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» Decorating the living room for the New Year. Bright and spectacular New Year's home decor or apartment decoration for the New Year! How to decorate a room for the New Year with homemade paper decor

Decorating the living room for the New Year. Bright and spectacular New Year's home decor or apartment decoration for the New Year! How to decorate a room for the New Year with homemade paper decor

Daria Ukhlinova, interior designer:

If you don't have money for Christmas tree, you should not leave toys in a box on the closet: hang the balls on satin multi-colored ribbons of different lengths from the chandelier - the light from it will shimmer on the toys and add festiveness to your interior.


In addition, you can make a Christmas tree with your own hands. Stick a cheap LED garland in the shape of a Christmas tree outline on the wall. If the wall allows, finish drawing directly on it. Or, for example, cut out the necessary pictures from magazines. You can lay out pages from an old book or your favorite photographs on the wall in the form of a Christmas tree. Office plasticine will help you attach paper to the wall - it leaves no traces. Beautifully decorated gifts will perfectly complement such a festive installation.

You can also use old textiles to decorate your apartment. Tear old beautiful rags with bright patterns into ribbons. Don't be afraid of torn edges: they will add charm to the decoration. Ribbons can be tied to the tree as decorations or tied around gifts.

If you don’t have New Year’s toys, it doesn’t matter, you can make them yourself. For example, you can buy the cheapest plastic toys and make unique jewelry out of them.


Idea 1

You will need a glass or plastic transparent ball, an old CD, glue and scissors. The disk is cut into small pieces of various shapes (triangles or squares are best). These parts are glued to the Christmas tree ball and you get an unusual toy.


Idea 2

Using glue, the desired pattern is drawn on the ball and sprinkled with small glitter on top.


Idea 3

The Christmas ball is pasted over with old black and white newspaper clippings - the result is a very stylish decoration.

Idea 4

You can put small multi-colored candies in a transparent plastic ball and pour culinary beads into it. Or even mold Santa Claus out of plasticine and place him in this ball on a piece of cotton wool (for this, the plastic ball must consist of two opening parts).

Idea 5

If you know how to knit even a little, then you can use a 1.5-2 mm hook and cotton thread to knit the Christmas tree balls themselves. To do this, take a hook, thread, air balloons, PVA glue or starch. Crochet half of the ball according to any pattern you choose, then crochet the second. Connect. Through the hole, insert a balloon inside our tied one and inflate it so that the top balloon stretches well. Then either place the workpiece in starch, or dip it in PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Leave the balls to dry for a day. Then simply puncture the balloons and remove them. Ready-made toys can be left like this or decorated with sparkles.


To create Christmas mood in each room, you can cut out small (and not so small) Christmas trees from cardboard and place them throughout the apartment. To do this you will need ordinary cardboard (you can use colored cardboard), a pencil and scissors. First you need to draw the outline of a Christmas tree on a sheet of cardboard and cut it out with scissors, make a cut on one piece from top to bottom to the middle, and on the other - from bottom to top to the middle. By “assembling” the two halves, we get a three-dimensional Christmas tree. You can decorate it as you wish - make funny wish inscriptions with colored markers, paste it with funny pictures cut out from magazines, an old newspaper, or decorate it with patterns using special glue with glitter (sold in office supplies). You can put small plasticine gifts under the Christmas trees - you can make them together with your children.


In Europe, it is customary to pack each gift - regardless of size - in a separate box, wrap it in beautiful wrapping paper and tie a bow. You can use this idea in your own way. Surely there are houses regular boxes and boxes. Gifts can be placed in them. If the gift is smaller than the box, you can tear some cotton wool and put the gift on top. The box can be covered with children's colored paper, and then packed in regular kraft packaging paper and tied with twine. With a black marker, you can write a small wish or draw a funny face directly on the packaging.


Anna Lukina, interior designer:

With the help of candles it is very easy to create an intimate and festive atmosphere. They are quite inexpensive (tablet candles or ordinary household ones will do), and candlesticks can be easily made with your own hands.

In lemons, oranges or apples, you can cut the pulp to the size of candles and insert them into the fruit. Such a “candlestick” will not last long, but it will look original.


You can also make unusual candlesticks from ordinary cans. To do this, you need to spray them with white paint from a can or simply decorate them with tinsel, and then pour half of the water into them and lower burning floating candles into it.

The third version of the candlestick can be made from small wine glasses on legs. Fir branches are glued to them on the outside, the ends of which are trimmed, and small candles are placed inside.


