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» Leg exercises with weights for jumping. Exercises with weights for a slim figure. Squats with leg raise

Leg exercises with weights for jumping. Exercises with weights for a slim figure. Squats with leg raise

Achieve the desired result in a short period of time? Of course, this is quite possible. You can pump up your legs, making them attractive, using exercises with weights. The main thing to remember: if you are just starting to exercise with additional weight, it is recommended to purchase walking weights. Over time, the weight of the metal plates can be increased.

Workout with leg weights

In order to get rid of the back of the thighs, the following exercises are recommended:

  1. Stand sideways to a wall or cabinet.
  2. Lean on this surface with one hand, and on the side with the other.
  3. Lean on the leg that is closest to the wall or cabinet.
  4. Straighten and extend the toe of the second leg. Slowly raise it in front of you as high as possible.
  5. Lower your leg. Raise it, but to the side. Lower.
  6. Pull the sock towards you.
  7. Take your leg back and bend it. Change leg.

Repeat 30 times on each leg.

To lose weight in your legs, it won’t be superfluous to use the following series of exercises with weights:

  1. To strengthen the inner thigh, you need to lie on your stomach. Place your hands under your head. Straighten your legs. Perform leg raises 15 times on each side.
  2. Stand on your toes. Place your hands on your belt. Begin rotating your ankles 25 times on each side for several approaches.
  3. Feet shoulder width apart. Start by remembering to keep your back straight. Stretch your arms in front of you. Repeat 20 times.

The following exercises with leg weights are suitable for the buttocks:

  1. Take a step forward. Squat down on this leg, creating a right angle at the knee. Hold for a few seconds. Change leg. Perform such lunges 20 times in 2 approaches.
  2. Lie on your stomach. Raise your left arm and right leg at the same time. Lower them. Repeat for the other side. Do it 10 times.

Weights create additional stress during training. Attach them to your ankles to increase the effectiveness of exercises and tone the muscles of your legs, buttocks and abs. This type of fitness equipment is a great option for working out at home when you don't have access to machines at the gym.

Why use leg weights?

Weights will increase your calorie burn and strength in your core leg muscles: your calves, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

Some exercises also work the abdominal and buttock muscles. By using this fitness equipment, your home workouts will become more challenging and effective.

Leg weights ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 kg increase oxygen consumption during exercise by 5-10% and heart rate by 3-5 times compared to rest.

What can you achieve by regularly doing exercises with leg weights?

  • Increase overall endurance. Adding weight forces you to put in extra effort and has a positive effect on your cardiovascular system.
  • Tone your legs. Exercises without weights are beneficial in themselves, but if you want to increase the effect, you need to add more load to force the leg muscles to work more productively.
  • Burn more calories. Working out with weights will require more effort and will force the body to expend more energy.
  • Adjust the load. By gradually increasing the weight of the weights, you will avoid adaptation to the exercises, this will allow you to form strong and beautiful leg muscles.

You'll get the most benefit from using leg weights in your workout by making slow, controlled movements as you exercise.

Perform the complex every other day: 3 sets of 10–12 times for each exercise. Maintain tension in the abdominal muscles and avoid sudden swinging of the legs in the joints.

Leg raises lying on the floor

Exercise to work out the lower abs. For beginners, it can be done by lifting your legs one at a time. In this case, the working leg is suspended throughout the entire set.

  • Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. Raise your legs 15 cm from the floor. For back problems, place your palms under your buttocks to relieve tension in your lower back.
  • Raise both legs in a smooth motion so that they form a 90-degree angle with your body.
  • Lower your legs slowly, but do not touch the floor with them.

From the same starting position, do the scissors exercise, alternately spreading and crossing your legs. At the same time, they must be suspended at all times.

Bicycle twisting

The exercise works the entire abdominal area.

  • Lie on your back. Bend your knees at a right angle so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Place your palms on the sides of your head.
  • With your right elbow, reach towards your left knee, while straightening your right leg parallel to the floor.
  • After a short pause, return to the original position and make a similar movement with your left elbow, straightening your left leg at the knee.

Swing at close range

Isolation exercise for the gluteal muscles.

  • Get down on all fours. Your arms should be directly under your shoulders and your hips perpendicular to the floor.
  • Lift your right leg toward the ceiling, keeping it bent at the knee. Try to keep your back straight and not bend at the waist.
  • Pause for a second and lower your leg to the starting position.
  • After performing a series of swings with one leg, do the exercise with the other leg.

