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» It is important to know how to remove purslane. How to get rid of purslane in the garden How to get rid of garden purslane

It is important to know how to remove purslane. How to get rid of purslane in the garden How to get rid of garden purslane

Often in the garden, vegetable garden, personal plot appears interesting plant- purslane. It is also called rug, chicken leg, fatty, sosonka, sandwich, dandur. With its appearance, the owners, in addition to the main concerns, have a new one - how to more easily remove purslane. Since, having settled on the site, the newly minted tenant quickly spreads throughout it, causing the owners a lot of trouble. Its spread occurs rapidly, and its germination rate is no worse than that of acorn grass, wheatgrass and other annoying weeds. For those who are unfamiliar with this plant, we will tell you a little about it.

Wild purslane is an annual plant; you can find the weed everywhere, and not only in your personal plot, vegetable garden or garden, but also along rivers, near reservoirs, along roadsides, and on forest edges. Its bushes are low, sometimes growing a little more than 20 cm, but mostly spread like a mat on the ground. It produces many fleshy shoots of a brownish-red color, which reach a length of about 50 cm. The stems of the plant are decorated with round green leaves and yellow inconspicuous flowers. One specimen produces many (about 40,000) small seeds several times per season. For their germination, warmth (+24 degrees C) and moist soil are required.

The plant is unpretentious and can develop successfully in unfavorable conditions. He lives comfortably even on poor sandy soil. The rug does not tolerate cold (it dies from the first frost), but it is not afraid of heat.

Fighting methods

There are several ways to do this:

First, let's talk about how to get rid of purslane environmentally safe methods, and we’ll talk about destroying it with herbicides at the end of the article.


The plant is propagated by seeds and cuttings. Therefore, it is most suitable for destroying purslane. This method is that you must promptly notice the weed on your territory and get rid of it by pulling it out manually. Everything must be done carefully and correctly. You should carefully remove purslane from the ground, without missing a single one. a small piece, because each of them can take root, giving life to a new plant. We leave the uprooted dandur in the sun, having first laid some available material on the ground so that its shoots do not touch the soil, not being able to take root.

Crassula stems are fleshy and very juicy, so they will take some time to dry.


This is a difficult, labor-intensive, but environmentally friendly method of cultivating the land. This procedure should be started immediately when a weed is detected. It's better to do this manually. The grass must be removed (required!) by the roots and left in the sun so that it dries out, losing its vitality. You need to monitor the appearance of buttermilk, clear the ground of it every week, observing the main rule for weeds: you should not let them “raise their heads.” Constantly removing the grass will deprive it of its strength: gradually it and the roots in the ground will wither without access to light.

You should not use a hoe, flat cutter or cultivator to combat purslane. They chop it into small pieces, which quickly take root in the ground and the amount of weed doubles.


Provides invaluable assistance in the fight against unwanted vegetation, including purslane. For mulching, use hay, straw, mown grass, sawdust, peat, sunflower seed husks, buckwheat, much more. In this way we not only fight purslane, but also fertilize the soil. The area free from planting, overgrown with a rug, is covered with roofing felt, cardboard, dark film, boards to block the access of moisture and light. Mulching is popular among gardeners: there are almost no weeds, and the soil is loose and moist, so the savings in effort and time are obvious.

The thickness of the mulch layer should be at least 5 cm.


A useful procedure for eliminating pineweed is digging up the soil. It is often combined with other methods of weed control. The effectiveness of the method lies in the fact that the seeds germinate from a shallow (1.5-2) cm depth, and this procedure drives them to a greater distance from the surface of the earth. It is very difficult for seeds to germinate from it, which significantly reduces the likelihood of purslane appearing. But you should not use a shovel, as it will cut the grass stems and cause it to multiply. It is advisable to use a pitchfork and dig the ground deeper so that the seeds go as far into it as possible.

Don’t forget to pick out the stems and roots of the chicken leg from the ground.

Urgent watering

Experienced summer residents, knowing where the purslane chose its place in the sun last year, before its appearance (about a week), water this place abundantly several times, having previously dug it up. Do this at least once a day. In about a week, the grass will begin to actively sprout and grow. It must be carefully collected by hand, trying not to leave any plant debris, and removed from the garden. Timely measures taken to destroy the weed in compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology always bring tangible success.


