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» Vasily Smolny pp tp online. “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process" Vasily Smolny. In this book you will find

Vasily Smolny pp tp online. “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process" Vasily Smolny. In this book you will find

Current page: 1 (book has 13 pages total) [available reading passage: 9 pages]

Vasily Smolny
PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process


You have weight problems, right? If you are holding this book, it means you need help.

Maybe you just can’t get rid of the loose mass that, as the joke goes, hides your “toned stomach, muscular arms and slender legs.” Or maybe you are unsuccessfully trying to get out of the “spit and it will break” image.

In any case, I'm ready to help you! Let’s just agree right away - to help, and not solve the problem for you. No matter what various advertisements tell you, the only way to change yourself without any effort is to go to a plastic surgeon. Everything else will require certain actions from you. Otherwise there will be no result. Even if you eat a ton of goji berries and drink a tank of diuretic tea.

Any change in yourself is work. The work you have to do.

You may ask, what will I do then?

I will give you all the information you need to make this work effective and interesting, and not turn into hardcore 1
From English hardcore - “hard”. – Note here and below. ed.

Hunger strike and senseless self-abuse.

There is only one rule: to look good, you need to eat!

Absurd? And if I prove to you otherwise, are you ready to buy two more of these books and give them to your friends? Great! What happens if I don't keep my promise? I will refund your money for this book! Deal? Agreed!

So let's get back to the rule. Diets are complete nonsense, because every time you limit your body, you turn it into a “mole”, which will, at every opportunity, drag nutrients into its “hole” and store them in the form of fat.

Do you think this is nonsense? However, these are scientifically proven facts, and you will learn all the details from this book.

Moreover, I will explain to you point by point why you will not achieve anything by hanging out for hours in the gym or winding kilometers around your house.

Let’s agree on one thing in advance - we do not use the words “lose weight” and “excess weight.” I'll explain why.

The first meaning of the word “lose weight” according to the dictionary is to become worse, because thin is bad, spoiled, etc.

As for the phrase “overweight,” this is generally a myth. The fact is that two people can weigh exactly the same, but in one case it will be a 140-kilogram fat man with 60 kg of fat, and in the other a bodybuilder in competitive shape, who will have only 7-9 kg of fat per 140 kg of mass.

Remember: there is no such thing as “excess weight”, there is only excess fat!

So, you will not “lose weight” and you will not get rid of “excess weight”.

You will get rid of ballast and excess fat, which spoils your health and hides the excellent body given to you by nature!

How do I know how to do this and why am I sure it works? It's simple. I am a practical person in life and like to do what I like. I also like fitness and targeted nutrition. Target is when you don’t mindlessly consume your mother’s cutlets, but clearly know what the nutrients are 2
A nutrient is a substance that must be included in the food consumed by a person to provide it with the necessary energy, components that promote growth, and substances that regulate growth and energy metabolism in the human body.

Are you eating now and why are you doing it?

Training and nutrition These are complex processes that require understanding. But due to the hype of this topic, there is a heap of “miracle remedies” and absolutely useless articles written once by a hungry copywriter for 10 rubles, and then rewritten 1000 times more by his colleagues.

As a result, even those who are really ready to work on themselves have to wade through a mountain of outright slag, crowds of swindlers and simply completely incompetent people.

Any advice, any knowledge has to be tested on yourself, and this takes time. Time you probably don't want to waste.

My own experiments dragged on for several years, and I am now actually giving you all this time! Here they are, in front of you - proven knowledge, reliable information without advertising scams and empty promises.

In this book you will find:

1) a clear understanding of your goals;

2) detailed information about specific tools to achieve your goal;

3) crazy motivation for crazy results.

In this book you will NOT find:

3) controversial theories that work only for the “chosen few”.

You will ask where I came from so smart and who is this arrogant man who is going to teach you about life? As they say in American magazines, turn the page. Now that you understand why you need this book, let’s get acquainted.