Lying hip abduction

This exercise is done in two versions. External leg abduction strengthens the outer thigh and buttocks, while inward leg abduction works the inner thigh.

  • Lie on your left side, bend your right leg at the knee, foot on the floor. Extend your left leg along your body so that your right leg does not interfere with its movement. The inner side of the thigh is turned towards the ceiling.
  • Fix your right knee, lift your left leg straight to the maximum possible height.
  • Hold your leg in the top position and slowly lower it.
  • Perform 2-3 sets with each leg.

To exercise the outer thigh in the starting position on your left side, use your right leg. It should be straightened and fixed in the knee, fingers turned forward. Raise and lower your leg slowly without sudden movements.

Leg extensions

Exercise to work the quadriceps femoris muscle.

  • Sit on a chair with your feet on the floor. You can hold onto the seat with your hands.
  • Raise your right foot and extend your leg forward, straightening it at the knee.
  • Stop the movement with a slightly bent knee position and hold your leg for 2-3 seconds in this position. The hip should be tense.
  • Slowly lower your foot to the original position, but do not touch the floor.
  • Repeat the exercise on one leg, then switch to the other.

This exercise will be effective only if the leg muscles are first tired. Squat down as much as you can in one approach, and then proceed to perform.

Standing hip abduction

This exercise involves the thigh muscles and the “breeches” area.

  • Stand with your right side to the chair, you can hold the back with your hand for balance.
  • While controlling the movement, lift your left leg to the side as high as you can.
  • Hold your leg and slowly lower it back.
  • Do sets with your left leg, then switch sides and do the exercise on your right leg.

Modify the exercise by performing a standing leg kick in the same manner. Do not bend in the lower back; the exercise should be performed by contracting the thigh muscles.

Elements of step aerobics

These exercises contract and stretch the anterior and posterior thigh muscles.

  • Straighten up, put your hands on your waist.
  • Alternately, walk slowly in place with each foot, pulling your leg up. The thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • Hold your leg in the top position and slowly lower it as well.

From the starting position, do a backward hip extension. Bend your leg at the knee, pull your foot towards your buttock. In this case, the thigh remains in its original position. See more step aerobics exercises at.

Leg weights are used to increase the load. They are especially popular among men and women who prefer fitness to correct their figure.

Weights come in different types. For example, cuffs made of synthetic material, inside of which sand is poured. Cuffs are sold equipped with pockets where metal plates are placed.

To tone the muscles of the thighs, calves, and buttocks, it is permissible to use dumbbells and a “Butterfly” exercise machine. An expander is widely used and is sold in a sporting goods store. Moreover, the equipment is inexpensive.

Large weights are designed for men performing endurance exercises. The equipment is often used by professional athletes who strive to achieve results in a short time. Exercises with leg weights are intended for people who choose fitness to remove fat from their buttocks and thighs.

The special program consists of classes that correct the figure, strengthening the buttocks and inner thighs. Using additional loads, it is possible to remove fat and make muscles elastic. The average weight of weights with bulk fillers ranges from half a kilogram to two.

For exercise, weights with removable plates made of metal are used. The prerogative is the ability to remove unnecessary plates or add missing ones. Such equipment can weigh up to sixteen kilograms and is intended more for men.

Bulk weights are suitable for people who prefer fitness at home. For 10 workouts there are, on average, fifteen repetitions. To remove fat from the hips and buttocks faster, you can increase the number of repetitions.

  • Stand up straight, jump in sumo position;
  • Rise up, swing your leg to the side.

Do a similar exercise for the second leg.

  • Place your palms on the floor and place your arms at right angles. Shoulders straight;
  • Raise your bent leg up.

Leg abduction to the side:

  • Bend your leg at a right angle;
  • Take it aside. When performing the exercise, it is better to move your arms to the sides. Dumbbells are allowed.

Straight leg abduction:

  • The knee is on the floor, the other leg is straightened and pointed back.
  • The straightened leg must be raised high, without bending the knees.

Circular movements of the leg:

  • Lie on your left side, holding your head with your right hand;
  • Raise your right leg and make circular movements.
  • Lie on your back with your spine straight;
  • Bend your left leg and place your right foot on the floor;
  • Raise your right leg and straighten it;
  • While continuing to hold your leg, try to raise your pelvis.

Exercises using barbells, dumbbells

Previously, it was believed that strength equipment was intended exclusively for men. Nowadays women use barbells and dumbbells just as often. It is better if classes are conducted according to a specially designed program.

