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» Triceps exercises or how to pump up your triceps. Basic exercises for gaining mass

Triceps exercises or how to pump up your triceps. Basic exercises for gaining mass

The triceps is a U-shaped muscle located on the back of the upper arm. Of course, when viewed from the front, he is no competitor, with his magnificent pencil-thin vein running down to his forearm and winding along it all the way to his hand. But a good triceps cannot be compared in functionality to any other muscle. Even great peaks won't make an impression if they're next to flat triceps. One day I looked at the arms of one person in the picture with well-developed triceps and then I realized beautiful hands impossible to have without massive triceps brachii muscle.

In addition, the triceps occupy most of the arm. Think about this when you start training yours again. Even if you are the size of footballs, without triceps they will never look impressive! Your arms simply won't be massive!

The picture above shows very well where the long head is, how it is attached to the shoulder blade, and where the inner head is, which always lags behind.

The structure of the triceps brachii muscle

As the name suggests, the triceps have three parts, or heads. The fibers of all three heads, tapering, pass into the common triceps ligament, which crosses the elbow joint and is attached to the protrusion on the ulna of the forearm. Contraction of the triceps leads to straightening of the arm.

In some people, the triceps ligament is short, and the muscle belly of the triceps extends throughout the arm all the way to the elbow. In others it is relatively long, and the triceps are more “peaked”, but with a short muscle belly. The outer head of the triceps forms the outer part of the letter U. Its fibers start from a small vertical section on the back of the humerus about 2/3 of the way from the elbow to the shoulder joint.

The long head of the triceps (some call it the “internal” head) starts from the scapula bone, just below the head of the humerus. Because its muscle belly crosses the shoulder joint at the back, the arm must be pulled back to fully activate the long head.

At first, the triceps may be mistaken for an insignificant muscle, hidden from view and “modestly” located on the back of the arm. However, the triceps account for 2/3 of the entire arm. We conclude: the volume of the arm largely depends on how well developed this particular muscle is. Interested? Then let's continue.

The structure of the triceps includes a trio of muscle bundles. In the area of ​​the elbow they narrow and merge into a common tendon. Due to this structure, the main function of this muscle is ensured - extension at the elbow. When performing any triceps exercise, all three muscle bundles are involved in the work.

Basic triceps exercises

When performing a set of basic exercises, not only the triceps work, but also other muscle groups. It's about about the chest and shoulders.

During the bench press, the upper triceps, anterior deltoids and upper chest muscles are intensively worked.

Advice! For beginners, it is better to give preference to the EZ bar - it makes it easier to fix the position.

During the exercise, all areas of the triceps are worked out. The main emphasis is on the lateral head.

Advice! For beginners, you can place your palms on the bench a little wider - this makes it easier to fix the elbow joints.

When performing the exercise, the pectoral muscles, deltoids and triceps are tensed, which we extend the limb at the elbow.

Advice! To isolate the muscle as much as possible, you should bring your elbows closer to your body and do not spread them to the sides throughout the entire exercise.

Isolation exercises for triceps

The group of isolating exercises includes those that involve only the triceps, the deltoids and chest are not involved in the process. The main goal of the complex is to “finish off” the triceps after basic exercises, to shape the muscles, to turn them into more “cut” ones.

During the exercise, all triceps muscles are included in the work. The lateral and medial heads take the greatest load. The back muscles are relaxed - the risk of injury is close to zero.

  1. We stand in the block frame at the top block.
  2. We take hold of the straight bar with a straight grip and bend over it, fixing the position of the projectile not with the help of the strength of our hands, but due to our own mass.
  3. We press our elbows to the body - in this position the back muscles do not strain.
  4. We smoothly extend our arms at the elbow joints and pause at the end point for a second.

Don't forget about breathing. We extend the limbs while inhaling, and when returning to the starting position, we release the air from the lungs.

By extending your arms with a dumbbell from behind your head, you place more stress on the long head of the triceps muscle. It is rarely used in most basic triceps exercises.

  1. We sit on the edge of the lounger, resting our feet on the floor. We take the dumbbell with the hand we will train. We extend the limb above the head until it is completely straightened at the elbow joint.
  • Inhaling, we lower our hand behind our head, trying to avoid movement in the shoulder joint. We lower the dumbbell down along a straight path (towards the shoulder) or slightly beveled (towards the spine).
  • Once at the lowest point, as you exhale, extend your arm until your elbow is fully straightened. At this moment, stop for a second and tense the triceps.