About Me

I'm a blogger. I write about what's hot in nutrition and fitness. In addition, I also destroy myths that have proliferated so much in our time only because they warm someone’s wallets. I sat down to write this book when I already had 6,500 active subscribers. For me, this figure became evidence of one simple truth.

People want to look good and be healthy, but they don't know how. The people are confused in the kilotons of outright “talk” that constantly falls on them on the Internet, and sometimes in the gym. Yes, yes, I was not mistaken. If you work with a personal trainer, this does not mean that he is an angel with wings and will not try to sell you some expensive and “incredibly needed right now” bullshit.

Naturally, blogging is not my only activity. In the past, I was a presenter on the Muz-TV channel, later I began hosting my own program on radio “Europe Plus” about club music, and at the same time participated in several television projects (“Candidate” and the show “Intuition” on the TNT channel). Now my wife and I are working on a project for our own TV show about training and nutrition.

When I first got into the whirlpool of showbiz, I naturally went to great lengths: cigarettes, alcohol, unlimited food, sweeter and fattier. My changes began when I decided to quit smoking. Like many who want to quit smoking, I read Allen Carr’s book “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking” and generally got some effect, but later had to consolidate it. Next on the agenda was giving up alcohol. So that you understand the scale of the tragedy, I will say that in the entertainment industry absolutely everyone drinks and to excess, because booze is always free. I went through this playfully and realized that the coolest experience that I learned from giving up my addictions was precisely the process of changing my attitude towards them and changing myself. I realized that I didn’t need to stop, and decided to continue changing my life. The next step was purchasing a membership to a fitness club, and then completely switching to a vegetarian diet.

I successfully lost all my excess fat over the course of a year, losing a total of about 20 kg of weight. But I never learned how to eat and exercise properly, so apart from “losing” fat, there were no more results this year. Later, the fat began to return, and I, like everyone who at least once tried to change “on a whim,” began to “run on the ceiling.”

By the way, over the years I also no longer consider vegetarianism to be the correct style of nutrition, although it is certainly targeted!

Working with a trainer for six months did not bring any tangible effect. I ate kilograms of protein and worked like crazy in the gym 5 days a week, and at the end I only had slightly swollen wreaths on my biceps. And the trainers kept saying (and, by the way, still continue to do so) that after training you MUST drink a protein shake, increasing and increasing the dose. It is not clear whether they have problems with understanding physiological processes, or whether existing advertising puts pressure on the brain, but it is with such advice that they lead people away from the truth.

After a year and a half of “unsuccessful” fitness, I began to gradually add animal proteins to my diet and increased its caloric content in general. My body responded to this with a 10 kg jump in body weight. Including fat. I realized that training is not enough, you also need to eat well. But what does “good” mean? All the trainers advised to eat more, but no one could clearly answer the questions: “How much exactly? How often? What exactly?" Perhaps I came across bad coaches or maybe I didn’t hear or understand something myself. The only thing I did was eat more protein. There was no thought then about any containers with food for the whole day: I considered it the lot of stupid jocks and was sure that I could grow a lot anyway. Then no one explained to me that in building muscles, it turns out, a huge role is played not just by carbohydrates and proteins, which protein manufacturers feed us with, but by a rational balance of both.

In general, the treacherous thought began to creep into my brain that “meat” (that is, muscles) requires meat. I began to gradually soften my vegetarian diet and after another couple of years I returned to a full-fledged diet. During these two years, I tried a lot of all kinds of “accelerators” and “helpers” of growth, legal and not so, I read a lot of literature about nutrition, training and everything connected with it.

I realized that 90 percent of my knowledge about this was made up of mass prejudices imposed on me from the outside and having nothing to do with reality.

In fact, the entire modern sports and nutrition industry is based on the desire to quickly get results, which ultimately throws a person even further from his goal. And, what’s even worse, it’s almost slowly killing him.

