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» Options for cheap DIY video surveillance. How to make DIY video surveillance for your home Self-planning of video surveillance

Options for cheap DIY video surveillance. How to make DIY video surveillance for your home Self-planning of video surveillance

Someone periodically rummages through your things, but you don’t know how to catch this person? Whether it's a friend, family member, colleague or blood enemy, to obtain evidence and identify the culprit, you can use a hidden camera to stop the intrusion into your personal space.


Place the camera in a piece of furniture

    Buy an inexpensive webcam. You can find a suitable model for a price of several hundred rubles. Do an online search for the phrase “inexpensive webcam.”

    Disassemble the camera body. Inside you will find a board with optics attached to it. This will make the camera much smaller and easier to hide.

    Select a location to install the hidden camera. Let your imagination run wild! The camera will not be so noticeable if you place it inside some ordinary object. It must be something that is usually present in your room or office. If an object appears in a room that should not be there, it may arouse suspicion.

    • For example, find an old electric pencil sharpener that no one uses. You can take out its internal parts and place the camera eye into the pencil hole. Simply unscrew the sharpener body, remove the motor from it, remove the wires and power cord. Don't forget to unplug the sharpener first!
    • Try using a cardboard shoe box or tissue box. Cut a small hole in the side of the box through which the camera can “peek” out. It should not be too large so as not to arouse anyone's suspicion!
    • Consider mounting the camera on a bag or gift box. Again, make a small hole on the side of the bag. It will be less noticeable if the surface of the bag has a 3D texture or pattern. On a black or dark bag the camera will be even less noticeable.
    • Consider placing a hidden camera among the leaves of a houseplant or in a secluded corner of a bookshelf where no one is likely to look. Make sure the camera is pointed in the direction you want to shoot.
  1. Place the camera inside an object that disguises it. Point the camera eye into the hole prepared for it. Make sure the camera is well hidden in the item and is not conspicuous.

    • If you expect the camera item to move around, consider supergluing the camera securely to it. Apply glue to the outer ring of the camera optics to adhere it to the hole. Do not apply glue too close to the lenses themselves, as this will cause the lenses to form a coating from the drying glue fumes, which will be very difficult to remove, so the quality of the photo may become blurred.
  2. Secure fishing weights inside the item with tape or glue to prevent it from appearing unusually light. This is especially important when installing the camera inside equipment (sharpeners, watches and similar weighty objects).

    • If you don't have fishing weights, any heavy enough piece of metal will do. Be careful with metal objects that have sharp, jagged edges.
  3. Pass the USB cable (the cable for connecting the camera to the computer) through the back of the object masking the camera. If the wire is not very long, you will have to place this item close to the computer.

    • Cover the USB cable with something. Carelessly laid out papers or an abandoned jacket are suitable for this, but everything should look natural. If it is clearly visible that a pencil sharpener is connected to your computer, then an attacker will probably suspect something is wrong.
  4. If you hide a camera inside a device, consider creating a sign for it that says "out of order" so that no one would think of using it. If someone tries to turn on this device, they will most likely detect your camera.

    Point the camera at the desired location. Think of yourself as a filmmaker setting the scene: think about what you want to prove with the footage and how you might capture the suspect's face.

    • If you just want someone to stay away from your room, say a pesky sibling, point the camera at the door so you can capture the person entering the room.
    • If you want to stop certain unwanted behavior from other people, such as getting a sibling to stop taking your clothes without permission or stopping a co-worker from stealing office supplies from your desk, aim the camera to capture the events that interest you.
    • If you want to film a range of criminal activities indoors, position the camera further away so that the image captured covers a wide enough area of ​​the room. Consider installing two cameras at once, just hide them in different objects.

    Use your phone as a hidden camera

    1. Buy a smartphone. Any old model of Android phone, iPhone or iPod with network access will do - anything on which you can install the application and connect to the Internet.

      • Remember that the phone itself will be a hidden camera housing. Therefore, you will not be able to use it for any other purpose while shooting. It's best to use a phone that you won't need on a regular basis; You can purchase an old phone from a friend or from a used phone store.
      • You must have a charger for your phone. Taking continuous video shots is a power-intensive process, so you'll have to keep your phone plugged into power.
    2. Remember the network address (URL) provided by the video recording application. You will need it when connecting your phone to your computer.

      Connect your phone to your computer. Make sure both devices are connected to the same wireless network. You can remotely monitor what is happening on your computer and record a video stream from your phone. Use any video player with the ability to display streaming video for this purpose, for example, VLC or Windows Media Player.

      • If you're using VLC, click Open Streaming Video in the Media menu and enter the URL provided by the video app installed on your phone. After entering the URL, you will be able to connect to your phone camera.
      • Free programs like VLC and Windows Media Player are great for watching webcam video streams on your computer, but they won't provide high-quality recording. If you want to get serious about organizing video surveillance, consider using more expensive software to work with streaming video from webcams.
    3. Place the camera in the desired location. The phone will need to be charged, so plan your location accordingly. Point your phone's camera at the area of ​​the room you want to capture, being careful not to drop the phone.

