Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» East in modern times presentation. States of the East: traditional society in the early modern era China Japan India. States of the East. Beginning of European colonization

East in modern times presentation. States of the East: traditional society in the early modern era China Japan India. States of the East. Beginning of European colonization

Lesson topic: Eastern states: traditional society in the early modern era.

Objectives: - determine trends in the development of eastern states; consolidate the main characteristics of traditional societies of the East; highlight the special features of eastern countries.

Implement acquired skills when solving specific historical problems; learn to think independently, creatively; acquire critical thinking skills.

Foster interest and respect for the history of other peoples.

Lesson type: Combined lesson

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Greetings. Preparing for the lesson.

II. Checking homework

Checking the completion of independent work assignments on the topic

“International relations in the 16th – 17th centuries”

Today we will get acquainted and learn to highlight the distinctive features of each country.

These are three different states, each with its own unique history, culture, religion, and traditions. But all these states are united by common features characteristic of the East. The structure of their economic life is called traditional.

IV. Learning new material

Working with the concept

Traditional society is a society that is regulated by tradition (a set of ideas, customs, and habits passed on from generation to generation). Preservation of traditions is a higher value in it than development. This is an agrarian society, that is, almost the entire population is engaged in farming.

Features of a traditional society

1. The omnipotence of the state, characteristic of eastern traditional societies, was manifested in the fact that it was the supreme owner of the lands
2. The state regulated economic life: it set prices for goods, a monopoly on some branches of craft and trade; increased taxes on artisans and merchants
3. The state established the rules of life for all classes and strictly monitored their observance

Purpose of the lesson: to determine the development trends of eastern countries, proving that India, China and Japan had a traditional society

Comparison Questions

General features, main conclusion

1. Who owned the land?

2. Characteristic features of the peasant community.

3. Which classes occupied a dominant position?

4. The role of religion

2. The right of supreme power to land belongs to the state

3. The state makes sure that the nobility does not turn into large owners.


1.priests (brahmins), 2.scientists

dignitaries, warriors (kshatriyas)

3.merchants, landowners

peasants (vaishyas), 4. servants


The strictest division, transition to another caste is impossible.

1. The land must belong to the state

1.emperor – “Bogdykhan”

2.officials (tangerines)

3. peasants

4. artisans

5. traders

You could change your place if you met certain conditions.


1. The state is the supreme owner of the land.

1. warriors - samurai

2. peasants

3. artisans 4. merchants 5. burakumin (untouchables)

Outside the social ladder there were courtiers, priests, doctors, and scientists.


Religion determined spiritual and everyday life in society. The path of self-improvement and finding harmony.

1. The first feature that was similar in all these societies was the attitude towards private property.

INDIA (in table)

    The land must belong to the state. The right of supreme power to the land belongs to the state. The state makes sure that the nobility does not turn into large owners.

(fill out pages 276-277 yourself)

    The state provides vast lands for the use of a noble person, and for this he pays taxes and maintains an army. It can be used for no more than 10 years, then it is transferred to another owner. Lands were never inherited.

CHINA (table)

    Land must belong to the state

(fill in independently p. 277)

    All lands were divided into two parts: state and people's (private) State lands are given to peasants who cultivate the land and pay taxes The state annually issues decrees prohibiting the sale of land

JAPAN (in table)

    The state is the supreme owner of the land.

(fill in page 277 yourself)

    Mainly owned by the princes, the central government pursues a policy of confiscation and redistribution of land holdings. The redistribution of land helps to strengthen the central government.

Conclusion in the table - The state is the supreme owner of the land.

2. The next characteristic feature of eastern societies was the community. ? Signs of rural life.

1. Subsistence economy (explanation of the study - an economy, the main production of which is created and consumed for the community’s own needs, and not for sale.)

2. Economic closure (explanation of study is a characteristic of a community in which all economic benefits are produced within the community itself and are not maintained.)

3. Mutual responsibility (explanation of the study is a characteristic of a community in which there is joint collective work within the community. The responsibility of all community members for each community member, and, conversely, the responsibility of the community member for the community as a whole.)

4. Peasants are dependent on the community, but personally free.

5. The state regulates economic life.

Working with the textbook pp. 277-278 on filling out the table

    All positions and responsibilities are inherited from generation to generation. Outside the community, community members became powerless.
    The village consisted of 100 households. The head of the community was the headman. The headman is responsible for collecting taxes and performing duties. The community was self-governing. The central government set prices for the most important goods; there was state trade and state industries.
    The peasants could not leave their farms; their lives flowed in hard work and poverty. State decrees prescribed to the peasants what to eat and how to dress. If a peasant left the village, the entire community had to pay taxes for him and cultivate the land for him. The custom of “infanticide” (usually girls) has become widespread in the country in order to get rid of extra mouths to feed.

