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» Leap year. Leap years: list. History of origin and superstition

Leap year. Leap years: list. History of origin and superstition

Every 4 years, humanity lives in a leap year. It is this year, in February, that magically becomes 29 days.

There are many signs and beliefs associated with it, many of which have pagan roots, but there are also Christian elements. Sometimes it comes to the point where leap year people are giving up such usual activities as seaside holidays or regular trips to the countryside.

What is a leap year and how valid are the signs associated with it?

Leap year: where did the extra day come from?

Do you think that the Earth makes a full revolution in exactly 365 days? No, this is not so - the Earth makes a full circle around the Sun a little longer, namely, 365 days and 6 hours.

In other words, every year an extra quarter of a day is added. Over the course of 4 years, such quarters equal 24 hours. So it turns out that a year that is divisible by 4 (2008, 2012, 2016, the leap year calendar is based on this principle) is different from the rest.

The leap year is designed to eliminate this surplus and bring balance to the calendar. If not for a leap year, then in a couple of centuries New Year would have been transported to the beginning of March, and this is quite serious!

Leap year differences

The differences between a leap year and other years, from a material point of view, are limited only by the number of days. In addition, people have to work one more day. Sometimes, however, it turns out to rest once again, but this happens quite rarely.

From an astrological point of view, during the Earth's path around the Sun in a leap year, there is a large number of troubles:

  • people's everyday problems;
  • man-made disasters;
  • natural disasters;
  • relatively high mortality rate.

However, one can argue with the latter - there are no comments from funeral service workers about the increase in mortality. Only slightly more elderly people die.

Leap year: greetings from Antiquity

For the first time, the ancient Romans became concerned with the problem of the calendar not corresponding to the real flow of time. In this country, it was forbidden to transfer significant dates to another time of the year. People were guided by the movement of the Sun across the sky.

Guy Julius Caesar solved the problem quickly and radically - from the moment of his reign, people began to live according to the Julian calendar, which added one day to February every 4 years. The transition to the new calendar began gradually, not everyone accepted it, but time took its toll.

Over time, the pagan calendar migrated to Christian culture. But in some regions this year is associated with Kasyan Visokos, one of the saints, the patron saint of monasticism.

Allegedly, he binge-drinks for three years, and after 4 years he comes out of the drinking binge and takes it out on people for the fact that his day is celebrated only once every 4 years.

Here, however, there is a problem - a Christian saint, by definition, cannot be a binge drunkard, plus there is no record in the church that Visokos likes to drink.

Signs and beliefs associated with leap year

Nowadays, leap year is treated relatively simply, but in the past, some people were afraid to leave the house on February 29th during a leap year. For example, there was a superstition that if you were very cold on this day, and at the end of February the frosts could be severe, then a person would certainly catch a severe cold and die.

The same applies to livestock. Popular belief says that any mistake in caring for pets on this day can cost the animals their lives. For example, malnutrition or overfeeding.

Starting a new business in a leap year is especially successful, according to folk beliefs, can't bring it.

Everything is bound to go wrong: even if a person builds a house, or even opens a business. In addition, all major matters should be postponed at least until February 29 - this time is considered the most unfortunate since the beginning of the year.

To appease Visokos a little, you need to do the following:

  • when the chimes strike, throw a glass of vodka out of the window (other alcohol will do, but it must be strong);
  • drink without clinking glasses when it is exactly midnight;
  • If you do end up clinking glasses, then before you take a sip, you need to put the glasses on the table.

According to popular belief, Visokos's anger will subside a little before the completion of the next track around the Sun.

Another one interesting sign associated with collecting the gifts of nature. Usually, picking mushrooms and berries is difficult on February 29, but things found on the street, for example, money, can bring trouble if they get into the house.

And if at the same time the dog howls (Dog Day on February 29 is itself a bad sign), then disaster is guaranteed. You need to ignore him, saying, “Forget me.”

Leap year prohibitions

Since this year is so unlucky, people have come up with many prohibitions, by observing which you can ward off trouble from your home. By the way, nature also “participates” in these prohibitions.

For example, according to the recollections of old-timers, in leap years there is usually a weak apple harvest.