You should not tilt your torso forward or backward - you may lose your balance. You cannot round your back - this position additionally loads the spine.

Advice! If on initial stage During training, it is not possible to keep the elbow joint motionless; you can hold it with the hand of the opposite hand.

During the exercise, movement is observed only in the elbow joint. The lateral and long head of the triceps works.

  1. We sit on the bench, rest our feet on the floor. We move our straightened arms up and take the barbell with the bar from an assistant (grab it with an overhand grip). We straighten our arms and move them back a little from the top of the head - the starting position is accepted.
  2. We hold top part limbs motionless, while inhaling, slowly bend your arms at the elbows, lowering the load behind your head.
  3. We don’t stop at the bottom point, we return our hands to their original position. Once at the “start”, exhale and tense your triceps.

When lifting the barbell, your elbows should not extend forward. The area of ​​the arms from the shoulder to the elbow should be motionless during the entire exercise.

Advice! The exercise is best performed with an EZ bar.

Due to this exercise, the triceps acquire additional volume and become sculpted.

  1. We stand in front of the block so that our hand is parallel to the hummock. Free hand We take hold of the stationary part of the block. We move the body slightly forward, the leg of the same name as the involved arm is set back. We take the handle with a reverse grip.
  2. Inhale, pull the handle down, fully extending your arm at the elbow. At the end point, exhale and tighten the muscle even more.
  3. We return the hand to its original position slowly, feeling resistance.

During work, your back should be kept motionless. We fix the wrist, press the elbow to the body.

Advice! At the initial stage, “don’t chase the scales” - select the load so that you can perform the exercise at least 10 times.

The exercise allows you to pump all three heads of the triceps in the lower part. Indicated in the presence of imbalance of the triceps muscles.

  1. We stand on the side of the lounger, bend over and rest our palm on it, turning the latter towards ourselves. With the other hand we take a dumbbell. One of the knees can be placed on a sunbed. Bend your arm at an angle of 90 degrees, making sure that your elbow is at the level of your back or slightly higher.
  2. Inhale, hold your breath and fully extend the limb using the strength of the triceps. The forearm remains motionless. We remain in this position for a second and return to the “start”.

You need to keep your back parallel to the floor - then the triceps will work great.

Advice! During the exercise, try not to jerk, the pace of work is smooth.

Regularly performing a set of basic and isolation exercises will help give your triceps volume and definition. In addition to the regularity of training, the technique of performing the exercise also plays a significant role. The slightest deviation from it will involve other muscle groups in the work - the effectiveness of the training will significantly decrease.

Be sure to read about it

My respect, my dear girls and fitness girls! Sunday is a tedious day on the project, and all because we are considering theoretical issues, today, for example, it will be the anatomy of the arm muscles. After reading, everyone will have an idea of ​​the structure of this muscle group, its functions, and will become more intelligent in choosing pumping exercises.

So, sit down, good gentlemen, let's go.

Anatomy of the arm muscles: what, why and why?

Who loves theoretical articles, raise your hand...forest of hands. Usually there are very few such people, to be honest, I also feel sleepy from reading a sheet of thuja with a bunch of symbols, and even of an anatomical nature. Therefore, I try in every possible way to avoid unnecessary theory, but not at the expense of the quality of the note. On the other hand, many of you understand that you cannot go far without a foundation, and such notes are extremely important and necessary. So today we will continue the glorious tradition of forcing and consider the question “Anatomy of the arm muscles.” Whether you fall asleep or not, we will find out about this at the very end of the article, so let’s start moving towards it.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why you need to pump your arms

Yes, actually, it’s not necessary to download them and it’s not really necessary :), because they make up 5-7% of all muscular volumes of the body, therefore they cannot theoretically give any significant increase in mass. Often, many training programs, for example, for ectomorphs, completely exclude this muscle group or devote the least time to it. Of course, the hands are involved in almost all movements and receive their load indirectly, but still it cannot be compared with targeted and highly specialized work. Therefore, you need to shake your hands, at least for this reason:

  • as various surveys show (including posting notes), Ladies pay significant attention to their hands. In muscular arms they feel the strength and ability to protect and not allow them to be offended;
  • pumped up arms look good in summer in various sleeveless T-shirts - this is a sign of good physical shape of their owner;
  • when you are asked to show your pumped up muscles, you always show your biceps;
  • in the men's world, volume matters, so if you have weak hands, then the attitude towards you is appropriate;
  • strong hands are the ability to resist holds/choke and deliver a crushing blow to an opponent;
  • for women, toned arms and strong forearms/hands are a plus in everyday life, such as carrying bags or carrying a child;
  • for women - this is the absence of jelly and various sagging under the arms;
  • If you have muscle-toned arms, you can afford sleeveless and open-shoulder dresses.