Even if you are now 20–25 years old and you think that you will live forever, believe me, when your liver begins to fail from “super diets” by the age of 30, and anemia develops from jerk training, you will not care deeply about how you are looking.

The desire to write this book arose when I realized that even with a huge amount of free information on the Internet, most people will not find what they are looking for, because they are too lazy to go deeper, there is no time, they are afraid to experiment on themselves, etc.

I conducted several free seminars on nutrition and training and saw with my own eyes that most people have inadequate knowledge dictated by advertising, media and product placement 3
Product placement (from the English product placement - “product placement”) is a technique of hidden advertising.

In cinema and music.

That's how I decided to become a warrior of light in the fight against yellow masses of fat and people's ignorance of the general availability of content.

12 myths of the 21st century

Before I start telling you what you can and should do, let’s start with what you absolutely cannot do.

After all, we all first learned to walk and not fall, and only then to run fast.

Along with the cult of beauty and health, a whole stream of myths poured into the 21st century. And each was presented as a revelation that should immediately open the gates of heaven to the world of ideal people. To a world where everyone has 8-pack abs, 40cm biceps and buttocks that can bend horseshoes.

The results, however, turned out to be quite disastrous. Hospitals have been replenished with new patients, and the world with new people in “somewhat XL” formats.

Before you start making yourself better, you need to understand how not to make yourself worse.

Because in the kilotons of slag generously spilled on the Internet, the devil himself would break his leg. And most importantly, each such would-be adviser claims to be at least a “healthy lifestyle guru” and even manages to organically drag in some pseudo-medical theories.

Myth 1. Diet will help

Diet! Absolutely any! At all! And this should be written down in huge red letters on the wall of everyone who wants to change their body.

Not a single diet works on its own, and half of them can seriously and permanently ruin the health of any person.

What is a diet? This is a limitation. For some time you deprive yourself of sweet, salty, fried, starchy foods. And some even manage to sit on bare water and expect that this will turn them into supermodels (which, by the way, look scary in real life, I’ll tell you why later).

The joke of nature is that our body needs everything in small quantities. Yes, even cholesterol, which they scare you with 10 times a day.

By the way, if you eliminate sugar from your diet altogether, the body will begin to produce it itself. Yes, yes!

What happens during a diet? You suddenly leave your body without everything it has become accustomed to. The body is in shock and bewilderment. He gets stressed. This, by the way, significantly releases hormones into the bloodstream that are responsible for the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area - a sore spot for the male sex.

After this, the body turns into a natural miser, and as soon as relaxation occurs - whoops! – your weight is with you again, and the “bench” is actively added to it.

You ask why? The fact is that the body, being under extreme stress, does not have the slightest idea about when its owner will again have another whim, so he begins to make provisions for a rainy day.

This thing is popularly called the “yo-yo effect” - when kilograms go away, and then roll back, and even with weight gain.

If you want to look good, you need to get the hang of it once and for all: you can’t limit yourself to everything for a few days/weeks, and then go back to eating cakes and pork and remaining with a normal body.

If your weight starts to increase, you need to change your nutrition system itself (if we talk only about food).

Yes, sometimes it is useful to limit yourself in something. No one canceled the same fasting days a couple of times a month. Sometimes you can turn on the “drying” mode 4
“Drying” is a special period of time when a person needs to get rid of excess fat and water without losing muscle mass.

But this also needs to be approached wisely. For example, “drying” requires proper preparation, proper exit, and a certain training regimen before, during and after it. By the way, “drying” is also an “element of the nutritional system”, and not a diet.

All diets are evil!

Memorize this as “Our Father” and you will be happy!

Myth 2: You need more protein

In the wake of the crooked information about “drying”, and also in the wake of the sensational diets of “gurus” like Dukan 5
Pierre Dukan is a French nutritionist whose method is based on protein foods.

And Atkins 6
Robert Atkins is the founder of the low-carbohydrate diet.

People are beginning to fall en masse into “proteinophilia” (there’s no other way to put it) and “carbohydrate phobia.”