Now let's talk about the use of artificial means. The active colonization of the territory by purslane encourages summer residents to resort to the use of continuous herbicides

  1. Roundup.
  2. Lapis lazuli.
  3. Octigen.
  4. Pyramin.

These drugs help get rid of it faster. They should be used in the fall, when the harvest has already been harvested.

The drug Roundup, made on the basis of glyphosate, has the greatest chemical activity against purslane.
. We talked about this herbicide and its properties in detail in one of our previous articles. Roundup is combined with other herbicides.

Suitable for these purposes:

  1. Lapis lazuli.
  2. Octigen.
  3. Pyramin.

Each drug contains a different active ingredient. Their basis is:

  • for Lapis lazuli – metribuzin;
  • for Pyramine – chloridozone;
  • for Octigen - a combination of ethylhexyl ether and chlorsulfuron.

To prepare the solution, Roundup is first placed in water, and then another product is added. Doses are used as specified in the instructions for use of the drugs. The resulting liquid is thoroughly sprayed onto the weeds. You should choose a quiet one sunny weather. On paths and along fences, purslane is treated with herbicides at any time. Just make sure that the solution does not get on crop plants.

If it rains or dew falls within the next 10 hours after spraying, the procedure must be repeated.

When treated with chemicals, the rug will die in 10-15 days.

Many thousands of years ago, it never occurred to anyone to look for ways to remove purslane. It was widely used in cooking and was used as medicinal herb. In Asian countries, purslane is still used in cooking (young shoots and upper leaves). They have a spicy aroma, so greens are added as a seasoning to meat dishes, stewed with vegetables and boiled in soups. Cooks marinate the succulent shoots of the plant. Fresh salads with the addition of raw dandura greens (the second name of the plant) are especially popular. The leaves are very rich in ascorbic acid and carotene.

What does the plant look like?

IN Central Asia, in the Caucasus and southern parts of Europe, purslane grows in abundance. However, do not confuse wild growing and cultivar. The weed infests vegetable gardens and orchards, causing trouble for summer residents. People call it “chicken leg”. The fat stems pierce the ground like snakes, giving the impression of a carpet laid down. The plant reaches a height of no more than 20 cm; the main forces are spent on strengthening the root system. The leaves will help determine which variety grows in your area. In wild dandur they are fleshy and round, like shoulder blades. The cultivated species has sharp, elongated leaves.

From early summer to mid-September, purslane blooms with small yellow inflorescences. A blooming bright carpet looks very attractive, but it is better to get rid of it as soon as possible. One gram contains more than 3000 seeds. Once distributed throughout the garden, they can sprout for another 10 years. Purslane is distinguished by its “survivability”, so gardeners are still looking for new methods of combating this weed.

How to fight a weed

If you don’t like to experiment and are not ready to cook a dish with purslane, hurry up and remove it from the beds. As with any other weed, you can fight dandur in the garden using two methods:

  • mechanically;
  • chemically.

Blooming weed

The most important rule in this matter is not to hesitate. We must not allow the weed to grow wildly in the beds, much less allow it to bloom. As soon as you find small, thick sprouts, start weeding the ground. This process is very labor intensive. Dandur can sprout 3-4 times per season. This usually happens when the temperature rises to 25 degrees. After watering the planted plants, all weeds sprout, and dandur is no exception. So be sure to go out the day after rain or watering and look over your property. Dandur has developed a strong immunity to chemicals and herbicides.

Mechanical methods of struggle

All effective methods mechanical struggle with purslane can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Regular weeding of the garden.
  • Deep digging.

1. Regular weeding

If you want to sharpen your glanders and rid your garden of weeds in a day, we have to disappoint you. The only way to weed a garden plot is to pull out the shoots by hand. Put on your gloves and get ready for a long, painstaking job. Sprouts are easily pulled out of damp soil. Don't let them get stronger. The best way to prevent your garden from getting too overgrown is regular weeding, which should be done from mid-April.

The main mistake gardeners make is that under no circumstances should they tear or cut the above-ground part of the weed. The injured root begins to multiply quickly, becoming stronger in the soil.

Thus, you will only harm your site. Instead of the expected deliverance from weed you will increase the area of ​​its growth. The torn sprouts should be taken to remote place and wait until they dry. Gardeners suggest burning picked weeds if possible.

