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» Types of Easter egg painting. DIY wooden egg painting

Types of Easter egg painting. DIY wooden egg painting

I remember that as a child I really loved watching how my grandmother was preparing for the bright spring holiday of Easter. I kneaded the fragrant dough, took out molds for baking Easter cakes of different sizes and, of course, painted eggs. I painted them simply, in a decoction of onion skins, but how beautiful they were! Smooth brick-red color, shiny, they literally glowed! To this day, I prefer to color eggs this way.

In recent years, you can prepare for Easter without any effort. Easter cakes from different manufacturers are sold in all stores (but have you tried them? It’s rare to buy something decent, most often these baked goods look like unleavened buns), and eggs are offered to be wrapped in thermal stickers or colored with artificial dyes. I don’t even want to discuss dyes - no one can prove to me that they are completely safe. Eggs of blue, pink and similar unnatural colors are automatically elevated to the rank of inedible by me (of course, if they were not originally that color, as discussed below). And the thermal stickers... admit it, do such eggs really look festive for someone? Moreover, getting a beautiful and safe color does not require much time and effort. So let's consider basic technologies for painting Easter eggs.

The more husks and cooking time, the richer the color of the eggs.

Krashenki. The egg is colored during the cooking process using dyes. From natural ones I can offer you the following colors:

red - the leaves of plants and flowers are red (no need to remind us that we only take edible berries and plants known for their safety?). This also includes onion peels from “sweet” onions, beets;

If you tie leaves or sprigs of greenery to the egg before painting, you will get beautiful natural patterns

yellow – onion peel, St. John’s wort, chamomile; sometimes boiled with turmeric, obtaining the color of gold;

– birch leaves, spinach, buckthorn bark;

blue or purple - dark grapes, blueberries, elderberries, red cabbage.

Depending on the dye chosen, the cooking time for eggs varies. For example, with spinach you need to cook very little, and with onion skins for up to 1 hour. For intense coloring, you need to take more husks, cook them for about half an hour, then add eggs to the broth and cook for another half hour to an hour. To make the eggs shine, they are wiped dry and wiped with a towel lightly moistened in vegetable oil.

Krapanki can be prepared with children

Krapanki. You need dyes of different colors and wax. First, the egg is painted in one of the colors, after which wax is dripped onto the shell, waited until it hardens and dipped into another dye for a few minutes. This can be done many times, with different dyes, after which the wax is heated over a candle flame and wiped off with a napkin. As a result, we have a characteristic speckled pattern and an egg shiny from the thin wax coating. If desired, instead of droplets of wax, you can draw patterns with it. Remember that the main color of the egg will be the one in which you dipped it last time.

Malevanki imply the presence of artistic skills and abilities

Malevanki. You need paints, brushes, stencils (they can be flower petals, small leaves from trees, etc.), different textures, lace, beads. Eggs are painted with various patterns, including landscapes with holiday houses and flowering meadows. Or they combine painting with paints with applications made of fabrics and beads.

It is not necessary to master the technique of carving on a shell - even a child can scratch a design on a painted surface!

Rappy girls. The simple version requires dyes and a tool with a sharp, usually metal tip. The egg is scratched over the applied paint, producing various patterns. This also includes cut-out painting - cutting out an openwork pattern on a solid egg shell. Previously, monks-carvers did this: using a special knife or a sharp needle, they created stunning ornaments or biblical scenes.

Ornaments, patterns and even the colors of Easter eggs speak to knowledgeable people in the language of symbols

Easter eggs. One of the most difficult types of Easter egg painting (in fact, the most difficult, if you do not take into account the cut-out painting). Their patterns and ornaments carry a deep symbolic meaning. For painting, paints of the main four colors (white, yellow, red and black) and wax are used. First, the egg is painted in the main color, the desired pattern is applied with wax, dipped in another paint, the next pattern is applied, and so on several times until all the ornamental patterns of the desired color are applied. After which the wax is removed using the method already described above.

Here are the main types of painting. Have you decided how to color your Easter eggs this year? Well, if you really don’t want to dye your eggs, I suggest this option - look for foreign chickens! For what? I'll tell you now. Unlike our laying hens, they delight their owners with eggs of all colors of the rainbow. For example, some chickens in South America lay pink, tan, orange, grey-blue and lilac eggs. But most often you can find eggs there that are the color of delicate turquoise or muted green. Well, will we have time to fly for colored eggs before Easter?


