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» All about potato varieties. The best potato varieties - characteristics. Which potato variety is best stored in winter?

All about potato varieties. The best potato varieties - characteristics. Which potato variety is best stored in winter?

To get a good harvest, you need to choose the right potato variety. It is important to take into account the timing of ripening, resistance to diseases, pest invasions and mechanical damage. It is also important how crops tolerate adverse weather factors, in particular drought, high humidity and sub-zero temperatures. Varieties that develop well in the southern regions may be completely unsuitable for gardeners in northern latitudes. Much depends on the purpose of a particular variety. For example, there are special types of potatoes with decorative properties for further sale.

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    Potatoes in our country are divided into four varieties. This is early, ripening from 60 to 80 days, medium - 80-90 days, mid-ripening - 90-110, late-ripening - 110-120.

    Tubers form the fastest in early varieties, and accordingly, the harvest appears faster. But this type of potato does not keep well. That’s why it needs to be grown in small quantities and immediately cooked after digging.

    The most popular early varieties

    There are 3 varieties of early potatoes.


    The yield is up to 470 kg per hundred square meters. Ripening time varies from 70 to 75 days.

    The fruits are light and round, weighing from 100 to 140 g. The variety has a good taste.


    Its yield is 350 kg per hundred square meters. Ripens in 80 to 90 days. According to the description, it feels best on light and enriched soils.

    Forms 16 tubers per bush. The fruits are tasty and round in shape. The weight of one potato reaches up to 100 g.


    Productivity - up to 190 kg per hundred square meters. Ripens in 70 days. The tubers are oval-shaped, white in color, tasty.

    Weight varies from 90 to 140 g per piece. This species tolerates drought well. It is undemanding to soil.


    These types of potatoes have a longer growing season. But at the same time, their tubers are tastier and the yield is higher. They can be stored until next spring without loss of quality. The most popular of them:

    Name Description Photo
    IrbitskyProductivity is up to 400 kg. Ripens in 70-90 days. It is unpretentious in cultivation. Tastes great. The tubers are large, reddish, weighing 190 g.
    BreezeUp to 600 kg per bush. Tubers are oval, yellow. Weight reaches 120 g. Unpretentious in cultivation
    ManifestoOn average it gives 350 kg, the maximum can reach 730 kg. Ripens in 90 to 110 days. On light and enriched soils it produces the most yield. The fruits are pink, their weight varies from 105 to 145 g
    AuroraYields up to 410 kg per bush. It takes 80 to 85 days to mature. The plant is tall. The fruits are oblong, light brown in color. The weight of the piece reaches 130 g. It has good taste characteristics
    AgathaMore than 250 kg per bush. It takes 50 to 55 days for the fruit to ripen. The variety is non-degenerate and can grow even on loam. The tubers are large, oval, light yellow in color. But the weight of one root crop ranges from 100 to 130 g.
    LileyaRefers to the products of Belarusian selection. Productivity can range from 400 to 760 kg depending on conditions. It takes 70 to 90 days to mature. The tubers are yellow, oval, weighing from 100 to 200 g. They are stored well. This species is characterized by drought resistance and thrives in all weather conditions.

    Late varieties have a very long growing season, so they are not grown in most of Russia.

    The most beautiful varieties

    There are varieties that, in addition to excellent taste and good yield, are distinguished by their external attractiveness. The last characteristic is important for those who grow vegetables for sale - to obtain marketable tubers.


    Originally from Holland. It is characterized by high productivity, yielding up to 400 kg per hundred square meters. The fruits have excellent taste. In the event of an attack by the Colorado potato beetle, it recovers quite quickly. This variety was able to adapt even to the harsh Siberian climate.

    The tubers are red, oval in shape and weigh up to 120 g. If you take good care of the crop, individual potatoes can weigh up to 250 g.


    The fruits of this variety are very beautiful, bronze in color. The variety develops well in dry, hot weather. It is resistant to late blight.

    From one hundred square meters you can collect up to 150 kg. Even with prolonged cooling, the crop is not susceptible to disease.

    The most delicious varieties

    Most gardeners are of the opinion that the most delicious root vegetables come from the Tuleevsky, Picasso, Dauphine, and Pai varieties.


    It is also called "Limonka". Originally from Holland. It has a thin skin that does not need to be peeled to prepare the vegetable. Simply wash is enough. Productivity reaches from 200 to 500 kg per hundred square meters.