Conclusion: The community was an administrative unit for collecting taxes and controlling the population.

The class system was of great importance for traditional society. Estate is a common group with its own inheritances. rights and responsibilities enshrined in customs or laws. If in Europe it was very difficult to move from class to class, then in the East it was almost impossible. This was especially true in India, where there was a caste system. Caste is a separate social group connected by the origin and legal status of its members. Working with the table, pay attention to the fact that the last step is traders.

Conclusion: Everyone clearly knew their place in society and their responsibilities.

Religions of the East. (teacher's story)

Confucianism Confucius (551 – 479 BC) The power of the emperor is compared to the power of the father. Relationships in a state with family relationships, where the younger ones depend on the older ones. Relations between rulers and officials should be based on goodness and justice. The dominance of norms of moral behavior. The people must be loyal to the ruler in obedience and respect. In a country, everyone must take their place and position in society. The sovereign must be a sovereign, a dignitary must be a dignitary, a father must be a father, a son must be a son. A person must have five virtues: wisdom, humanity, loyalty, respect for elders, and courage.

Each person should strive to improve himself and benefit everyone. Confucius taught to avoid extremes (the principle of the mean).

The government is responsible to the people, otherwise the people will stop trusting it

Buddhism Religion founded by Gautama Buddha (6th century BC). All Buddhists revere Buddha as the founder of the spiritual tradition that bears his name. The goal of believers is to achieve nirvana, a blissful state of insight and liberation from the shackles of one’s self, the world and the endless circle of births, deaths and new births in a chain of new lives. A state of spiritual perfection is achieved through humility, generosity, mercy, abstinence from violence and self-control. All statutory caste privileges and distinctions have also been abolished. Buddha is enlightened by the highest knowledge. Gautama lived in a golden palace until he was 40 years old, but upon learning about the suffering of the people, he fled from the palace and became a hermit. A person’s entire life is a continuous path of suffering, grief and sadness. The human soul does not die, but is reborn again and again. In order not to be reborn again, a person must achieve nirvana. Completely renounce all passions. If a person has led an unrighteous life, he can be reborn into an animal or a stone. How to achieve nirvana? Buddha taught: “Train your eyes so as not to be tempted, curb your tongue, ears, body, speech, mind - curb everything.”

Buddhism called for self-improvement, indicating that the path to salvation is in the hands of the person himself

Shintoism The original religion of the Japanese. The word "Shinto" ("way of the gods") is of Chinese origin. Early forms of Shintoism represented the deification of nature. Confucianism also had a strong influence on Shintoism. From Buddhism, Shinto drew philosophy, magnificent rituals, and the concept of everyday ethical duties.

The amazing diversity of gods and goddesses in early Shintoism is perhaps unique in world history. Every mountain, river, natural phenomenon, even trees and grass had their own gods (kami). The main ones were the Heavenly Father and the Earthly Mother; in the course of the creation of the world, which was very similar to the processes of conception and birth among people, they gave birth to the islands of the Japanese archipelago and most of the other gods and goddesses. Amaterasu Omikami, the sun goddess, or "Great Heavenly Shining Deity," is the most remarkable goddess of all this progeny. Shinto texts tell how she went to heaven and joined the heavenly gods, became the ruler of the sun, and finally sent her grandson to earth to rule the islands that later became the homeland of the Japanese. This grandson became the founder of the eternal imperial dynasty. The myth about the origin of the Japanese state and the emergence of the imperial dynasty formed the basis of Shintoism. Legislative acts stated that the emperor is a divine, sacred messenger of heaven, which means that the hereditary power of the emperor does not depend on the will of the people. The emperor - the living embodiment of the ancestral gods - was required to show absolute obedience. Shintoism taught that, under certain conditions, the soul of every deceased person can turn into a deity, but for this it is necessary to fulfill all religious instructions: pray, make sacrifices.

V. Consolidation Crossword

National clothes of the Japanese? Samurai moral code? Who is Bogdykhan? An outstanding thinker and sage of China? What is there in Indian dishes? Where did Buddhism first originate? .The highest mountain in Japan?

VI. Results. Reflection: the “Backpack” method

In class I learned...

In class I learned...

I understand…

Homework: table, make a syncwine - India, China, Japan

1. Read the stories below from the lives of representatives of Chinese society in the 17th century. Underline with one line the facts confirming that the society was traditional, with two lines the facts indicating its decomposition

One line:

However, the total amount of naogs remained the same and was distributed among the remaining peasants...

Two features:

The minister of the imperial government, Zhang Han, wrote that his ancestor, Zhang Yi-an, was engaged in the wine trade...