The work was completed by a 6th grade student

Gromov Yaroslav



art teacher



Main part……………………………………………………………..………………………….3

“Dear egg for Christ’s day”………………………..…………………………..…4

Why is it customary to give eggs?................................................... .............................................5

Making Easter eggs in Russia………………………………….………..…..5

Traditional folk art - painting Easter eggs…………………..….6



Appendix 1……………………………………………………………………………….…………..11

Appendix 2…………………………………………...……………………….…………..13

Appendix 3……………………………………...……………………….…………..14

The greatest holiday of the entire Christian world is approaching - Holy Resurrection of Christ, popularly also called Easter or Great Day. And, probably, there is no more famous and popular symbol of this holiday than Easter eggs.

At Easter we joyfully say: “Christ is Risen!” and exchange red eggs. This custom is very old; Christ gave us life, and the egg is a sign of life.

Where does this universal symbol come from? The egg, as a sacred emblem, is found in the Cosmogony of every people on Earth and was revered both because of its shape and because of the mystery contained in it. From the earliest mental conceptions of man, it has been known to most successfully depict the beginning and mystery of Being. The gradual development of the invisible embryo within the shell, the transformation of this embryo into a living being that broke its shell, must always have seemed a permanent miracle.

Making Easter eggs in Russia.

Village craftsmen prepared wooden Easter eggs for Easter. Confectionery shops sold chocolate and sugar eggs. And well-known jewelry companies created works of art from porcelain and crystal, gold and silver, from colored and transparent glass, from bone and stone... They could be of various sizes - from large ones, in which you can hide various surprises (for example, Easter eggs Faberge company), down to small testicles - they were pinned to clothes or worn on a chain. These miniature jewelry were given to girls for several years in a row: the next Easter, a new one was added to the old gift, and so gradually a whole necklace of multi-colored holiday eggs suspended on a chain was obtained.

A wide variety of household items were shaped like eggs - toiletries, watches, vases, gift cups, etc.

The production of Easter eggs in Rus' was carried out by bakers, icon painters, herbalists (that is, artists of plant ornaments) of the Armory Chamber and monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Over time, people began to celebrate Christ with handmade eggs more and more often, and gradually Easter eggs turned into a kind of memorable gift, often very expensive and exquisite.

In the 18th-19th centuries, the production of Easter eggs became an independent art form, and from the end of the last century - an independent branch of the artistic industry. They were made in glass and porcelain factories, grinding factories, workshops, etc.

In the storeroom of the Winter Palace there was a constant supply of Easter eggs - for imperial children, for gifts, and also for international industrial exhibitions. The number of gift eggs supplied to the royal court every year was constantly increasing.

Sketches for the decoration of Easter eggs intended for the Tsar, members of his family and other noble persons were often commissioned from famous icon painters and artists (for example, they were made at the Imperial Porcelain Factory, where the production of Easter eggs began in 1749).

Faberge's Easter eggs have gained worldwide fame.

After 1917, the production of Easter eggs was discontinued. Only in the late 80s of the 20th century did forgotten customs and rituals return to our lives, including the ancient Russian tradition of offering an Easter egg. Exhibitions of Easter eggs in Russia and abroad are of great interest.

In the modern period, the state pays significant attention to the preservation and revival of folk traditions.

The modern generation understands the importance of this problem and believes that in our age of technology, people are breaking away from their roots and forgetting about national traditions. But it is known that a nation that does not have its own cultural heritage is doomed to extinction.

Thanks to the above, there is no doubt about the relevance of our work aimed at making a certain contribution to the preservation, revival and development of folk traditions and origins

Traditional folk art - painting Easter eggs.

In Orthodox practice, Easter eggs are not only painted, but also intricately painted. Such eggs, with the lines of their patterns, seem to remind us of the scourging of Christ. Therefore, it is necessary to paint and decorate eggs on a special day during Holy Week (week) - Maundy Thursday or Good Friday.

1. Krashenka- the most famous egg, which is boiled and painted in different colors using dyes. (Appendix 1) Nowadays almost everyone uses artificial dyes to color eggs. However, it is best to use natural dyes, which are not harmful to health, unlike bright synthetic dyes.

2. Speckled- from the Ukrainian “to drip” - to cover with drops. (Appendix 1)

To make a speck, you first need to paint the egg in the desired color, then light a candle and drip wax onto the egg. Once it has set, the egg can be dipped in a different color.
There can be many colors, but the main color will be the one in which you dip the egg for the last time.