    The variety adapts well to sudden climate changes. Good yields are observed in all regions of the country. The fruits hardly germinate during long-term winter storage.


    It is in the top ten best varieties in Russia. It has earned this position thanks to its very tasty fruits and thin peel. The potatoes boil quickly. Productivity reaches 420 kg per hundred square meters.

    It has no special climate requirements, but does not like drought. It is recommended to grow in small quantities, as the variety often attacks the fungus.


    Another Dutch variety with excellent taste. Productivity reaches 220 kg per hundred square meters.

    Depending on watering, the mass of a tuber can vary from 170 to 350 g. You can get up to 20 fruits from one bush.


    The yield of the variety reaches 390 kg per day. The fruits have an excellent taste, which directly depends on the amount of incoming moisture.

    The weight of the tuber can reach up to 400 g. The peel has an average thickness. There is good resistance to fungal infection and powdery mildew.


    Mid-early variety. The tubers have a rather exotic appearance for Russian latitudes. Sometimes they are even confused with beets because of their purple peel. Potatoes contain little starch and have an elongated shape. The average weight is 100 g. You can collect up to 14 fruits from one bush. From one hundred square meters the yield is about 400 kg.

    It is considered very useful to eat this type of potato due to its impressive antioxidant content. The culture thrives even in arid climates. At the same time, it is demanding on moisture and heat. The temperature should not be allowed to drop below plus 10 degrees Celsius. It is better to grow on slightly loamy soils, peat and sandy loam.

    This variety definitely requires loosening. Due to its appearance, it was not particularly widespread in Russia. Many gardeners are of the opinion that this is a GMO product, although in fact the crop was created through natural selection.

    Elite types

    Some varieties are classified as elite varieties, as they are superior to others in a number of parameters. This applies to the size of tubers and yield.


    Productivity reaches 500 kg per hundred square meters. Grown only in high ridges.

    The tubers are pink, oval, with a crumbly structure. Very nutritious due to high protein content. The weight of the fruit reaches 125 g.

    Zhukovsky early

    Gives from 400 kg per hundred square meters. Tolerates cold and drought well. Undemanding to soil type and climate.

    The fruits are pink, have an even shape and do not change color after heat treatment. They are stored for a long time.


    Productivity ranges from 350 kg per hundred square meters. It grows well in any conditions. The only negative is that for planting you need to take ungerminated tubers. This is a mandatory requirement.

    Potatoes are taken in the spring, then they are germinated and planted with strong and short sprouts. Tubers that sprouted during winter cannot be taken. Also, you should not use fruits with damaged sprouts for subsequent sowing.

    Best seed crops

    Sowing seed potatoes can be regarded as an investment. If you approach this issue responsibly, you can get a rich harvest. One hundred square meters will require from 20 to 30 kg of planting material. You can take sprouted tubers and even cut them in half.

    Among the family varieties, the best are recognized: Riviera, Romance, Carlena, Vega. Their productivity is high and varies from 350 to 500 kg. The taste of the fruit is excellent. Unpretentiousness in care is also noted.

    What to grow in sandy soils?

    Sandy soils heat up and cool quickly and retain almost no moisture. There are almost no microorganisms here, so you have to additionally add Elite compost. In such conditions, only drought-resistant potato varieties can be grown.


    It takes 70 to 80 days to mature. Productivity reaches 350 kg.

    This drought-resistant variety has low disease immunity. Beige tubers weighing up to 116 g with excellent taste.


    Tuber ripening takes from 65 to 75 days. Productivity reaches 450 kg. In regions unfavorable for potatoes, it produces a consistently good harvest. Grows in both drought and heat. Not susceptible to viral diseases and pest invasions.

    Excellent recovery after frost and hail damage. The fruits are oval-shaped, tapering towards the base, and yellow in color. Weight ranges from 60 to 150 g. The taste characteristics are excellent. Contains starch in large quantities, and therefore is ideal for making purees.


    Tubers ripen in 100 days. Productivity varies from 100 to 150 kg.

    The variety is resistant to hot climates. Not susceptible to attacks by the Colorado potato beetle. Keeps for a long time. Transports well. You can get 2 harvests per season. The tubers are pink, oval-shaped, with yellow flesh. Weight - up to 90 g.


    Potatoes ripen in 70-85 days. Productivity reaches 450 kg.

    It is possible to grow in any climate of the country. The variety has good keeping quality. The fruits have an excellent taste and are red inside. Their weight reaches 800 g.