The training program is developed taking into account the state of health and body structure. It is better to conduct such training in a fitness club, under the supervision of a trainer, to avoid the chance of getting a hip injury.

Using an expander for exercise

Expanders are a type of equipment that creates resistance between the muscles and the simulator. Most often used for stretching at home or in a fitness club.

The expander is made of rubber, springy, tape, elastic. The training program using an expander for women is different from the set of exercises for men and is aimed at other muscle groups.

The exercise expander is primarily suitable for men and significantly strengthens the leg muscles.

Exercises using the simulator:

  1. For the first exercise, an expander with tubes and handles is suitable. Grab it with an overhand grip by the handles. Straighten your back. Inhale deeply while squatting. Spread your legs slightly, raise your arms. As you exhale, rise up.
  2. An expander that can be attached to a wall is suitable for this exercise. Attach the clamp, then move away from the wall, about half a meter. Hold the expander with an overhand grip. Tighten your torso muscles and move your arms behind your head. When we exhale, we stand on our toes, and when we inhale, we lower ourselves onto our feet.

Using the Butterfly Trainer

The butterfly trainer is not as popular as its predecessor, in the form of a ribbon with handles attached to the ends. The shape resembles an infinity sign, slightly bent in the middle. The body is covered with rubber, does not press when taken by hand.

The “butterfly” exercise machine has an affordable price; training with it does not require excess space. The “butterfly” is considered a popular and convenient simulator for fitness exercises. If you systematically use the equipment, you will be able to remove fat from problem areas in a short time.

Let's give examples of fitness classes with a butterfly simulator. The total training time is approximately half an hour. Classes are performed systematically a couple of times a week. It is better to start the complex with a warm-up. Finish shown.

The exercise machine is designed to strengthen various muscles, including the muscles of the buttocks and thighs. The exercise can be repeated forty times. The break between exercises is no more than 30 seconds.

Classes are performed in two approaches or more. During long-term training, the number of repetitions increases to 400. Experienced athletes are advised to use knee pads during training; in some exercises with the butterfly simulator, the load is placed directly on the knees, sometimes bruising appears.

Set of exercises:

  • Lie down, turn on your side, resting your head on your hand. The “butterfly” opens its wings towards the feet, touching the inner thigh. Squeeze your legs so that your knees can touch each other. Then we put our legs back to their previous position. The exercise is performed 40 times for the right and left legs.
  • The second exercise using the butterfly simulator: lie down on your back, spread your legs slightly bent to the sides. Place one wing between your legs. Take the second wing with your hands so that the simulator opens down. Raise your legs as you exhale, squeezing the wings of the “butterfly”, and simultaneously touch your chest with your knees. The legs straighten as you inhale.

If you use the exercise machine systematically, the fat will disappear in about a month. The thigh muscles are tightened, the stomach becomes smaller. The butterfly expander is often used in the morning during warm-up.

Supplementing basic exercises with weights

It is allowed to do additional fitness exercises specifically for the hips, calves, buttocks:

  1. Lower yourself onto your side, straightening your legs. Support your head with your palm. Don’t forget to attach the equipment to your calves. You need to raise your leg quickly and lower it slowly. It is important to monitor your breathing during exercise. You need to inhale air when raising your leg, exhale when lowering it. There are many variations of this type of exercise. It is permissible to bend your knees, pull your feet away from you, or vice versa, point them forward. In addition to weights, it is possible to connect the calves with an elastic band or place a butterfly expander between the thighs, which, thanks to the efforts of the muscles, compresses the thighs.
  2. Additional, helping to tighten the outer thighs and remove fat. Connect the calves with an elastic band or expander. In a vertical position, placing your hands on your waist, move your leg first to the side, then forward and back. Do the exercise slowly. It is necessary to observe intervals.

Many weighting materials of different types and qualities have been developed. Those who want to remove excess fat and get into shape continue to use dumbbells, expanders, and other types of sports equipment. Professionals in the field of sports and medicine emphasize that to maintain health and successfully lose weight, an individual program must be developed.

The main goal of training is to strengthen the body and keep the body in good shape.

