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» Questions on youth problems. Problems of modern youth - abstract. Lack of social requirements

Questions on youth problems. Problems of modern youth - abstract. Lack of social requirements

Modern Russia is a rather specific country in which there has been a sharp change in the main vector of development. It is no secret that changes in the political and social fields most affect those who have not yet made a decision in life, in whom there is still no solid core laid down by upbringing and education, that is, the youngest.

The problems of modern youth are very different from those that their parents had at the same age. Moreover, they differ in all aspects - moral, social, and economic. The striking differences between their lives and the lives of the previous generation often made constructive dialogue impossible, much less the exchange of experiences between generations - these experiences are too different.

The moral problems of modern youth, according to psychologists, are caused by two main difficulties: laziness and lack of purpose. Many parents, having themselves gone through difficult times of lack of money and “initial accumulation of capital,” strive to make sure that their child does not need anything. And they succeed - the younger generation really does not need anything - neither money, nor family, nor love. By the time they graduate from school, most of them have everything they could dream of (this is especially true for children from big cities - it is more difficult to achieve financial well-being in the provinces), and all they can do is thinklessly. Morality as such is of little interest to them - they have completely different things on their minds , they simply don’t think about it. And parents, who have devoted their entire lives to ensuring that their child is the best, realize with horror that they missed the main thing - they did not teach him to love, respect and appreciate friends, parents, and loved ones.

Modern youth are determined, first of all, by the fact that today’s society sets one task for the guys - to have as much money as possible. But at the same time, everything that happens around teaches the younger generation exclusively that there is no need to earn money - there are many other ways to get it, much easier and simpler. Therefore, in the eyes of young people, things that had significance for their ancestors lose their value. School, education, family and even the state are worthless, because the meaning of life is not in them at all. Such problems of youth in modern society inevitably lead to the gradual degradation of social and loss of communication between generations and a primitive existence devoid of a spiritual component.

The financial problems of modern youth are due to the lack of a clear state policy in this area. The level of scholarships and salaries for beginning specialists today is such that there is no need to talk about any kind of decent existence. At the same time, subsequent employment seems to be very problematic due to the fact that higher education has long been producing an overabundance of specialists, and there are no vacancies for them in their specialty. At the same time, in cities with developed industry, there is a clear shortage of blue-collar professionals, but there are no young people willing to take these positions.

Also, many of the problems of modern youth are caused by the information field in which they live. The Internet and television do not aim at the new generation; their main goal is entertainment. Moreover, most of this entertainment is thoughtless and devoid of any meaning. This is another factor provoking degradation. In other words, the entire surrounding reality, under the influence of which a young personality is formed, influences it not creatively, but destructively, which leads to the emergence of a number of problems and difficulties.

Every year a huge problem arises for modern youth. All over the world, young people's priorities are changing. Instead of being law-abiding and honest, young people have a negative attitude towards society. Therefore, adults have the main task of instilling in teenagers the foundations of positive upbringing in order to avoid conflicts in society.

The main problems of youth:


-Immorality in behavior


-Tobacco smoking

-Suicides, crime

-Misunderstanding of generations

-Substitution of life values

These problems can be solved very quickly if you find contact with young people. Don't put pressure on them. The main thing is to start with the adult generation, they educate teenagers into society, but in most cases the adult generation does not educate young people, and creates a very, low-quality society,

2.1Youth employment problems:

Most young people, after graduating from universities or institutes, face the big problem of finding employment in their specialty.

Young specialists should be in great demand on the market; this is the future of Russia.

The need to analyze youth in the market occurs for a number of reasons. 1, young people make up 1/3 of the working population of Russia. 2, They are the future of the country and its development depends on them. Young people have long determined the political, economic, and social structure of the population. Employment of the population is very important at the moment. Often young people have problems with professional and social self-determination, housing difficulties, and so on.