This is a popular natural way to remove weeds from your garden beds. To remove purslane, mulching with organic and inorganic materials is suitable. Organic materials include tree shavings and bark, sawdust, leaves and grass clippings. Inorganic mulch: black film, pebbles or gravel. The disadvantages of materials of the first group are the attraction of slugs and insects.

The ground is covered with a layer of mulch of at least 5 cm. Mulching not only helps to get rid of harmful plants. It maintains the temperature of the soil and protects it from overheating, drying out and erosion, and allows the soil to remain loosened longer. Under a layer of straw or sawdust, surface and soil bacteria begin to become active. They have a detrimental effect on purslane. For a certain type of weed, a specific type of mulching is selected. Hay or straw is best suited for killing dandur.

3. Deep digging

Deep digging of the entire vegetable garden is a useful procedure for keeping the garden clean. These procedures are recommended to be performed in early spring And late autumn. Digging prevents the summer riot of weeds. This is due to the fact that scattered seeds fall deep underground. If purslane seeds are 20 cm underground, they have no chance of germinating. Immediately after digging, do not forget to cultivate the soil.

Some gardeners practice a “cunning” way of controlling weeds. In the spring, 2 weeks before planting, water should be poured into the prepared holes or beds, simulating watering after planting the seeds. After 2-3 days, purslane sprouts will begin to sprout in this place, which must be removed within 2 weeks before planting. By this time, the soil will be almost clean, because all the hidden seeds will have already come to light.

Control with herbicides

In appearance, the leaves and stems appear shiny and polished. This impression is created by the protective waxy layer that covers the plant. This layer is impervious to most herbicides. That is why purslane is resistant to exposure chemicals. The plant is dangerous once it is removed from the soil. The collected weed must be treated with herbicides “Tornado”, “Napalm” or similar substances.

It is recommended to treat the soil with the same preparations after collecting weeds. Even after weeding, thousands of seeds “sit” in the soil, ready to hatch after the first rain or watering. When planting carrots or onions, you can use the herbicide “Stomp”, and “Zenkor” is suitable for potatoes.

Many people advise trying to make a salad or puree soup from purslane before declaring war on it. Perhaps after a successful culinary experiment you will no longer have the desire to weed the entire garden. If you are determined, stock up on strength and gloves, because without them you will not be able to defeat the malicious weed.

This weed is found in almost every garden. Some even manage to “make friends” with him and cook simple dishes. And not just for poultry or livestock. Many people make salads from it, stew it and fry it with vegetables. There are even recipes for various ailments using this plant.

If you are not a supporter of culinary experiments, you will have to make a lot of effort to get rid of this uninvited guest. Purslane is a very tenacious plant, adapts well and is able to take root even after weeding.

Garden purslane: natural control measures

To begin the fight against an annoying weed or to prevent its appearance, you should “get to know the enemy by sight.” You should immediately be patient, because the struggle ahead will not be easy. The fact is that purslane seeds ripen two or three times per season and each time there are about 40 thousand of them. It is not difficult to guess that a very large number of them accumulate in the soil. And they begin to germinate at a temperature of 25°C after watering or rain.

Many gardeners, without knowing it, contribute to vegetative propagation purslane weed. If you mechanically decide to destroy a plant, you only need to pull it out by the roots. When you simply cut it down to the soil level with a hoe, new shoots will begin to form from the root bud. This is the first tip on how to destroy purslane. It is important to constantly weed the beds and prevent the weed from blooming. Remember that each inflorescence contains a huge number of seeds and they remain viable for up to thirty years.

The second “natural” way to deal with garden purslane is based on. Cover the area with a 3-4 cm layer of mulch. This could be straw, hay or other organic material. As soon as conditions are favorable enough, spores of harmful fungi will begin to rise to the top. Mulch will stop them and they will act on the weed, which will make it possible to refuse chemicals.

Another simple option for getting rid of purslane is deep digging. Seeds can only sprout from the surface of the soil or a depth of 1.5 cm. After thorough weeding, the area is dug up and the soil is cultivated. If the seeds are located at great depths, they do not have enough strength to germinate even under favorable conditions. That is why you should thoroughly dig up the area every spring and autumn.

How to get rid of purslane using chemicals?

