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» Types of taxes and special tax regimes. Characteristics of special tax regimes. Simplified taxation system

Types of taxes and special tax regimes. Characteristics of special tax regimes. Simplified taxation system

Each organization or individual entrepreneur must pay part of the funds from its profits or income - taxes - to the country's budget. Upon registration, all payers are subject to a general tax regime - a complex and inconvenient tax payment system for many. For . Let's look at popular special modes.

Why are special tax regimes needed?

To support and stimulate business development in the tax system of the Russian Federation, in addition, five special ones are provided.

Special regimes are most common in small and medium-sized enterprises, as they can significantly simplify the system of paying taxes and submitting reports, as well as save on payments.

Which operate in Russia, fully comply with generally accepted international standards and are developed on their basis.

The concept of “special tax regime” according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

The concept of “Special tax regime” implies a special procedure for determining and collecting taxes, as well as exemption from their payment, subject to certain conditions.

The purpose of its introduction is to provide budding entrepreneurs with the opportunity to work in more favorable conditions.

What does the transition involve?

The criteria by which the possibility of switching to one of the special systems is determined may be:

  • the type of activity the enterprise is engaged in;
  • number of company employees;
  • the amount of income received;
  • type of ownership.

The use of special modes has the following positive aspects:

  • many priority areas of entrepreneurship experience a lower tax burden;
  • special tax payment conditions stimulate the development of small businesses;
  • the level of shadow turnover decreases;
  • in areas where special regimes are used, tax collection increases.

What all existing special tax regimes have in common is that they replace the many levies of the general system by introducing one single tax.

The specific rate, tax base and features of its calculation depend on the specific type of special regime.

Characteristics and comparative analysis of types of special modes

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation has five special regimes that payers can use if they have grounds for doing so. Each of the systems has both its advantages and disadvantages, so we will conduct a comparative analysis of each of the popular types.

Taxation system for agricultural producers

This tax regime is available only to those enterprises and individual entrepreneurs whose activities are related to agriculture. Moreover, income from this activity must cover at least 70% of the total total income received.

Activities that fall under the Unified Agricultural Tax:

  • crop production;
  • livestock farming;
  • breeding and growing fish;
  • forestry, etc.

To have the right to apply this tax system, entrepreneurs must produce such products, and not engage in their further sale or processing.

The transition to the Unified Agricultural Tax regime is carried out voluntarily and subject to the necessary conditions for this, by submitting a special application to the tax office.

This system is in many ways similar to the simplified tax system, with the only difference being that it is used for agricultural enterprises. The single tax replaces the profit tax for LLCs, and the income tax for individual entrepreneurs, and also for both of them – property tax and VAT (except for customs). At the same time, personal income tax will continue to be paid for its employees - both individual entrepreneurs and enterprises.

The tax rate is 6%, and the base is profit - income received minus all documented expenses. In this case, it is possible to reduce the amount of income by subtracting losses from previous periods.

Simplified taxation system

This system is available for both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. To switch to it, you need to submit a special application to the tax office. This can be done only within three days after registration of a newly created economic entity or from October 1 to November 30.

For LLCs, the single tax replaces:

  • income tax;
  • property tax.

Individual entrepreneurs will not pay taxes such as:

  • personal income tax;
  • property tax.

Also, all taxpayers are exempt from paying VAT (except for customs). At the same time, the obligation to pay insurance contributions to the pension fund remains with both the LLC and the individual entrepreneur.

The single tax can be calculated in two ways:

  • from the income received - in the amount of up to 15% (a specific figure may be established by regional legislative acts);
  • from the profit received (income minus expenses) – 6% of the amount.

The simplified tax system is not available for all types of activities: banking, insurance, investment sectors, production of excisable goods and transactions with securities are not covered by this system. For individual entrepreneurs there is also a limit on the number of employees - there should not be more than 100. The list of restrictions for organizations is much wider:

  • sales income for 9 months of last year should not exceed 45 million rubles;
  • the value of the property cannot exceed 100 million rubles;
  • there should be no branches or representative offices;
  • the share in the authorized capital of legal entities cannot be more than a quarter.