Young specialists have a character without experience and work experience and often require some kind of work experience at work, but the young specialist cannot get it and the circle begins anew. I believe that they need to be given the opportunity to prove themselves as specialists. This problem arises due to the young brain. They mainly choose highly paid professions, it is good that they are trying to enter the field of advertising and finance. But to achieve high success, you need to study hard, and not many people succeed in this. Because of this, few people go into blue-collar professions that the country needs (medicine, construction, science). There are a lot of jobs there, but low wages. Another problem is the outflow of young people from small towns and villages due to low wages; as a result, a difficult situation with youth employment is being resolved.

2.2Prospects for modern youth:

Prospects for modern youth A life perspective is not a strategy developed once and for all. Each qualitatively new stage of the life path must correspond to the specific content of the perspective, in which some components maintain continuity, while others reflect real changes in the surrounding world and in the person himself. Life course studies have found evidence that there are critical moments in the life of every person associated with changes in life perspective; In these life situations, some people are able to rebuild their perspective, increasing their motivation for achievement, while others fall into a state of stress, characterized by a feeling of danger and increased anxiety. Along different lines of life, critical moments arise at different times, but there are periods of life in which these moments are concentrated and intersect, giving rise to a whole complex of life problems that require the formation and restructuring of life perspective. The first of these periods in a person’s life is the years of youth, during which perhaps one of the most important life choices falls - the choice of a professional path, which is of cardinal importance for the rest of one’s life. Moreover, this choice must be made while still studying at school at the age of 15-17. At the same time, boys and girls should realize that choosing a profession is not only a prerequisite for successful self-realization in future work, but also one of the most important means of ensuring success in other areas of life. But the formation of certain psychological mechanisms does not mean that these mechanisms will automatically “work” in such a difficult situation as this

choosing a professional path. And it is not easy for a person of mature age to solve alternative life problems, although he already has the necessary life experience for this, and life itself forces him to make responsible decisions. It is precisely this severe necessity of life that young men and women of high school age lack in order for somewhat abstract ideas about the future to turn into an effective life perspective. This fact is noted by psychologists and sociologists who study the peculiarities of the formation of life prospects among young people. Thus, I. S. Kon comes to the conclusion that images of the future in youth are focused primarily on the result, and not on the means of achieving it, that is, life goals are not adequately supported by specific life plans.13 Data from studies of the life prospects of schoolchildren and vocational school students find that a significant proportion of respondents have an abstract, insufficiently meaningful idea of ​​the future. Although the same studies identified types of attitude towards the future, characterized by a large extent, realism, differentiation, integrity of perspective, and its close connection with the current life situation. There is a number of data indicating that the content of the life prospects of young people changes significantly from generation to generation. Thus, one study conducted in 1926 among high school students was repeated in 1969. It turned out that during this period the content of the life goals of young people changed radically, which to a much lesser extent in the late 60s had individualistic, mercantile

character, goals of social significance were mentioned much more often. It must be said that the generation of the sixties as a whole was distinguished by a romantic attitude towards reality, which was very clearly manifested in sociological studies that revealed the unconditional dominance of the content of labor over its other components. The importance of the value approach to the study of life and professional prospects is determined by the place of value orientations in the structure of life prospects, their role in the process of professional self-determination of the individual. Life goals and plans are, as emphasized in previous chapters, the eventual embodiment of value orientations, which are at a higher level of the dispositional structure of the individual and, because of this, determine the general social direction of life. The contradictions that arise against this background lead to a mismatch in life perspective in the content and chronological aspects. The choice of the defining directions of the life path, the main lines of self-realization of the individual is, first of all, the choice of the main life values, among which the values ​​of work and professional activity can occupy a different place - from an all-consuming dominant to a very insignificant object of orientation. In accordance with this, the life goals, plans and aspirations of young people who determine their professional path will be formed. Sociologists studying the problems of professional self-determination of young people come to the conclusion that value orientations should be considered as “the main components of the mechanism that carries out the internal regulation of such a type of social behavior as