      • It will be quite enough to casually lean the phone against a wall or a stack of books, especially if it lies on its side.
      • You can hide your phone in a piece of furniture. To do this, refer to the information contained in the section “Place the camera in a piece of furniture.”
      • Turn off sound and vibration on your phone, especially if your phone is not set to receive calls and messages. A loud call at the wrong time can completely ruin your plans.
    4. Secure your network connection. Consider installing a secure, password-protected wireless network. If you connect the camera to an unsecured or public network, then anyone logged into this network will be able to connect to it and see the scene being filmed.

      • Ask your Internet service provider about secure network options. If you use wireless Internet, you should be able to set a password for the network connection through the router.
    5. Watch the video stream through your computer. If you need to leave the house, you can connect to a public wi-fi network in a cafe, restaurant or library.

    Take a Shoot

      Familiarize yourself with the laws regarding video recording. If video recording is made inside your own home or in a public place, then it is usually considered legally acceptable. Every citizen has the right to the protection of privacy, therefore the installation of video devices in office premises, restrooms and fitting rooms violates the rights of citizens and is not recognized as legal, even if it is carried out to prevent theft of personal property.

    1. Download a webcam video recording program. Enter the search query “free webcam video recording program” and install the found program on your computer.

      • You can use Windows Movie Maker or iVideo if you already have them installed on your computer. Look at the list of programs in the Start menu (the button in the lower left corner of the Windows desktop) to see what programs are installed on your system.
    2. Connect the USB cable to your computer. When you leave the room or just to start recording video, launch the appropriate program and click the “Record” button in it.

      • Cover the USB cord with something so that it does not give an obvious indication of the location of the hidden webcam. Books, papers, and even an abandoned jacket are quite suitable for this.
    3. If you already have a computer webcam, consider using it for video recording purposes. This will be quite cunning on your part only if your video camera is usually always located near the computer.

      • Keep in mind that while this method is straightforward, an attacker will be more wary if they notice a camera facing in their direction, even if they are unaware that it is filming.
      • Don't forget to turn off, hide, or disable the LED that indicates the webcam is operating. The presence of a “recording light” will inform the attacker that he is being watched.
    4. Remember to turn off your computer monitor screen. If it is turned on, the attacker will immediately see the image sent from the video camera to the screen, which will reveal information about the ongoing video surveillance. To catch the intruder, you must maintain stealth mode.

      • If you have a desktop computer, you can turn off the monitor and leave only the system unit running.
      • If you are using a laptop, you can enable the screen to sleep while the recording program is running. You can also try covering the laptop a little before the screen turns off, but not until it closes completely. It will appear to be turned off, but will still continue to work.
    5. Continue video surveillance until you receive the necessary recordings. Leave the camera on when you think the event you're interested in is most likely to happen. If you cannot confidently determine the appropriate time for this, then leave the camera running as often as possible.

      • If over time you still haven’t managed to capture anything, reconsider the situation. Was the violation of your personal space an isolated incident? Could an attacker find a way to trick your video camera?

    Use footage evidence

    1. Use a program with video editing functions to trim a specific moment of the crime. Your computer may already have a program pre-installed with these features (Windows Movie Maker or iVideo); otherwise, you will need to download a free video editing program from the Internet.

      • Make sure that the prepared video file proves your case. Whether it's witnessing your brother stealing your things or a co-worker stealing office supplies from your desk, the video should start a few seconds before the specific event and end a few seconds after it ends.
      • Save the trimmed evidence video as a separate file, but do not delete the original. Sometimes additional evidence can be obtained even at a moment when you do not expect it at all. You may find something else interesting as you watch the rest of the video.
      • There is no need to immediately report the installation of a hidden camera. It may still be useful to you in case the person does not stop his actions even after talking with you. If he decides to continue his inappropriate behavior, then you should not show him the evidence you have.
      • If an attacker knows that you have installed a hidden camera and finds out its location, he will probably find a way to avoid being captured on video. Therefore, do not reveal your trump card to him.
    2. Forgive the attacker, but do not forget what happened. Some people don't immediately learn from their mistakes after being caught red-handed the first time. You should be well aware of the kind of person you are dealing with; even if you catch him in the act, it may not stop him.

      • Consider turning on the camera at a time when you think the attacker will return to shady dealings. It never hurts to play it safe.
      • If the problem continues, report it to an authorized person. If it's about a brother or sister, tell your parents. If a co-worker is the source of the problem, notify higher-ups. If it is a criminal offense, contact the police.
    • If your camera's LED turns on while recording, turn it off.
    • If the camera is equipped with a microphone, make a small hole in the object hiding the camera to capture sound and cover it with a “out of order” sign.
    • If you have a Macintosh, download Macam from . This is a great program as it will allow you to create both videos and photos. However, remember that many webcams are not compatible with Macintosh computers.