The essence of the ideology is that the imbalance in the protein-fats-carbohydrates system supposedly leads to fat burning.

Aw! I have shocking news for you.

Muscles need carbohydrates! This is their building material!

Yes, on a protein diet you will lose a certain number of kilograms. I emphasize – not fat, but kilograms! Because half of this weight will be muscle and water.

Then the weight will return - only not with water and muscles, but with fat. I will explain the physiology of this process later. But the fact remains a fact.

There is only one option with a protein imbalance, which can be used occasionally - this is the already mentioned “drying”. And then with a clear understanding of how, why, why and when.

Otherwise, the figure of a “fat skinny” model is waiting for you! This is when a person seems to be of medium size, but everything hangs and sways. In tight clothes it seems okay, but once you undress, you get the feeling that this is a full-body model of a bald Shar-Pei.

Myth 3. You need to eat less!

By the way, it wasn’t me who said this, but the well-known Philip Bedrosovich, who answered the question of what needs to be done to keep himself in good shape in one of his interviews.

The pop majesty may have joked, but crowds of devoted adherents of this phrase are still trying to bring it to the masses and put it into practice.

It is not the amount of food consumed that is important, but its calorie content. Firstly, because calories are energy, and without energy we will die. Secondly, because excess calories have every chance of being stored as fat. And in order to prevent this from happening, you also need to do everything according to science.

In the West, there is one very popular style of nutrition - Flexible Dieting, the essence of which comes down to the fact that you can eat whatever you want, the main thing is that it all “fits” into the daily caloric intake. The result is traditional: we wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

In general, it was assumed that a person could simply afford something sweet and harmful if it fit into the daily diet. In fact, it turns out that people are switching en masse to fast food and chocolates, citing the fact that “I don’t exceed the daily caloric intake.”

The fact that this norm consists almost entirely of fat and light carbohydrates does not bother anyone. And then it starts: “My butt is saggy, I have an apron instead of a belly, folds here, stretch marks there.”

You need to follow the calorie limit if you don’t want to gain weight. And this is where you gain weight. And what it will be like - flabby fat or molded muscles - this already depends on other things.

Myth 4. Sport will save us

Brother of the previous myth. She completely ignores the fact that you also need to move wisely. For example, cardio exercises for more than an hour are no longer beneficial, but simply burn muscles. And the uncontrollable power woman 7
Silovukha - strength exercises.

It will kill your joints rather than increase your strength.

And here they are, adherents of the “fun movement”, exhausted and pale, at the doctor’s. The pressure jumps, the “engine” is in shock, the joints fall apart. An excellent result, to say the least.

Another option is sport as an indulgence for the stomach. I ran for about 40 minutes, and I could have a hearty snack on chips and chocolates. I spent 300 calories, added 1000. And then the stories about the “wide bone” begin.

First, you need to understand exactly how to move, when and why. Secondly, you can at least sit on the exercise machine and sleep in an embrace with dumbbells, but without an adequate nutrition system all this will be like a dead poultice - no effect.

Some, instead of doing something haphazardly, go to sports. This in itself is wonderful and deserves all respect. But definitely not in the case when a chic figure is expected from sports. It wasn't invented for that at all. Yes, when you hear the word “sport” you immediately think of football players or marathon runners. But let's not forget about sumo wrestlers, heavyweight wrestlers and others like them. These are wonderful, very strong-willed and talented people, but none of them correspond to the standard of Greek proportions - that’s for sure.

Myth 5. eat a little bit

“It’s not beer that kills people, it’s beer that destroys people...” a large portion of food. If this myth was rooted only in the number of calories, I would not breathe and pray for it. The problem is that, firstly, this is all thickly mixed with ideas about how much food is absorbed at one time (information, by the way, has not yet been really proven by anyone). And secondly, they are also trying to mix in the idea of ​​eating five meals a day. It seems like you eat often, but a little at a time, and this is better than once a day, but a “super plus” portion.

