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» Time for tank attacks, Vasily Arkhipov. Time of tank attacks - Belarus Patriotic - LiveJournal Daily life of France and England during the time of... Michel Pastoureau

Time for tank attacks, Vasily Arkhipov. Time of tank attacks - Belarus Patriotic - LiveJournal Daily life of France and England during the time of... Michel Pastoureau

The history of the Great Patriotic War is the history of the people who made our victory truly Great. Today, especially acutely, we realize what our ancestors had to face, how much sweat and blood they shed so that we could simply live, raise children and make plans for the future.

One of these wonderful people was Colonel General, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Sergeevich Arkhipov. Vasily Sergeevich was born on December 29, 1906 in the village of Tyutnyary, now Argayash district, Chelyabinsk region, into a peasant family. The family had many children - they lived poorly. Six sons and two daughters - eight half-starved, half-naked children. Vasya lost his mother in childhood; she died in 1914. The father raised eight children alone. The boy managed to study at school for only one year. Vasily began working as a farm laborer in his native village at the age of 10. Before serving in the army, he worked as a laborer at the Verkhneklimsky coal furnaces in the Zlatoust region.

In 1928, Vasily Arkhipov was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. In March 1931, he was sent to study at an infantry school in the city of Odessa, where he studied for about a year, passed the exams and was appointed platoon commander in the 70th Infantry Regiment of the 24th Infantry Division. In April 1932, Vasily Arkhipov was sent to Zhitomir for retraining courses for command personnel, where he completed tank training courses and was appointed commander of a tank platoon. Vasily learned not only to drive a tank, shoot accurately from tank cannons and machine guns, but also to command tank units, units and formations.

In 1939-1940 Vasily Arkhipov took part in the war with the Finns. He commanded a tank company of the 112th separate tank battalion of the 35th light tank brigade. He distinguished himself during the capture of Tala station and during the breakthrough of the enemy’s fortified zone. In these battles, Captain Vasily Sergeevich Arkhipov showed courage and high military skill and personally destroyed 4 tanks. His company destroyed 10 tanks, two artillery batteries, two separate guns and several Finnish fortified points. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 21, 1940, Captain Vasily Sergeevich Arkhipov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

From December 1941 - deputy commander of the 10th Tank Brigade on the Southwestern Front. From June 1942 - commander of the 109th Tank Brigade of the 16th Tank Corps in the Bryansk direction. At the head of the brigade he participated in the battle for the Dnieper, Kyiv, Zhitomir-Berdichev, Proskurov-Chernivtsi, Lvov-Sandomierz offensive operations on the 1st Ukrainian Front.

In the last of these operations, brigade commander Arkhipov organized a crossing of the Vistula River and skillfully held the extremely important Sandomierz bridgehead. In these battles, the brigade first encountered the enemy's newest King Tiger tanks and destroyed several of them. At the same time, the first tank in the brigade’s account was personally destroyed by the brigade commander, who shot it from the side. He himself was shell-shocked and burning in the tank, after leaving the vehicle he fought surrounded with his crew until reinforcements arrived. For skillful leadership of the combat operations of a tank brigade and personal courage shown in the battles for the liberation of the city of Przemysl (Przemysl, Poland), during the crossing of the river Vistula and maintaining a bridgehead on its western bank,

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 23, 1944, the commander of the 53rd Guards Tank Brigade, Colonel Vasily Sergeevich Arkhipov, was awarded the second Gold Star medal. There were legends about Vasily Sergeevich Arkhipov, about his courage and bravery on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. They said that he “does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.” And this was indeed the case. Perhaps this fame arose because the tank officer actually drowned and burned in a combat vehicle more than once, but he always remained alive and, even severely shell-shocked, continued to lead the battle...

After the war he continued his service. He commanded a tank division in Germany, armored and mechanized forces of the Turkistan Military District, was appointed commander of the 1st Army, which was stationed on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Romania, and deputy commander of the Siberian Military District.

On July 15, 1971, he was released due to illness from active military service to the reserve - with the right to wear military uniform.

On June 13, 1985, at the seventy-ninth year of his life, the heart of the fiery Patriot and valiant Defender of our Motherland stopped beating. He was buried with special military honors at the Kuntsevo cemetery in the capital.