    • When disclosing information about the evidence you have, tell your sibling and parents that you left a regular video camera on in the room. Don't reveal your secret weapon.
    • Keep in mind that it is generally illegal to film people without their consent in places where they have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as bathrooms or their private quarters.

Not so long ago, fishermen did not even know about the existence of such a device as an underwater camera. Now many fishing enthusiasts have been able to correctly evaluate all the advantages of such a device in the conditions of a reservoir with fish. At the same time, there are many fishermen who have a negative attitude towards such a modern device. The manufacturers of the device assure that it will bring a large number of benefits to the owner. Making an underwater camera for winter fishing with your own hands is not so difficult.

A homemade underwater video camera for fishing in winter helps you save money on purchasing a device from a store. The device allows you to examine the bottom topography in detail, find a suitable place for fishing, and also prepare all the necessary gear. Every professional and ordinary fisherman will need such an underwater camera in their arsenal.

Before you start making a video camera with your own hands, it is important to consider in detail all the advantages of such a device. Most often it is used in winter. To obtain specific information about the fishing area, the camera must be submerged under water. It will give the fisherman information about the presence of fish under the ice layer.

Also, an underwater camera helps to fully assess the general condition of the reservoir. When examining the water, it will be much easier to identify the depth and amount of vegetation underwater. Based on all the results, you can choose the more correct type of fishing and bait.

In addition, the camera gives the fisherman the opportunity to carefully observe the behavior of fish of different species, their preference for a specific bait. This helps to take complete control of the fishing process. Such a device will help to clearly track the life of the inhabitants of the depths.

This device has some special features. The camera is the same as simple ground-based devices, but for shooting at depth it is important to equip it with additional illumination. Otherwise, the space under water will be very poorly visible on the screen.

The housing of the device must be waterproof. Therefore, when creating a device from a smartphone, it is very important to think through this issue. Today in stores you can find devices that can remain in a body of water for a long time. But for a smartphone it is important to create special protection against water penetration.

The optical device is placed in a body of water. Information from the camera is supplied to the screen via a special cable. Purchased devices also have an additional rotation function, but DIY devices are slightly limited in functionality.

A large number of functions are built into purchased models. In this case, the cost of the device plays a role. You can find cameras on sale, the price for which will vary from 6 to 45 thousand rubles.

A homemade camera for underwater photography must have all the distinctive parameters of purchased products. To begin with, it is important to consider the immersion depth of the surveillance device. To achieve this, it is important to create a completely sealed enclosure. The camera will have to withstand a lot of pressure.

The sensitivity of the optical device will determine its use under water. Sensitivity should be quite high. It is also important to install the correct lighting. It should not be dim, otherwise the camera will not be able to catch every movement underwater. The strong brightness of the built-in flashlight also disrupts the operation of the device. The fish will be frightened by such a strong light and simply swim away.

As practice has shown, there is nothing difficult in creating a homemade camera for ice fishing. In this case, it is important to first prepare all the important parts for work, without which the shooting device simply will not work fully. To make an underwater camera with your own hands, you will need:

It is also very important to choose the right parts to create an underwater USB camera. Eg:

  • It is important to choose small video cameras or film cameras. They will be most practical for use under water. It is important to remember how good their shooting mode is;
  • The Riola underwater box in which the camera will be located must be completely sealed so that even a minimal amount of water does not enter the internal cavity. Also, the dimensions must fully correspond to the dimensions of the device.

A good image in a body of water and an overview of the space can only be obtained if you purchase a higher quality camera. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

Assembling an underwater camera will consist of certain actions:

There is also a certain sense in buying a factory camera, since not every fisherman can independently create and configure such a device. Purchasing a ready-made device in a store has its advantages:

If we talk about creating a video camera for fishing, then there are both advantages and disadvantages in this process. The disadvantages include the overall dimensions of the product. Most often, factory models are small in size and consume a small amount of energy. For their normal operation, you do not always need to carry a battery with you, which is heavy. The main reason why many fishermen go to create underwater devices is the high cost of store-bought products.

Attention, TODAY only!

Protecting your own property is an important task, which is solved with the help of various security systems and complexes.

There are many options for organizing the security of private objects. One of the ways is to install video surveillance systems - their presence will allow timely identification of strangers at the site and alert the relevant services and owners about this.

In addition, the presence of elements of a video surveillance system at a facility has a deterrent effect on intruders, since it is unlikely that anyone will try to enter the territory that is guarded by video cameras.

Why is a dummy video camera necessary?

Modern video surveillance systems are quite expensive, both in terms of purchasing the appropriate equipment and in terms of its subsequent maintenance, installation and configuration.

Not everyone can afford the financial costs required to fully protect their property with the help of modern video cameras. The solution in this situation will be fake CCTV cameras.

They are devices that look exactly like real CCTV cameras.

The only difference is that inside such dummies there is no hardware system that provides the ability to film what is happening and transmit a video stream.

These types of devices are used to create a deterrent effect on burglars. After all, no one knows whether a real camera or a dummy video camera is installed at the facility.


