Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Conditions from 40 to 50. Subjects who dressed the same as younger people had fewer age-related diseases

Conditions from 40 to 50. Subjects who dressed the same as younger people had fewer age-related diseases

What problems does the 40+ screening program at INVITRO solve?

  1. Monitoring the functions of the cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary and urinary systems, liver, pancreas, pelvic organs, upper and lower gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Monitoring indicators of protein, lipid, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism, as well as blood clotting.
  3. Determination of latent or sluggish inflammatory processes.
  4. Control of the most common, including mild, endocrine disorders.
  5. Assessment of the state of the biocenosis of the urogenital tract.
  6. Detection of latent myocardial ischemia using functional stress tests.
  7. Assessment of lipid metabolism as a factor in the development of systemic vascular atherosclerosis.
  8. Assessment of the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  9. Assessment of hemodynamic disorders that threaten the occurrence of acute and chronic cerebrovascular accidents.
  10. Endoscopic monitoring of the condition of all parts of the large intestine for the prevention of colorectal cancer.
  11. Assess hormonal changes in premenopause, including identifying the risk of osteoporosis.

Specialist consultations

  • Initial appointment with a therapist
  • Initial appointment with a gynecologist
  • Initial appointment with a gastroenterologist
  • Initial appointment with a mammologist
  • Initial appointment with a neurologist
  • Initial appointment with an endocrinologist
  • Repeated appointment with a therapist

Composition of the complex


No. 119. Leukocyte formula (differential white blood cell count, leukocytogram, Differential White Blood Cell Count) with blood smear microscopy in the presence of pathological changes

Includes determination of the total concentration of blood leukocytes and the percentage of the main subpopulations of leukocytes. As a result of the automated calculation of the leukocyte formula, the hematology analyzer identifies 5 subpopulations of leukocytes: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and...

No. 5. Blood analysis. Complete blood count (without leukocyte formula and ESR) (Complete Blood Count, CBC)

The study includes determination of hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit value, concentration of erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, as well as calculation of erythrocyte indices (MCV, RDW, MCH, MCHC). Blood consists of a liquid part (plasma) and cellular, formed elements (erythrocytes,...

No. 139. ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, ESR)

A nonspecific indicator reflecting changes in the protein composition of blood plasma. Mainly used to diagnose inflammatory conditions and monitor their course. The classic principle of measuring ESR is that when a certain volume of blood is mixed...

No. OBS103. Hemostasiogram (coagulogram), screening

This is a basic set of tests used to screen for the condition of the blood coagulation system. Includes the following indicators: Prothrombin (prothrombin time, prothrombin (according to Quick), INR - international normalized ratio), Fibrinogen, APTT (activated partial thromboplasty...

No. 16. Glucose (in blood) (Glucose)

The main exo- and endogenous substrate of energy metabolism. More than half of the energy consumed by a healthy body is generated through the oxidation of glucose. Glucose and its derivatives are present in most organs and tissues. The main sources of glucose are sucrose, starch,...

No. 18. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1С, Glycated Hemoglobin)

A combination of hemoglobin with glucose, which allows one to assess the level of glycemia 1 to 3 months prior to the study. It is formed as a result of the slow non-enzymatic addition of glucose to hemoglobin A contained in red blood cells. Glycated (also used as...

No. 28. Total protein (in blood) (Protein total)

The most important indicator of protein metabolism. Blood plasma proteins perform many functions in the body, and protein levels are one of the most important laboratory indicators. Of the 9 - 10% of plasma dry matter, proteins make up 6.5 - 8.5%. The concentration of total protein in serum depends...

No. 13. Bilirubin total

Blood pigment, a breakdown product of hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochromes. Yellow hemochromic pigment is formed as a result of the breakdown of hemoglobin, myoglobin and cytochromes in the reticuloendothelial system of the spleen and liver. One of the main components of bile, it is also found in serum in the form of two forms...

No. 14. Bilirubin direct (Bilirubin conjugated, bound; Bilirubin direct)

Fraction of total bilirubin in the blood, resulting from the processes of conjugation of free bilirubin in the liver. This is a combination of free bilirubin with glucuronic acid - bilirubin glucuronide. Highly soluble in water; penetrates into tissues, low toxicity; gives a direct reaction with diazorea...

No. 30. Triglycerides

Triglycerides (TG) are a source of energy and the main form of its storage in the body. TG molecules contain triatomic alcohol glycerol and fatty acid residues. If it is necessary to obtain energy for various life processes, the utilization of TG provides twice as many calories per 1 g of weight...

