not feed plants with nitrogen fertilizers, as they will not have time to prepare for the dormant period and will not overwinter well.
Superphosphate is most often used as a phosphorus fertilizer. It is applied three times: in spring, summer and autumn at the rate of 20 g/m2.
Lawn grasses need potassium throughout the growing season for intensive shoot formation. When fertilized in autumn, it increases the resistance of plants to frost. It is applied in three doses at the rate of 10 g/m2.
Mowing grass.
Particular attention must be paid to mowing the lawn. It not only maintains its appearance, but also serves as an excellent means of fighting weeds: many of them cannot tolerate cutting and after two or three such procedures they disappear forever. Mowing also helps plants bush on the soil surface, form additional shoots, create dense turf, and grow with rhizomes.
It should also be taken into account that each mowing is a great stress for the plants. It is easier for them to recover if no more than 1/3 of the stem is cut off at a time, no matter how tall it is.
The first mowing is carried out in the spring, at a time when the soil and grasses are dry and the latter have reached a height of 10-12 cm - by this time the grasses throw out the third penetrating leaf and are no longer able to stay upright. Weeds become more noticeable, different patterns of color and structure of the grass stand are revealed, the lawn loses its decorative effect and takes on a sloppy appearance.
Delay in mowing leads to lightening of the lower parts of the stem, shoots, and leaves due to lack of light. A sudden change in lighting after mowing causes wilting and death; tender parts of plants that were previously in the shade. Brown and yellowish-white spots stand out on the lawn. Overgrown grasses should be mowed late in the evening or in damp, cloudy weather.
For the first time, cut off the ends of the grass, no more than 1 cm. The lawn mower blades must be sharp. During subsequent haircuts, they are gradually lowered lower and lower.
Grasses should not be left uncut during the winter. This spoils the appearance of the lawn and makes maintenance difficult. Over the winter, the grasses die off, and in the spring the lawn turns brown due to the large number of old leaves.
The density of grass and its resistance to trampling largely depend on the root system of the plants. Numerous adventitious roots grow from the tillering nodes. Strong roots grow in all directions, especially in the top layer of soil. The depth of the root system, as well as its mass, depend on the type of grass and the intensity of its use. The more often you mow the lawn and the more you walk on it, the worse the grass takes root, and the mass of roots decreases. As a result, weakening and death of plants and thinning of the turf may occur. To maintain and restore the root system, give the grass rest periods. This is possible if the ground part grows to a height of at least 12-15 cm.
In sunny weather, up to 25 liters of water evaporate from 1 m of lawn per week. During prolonged drought, especially in spring and summer, additional watering is necessary. For a lawn, the first sign of drought is drying out of the soil at a depth of 10 cm. At the same time, the grass loses its elasticity and becomes dull, gray-green, and ugly.
Water the lawn carefully so as not to disturb the soil structure, using sprinklers that spray water. Water should moisten the soil to a depth of at least 15 cm. Slight wetting of the soil leads to superficial development of the root system of grasses. Watering is necessary from sowing to germination, after weeding and mowing grasses, during the period of intensive growth and tillering.

The lawn on the site gives unprecedented pleasure from contemplating an impeccable, well-groomed and dense green carpet. But only well-groomed lawns give the impression of decorating a site and one of the most attractive objects in landscape design. And it is the constant and tireless care of your favorite emerald sites that is the most difficult moment in their cultivation. The lawn requires not just regular, but also careful care, which does not stop throughout the active season. And if mowing is a separate component of care that requires an individual approach, then all lawns, without exception, need watering, fertilizing, and airing.


6 Lawn Care Ingredients

You can't get a perfect lawn without perfect care. This truth is obvious to anyone who has encountered problems in the development of a lawn. The only way to keep your green carpet in perfect condition and avoid difficulties is to strictly adhere to the rules for creating a lawn and provide it with tireless care from the very first procedures. Neither an elite type of grass mixture, nor even the services of professionals in creating a lawn will yield results if you make even one mistake in care.