His father, Li Shouzhong, came from peasant property owners, but in the end he went bankrupt while performing duties as a village guard. Li Tzu-cheng studied for only a few years as a child, and then tended the sheep that belonged to the landowner Ai. He studied fencing and fist fighting, then served as a courier...

It was a period of mass exodus of peasants from Shaanxi province. Out of every ten households, only one or two remained...

He committed murder and fled to Gansu, where he became a soldier...

2. In front of you is an unusual “fence”. Under each of its “bars” there are letters and syllables. If you, taking into account the height of the “bars,” arrange them in the required sequence, you will read a sentence that reveals one of the features of a traditional society

Write down this sentence and complete the task in writing.

Living righteously, thinking righteously, and acting righteously in our righteous community

Can it be argued that this sentence reveals the purpose of life for a person in a traditional society? Justify your position

3. Place on the steps of the stairs the classes of early modern Japanese society that you know and in accordance with the existing hierarchy. Complete the task in writing

Think about what those rules should be. Write them down

Dedication to family business, hard work, early rise, long hours, conscientiousness in work, attention to clients, frugality, modesty, good health

5. Read the sayings of Confucius and complete the tasks

1) Why did the teachings of Confucius find many followers not only in China, but also in other countries? Write down your answer

Since the teaching is the wisdom of human civilization, an example of the ideal construction of society and

2) What sayings of Confucius do you think are relevant today? Write down the corresponding numbers

3) Which statements guide you in your life? Write down the corresponding numbers

6. Solve the code and you will read one of the provisions of the religious teaching. Complete the task

1) The meaning of the word "bushido"

2) The most important principle of organizing life in the community

3) A form of government in which supreme power belongs to one person - the monarch

4) The name of the coup associated with the name of John Kay, James Hargives, Edmund Cartwright, James Watt

5) A special place where the purchase and sale of goods and securities took place

1) Fill in the blanks in the sentence

This position was personified by three monkeys carved from wood on the doors of the temple. One of them covered her eyes with her paws, the other covered her ears, the third covered her mouth.

2) What religious teaching does this position reflect? Why?

This saying reflects Buddhism, which taught leaving everything worldly by suppressing earthly desires.

7. Read and determine whether the following statements are true. If the judgment is incorrect, write it down, correcting the errors

1) The society of the states of the East was divided into closed communities, classes, castes, families, etc. - Yes

2) The ideal in traditional society was a proud, arrogant and obstinate person - No

3) The peasant in the states of the East was the full owner of the land - No

4) In a traditional society, market relations developed rapidly - No

5) Chinese society was influenced by Shinto ideas - No

Corrected options:

2) modest, quiet, humble

3) the state itself

4) traditional

States of the East: traditional society in the early modern eraPlan:
1. The land belongs to the state
2.Village community
3. The state regulates economic life
4. Class system
5. Cities under state control
6. Religions of the East - the path of self-improvement
Homework: par. 28, questions 1-4 p.284
stories “An Eastern city through the eyes of a European traveler” or
“Village community in the East” (see task 1 p. 284)
Presentation of “Religions of the East”

The land belongs to the state

The state is the supreme owner of the land
The nobility did not have large land holdings, so as not to weaken
central government
3. India:
A) hereditary land holdings only among princes, who in the case
wars fought on the side of the ruler
B) a noble person received land for 10 years, paid taxes for it and
contained military detachments, after 10 years it was moved to another
4. China
A) the lands were divided into 2 parts: state (belonged to the emperor and
his associates) and “folk” (private)
B) the majority of state-owned lands were given into “eternal possession”
peasants, for this they cultivated the land and paid taxes
B) a ban on the sale of land
5. Japan
A) the main land fund owned by princes
B) confiscation and redistribution of samurai lands in order to strengthen
central government

2.Village community

1) Independence in matters of self-government
2) Preservation of traditions and religious institutions
3) India:
A) Community members are formally free people
B) All positions and responsibilities of community members were transferred
by inheritance (in case of transfer to another community
the peasant became powerless)
B) Used to facilitate tax collection
4) China
A) Community - 100 households, headed by the headman, divided by 10
groups (led by ten)
B) the headman and the tens were responsible for the collection
taxes and duties
C) mutual responsibility for tax collection

The state regulates economic life

1. The central government set prices for
essential goods
2. Monopoly on salt, tea production
3. State-owned shops competed with
4. Ban on overseas trade
5. Government procurement and orders by prices
below market
6. Increased taxes on merchants and artisans

Class system

1. The rules of life for everyone were strictly observed
2. Often class affiliation is not
corresponded to the property status
3. Japan
A) division into 4 estates (warriors (samurai),
peasants, artisans and merchants)
B) The estates did not include: courtiers,
priests, doctors, scientists, pariahs
(untouchables, did the dirtiest