If during the reporting period the value of property that was sold exceeds 60 million rubles, then both organizations and individual entrepreneurs will have to return to the general regime.

Unified tax on imputed income (UTII)

The use of the UTII regime is also available for both individual entrepreneurs and organizations, and since 2013 it has been a completely voluntary decision of the payer. Its essence is that the taxpayer pays one tax in the amount of 15% of the tax base instead of several different ones.

The peculiarity of the regime is that the tax base does not depend on the actual result of the activity.

The amount of income or profit does not matter, since the tax is paid on imputed income.

Imputed income is an amount of money that is set at a fixed value and is considered the average indicator of profitability of a particular type of activity.

UTII can be combined with other regimes, since this system is applied only to a legally established list of activities:

  • transport transportation (both passengers and cargo), as well as servicing various types of vehicles;
  • retail;
  • catering industry;
  • provision of veterinary services, etc.

Each region of the Russian Federation has its own list of specific types of activities that fall under this regime. There are also restrictions on the scale of operation of the enterprise, that is, according to such criteria as:

  • number of personnel (no more than 100);
  • share of other legal entities in the authorized capital (less than 25%);
  • production area (depending on the type of activity).

Also, an LLC or individual entrepreneur should not be a large taxpayer. If all indicators remain unchanged, then the declaration is drawn up only once and then duplicated every three months.

With UTII it is not possible to submit zero declarations and not pay tax if there is no activity. The taxpayer is obliged to either make all contributions on time or switch to another tax regime.

Taxation system for the implementation of production sharing agreements

This regime is used to regulate the relations of the parties to a production sharing agreement and replaces part of the taxes required for payment. The parties to the agreement are:

  1. An investor is an entrepreneur who pays a certain amount of money to obtain the right to search for and extract minerals in the territory specified in the agreement.
  2. The state represented by the local executive body, which grants the investor the right to use the subsoil.

In accordance with the terms of this system, in the case of production of valuable products, it will be divided between the investor and the state. This division will replace part of the taxes and fees established by law. At the same time, he must pay taxes such as:

  • insurance premiums;
  • income tax;
  • excise tax;
  • state duty;
  • mineral extraction tax;
  • payments for the use of natural resources;
  • land tax;
  • payment for having a negative impact on the environment.

Almost all of these taxes will be reimbursed to the investor in the future. The division of manufactured products can be carried out using two options:

  • 75% and 25% (between the investor and the state, respectively) – the basic option;
  • 68% and 32%.

– everything you need to know about calculating the final result of a company’s activities.

The latter option is rarely used, only in exceptional cases, and may depend on the feasibility study of the project or the cost assessment of the subsoil.

Patent tax system

This tax regime is available only to individual entrepreneurs and is aimed at stimulating the development of small businesses. It can be used by individual entrepreneurs who are engaged in a limited list of activities, for example:

  • provision of hairdressing services;
  • shoe repair work;
  • tailoring;
  • cosmetic services;
  • individual educational services (tutoring or course management);
  • design services;
  • furniture repair, etc.

An entrepreneur engaged in one of these types of activities may apply the patent system if the following conditions are met:

  • it has no more than 15 employees;
  • its revenue for the year is less than 64.02 million rubles.

The work is carried out on the basis of the received patent - it is valid for one year and only in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where it was issued. The tax is set at 6% of potential income.

The latter value is prescribed in local regulations and can range from 100,000 rubles. up to 1 million rubles Also, depending on various factors, it can be adjusted using special coefficients.

At the end of the year or before the end of the patent's validity period, it must be renewed - without fulfilling this condition, the entrepreneur will not be able to further work on this system.

Also about special tax regimes, watch this video:

Comparison of tax principles

The application of a special regime should be based on the following principles:

  1. Simplification of the taxation procedure - many taxes existing under the general regime are replaced by one. This makes the procedure for calculating and paying them more convenient and simpler.
  2. Tax favored – special regime must have more lenient and favorable conditions for the payer, otherwise its use will be meaningless.
  3. Voluntariness – the entrepreneur himself decides whether to remain in the general taxation regime or switch to a special one.
  4. Selectivity - legislation establishes restrictions on the type of activity and scale of the taxpayer, who has the opportunity to switch to a special regime.
  5. Coexistence - all regimes provide for the application of both a single tax and other mandatory contributions (for example, insurance).
  6. Substitution - a single tax for each special regime replaces several others from the general system.