No. 31. Total cholesterol (cholesterol, Cholesterol total)

About 80% of all cholesterol is synthesized by the human body (liver, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands, gonads), the remaining 20% ​​comes from food of animal origin (meat, butter, eggs). Cholesterol is insoluble in water; it is transported in the blood in lipoprotein complexes...

No. 32. HDL Cholesterol (High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol)

Lipoproteins in the blood transport lipids, including cholesterol, from one cell population to another. Unlike other lipoproteins, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) transport cholesterol from cells in peripheral organs (including heart vessels, brain arteries, etc....

No. 33. Cholesterol-LDL (Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, LDL, Cholesterol LDL)

Lipoproteins in the blood transport various classes of lipids, including cholesterol, from one cell population to another. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) are the main transport form of cholesterol, transporting it primarily in the form of cholesteryl esters. Refers to beta lipopro...

No. 218. Cholesterol fraction SNP (VLDL, Very Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, VLDL Cholesterol)

Marker of atherogenicity. Very low density lipoproteins are a heterogeneous group of particles with a diameter of 30 - 80 nm (smaller than chylomicrons, but larger than other lipoproteins). It is the primary vehicle for the transport of exogenous lipids in plasma. Hyperlipemia caused by VLDL, like chilo...

No. 219. Apolipoprotein A-1

Apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1) is the main protein in high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Each HDL particle can carry one to five apoA1 molecules. Also present in chylomicrons. ApoA1 synthesis occurs in the liver and intestines. Entering the blood from the intestines as part of chylomicrons,...

No. 220. Apolipoprotein B

Apolipoprotein B (apoB) is the main protein of all lipoproteins except high-density lipoproteins. Therefore, this indicator reflects the risk of developing atherosclerosis. In humans, there are two forms of it. The most common form is apoB-100, which is specific for lipoproteins...

No. 1071. Lipoprotein (a) (Lipoprotein (a), Lp(a))

Lipoprotein (a) (LP(a)) belongs to the category of atherogenic lipoproteins. Its increased concentration is associated with an increased risk of coronary vessel pathology, myocardial infarction, and stroke. The level of Lp(a) in the blood is determined mainly by genetic factors, so it is considered important...

No. 8. ALT (ALT, Alanine aminotransferase, alanine transaminase, SGPT, Alanine aminotransferase)

An intracellular enzyme involved in amino acid metabolism, the test is used in the diagnosis of damage to the liver, cardiac and skeletal muscles. ALT catalyzes the reversible reaction of transferring the amino group of alanine to α-ketoglutaric acid to form pyruvic acid and glutamic acid...

No. 9. AST (AST, aspartate aminotransferase, AST, SGOT, Aspartate aminotransferase)

An intracellular enzyme involved in amino acid metabolism, the test is used in the diagnosis of damage to the liver, cardiac and skeletal muscles. Catalyzes the reversible reaction of amino group transfer from aspartic acid to α-ketoglutaric acid with the formation of oxaloacetic and glutamine...

No. 11. Alpha-Amylase (Diastase, Alpha-Amylase)

An enzyme involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates. Amylase is a hydrolytic enzyme that decomposes starch and glycogen to maltose. Amylase is formed mainly in the salivary glands and pancreas, then enters the oral cavity or the lumen of the duodenum, respectively...


No. 713. Ultrasound of the brachiocephalic vessels (extracranial vessels leading to the brain)

Ultrasound of the brachiocephalic vessels is a study of extracranial vessels that go to the brain and are responsible for its blood supply. Using ultrasound of the BCS, the presence or absence of atherosclerotic plaques, narrowing of blood vessels, and changes in their structure are detected. An examination is prescribed for complaints of dizziness...

No. 710. Comprehensive ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs (liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen)

An abdominal ultrasound may be prescribed as a preventive examination for abdominal pain of unknown etiology, digestive problems, and abdominal injuries. This diagnostic procedure makes it possible to detect signs of an inflammatory process, neoplasms, congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract...

No. 712. Ultrasound of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes

Ultrasound diagnostics of the mammary glands and regional lymph nodes allows us to identify benign (cysts, fibroadenomas) and malignant neoplasms, and in the presence of metastases, determine the extent of their spread to the regional lymph nodes. Indications for undergoing the study may be: ...