In my opinion, an impressive list for learning a little more about the anatomy of the arm muscles and working on your playful little hands.

Anatomy of arm muscles: atlas

The arm muscles have many large, externally visible muscles that help us in everyday activities, such as changing clothes or using a PC.

The muscles of the upper limbs are divided into:

  • shoulder muscles, which in turn are divided into the anterior group (flexors) - brachialis, coracobrachialis, biceps and posterior (extensors) - ulna, triceps;
  • The muscles of the forearm are the largest, these are the brachialis (brachialis) and the brachioradialis (brachyradialis).

From the point of view of occurrence, it is customary to distinguish:

  • superficial (clearly visible on the surface)– biceps, triceps, brachyradialis, long extensor carpi radialis, deltas;
  • deep muscles - lie deep on the surface.

The muscles of the upper arm are responsible for flexion/extension of the forearm at the elbow joint. Flexion of the forearm is achieved by a group of three muscles - the brachialis, biceps and brachyradialis. In general, in the literature on anatomy it is not customary to translate the names of muscle groups, i.e. there for preserving the original Latin names, for example, brachialis would be musculus brachialis. In this regard, a more correct “Latin anatomical picture” of the arm muscles will look like this.

Let's look at the major large muscle units individually.

No. 1. Biceps

The large, thick fusiform brachii muscle, located on the top of the humerus, consists of 2 -x heads – long and short. Both originate in the shoulder area, attach below to the round eminence of the forearm bone, and unite in the middle of the shoulder.

The biceps performs the following functions:

  • works as a forearm supinator by turning and moving the palm up;
  • flexes forearm/shoulder;
  • flexes the upper arm (raise your arm forward and up).

No. 2. Triceps

The triceps fusiform muscle lies on the back of the shoulder. It has three heads - lateral, medial and long, which merge into olecranon ulna. The lateral and medial heads of the triceps originate on the humerus, the long one begins on the scapula.

The triceps performs the following functions:

  • extends the elbow joint/helps straighten the arm - acts as an extensor of the forearm at the elbow joint and humerus at the shoulder;
  • The long head also assists the latissimus dorsi during the bench pullover exercise, bringing the arm down toward the body.

Summarizing the “head” muscles, the combined anatomical picture of biceps + triceps looks like this.

No. 3. Forearm muscles

The most famous and most large muscles The wrists are: brachialis, brachyradialis, flexor carpi radialis longus and coracoid muscles. Let's look at them in more detail.

3.1. Brachialis

Most of the muscles that move the wrist, arm and fingers are found in the forearm - they are thin, like a strap. The brachialis is a flat, fusiform muscle that lies under the biceps on the lower anterior surface of the shoulder. The beginning is attached to the bottom of the humerus, and the “end” is attached to the bony eminence of the forearm.

Brachialis performs the following functions:

  • the main and strongest elbow flexor - responsible for bending the elbow in any position of the hand (supination, pronation, neutral).

3.2. Brachyradialis

This is a fusiform muscle located on the front surface of the forearm. Originates at the lower outer shoulder, crosses the elbow and extends to the radius (outer bottom). To see the muscle, tense your forearm and move your thumb to the side; the brachiralis will “appear” near the elbow, closer to the biceps tendon.

The brachioradialis muscle performs the following functions:

  • bends the elbow;
  • plays an active role in the up/down rotation of the forearm.

3.3. Extensor carpi radialis longus

On the back of the arm are extensor muscles such as extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor digitorum longus, which act as antagonistic flexors. The extensors are somewhat weaker than the flexors. The extensor carpi radialis longus is located next to the brachyradialis and is one of the 5 core muscles that help move the wrist. When a person clenches a fist, this muscle is actively involved and protrudes from the skin.


The muscles on the front of the forearm, such as the flexor carpi radialis and flexor digitorum superficialis, form the flexor group that flexes the hand at the wrist and each of the phalanges. Inflammation of this area can lead to pain and numbness known as carpal tunnel syndrome.

3.4. Coracobrachialis muscle

A long, narrow, beak-shaped muscle located on the inner surface shoulder At the top it is attached near the coracoid process of the scapula, and at the bottom - to the front inner part of the arm. This muscle is not an elbow flexor

The coracobrachialis muscle performs the following functions:

  • bringing the arm toward the body with the elbow bent.