In memory of the faithful defender of the Fatherland, a bronze bust was erected in his small homeland in the village of Tyutnyary, now the Argayash district of the Chelyabinsk region. Streets in the cities of Chelyabinsk, Przemysl, Saratov and in the city of Moscow are named after the twice Hero General.

Andrey Voronin

Blind. Tank attack

© Andrey Voronin, 2014

© ACT Publishing House LLC, 2014

For the second week the weather remained clear, dry and warm - warm, of course, as warm as is possible in central Russia in the second half of September. When the weakened, lazy autumn sun ceased to warm the earth, slowly rolling down behind the jagged forested horizon, a dense fog, white as skim milk, crawled out of the damp lowlands. With a silent, slow flood, it flooded the plain, spreading across the riverine meadows and surrounding copses, so that in the morning, at dawn, it would settle with cold dew. In the rays of the low morning sun, the dew flashed with billions of diamond sparks, but few people noticed this, and those who noticed could not always appreciate the beauty of the spectacle before them. The so-called common people, as a rule, don’t give a damn about such things - regardless of their country of residence and place of permanent registration, they, the people, have plenty of other worries - and the simple people in the regional center of Verkhnie Bolotniki have been in short supply from time immemorial. Even members of the local society of amateur artists and a circle of poetry lovers that met twice a week in the city cultural center, as often happens with representatives of the Russian creative intelligentsia, preferred evening gatherings with port wine to admiring the sunrise. The only exceptions were those cases when the sunrise found them in the lap of nature, where they fell asleep, unable to reach home, but even then their eyes, clouded with a hangover, remained blind to the discreet delights of the Central Russian landscape. As for the dew, when noticed, it was perceived as a cruel mockery of stepmother nature over an unlucky child languishing from painful thirst.

But the dew nourished the earth, replacing the autumn rains that had gotten lost somewhere. An incredible amount of mushrooms were produced this year, and old-timers, especially elderly traders at the market, authoritatively asserted that the last time such a phenomenon was observed was in the distant forty-first, serving as one of the many signs of great trouble. The ominous subtext of this woman's croak echoed the hype raised by the press and television around the end of the world, supposedly scheduled by the Mayans for the approaching December.

Sane people were skeptical about all this chatter. The sages of the Mayan tribe personally did not tell them anything like this, and it is difficult to believe what commercial television channels are talking about, even with a very strong desire. As for the traders with their mushroom signs, they are ladies, although very respectable, but still not so ancient as to remember what and how it was in September '41.

But few could think sensibly in the city of Verkhniye Bolotniki. There are even fewer people in the world who have this rare gift than those who are able to be moved by the sight of a blossoming flower or the crimson ball of the sun rising above the horizon. Their percentage of the total number of individuals inhabiting a particular area is approximately the same everywhere - zero point zero with a few zeros after the decimal point. And if in megacities there are at least hundreds, or even thousands, of them, then in provincial towns like Verkhniye Bolotniki the count, as a rule, goes to units - and that’s good, if not to fractions.

Therefore, all these gloomy rumors - as well as any others - made a very deep impression on the general public of the regional center of Verkhnie Bolotniki. The majority, traditionally subsisting from bread to vodka, so as not to fall into despair in the face of an impending global catastrophe, resorted to a proven remedy for all sorrows and, waking up in the morning with a sore head, even experienced some disappointment that the end of the world had not come again and that it was necessary start all over again from the beginning. The wealthier minority, with free money, emptied store shelves, sweeping away matches, salt, canned food and candles in order to fill pantries and cellars to the top with this stuff. Survival kits appeared on sale, and a member of a circle of poetry lovers, working under the pseudonym Yaroslav Morev, wrote:

The last comet will rise,

The demons of the seas will rise...

And there, on the edge of darkness and light,

Please love me more!

The poem was published in the district newspaper, and the very next morning, on the gate of the house in which the author lived, a chalk inscription made by some wit appeared: “The cutlet has already been chewed, the celery is withering on the platter... I will give you candy, and you give yourself to me quickly! » It was not possible to establish the identity of the dirty fellow who dared to offend the poet: it could have been anyone, since in settlements such as Verkhniye Bolotniki you cannot hide behind a pseudonym, and the real name of the poet Yaroslav Morev was known to every dog ​​here.