No. 729. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (uterus, appendages)

Ultrasound diagnostics of the uterus allows you to assess its shape, size, position, condition of the myometrium and endometrium. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is recommended for infertility of unknown origin, menstrual irregularities, uterine bleeding, if pregnancy is suspected, including extram...

No. 717. Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, parathyroid glands and regional lymph nodes

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) allows you to evaluate the size and structure of the glands and lymph nodes, determine the presence of neoplasms in them and is recommended for enlargement of the anterior surface of the neck, constant lethargy, drowsiness, lethargy, sudden gain or loss of body weight, increased blood pressure...

No. N53. Gastroscopy

A therapeutic and diagnostic procedure during which the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum is examined using an endoscope. If necessary, a biopsy (taking a piece of suspicious tissue for histological examination) or removal of small tumors can be performed...

No. D02. Densitometry of the lumbar spine in combination with the femoral neck (including for patients with hip joint replacements)

Densitometry is a preventive method of examining patients and its main task is the early detection and prevention of osteoporosis. At the earliest stages of the disease, its signs are detected in the lumbar vertebrae L2-L4. And fractures due to osteoporosis, according to statistics, more often occur in the femoral neck...

No. R01. Plain X-ray of the chest organs

Plain chest radiography is mainly necessary to assess the condition of the lungs. The study is carried out to identify or exclude tuberculosis, pneumonia, and lung cancer. It can be used to diagnose rupture of the pulmonary pleura (the membrane surrounding the lungs) or atelectasis (collapsed...

Everyone knows that at 40, life is just beginning :) At this age, a woman is elegance itself. This should be reflected, among other things, in clothing for this age. Today the women's site “Beautiful and Successful” will talk about what clothes are suitable for ages 40-50. Our tips will help you look conservative, but at the same time remain feminine and please yourself and others. Looking elegant is very important, but it does not mean that you have to pull on a skirt that goes all the way to your toes and button up all the buttons.

Clothes for ages 40 - 50: basic recommendations

Details matter a lot. Let your everyday things attract attention with their help: draperies, interesting texture or color of fabric, soft feminine shapes. Remember the important rule: even if you love bright, custom pieces, your outfit should always have one or two basic ones to balance the look.

Clothes for ages 40 - 50 Dresses

Exquisite dresses are suitable clothes for the age of 40 - 50 years. These dresses will make you look like a mature woman, but at the same time make you look sophisticated and cute. Don't think that dresses with a closed chest or below the knee length hide all your assets. Among these dresses there are quite interesting and sexy models. If you don’t think so, use additional “means” - emphasize your waist with a belt or choose a model with a moderate neckline.

Dresses for ages 40 - 50

Blouses and tops

Blouses and tops must be modern. When choosing clothes for people aged 40 - 50 years, it is very important to take this factor into account. The ideal option is a snow-white shirt with a simple silhouette, which is universal and allows you to combine it with many things. Blouses and tops for ages 40 - 50 Focus on the upper part of your figure by purchasing a blouse with a complex cut. However, think carefully about your image. If you choose a top with an unusual decor, its color should be noble.


When choosing a piece of clothing for the age of 30-40, like a skirt, you should be very careful when exposing your legs. However, forget about caution when choosing the style of your skirt. As always, a below-knee pencil skirt is the perfect option to turn you into a lady. But any other style, when properly combined with other things, will decorate you. The same goes for unusual details. They help to emphasize individuality and make the image unique.

Skirts for ages 40 - 50

Jackets and outerwear

The most important thing is quality: good cut, expensive fabric, impeccable finishing. When buying jackets, coats, raincoats and jackets, pay attention to these points. In addition, these things should fit very well on the figure and have a clear shape.

Work clothes

“Work” clothes for people aged 40 - 50 years old, of course, should be conservative and sophisticated. But you shouldn't take this literally. There is no need to limit yourself to rigid boundaries, constantly refusing to buy new outfits just because they are too modern. Despite the necessary restraint, you have a huge amount of room for creativity. Work clothes for ages 40 - 50 You can change your usual look, for example, by replacing a jacket with a soft knitted cardigan with an emphasis on the waistline. Wear long, wide trousers made of high-quality fabric, cute skirts with interesting trim, soft feminine blouses, jackets in complex colors. These things will make you feel modern and confident, but at the same time remain a real lady with impeccable style. And, as always, the right accessories will help add some flair.