    Potatoes for clay soils

    Clay soil is not considered the most favorable for growing potatoes. It is viscous, dense, impermeable to water. That is why plants are deprived of the opportunity to absorb beneficial substances contained in the soil. The composition of clay soil must be improved by adding sand, sawdust or ash. You should not allow the formation of a hard crust on the surface. It appears after watering or rain. The problem is solved by loosening.

    In such difficult conditions, potatoes are grown in ridges or in high beds. The planting should be shallow. To increase the yield, compost or peat is added during autumn plowing to a depth of at least 30 cm. The varieties Gatchinsky, Golubizna, Istrinsky, Zarevo, Rozara, and Lugovskoy show good results on clay soil.

    One of the most unpretentious and drought-tolerant varieties is the Cleopatra variety. Its fruits are large and recover well from mechanical damage.

    Choice for each region of the country

    The climatic features of each region of Russia can have both negative and beneficial effects on culture.

    Moscow region

    It is believed that the Moscow region is not entirely suitable for growing potatoes. For this region, it is better to choose species that are resistant to humidity. These varieties are Zhukovsky early, Vesna white, Nevsky, Ramona, Timo Khankkiyan, Condor. In the Moscow region it is difficult to ensure a good potato harvest, so local gardeners give preference to zoned varieties.

    Spring is white

    It is considered an early ripening variety, requiring no more than 80 days to ripen. Adapted for cultivation in the European part of the country and Siberia. Productivity varies from 320 to 410 kg per hundred square meters.

    Characterized by average disease resistance. It has a short growing season, and therefore is suitable for cultivation in the Arctic. In one season you can get 2 harvests. The tubers are oval-shaped, light beige in color, weighing up to 180 g.

    Timo Hankkiyan

    Finnish variety. Unpretentious to soil. Tolerates long periods of cold, sudden temperature changes and excess humidity. Resistant to pests and viral diseases. From one hundred square meters you can collect from 150 to 300 kg of fruit. The weight of each of them reaches 120 g. Potatoes contain a large amount of starch and have good taste. Does not darken during storage.

    Experienced Moscow gardeners advise conducting an experiment on your site to determine the most suitable crop. To do this, you need to plant at least 3 varieties of potatoes with different ripening times in the soil. In cultivation, an important nuance is proper care. We must remember that potatoes will not grow on their own, since they are not a weed.

    For the Leningrad region


    Refers to early varieties. Not susceptible to attacks by the Colorado potato beetle. Unpretentious to grow.

    Suitable for the Urals and the central part of Russia. The maximum yield limit is 415 kg per hundred square meters. The fruits are yellow, weighing from 90 to 160 g.


    The Dutch variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. It tolerates both heavy rain and drought. The fruits are oval, round, yellow, weighing from 90 to 140 g. The taste of the tubers is excellent. Contain a large amount of starch.

    In the central Black Earth Region there are the best conditions for growing any variety of potatoes. Here the most widespread varieties are:

    • Early - Zhukovsky early, Krepysh, Neptune, Bullfinch, Luck, Vineta.
    • Mid-early - Condor, orchid, Nevsky, Magician, Odyssey, Lakomka, Crown, Zekura.
    • Mid-season, which include Lugovskoy, Sokolsky, Zhivitsa, Olimp.
    • Later ones - Lullaby, Belorussky 3, Picasso, Pobeda, Lasunak.

    For the Urals and Siberia

    The Urals and Siberia can be designated as a zone of risky agriculture. Not every potato variety can adapt to their climatic conditions. There are frequent cold spells here and the summer is short. Extreme heat can give way overnight to cold climates and heavy rains. Late types of potatoes are not planted here. The most acceptable in Eastern Siberia and other adjacent regions is the cultivation of such species as Zhukovsky early, White Spring, Priekulsky, Alena.

    Popular early species

    For the Urals and Siberia zones, the following types of early varieties can also be recommended:

    • Governor. Undemanding to climate and soil. Early ripening, the yield reaches 700 kg per hundred square meters. A disease-resistant variety with a long shelf life. The fruits are red on the outside, with white flesh.
    • Lyubava. From one hundred square meters you can collect up to 400 kg. The variety is unpretentious. Sometimes it is attacked by the golden nematode. Fruits weighing from 110 to 210 g, with red skin, oval shape.