The main advantages of dummies include:

  1. low cost compared to original cameras;
  2. ease of installation;
  3. there is no need for specialized installation;
  4. no device maintenance required;
  5. there is no need for software and computer hardware to view, record and store video;
  6. You can make a dummy CCTV camera yourself.


  • there is no possibility of monitoring;
  • only a psychological impact on the attacker is provided;
  • if information that a false CCTV camera is installed at a facility is available to a larger circle of people, its protective effect will be completely neutralized.

How to make a dummy yourself?

Considering that simulated video surveillance is a fairly effective tool for protecting your property, the popularity of these devices is quite high. The high demand for these devices leads to the fact that their prices also rise.

For those who do not want or do not have the opportunity to pay for a dummy camera made in production conditions, there is an option to make a dummy CCTV camera with your own hands.

This is quite simple to implement, and the resulting devices are practically no worse than their factory counterparts. Below we will look at how you can make your own dummies of the most commonly used cameras.

Dummy with motion sensor

A dummy CCTV camera with a flashing red LED is a very effective means of scaring intruders away from the property.

In addition to the fact that the device looks like a real security system camera, a flashing red LED indicates that the camera is recording what is happening. This provides an additional protective effect.

To make a dummy camera, any available means can be used. For example, for cameras that are installed indoors or under reliable protection from the external environment, they can be made of thick paper or cardboard.

To make a dummy, you need to find on the Internet a “cutting out” of a real camera, which is similar to children’s craft toys that are made from paper.

It will be enough to cut out the camera parts according to the found pattern, glue them and assemble them into a single device, which will be installed on site.

Metal or plastic rods, a piece of wire and other fasteners that could be left at home from other devices can be used as a holder.

To make the simulation of a video surveillance camera more believable, you can install a red LED inside the device, which is connected to a regular battery.

Its glow will resemble the camera's operation in recording mode. Instead of a lens, you can install a circle made of transparent plastic.

To make the dummy look as realistic as possible, you can paint it in colors that match the original cameras.

Dummy dome camera

Dome cameras have received widespread practical use in various types of objects. They have a wide viewing angle, which allows you to control a large area with one device.

Such devices have significantly fewer dead zones and it is almost impossible to pass near them unnoticed. Taking these factors into account, placing a dummy dome CCTV camera on site has a fairly good deterrent effect.

The difference between the dummies of these cameras is the ease of making them yourself. It is enough to find a hemisphere of a suitable size that is attached to a base that can be cut out of cardboard, plastic, plywood or wood.

The hemisphere can be made from transparent children's balls or from plastic New Year's decorations.

A mock-up of a miniature camera is installed inside the hemisphere, which can be cut out of paper or cardboard and painted in the required color.

An LED connected to a battery is attached near the camera layout - it will simulate the recording process.

To camouflage the inside of the camera as much as possible and make it look like the original device, the surface of the hemisphere must be coated with a translucent dark varnish. It will darken the camera dome, as is done in many models of real camcorders.

Street camera

The dummy of an outdoor CCTV camera is done in almost the same way as for cameras used indoors. But in this case, they should be cut not from cardboard, but from thin metal.

You can use a can of beer, cola or deodorant as a blank. As a lens, you can use a piece of plexiglass cut in the shape of a circle. You also need to install a flashing red LED inside the dummy body, which is powered by a battery.

To prevent it from malfunctioning, it is necessary to ensure the tightness of the dummy body, which should not let moisture in. You can ensure the stability of the dummy video surveillance camera with a motion sensor to the external environment by painting the external elements with powder paint.

The coloring of the dummy should be selected in accordance with real cameras - this will give a visual resemblance to the original.


Dummy CCTV cameras are quite effective means of protecting your territory from intruders.

It is important to keep information about the installation of dummies secret from strangers, and then the deterrent effect of these devices will be the same as that of real video surveillance systems.

How to make a dummy CCTV camera with your own hands was described above - improvised means are suitable for this.

For those who do not want to waste their time on crafts, you can go to specialized stores and purchase ready-made dummies, although the cost will be significantly more expensive than those made by yourself.

Video: How to make a dummy CCTV camera

Every year, video surveillance becomes more and more accessible, and those wishing to install it are also growing exponentially. Someone is tired of fighting with petty hooligans in their yard or someone constantly has their tires punctured or their car scratched, and they simply want to know the face of this scoundrel, while others are thinking about the additional security of their home and property.

And in general, you can name countless situations where video surveillance can be useful, but if everyone’s budget allows them to purchase components, then obviously not everyone will want to pay for installation, and in this case, installing video surveillance yourself will be the best way out of the situation.

Our article will tell you about 5 options for its installation, or rather about 5 types of video surveillance that are available to everyone and have the greatest relevance today, and will help you understand this seemingly difficult question - “how to make video surveillance with your own hands?” Each of these types of video surveillance can be easily installed independently, but if you have already decided which option is most suitable for you, then the text of the article will provide useful links to articles that tell in detail about the installation of each type. So, read on.