Evening dresses

Your femininity should be the center of attention. The optimal choice for an elegant woman aged 40 - 50 years is dresses of voluminous shapes, made of noble materials, with feminine details. Choose a classic color scheme - black, dark blue, gray shades, choosing suitable, no less elegant, accessories for them. Evening dresses for ages 40 - 50

Finding the right clothes for your age is very important. And not only so that the people around you do not accompany you with sidelong glances and all sorts of discussions. This is also important for you to feel harmonious. It is clothing that is the external expression of your inner state and mood, and sometimes a factor influencing both the first and the second. So when you find what's right for you, you'll always not only look, but feel great in your clothes.

From about 30 to 40 years of age, a person begins an important period during which the foundation for later life is laid. Therefore, it is necessary to take simple actions now so as not to regret later about lost time and missed opportunities. It is not necessary to do all the recommendations at once; even following a few will be a significant step towards a prosperous life.

No smoking

If you didn’t start smoking before you were 30, then you shouldn’t start now. And if you already have this bad habit, then it’s time to quit it. This is one of the most harmful and stupid hobbies that spoils health and shortens life.

Don't eat junk food

At a younger age, our food preferences tend to be determined by the family in which we grow up. But after 30, it’s worth thinking about how proper nutrition affects our well-being and longevity. It's time to give up quick snacks, pizza, hot dogs, hamburgers and not fill it all with cola and beer.

Maintain or restore relationships with family and friends

Everyone can, in their youth, “heatedly” break off relations with their parents, brothers and sisters. But then the understanding comes that the most important thing in a person’s life is family, and disagreements and beliefs come and go, it’s not worth losing loved ones for this. Therefore, it’s time to restore the relationship before it’s too late.

Use sun protection

Tanning may or may not be fashionable at different times. But at the same time, it always remains harmful. If you don’t want to have pigmented skin with a lot of wrinkles, then don’t forget about sun protection. Wear sunglasses, baseball caps, and use sunscreen. It’s better not to abuse being under the sun without clothes.

Exercise regularly

As a rule, people under 30 are relatively healthy. After that, only those who pay attention to this and lead an active lifestyle. Movement is life, choose any sports activity and do it at least once a week. Try to walk more, your legs help your heart work.

Save money

No matter how trivial it may sound, now is the time to think about savings. While you are at the peak of your development, which will decline over time, it is worth starting to gradually save money that may be useful to you in the future. Even if everything goes well for you financially, a nice bonus won’t hurt in the future.

Appreciate what you have

One of the skills that is necessary for a happy life is to learn to enjoy what you have and stop worrying about missed moments. Perhaps with this approach your chances of getting rich will decrease, but you will live a calm and happy life. What is more important is up to you to decide.

Don't put things off until later

Build a house, have children, learn a new profession, learn to play the guitar, get another education. It's time to start today. Of course, life doesn’t end after forty, but the longer you hesitate, the more difficult it becomes to do something new.

Maintain a daily routine

With your nightlife behind you, it's time to figure out proper eating and sleeping patterns. This is what will help you maintain your energy level in the coming years.

Take care of your teeth

If you have problems with your teeth, run to the dentist now before you lose all your teeth. And don't forget to visit your dentist regularly.

Collect impressions

One day you will realize that all your material possessions do not matter much. Only your memories and impressions never lose value and are always with you.

Do charity work

In our youth they help us get on our feet. In old age they help us not to fall. And only in adulthood do you have the opportunity to help others.

Conquer fear

If you have long dreamed of jumping with a parachute, climbing a mountain, taking part in competitions or declaring your love, then now is the right moment. Otherwise, then you will sit at home, in a chair in front of the TV, and regret that you never decided.

Read at least 10 books a year

The main thing is to choose the right books. If you're not a big fan of reading books, start small. Choose any book and read it at least on weekends. Over time, perhaps you will get involved and you will no longer be able to tear yourself away from this activity. Brain training prolongs life.

Try to travel as much as possible

Spending most of your life in front of a TV and monitor is not a happy prospect. To prevent this from becoming your reality, you need to get out of the circle of ordinary life and travel as often as possible. New impressions and experiences, as well as “brain clearing” are guaranteed. Even short trips to a neighboring city will help you unwind and add new colors to life.

Drink more water

Every year the amount of fluid in the human body becomes less and less. Lack of water provokes the development of various diseases. If you want to stay healthy and energetic for many years, make it a rule to drink 1.5-2 liters of natural, natural water per day. Be sure to drink 1-2 glasses of water in the morning; your body becomes dehydrated and oxidized overnight.

Find yourself

At 20, you try to show your independence, but in reality you worry about every glance in your direction. After 30 years, you should get rid of the habit of comparing yourself with others and being guided by your own opinions, learn from your mistakes.