3. Malevanka- This is a more complex type of painting on eggs, when eggs are painted with various invented patterns using paints. (Appendix 1) When painting an egg in the form of a little picture, not only paints can be used, but also brushes, fabrics, petals, beads, lace, etc.

4. Rubbish- This is an egg that is scratched on plain paint. (Annex 1). Some sharp metal is used to scratch the egg. In addition, this type of painting includes incised painting - an openwork product is cut out of a whole egg shell.
5. Pysanka- the most difficult type of Easter egg painting. (Appendix 1) First, the egg is painted with a special ornamental or plot pattern. The patterns and ornaments of Easter eggs were strictly passed down from generation to generation, so they are amulets. Once upon a time, they painted testicles with a thin bone from a chicken breast, dipping it in melted honey wax. Then a special device for painting appeared - a pisachok or brush (Appendix 2), as it is called in Ukraine. (You can also dip a needle in melted wax and paint with it, but this is not so convenient...)
Wax is placed in it and melted on the candle until it is completely liquid.
Then it flows easily through the hole in the nozzle and you can use it to paint the egg.
Patterns are made on a cold egg using hot wax. The entire design, covered with wax, will remain white.
Next, the egg is placed in the paint. First to a lighter one, then to a darker one.

After this, a new pattern is drawn with wax and dipped in another paint, and so on. When all the patterns are drawn, the egg is cleared of wax.

The main colors of the Easter eggs ornament are white, yellow, red and black. The remaining colors are not considered symbols, but simple decoration of the egg. The marking lines are usually white, and in cases where the background of the pysanka is white, the marking is yellow.
The meanings of the symbols that are used when painting Easter eggs:
The dove is a symbol of the soul.
The mesh is a symbol of fate.
Flowers are a symbol of girlhood.
Plums are a symbol of love.
White color is the beginning of all beginnings: destiny, which is built in the sky.
Black color is the color of sorrow. A bright pattern must be applied to a black base.
The yellow mesh is a symbol of the sun and destiny, which is being built here.
The oak tree is a symbol of strength.
Hops are a symbol of fertility.
Any berry is a symbol of fertility; mother.
Pine is a symbol of health.
The dots are a symbol of fertility.

In Ukraine, in Kolomyia, a museum of Easter eggs has been created. The exposition of the Museum of Easter eggs today contains over six thousand Easter eggs, and they were brought not only from all over Ukraine

Currently, housewives actively use chemical dyes when dyeing eggs. The question arises: is it possible to color eggs without “chemistry”? It turns out it is possible. Natural dyes contain vegetables and fruits, which we eat almost daily, so color Light red will be produced by beets or blueberries;
Orange: onion;
Light yellow: oranges or lemons, carrots;
Yellow: turmeric roots, walnut shells;
Light green: spinach leaves, nettles;
Green: green apples;
Blue: red cabbage leaves;
Beige or brown: coffee.

Now about the methods of coloring eggs themselves.

1. Onion peel is the most famous and accessible method to everyone. Eggs can be colored from yellow to red-brown. The color depends on the concentration of the decoction.

2. To make the eggs yellow or golden, they are painted using birch leaves. The decoction is prepared from leaves, or dry ones, of young birch and infused for about half an hour.

3. Rub already boiled eggs with juice (beetroot, carrot, spinach juice).

4. Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover them with water. Add a teaspoon of vinegar. Boil eggs with natural coloring additives. They are mentioned above.

5. Wet eggs are rolled in dry rice, wrapped in gauze (the ends of the gauze must be tightly tied with thread so that the rice sticks to the egg) and boiled in onion skins in the usual way. The resulting eggs are speckled.

6. To get a marble effect, you need to wrap the eggs in onion skins and tie some cotton material on top.

7. When dyeing, you can wrap the eggs with multi-colored threads, then you will get interesting stains on them.

8. Boil eggs in water with soda. Wrap the eggs in multi-colored silk shreds and tie them with thread. Boil them again in this water, let them cool, and open the shreds.

9. Pick young leaves of different shapes (for example, parsley leaves). Place these leaves on the eggs, wrap them in a stocking and tie them tightly. Dip into tightly brewed onion skins. Cook for a long time.

10. Blot the eggs painted with any food paint while still hot with a napkin, place them in a glass or egg cup and paint them with a thin watercolor brush before they cool down. In this method, everything depends only on the richness of your imagination.

After coloring Easter eggs, you need to wipe them with vegetable oil to add shine.