DIY IP video surveillance

IP video surveillance

Today, IP video surveillance is perhaps the best option, of course, in cases where it is possible to connect to the Internet. Its main advantage is its absence, which allows you to both save on purchasing it and not have to entangle everything with wires.

This also allows you to install an IP camera almost anywhere in the local area/apartment/entrance, etc. But for relatively remote objects (cottage, garage, etc.) this type of video surveillance is clearly not suitable, since it is not suitable for transmitting images from the camera The computer needs good Wi-Fi coverage, which means that all cameras should be a short distance from the router. But an option in such cases is an additional purchase of a 3G/4G modem with wi-fi (however, it is better that there is reliable 4G coverage at the site where the cameras are installed, otherwise you will have to limit yourself to analog cameras), then connecting CCTV cameras to it and transmitting the image in Internet. IP cameras will be a good option for providing a clear and detailed picture if necessary. The cost of a set of one camera starts from 2000 rubles.

Let's start installing IP video surveillance with our own hands.

Step 1: Software. As a rule, IP cameras come with a free disk with software, and first we need to install it on the computer.

Step 2. Connect the router. If you already have a router connected to your computer via Wi-Fi, then proceed to the third step; if not, then read on. The router must be connected to the computer via Wi-Fi. To do this, connect it to the power supply and insert the network cable. After that, we connect the router to the computer, and go to the settings - enter a standard IP address, such as, into the browser search window. Enter the login and password (usually the login is admin, and the password is also admin or four or eight zeros - 0000 or 00000000). Then we configure the wi-fi settings and connect to the router via a wireless network by unplugging the network cable from the computer connector.

Step 3. Connecting cameras. Having installed the program from the disk included in the kit, we connect our camera to the power supply and connect it to the router via a network cable. Next, directly in the package installed on the computer, we configure the wi-fi network parameters (enter the key, encryption type, etc.), and disconnect the network cable. After the camera reboots, it will automatically connect to the router via a wireless network, and you will be able to observe the image transmitted by the camera. In this article we will not go into all the intricacies of connecting an IP camera; for this purpose, the website contains a detailed description of all the steps.

Wireless video surveillance via radio channel

The wireless video surveillance kit consists of a camera and a DVR video recorder that records the video stream to a memory card. A significant advantage of this type of video surveillance, as well as IP surveillance, is the absence of wires. In the case of wireless surveillance, the image from the camera is transmitted via a radio channel, with a possible range of up to 200 meters, and in an apartment the signal can be picked up by a receiver through 1-2 walls. This type of video surveillance is perfect for an apartment, small office, or cottage. The cost of a wireless video surveillance kit, consisting of a camera and a recording device (recorder), starts from 7 thousand rubles.

Connection diagram for a wireless video surveillance camera via radio channel

To install wireless video surveillance with your own hands, we will need to mount video cameras in the intended locations and connect them to a power source - this is done using a power supply.

Some cameras provide the ability to be powered via a battery - “Krona”, and the operating time can be from 4 to 6 hours. You can also use a battery as an additional power source.

Next, we power the digital recorder from the network, to which we connect a TV or regular monitor. Most video cameras have a built-in microphone, so in addition to the image, it can also transmit sound. When you turn on the DVR, images from all installed cameras should appear on the monitor screen. The entire video stream from the cameras is recorded on a memory card or external hard drive - if desired, you can set recording by motion, according to a schedule, or continuous recording.

Also, if necessary, it is possible to connect a fire alarm sensor and a siren to the recorder, which turns on for a certain period of time when a signal is received from the sensor. If you want to receive an alert directly to your mobile phone when a sensor is triggered, you will have to additionally install a special GSM alarm system in the form of a separate unit with a built-in GSM module and SIM card.

Video surveillance in the apartment via web camera

Video surveillance in the apartment via web camera

Due to the limited cable length, this type of video surveillance is only suitable if it is located in close proximity to the computer, but, however, this issue is partially resolved by purchasing a USB extension cable. Using a web camera, you can do video surveillance at the entrance with your own hands, in an apartment, or from the window of an apartment outside the local area or a car in the yard. This kind of video surveillance is perhaps the simplest of all those proposed in this article, since connecting a web camera to a computer is within the capabilities of anyone who knows how to use it. Among other things, it is also the most economical - the cost of a web camera starts from literally a few hundred rubles. So, let's look at how to install video surveillance with your own hands using a cheap web camera.

As usual, it all starts with connecting the camera to a PC and installing the program from the disk included with the camera. Once you launch the program, you will immediately see the image transmitted by the camera. After that, install it in the intended location, set up motion recording if necessary, and use your mouse to paint over the area, if motion occurs in which an alarm will sound from the computer speakers, and a message with an image from the camera will be sent to your email. To prevent false alarms, you need to adjust the sensitivity.

Video surveillance via the Internet

Video surveillance online

Video surveillance via the Internet can be carried out in the following way. A regular or DVR video recorder is purchased, and several analog cameras are connected to it. The cost of a DVR depends on the connectors for surveillance cameras - as their number increases, the price increases exponentially, because processing signals from a large number of cameras requires a more powerful processor.