Chapter 1

Cognitive Features

At forty to fifty years of life, a person finds himself in conditions that are psychologically significantly different from the previous ones. By this time, quite a lot of life and professional experience has already been accumulated, the children have grown up, and relationships with them have acquired a qualitatively new character, the parents have grown old and they need help. Natural physiological changes begin to occur in the human body, to which he also has to adapt: ​​vision deteriorates, reactions slow down, sexual potency in men weakens, women experience menopause, which many of them endure physically and psychologically with extreme difficulty. In addition, at this age many people begin to experience serious health problems for the first time.

Features of mental cognitive processes during middle adulthood

Currently, it is generally accepted that the average age of a person chronologically covers a period of life of approximately from 40 to 60–65 years. However, in the works of various authors there are significant differences in determining the beginning and end of a given age. What is this connected with? First of all, this is explained by significant subjectivity in assigning an individual to a particular age, and this, in turn, depends on both biological and many social factors. For example, does a 40-year-old woman who has just given birth to her first child consider herself middle-aged? Does a 40-year-old man studying by correspondence at a higher education institution think that the career opportunity is already lost for him?

Thus, one of the main features of middle adulthood is the extreme subjectivity of a person when assessing his age. However, this does not mean at all that there are no changes at both the psychological and biological levels. Changes occur and entail changes in the personal sphere. What changes in the cognitive sphere of a person who reaches the age of 40–60 years?

Age-related changes that can be observed in people 40–60 years old are expressed primarily in a decrease in physical capabilities. This, of course, is reflected in the characteristics human psychophysical functions, affects sensorimotor And motor processes, as well as the activity of its internal organs and systems.

Age specifics

One of the main features of middle adulthood is the extreme subjectivity of a person when assessing his age.

Development of sensory functions of sensation and perception

It should be emphasized that those changes in sensory functions that can be observed in a person of middle adulthood are directly related to the onset of this age.


Thus, it is known that a person’s vision practically does not change from adolescence until he or she reaches 50 year old threshold when visual acuity begins to decline more rapidly (Schieber, 1985; Pollack, & Atkinson, 1978). However, nearsighted people often begin to see better in middle age than in their youth.

After 50 years, most people have to wear glasses

Research by I. Ustinova (1966), who studied the sensitivity of 185 aircraft commanders and co-pilots in many parameters characterizing an individual’s vision (color perception, night vision, depth eye, etc.), showed the following: pilots aged 25–54 years have sufficient stability of the functional state of the cortical part of the visual analyzer. Of the entire complex of sensory functions, she discovered a gradual decrease with age only in visual acuity due to anomalies refraction and weakening accommodation at older ages. This partial loss of vision does not affect the pilots' performance level. Therefore, we can say that changes in the psychophysical functions of vision in people who have reached middle adulthood do not in any way affect the functioning of their cognitive sphere.

Features of development

Changes in the psychophysical functions of vision in people who have reached middle adulthood do not in any way affect the functioning of their cognitive sphere.


Hearing in general becomes less acute after 20 year old age, continuing to deteriorate further, which causes a person certain difficulties in perceiving high-frequency sounds. Moreover, some authors believe that partial hearing loss appears to be more typical for men than for women, which is caused more by external factors than by the natural aging process (for example, loud or high-frequency noise at work). In general, hearing loss in middle age is rarely so noticeable that it prevents a person from carrying out a normal conversation.

Experimental studies carried out show that gustatory , olfactory And pain sensitivity a person's vision also decreases at different points during middle adulthood, although these changes occur more gradually and are not as noticeable as the decline in vision and hearing. Wherein sensitivity to temperature changes practically remains high.

In addition, other biological functions of a person change during middle age, such as reaction time And sensorimotor skills. The increase in reaction time during adulthood occurs at a rather slow pace, beginning to accelerate in old age. Motor skills may deteriorate, but the results shown remain at the same level, probably due to long-term practice and experience. Thus, a person who does the same work every day will continue to show the same results in this activity as he ages, but it becomes increasingly difficult for him to learn new skills.

Development of attention

However, it is known that at the age 41–46 years old The attention function reaches its highest level of development. And despite the fact that at the same time one of the lowest levels of memory functions is noted, people who have reached this age have the best opportunities for active learning and self-education, and retain potential for cognitive activity.