So, what not to do in a leap year:

  • You can't sing carols at baptism. This ritual itself is relatively associated with evil spirits, and once every four years they are especially “attentive” to people. It's better not to attract any rubbish. So no matter how many sweets people offer, it is better to avoid carols.
  • It is not recommended to sell products produced on your own farm. It is believed that happiness and wealth leave the house with them.
  • You shouldn’t show your baby’s first erupted tooth to anyone, except perhaps your closest relatives. If you break the ban, the child will have crooked teeth.
  • You cannot start new big things, including getting married. Everything will go wrong, this has already been discussed above.
  • You can’t buy “coffin things.” It sounds strange, but for some older people it is the norm to buy things for their funeral. Such an action during a leap year will hasten death.
  • Women are strictly prohibited from dyeing their hair. This can lead to the lady going bald.
  • Changing your place of work or place of residence is prohibited. A person simply will not get accustomed to a new place; he will have to start everything from scratch (this point is sometimes impossible, because there are different circumstances in life).

Having children joins this forbidden group, but not everyone takes this restriction seriously.

Maybe this all sounds archaic, but the fact remains that people often complain to astrologers and psychics about misfortunes that began precisely after violating such prohibitions.

Conclusion - until the Earth makes a full revolution around the Sun in a leap year, some activities should be abandoned.

What do astrologers think?

In 2016, I made an anonymous personal calendar for young man. He was going to start a new business project, but numerology showed that the undertaking would not only be extremely unsuccessful, but could even lead to the death of my client.

Unfortunately, he didn’t listen to me, he did the opposite. The result is deplorable - although he remained alive, he lost everything to the last penny, and is now starting a new life.

Surprisingly, most of these calendars are for different people, made in leap years, showed similar results. I don’t really believe in the involvement of negative entities in the problems, but the influence of the planets in these years is extremely negative.

The leap year should pass calmly and without unnecessary movements, I can tell you that for sure!

Irina, Moscow

All the predictions I made for people wanting to get married on a leap year didn't say anything good. This time is a time of failures, misunderstandings, conflicts and contradictions, what kind of marriage can we talk about?

At the same time, many of these “weds” separated even before the wedding. Since 2016, only 5-10% of those families have survived.

Mortality, by the way, is also increasing! Older people die in droves during leap years. Pray more often, do not anger the higher powers! And go to church, every 7 days or so.

Svyatoslav, Yaroslavl

I believe that leap year is a pagan Slavic belief. The ancestors endowed February with demonic power and feared it like fire.

So this belief has come to us in a greatly modified form. There's nothing wrong with a leap year, but a little care still wouldn't hurt.

Irma, Moscow

High mortality, that's what a leap year is. It is rare to make favorable forecasts at this time.

Basically, people have some problems to solve. I advise you not to violate the leap year prohibitions and undergo purification rituals more often.

Svetlana, Samara

All life on Earth is determined by its proximity to the Sun and the movement of the planet around it and around its own axis. A year is the time during which our planet flies around the Sun, and a day is the time of a complete revolution around its axis. It is, of course, very convenient for people to plan their affairs by week, to count a certain number of days in a month or year.

Nature is not a machine

But it turns out that during a full revolution around the Sun, the Earth does not rotate around its axis the full number of times. That is, there are not a full number of days in a year. Everyone knows that this happens 365 times and this corresponds to In fact, a little more: 365.25, that is, an extra 6 hours are accumulated in a year, and to be completely precise, an extra 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 14 seconds.

Naturally, if this time is not taken into account, then the hours will add up to days, those to months, and after a few hundred years the difference between the generally accepted and astronomical calendar will be several months. This is completely unacceptable for social life: all holidays and memorable dates will be postponed.

Such difficulties were discovered quite a long time ago, even under one of the greatest of them - Gaius Julius Caesar.

Order of Caesar

Emperors in Ancient Rome were revered on a par with the gods, had unlimited power, so they simply remade the calendar with one order, and that’s all.

In Ancient Rome, the whole year was built on the basis of the celebration of Kalends, Nons and Ides (these were the names of the parts of the month). In this case, February was considered the last. Thus, in a leap year there are 366 days, and extra day were in the last month.

After all, it was quite logical to add a day in the last month of the year, in February. Moreover, interestingly, it was not the last day that was added, as it is now, but an additional day before the calendars of the month of March. Thus, February became two twenty-fourths. Leap years were appointed after three years, and the first of them occurred during the lifetime of Caesar Gaius Julius. After his death, the system went a little wrong because the priests made a mistake in their calculations, but over time correct calendar Leap years have been restored.