The simplest and cheapest option for such video surveillance is analog cameras. But if you don’t want to bother with wires, you can also connect wireless ones. If you plan to record from CCTV cameras and store an archive, you will need to additionally purchase a hard drive for these purposes.

So, let’s install video surveillance via the Internet with our own hands. First of all, you need to place the cameras in their places and connect them to the power supply, as well as connect the wires to the recorder if analog video cameras are installed. Next, we power the DVR itself from the network, and connect a monitor to it to monitor what is happening. In addition, the monitor may be needed to connect to a local network and configure recording parameters. Then we need to connect the DVR to the router, or simply insert a network cable into it. Now we configure the network parameters and access via the Internet, and enjoy the result.

Also, recently more and more manufacturers are creating video surveillance systems for their systems, and by purchasing one, you can simply insert the network cable into the connector of the DVR, which itself will connect to the manufacturer’s service. And you, without additional dances with a tambourine and various dedicated IP addresses, will be able to safely view the video stream from cameras on any device connected to the Internet.

Hidden video surveillance

Mini camera ambertek-rs101 with internal Micro SD storage, ~ 2500 rubles

There are cases when the need arises - for example, to avoid damage to cameras by ill-wishers, if they are installed away from home, for example, in a country house. But in any case, the law does not allow us to video monitor other people without their knowledge, so it is worth taking additional care of organizing warning stickers or signs in the area where CCTV cameras are installed - it will still be difficult for attackers to guess the location of the cameras, and you will protect yourself from breaking the law.

So, we buy cameras and a recorder - there are special ones for covert video surveillance purposes, secure them, and carefully disguise them. You can also try to disguise ordinary CCTV cameras. We must install all equipment in a secluded and hard-to-reach place, and protect cameras from environmental influences.

Next, we connect all our cameras to the recorder via wires or wireless connection, set up the system - if remote video surveillance is necessary, set up transmission via the Internet (in this case, you need to purchase an additional router and 3G/4G modem to transmit the video stream to the Internet). If there is no need for video surveillance via the Internet, then we simply set up recording from cameras to the hard drive, and to save space we set up motion-based recording. On your next visit to the dacha, we simply look through the recorded material, and finally recognize the faces of those who like to profit from the results of your work - who knows, maybe it’s just your neighbor, who, when talking about the fact that your strawberries have been harvested again, every time he makes a surprised expression faces and throws up his hands?

So, this is where we end the story, we hope that this article will be useful to you, and will help you make video surveillance with your own hands, or simply lead to some useful thoughts regarding this issue that concerns you and help you choose the video surveillance option that is suitable for your case. Good luck!

Home video surveillance is a great home service when you need it. Keep track of what children do without parents; how hard workers work in the absence of management; find out how an elderly relative feels on the other side of town; to protect your home from the risk of theft or the pranks of neighborhood mischief-makers - there are many pressing examples of using a couple of “electronic eyes.” The article will give you an idea of ​​how to make video surveillance at home or in the country – with your own hands.

How to make video surveillance at home

Among the components of self-design of the system:

  • cameras– “eyes” (sometimes “ears”);
  • video recorder (DVR)– the “heart” of observation;
  • HDD– to view what happened yesterday (or a couple of weeks ago);
  • data and power cables- "nervous system";
  • computer, or smartphone, or TV to configure everything - the “think tank” of the platform.

How justified is it to entrust this task not to a specialist with sky-high prices, but to yourself?

The task of building video surveillance is comparable to installing lighting in a garden gazebo. In the simplest case, you need a light bulb with a socket and wires. A little more difficult is to add a switch instead of a socket-plug connection. The addition of a floor lamp and a small calculation of lighting angles - all such “bells and whistles” are subject to even the least experienced hands, both in the analogy with a lamp and with newfangled cameras.

The essence of a video surveillance system is a construction kit, which consists of individual high-tech, but completely finished components, which in the worst case scenario will have to be opened and closed with a screwdriver (sometimes no tools are needed). In addition, fun during the installation process is almost guaranteed (that's a big word for screwing cameras to fences and walls, plus laying cables). Not friendly with electricity? But in the cameras and the recorder there are only 12 simple volts.

The difficulties are different: after self-assembly of video surveillance, you will have to fend off friends and colleagues for a long time with their requests to do the same for them. No more squabbles with your mother-in-law in the absence of your wife - with the omnipresent electronic eye this is fraught. And now we feed the cat strictly on schedule!

Warm-up: Five-minute introduction to video surveillance

A computer webcam can be a model of an “adult” system. How to make a video surveillance camera from a web camera? Buy a USB extension cable (if you’re lucky, this is plus 70-80 cm to the existing webcam cord), place the camera in a convenient place, install any motion detection and alarm program on your computer (WebcamXP, Ivideon, iSpy)… Done!

The capabilities of the simplest system described are sufficient for monitoring inside one room. True, you will have to come to terms with the need to constantly keep the PC turned on, the inability to extend the distance between the web camera and the PC, and the unreliability of the tracking utility for working 24/7. And it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to come up with something with night lighting.