The tradition of painting Easter eggs has not lost its significance. It has acquired a more aesthetic character than before. The tradition of Easter egg painting is undergoing profound stylistic changes resulting from developing traditions. The painting on Easter eggs, subjects, composition, and color have changed. The reason lies in the emerging new worldview, a creative attitude towards tradition, the professionalism of the artist, and a critical attitude that the peasant master did not possess before. In addition, new directions, new forms and means of expression are being created in art.


In the process of performing creative work, a study was carried out of literary data, media materials, Internet sites related to the chosen topic, on the basis of which a review of versions of the origin of the tradition of painting eggs and giving them to relatives, friends and acquaintances was made.

A description of the main types of folk painting of Easter eggs is given, their distinctive features are revealed, the meanings of the symbols and colors when coloring are established.

A review of the production of Easter eggs was also made, from which it follows that this tradition has not lost its significance, but has acquired a more aesthetic character. Based on the results of the analysis carried out in the main part of the work, we can come to the conclusion that Easter egg painting has become so widespread among various segments of the Russian population that it can be spoken of as a unique form of folk art.

In conclusion, we can say that the goals and objectives set in this work have been achieved. The main types of decoration of Easter eggs using traditional folk painting are revealed.

Since this work focuses only on traditional folk painting, in the future my work will be aimed at studying the types of modern decoration of Easter eggs.


1. Agapkina T. Easter holidays // Motherland. 1996. No. 4. - P.74-77.

2. Antonov and Orthodoxy. M.: Moscow worker, 19с.

3. Aristova’s egg for Christ’s day // Folk art. 1996. No. 2. - P. 16.

4. Barskaya N. Easter // Young artist. 1995. No. 3. - pp. 19-23.

5. The event of the Nativity of Christ // Orthodox newspaper. 2000. No. 1. - P. 4-5.

6. Nightingale’s eggs. Album. Interbook-business, 19с.

Internet sites

Annex 1




Rappy girls

Appendix 2

Scribbler drawing technique

Pissie - a special tool, molten wax is poured into a tiny container, and it seeps through a microscopic hole. This creates a wax line on the egg.

Putty" href="/text/category/shpatlevka/" rel="bookmark">putty. The egg is very beautifully painted on top. On one side it depicts the future temple in the name of the holy righteous admiral Theodore Ushakov, still under construction in Sevastopol. And on the other, a portrait of the admiral himself.

In Canada, in the town of Vegreville, there is the world's largest Easter egg.

Length – 8 meters. Width – 5 meters. Weight – about 2270 kg

Egg shaped houses

The idea of ​​an “egg house” is far from new, and architects periodically resort to a similar form in their works. At the same time, in our acute-angled world, a rounded, and even more so, egg-shaped building will certainly attract attention, and therefore increased demands are placed on it from professionals and ordinary people.

It is unlikely that spherical buildings will spread widely across the planet in the near future; they still seem to be aliens from another world, but they will definitely appear.

Easter egg in the virtual world

« Easter Egg"(English) Easter Egg, slang easter egg) - a type of secret left in a game, film or software by the creators.

An “Easter egg” is something like a small (or maybe large, because everything in our world is relative) module inserted into a program and called by certain actions on the part of the user. These modules are written by programmers themselves (or groups of programmers) with a good sense of humor. Easter Eggs can be various jokes, minor moments, a photo with the group that wrote the program, etc. In most cases, if you have an “Easter egg” for a different version of the program installed on you, then the exact same egg is most likely will not appear, or maybe nothing will appear at all! This often happens when the egg gains worldwide fame. The monsters of the computer industry have the most Easter Eggs: Microsoft, Adobe, Norton, etc. You can find a lot of Easter eggs on the English-language website www.

Easter eggs master class

Painting Easter eggs - eight simple ways - I present to your attention ideas for painting Easter eggs from craftswoman Alice Burke

Alice Burke is a freelance mixed media artist | She explores various new materials to use in her works, happily breaks the rules and breaks the patterns accepted in art | She draws inspiration from street art, graffiti, art history and fashion | You can often see her rummaging through a trash can in the hope of finding something unique that can later be used to create a work of art | On the eve of Easter, she took several photos of lessons on decorating Easter eggs

This is what she writes in the preface to her master class: “Who told you that in order to decorate eggs, you need to mess around with dirty hot dyes? It's not like that at all! Watch how I painted a dozen eggs using materials found in my immediate environment.”

Idea No. 1. Take the eggs and color them with bright acrylic paint or food coloring. Then take a stroke corrector pen and draw simple patterns across the entire surface of the shell.