Tax Code, N 146-FZ | Art. 18 Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Article 18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Special tax regimes (current version)

1. Special tax regimes are established by this Code and are applied in cases and in the manner provided for by this Code and other acts of legislation on taxes and fees. Special tax regimes may also be established by federal laws adopted in accordance with this Code, providing for experiments to establish special tax regimes.

Special tax regimes may provide for a special procedure for determining the elements of taxation, as well as exemption from the obligation to pay certain taxes and fees provided for in Articles 13 - 15 of this Code.

2. Special tax regimes include:

1) taxation system for agricultural producers (unified agricultural tax);

2) simplified taxation system;

3) taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities;

4) taxation system for the implementation of production sharing agreements;

5) patent tax system;

6) tax on professional income (as an experiment).

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Commentary to Art. 18 Tax Code of the Russian Federation

The commented article defines the key concepts of such an institution of tax law as a special tax regime.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that federal, regional and local taxes are obligatory for payment on the territory of the Russian Federation, the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation and municipal formation, with the exception of cases of using special tax regimes, which may provide for the possibility of exemption from the obligation to pay certain taxes and fees .

Establishing a balance between public and private interests in tax law, creating favorable conditions for the implementation of certain economically and socially significant types of business activities, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, along with the general tax regime, provides for the use of special tax regimes that create more favorable economic and financial conditions for taxpayers - organizations and individual entrepreneurs that belong to small businesses, are agricultural producers or participants in production sharing agreements.

A special tax regime can be defined as a set of tax rules (an institution of tax law) that provide for a special procedure for determining the elements of taxation, as well as exemption from the obligation to pay certain taxes and fees.

There are five types of special tax regimes in use in the Russian Federation.

An exhaustive list of special tax regimes is contained in the commented article of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and the legal characteristics of each special tax regime are established in the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and in a number of cases clarified and supplemented in the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and decisions of representative bodies of municipalities in accordance with the powers, transferred to the regional and municipal levels.

Previous editions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation also mentioned other special tax regimes (tax system in free economic zones, closed administrative-territorial entities), which were subsequently excluded from tax legislation.

The conditions for taxpayers to use special tax regimes are listed in the corresponding chapters of the same name in the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. They define requirements for taxpayers that allow them to take advantage of special tax regimes - permissible types of business activities, income limits, number of employees, etc. In addition, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation clearly defines the essence of the transformation of tax obligations when using a special tax regime in comparison with the general tax regime. For example, taxpayers-organizations that have switched to a simplified taxation system are exempt from the obligation to pay corporate income tax and corporate property tax, and are also not recognized as VAT taxpayers. At the same time, other taxes are paid by organizations applying the simplified taxation system in accordance with the general tax regime established by the legislation on taxes and fees.

Instead of those taxes from which taxpayers are exempt, they pay tax payments, which are calculated according to the rules established for this special tax regime. For example, individual entrepreneurs who have switched to a patent taxation system pay a tax in the amount of 6 percent of the tax base, defined as the monetary value of the potential annual income established for the calendar year by the law of the relevant constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The transition to some special tax regimes is carried out at the request of the taxpayer (for example, a simplified taxation system, a patent taxation system), and to others - on an imperative basis, by virtue of the direct indication of the law (a taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities up to 2013; from January 1, 2013, the transition to UTII also began to be carried out at the request of the taxpayer).

Standing apart among the special tax regimes is the taxation system for the implementation of production sharing agreements. This special tax regime is regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation together with the Federal Law “On Production Sharing Agreements”. This special tax regime is of particular importance for the Russian economy, since it is designed to stimulate the influx of investment in the search, exploration and production of mineral raw materials on the territory of the Russian Federation, its continental shelf and exclusive economic zone.18, 88, 100, 101, 346.25, 346.27, 346.29 Tax Code of the Russian Federation...