So, lawn care should be regular, systematic and complete. But the main difficulty is not even that all procedures need to be carried out in a timely manner, but that lawn care cannot be reduced to just the basic components. In addition to the obvious and very important procedures, such as mowing and watering, lawn care also includes a whole range of important measures, some of which are purely preventative. Basic lawn care is much the same as caring for any garden plants. It includes six components:

  1. Trimming and maintaining edges.
  2. Watering.
  3. Feeding.
  4. Ventilation or aeration.
  5. Cleaning.

Additional troubleshooting measures:

  • restoration of bald spots;
  • moss control;
  • weed control.

Mowing and caring for the edges of lawns can be easily equated to art and can be separated into a separate “item” of care. It is the most important thing in lawn care. This very important procedure is crucial not only for the formation of a beautiful, but also a healthy lawn. Moreover, there are many nuances to mowing lawns, and here it is very important to choose an individual approach to selecting the height and frequency of procedures.

Lawn cleaning and repair also claim to be a special component of care. These are measures to combat pollution, mosses, weeds and problems in the development of turf, which also require a special approach. But the three “Ps” - watering, weeding and airing - are basic and simple components of caring for a green carpet, which, if you organize the process correctly, are difficult to make a mistake.

There is no need to be afraid of difficulties when caring for your lawn. It needs care, like any really important object on your site. Modern technology and automatic watering systems solve most of the problems associated with caring for green areas. If you love lawns, then every little thing, even the most labor-intensive procedures, will bring pleasure. A living emerald carpet itself signals problems and brings considerable pleasure in the details of care. Moreover, each operation literally transforms lawns and gives you the feeling of watching the quick fruits of your efforts.

Active lawn care continues only during the active gardening season - from spring to autumn, and the two transition seasons are not completely included in the period of lawn work. Winter is a time of complete rest, when the main task is not to cause harm to the emerald carpet. Let's look at the features of caring for green areas by season.

Lawn care in spring

The start of the season for caring for emerald carpets does not coincide with the start of the main gardening season. The first procedures for the lawn are carried out only in April, in the middle zone - traditionally not earlier than the third ten days of the month. And even then, in the first works, you need to be careful not to harm the turf with excessive load.

In early spring it is better to avoid:

  • walking on the lawn, especially on grass that is wet or frozen at night;
  • watering and any rolling.

Procedures in April simply involve removing dry grass and debris from the surface of the lawn with a light rake or by hand. Cleaning is carried out only when moisture leaves the soil and the turf is not in a waterlogged state.

Full lawn care actually begins only in May. After thawing and drying of the top soil, the first serious procedures begin:

  1. When a stable positive temperature is established, first of all, it is often recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizing for rapid regrowth and restoration of the turf. But fertilizing requires cutting, and fertilizing should be postponed until the first mowing procedures.
  2. Mandatory scarification is carried out, removing debris, moss, and dry grass.
  3. If necessary, the lawn is sanded, bald spots treated and grass reseeded. When laying a rolled lawn, damaged areas of turf are cut out and replaced.
  4. If there are obvious signs of fungal damage, fungicide treatments are undertaken to prevent the problem from spreading over a large area. But since all spring procedures contribute to the health of the turf, they usually wait until the summer to take serious measures and use fungicides in cases where basic measures have not helped.
  5. After the grass has risen to a height of 8 cm, the first mowing is carried out to a height of at least 5-6 cm. It is not advisable to leave cut grass on the lawn in the spring.
  6. After the first or second haircut, the first feeding is carried out. For spring, you need to use nitrogen mixtures, starter or complex fertilizers for lawns. The mixtures are applied along with abundant watering on cool days, avoiding any procedures in dry and hot weather.
  7. After the second or third mowing, aeration is carried out by piercing the turf to a depth of about 5 cm over the entire surface of the lawn.
  8. In damaged areas, reseeding and laying of new sod continue.
  9. They begin to fight weeds mechanically - by removing them manually.

Summer lawn care

The most traumatic season for lawns is associated not only with the need to provide regular watering and fertilizing, but also with a high risk of weeds taking over the lawn and loss of decorative turf. At the beginning and end of summer, active robots work on the lawn, but during the July heat, procedures are limited to only vital ones.

At the beginning of summer, the lawn will need the following measures:

  1. Treatment against weeds, which is best done in the first half of June.
  2. The first feeding in the summer season, which is carried out using complex fertilizers. The optimal time is the second or third ten days of June.
  3. Regular watering, which is carried out by controlling the degree of drying of the soil and focusing on the abundance of precipitation.
  4. Regular haircuts every 4-7 days (at the beginning of June it is still not advisable to allow haircuts below 5 cm).
  5. Mulching during prolonged droughts (mown grass is left on the lawn for several days).