    Mid-early for the Urals

    The most popular varieties for cultivation in the Urals are such mid-early varieties as Lukyanovsky, Korona, Aspiya, and Effect. Productivity is high - up to 450 kg. Resistance to adverse climatic conditions is also good.


    The universal variety Sante is most often grown in the Urals. It takes 80 to 90 days for the fruit to ripen. The tubers are yellow, large, oval in shape. They contain a large amount of starch. The crop yield reaches 400 kg per hundred square meters.

    In Chuvashia and the Kirov region, we can recommend the varieties Antonina, Alena, Almaz. From mid-early ones you can plant varieties such as Elizabeth, Condor, Corona. Mid-season varieties - Alice, Master, Olympus. It is difficult to grow potatoes in northern conditions, but you can try planting early-ripening varieties, such as Red Scarlett.

    The most productive species

    The following varieties occupy the leading position in terms of productivity:

    • Luck - up to 1500 kg.
    • Gala - 600 kg.
    • Idaho - up to 550 kg.
    • Rosara - 350-400 kg.
    • Bellarosa - up to 350 kg.

    The most persistent

    Most often, potatoes suffer from the Colorado potato beetle, late blight and golden nematode. They are capable of individually destroying up to half of the entire crop. Today, the only way for a gardener to provide protection from pests is to grow resistant varieties. For example, late blight develops in regions with high humidity. If there are frequent heavy rains, fog and dew form, then you need to choose species with good resistance to all these factors - species such as Borodyansky pink, Chervona rue, Bellarosa, Arosa, Zhivitsa.


    Thick-skinned fruits are resistant to pests. To protect against the larvae of harmful insects, the varieties Bellarosa, Chervona Ruta, Sante, Vineta, Bagryany are planted. The possibility of scab infection is high on alkaline soils, such as chernozems, sandstones, and solonetzes. To combat the disease, it is unacceptable to use unrotted manure or liming. This will lead to an increased alkaline reaction. As an alternative, you can add gypsum, pine needles or sulfur during autumn plowing. This will help acidify the soil. Such types of potatoes as Grouse, Crimson, Fantasia, Agave, Karatop, Bellarosa, Arosa are resistant to scab. The Picasso variety is considered the most resistant species.

    If the plants are unnaturally short, this indicates the presence of golden nematode in the area. The varieties Vineta, Arosa, Laura, Sante, Finka resist it well.

    Maximum endurance

    There are very few rich and fertile soils in central Russia. But there are some that are completely unsuitable for growing any kind of vegetation. Species have been created specifically for such soils, allowing to obtain from 50 to 100 kg of yield per hundred square meters.


    Product of German selection. Does not require fertilizing and tolerates drought. Grows equally well in sandy and clay soil. The maximum number of moves can be collected by ensuring good regular watering. It will be 250 kg. The fruits of this variety have an exquisite taste.


    One of the most unpretentious varieties. Productivity reaches 250 kg per hundred square meters on sandy and loamy soils. Tolerates drought well. It is susceptible to the Colorado potato beetle and late blight.


    Mid-early variety. It tolerates prolonged heat, sudden cold snaps, lack of moisture and various diseases that mainly affect potatoes. Productivity reaches 400 kg per hundred square meters. The tubers are white, round in shape. The pulp does not darken after heat treatment and does not lose its original fruity flavor.

    On poor soils, varieties such as Pushkinsky, Karelia, and Titan can also be grown. But it is important to take good care of them to prevent the tubers from becoming deformed. In arid regions, the recommended varieties are Minerva, Laura, Slavyanka.

    Foreign selections

    For the most part, varieties originally from Germany and Holland are cultivated in Russia. They are popular among domestic gardeners as they produce an excellent harvest.


    Holland supplies its varieties all over the world, so domestic gardeners trust it. Such potatoes stand out for their good yield indicators. Its fruits are beautiful and have a good taste. But such a culture must be updated at least once every 4 years. There are varieties that have the ability to degenerate varietal characteristics. Below, Dutch varieties are presented alphabetically.


    Characterized by excellent taste. During heat treatment and slicing, the flesh does not darken. Bentiers are suitable for pureeing, baking and frying.

    Storage capacity is at 91%. In Russia it can be grown in any area. Resistant to viral diseases.


    It takes 60 to 70 days for the crop to mature. Productivity ranges from 230 to 500 kg per hundred square meters. Resistant to frost, drought and prolonged heat. Prefers light sandy soils. Does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the soil. Well preserved. It has round yellow tubers weighing up to 100 g. Potatoes are characterized by excellent taste.