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    constituent entities of the Russian Federation and is applied in the territories of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation by individual entrepreneurs along with other taxation regimes provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees (Articles 18 and 346.43 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) By virtue of Article 346.47 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a potentially possible receivable annual income of an individual entrepreneur for the relevant type of business activity established by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation...

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    Russian enterprises can operate under a wide range of tax regimes. Among them there are those that are best adapted for businesses with small revenues, and those schemes that allow businesses to have a reasonable payment burden with large profit margins. How to choose the optimal taxation option for a Russian entrepreneur?

    General tax regime

    The first possible option for settlements between an entrepreneur and the state is the general taxation regime. It is considered one of the most burdensome for the payer, as it involves transferring to the state budget: income tax, VAT, personal income tax, property tax. The taxation regime under consideration for an enterprise involves maintaining accounting records and submitting tax reports to the Federal Tax Service. In some cases, companies’ obligations are supplemented by the need to provide information to Rosstat and the Social Insurance Fund.

    The main advantage of working under the general taxation regime is that the company will not have restrictions on interaction with legal entities that pay VAT. Another obvious advantage is that you do not need to pay income tax if the company operates at a loss, which can also be transferred to other reporting periods and thereby reduce the amount of payments to the budget in the future.

    Additional fees for payers under the general taxation system

    If a company operates under a general regime for calculating and paying taxes, then in some cases its obligations to the state may be supplemented by the need to pay additional fees. For example, these could be:

    • excise taxes regulated by the provisions of Chapter 22 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
    • fees for the use of biological resources provided for in Chapter 25.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
    • water tax regulated by Chapter 25.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
    • tax on the extraction of natural resources, provided for in Chapter 26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    Other payment obligations of companies operating under the simplified tax system may be associated with the payment of regional fees. Among them:

    • transport tax regulated by Chapter 28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and legal acts adopted in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • property tax established by Chapter 30 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as regional laws.

    The main taxation regime also involves the payment of local land tax in cases provided for by law. It is regulated by the provisions of Chapter 31 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as municipal legal acts.

    Simplified mode

    Many businesses choose a simplified tax regime. It has this name, firstly, due to the fact that with it the company’s payment obligations to the state become smaller (there is no need to pay income tax, VAT and personal income tax), and secondly, the reporting requirements are not so strict.

    In order to be able to choose the tax regime in question, an enterprise must meet a number of criteria. Firstly, the number of employees of the company should not exceed 100 people. Secondly, the cost of the enterprise's fixed assets should be no more than 100 million rubles. Thirdly, for organizations applying for work under the simplified tax system, there is a limit on annual revenue - the corresponding value is 68,820,000 rubles in 2015.

    They cannot work under the simplified tax system:

    • banks;
    • insurance organizations;
    • investment funds;
    • trading firms;
    • pawnshops;
    • companies with representative offices or branches;
    • businesses operating in the field of mining;
    • organizations involved in the production of excisable products;
    • gambling businesses;
    • lawyers, notaries;
    • firms that have signed production sharing agreements;
    • legal entities in which more than 25% share belongs to budgetary structures.

    The main advantage of the simplified tax system is low tax rates. There are 2 ways to settle an enterprise’s settlement with the state:

    • transfer of fees on revenue at a rate of 6%;
    • profit tax in the amount of 15% of the corresponding indicator.

    At the same time, there are also disadvantages of the simplified tax system. Among them: in some cases it is problematic to enter into contracts with companies that have chosen the general taxation regime. The fact is that the counterparty will not have legal grounds for receiving VAT deductions, the amount of which can be very significant for him.

    How to switch to simplified tax system

    How can an entrepreneur switch to the simplified tax system? There are two main schemes for solving this problem.

    Firstly, if a person is already engaged in business and has decided to switch to the simplified tax system, then by December 31 of the year preceding the year in which the company would like to operate under the simplified tax system, he needs to send a notification in the prescribed form to the territorial division of the Federal Tax Service. This document must record the residual value of fixed assets, as well as the amount of revenue as of October 1.

    Secondly, an entrepreneur can switch to the simplified tax system immediately after registering a business with the Federal Tax Service. In this case, he can send a corresponding notification to the tax service simultaneously with the submission of documents for registration or within 30 days after completion of the relevant procedure.