His name was Alexander Ivanovich Lyalkin. This name, on the whole quite ordinary, seemed to the versifier not loud and euphonious enough to sign the verses published in the district newspaper and lovingly collected in a specially designated folder; for Verkhniye Bolotniki, of course, it would have worked, but Alexander Ivanovich aimed much higher and, not without reason, doubted that any Russian pop star would agree to perform songs based on the poems of some Sasha Lyalkin. The fact that the numerous proposals of the poet Yaroslav Morev sent via the Internet so far remained unanswered was, of course, not the fault of the quality of the poems, but the imperfection of the world in which everything is done under patronage or for big money.

Having neither one nor the other, the poet Morev earned his daily bread by teaching Russian language and literature at secondary school number two in the city of Verkhnie Bolotniki. He had a nondescript appearance, a ridiculous income, and by the age of forty he had finally emerged as an inveterate, hopeless bachelor without any prospects for family life. He had never enjoyed success with the weaker sex and had long ago become accustomed to this state of affairs. True, lately he began to increasingly catch himself looking at his students - not the high school students, before whom he was openly shy, but those who were younger, about twelve to fourteen years old. Their childishly angular shapes and touching mounds that puffed up the front of their blouses excited him, attracting his gaze. Being a relatively educated man and in some ways not even stupid, Alexander Ivanovich knew what this suddenly emerging inclination was called, but did not particularly strain himself about it: things did not and could not go beyond furtive glances surreptitiously cast at the yet unformed girlish charms , because Lyalkin was too timid and shy.

The steam that had accumulated while spying on schoolgirls naturally demanded a way out, and Alexander Ivanovich released it by secretly visiting the thirty-eight-year-old widow Annushka, who lived in a one-room apartment on the top floor of an old two-story house a couple of blocks from the central square. Annushka was famous throughout the city for her weakness for the male sex; it was clear that in this manner she was trying to arrange her personal life, but the matrimonial tendencies of the merry widow did not extend to the teacher Lyalkin: the party that he could make was very unenviable. It was sex without commitment; sometimes Annushka took the trouble to sew a button on his only jacket or iron his shirt, when even under the jacket you could see how wrinkled it was; Lyalkin, in turn, pampered her with cheap gifts (Annushka did not take money on principle, so as not to be completely and irrevocably branded a prostitute in the city), and that was all. Once, at the dawn of their sluggish romance, Annushka asked him to hang a shelf in the hallway; After that, the wall had to be re-plastered, Alexander Ivanovich almost lost two fingers on his left hand, and they no longer talked about helping with the housework.

"Thirty-fours" of the 33rd Tank Brigade are passing through Red Square. Moscow, November 7, 1941

A T-34 tank from the unit of Hero of the Soviet Union Captain Filatov is loaded with ammunition. Western Front, 1942

T-34 tank with FOG-1 high-explosive flamethrowers mounted on the fenders. 1942

T-34 tanks manufactured at STZ are going to the front. August 1942

T-34 tank of the 1st Polish Tank Regiment during the parade in honor of the oath taking of the 1st Polish Infantry Division named after T. Kosciuszko. July 1943. A vehicle produced by the Krasnoye Sormovo plant with additional armor protection for the frontal part of the hull, made of a single armor plate

T-34 produced in 1942 with a solid drive wheel without rollers

T-34 tanks at the starting position before the attack. Belgorod direction, July 1943

T-34 tanks pass through the streets of Chernivtsi. 1st Ukrainian Front, 1944

T-34 tank (vehicle produced in 1943 with a commander's cupola) in the foothills of the Carpathians. 1st Ukrainian Front, 1944

T-34-85 tanks of the 25th Guards Tank Brigade of the 2nd Guards Tank Corps. Southeast of Vitebsk, 1944

T-34-85 tanks in the vicinity of Vienna. April 1945

T-34 tank produced in 1943 on the streets of Berlin. May 1945

T-34 tanks during the parade in honor of the victory over Japan. Voroshilov-Ussuriysky (now Ussuriysk), September 16, 1945

T-34-85 tanks manufactured in 1945 at the head of a column of the 4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division are heading to Red Square. November 7, 1945

During the period from 1931 to May 1945, Plant No. 183 produced 35 thousand tanks (but not 35 thousand T-34s, as is sometimes written about).