In addition, from the usual glass jars you can make something beautiful Christmas decoration. It is enough to take an ordinary glass container, paint its lid with silver or, at worst, white paint, put tinsel or artificial snow, cotton wool, fir branches and small toys (if you don’t have New Year’s ones, you can use figurines from Kinder Surprise). After this, the jar should be placed on the windowsill, decorated with tinsel. You can make several of these decorations different sizes, setting them in height.

You can decorate your room inexpensively balloons: glitter is poured into them, after which the balls are filled with gas. You need to tie postcards or small souvenirs to the threads, and then release them to the ceiling. It will look beautiful and unusual above the holiday table.

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Preparations for the New Year holidays begin not on December 31, but several months in advance, but sometimes they are not enough to properly think through the entire decor. We draw ideas, inspiration and think through every element of the future decoration of the premises.

The holiday comes to us!

Colors and the most successful combinations of shades for decorating an apartment for the New Year

Choosing a color is not an easy task for everyone. Let's try to help you choose the best solution.

What colors are best to choose for New Year's interior decoration?

What colors are considered the most “New Year’s”:

  • red;
  • green;
  • white;
  • gold.

This does not mean that you cannot use white and blue tones, or that you should deny yourself the pleasure of making the entire decor silver. We are talking about traditional New Year's flowers.

Let's look at the most successful color combinations using the photo as an example.

Suitable decor shades that will not blend into the interior

Play with contrasts or choose the most similar shades? The answer to this question will be given by the interior of a room without decor. An excessive abundance of shades of the same color will not make the apartment more festive - rather, the spirit of Christmas and New Year will be lost among similar shades. Moreover, not every eye is able to recognize them.

Having decided on the desired colors and shades, they focus on selecting jewelry in the chosen color scheme.

We are planning a composition to decorate the apartment for the New Year

Composition is everything. To create it, you need to determine what will be the central decorative element, and what details will be required to create a festive themed atmosphere.

What is the key decorative element?

Based on which room in the apartment is being decorated, a key element is selected around which the rest of the decor will be located. Chaotically arranging New Year's figures and hanging garlands wherever necessary is not our option.

The central figure can be a fireplace, a Christmas tree, a table, or a themed decorative corner. In the kitchen this could be a small festive arrangement with candles. In the hallway is the entrance to the living room, decorated with a spruce garland.

We select accessories and textiles

What are New Year's attributes? Let's go through those things that will create the necessary atmosphere for the upcoming holiday.

  • Christmas and New Year themed pillows

  • Socks over the fireplace.

  • Electric and LED garlands.

  • Smells.

Cinnamon, chocolate and the smell of fresh pine needles will envelop the house in New Year's mystery. To achieve such soaring aromas in the apartment, aromatic oils and aroma lamps are used.

  • Wreaths.

Christmas wreaths take their rightful place on doors, protecting the spirit of festive fun from adversity and bad mood.

  • Figures and various elements.

Sleigh is the main thematic figure of the winter holiday. This also includes sweets, a bright poinsettia flower star, figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree.

Related article:

DIY Christmas balls: corrugated paper, kusudama, origami, paper flowers; New Year's ball made of felt and fabric, decorating a New Year's ball for the Christmas tree using different means - read the publication.

We combine New Year's and everyday decor in the apartment

It is not always easy to take and fit all the decorations into the interior of an apartment decorated in a certain style. But you shouldn’t despair: a little diligence and everything will be solvable.

Modern styles: minimalism and New Year

It is doubtful that people who have chosen minimalism in the interior will suddenly turn their apartment into a New Year's fair decorative ornaments. In order not to spoil, but rather to decorate the rooms, you should act within reason when decorating the holiday.

Traditional interiors and New Year

IN traditional interior adding a touch of holiday is easy. On the contrary, I really want to change something and transform the already familiar square meters into a magical winter event.

If you look at the photo, sometimes you immediately come up with a lot of your own ideas on how to decorate your apartment for the New Year.

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: diagrams and stencils, their purpose for decoration, themes of vytynankas, tips on choosing vytynankas for the New Year, crayons and large vytynankas, how to attach them to a window, furniture, gift - read in the publication.

Apartment decoration: we arrange the New Year in any area

Sometimes it seems that if the apartment is small, then you won’t have much fun with the decoration - we’ll put up a Christmas tree, but that’s fine. Or, on the contrary, the apartment is so large that you can hear an echo in it, and it seems unrealistically difficult to dress it up. Each area requires its own approach.

Space and freedom of movement

How more meters, the more possibilities in choosing decor. Even the biggest artificial fireplace will look grand if decorated with pine garlands, and you can choose a Christmas tree without worrying about the fact that you will still need to somehow squeeze past it.