A composite atlas of all the muscles of the forearms looks like this.

Actually, we're done with anatomy. Friends, are you still here...or am I just shaking the air? :). Let's go further and now talk about practical training aspects.

Supination and pronation - what is it?

These are two special movements produced by the muscles of the forearms - supination (outward rotation) and pronation (turn inward). Supination is produced by the biceps and the muscles of the round supinator of the forearms, pronation - by the muscles of the pronator teres of the forearms.

It turns out that the different grip of the projectile (for example dumbbells) provides different type work with hands and varying degrees participation of the biceps/triceps and forearms muscles.

Let's move on to the practical part of the note.

Anatomy of arm muscles: how to train correctly

Let's go over the anatomical features of the arm muscles and, as a result, derive some rules for their effective training. And we'll start with...

No. 1. Biceps

The biceps is a superficial muscle, so the indicative appearance of your hand muscles will depend on its quality development. The main movements in which he participates are lifting the projectile from bottom to top, i.e. bringing it to the chest. To create the peak of the biceps, it is necessary to use lifts with supination during the exercise - turning the hand upward when the palm faces the ceiling and the little finger is located above the thumb, or lifts with an already supinated hand.

The best exercises for biceps:

  • standing barbell/dumbbell lifts (straight/EZ bar);
  • reverse grip pull-ups;
  • dumbbell lifts while sitting at an upward angle from an extended position;

It is worth understanding that the shape of the biceps is laid in you by Mother Nature; it can be long with short ligaments or short with long ends of the ligaments (like Schwarzenegger).

No. 2. Triceps

Triceps makes up 2/3 part of the volume of the arms, therefore, if the arms do not have enough volume, then it is necessary first of all to “hammer” the triceps and only then the biceps. The main “profession” of all three triceps heads is extension of the arm at the elbow joint, while the medial one is the most active of all heads. Triceps antagonists (biceps, brachialis) are physiologically more powerful than the triceps muscle, which is manifested in a slight bend of the arms at the elbow when they hang freely during rest.

For the qualitative development of the triceps brachii muscle, it is necessary to use flexion/extension exercises with free weight. Quality means an increase in the volume-strength characteristics of a given muscle group. Don't spend time on isolated exercise machines (guys, leave them to the girls) It’s better to use multi-joint exercises in which everything is immediately “captured” into work. 3 triceps heads.

The best triceps exercises:

  • reverse push-ups from a bench;
  • dips;
  • close grip bench press.

No. 3. Forearm muscles

High-quality anatomy of the arm muscles requires good development this muscle group. The brachialis muscle creates a supporting platform for the biceps, as if pushing it to the “surface”. The brachialis is activated by static elbow flexion and works in all biceps exercises, but it is best engaged during reverse-grip biceps curls.

The brachioradialis (brachyradialis) muscle is actively involved in the work when lifting dumbbells with a hammer grip, i.e. when the thumb points up. The coracoid muscle plays an important role in the development of hand muscles and is clearly visible in the double biceps pose in front. The best way to hit the coracoid muscle is to do dumbbell lifts in front of you, dumbbell flyes while lying on a bench.

The best exercises for the forearms:

  • spider curls (barbell lifts with reverse grip);
  • hummer lifts (lifting dumbbells with a hammer grip);
  • wrist straight/reverse lifts of the barbell from a bench while kneeling.

Uff-f, well, that’s all, actually, now let’s sum it up and say goodbye.


The anatomy of the arm muscles is the question we studied today. Now you know what and how the stump works :) and how to pump it correctly. There is very little left to put the theory into practice, so let’s blow into the hall and swing.

That's all, I was glad to write for you, see you again!

PS. Dear, what exercises do you use to train your arms?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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The topic of today's article is how to pump up your triceps. You will learn about the most effective exercises on the triceps, features of its training and rules for drawing up a training program for the triceps brachii muscle.

Let’s not ignore the little things that few people talk about, but without which the harmonious development of the triceps will be difficult.

How to pump up triceps: the basis of training

When training small muscles like the triceps, it is vital to follow two principles:

  • Learn to turn off non-essential muscle groups from work. For example, when doing close-grip bench presses or dips, your chest grows more than your triceps. This is the most common situation.
  • Learn to load the necessary bundles. The long head of the triceps almost always lags behind the outer and middle heads.

In order for these principles to be observed, the technique of performing exercises must be at the forefront of the training. The peculiarity of triceps training is that it is a small muscle group. With the slightest lack of technique, the load will be scattered throughout the body, as a result, the triceps will not receive enough stimulation, which means it will not grow. You will be marking time in one place.