In mid-summer, lawn care comes down to the following procedures:

  1. Regular abundant watering.
  2. Haircuts with classic frequency.
  3. Fertilize with complex fertilizer for lawns in the second ten days of July.
  4. Additional seeding of grass on bald spots at the end of July.
  5. Treatment with fungicides if there are signs of the spread of fungal infections.

Of all the summer months, the lawn needs the most active care in August. On the eve of autumn, you need to take care in advance to ensure that your lawn receives all the necessary care and is fully prepared for the cold weather. Mandatory procedures include:

  1. Watering in dry weather with a gradual decrease in soil moisture and an increase in the interval between procedures.
  2. Haircuts with a frequency of about 1 time per week.
  3. In August, the first fertilizing is carried out with autumn fertilizers (if the lawn is in a weakened state or there are signs of lack of nutrients, fertilizing can also be carried out with universal fertilizers, but only in the first half of the month).
  4. Repeated weed control.
  5. Overseeding grass or replacing damaged turf.
  6. Mandatory combing and scarification.
  7. Repeated treatment with fungicides for fungal infections.

Lawn care in autumn

The main task in the fall is to remove debris from the lawn. Raking fallen leaves is only the first step to winterizing your lawn and getting it in order, but it is an important one. Accumulating debris must be removed as quickly as possible: the turf under the leaves becomes damp and there is a high risk of fungi spreading.

Preparing your lawn for winter includes several important procedures:

  1. Mowing is carried out less and less often, only in September with a frequency of once every 14-15 days; in October they are guided by the weather and the rate of grass growth. The last cutting is carried out at the end of October, in warm autumn - at the beginning of November, leaving the grass stand at least 5 cm high.
  2. Aeration in the fall is carried out only if it is really necessary, there are signs of excessive compaction of the turf or its waterlogging due to heavy rainfall. But it needs to be done in early autumn, combining it with sanding and liming if necessary.
  3. A thorough scarification is carried out.
  4. At the beginning of autumn, apply a special autumn fertilizer for lawns, which will allow the green carpets to prepare for winter.
  5. Pre-winter sowing is carried out at the end of October in bare areas and bald spots.
  6. From mid-October you should try not to walk on wet grass.

Winter lawn care

During the cold season, the lawn must be protected from any outside interference and from any load. It is better not to walk on the lawn from the moment the grass stops growing - when the temperature drops below +5 degrees. Careful walks or careful steps can only be allowed when the lawn is covered with a thick layer of snow. And even then, unless absolutely necessary, it is better not to step on the surface of the lawn: it is at this time that the risk of inevitable damage to the turf is high.

It is usually recommended not to take any action with removing or distributing snow or adding it to the lawn. But one procedure in winter may still be necessary: ​​if, as a result of a strong thaw or a sharp change in temperature, weather anomalies, instead of snow, the lawn is covered with an ice crust, then it is advisable to destroy it - with a rake, pitchfork or any other tool.

Rolled lawn is a natural lawn grown in a special nursery. It is grown for two years, after which a thin layer of turf is removed with special equipment and rolled into rolls. After purchasing the roll, you can immediately lay it in your dacha, having previously cut the turf from your plot. You can cover your garden with rolled lawn in spring, summer, and autumn.

Caring for a rolled lawn includes three basic components: watering, mowing, and fertilizing.


, in the morning and in the evening. The principle of watering is sprinkling, but not a stream from a hose. Every day, per square meter of newly laid grass should receive about 5 - 10 liters of water, including natural precipitation.

The second week is characterized by watering every other day. From the third week, watering is carried out as the lawn dries out approximately twice a week. During this period, grass growth requires about ten liters of water per square meter. There are general rules for lawn care that must be followed throughout the entire watering period.

Waterlogging of the area is not allowed. If there is a constant accumulation of water in some places, then it is necessary to make a drainage hole or ditch. At the same time, it is not recommended to water in small portions, since the root system in this case will be superficial. The frequency of watering is determined by the weather and season. So, in spring and autumn less water is required than in hot summer.