    It takes up to 80 days for the fruit to ripen. You can collect up to 300 kg from one hundred square meters. The tubers are distinguished by their elongated shape, red tint, weight varies from 80 to 100 g. They tolerate drought and heat well. Suitable for any region.

For cultivation on a personal plot, table varieties of potatoes are used. If it is necessary to provide feed for livestock, you need to choose species specifically intended for this purpose. Forage potato varieties are characterized by higher yields and early ripening.

High potato yields can be obtained if reasonable agricultural technology is combined with competent selection of varieties. Currently, 200 potato varieties are zoned in Russia, of which more than 100 are domestic varieties. Many of them were included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use, including 59 varieties in the non-chernozem zone.

Potato seeds: varieties and varieties

Potato seed varieties should be selected in accordance with the uses of the vegetable.

According to their economic purpose, varieties are distinguished:

  • table tubers - with good taste (5 points), tubers should have an even shape and shallow eyes;
  • technical - with a high starch content (more than 20%) - these are mainly mid-late and late varieties;
  • feed - with a high protein content (2% and above);
  • universal - with good taste, regular tuber shape, high yielding. These are mainly mid-season and mid-late varieties.

According to early ripening, potato varieties are divided into:

  • early (the formation of a harvest of commercial tubers begins to occur 60 days after planting), the growing season is 95 days;
  • mid-early (80 days, respectively), growing season 110 days;
  • mid-season (90 days), growing season 125 days;
  • medium-late (110 days), growing season 140 days;
  • late-ripening (120 days), growing season 140 days.

The best varieties of early potatoes

We present to your attention the best varieties of early potatoes that you can grow on your site.

Potato variety Arosa

The country in which the Arosa potato variety was bred is Germany. The variety is universal. The plant is semi-erect. The leaf is green. The corolla is red-violet. The tubers are oval. The skin is red, the flesh is yellow, the eyes are small. Starch content 14%. Keeping quality 95%. Productivity 24.8 t/ha. The variety is resistant to potato cancer and potato nematode. Moderately resistant to late blight Beloyarsky early - Sverdlovsk State Agricultural Institute. Table variety. Taste quality 5 points. The starch content in tubers is 12–16%. The bush is erect. The leaves are green, the flower is white and small. The tubers are elongated oval, red. The peel is slightly peeling. The pulp is white. The variety is resistant to cancer and moderately susceptible to viral diseases.

Borodyansky pink– Ukrainian Research Institute of Potato Farming. Table variety. The starch content of the tubers is 15.6%, the taste is excellent (5 points). The bush is erect, low. The leaves are large, dark green. The flower is red-violet with white tips. The tubers are round and pink. The peel is smooth, the color of the pulp ranges from cream to yellow, and does not darken when cut. The variety is resistant to cancer.

The earliest potato variety

Bryansk early– All-Russian Research Institute of Potato Farming (Moscow region). This is the earliest variety of universal purpose potato. The taste is good. Starch content 16%. Bush of medium height, spreading. The leaves are large, dark green, matte. The color of the flower is red-violet. The tubers are oval, light beige. The peel is mesh, the flesh is white. The safety of tubers during storage is good. The variety is resistant to cancer, late blight on tubers, and mechanical damage. Weakly resistant to tops - to late blight, moderately resistant to the Colorado potato beetle.

Potato variety Zhukovsky early

The potato variety Zhukovsky early was developed by VNIIKH. The variety is very early, suitable for table use. The taste is good, the starch content is 12%. The yield is high. The bush is of medium height, the leaves are dark green, glossy (shiny). The flowers are red-violet with white tips. The tubers are large, oval-round, pink. The peel is smooth, the flesh is white. The safety of tubers during storage is good.

The variety is resistant to cancer, potato nematode, common scab, rhizoctonia, mechanical damage, resistant to heat and drought, moderately resistant to late blight (on tops and tubers).

Karatop- Germany. The plant is erect. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is white. The tubers are oval-round. The peel is yellow, the flesh is light yellow, the eyes are small. Keeping quality is good. The taste is good. Starch content 14%. Productivity 27 t/ha. The variety is resistant to potato blight. Relatively resistant to late blight. The value of the variety is early production.