Bushido - the code of honor of the samurai, finally took shape in the 17th century.
A) were assigned to ranks, led a harsh lifestyle
B) be content with little
B) engage only in military affairs
D) be ready to die for your master
(including hara-kiri)
D) sword cult
E) schools (sword fencing, archery, judo,
horseback riding)
G) high samurai in their free time except military
preparations were engaged in making bouquets and participated
in a tea ceremony

Decomposition of the class system:

1) Some samurai abandoned their
responsibilities and lost the means to
existence. They taught the doctrine
Confucius, became teachers or
writers, and also served as security guards
2) Some samurai preferred to beg,
but do not stoop to “despicable occupations”
3) There were also those who created gangs and
terrorized travelers on the roads

Cities under state control

1) crafts and trade developed in cities
2) Cities did not achieve independence, but
growth of cities was observed (by 1500 in
Beijing already has over 1 million inhabitants)
3) In China, every resident was assigned to
his street and block and should have 2
be checked once a month.
Reporting on neighbors was encouraged

Religions of the East - the path of self-improvement

It is typical for Eastern societies
religious tolerance.
China: Confucianism and Buddhism
India: Hinduism and Buddhism
Japan: Shintoism and Buddhism
The people of the East were convinced that for
the main thing for a person is to take the path
self-improvement and gain
inner harmony.

China: Confucianism
Confucius 551-479 BC.
5 virtues: wisdom, humanity, loyalty,
respect for elders and courage
The state is a big family where
the younger (commoner) obeys the elder.
The government is responsible to the people
The Sovereign (son of Heaven) is the father and mother of the people, no one
should not rebel against the authority of the sovereign
The ruler of a state must live in moderation and
exercise virtue in governance
Position in society is predetermined by Heaven

Buddhism is a world religion

Founder: Prince Siddhartha Gautama (623-524 BC)
AD), Buddha – “enlightened by the highest knowledge”
Human life is a continuous path of suffering, the reason
suffering - unsatisfied earthly desires.
After death, suffering does not stop, because... soul
does not die, but is reborn.
If a person led an unrighteous life, then in the next
life he will be born either as a representative of the lower
caste, or animals
The path to salvation is in the hands of man himself, through
self improvement.


"Shinto" - the way of the gods
Ancient pagan religion, belief in evil and
good spirits who are trying
propitiate through rituals
The main deity is the Sun Goddess
Amaterasu, from which they supposedly descended
japanese emperors
Shintoism was used to strengthen
the power of the emperor, who since the 7th century was
high priest

States of the East. The beginning of European colonization.

1. Mughal Empire in India
2. The struggle of Portugal, France and England for
3. China in the XVI-XVIII centuries.
4. Japan in the XVI-XVIII centuries.


During the era of the Mughal Empire there was
an attempt was made to strengthen the state and
eliminate internal contradictions
(reforms: public administration,
tax, religious). But endless
wars of conquest, religious and
national differences, the desire for
preservation of traditions weakened the empire.
She returned to a state of fragmentation,
which allowed Europeans to successfully conduct
colonial conquests.

Features of the traditional society of the East Dominance of agriculture. Market relations are poorly developed. Dominance of agriculture. Market relations are poorly developed. Political and cultural life is built on the basis of traditions. Changes are happening very slowly. Political and cultural life is built on the basis of traditions. Changes are happening very slowly. Type of government - unlimited and uncontrolled power of the ruler. Type of government - unlimited and uncontrolled power of the ruler. The supreme owner of the land is the state. The supreme owner of the land is the state.

Consider with examples what land ownership was like in the states of the East (in the textbook page)

Society is divided into closed communities, classes, castes, families

Group work 1gr. – samurai warriors (page) 1g. – samurai warriors (page) 2g. – peasants (page) 2gr. – peasants (page) 3gr. – artisans and merchants (page) 3gr. – artisans and merchants (page)

Confucianism Chinese society developed under the influence of the teachings of Confucius; Chinese society developed under the influence of the teachings of Confucius; The teachings of Confucius are the teachings about what a person should strive for, how relationships in the family should be built, what relationships with nature should be. The teachings of Confucius are the teachings about what a person should strive for, how relationships in the family should be built, how they should have a relationship with nature

The ideal of a person is to become “enlightened” Become “enlightened” Free from worldly life Free from worldly life Receive complete spiritual liberation Receive complete spiritual liberation Get closer to the Buddha Get closer to the Buddha Then comes complete bliss, cessation of rebirth and immortality of the soul.

Conclusion: The eastern societies of India, China, and Japan are characterized by religious tolerance. The eastern societies of India, China, and Japan are characterized by religious tolerance. People of the East were convinced that the main thing for a person is to take the path of self-improvement and find inner harmony. People of the East were convinced that the main thing for a person is to take the path of self-improvement and find inner harmony