Anniversary vehicle - T-34-85 at the head of a festive column in Nizhny Tagil on May 9, 1995

Literature and sources

Materials of the Russian State Military Archive, the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian State Archive of Economics.

Arkhipov B. S. Time for tank attacks. – M., Military Publishing House, 1981.

Baryatinsky M. B. T-34. The best tank of World War II. – M., “Yauza”, “Collection”, “Eksmo”, 2006.

Baryatinsky M., Kolomiets M. Light tank BT-7. – M., JSC “Editorial Board of the Magazine “Modelist-Constructor”, 1996.

Biryukov N. Tanks to the front! Notes of a Soviet general. – Smolensk, “Rusich”, 2005.

Armor shield of the Motherland. To the 60th anniversary of the formation of GBTU. 1929 – 1989. –M., 1990.

Varaksin Yu. N., Bakh I. V., Vygodsky S. Yu. Armored vehicles of the USSR. – M., Central Research Institute of Information, 1981.

Galushko A., Kolomiets M. Battles for Kharkov in May 1942. – M., “KM Strategy”, 2000.

Guderian G. Memoirs of a soldier. – Smolensk, “Rusich”, 1999.

Dorofeev M. L. Experience in the combat use of mechanized corps of the Soviet Army in the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. – M., VABTV publication, 1960.

Drabkin A. I fought in a T-34. – M., “Yauza”, “Eksmo”, 2006.

Drogovoz I. Iron fist of the Red Army. Tank and mechanized corps of the Red Army 1932-1941. – M, Publishing House “Technology for Youth”, 1999.

Zheltov I., Pavlov M., Pavlov I. et al. Unknown T-34. – M., Publishing Center “Exprint” LLC, 2001.

Zheltov I., Pavlov I., Pavlov M., Sergeev A. IS tanks in battle. – M., “Eastern Horizon”, 2002.

Zhukov G.K. Memories and reflections. – M., APN, 1969.

Zubov E. A. Tank engines. – M., Scientific and Technical Center “Informtekhnika”, 1991.

Isaev A. 1941: fighting in Ukraine. – M., “Strategy “KM”, 2004.

History of tank forces of the Soviet Army. – M., VABTV publication, 1975.

Katukov M. E. At the forefront of the main blow. – M., “Higher School”, 1985.

Kolomiets M., Svirin M. Kursk Bulge. – M., “Exprint NV”, 1998.

Kolomiets M., Makarov M. Prelude to Barbarossa. – M., “Strategy “KM”, 2001.

Kolomiets M. 1941: fighting in the Baltic states June 22 – July 10, 1941. – M., “Strategy “KM”, 2002.

Lagutin A. Stalingrad thirty-four. – M., “Strategy “KM”, 2006.

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Pages: 352

Year of publication: 2009

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union V.S. Arkhipov went from a Red Army soldier to a colonel general, commander of the armored forces of a military district. Captain Arkhipov received his first Gold Star during the Finnish War, for the battle on February 26, 1940, when his company burned 14 enemy tanks without losing a single one of its own. The commander of the reconnaissance battalion of the tank division, Major Arkhipov, met the Great Patriotic War in Ukraine and went through the entire war. He fought on the T-26 and T-34, in the summer of 1941 he took part in the greatest tank battle near Dubno and in the battles on the “Stalin Line”. Then there was the Kharkov disaster, where his entire brigade was burned, a breakthrough from encirclement after the defeat of the Bryansk Front, and the fiercest tank battles near Stalingrad. Colonel Arkhipov's tankmen distinguished themselves during the crossing of the Dnieper and were the first to break into Przemysl (for this brilliant operation Vasily Sergeevich was awarded the second Gold Star), burned the "royal tigers" on the Sandomierz bridgehead and stormed Berlin...


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