choice of profession." It should, of course, be taken into account that the regulation of professional self-determination cannot be unambiguously associated with 14 value orientations. Despite the close connection with the motivational sphere of the individual, they still do not act as direct motivators and regulators of behavior, but only determine the main life guidelines, the path to which is not always passed. This is evidenced by the well-known phenomena of discrepancy between verbal (built on value judgments and preferences) and real behavior. However, it is also obvious that, ultimately, a system of behavior grows out of a person’s system of values. And if from directly measured value preferences, it is not possible to deduce a person’s real life priorities, then the reason lies not in the fact that value orientations and behavior are not connected, but in the fact that this connection is ambiguous and contradictory.


The problem of youth will be the most important problem in the world. Youth will be the future of society.

From my report, I realized that in the modern world very little attention has been paid to our young generation, very little education affects the society of young people who teach their bad manners to another group of young people. First, we need to find and teach the basics of education to other groups of young people, and we have a small part left to simply prevent the adult generation from missing out on the younger generation due to laziness in education.

Adults often criticize teenagers for smoking and drinking. They lead a depraved lifestyle and have a bad influence on other teenagers. So they learned all this from adults, and so they bring all the nasty stuff to their little society of young people. A young body has the ability to absorb everything like a sponge; we need to use this in the right direction and involve them in education or other useful activities for society.

I have my own plan to solve youth problems

1. You need to remove, not abruptly, alcohol and smoking. This is already being introduced, but without advertising sports and suggesting that being healthy is cool.

2.Tell or convey morality in other ways

3. Do not stop them if they belong to any subculture, there are different subcultures, there are good and bad, so the good ones need to be legalized and supported, for example, Graffiti, they can decorate buildings and be useful for the needs of the population, draw cartoon characters for a kindergarten. And it’s nice for them and for young people, passers-by, everyone

4. Provide employment or employ young people and give them the professions for which they were trained. Mostly when applying for a job they say that there is no experience. And young professionals simply don’t know what to do, there is no housing, no living conditions.

5.Teach the adult generation itself to treat youth with dignity

6.Give the opportunity to rise to power and determine the composition of the State Duma. Most of the people in the State Duma are very old. They do not accept new things and stick only to conservatism. We need new people with a fresh and modern view of the world.

Youth is a generation of people going through the stage of socialization, acquiring, and in later life having already acquired, educational, professional and other social functions, while depending on specific historical conditions, the age criteria of youth can range from 16 to 35 years. (1963 V.T. Lisovsky)

Sociology of youth is a branch of social science. knowledge, within the framework of which youth is studied as a specific social. a group with a special social status and social purpose.

The object is: the younger generation, which, as a social The demographic group is characterized by: parameters:

1. Age (14-30)

2. Psychologist. peculiarities

3. Social status

Subject of study: studying the role and place of youth as a specific large group in the development of society, studying their requests, needs, values, interests and expectations, studying the characteristics of socialization and social adaptation in various spheres, value orientations and life plans.

Subject of sociology of youth is: studying the role and place of youth in the development of society, requests, interests, needs, values, social expectations

studying the formation of active life, the position of young people

study of lifestyle, behavior

study of adaptation features

life plans and periods

Sociology of youth as a science is built on three interconnected levels:

1) general methodological, based on an approach to understanding youth as a social phenomenon;

2) specially theoretical, revealing the specifics and structure of youth as a socio-demographic group, the peculiarities of their consciousness and behavior, the age-related and socio-psychological specifics of their lifestyle, the dynamics of value orientations;

3) empirical, analyzing specific facts in various spheres of life on the basis of sociological research.