Nowadays, leap years are considered a little more complicated. And this is due to those few extra minutes that are obtained by introducing a full additional day every four years.

New calendar

The Gregorian calendar, according to which secular society currently lives, was introduced by Pope Gregory at the end of the 16th century. Reason why it was introduced new calendar, is that the previous timing was inaccurate. By adding a day every four years, the Roman ruler did not take into account that the official calendar would be ahead of the generally accepted calendar by 11 minutes and 46 seconds every four years.

At the time of the introduction of the new calendar, the inaccuracy of the Julian calendar was 10 days; over time it increased and is now 14 days. The difference increases every century by about a day. It is especially noticeable on the day of the summer and winter solstice. And since some holidays are counted from these dates, we noticed the difference.

The Gregorian leap year calendar is a little more complex than the Julian calendar.

Structure of the Gregorian calendar

The Gregorian calendar takes into account the difference in the official and astronomical calendars of 5 hours, 48 ​​minutes and 14 seconds, that is, every 100 years one leap year is canceled.

So how do you know which year is a leap year and which is not? Is there a system and algorithm for canceling an extra day? Or is it better to use

For convenience, such an algorithm has actually been introduced. In general, every fourth year is considered a leap year; for convenience, years divisible by four are used. Therefore, if you need to find out whether the year of your grandmother’s birth or the beginning of World War II was a leap year, you just need to find out whether this year is divisible by 4 or not. Thus, 1904 is a leap year, 1908 is also a leap year, but 1917 is not.

The leap year is canceled at the change of centuries, that is, in a year that is a multiple of 100. Thus, 1900 was not a leap year, because it is a multiple of 100, non-leap years are also 1800 and 1700. But an extra day does not accumulate in a century, but in about 123 years, that is, amendments need to be made again. How do you know which year is a leap year? If a year is a multiple of 100 and a multiple of 400, it is considered a leap year. That is, 2000 was a leap year, just like 1600.

The Gregorian calendar with such complex amendments is so accurate that there is extra time left, but we're talking about about seconds. Such seconds are also called leap seconds, so that it is immediately clear what we are talking about. There are two of them per year and they are added on June 30 and December 31 at 23:59:59. These two seconds equalize astronomical and universal time.

What is different about a leap year?

A leap year is one day longer than usual and has 366 days. Previously, back in Roman times, this year there were two days on February 24, but now, of course, the dates are counted differently. This year in February there is one more day than usual, that is 29.

But it is believed that years that have February 29th are unlucky. There is a belief that during leap years the mortality rate increases and various misfortunes occur.

Happy or unhappy?

If you look at the mortality chart in the USSR in the second half of the 20th century and in Russia, you will notice that the most high level noted in 2000. This can be explained by economic crises, low living standards and other problems. Yes, the year 2000 was a leap year (since it is divisible by 400), but is that a rule? 1996 is not a record-breaking year for mortality; in the year preceding it, 1995, the mortality rate was higher.

This figure reached its minimum level in almost half a century during non-leap years, but in 1986 the mortality rate was also low, much lower than, for example, in 1981.

There are many more examples that can be given, but it is already clear that mortality does not increase in “long” years.

If you look at fertility statistics, you also cannot find a clear relationship with the length of the year. The leap years of the 20th century did not confirm the theory of misfortune. The birth rate in both Russia and European countries is falling evenly. A slight rise was observed only in 1987, and then the birth rate began to grow steadily after 2008.

Maybe a leap year determines some tension in politics or predetermines natural disasters or war?

Among the dates of the start of hostilities, you can find only one leap year: 1812 - the war with Napoleon. For Russia it ended quite happily, but, of course, it was a serious test in itself. But neither the year of the revolution of 1905 nor 1917 were a leap year. The year the Second World War began (1939) was certainly the most miserable year for all of Europe, but it was not a leap year.

In leap years there were also explosions, but such events as Chernobyl disaster, the tragedy in the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, volcanic eruptions and other disasters happened in the most ordinary years. The list of leap years in the 20th century does not at all coincide with the mournful list of misfortunes and disasters.

Causes of misfortune

Psychologists believe that all statements about the death of a leap year are nothing more than superstition. If it is confirmed, they talk about it. And if it is not confirmed, they simply forget about it. But the expectation of misfortune in itself can “attract” misfortune. It is not for nothing that exactly what he fears often happens to a person.