    It may be noted that a payer who has switched from the simplified tax system to another taxation scheme will be able to return to the “simplified” tax system after working under a different scheme for at least 1 year.

    Advantages of the simplified tax system for individual entrepreneurs

    Separately, it is worth noting that individual entrepreneurs working under the simplified tax system have the following advantages: there is no need to pay personal income tax, not counting the fees that are transferred from:

    • interest income on bank deposits;
    • savings on lending rates;
    • dividends;
    • property tax for individuals (for objects used in business activities).

    At the same time, individual entrepreneurs are not exempt from the obligations provided for by the status of a tax agent.


    Another common tax system is UTII. It involves the payment of a single imputed tax in a fixed amount, which is determined by the state. Its main advantage is that the size of the business’s revenue does not matter. A company can operate under UTII only if it is engaged in certain types of activities. These include:

    • provision of household services to citizens;
    • provision of services related to the maintenance, repair and washing of vehicles;
    • provision of transport services;
    • provision of buildings and residential premises for rent, hotel business (if the area of ​​sleeping premises is no more than 500 sq. m for each facility);
    • public catering;
    • retail;
    • provision of paid parking spaces.

    There are also a number of restrictions on the use of UTII. Thus, this tax regime cannot be applied to:

    • companies that provide catering services in schools, hospitals, social assistance institutions;
    • Individual entrepreneurs who work under a patent within the same type of activity as provided for by UTII;
    • companies employing more than 100 people;
    • companies in which more than 25% is owned by other organizations;
    • the so-called largest taxpayers.

    Also, the right to use UTII by a company is lost if it ceases to conduct activities that fall under this taxation regime.

    Advantages of UTII

    Entrepreneurs, when considering preferential tax regimes in relation to the OSN, often choose UTII, since this scheme is characterized by a number of advantages. Let's look at them.

    Firstly, for UTII, as for the simplified tax system, a simplified reporting procedure to the Federal Tax Service has been established - provided that the company does not conduct activities that fall under the simplified tax system. Thus, the structure of the UTII tax return is very simple - it only has 5 pages. Filling them out does not involve any particular difficulty for businesses, since the main part of the indicators that are recorded in the document are determined by law.

    Secondly, in the structure of determining the tax base for UTII, adjustment factors are used. Their value allows us to take into account various factors affecting income and the amount of tax. For example, the K2 coefficient takes into account seasonality, operating hours, as well as the specific geography of the entrepreneur’s activities.

    Thirdly, UTII involves accounting for work within the actual period of its implementation. For example, the K2 coefficient may be changed if the payer was engaged in business for a shorter period compared to the reporting period. The corresponding indicator is adjusted if the entrepreneur did not carry out activities for any objective reasons.

    UTII – voluntary or mandatory?

    An important nuance regarding the use of UTII is that this tax has been voluntary since 2013, and in previous periods an enterprise had to work under it if the type of activity met the criteria for this fee. Now a company carrying out activities for which UTII can be applied must notify the Federal Tax Service if the relevant types of activities are the main ones.

    Unified agricultural tax

    The legislation of the Russian Federation may provide for special taxation regimes for entrepreneurs operating in specific segments. For example, for farmers who can take advantage of the opportunity to settle accounts with the state by paying the unified agricultural tax or Unified Agricultural Tax. Agricultural producers who choose this taxation scheme are exempt from the need to pay:

    • income tax;
    • property tax.

    If a farmer is registered as an individual entrepreneur, then he does not have to pay personal income tax or property tax for individuals. Just as in the case of the simplified tax system, payers of the unified agricultural tax must fulfill the obligations stipulated by law for tax agents.

    Patent system

    Special tax regimes of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation also include the patent system. What are its specifics?

    The patent system requires payment of tax in an amount that is determined as potentially possible for the relevant type of activity. The criteria by which this indicator is calculated are established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, as well as by regional legal acts. It can be noted that, simultaneously with the patent system, a company can apply other taxation regimes that are provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Choosing a tax regime: business growth potential

    Business growth potential is an equally important criterion for choosing the optimal taxation scheme. The fact is that due to the specifics of Russian legislation, enterprises do not always have the opportunity to frequently change their payment methods with the state. As a rule, if a company began operating in a calendar year according to a certain scheme, switching to other types of taxation regimes before the next period will be problematic. Therefore, when starting a business activity in a calendar year, you should calculate what the business growth potential is.