2. Social problems of youth in the modern world.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, and with it the cessation of its existence of the state program “Youth”, a situation arose in Russia when these very youth became left to her own devices. In modern realities, social problems of young people merge with the general difficulties of each person and the problems of the state as a whole. And in this merger, the problems of youth fade into the background. Modern youth have a trait that shows that most young people want to have a good income, while having neither a profession nor the desire to work. This happens because Today's youth lack incentives to work.

The problem of criminal influence on young people has recently been of concern to the general public. Among criminal offenses, every fourth is committed by young people and teenagers. Among the offenses, mercenary crimes attract attention - theft, extortion of money, fraud.

According to statistics, every year 46,000 of our compatriots die from alcohol. 40% of schoolchildren tried alcohol in adolescence, most often in the form of beer. Almost every second Ukrainian high school student drinks alcohol twice a week. And manufacturers annually increase the production of intoxicating drinks by 20-26%.

More and more young people are starting use drugs. It is known that the social consequences of drug addiction are extremely severe. Drug addicts drop out of public life - work, political, family, due to physical and social degradation of the individual. The severity of social consequences is aggravated if we take into account that drug addiction is a youth problem.

Nobody says that voluntary-compulsory youth organizations, like the general Komsomol organization, are very good, and young people did not have any social problems in Soviet times. Youth problems have always been acute, but at least they tried to solve them in some way. And they often decided. And what youth solutions do we see now?

Politicians of various stripes declare from high stands that young people are the foundation of our future life, the future of all humanity etc. and so on. But in the heat of political and financial battles, there is no one to fill this very foundation and maintain it in proper condition.

State youth organizations are created, as a rule, when the next elections are approaching, after which the servants of the people very quickly forget about the social problems of young people, once again giving them the opportunity to solve them on their own.

Youth creativity is of interest only to a limited circle of people. State subsidies for talented and truly gifted young people are so insignificant that they are practically not enough for anything.

Decent work for young people, even for those who graduated with honors from prestigious higher educational institutions, is not guaranteed or provided by the state. The lack of state guarantees for a first job is perhaps the most pressing social problem of modern youth.

Today, the social problems of young people remain only their problems, and, apparently, no one is going to solve them.

However, one should not assume that modern youth does not think about the future at all, that modern youth is corrupted by a lack of morality, spoiled, vulgar and unbridled. It's not like that at all. A huge number of young people want to be useful to their country, they want to do what they love, receive decent pay for their work, they want to get married without fear, have children, without fear that tomorrow they will be fired during the next financial crisis, in the state of which, Unfortunately, our country is almost constantly...

But young people cannot cope with all the difficulties on their own. Only the targeted, systematic participation of the state and all branches of government in the life of the younger generation will be able to solve the problems of social adaptation of young people in modern society, ranging from alcoholism and drug addiction, to army hazing and arbitrariness in the workplace.

The main problems facing young people lie in moral education, or rather, in its absence. It is because of this that problems in a person’s life begin to grow like a snowball. When young people are not given enough knowledge in the field of moral and psychological education, then people do not have guidelines on how to live correctly, what to strive for and, most importantly, how to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, the way most of today's youth live is not worth living. Young people often do not realize their deepest needs, as a result of which true desires are replaced by artificial ones inspired by the modern world and the people around them. Which gives rise to the following pressing problems for young people: sitting at the computer all day long, the desire to drink and smoke, and sometimes even worse - drug use, trying to actually find at least some kind of outlet that would serve as a source of happiness.

I would like to consider the two most serious erroneous views on life that many young people adhere to, to which parents, unfortunately, react quite calmly. The first is to believe that while you’re young, you can go for a walk, and then build a serious relationship, as they sometimes say - you haven’t had enough of it yet. And the second is the narrowness of views on life due to subjective experience.

One of the ways to solve the problem of youth is if a person is immediately tuned to the right life values, and not to go out to cafes, bars, restaurants, discos and noisy companies, where people tend to drink and smoke, then no one will have to be retuned to a different way of life . A person, through his actions and desires, forms certain inclinations and habits, and he gets used to experiencing happiness from just such a life. The life values ​​of young people are formed precisely during this period, and then the person will practically not be changed. And even if he thinks that it’s not worth living like this, that he needs to start thinking about his family, desire alone will not be enough, since feelings are attached to other things.