Triceps are often undeservedly deprived of attention by novice athletes. It is he who forms massive hands, because... its mass is 2/3 of the mass of the hand.

The triceps is a horseshoe-shaped muscle consisting of three bundles. These three bundles in the area of ​​the elbow narrow and turn into one tendon, with the help of which the main function of the triceps is performed - extension of the arm at the elbow.

Any triceps exercise affects all three bundles entirely!

However, the degree of impact of the load on different beams is completely different. This is due to the fact that the triceps heads have different attachment points in the upper part of the arm.

The peculiarity of the long head of the triceps is that the upper attachment point is on the shoulder blade. And in order to shorten the long triceps bundle as much as possible, you need to move your elbow back.

The medial (or middle head) has a short profile and a long tendon. This creates the appearance of a void between the lateral and long triceps bands, creating a horseshoe shape.

Due to the fact that the middle triceps bundle is located close to the elbow in the most comfortable position, plus it has a wide shape, when working with a light load (light working weight, warm-up approaches) Firstly it will be the one that will work. Increasing weights in exercises the medial fasciculus comes to the aid lateral, and when it turns on long bun triceps.

The most important difficulty in the harmonious development of the triceps is training the long head. And for its successful development you need to know the following:

  • The greater the working weight of the exercise, the more the long head of the triceps is involved in the work.
  • To turn on a long beam, you need to move your arm back or bring it up, as an example - a standing French press.
  • For greater stimulation of the long head of the triceps, the shoulder joint should be involved. The simplest example is the French bench press, when the arms in the starting position are slightly tilted towards the head. The amplitude of the movement is such that the projectile is launched behind the head. The shoulder joint bears a constant static load.
  • The closer the elbows are to the body, the more the long head of the triceps works.
  • The long head of the triceps works more intensely when the hand is supinated (palms facing up). During pronation (palm facing the floor), the outer portion of the triceps bears most of the load. As an example, these are arm extensions on a block with a reverse grip.

When training pushing muscle groups (triceps, chest, legs and deltoids) avoid cheating(lifting weights using the whole body). Because Almost all triceps exercises are single-joint, with the working joint bearing increased load. During cheating, the load on him is supermaximum. The body deliberately limits your capabilities when you fail to complete the next repetition. This is a signal that the ligaments, joints, muscles, and central nervous system are not yet ready for such loads.

If you continue to perform the exercise with jerks and pushes, sooner or later this will lead to injury. So do all the hard work on the compound exercises (dip-ups and close-grip bench presses) and then move on to single-joint isolation exercises. The triceps will be well warmed up and pre-tired. Huge traumatic weights will no longer be needed to stimulate it.

Triceps exercises

What are the most effective triceps exercises?

Moreover, if you have the opportunity to perform this exercise while lying on a bench with a negative incline, the effect will be greater. This is due to the fact that the deltoids in this position will be the least involved in the work, and the triceps will ultimately receive more positive load.

This is a basic exercise, the working weight that you can take in this exercise will be the most maximum of all triceps exercises. Perform it at the beginning of your workout, not forgetting about the warm-up and warm-up approaches.

The grip width is approximately shoulder width. The more you spread your elbows to the sides, the more the outer parts of the triceps are loaded. The closer the elbows are to the body during execution, the greater the load on the long beam.

Also a basic movement with which you can start training your triceps. When working on triceps, focus on the following points:

  • Try to keep your body straight, do not lean forward.
  • By pressing your elbows toward your body, the long head of the triceps receives more load. By keeping your elbows out to the side, the outer triceps do most of the work.
  • At the top point, be sure to achieve a lockout (full straightening of the arms at the elbows).

This is an isolated exercise, because... One joint is involved in the work - the elbow.

The basic principles of triceps training are retained in this exercise. The farther your elbows are apart and the more pronated your hand, the more work the outer triceps does. The closer the elbows are to each other during the exercise, the more of the work is carried out by the long triceps fascicle.

It matters where you lower the bar at the bottom. When lowering behind the head, the long beam works to a greater extent. When lowering to the nose or forehead - external beams.

Or sitting. This is an isolated exercise. Its main feature is that the elbows are always located at the top, and the projectile is placed behind the head.

This creates favorable conditions to shorten a long beam that is constantly underloaded. You can further enhance the effect of this triceps exercise by keeping your elbows as close to each other as possible.

This exercise is variable. You can perform it with either a barbell or dumbbells (or one dumbbell). Try to try all the options and choose the most comfortable one for yourself.