Flint– Research Institute of Agriculture of the North-East (Kirov region), State Scientific Institution Falenskaya Breeding Station. Table variety. The bush is erect. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is red-violet. The tubers are oval-round, the skin is red, the flesh is creamy. The taste is good. Starch content 17.2%. The keeping quality of tubers is good. Maximum yield 43.3 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer and susceptible to late blight on the tops.

Potato variety Pushkinets

The Pushkinets potato variety is offered by Kaluga NIPTI and Tver State Agricultural Academy. Table variety, good taste (4 points), starch content 18%. Productivity 32 t/ha. The bush is spreading, the leaves are green. The flower is white. The tubers are oval and light beige. The peel is mesh, the flesh is white, does not darken when cutting and cooking. The keeping quality of tubers during storage is good. The variety is resistant to cancer and potato nematode, moderately susceptible to common scab and late blight.

Red Scarlett- Holland. Table variety. The plant is erect. The leaves are green. The corolla of the flower is red-foil. The tubers are elongated-oval, the eyes are small. The skin is red, the flesh is yellow. The taste is good. Starch content 15.6%. The keeping quality of tubers during storage is excellent (98%). Productivity 27.0 t/ha. The variety is resistant to potato canker and is moderately susceptible to late blight on tops and tubers.

Potato Luck has excellent consumer properties, the seeds are supplied by VNIIKH. Table variety. The plant is spreading. The leaf is dark green. The corolla of the flower is white, the inflorescence is compact. The tubers are oval, white, the flesh is white. The taste is good. Keeping quality is good (84–96%). Productivity 45.1 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer. Susceptible to late blight.

Potato Duckling successfully mastered and released for planting by VNIIKH, Penza Research Institute of Agriculture. Table variety. Excellent taste. Starch content 17.5%. The bush is well leafy. The flower is white. The tubers are elongated-oval, weighing 91 g. Keeping quality is good. The peel is smooth, yellow. The pulp is light yellow and does not darken when cut. The tubers are suitable for processing into potato products. The variety is resistant to cancer, relatively resistant to common scab, susceptible to late blight on tops, moderately resistant to tubers. Value of the variety: heat and drought resistance, early production.

Mid-early potato varieties

Mid-early potato varieties are presented in less variety.

Potato variety Adretta

The Adretta potato variety is supplied by Germany. Table variety. The plant is tall and erect. The leaf is large, light green. The corolla of the flower is white. The tubers are round-oval, white with a yellow tint, the skin is smooth, the color of the pulp is from light yellow to yellow. The taste is good. Starch content 17.6%. Keeping quality is satisfactory and good. The variety is resistant to canker and stem nematode. Susceptible to late blight.

Potato Visa

Mid-early potatoes Visa are supplied for sale by the Research Institute of Agriculture of the North-East (Kirov region), State Scientific Institution Falenskaya Breeding Station. Table variety. The plant is erect. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is white. The tubers are oval-round, the skin is smooth, the color of the pulp is light yellow. The taste is good. Starch content 18.4%. The safety of tubers during storage is good. Productivity 32.6 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer, moderately susceptible to tops and resistant to late blight on tubers.

Potatoes Elizabeth

Potatoes Elizaveta are represented by the Northwestern Research Institute of Agriculture (Leningrad Region), Vsevolozhsk Breeding Station. Table variety. The plant is erect. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is white. The tubers are light beige, with small eyes. The pulp is white. The taste is good. Starch content 13–18%. The safety of tubers during storage is satisfactory and good. Productivity 29–40 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer, moderately susceptible to late blight.

Potato varieties Zekura

The Zekura potato variety is supplied by Germany, ZAO Samara-Solana. Table variety. The plant is erect. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is red-violet. The tubers are oblong, the eyes are small. The peel is yellow, the flesh is yellow. The taste is good. Starch content 13–18%. The safety of tubers during storage is good. Productivity 20–32 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer. A special value of the variety is its resistance to late blight.

Potatoes Ilyinsky

Ilyinsky potatoes were developed at VNIIKH by leading agronomists. Table variety. The tuber is oval, weighing 54 - 158 g. The peel is smooth. The tuber is red, the flesh is white. Starch content 15.7 – 18%. Keeping quality 93%. Marketable yield is 17.6 – 34.6 t/ha. The variety is resistant to potato canker, but its tops are susceptible to late blight.

Crown– VNIIKH, JSC KROSIA. Table variety. The tuber is oval-round, weighing 72 - 137 g. The peel is yellow. The pulp is white. Starch content 13.2 – 15.6%. Keeping quality 95%. The variety is resistant to cancer, and the tops are susceptible to late blight.