    If large revenues are expected by the end of the year, then perhaps it makes sense to start activities according to the scheme that involves paying fixed fees (UTII). The criterion under consideration also correlates with such factors as seasonality. It happens that in a particular area of ​​business activity, revenue is higher in summer than in winter. Knowing such patterns, the company owner can adapt the applicable tax regime to the seasonal factor.


    So, we have examined the main schemes by which Russian entrepreneurs can fulfill their obligations to the budget. Russian legislation provides for very comfortable tax regimes that do not involve a large payment burden. In this sense, the Russian Federation is among the most attractive states for entrepreneurs, especially for novice businessmen.

    The tax regimes we have considered in some cases ease not only the payment burden on businesses, but also reporting procedures. Entrepreneurs interact with the state not only in terms of financial obligations, but also in the context of completing the necessary formalities. In this sense, it will also be easier for novice businessmen to start communicating with government agencies - when using special tax regimes, which are characterized by simplicity of reporting procedures.

    There are certain nuances regarding determining which tax regime is appropriate for a particular business. However, we have considered criteria that are quite useful from the point of view of choosing one of the budget calculation schemes.

    Tax Code of the Russian Federation. They provide for a special procedure for determining the elements of taxation, as well as exemption from the obligation to pay certain taxes and fees. Special tax regimes include:

    • taxation system for agricultural producers (UST);
    • simplified taxation system (STS);
    • taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (UTII);
    • patent tax system (PTS).

    Who can use special modes

    The simplified tax system, UTII and ESH can be used by both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, but a patent is intended only for entrepreneurs. If the general tax system (OSNO) applies to all taxpayers, then certain criteria must be met to apply special regimes.

    Special modes are mainly oriented. Whether a company is classified as a small or micro enterprise depends on a number of parameters: the structure of the authorized capital, the average number of employees, certain indicators (fixed assets, revenue, size of premises, etc.).

    simplified tax system

    An organization can apply the simplified tax system if the following conditions are met:

    • The company is not a budget or government institution, a party to a production sharing agreement, a bank, an insurer, a pawnshop, a professional participant in the securities market, an investment fund or a non-state pension fund.
    • The company is not involved in the gambling business, production of excisable goods, or mining.
    • The share of participation of other organizations in its authorized capital in the aggregate does not exceed 25%, the accounting residual value of fixed assets does not exceed 100 million rubles.
    • The average number of employees per year does not exceed 100 people.
    • Income for 9 months of the year preceding the year from which the organization is going to start applying the simplified tax system does not exceed 45 million rubles excluding VAT, taking into account, in 2015 - 51.615 million rubles (45 million × 1.147). The total amount of income for each year in which the organization applies the simplified tax system should not exceed 60 million rubles, taking into account the deflator coefficient. For the entire period of application of the simplified tax system in 2015, this is 68.82 million rubles, and during 2016, the revenue of the company (entrepreneur) should not exceed 79.74 million rubles (60 million × 1.329).

    Unified agricultural tax

    The Unified Agricultural Tax imposes special requirements on the revenue of enterprises: the share of income from the sale of agricultural products in the total income from sales must be at least 70%. At the same time, there are no limits either in terms of revenue or number. An exception is fishing organizations, for which the number of employees should not exceed 300 people.


    When using UTII, unlike the simplified tax system, there are no restrictions on the amount of revenue. But there are other conditions:

    • If a company is engaged in retail trade through a store or pavilion, the area of ​​the sales area should not exceed 150 square meters.
    • The average number for the previous calendar year cannot exceed 100 people.

    In addition, UTII, unlike the simplified tax system, is applicable to a strictly limited list of types of activities (see clause 2 of article 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    What does the simplified tax rate depend on?

    Taxpayers using the simplified tax system have the right to independently choose the object of taxation and the rate:

    • income at a rate of 6%;
    • income reduced by expenses at a rate of 15%.