Reverse grip provides even more effective stimulation of the long head

Basic convenience this exercise The point is that it is performed while standing and it is much easier to adjust your body to a comfortable execution. Another undoubted advantage is the ability to perform it with different grips (if there are different handles).

The principles are the same. By putting your elbows to the sides, the outer part works more. By pressing the elbows to the body, the internal one is loaded. When working with a rope handle at the lowest point, try to pronate your hand, i.e. turn your palms towards the floor. This life hack increases the load on a long bun.

One more great opportunity To work out a long bun, use a reverse grip with your elbows pressed to the body.

Triceps training program

Program for Beginners

An effective triceps training program must include exercises that equally load all three bundles. For the emphasis is built on, as a factor in the growth of the total mass of all triceps bundles and includes two exercises:

  • 3-4 sets of 6-8 times
  • 3-4 sets of 6-8 times

Do not forget . Warm up your muscles well and move on to working approaches.

Program for experienced

The main difference between such a program and a beginner’s program is that a more experienced athlete can handle a larger load. He has more exercises and approaches. In addition, training should include an element of specialization for the lagging beam.

Such a program can be composed of one or two basic movements and one or two isolated ones. Specific example:

  • 3-4 sets of 6-8 times
  • French press standing behind the head 3-4 sets of 6-10 times
  • 3-4 sets of 6-12 times

The selection of specific exercises is an individual thing. Determine which beam is lagging behind and specialize in it, adding the desired exercise.

What to train triceps with?

There are three options here. First– training all pushing muscle groups in one day. For example, chest or shoulders + triceps.

Advantages: You will have a large number of rest, which means resources for growth.

Flaws: By training a larger muscle group, the triceps brachii muscle also gets tired. When it comes to it, the working weights will be less, because... triceps are no longer fresh.

Second– training on the principle of antagonist muscles. For example, back + triceps.

Advantages: The triceps will be able to do heavy work because... Back exercises do not tire him out.

Flaws: Less full days recreation. Having trained your triceps today, the next day you will have chest in your program. As a result, the triceps, which has not fully recovered, will be loaded again, which will negatively affect its growth, plus the results in chest exercises will suffer. Solution: space out such training days as far apart as possible.

Third: a separate day for arm training. Biceps + triceps.

Advantages: Both muscle groups are fresh and ready to work with heavy weights.

People who come to the gym often really want to “pump up” themselves. big hands. In this regard, they begin to do exercises for the biceps - the biceps brachii muscle.

Beginning athletes do not even suspect that the main volume of the arms is often provided by another mulcular structure - the triceps or triceps brachii muscle.


The musculus triceps brachii consists of several main structures. They represent three muscle bundles (heads), which is reflected, in fact, in the name. The triceps brachii muscle extends all the way across the back of the humerus.

The three heads of the muscle have their own names, reflecting their structural location: lateral, long and medial.

  1. The first one listed ( caput laterale) is attached muscularly and tendinously to the surface of the humerus (outside).
  2. The middle position is occupied by caput longum , it is the longest, attached to the scapula (subarticular tubercle).
  3. Third - caput mediale , attached one third below the head of the humerus, at the back, has a fleshy upper part.

All three of these heads are combined into one muscle, which below passes into a tendon formation attached to

Triceps work

The function of the triceps muscle, or rather, the most important of them, is extension of the forearm. This is the same hand movement when, when the elbow is extended, the entire arm straightens. But its medial part is responsible for this. The main antagonist is the biceps muscle.

The exercises themselves can be easily found in bodybuilding manuals or on websites on the Internet. Many training complexes are posted online on video channels.

About muscle pain

Unfortunately, the triceps brachii muscle can experience unpleasant sensations, the functions of which lead to overstrain and spasm. Pain may occur when pushing heavy objects or sharply straightening the arm.

Trigger points and muscle bands can also cause problems. In the first case, the pain can radiate to other areas, in the second, it will be very painful on palpation.

In such cases, stretching of the heads of the triceps muscle is required. A massage therapist can do a great job with this.


You should not train the heads of the triceps muscle separately, it is pointless. Any triceps exercise will fully engage it.

It is worth remembering that all people are genetically different. Differences in height, size of cats, muscle shape, length of tendon heads of muscles - all this must be taken into account when forming your “ideal” body. Don't look up to bodybuilding competition models.

Information for women and girls! You don't have to go to the gym to build triceps. It is enough to do push-ups from the floor from a bench (bench), sitting with your back to it.