Lily Belorusskaya– Belarusian Research Institute of Potato Growing. Table variety. The plant is semi-erect. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is white. The tubers are round-oval, with small eyes. The peel is yellow, the flesh is light yellow. The taste is good. Starch content 12.8 – 16.6%. The safety of tubers during storage of this variety is very good (96%). The variety is resistant to cancer, slightly susceptible to nematodes.

Potato variety Nevsky

The Nevsky potato variety in the form of seeds reaches store shelves from the Northwestern Research Institute of Agriculture (Leningrad Region). Table variety, good taste. Starch content 10.7 – 12%. The variety is high-yielding, has ecological plasticity and produces high yields on different types of soil in different soil and climatic conditions. The leaves are large, light green. The flower is white. The tubers are round-oval, white, the skin is smooth, the eyes on the tubers are pink. The pulp is white. Keeping quality is good. The variety is resistant to cancer and is moderately affected by viral diseases.

Potatoes Rowanushka

The Ryabinushka potato was developed by the Vsevolozhsk breeding station (Leningrad region). Table variety. The plant is semi-erect. The leaf is dark green. The corolla of the flower is violet-blue. The tubers are oval, with small eyes. The peel is red. The pulp is creamy. The taste is good. Starch content 11.9 – 15%. The safety of tubers during storage is satisfactory and good (90%). Productivity 22.0 – 23.4 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer, and is moderately susceptible to late blight on tops and tubers.

Reserve– VNIIKH. Table variety. The leaf is light green. The corolla is white. The tubers are round, light beige, with small eyes. The pulp is white. The taste is good. Starch content 14–18%. The keeping quality of the tubers is good. The variety is resistant to cancer, moderately resistant to late blight.

Romano potato variety

The Romano potato variety was first proposed by AGRICO V.A. Table variety. The plant is erect and tall. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is red-violet. The tubers are short oval, the eyes are small. The peel is pink, the flesh is light cream. The taste is good. Starch content 10–13%. The safety of tubers during storage is good. Productivity 11–32 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer and susceptible to common scab. Average resistance to late blight.

Potato variety Svitanok Kyiv

The potato variety Svitanok Kyiv was developed by the Ukrainian Research Institute of Potato Growing back in Soviet times. A variety for universal use. The bush is erect, low. The leaf is green. The corolla is light red-violet. The tubers are round, light pink. The peel is smooth. The flesh is creamy and does not darken when cut. The taste is excellent, the starch content is 16–19%. The variety is resistant to cancer and is moderately affected by late blight.

Potatoes Santé

Sante potatoes are being actively improved by such organizations as the Kamchatka Research Institute of Agriculture and the Sakhalin Research Institute of Agriculture. A variety for universal use. The plant is tall and erect. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is white. The tubers are oval, the eyes are small. The peel is yellow, the flesh is light yellow. Productivity, safety of tubers during storage and taste are excellent. The variety is resistant to cancer. The special value of the variety is its resistance to late blight and potato nematode.

Yavar– Belarusian Research Institute of Potato Growing. Table variety. The plant is spreading. The leaves are green. The corolla of the flower is red-violet. The tubers are round-oval. The skin is creamy, the flesh is creamy. The taste is good. Starch content 13%. Productivity is high. Keeping quality is good. The variety is resistant to cancer, and the tops are susceptible to late blight. To avoid hollowness, it is necessary to remove the tops in a timely manner.

Mid-season potato varieties

Aspia– VNIIKH. Table variety. The plant is semi-spreading. The leaf is dark green, matte. The corolla of the flower is red-violet. The inflorescence is compact. The tubers are round-oval, white. The peel is weakly mesh with small pink eyes. The pulp is light yellow and does not darken when cut. The taste is good. Starch content 12–14%. The keeping quality of tubers during storage is good. The variety is resistant to cancer, weakly affected by common scab, and moderately susceptible to late blight.

Potatoes Bronnitsky

Bronnitsky potatoes were offered to modern gardeners at VNIIKH. Table variety. The bushes are tall and spreading. The leaves are dark green, glossy. Flowering is abundant, the flowers are red-violet with white tips. The tubers are oval, light yellow. The peel is smooth, the flesh is light yellow, slightly darkening when cut. The taste is good (4 points). The starch content in tubers is 12–16%. The keeping quality of tubers during storage is good.