Self-planning video surveillance

Before purchasing equipment and starting installation, it would be great to sketch out a plan of the protected area by hand and answer a few questions:

  1. Where in the house will the video recorder be located? This device (also known as DVR) is a mini-computer that records the signal from cameras and broadcasts it to a TV, smartphone, thousands of kilometers away via the Internet. The place should be dry, at room temperature, and as hidden as possible from easy access by intruders. Cameras are more difficult to damage than this fragile center of the entire platform.
  2. What territory will the cameras monitor, from what height and what is the width of the horizontal angle? And how many cameras do you need? A protractor with a ruler are the main assistants in answering this question. The selection of specific models is beyond the scope of the article, but there are general recommendations: the lower the height of the cameras compared to the object of observation (a person’s face, a car license plate), the better. A narrow horizontal viewing angle (up to 60-90 degrees) is preferable to using wide-angle (up to 140-150 degrees) lenses. The maximum number of cameras depends on the class of the DVR, but usually it is from 4 to 16 channels (one camera can be connected to any recorder). Camera form factors are varied - miniature for stealth, mounted to the ceiling or wall, with an electric motor for rotation and/or movement of the lens.
  3. What is the distance from the cameras to the DVR? It is imperative to take into account the additional distance - taking into account the beautiful laying of cables with wires along the walls.
  4. How will you remotely access the DVR via the Internet? The ideal option is a wired (not mobile!) provider that offers access via ADSL or fiber optic at a speed of at least 1 megabit/sec, preferably with a static IP address. It’s even better if the house already has a router with a wired Internet connection and a free LAN socket.
  5. Do you need to watch the “picture” on your home TV? If so, what is the length of the HDMI cable from TV to DVR? At a distance of up to 15-20 meters, a cheap wireless computer “mouse” will be of great help to control the recorder on the TV screen.
  6. What are the weather conditions when installing cameras outdoors? Not every cell can cope with extreme heat and severe frosts.

Planning additional accessories for home video surveillance:

  • boxes for neat cable routing;
  • a powerful lamp with a motion detection sensor - useful for additional lighting in addition to infrared illumination (parking lot, area around the house);
  • Wi-Fi adapter for wireless broadcasting from the DVR to the router (the good old LAN cable, also known as twisted pair, will work more reliably, cheaper and faster);
  • uninterruptible power supply (minimizes the risk of loss of control during a power outage, protects the delicate electrical subsystem).

Selection and purchase of “designer” parts for video surveillance

DVR, aka video recorder

The average model of a DVR (the center of the entire system) is capable of:

  • receive and broadcast video (+audio) from 4 to 16 cameras of different models and types;
  • record video to a hard drive (you need to buy it separately);
  • copy files to a MicroSD card and flash drive, work with a “mouse”: the more USB ports, the better;
  • connect to a computer, router and, therefore, the Internet via LAN (more reliable) or Wi-Fi (slower, not all adapters are suitable);
  • broadcast video to a TV or monitor (HDMI, VGA);
  • “talk” to the user in Russian with minor translation blots in the menu;
  • send alarm signals via e-mail, FTP, SMS and voice communication via a SIM card;
  • control the movement of cameras, if they support such a function;
  • understand the commands of a program installed on a computer or smartphone;
  • take up 1.5-2 times less space than a household DVD player.

The cost of good models is constantly decreasing. It’s hardly worth purchasing a model that costs less than $100, but spending more than $400-500 on a DVR for a video surveillance system is most often a waste. You need to pay attention to support for high resolution (FullHD or higher for confident visual face recognition), the presence of a high-speed gigabit LAN, and the number of ports and connectors.

Storage device (hard drive) for a video recorder at home or in the country

A practical example: a HDD with a capacity of 1 TB and a price of approximately $70 stores about 25 days of video recording from two medium-resolution cameras (720p). Less capacious disks are slightly cheaper, 2- and 4-GB ones are not too expensive. “Green” series of disks are good for recorders: the task of recording a video signal does not require high speed, but heating and power consumption are minimal.

The HDD form factor is necessarily “laptop”, 2.5 inches.

Data cables and electrical wires

The cheapest part of the video recording system - perhaps due to its low price, it is usually underestimated. Stable electricity without power surges is the key to long-term operation of all equipment. The wires have to perform the task in extreme conditions of temperature changes, rain, snow and ice. A strong base, high-quality braiding and excellent insulation will help the cameras serve without electronic diseases.

Power supplies, UPS

They are entrusted with the responsible task of converting “outlet” 220 Volts into “computer” 12. All video surveillance components vitally require high-quality and stable power. Cameras are more likely to fail due to power surges than due to weather, hooligans, or defects. Savings are inappropriate here.

A mid-range UPS is capable of providing power to a couple of cameras, a recorder, and a router for an hour and a half. You shouldn't expect more, but you can't settle for less battery life.