If you were unable to eliminate purslane weed naturally, you will have to resort to products chemical industry. Today, more and more site owners are trying to avoid using chemicals, but sometimes this is the only way to fight.

After harvesting, everything should be weeded very carefully and completely removed from the site. Even the leaves should not remain. The area is then treated with herbicides. The collected weeds are also piled up and sprayed drugs "Tornado" or "Napalm". This method of combating purslane is the most radical and reliable. But the obvious disadvantage is the further ecological state of the earth.

After weeding, be sure to remove everything from the area. Even when dug up, this weed can germinate again. loose soil. They remain in its stems for quite a long time. nutrients. With their help, the plant can calmly wait life-giving moisture and recover again. So the last and main advice on how to deal with garden purslane is to remove even dug up plants from the area.

Its peculiarity is that it grows well even on the poorest soils, and even on nutritious soils, lovingly prepared for crops, it multiplies many times faster. Therefore, as soon as the first sprout of the crassula appears, remove it immediately and watch for new sprouts.

It would be a good idea to look behind the fence: if there is purslane there, then it needs to be destroyed in that place too. After all, it reproduces both by seeds (thousands of small seeds from one plant) and by shoots of roots and stems - it simply crawls over the fence into the garden. And it forms such a useless carpet that does not give life to other plants.

How to get rid of purslane (crassula) without chemicals

Weeding and weeding again - here The best way. However, you need to remove the smallest pieces of the plant, because a new weed may grow from them. It is important to monitor new shoots of purslane every 7 days and remove them before the seeds ripen. It is better to place the plants on a litter in the sun so that they dry completely. If the lashes come into contact with the ground, new shoots will come from them.

Important: you cannot use a hoe, flat cutter, pruning shears or other similar devices to weed. They divide the purslane into parts, from which new weeds will grow, and there will be even more of them. Only careful selection of pieces and roots will give the desired effect.

Can also be applied mulching straw, sawdust, etc. The mulch is laid out in a layer of 3-5 cm, no less. If the fat plant has grown greatly, cover it with boards, cardboard or a piece of roofing felt so that it does not receive light and moisture.

It will also help digging with a pitchfork : in this case, you can select the stems and roots, but the seeds will fall deep and will not be able to germinate, because they germinate when buried no more than 2 cm.

There is a way like emergency watering . They dig up the bed, water it a lot every day, and monitor the sprouting of purslane. In about a week, pink sprouts will appear - this is purslane. They are removed, and the weed will no longer appear here.

How to get rid of purslane (crassula) using chemicals

If the contamination of an area with purslane has reached catastrophic proportions, continuous action herbicides will help. They are used in the fall, when the harvest has already been harvested. Experienced purslane fighters recommend a double dose: combining Roundup with Lapis Lazuli, Pyramine or Octigen. Make the solution strictly according to the instructions.

Spraying is best done in clear weather. If there has been no rain for 10 hours, one treatment is enough. If there was, spraying will have to be repeated.

After two weeks, all the purslane will dry out. This method of destroying crassula can be used if it grows along a fence or on paths.

The main thing when using herbicides is to cover the crop plants so that they are not damaged.

In almost all regions of our country you can find unusual plant, which is considered a weed because in large quantities found in open spaces. Questions about how to get rid of garden plants are relevant where you have to use new areas or those that have been fertilized with droppings and contain the seeds of this plant in large quantities.

This plant is an annual, is afraid of frost and reproduces by seeds. It has taproot and high ability for vegetative propagation.

Purslane - annual herbaceous plant with fleshy, highly branched stems, wedge-shaped leaves similar to a spatula, and bisexual sessile flowers yellow color. The root is weakly branched.

Its shape depends on the soil in which purslane grows. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds, which after drying cracks and scatters them at a distance of up to 2 meters around the mother plant.

It is curious that purslane is in all herbal reference books. It uses both stem and seeds. Purslane blooms from June until frost.

The plant does not tolerate shade at all and grows well only in open sunny areas. Flowering purslane is eagerly visited by bees, especially in dry summers, when other honey plants are unavailable.

Directories medicinal plants Purslane is recommended as a means of accelerating heart rate, increasing blood pressure, and dilating blood vessels. Fresh purslane juice helps treat eye infections and heal wounds, and a salad made from the leaves of this plant is an excellent vitamin remedy for scurvy. Therefore, before you destroy purslane on your site, think about whether you should dry the resulting grass or feed it to your pets?