I’m talking about the majority; you shouldn’t count yourself among those few who are capable of radically realizing how worthless life is and taking the right path. Look around, remember your friends from your youth or just acquaintances who began to lead a wild life, think about how much their character has changed, what they have gained and what they have lost, what problems they had to face, where such a life will lead them, is it worth living like this? whether they are able to start living in the right direction, giving up old habits.

People also have a great tendency to justify their actions, basically saying that everyone lives like this, or they simply begin to compare themselves with others, pointing out other people's shortcomings, thereby showing that I am not that bad. Whatever one may say, this is all an excuse that does not contribute to personal development. It is necessary to fight this and find the strength to honestly admit to yourself your shortcomings and resulting incorrect behavior - the development of such qualities is very important for a young person.

“Only the moral improvement of people can improve the structure of social life” Lev Tolstoy

Those young people who say that in this life we ​​need to try everything, and that we are free people, we do what we want, these lines are dedicated to you. Let's remember together everything we want to try - all kinds of alcoholic drinks, soft drugs, even hard drugs for some, all sorts of extreme sports: skiing, snowboarding down the mountain, etc. In essence, this expression should sound like “You have to try everything bad in this life” - such desires create problems among young people. Has anyone ever told themselves this phrase before doing something really good? For example, I’ll try to live unselfishly, without being attached to the results of my work, or I’ll start helping my neighbor’s grandmother, who lives alone and can barely make ends meet, you’ll see I’ll become less greedy, or I’ll start getting up in the morning and praying, I don’t know, what if and will change. An urgent problem for young people is, what kind of freedom are we talking about in general, freedom does not lie in the fact that I want to do what I want, but in the fact that I do only what is necessary and am able not to do what I want. Since you are so free, then stop drinking, smoking and curb your uncontrolled sexual desires.

It is worth noting that morality is not just some kind of reading of morality, it is, first of all, setting an example by one’s behavior - this is the main way to solve the problems of modern youth - a worthy example to follow. You can say a lot of things, but children absorb exactly how you live. How can a child act as you tell him, when you yourself live differently - he feels the falsehood in this case and his trust will be in your behavior, and not in your words. It is necessary to set an example by your own example of how to live, what you need to strive for, what true happiness is. And even if the child is carried away, so to speak, under the influence of society or the young people around him, he will still have a taste for a different life. He may begin to be overwhelmed by life for a while, as was the case with me, but after a while the taste for such a life disappeared and I took the right path.

Another pressing problem for young people is narrow-mindedness. People often navigate by relying only on their own experience or the opinions of similar friends, who are also often weak in many matters. Your own experience is good, it is thanks to it that strong faith in some kind of knowledge often arises, but there is one good piece of wisdom: “A smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a stupid person learns from his own.” And it’s not just that many people are involved in psychological experiments, and not a couple of their close acquaintances. And as they say, people are not judged by themselves, so it is necessary to be objective in your outlook on life, looking at issues from different angles.

Many focus on the people around them, but, unfortunately, most of them do not know. Many rely on purely personal experience and have stereotypical thinking. People themselves often don’t know how it really is, where the truth is, but they still confidently give advice or reproach others for something. You must be an individual, a person, have your own thoughts, your own views, and not be a pawn or merge with the gray mass, and for this you need to read the right books, listen and communicate with the right people. Combine personal experience with gaining knowledge about how to live, and you will get a synthesis that will be a guiding star in your life, otherwise you can wander your whole life, bumping into problems that have been going on since youth.