Important note! The electrical part of a video surveillance system places slightly more demands on its installer than cameras and DVRs. If there is the slightest doubt that wiring and connecting wires is a feasible task, then it is better to call an electrician. And it’s not so much the danger of electricity, but the risk of damaging equipment.


With a rotary mechanism or stationary; with mounting to the ceiling or to a vertical surface; with infrared illumination or... Vandalism protection, microphone/speaker presence, focal length, interchangeable lenses, horizontal/vertical angle width.

The questions are simple, there are many answers, even from little-known manufacturers. The reliability of cameras for video surveillance systems is acceptable, as long as the power supply does not let us down. An important parameter is the video signal resolution. Resolution standards of 360*288 and below are categorically outdated. The values ​​of 640*480 pixels are close to the “museum” values. The golden mean of 720p is good. Heavyweights of the FullHD class often place increased demands on DVR, HDD network and Internet channels.

And finally, about the equipment. Chinese engineers, programmers and even translators work quite well. Their products are worth considering, especially for home video surveillance.

Network matters: router, modem, Internet

Recording video from surveillance cameras to a hard drive is half the battle. Using existing equipment, it is easy to organize broadcasting throughout the entire house (dacha, plot). Transmitting signals via the Internet? Easy, if you have a stable provider.

Picture on PC or phone

So, the signal gets from the camera into the bowels of the DVR, and recording occurs on the HDD. The DVR is capable of transmitting the current signal (or already recorded video from the drive) to other data consumers. The simplest case is through a connection via a LAN cable to a laptop or desktop PC. But a different connection scheme is more convenient - to a local network router, which already transmits the Internet throughout the house via Wi-Fi or the same network cable. Then several devices will be able to connect to one DVR at the same time: phone, laptop, computer. In the router, it is enough to set the registrar a permanent IP address (192.168.120, for example. The main thing is that the subnet matches, as is the case with conventional devices).

Access to the recorder is carried out through a specially installed program of the CMS category (Camera Management System - camera management system): there are many both paid and free products in Russian. As a rule, applications are universal, i.e. work with different DVR models. Software in this category is capable of:

  • configure the registrar functions;
  • control cameras (brightness, backlight, motion detection, color);
  • record the broadcast signal, edit video files;
  • alert the user about events (signal loss, power surge, motion detection);
  • display an online image from one or more sources, or view videos recorded on the recorder.

Picture via the Internet

A wired provider that provides a static IP address (even for a fee) is the ideal for a beginning owner of a video recording system. It is enough to configure the DVR or a home computer connected to it for access from outside (the setup is similar to the work of the TeamViewer, Radmin or Remote Desktop Manager programs) - and everything is ready to receive a signal even on the other side of the planet.

Mobile operators rarely allow you to work with a static IP. Each time you connect, the provider allocates a new address from its range. In this case, you will need to connect the DVR to a cloud service - a remote service for broadcasting and managing content on powerful servers. The video signal viewing circuit in this case receives one more link than with a direct “recorder-router-client” connection. The client device (it receives a remote signal via the Internet) connects not directly to the router with the DVR, but to the “cloud” server. The server, in turn, takes a signal from the home network in which the video surveillance system is located. A cloud “intermediary” is often needed when organizing remote monitoring of a country house, countryside, and in sparsely populated areas.

To receive stable images without any significant delays, a channel of 1 Mbit/sec is sufficient, the higher the better. You should remember about the significant amount of traffic passing through the Internet channel. If the provider charges it (especially the outgoing stream), then in practice you should calculate the amount of transmitted information per 5-10 minutes of broadcast. Traffic is consumed only when the device is remotely connected to the video surveillance system. When there is no connection, no data is transmitted over the Internet.

  • A demonstrative collection of cameras and spotlights hung throughout the protected area often helps against hooligans and vandals. Attackers will prefer not to get involved with a dangerous “object” if they see modern analogues of the good old “beware, evil dog!” sign.
  • It makes sense to direct each camera not only to a certain sector of the territory, but also in such a way that other cameras fall into the field of its electric “vision”. If one of the cameras fails, you can quickly determine the cause of the problem.
  • Covert surveillance with mini-cameras is not always justified from an ethical point of view, although this is a philosophical, not a technical issue. It should be remembered that surveillance can be carried out not only by you, but also by you. In any case, compact cameras are considered more fragile and less functional devices than their full-size counterparts.
  • After successful self-assembly of the platform, many people have a desire to further upgrade the system. The author of the article once encountered a curious case: to protect a small warehouse with goods worth about 3 thousand dollars, the enthusiastic owner of the facility built a system of the same value. Technically everything was flawless and beautiful, but from the practical side of the issue it was inappropriate.


The goal of today's workshop is to give an idea of ​​the ease of creating a video surveillance system with your own hands. Therefore, recommendations for choosing specific models and brands of equipment are beyond the scope of this article. Separate large topics are setting up a local network, selecting optimal parameters for the recorder and preferred software, including the “cloud”.

Good luck in further studying aspects of the video system. Everything in this topic is not so complicated, but incredibly interesting!