    The first option is simpler to account for. The date of receipt of income is considered the day of receipt of funds into bank accounts and (or) to the cash desk, receipt of other property (work, services) and (or) property rights, as well as repayment of debt (payment) to the taxpayer in another way (cash method).

    In the second option, income is also determined using the cash method. Expenses are recognized as expenses after they are actually paid. In this case, expenses must be documented and strictly comply with the closed list in accordance with Art. Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    When applying the simplified tax system of 15%, a minimum tax of 1% of the amount of income received is taken into account. It is paid in the case when the calculated amount of tax of 15% ends up being less than the amount of the calculated minimum tax of 1% of the amount of income.

    Note to the accountant

    A low turnover rate is beneficial for highly profitable activities. A rate of 15% on the difference between income and expenses is preferable for less profitable activities. The feasibility of using special regimes also depends on the number of employees and their wage fund.

    Features of the transition to special modes

    You can switch to the simplified tax system or unified agricultural tax from the beginning of the calendar year, for newly created taxpayers - from the date of registration. You can start using UTII from any moment.

    Enterprises can conduct several types of business activities simultaneously, while combining different tax regimes. The norms allow the combination of the general taxation system with UTII (clause 7 of Art. Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, if an organization applies the simplified tax system, it can switch to UTII for some types of its activities only from the beginning of the calendar year. To do this, you must submit an application for registration as a UTII payer within five days from the date of application of the taxation system.

    But the combination of the general system and the simplified tax system is prohibited by the norm (clause 2 of article 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). It is also impossible to simultaneously apply the general system and the unified agricultural tax (clause 3 of article 3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), as well as combine the simplified tax system and the unified agricultural tax (clause 13 of clause 3 of article 3 of the tax code of the Russian Federation).

    The object of taxation under the simplified tax system can be changed from the beginning of the tax period if the taxpayer notifies the tax authority about this before December 31 of the year preceding the year in which the taxpayer wants to change the object of taxation (clause 2 of Article 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

    Regional features

    Almost all special modes have their own regional characteristics. Thus, for Sevastopol taxpayers, the Law of the City of Sevastopol for 2015-2016 established tax rates of the simplified tax system in the amount of 3 and 7%, respectively, for payers of the unified agricultural tax - in the amount of 0.5%.

    For certain categories of taxpayers using the simplified tax system and choosing as an object of taxation income reduced by the amount of expenses, from 01/01/2015 a tax rate of 5% was established (Law of the city of Sevastopol), for the patent taxation system - in the amount of 1% (Law of the city of Sevastopol) Sevastopol). Rates for the special regime in the form of UTII are prescribed in the Law of the city of Sevastopol.

    All of the above laws can be found in the regional block of the Federal Tax Service website. Information from the departments of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is an integral part of the sections at the federal level. To get acquainted with information on your region, you need to select it in the “header” of the official Internet site “Your region”, for example, “92 city of Sevastopol”. After this, will appear in the address bar on the main page of the site. In this case, the taxpayer will have access to view not only information at the federal level, but also information that has regional characteristics.

    In the relevant sections of the site you can familiarize yourself with news, regional features of tax legislation, schedules of seminars, as well as background information regarding the work of district inspectorates, and find much other useful information. The site operates 39 electronic services - both informational, interactive and transactional. By contacting them, you can not only familiarize yourself with the current tax legislation, but also check the reliability of counterparties, gain access to your “Personal Account”, submit reports, ask a question within the competence of the service, and conduct a reconciliation of tax obligations.

    Preferences of Sevastopol taxpayers when choosing a taxation system

    As of September 1, 2015, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for the city of Sevastopol included 8.8 thousand legal entities. Among them, the ratio of those who prefer the general taxation system and special regimes is approximately 50 to 50. But the “special regimes” mainly choose the simplified tax system for themselves. UTII is not popular in Sevastopol; today this taxation system is used by 166 legal entities. Of the total number of organizations that switched to special regimes, only 19 were chosen by the Unified Agricultural Tax.