“You shouldn’t rely on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but will-o'-the-wisps." Andre Maurois

Regarding the accumulation of experience in relationships with the opposite sex, this is a very serious separate topic for discussion, but I will still write a few sentences. Before you start building relationships, you need to know yourself how to behave correctly so that worthy young people who are determined to build serious relationships pay attention to you, and you also need to know who can be called worthy, and how, ultimately, they should develop relationship to create a harmonious happy family for life.

Many people try to gain experience by simply meeting everyone - this is another pressing problem of modern youth, it is very unreasonable, I have already spoken about learning from the mistakes of others, and about the subjectivity of personal experience too. Many are accustomed to trusting only their own experience - okay, study and check, at least this way, you need to pacify your unnecessary pride in terms of “I already know everything,” stop being categorical and start accepting knowledge from authoritative sources, kick yourself - this is your life. You need to start deeply studying how to live correctly, start reading not glamorous magazines, but good, proven literature, there is one wisdom: “Before you study something, you need to study what to study.”

I will share my experience: the problems of youth also affected me - in my youth I made many mistakes, and I lived like everyone else, like the majority of young people, I killed, simply destroyed my years of life, which could have been lived much more wisely. I still managed to turn off the wrong path, but it still left a huge mark on my life, my character, which I am trying with all my might to correct, so even if a person has had a good time and thought about, for example, starting a family, in the depths of his heart There will be a trace for the rest of his life.

“Not everything that people strive for deserves to be truly worth striving for.” Darius (philosopher)

The problems of Russian youth, in their essence, represent problems not only of the modern young generation, but also of the entire society as a whole, on the solution of which not only today, but also the future of our society depends. These problems, on the one hand, are interconnected and come from objective processes occurring in the modern world - the processes of globalization, informatization, urbanization, etc.. On the other hand, they have their own specifics, mediated by modern Russian reality and the youth policy pursued towards youth.

The most pressing problems for modern Russian youth, in our opinion, are problems related to the spiritual and moral sphere of life. The process of formation of modern Russian youth took place and is taking place in conditions of breaking down the “old” values ​​of the Soviet period and the formation of a new system of values ​​and new social relations. In the conditions of a systemic crisis of modern Russian society and its main institutions, which has affected all spheres of life, institutions of socialization (family and family education, education and training systems, institutions of labor and work, the army), the state itself. Actively planting and replacing the foundations of the existence of civil society with the standards of a consumer society, educating a young person, not as a citizen, but as a simple consumer of certain goods and services. There is a tendency towards dehumanization and demoralization of the content of art (lowering, deformation, destruction of the image of a person), replacing the norms of value of high culture with average samples of mass consumer culture, reorienting young people from collectivist spiritual values ​​to selfish individual values. This, as well as the lack of a clearly formulated national idea and unifying ideology, a development strategy that consolidates society, insufficient attention to the cultural development of the population, and the inconsistency of state youth policy naturally leads us to extremely negative consequences. The process of social formation of young people, their choice of life path and development strategies, is carried out through training and education, assimilation and transformation of the experience of older generations. Youth is a period of active formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and social status of the individual. Value orientations, social norms and attitudes of young people “determine the type of consciousness, the nature of activity, the specifics of problems, needs, interests, expectations of young people, and typical patterns of behavior.” In general, the position of young people in society is characterized as extremely unstable and contradictory. On the one hand, it represents the most mobile, dynamic part of our society; on the other hand, due to the limited nature of her practical, creative activity, the young man’s incomplete inclusion in the system of social relations - the most socially unprepared, and therefore vulnerable part of it. The implementation of the life plans of young people and the opportunities provided to them largely depends on the material resources of their parents, on the basis of which certain intergenerational contradictions may arise. “Parents often become the main culprits of the unrealized market aspirations and consumer ambitions of their children.” In youth consciousness and behavior, contradictory traits and qualities can be combined in the most bizarre way: the desire for identification and isolation, conformism and negativism, imitation and denial of generally accepted norms, the desire for communication and withdrawal, detachment from the outside world.