Lawn mowing

The first haircut takes place approximately seven to ten days after installation. The haircut is done either perpendicularly or at an angle to the direction of styling. Subsequent haircuts are carried out at an angle to each other. Such lawn care is carried out as often as required for good plant growth. The height of the grass should not be less than four and more than nine centimeters. No more than a third of the height is removed at a time. If a second haircut is required, it is carried out the next day at a different angle.

Lawn mower blades should always be kept sharp, otherwise the grass will be wrinkled but not cut. When using dull knives, there is a risk of tearing the grass out of the ground. It is better to trim dry grass. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining the lawn - the tops of the plants will be brown.

Optimal watering and frequent grass cutting are the key to successful weed control.

Grass clippings should be removed immediately to avoid rotting. Moss may appear in spring or fall. In winter, grass left behind can crush young shoots. In addition, a thick layer of grass clippings traps oxygen and nutrients, making it difficult for them to reach the lawn's roots.

Scarification (raking away clipped grass) is quite traumatic and must be done carefully. It is best to carry out such lawn care in the fall or spring, preparing the soil for wintering or awakening. Movements should be directed along and across the lawn.

A lush, bright green lawn is the dream of every country house owner. Walk barefoot on the grass, play volleyball with your family or have a picnic with friends - who doesn’t dream of this? If you have a country house, then consider getting a roll-up lawn. This is a ready-made thick cover that can be actively used in a month. If you grow a lawn yourself, then a similar effect can be achieved only after two years.

Rolled lawn is a natural lawn grown in a special nursery. It is grown for two years, after which a thin layer of turf is removed with special equipment and rolled into rolls. After purchasing the roll, you can immediately lay it in your dacha, having previously cut the turf from your plot. You can cover your garden with rolled lawn in spring, summer, and autumn.

Rolled lawn

Rolled turf has many benefits, but it requires careful maintenance, especially in the first two weeks until it takes root in the soil. Caring for a rolled lawn includes three basic components: watering, mowing, and fertilizing.


Watering the lawn in the first week occurs twice a day, morning and evening. The principle of watering is sprinkling, but not a stream from a hose. Every day, there should be about twenty-five to thirty liters of water per square meter of newly laid grass, including natural precipitation.

Watering the lawn

The second week is characterized by watering every other day. From the third week, watering is carried out as the lawn dries out approximately twice a week. During this period, grass growth requires about ten liters of water per square meter.

There are general rules for lawn care that must be followed throughout the entire watering period. Waterlogging of the area is not allowed. If there is a constant accumulation of water in some places, then it is necessary to make a drainage hole or ditch. At the same time, it is not recommended to water in small portions, since the root system in this case will be superficial. The frequency of watering is determined by the weather and season. So, in spring and autumn less water is required than in hot summer.

A haircut

The first haircut takes place approximately seven to ten days after installation. The haircut is done either perpendicularly or at an angle to the direction of styling. Subsequent haircuts are carried out at an angle to each other.

Such lawn care is carried out as often as required for good plant growth. The height of the grass should not be less than four and more than nine centimeters. No more than a third of the height is removed at a time. If a second haircut is required, it is carried out the next day at a different angle.

Lawn mowing

Lawn mower blades should always be kept sharp, otherwise the grass will be wrinkled but not cut. When using dull knives, there is a risk of tearing the grass out of the ground. It is better to trim dry grass. Otherwise, there is a risk of ruining the lawn - the tops of the plants will be brown.

Optimal watering and frequent grass cutting are the key to successful weed control.

Grass clippings should be removed immediately to avoid rotting. Moss may appear in spring or fall. In winter, grass left behind can crush young shoots. In addition, a thick layer of grass clippings traps oxygen and nutrients, making it difficult for them to reach the lawn's roots.

Scarification (raking away clipped grass) is quite traumatic and must be done carefully. It is best to carry out such lawn care in the fall or spring, preparing the soil for wintering or awakening. Movements should be directed along and across the lawn.

Top dressing

Lawn care includes mandatory fertilizing with complex fertilizers. In spring and summer, it is necessary to add nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the soil, which affect plant growth. In autumn, it is recommended to fertilize with potassium and phosphorus-containing preparations. Potassium will allow the water in the grass cells to harden in the winter without forming sharp crystals.