No, who would argue. Really better. It's not about the digestibility of food. Here more complex processes called catabolism and anabolism come into force (more on this a little later).

By the way, if you talk to fat people, and most importantly, watch how and when they eat, you will be quite surprised. 90 percent of them, mindful of their weight and once again unsuccessfully trying to lose weight, constantly limit themselves in food and eat in small portions. But if you start counting the calories of what they eat, it becomes clear that their fat justifiably takes its place. Lots of high-calorie snacks (nuts, chips, chocolates), and... hello, new kilogram! Come and don't forget your neighbors!

But pumped up guys on the masses eat quite confident portions, they just do it wisely, and their diet is calculated.

So the volume of food, again, does not affect anything - for the 100,500th time we come up against the fact that the composition of the portion is of paramount importance.

Myth 6. Vegetarianism

In the wake of the craze for a healthy lifestyle, or rather, its pseudo-similarities, which were produced in insane quantities by cunning advertisers, vegetarianism climbed onto the pedestal of its insanity.

As it turns out, it prolongs life almost indefinitely, helps you lose weight to the point of a ribbed Chinese mop, and at the same time cleanses your pores, kidneys and brain.

Meat was declared the main enemy of the human race, the source of a flabby belly, fat thighs, hypertension, neurasthenia, and most likely the cause of an imminent Armageddon.

Advanced and inspired ladies began to wrinkle their noses in unison at the sight of steaks, secretly - I give my head to be cut off! - dreaming of clinging his teeth into a juicy piece of meat and drooling in a manner completely inappropriate for a spiritual lady.

The trading industry was convinced that the bait had once again been taken, and began churning out brains en masse, and then money.

And then a bunch of bad myths arose, and the facts, as always, remained aside. Meanwhile...

"PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process" - for those who want to lose weight and get in good physical shape, but do not have sufficient motivation or succumb to laziness. The book was published in 2016. Recommended for a wide range of readers.

Vasily Smolny, DJ, blogger and follower of healthy lifestyle. He was born in Tajikistan, where his father was serving at that time. He spent his youth in Orenburg, and then he and his family moved to Samara. He never received higher education, because he believes that diplomas have no meaning. He went to St. Petersburg in pursuit of his beloved girl, whom he later married. Now they have two sons and they are quite happy. From the age of 16, Vasily managed to change many professions: bartender, administrator, DJ, etc. He had his own radio program and released music under his name. In 2011, Smolny decided to radically change his life. He quit drinking, smoking, became a vegetarian and started his own blog, where he shared his successes with subscribers. However, he did not remain a vegan for long, as he was unable to adapt to the way of thinking of people who are keen on this type of nutrition. In 2015, he opened the “Mad Drying” project and gained many fans. A year later, his debut book “PP for TP” was published.

The book will be very useful for anyone who wants to lose weight or is already involved in sports. The author, without embellishment or excessive sentimentalism, destroys many existing stereotypes. The work is written boldly and defiantly, which makes you shake yourself up and treat all the information presented in the book without unnecessary skepticism. And good humor brightens up some of the harshness of his statements. Smolny shares his own experiences gained during training and provides the necessary motivation for readers.

Everyone knows what a healthy lifestyle is, but few people adhere to it. We all know that we need to eat right, get rid of excess weight, if any, and exercise regularly in order to be healthy in body and spirit. But there is no motivation to follow this, no desire, no strength. After a hard day at work, you want to have a hearty meal and lie down, and not go to the gym and also hunch your back there.

Vasily Smolny’s book “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process" will make you take a fresh look at your lifestyle. This is a very positive and motivational book that reveals amazing things about you and me, shows new opportunities and prospects for the future.

Vasily Smolny says that no amount of training, exercise or exercise will bring the desired result if you do not eat properly. And the key word here is “eat”. Today, more and more often you can find different diets in which you either need to eat nothing at all or eat, say, only vegetables. Many fall for this, and then wonder why the body begins to suffer, various diseases and problems appear.