How to decorate a small apartment for the New Year

There are few principles for decorating a small living space:

  • you should not choose a coniferous tree big size, thinking that once a year you can endure it. A person who constantly bumps into thorns will have a minus sign in his most festive mood;
  • spruce takes up the least amount of usable space;
  • don't make it heavier top part rooms with heavy decor, it is better to decorate the windows in a more original way. You can make the main emphasis on the windows by installing a small Christmas tree on the windowsill and creating a special winter composition from suitable attributes;
  • If you want to install an artificial fireplace, it is better to make it in the form of a small console so as not to take away precious meters.

In any case, the decor should not clutter up the passages and interfere with normal life in the apartment.


Hello, dear readers! New Year simply cannot do without a bright palette of shades that create a special festive atmosphere, so from year to year a beautiful Christmas tree decorated with bright toys appears in almost every home! But I suggest not stopping at decorating just the Christmas tree, but transforming the entire house or apartment as a whole! Do you agree? Then let's get started!

IN last years Large supermarkets have been filling the shelves of their departments with New Year's goods around the beginning of November. We highly recommend visiting stores during this period, when the best decorations are not yet sold out! Get tons of inspiration to create the perfect home decorations.

New Year's home decor

Let's start, perhaps, with the main New Year's symbol - the Christmas tree or pine... A festive tree can be decorated in five main ways:

  1. Purchased modern toys;
  2. Factory-made retro toys (inherited from parents and grandmothers);
  3. Toys made with one's own hands;
  4. Combine purchased jewelry with homemade jewelry;
  5. Decorate the Christmas tree with just one glowing garland.

It should be noted that in recent years, Christmas trees decorated with toys of the same shape and color, for example, golden balls, have become popular. But if you want some exclusivity, then decorate your Christmas tree with decorations created by with my own hands. In this connection, we recommend that you read the article ““, in it you will find a lot interesting ideas for making gorgeous Christmas tree decorations.

In addition, it is simply impossible not to note a Christmas tree decorated with only one shimmering garland; such a tree looks most advantageous if there are several other items in the room, decorated in uniform style with the New Year tree, it could be holiday wreath or a spruce garland, as in the photo below.

Lots of ideas for creating toys for the Christmas tree (video)

How to use Christmas balls in home decor

Christmas balls will help you instantly transform your interior, you just need to create interesting compositions. If you have large, transparent, glass vases at home, then you can simply place different-sized balls in them. Thin tall vases filled with bright Christmas balls look especially stylish!

In addition, you can decorate windows with balls; to do this, you just need to select bright colored ribbons, on which to fasten the Christmas decorations in question, after which you tie the ribbons on the cornice.

A composition created from a dry branch with shiny balls of different sizes also looks great. To create a sounded product, you need to prepare: a glue gun, balls of different diameters, a dry branch, PVA glue and a gloss that matches the tone. So, using a glue gun, we glue the prepared balls onto the branch, after which we generously cover some parts of the branch with a layer of PVA glue and sprinkle with selected glitter, and leave the product to dry!

Effectively decorate windows

Let's start with the window sill. A spectacular composition created from the most ordinary thick paper, complemented by luminous garlands, looks truly festive. How to create such beauty? For work you will need: thick paper, scissors, stationery knife, pencil, tape, electric garland.

On paper we draw a template for the future decoration, you can simply print out the three templates below, cut out the design, secure the paper composition on the windowsill with tape ( front side pointing indoors), place an electric garland behind the improvised “city” or “spruce forest”. In the evening, simply turn on the garland and admire the bright and interesting New Year's composition!

Window glass decor

Windows decorated with beautiful New Year's templates and drawings look incredibly impressive. Draw or print ready-made drawings on a printer, cut them out and attach them to the glass with tape. Cartoon New Year templates are presented below, feel free to print or redraw!

Chair back covers

Decorating an apartment for the New Year also includes furniture decor, so you can’t ignore chairs with backs, because they can be transformed with bright covers sewn in the shape of snowmen, Santa Clauses or Snow Maidens! If you wish, you can sew such covers yourself or purchase ready-made ones in souvenir shops.

Socks on the fireplace

Let the tradition of hanging New Year's stockings on the fireplace belong to Western countries, but we can also borrow this idea if we wish. These boots will perfectly decorate the interior, and the children will be delighted to wait for Santa Claus to finally put gifts in them.

Well, when the time comes, you can put sweets and small toys in Christmas boots.