Idea No. 2,3. Use cotton swabs and use them to apply different patterns.

For example, create a pattern like this by dipping a cotton swab into paint and applying thick or translucent strokes.

Or make polka dot eggs using cotton swabs as pokers to apply the design.

Idea No. 4. Bubble wrap is another great material for creating interesting surfaces.

Just take a small piece of this film and spread some paint on it, then roll the egg over it.

Voila, you have an interesting egg with speckles or polka dots.

Idea No. 5. Creating inscriptions with a black or colored marker directly on the shell is perhaps the most easily implemented idea for decorating any surface.

You can write anything from wise sayings and prayers to funny wishes and meaningless doodles.

Idea #6 Colored handwriting and scribbles applied with multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens can also create a very bright and unique pattern on the surface of an Easter souvenir.

Idea No. 7 Well, and finally, a simple gel pen, Alice claims that with the help of this simple tool you can uniquely paint Easter eggs.

Look at the very simple feathers drawn, and what a cute pattern it turned out to be.

DIY Easter eggs

Here another great idea from the same craftswoman. This master class shows an easy way to create unique and colorful Easter eggs - using watercolors. Keep in mind that the pattern applied with such paint is not waterproof and products painted using this technique easily lose the applied pattern at the slightest contact with water. But painting eggs with watercolors is such a fun activity for children that you shouldn’t pay attention to this drawback.

To paint eggs using this technique you will need:

  • watercolor paints,
  • brushes,
  • boiled eggs,
  • watercolor pencils.

Step 1. Wet the brush with water, dip it in watercolor paint and apply paint to the entire surface of the souvenir, do not try to achieve uniform coloring, just paint the entire shell.

Step 2. Without waiting for the shell to dry completely, apply bright color spots of the same shade as the background directly onto the damp surface.

Step 3. Take watercolor pencils. The craftswoman writes: If you have never used watercolor pencils (or water-soluble pencils), they are simply wonderful. They are similar to ordinary colored pencils, but after you finish your drawing, you can draw with a wet brush and the image will become blurry and have a special charm, you will achieve the same effect if you draw on a damp surface.

Step 4. Alice used her watercolor pencils and worked on a wet surface, this is how she talks about her feelings: “When you draw on a wet shell, you feel like the pencil literally melts and bright and at the same time soft lines of the details of the drawing are born under it. »

Step 5. Add colored doodles all over the surface and dampen them.

Step 6. Let the painted items dry.

Just admire how beautiful the result is; if you want to consolidate the result, after drying completely, spray the shell with hairspray, and then cover it with a thin layer of acrylic varnish.

Decorate your gifts with inspiration, give with pleasure!

Translation by Oksana Korshunova especially for the site: Good IDEA


In addition to the traditional Easter cake, the symbols of the Easter table are, of course, eggs painted for the holiday. You can decorate Easter eggs in an original way using simple painting techniques that are accessible not only to adults, but also to children. We are happy to share the secrets of our craft with our readers.

In order to paint Easter eggs, it is not at all necessary to be a master of a brush. In addition to traditional painting with an artistic brush, there are simpler techniques, some of which do not require this tool at all. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Bonded painting

To paint Easter eggs using this technique you will need:

  • cotton swabs (pokes);
  • acrylic paints;
  • brushes;
  • sponge;
  • cotton pads;
  • sunflower oil or furniture varnish.


1. Boil an egg hard-boiled, dry and cool it. If you want to make a real Easter souvenir, carefully remove the contents of the raw egg through small holes in the bottom and top and paint the dried shell.

2. Using a foam sponge, cover the entire surface of the egg with white acrylic paint. Dry for a few minutes. If the coating is not thick enough, apply another layer.

3. Start painting the Easter egg. We suggest you decorate the shell with bunches of rowan berries. Dip a poke (cotton swab) into red paint and, applying it with perpendicular movements to the shell, draw 10-15 large berries forming a bunch.

4. The second element of our Easter egg painting will be rowan leaves. First, using a cotton swab, draw lines with green paint - the bases of the leaves. To enliven the painting, apply a more saturated color stroke with a thin brush to each green line.

5. Yellow strokes made on the leaves with a thin brush will further enliven the painting and make it more voluminous.

6. Draw highlights on the berries and leaves by applying a few white strokes using a brush or cotton swab.

7. To create contrast, add a few black dots to the base of the berries.

8. After the painting on the Easter egg has dried, coat it with furniture varnish. A boiled egg can be treated with vegetable oil using a cotton pad to make it shine.