One of the saints said: “If you don’t believe in omens, they will not come true.” IN in this case This could not have come at a better time.

Leap year in Hebrew

The traditional Jewish calendar uses lunar months that last 28 days. As a result, the calendar year according to this system lags behind the astronomical year by 11 days. An additional month of the year is regularly introduced for adjustment. The leap year in the traditional Jewish calendar consists of thirteen months.

Leap years happen more often for Jews: out of nineteen years, only twelve are ordinary, and another seven are leap years. That is, Jews have many more leap years than usual. But, of course, we are talking only about the traditional Jewish calendar, and not about the one according to which the modern state of Israel lives.

Leap year: when is next year

All our contemporaries will no longer face exceptions in counting leap years. The next year, which will not be a leap year, is expected only in 2100, this is hardly relevant for us. So the next leap year can be calculated very simply: the nearest year that is divisible by 4.

2012 was a leap year, 2016 will be a leap year too, 2020 and 2024, 2028 and 2032 will be leap years. It's quite easy to calculate. Of course, it is necessary to know this, but do not let this information frighten you. And in a leap year, wonderful and joyful events happen. For example, people born on February 29th are considered lucky and happy.

Is 2019 a leap year or not? 2019 will not be a leap year. From year to year, the approach of the New Year causes excitement among superstitious people. Will the coming 2019 Year of the Pig be a leap year or a non-leap year?

The interest is based on folk signs and superstitions associated with the addition of an additional February 29th. One day, February 29, is added to the calendar every four years. The previous leap year was 2016. When is the next leap year? The next one will be in 2020, in four years.

Razgadamus considers it educational. How many days are there in a Leap Year? A leap year (or popularly called High Year) occurs every fourth year. Its duration is 366 days, one more than the duration of a non-leap year, thanks to the additional day - February 29. In normal, non-leap years, February has 28 days.

What are leap years: calendar

Horoscope for every day

1 hour ago

Table of past years until 2000

Table after 2000

How many days in 2019

You can get an answer to the question of how many days there will be in 2019, 365 or 366, by looking. If 2019 is not a leap year, therefore, the duration of 2019 will be 365 days.

2019 Leap year or not, causes concern among superstitious people and is of interest primarily to those people whose birthday falls on February 29. It turns out that those born on Leap Year on February 29th have to celebrate their birthday once every four years or postpone the celebration to March 1st.

A leap year differs from a regular year in duration; it is 1 day longer. But since ancient times, people have been afraid of the onset of such a four-year anniversary, which instills fear of impending misfortune.

Exist folk signs, according to which the arrival of a Leap Year means the onset of an unlucky period of time in the life of every person for four years.

Signs for Leap Year: what you can and cannot do

To believe in omens or not? February 29 is popularly called Kasyan's day (or Kasyanov's day), and it is considered unlucky for the birth of a child.

  • It is not advisable to plan the birth of a baby, but if pregnancy occurs, then to the expectant mother you will have to refrain from cutting your hair until the birth.
  • If a child was born in a Leap Year, it is necessary to speed up the baptismal ceremony so that the baby receives protection.
  • You cannot start new businesses; any financial investment in a business is doomed to failure.
  • People who believe in omens are advised not to sell or buy real estate or change their place of residence during Leap Year.
  • According to signs, it is not recommended to have a pet.
  • It is better to postpone the trip until better times.
  • Very Bad sign planning a wedding on Leap Year. The sign says that a marriage concluded in an unhappy period of time will fall apart, the family will be haunted by misfortunes, illnesses, betrayal of spouses, and evil fate.
  • It is not recommended to change jobs or start renovating the house.

Our ancestors adhered to the rule that an unlucky year for marriage follows immediately after Leap Year and the ban on marriage remains for another year. If you believe it, then after 2016 (it was a Leap Year), the next year is 2017 - the year of the widow, the year of the widower - 2018.

2019 is the year of the widow or widower

The years of the widow and widower are considered to be the first and second years after Leap Year, the previous one was 2016. If you believe the superstition, then 2017 is the year of the widow, the year of the widower is 2018, both dates are not suitable for a wedding. And married couples planning a wedding in 2019 will experience prosperity and well-being.