If you actively walk and run, but the process of losing weight is stagnant and, despite intense exercise, the weight does not decrease by a single gram, then it’s time to buy leg weights, each weighing from 0.5 to 2.2 kg. Such exercise machines are divided into two types: fixed weight and adjustable. With adjustable ones, the load can be reduced or increased, which allows the body to get used to the load less quickly. The weight of the weights increases gradually, and excess fat deposits are burned, the skin becomes tightened, and the muscles become stronger. The filler in weights can be different: sand, lead shot, metal plates and balls. Water-filled ones are also popular because they are convenient for people who lead an active lifestyle and are in several places during the day. The water can be drained, and the lightweight shell of the weight material can be rolled up and put in your purse until your next workout. Weighting agents with removable metal weights, each weighing 0.5 kg, are also widely used.

Various exercises with leg weights on video:

How to make your muscles work more

You attach weights to the lower part of your shin. This creates a powerful load on the buttocks and thighs. Muscles are forced to work harder, making the most basic movements. The body needs energy, so excess fat begins to break down. During training, not only the legs, but also the abs are strengthened, blood circulation is stimulated, breathing becomes fuller and deeper, which contributes to the active saturation of tissues with oxygen.

Before training

Warm up your muscles thoroughly. Do 10 squats, then do 5 lunges with each leg, placing it in front of you. Then make your hands “clasp” behind your head, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and slowly sit down on one leg or the other. The last stage of warming up is to walk with the shin wrapped backwards. It will be great if you start sweating from exercise even before you put on the weights. Also pay attention to your pulse, which will increase in frequency. Do the “warm-up” for no longer than 15 minutes.

A set of exercises with leg weights for weight loss

Before you begin intense training, you need to warm up your muscles and let your legs get used to the loads. Therefore, it is recommended to run in place for 3-5 minutes, then make circular movements with your arms, tilt your body to the right, left, forward, backward. These simple movements will help avoid sprains and injuries. Then you can move on to the main part:

1. Ab exercise

It is performed lying down, with your arms extended along your body or behind your head. Raise your legs, bend your knees at an angle of 45 degrees, hold for 4 seconds and lower. If it’s hard for you to immediately hold 4 seconds, then during the first training you can do less. Over time, you will strengthen your muscles and be able to lift your legs for longer periods of time. If possible, repeat the exercise with leg weights 10 times.

2. For the buttocks

Get on all fours, press your hands to the floor up to your elbows. Alternately swing your legs back until fully straightened. Having straightened it, try to hold your leg in this position for 1.5-2 seconds, then lower it. Repeat up to 20 times. If you can’t do 20 right away, it’s okay, the main thing is that the execution technique is correct: try not to fall on your side, don’t bend your spine, don’t lower your head too low to the floor, your back should be straight, not bent.

3. Strengthen the inner thighs

Lie on your stomach, rest your head on your hands and alternately lift your straight legs. Do 10 times for each leg.

4. Strengthen the outer thighs

Lie on your side, placing the elbow of one hand on the floor. Raise your straight leg to shoulder level or slightly higher, hold for 1.5-2 seconds, and then slowly lower. Do not “throw” your leg down, since the entire effect of the exercise occurs during the period of gradual lowering. Repeat 10 times with each leg.

5. For general tone

Stand up, put your hands on your waist, feet together. Lift each leg one at a time with the knee bent 90 degrees and hold for about 3 seconds. Try to pull your stomach in and keep your back straight. Do this also 10-15 times.

Walking and running with weights for weight loss

Weights can significantly improve walking efficiency. But it is worth considering the rule: always place your foot on your full foot, do not walk on your toes, which can lead to straining the Achilles tendon. Don't start running until you have mastered walking.

Running is good for those who already have experience in intense physical training, since for a beginner who puts on weights for the first time and decides to run, say, the entire park, the risk of joint dislocations increases many times over. If your main goal is to lose weight, then start with the basics: attach weights and run around the apartment, try five minutes of jogging in place, then walk a little more in them and take them off. Enough for the first time. If everything is fine the next day, then try a longer run. So in three weeks you will be able to safely run along the paths in the park. This type of workout is more difficult and puts more stress on the body than regular exercises with leg weights performed at home.

An important key to success is regular training. If on weekdays you have a minimum of time for sports, then regular running will be optimal for you, to which you can devote literally 15 minutes a day for a month to see results. Professionals say that such running is more effective than aerobics.


Weights should not be used if:

  • you suffer from varicose veins,
  • you have a weak heart or vascular disease,
  • if you have had any operation and less than a year has passed since it,
  • the presence of dislocations, fractures, serious bruises, hematomas,
  • asthma or other respiratory diseases,
  • urolithiasis disease.