Easter egg painting with wax

Easter eggs painted with wax are called pysanky. This technique is traditionally popular in Ukraine and allows you to create both simple souvenirs and genuine artistic masterpieces.

To paint eggs using wax technique you will need:

  • a raw egg;
  • pisachok - a device for applying hot wax to the shell. You can make your own pisachok by twisting a small piece of foil into a funnel and securing it to a wooden stick. Wax is placed in foil, heated over a flame to a liquid state and applied to the shell through a hole in the funnel;
  • candle;
  • vinegar;
  • cotton pads.


1. From a raw egg at room temperature (not cold!) Remove the contents through small holes at the bottom and top. Wipe the shell with a cotton pad soaked in vinegar.

2. Prepare egg dye - it can be natural or artificial dye.

4. Immerse the scribbler in the melted wax and heat the contents of the funnel over the flame again.

5. Apply the wax design by rotating the egg, but without moving the scribbler.

6. After the wax has hardened, dip the egg into the dye and let the paint dry.

7. While heating the wax painting over a candle flame, gradually remove the wax trace from the surface of the shell with a woolen cloth. The areas where the wax was applied will remain unpainted, and you will have a light design on a colored background.

Working with a pissy

The traditional color of Easter eggs is red

The Easter egg is a model of the world, so eggs are often painted with belts
(sky, earth and underworld) and draw animals and plants on them

The painting includes birds, flowers and patterns with waves.

Variety of colors and styles

This is what the Lusatian wax painting of Easter eggs looks like

Easter egg painting with engraving

Easter eggs painted using this original technique are called “shkryabanks”. To create a painting-engraving you will need:

  • chicken, duck or ostrich egg, cleared of contents;
  • a sharp and thin tool for engraving, for example, a stationery knife;
  • paint for Easter eggs.


1. Dye the eggs in your chosen color using natural or artificial dye.

2. Dry the shell for 24 hours so that the dye hardens well.

3. Using a sharp tool, “scrape” the selected ornament onto the eggshell (you can use a stencil).

Modern scrap banks

Even a simple scraper can be performed masterfully

Ornaments for painting eggs

Browse our selection of Easter egg designs to see if one of them will inspire you to experiment.

A simple pattern for stanchion painting and painting with a traditional solstice

Traditional painting

Ornament "Intercessor"

By the way, you can decorate not only ordinary chicken eggs, but also wooden models - they definitely won’t crack, and a particularly beautiful design can be preserved for years.

If your family has a tradition of exchanging Easter gifts, make beaded Easter eggs.

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Why are eggs painted for Easter?


One of the explanations, quite logical and practical, interprets it like this:- during the 40-day fast, when eggs cannot be eaten, the chickens did not stop laying eggs, and the owners boiled the eggs so that they would not spoil. Boiled eggs were colored so that they could be more easily distinguished from fresh ones.

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Another, more poetic version of why eggs are colored tells the following story:. The first Easter egg was presented by Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius. After the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, she came to the Roman emperor with the words: “Christ is Risen!” In those days it was impossible to come empty-handed, so she brought him an egg as a gift. However, Tiberius did not believe her words, objecting that no one can be resurrected, just as a white egg cannot turn red. As soon as the last word left his lips, the egg really took on a scarlet color.

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Since then, the tradition of painting eggs has emerged.

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Originally the color was only red, symbolizing the blood of Christ, while the egg itself was a symbol of rebirth. However, later they began to be painted in other colors and chicken eggs were replaced with wooden, chocolate or made of precious metals and stones.



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What types of egg painting are there?

There are several different ways to paint Easter eggs. Each type of Easter egg painting has its own name.

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Easter eggs

- These are eggs painted with beeswax and paints that are given to each other for Easter.

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Pysanky is one of the most difficult ways to color eggs. Patterns are drawn on a raw, cold egg using hot wax using a steel feather. Having made a pattern, the egg is dipped into diluted cold paint, starting with the lightest one, wiped and a new pattern is made with wax and again dipped in another paint. When all the patterns have been drawn, you need to carefully “stop” the wax from the egg over the flame of a gas burner or over a candle. As the wax melts, it should be wiped off with a soft piece of paper or cloth.








- a hard-boiled egg, painted one color without patterns.

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Basically, paints are made for Easter, and games are also played with them. Among the Slavs, rolling paints on the first grass is a magical action, calling mother earth to fertility.