Those for whom the fight against purslane is relevant may be interested in the fact that there is a cultural form of this plant. Sometimes it is also called vegetable purslane. This form is distinguished by stronger, erect stems, larger fleshy leaves, which can be colored various shades green.

There is evidence that this plant was grown by the ancient Egyptians. In Europe, it was introduced into culture in France in the 17th century. The burning, sourish-tart taste of young leaves, taken before flowering, adds piquancy green salads, which includes purslane.

The French did not think about how to remove it from the site, since this plant was brought here and was specially grown in beds. Features of weed growth on your site There are few such unusual and useful weeds in the world as purslane. How to grow this plant can be understood from the peculiarities of its cultivation. Purslane rarely grows even in partial shade. Therefore, by planting shrubs in an open area where purslane is in full swing, you will quickly get rid of this plant.

There are few such unusual and useful weeds in the world as purslane. How to grow this plant can be understood from the peculiarities of its cultivation. Purslane rarely grows even in partial shade. Therefore, by planting trees and shrubs in an open area where purslane is in full swing, you will quickly get rid of this plant.

To prevent purslane from multiplying. The seeds of this plant are surprisingly tenacious and can remain viable in the ground for up to 40 years. Large purslane bushes can produce up to 3 million small seeds per season, which are effectively scattered in cracking capsules. You should not leave collected plants on the site if they have green boxes. The seeds ripen well in them, and already this year, at 25 to 30 degrees, shoots appear again. However, out of millions of sprouted seeds, only a few survive to bear fruit.

Purslane is a fragile plant, fearful at a young age. spring frosts. However, adult specimens grow well if they are cut at soil level. They produce powerful lateral growth from dormant buds, which are located at a depth of up to 2 cm from the surface of the earth. That is why it is better to pull out plants by the roots. Another reason why you should remove pulled weeds from the site is the ability of purslane to take root with green cuttings and leaves. In wet weather, shoots broken off at a node form aerial roots and take root well.

About the dangers of a hoe

You should not try to get rid of weed thickets using. In fact, this tool only propagates purslane. We will tell you how to withdraw it below. A similar situation occurs when trying to use a cultivator. All methods by which purslane is divided into parts do not destroy this weed, but increase its number on the site. Cleaning cut bushes with a rake reduces the number of twigs and leaves left on the site, but does not make it possible to get rid of them completely.

Using system ones is not the best effective method combating a weed such as purslane. How to remove it from the beds using garden chemicals? It is unlikely that you will be satisfied with the answer to this question. The presence of a waxy coating on the leaves of purslane provides it with high resistance to chemicals. Therefore, herbicides are least effective in in this case. Vitalon Expert copes quite well with purslane.

Agrotechnical methods of combating purslane

Knowledge of growth characteristics allows you to fight weeds most effectively and without harm environment. For example, provocative watering helps. It is carried out two weeks before sowing or planting cultivated plants. The area is dug up and watered until the weed emerges. Then they are cut with a hoe to the maximum possible depth and removed.

Deep digging is also effective. Purslane seeds can germinate only if they are no deeper than 2 cm from the soil surface. When they get to great depths, they do not sprout. Good method Another way to combat purslane is to mulch the soil. For this you can use straw and hay. The depth of the mulch layer should be at least 4-5 cm.

Mechanical methods of control

If your site is invaded by purslane, control measures should include timely collection and destruction of plants, spring plot, preferably carried out before the end of night frosts, removing weeds before setting seeds. The most effective method is to remove this weed by hand in damp soil, allowing it to be completely pulled out and removed immediately, without allowing it to grow or take root again. It is important to understand that every piece of stem or leaf left on the ground can soon turn into a new plant. Therefore, after large plants are removed with a rake, you should carefully collect all the small parts of this weed.

It is very important to promptly detect the appearance of the first shoots of such a weed as purslane. How to get them out at this stage? It is enough to detect and carefully pull out the plant in a timely manner and remove all broken branches.

Agrofilm is a universal preventative agent. No weeds can grow under it. Over the summer, it helps to effectively destroy seeds located in top layer soil, preventing the emergence of purslane seedlings the following year.