Thus, in people who have reached middle adulthood, there is a relative decrease in the characteristics of psychophysical functions. However, this does not affect their performance - the person’s labor and creative activity is completely preserved. Do these changes affect the functioning higher mental processes ?

Higher mental processes– complex, intravitally developing systemic mental processes, social in origin. Higher mental processes include voluntary memory, voluntary attention, thinking, speech, etc.

Development of intelligence

Research by L. Schoemfeldt and W. Owens (1966), carried out by combining longitudinal method and method of age sections, showed that verbal-logical functions, reaching the first optimum in early youth, can increase in adulthood up to up to 50 years and gradually decrease only by age 60. When determining general intellectual activity using the method of age sections, studies revealed a picture of a stationary state of intelligence, from 18 to 60 years old located almost at the same level. Using a more subtle, longitudinal method, taking into account individual modifications and genetic connections, a sharp increase in indicators of intellectual development was revealed from 18 to 50 years old, after which a gradual and slight decrease in indices was observed.

The same authors noted the presence of clearly expressed progressive shifts in evolution, rather than involution, in the general characteristics of the intelligence of adults. However, it is quite possible that the maintenance of intellectual functions is significantly influenced by the activity performed by the individual. Thus, in people of intellectual labor who have reached middle adulthood, due to constant training, indicators of intellectual development may practically not differ from their indicators in youth. Moreover, some of the mental abilities of those people with higher education who continue to work fruitfully and lead an active life even increase in middle age (Schaie K. W., 1983). Thus, the development of individual human abilities (especially those associated with work and everyday life) apparently continues throughout middle age (Willis S., 1989).

Types of intelligence

In order to generally assess the nature of changes in the cognitive sphere of people during middle adulthood, it is necessary to become familiar with theoretical and experimental approaches to the study of human intelligence. First of all, what is intelligence?

Intelligence(from lat. intellectus) translated into Russian means understanding, understanding, comprehension. However, at present there is no common understanding of this term. Various authors associate the concept of “intelligence” with a system of mental operations, with a style and strategy for solving life problems, with the effectiveness of an individual approach to a situation requiring cognitive activity, etc.

Another very common point of view was the opinion of J. Piaget: intelligence is what ensures human adaptation.

Today, there are two main interpretations of intelligence: a broader and a narrower one. In a broader sense, intelligence is a global integral biopsychic feature of a person that characterizes his ability to adapt. Another interpretation of intelligence combines in this concept a generalized characteristic of a person’s mental abilities.

In recent years, a theory has become quite widely known, in which, when considering the problems of human intellectual development, they distinguish two different types of intelligence. Moreover, it is believed that these two types of intelligence can be relatively easily measured by conventional intelligence tests (Horn, 1982).

First type of intelligence, which combines a very wide area of ​​intellectual functioning, is called fluid intelligence. These are the abilities with which a person learns something new. These include the speed and effectiveness of memorization, inductive reasoning, operating with spatial images and the perception of new connections and relationships. Of course, the term used to refer to this type of intelligence is a metaphor. Rather, it implies that the basic processes of intelligence flow into many other types of human intellectual activity, including perception, recognition, analysis, and problem solving (Horn, 1982; Neugarten, 1976).

Most authors who consider the problem of intelligence within the framework of this theory believe that the progressive development of fluid intelligence continues until the end of the youthful period of a person’s life, and then in the process of growing up there is a gradual decrease in it. This type of intelligence, according to scientists, reflects the biological capabilities of the nervous system - its performance and integrativeness(Horn, 1982).

A different type of intelligence is crystallized intelligence, which comes to a person with experience and education. The acquisition of this form of intelligence is associated with a person’s awareness and the knowledge that he has accumulated over a long period of his life. What directly expresses the level of development of this type of intelligence? Primarily in a person's ability to establish relationships, formulate judgments, analyze problems, and use learned strategies to solve problems.

Unlike the previous type of intelligence, crystallized intelligence often increases over the course of life as individuals retain the ability to acquire and retain information (Neugarten, 1976). When are longitudinal studies conducted? cognitive skills tests that involve the use of this type of intelligence, subjects often show their 50 years results are higher than those they demonstrated in 20 . This largely explains the fact that humanities and natural scientists, whose work is directly based on the knowledge and experience accumulated throughout their lives, are more productive in their work. 40-, 50- or even 70 year old age, not youth.

For example

For example, in the work of a psychologist, many researchers identify three peaks of productivity. The first of these, according to most, is due to age 40–45 years, and second - 60–64 years. The third peak is observed at the turn 70 -years of age.