Krashenki - from the word paint. You can color eggs in different ways.
Some housewives boil eggs hard and then immerse them in a solution of warm water for 10-15 minutes. with food coloring, which can be bought in the store.
Other housewives love to paint eggs in a decoction of onion peels. To do this, place raw eggs in a saucepan with water, add onion peels and cook for 15-20 minutes until the eggs acquire the desired color.


Previously, eggs were painted in a special way:


they were wrapped in dry leaves of oak, birch, and nettle, tied with thread and boiled. The result was beautiful “marbled” eggs.

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- an egg with a plain background on which spots, stripes, and specks are applied with hot wax.

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Ancient specks could be based on no more than three color combinations.


Krapanki - from the Ukrainian word “to drip”, that is, to cover with drops. First, the egg is painted with one color, then, when it dries and cools, drops of hot wax are applied to it. Once the wax has cooled, the egg is placed in a solution of a different color. After the paint has dried, the egg is dipped into hot water. The wax melts and a very funny egg comes out. The wax can be carefully scraped off.







Rubbish (shkrabanka)

- a monochromatic egg on which the pattern is scratched with a metal tip.

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Usually, scrap jars are painted with natural dyes, since food dyes smear very much when scratched.


For drape, it is better to take brown eggs. The shell of such eggs is stronger than that of white eggs.

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First, the eggs are boiled, then painted some darker color, and then dried. The pattern is applied to the shell with a sharp object - a knife, an awl, scissors, a thick needle, a stationery knife. But before scratching the pattern, it must be applied to the egg with a sharp pencil.



During operation, the egg is held in the left hand, and a sharp object in the right. The openwork pattern on the drape looks good on brown or other dark paint.


The design on the drapanka can be anything, unlike the pysanka, with its strictly traditional geometric patterns.

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Using the edge of a stationery knife, scratch the contours of the design. To create shades inside the contours, we draw the pattern not with the tip, but with the entire surface of the knife blade. Erase the pencil sketch with an eraser. The drawing is ready. For shine, you can wipe the egg with a cotton swab and a drop of oil.

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- an egg painted with an invented pattern.

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They have no symbolic meaning and can be painted with paint (not wax). In addition to patterns, the paintings often contain plot pictures and landscapes.

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- eggs carved from wood and stone, made from porcelain and clay, were made in Rus' back in the 13th century.

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Later, eggs began to be decorated with beads, lace, knitting, etc. The most famous “eggs” in the world were made by the imperial jeweler Carl Faberge.

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Now I will introduce you to a list of natural egg dyes that allow you to achieve different colors and shades.

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1. Yellow-brown “Onion”


This method of coloring eggs using improvised means is perhaps the most common. To use it in practice you will need to get peel from at least 10 onions(for coloring a dozen eggs).


Many vegetable departments in stores come to help housewives in finding the “cherished ingredient” on Easter Eve, offering to purchase peels packaged in small plastic bags.

  1. Chop the onion “clothes” you have stored and fill them with a liter of water.
  2. The resulting mixture should be boiled for 30-40 minutes, after which the colored boiling water must be strained to remove the husks.
  3. Immerse the boiled eggs in the boiling strained mixture and cook them for about 5-7 minutes. The time will depend on what color you want to achieve.

2. Red, festive


To give eggs a particularly elegant red hue, you will need ordinary beets. Grate the root vegetable on a fine grater. You don’t have to cook anything: just squeeze the juice out of the resulting pulp and keep the boiled eggs in it.

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3. Yellow, sunny

Boiled turmeric (saffron) will help you in just a few minutes to color the shell of the main symbol of Easter a cheerful yellow color. Prepare a decoction of this oriental seasoning, strain it and cook the eggs in the remaining water for 5-8 minutes.

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4. Green means life


To give boiled eggs a life-affirming green hue, you will need a solution of brilliant green familiar to everyone from childhood.


The excellent coloring properties of brilliant green hardly require additional advertising. Dilute the required amount of the drug in boiled, but not boiling (40-50°C) water and place boiled eggs there for a few minutes.

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5. Sky blue


Surprisingly, the blue tint of eggshells has been given to eggshells since ancient times using red cabbage. Place finely shredded cabbage in an enamel or glass bowl. Pour a mixture of water and vinegar over the improvised “salad” (2 tablespoons per 200 grams of water), let the resulting mixture sit for 5-8 minutes and strain. Place already boiled eggs in the resulting liquid and hold until the desired shade is achieved.

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6. Purple or orange


These colors can be obtained by mixing red dye with blue or yellow.