Every person should receive the required amount of nutrients every day. When losing weight, you significantly cut back on your norms, which leads to dire consequences. Vasily Smolny in his book “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process” debunks a variety of myths about proper nutrition. At the same time, he does this in a very impudent and humorous manner, which allows him to enjoy this kind of literature doubly.

The book by Vasily Smolny can be divided into several parts. In one of them, he talks about exactly what modern people are used to doing when they realize that they are overweight. Diets and fasting are all harmful to health. To lose weight, you need to eat, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Today it is very fashionable to be a vegetarian. Have you noticed how terrible those who eat only vegetables look? What is the condition of their skin and hair, how exhausted and exhausted are they? Meat contains substances that are extremely necessary for us, and if you want to become a vegetarian, you need to look for a replacement for them in plant foods, which is a long and complex process.

Proper and healthy nutrition are two different things according to Vasily Smolny. He explains what the difference is. After this, you will learn what kind of training you need to do, how to combine them with your diet, and also talks about sports nutrition, like gainers, proteins, which many, due to their ignorance, consider chemistry.

In general, “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process" by Vasily Smolny is an amazing journey into the world of a healthy lifestyle. You will understand how strong public opinion and influence are, how much we are accustomed to living according to stereotypes that only bring harm to our health. If you want to change, learn about how to eat right, exercise, and how to lose excess weight without harm to your health, then you need to read this work. In addition, you are guaranteed a charge of good mood thanks to the author’s bold and sharp style.

On our literary website you can download the book by Vasily Smolny “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process" for free in formats suitable for different devices - epub, fb2, txt, rtf. Do you like to read books and always keep up with new releases? We have a large selection of books of various genres: classics, modern fiction, psychological literature and children's publications. In addition, we offer interesting and educational articles for aspiring writers and all those who want to learn how to write beautifully. Each of our visitors will be able to find something useful and exciting for themselves.

You bought this book because, most likely, you were shocked by the title and interested in the rather unusual cover design for this genre. It’s really strange: calling a book “Proper Nutrition for Stupid P**ts” and putting a photo on the cover, for which the court can quickly hide it in places not so remote. It is for these reasons that the title of the book stands for “Proper Nutrition for Your Transformation,” and the photo hints that it’s time to start lifting something heavier than a plate of pizza.

And you also bought it because you have problems, right? If you hold this book in your hands, then you simply no longer have the strength to deceive yourself or hope for a miracle. And you need help.

Maybe you can't get rid of the loose mass that, as the famous story goes, hides your "toned stomach, muscular arms and slender legs." Or maybe you are unsuccessfully trying to get out of the “spit and it will break” image. In any case, I'm ready to help you! Let’s just agree right away – to help, and not solve the problem for you! No matter what various advertisements tell you, the only way to change yourself without any effort is to go to a plastic surgeon. Everything else will require certain actions from you. Otherwise there will be no result. Even if you eat a ton of goji berries and drink a tank of diuretic tea.

Any change in yourself is work. The work you have to do

You may ask, what will I do then? I will give you all the information you need to make this work effective and interesting, and not turn into a hardcore hunger strike and senseless self-abuse.

"OK! - you say. “Let’s play your game, Uncle Smolny!” The provocation worked, the money was paid, I became even richer, and you froze in anticipation of a miracle. But there will be no miracle! How so? You expect at least something useful from this purchase. But in fact, I will tell you one secret - benefits are possible only if, after reading this book, you begin to actively use the information carefully presented in it! Action gives rise to results, and inaction gives rise to empty whining in the style of “I tried everything: fasting, apple-kefir-celery diets, cucumber enemas, Dukan, watermelon helmet, wild cottage cheese, shamanic practices, and even ran a couple of times in the morning. But nothing helps!