Our grandmothers did not get married, they were afraid of getting a mystical curse on their family from Higher powers and remain a widow or be among the dead.

Astrologers consider folk signs to be prejudices and relics of the past; they recommend not to believe in such forecasts and not to follow them.

Priests advise following your heart, starting a family, getting married according to church canons and setting a wedding date for 2019 without any doubt. According to - the year of the Pig - an animal symbolizing calm and harmony.

The Widow Years (list): 2001; 2005; 2009; 2013; 2017; 2021; 2025; 2029; 2033; 2037; 2041; 2045; 2049; 2053; 2057; 2061; 2065.

Widower Years (list): 2002; 2006; 2010; 2014; 2018; 2022; 2026; 2030; 2034; 2038; 2042; 2046; 2050; 2054; 2058; 2062; 2066.

Is it possible to get married or get married in 2019? Can. Signs and superstitions are usually based on popular rumors, but in fact there is no confirmed data or real statistics about the years of a widow or widower.

How to determine Leap Year: calculation

  1. It is easier to determine whether a leap year is or not if the date of the previous one is known. The leap year repeats itself every four years.
  2. You can calculate the viscosity by knowing how many days there are in a year - 365 or 366.
  3. A leap year is divisible by 4 without a remainder; if it can be divided by 100 without a remainder, it is a non-leap year. But if it is divisible by 400 without a remainder, then it is a leap year.

What to expect from 2019

Due to the fact that 2019 will not be a leap year and will be held under the leadership of Yellow Earth Pig, astrologers give a peaceful forecast for all 365 days of 2019. The pig is a symbol of the future in 2019. This patient animal symbolizes well-being, peace, tranquility and wisdom.

The personal life of many lonely people will change in 2019, loneliness will end and there will be a happy opportunity to find a friend, meet a loved one. A favorable period is coming for the birth of children and the creation of a family union. Persistent and purposeful will be accompanied by.

Astrologers say that you will have a chance to become happy in your personal life, achieve success at work, and advance in career ladder or open your own business.

The pig, as you know, is one of the animals with enviable tenacity, and those who show perseverance, hard work, take responsibility in difficult circumstances, and are not afraid of difficulties will be able to achieve what they want.

Folk signs for 2019, beliefs and forecasts of various astrologers agree on one thing - the year of the Pig, the beginning, middle, end and all 365 days - a favorable and successful period. No matter how many days there are in 2019, every day you need to strive for your goal, think positively, not paying attention to bad omens.

We all know that a normal year consists of 365 days, but there is also a leap year, which includes 366 days. It occurs once every four calendar years, and the month of February in such a year includes one more day. But few people wonder why such a year is called a leap year, and today we will tell you about the origin of this name.

Origin of the name "Leap" year

As is the case with many other names known today, the origin of “Leap” Year has its origins in Latin. This year has long been called “Bis Sextus”. The Latin translation of this name means “Second Sixth”.

It is worth noting that such a calculation of time was introduced by the Romans, and in the Roman calendar BC, days were not counted in the same way as they do today. The Romans were accustomed to counting days in terms of the number of days remaining until the next month. The Romans inserted an extra day between February 23 and 24. February 24 itself was called “sectus,” which meant “the sixth day before the beginning of March.” In a leap year, when an additional day was inserted between February 23 and 24, February 24 occurred twice, which was called “bis sectus”, as we already noted - the “Second Sixth” day.

It is easy to understand that “Bis sectus” in the Slavic sense can be easily converted into “leap year”, because these names are consonant. However, in the modern Gregorian calendar, an additional day, as is known, is inserted not between February 23 and 24, but after February 28. So, once every four years, we have the opportunity to observe on wall calendars, calendars in our computers and smartphones, the day of February 29th.

Why do we need a leap year?

Having figured out why a leap year is called that, it is also necessary to take a short excursion into why such a year exists at all and why it was introduced.

We all know that a normal year consists of 365 days, we are used to it, and we do not doubt this statement for a second. However, in reality it is not entirely correct, since each year is equal to 365.4 days, that is, 365 days and 6 hours. Of course, such a calculation of time is very inconvenient, and it certainly leads to certain shifts in people’s perception of the flow of time. That is why scientific astronomers decided to calculate each multiple of four years in the amount of 366 days (using 4 excerpts of 6 hours from other years), and all the rest - 365 days exactly.