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Now you know how environmentally friendly and completely harmless natural dyes can help color Easter eggs. Take care of your health and enjoy the pre-holiday activities with your family.

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“The egg is a wonderful symbol, the oldest pagan symbol of the resurrection from the dead: the egg looks like a dead stone, smooth, motionless, but life beats in it, an amazing miracle is hidden in it. Long before the birth of Christ, the egg symbolized the Universe. In Christianity, the egg acquired a new meaning and became a symbol of the Resurrection, a symbol of Easter, the birth of a new world through the Resurrection of Christ. The red color of the egg signifies the joy of the rebirth of the human race. This is the color of the blood of Christ shed on the cross, which atoned for all the sins of the world.

Types of Easter egg painting. Colorful Easter eggs


Krashenki- from the word paint. You can color eggs in different ways.
Some housewives boil eggs hard, and then immerse them in a solution of warm water with food coloring, which can be bought at the store, for 10-15 minutes.
Other housewives like to dye eggs in a decoction of onion peels. To do this, place raw eggs in a saucepan with water, add onion peels and cook for 15-20 minutes until the eggs acquire the desired color.
Previously, eggs were painted in a special way: they were wrapped in dry leaves of oak, birch, and nettle, tied with thread and boiled. The result was beautiful “marbled” eggs.


For drapanki It is better to take brown eggs. The shell of such eggs is stronger than that of white eggs.
First, the eggs are boiled, then painted some darker color, and then dried. The pattern is applied to the shell with a sharp object - a knife, an awl, scissors, a thick needle, a stationery knife. But before scratching the pattern, it must be applied to the egg with a sharp pencil. During operation, the egg is held in the left hand, and a sharp object in the right.
The openwork pattern on the drape looks good on brown or other dark paint.
The design on the drapanka can be anything, unlike the pysanka with its strictly traditional geometric designs. Using the edge of a stationery knife, scratch the contours of the design. To create shades inside the contours, we draw the pattern not with the tip, but with the entire surface of the knife blade. Erase the pencil sketch with an eraser. The drawing is ready. For shine, you can wipe the egg with a cotton swab and a drop of oil.


Krapanki- from the Ukrainian word “to drip”, that is, to cover with drops.
First, the egg is painted with one color, then, when it dries and cools, drops of hot wax are applied to it.
Once the wax has cooled, the egg is placed in a solution of a different color.
After the paint has dried, the egg is dipped into hot water.
The wax melts and a very funny egg comes out.
The wax can be carefully scraped off.

Easter eggs

Easter eggs- These are skillfully painted Easter eggs. Ukrainian Easter eggs are real works of folk art.
To draw Easter eggs, elements of flora and fauna and geometric shapes are used. Each region of Ukraine had its own characteristic ornament and color. In the Carpathian region, eggs were painted yellow, red and black, in the Chernihiv region - red, black and white, in the Poltava region - yellow, light green, white.
The pysanka was not drawn or painted, but written on a raw chicken egg. Every line on a pysanka is an arc. The arcs form circles and ovals and, crossing, divide the surface of the egg into fields, the name of which is the baptismal shirt of the Easter egg.
Easter eggs were supposed to be painted with the first strike of the bell. First, the egg was dipped in yellow paint - “apple tree”, and kept in it for three “fathers”. Each color of the pattern was protected with wax. By the end of the work, the eggs turned into black, gloomy buns. They were dipped into hot water or brought to the fire. The wax melted and the pysanka was born, just as the sun is born from the blackness of the night.
To make the pysanka shine, it was greased. They put it with a whisk around the Easter cake - for God, on a dish with grain - for people, and dyes on sprouted oats - for parents. And three candles burned in honor of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Currently, the art of painting Easter eggs is being revived. Forgotten equipment is being restored, new masters are appearing. A museum of Easter eggs has been created in the city of Kolomiya, Ivano-Frankivsk region.


Malevanka- an egg painted with your own, invented pattern.
They have no symbolic meaning and can be painted with paint (not wax).
The name “malevanki” comes from the word paint; Easter eggs are painted with invented patterns using paints.
Artists, when painting Easter eggs, often draw plot pictures, flowers, landscapes, and landscapes in addition to patterns.


Eggs- eggs carved from wood and stone, made from porcelain and clay were made in Rus' back in the 13th century.
Later, eggs began to be decorated with beads, lace, knitting, etc.
The most famous “Eggs” in the world were made by the imperial jeweler Carl Faberge.