Get ready for the fact that throughout the entire book I will call you fat and make it clear in every possible way that your fat on your sides is extremely unnatural, in contrast to the assurances of your mother or grandmother, who are always vegetating at the stove and trying to feed you another cutlet. Or are you yourself – this same mother who feeds her child as if she wants to sell him for meat to a neighboring shop? This is not bad (I’m talking about my mother and grandmother). They just don't know what can be done differently. And do you know. Or rather, you will soon find out.

There is only one rule: to look good, you need to eat!

So let's get back to the rule. Diets are complete nonsense, because every time you limit your body, you turn it into a greedy mole, which will take nutrients into its hole at every opportunity and store them in the form of fat. Do you think this is nonsense? However, these are scientifically proven facts, and you will learn all the details from this book. Moreover, I will explain to you point by point why you will not achieve anything by hanging out for hours in the gym or winding kilometers around your house.

Let’s agree on one thing in advance: we do not use the words “lose weight” and “excess weight.” I'll explain why. The first meaning of the word “lose weight” according to the dictionary is “to become worse,” because thin is bad, spoiled, etc. As for the phrase “overweight,” this is generally a myth. The fact is that two people can weigh the same, but in one case it will be a 140 kg fat man with 60 kg of fat, and in the other a bodybuilder in competitive shape who will have only 7-9 kg of fat per 140 kg of mass.

Remember: there is no such thing as “excess weight”, there is only excess fat!

So, you will not “lose weight” and you will not get rid of “excess weight”. You will get rid of ballast and excess fat, which spoils your health and hides the excellent body that was given to you by nature! And, of course, you will understand the intricacies of creating a target diet, regardless of the goals and objectives that you set for yourself - to lose weight or gain weight.

How do I know how to do this and why am I sure it works? It's simple. I am a practical person in life and like to do what I like. I also like fitness and targeted nutrition. The goal is when you don’t mindlessly consume your mother’s cutlets, but clearly know what exactly in terms of nutrients you are now eating and why you are doing it. Training and nutrition are complex processes that require understanding. But due to the hype of this topic, there is a heap of miracle cures and absolutely useless articles written once by a hungry copywriter for 10 rubles, and then rewritten a thousand times by his colleagues.

As a result, even those who are really ready to work on themselves have to wade through a mountain of outright slag, crowds of swindlers and simply completely incompetent people who have once again decided to make money on your innocence.

Any advice, any knowledge has to be tested on yourself, and this takes time. Time you probably don't want to waste.

My own experiments lasted for several years, and I am now giving you all this time! Here they are, in front of you - proven knowledge, reliable information without advertising scams and empty promises.

In this book you will find:

1) a clear understanding of your goals;

2) detailed information about specific tools to achieve your goal;

3) crazy motivation for crazy results.

In this book you will NOT find:

3) controversial theories that work only for the “chosen few”.

You will ask where I came from so smart and who is this arrogant man who is going to teach you about life? As they say in American magazines, turn the page. Now that you understand why you need this book, let’s get acquainted.

Hi friend! My name is Vasily Smolny. For several years now, I have been shaking the entire Internet space and your consciousness with my unusual Game, which has helped almost one and a half hundred thousand people gain a beautiful figure, parting with extra centimeters on the waist and ass, and also win a huge number of valuable prizes! Approximately 150,000,000 rubles. (if not more) was played out in the first two years of the existence of the very first and most massive Healthy Lifestyle Game in the world - #MADNESSDRYING!

If you are seeing this strange hashtag for the first time and have never come across an advertisement of my project on the social network accounts of, for example, Buzova, Samburskaya and other stars, then there are three reasons for this:

2. You are Cheburashka who has no ears. And the eye, apparently, too.

3. You are Cheburashka who has no friends, because probably some of them would have already taken part in at least a couple of seasons of my Game!

“My Game” sounds cool, right? It would be great to write this song instead of Basta, and it would perfectly convey the meaning of what is happening and would become an absolute hit and the anthem of the project for all the people who call themselves #DryingPeople!