    There is no universal way to determine the most favorable tax regime. Each taxpayer independently makes a choice and calculates the economic effect, taking into account the specifics of financial and economic activity. Therefore, before switching to a special regime from the general tax system or choosing a special tax regime from the date of registration, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and also use the information posted on the official

    Special tax regimes are special taxation systems provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation mainly for certain types of activities. Only one of them (STS) depends on the amount of income. Let's compare their features in relation to 2018-2019.

    What are special modes

    Special tax regimes form special types of tax assessment systems that differ from the generally established procedure to which the entire Tax Code of the Russian Federation is devoted, with the exception of section VIII.1, which is reserved for describing the basic principles of each of the special tax regimes.

    The possibility of establishing special regimes is provided for in clause 7 of Art. 12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. It also defines the main approaches to the rules of their application:

    • The transition to special tax regimes is based on the voluntary decision of the taxpayer.
    • The fundamental points of each of them are regulated by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
    • Each special regime may have its own taxes that are not provided for in the main list of federal taxes in force in the Russian Federation.
    • In relation to each regime, the role of the subject of the Russian Federation in which the special regime is introduced is great. The subject can influence the conditions and limits of application of the regime, the specifics of determining the base and the amount of special tax rates, and establish an additional system of benefits. At the same time, those payments that are not associated with the special regime must continue to be paid according to the rules established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    What modes are special?

    There were no changes to the list of special tax regimes in 2018. It is fully given in paragraph 2 of Art. 18 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. These are the systems:

    • for agricultural producers (UES);
    • simplified (USN);
    • imputed tax (UTII);
    • production sharing agreements (PSAs);
    • patent (PSN).

    Despite the fact that since the beginning of 2015, each of these systems has been affected by a number of innovations introduced into the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, their fundamental provisions remain the same. The main change in relation to the special tax regimes of the simplified tax system and UTII was the introduction of the obligation to pay property tax on objects whose value is determined as cadastral.

    General features of special tax regimes

    Existing types of special tax regimes, with a large number of fundamental differences among themselves, also have a number of common features. At the same time, they are divided into the following groups in relation to:

    • Regarding the scale of activity of persons applying these regimes: Unified Agricultural Tax, simplified tax system, UTII and PSN are intended for small enterprises, and PSA can only be used by full-fledged taxpayers.
    • To the circle of taxpayers. Unified agricultural tax, simplified tax system and UTII are available to both organizations and individual entrepreneurs. PSA can only be used by organizations, and PSN can only be used by individual entrepreneurs.
    • Object of application. Unified agricultural tax, UTII, PSA and PSN are possible only for certain types of activities, and simplified taxation for the majority (with some exceptions).
    • A set of taxes, instead of which a special tax is charged. For Unified Agricultural Tax, simplified tax system, UTII and PSN, it replaces income tax (for individual entrepreneurs - personal income tax), property (except for tax calculated from the cadastral value) and VAT. For PSA there is no special tax as such, but a system of benefits for most existing taxes is applied, allowing for the complete abolition of some of them.
    • Compatibility with each other and OSNO. The PSA is not compatible with any of the modes. OSNO, Unified Agricultural Tax and the simplified tax system cannot be combined with each other, but can be used together with UTII or PSN. At the same time, UTII and PSN are also compatible.

    Read more about the possibility of combining modes in the following articles:

    • “What are the features of combining OSNO and simplified tax system?” ;
    • “Distribution of expenses when combining UTII and simplified tax system.”

    Fundamental features of special modes

    At the same time, each of the special tax regimes has its own set of individual characteristics. The most important of them are shown in Table 1.

    Differences in taxation under special regimes

    Special tax regimes differ significantly in terms of the tax bases to which the special tax rate applies. The base can be:

    • A variable depending on the actual volume of income (or other object of taxation under a PSA) - for the Unified Agricultural Tax, the simplified tax system, the PSA. At the same time, for the simplified tax system there are 2 bases with different rates: “income minus expenses” with a basic rate of 15% and “income” with a basic rate of 6%.
    • Constant (provided that the initial parameters on which its value is set remain unchanged) regardless of the volume of revenue - for UTII and PSN.

    A set of indicators characterizing the main features of taxation under each of the special regimes is given in Table 2.