New Year or Christmas holiday wreaths

Another Western tradition that has slowly taken root among us is holiday wreaths! These wreaths can be hung on front door, both outside and inside, in addition, they can be used to decorate walls or a mantelpiece, and such wreaths will also perfectly complement festive table! There is no need to purchase New Year's wreaths, because you can easily make them yourself. Just recently we looked at the topic ““, the article presents many ideas for beautiful wreaths.

New Year decorating the house photo

Table Christmas trees

Such miniature Christmas trees will perfectly complement the interior, and making them is not at all difficult, take for example a Christmas tree made of tinsel... We make a cone from thick paper (how to make a cone, and you can also look at a lot of examples of all kinds of miniature Christmas trees), glue pieces of double-sided tape onto the cone, after which we begin to wrap the cone with suitable tinsel (it is better to wrap it from top to bottom).

Dry trees decorated with Christmas tree decorations

We select a dry branch that resembles miniature tree, install it in a pot with stones and decorate it with Christmas tree decorations. For greater effect, the branch can be pre-painted in any color you think is suitable.

Classic balls or retro toys with intricate motifs will look great on them; below you can see some striking examples.

New Year's candles

Decorating an apartment for the New Year simply cannot do without candles... You can buy themed candles in souvenir shops unusual shapes, in the form of: Snowmen, Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, Christmas trees. Is it possible to buy simple candles, and create unusual compositions. For example, take a plate rectangular shape, pour walnuts and hazelnuts, and place several candles in the center.

The composition with glasses looks even more impressive - place them on the table artificial flower, place an inverted glass on top, on the base of which we place a candle. Simple and stylish, right?!

New Year decorating the house photo

Bright pine cones in vases

We paint the pine cones from a spray can in matching colors, select the glitter that matches the new shade of the cone, cover the cone with PVA glue and sprinkle generously with glitter, and finally place bright, shiny decorations in transparent vases.

Paper garlands

Garland circles

You can safely decorate windows with such garlands, decorative fireplaces, wall shelves and ceiling chandeliers. We cut out circles of equal diameter from thick colored paper, then use sewing machine We sew the circles at a distance of 5-10 mm from each other.

The tradition of decorating your home for the New Year began several centuries ago; the home was decorated with fir branches, wooden toys, bagels, various crafts - everything that could be done with your own hands. Nowadays, it is customary to decorate not only your home, but also your place of work, in order to tune into a positive mood and create a festive mood. You need to take this matter responsibly and use your imagination.

The main decoration of any home before the New Year is invariably a Christmas tree. The New Year's beauty is dressed up only based on the personal preferences of the owners of the house. If you love the smell of pine needles and do not suffer from allergies, then a live spruce is quite suitable for you, and if for some reason you cannot bring it into the house natural wood, then the variety of artificial trees will pleasantly surprise you. The stores offer Christmas trees of different colors: white, blue, two-color and, of course, traditional green. You can decorate the New Year tree with special New Year's toys, as well as cute little things made with your own hands.

New Year's ones are coming into fashion; they are usually hung on the front door, thereby showing that everything in this house is ready to celebrate the New Year. You can make a festive wreath yourself. Fold several spruce branches and tie them with a beautiful ribbon. The decoration can be supplemented with accessories, for example, figurines of bells, snowflakes and other New Year's paraphernalia. You can also decorate the door with multi-colored garlands or lay out lights in the form of a pattern, for example, a Christmas tree. In the dark, the lights of the garlands will sparkle, attracting the attention of passers-by and giving them a mood of celebration and miracle.

Place figurines symbolizing the New Year on shelves and window sills. These can be figurines of Santa Claus or Father Frost, Snow Maiden, miniature Christmas trees and, of course, figurines of the symbol of the year. The symbol of the New Year 2017 is the Red Fire Rooster. He will be very pleased if there is something in your house that symbolizes his important bird person.

Candles are also necessary to create a special atmosphere in the house. They will create comfort, mystery and fill the house with a unique aroma. If you decide to put an artificial fir tree in the room, you can purchase candles with a pine scent. In addition, there is big choice interesting candles in the form of figures, including New Year’s ones. They will not only add visual beauty to the room, but also fill it with warm festive light.

Well, what would New Year be without gifts under the green Christmas tree? This is not only a pleasant addition to the holiday and a way to please loved ones, but also holiday decoration interior Wrap the gifts beautifully in wrapping paper, make a big bow and place the boxes under the tree. If you want this decoration to remain unchanged throughout New Year's holidays, then you can pack empty boxes and give gifts to your household on the night of January 1st.

Show your imagination, think outside the box. Attach snowflakes to the ceiling, inflate a lot of balloons, turn your apartment into a fairy tale.