Potatoes Gatchina

Gatchina potatoes in the form of seed material are produced by the Northwestern Research Institute of Agriculture (Leningrad Region). Table variety. The bush is tall, well leafy. The stem is thick, green, pigmented in the leaf axils. The leaf is large, moderately or strongly dissected. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. The corolla is large, red-violet with white points. Productivity 46.2 – 50 t/ha. The tubers are white, round, large. Mesh peel. The flesh is white and does not darken when cut. The eyes are small, the weight of the marketable tuber is 140 g. The taste is good. Starch content 12.2 – 19.3%. The keeping quality of the tubers is good. The variety is resistant to cancer and quite resistant to viral diseases. Late blight, blackleg, and scab are mildly affected.

Blue– VNIIKH. The variety is for table use, but is used for processing into dry puree and starch. Medium height bush. The leaves are dark green, glossy. The flower is blue with white tips. The tubers are round, light beige. Mesh peel. The pulp is white and does not darken when cut. The taste is very good. Starch content 16.3 – 18.2%. The safety of tubers during storage is good. The variety is resistant to cancer, bacteriosis, and mechanical damage. Resistance to late blight is average.

Pomegranate– Belarusian Research Institute of Potato Growing. Table variety. The bushes are semi-spreading, the stems are weakly branched. The leaves are dark green with medium veins. The terminal lobe is wide, with a heart-shaped base and a short apex. The lobules are median, rod-shaped. The flowers are white. The tubers are round and oval, with a blunt apex and a depressed stolon mark. The peel is smooth, the eyes are small, the flesh is white. The taste is good. Starch content 12.5%. The keeping quality of tubers during storage is good. The variety is resistant to cancer and potato nematode.

Zavorovsky– VNIIKH. Table variety. Medium height bush. The leaf is light green. The flower is red-violet with white tips. Tubers are oval, white. The peel is smooth, the flesh is white, slightly darkening when cut. The keeping quality of tubers during storage is good. The variety is resistant to cancer, potato nematode, and mechanical damage during harvesting. Average resistance to late blight, viral diseases and bacteriosis.

Lugovskoy– Ukrainian Research Institute of Potato Farming. Table variety. The bush is erect. The leaf is green, matte. The tubers are oval, light pink. The peel is smooth. The flesh is white and does not darken when cut. The taste is good (4.8 points), starch content is 13.4 - 19.5%. The variety is resistant to cancer and is moderately affected by late blight and bacteriosis.

Petersburg– Vsevolozhsk breeding station (Leningrad region). Table variety. Medium height plants. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is white. The tubers are light beige, with small eyes. The flesh is white and does not darken when cut. The taste is good, the starch content is 13–16%. The keeping quality of the tubers is good. The variety is resistant to cancer. The tops have average resistance to late blight, but the variety is not resistant to tubers.

Rocko– (Niederost PPEici sens – SNART). Table variety. The plant is erect. The leaf is green. The corolla is red-violet. The tubers are oval, the eyes are small. The skin is red, the flesh is creamy. The taste is high, the tubers do not darken when cooked, the starch content is 15–18%. Productivity up to 35–40 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer and quite resistant to late blight.

Mid-late potato varieties

Basically, mid-late potato varieties are recommended for cultivation in regions with a stable warm climate. They have higher yields.

Blakit– Belarusian Research Institute of Potato Growing. Table variety. Medium height plants. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is bluish-violet. The tubers are oval-round. The peel is yellow, the flesh is yellow. The taste is good, starch content is 12.1 - 16.4%. Keeping quality 92%. Productivity 26.5 – 38.6 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer, moderately resistant to late blight.

Zhuravinka– Belarusian Research Institute of Potato Growing. Table variety, can be used for the production of chips. Plants are medium height, semi-erect. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is red-violet. The tubers are round-oval with small eyes. The peel is slightly rough and red. The pulp is light yellow. The taste is good, the starch content is 14–19%. Productivity up to 75 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer, common scab, and potato nematode.

Lasunok– Belarusian Research Institute of Potato Growing. A variety for universal use. The bush is erect. The leaf is dark green, glossy. Flower of medium size, white. The tubers are short oval. The peel is reticulate, light yellow, the flesh is creamy. The taste is good to excellent. Starch content 15–22%. The keeping quality of tubers during storage is good. The variety is resistant to cancer, late blight on tubers and mechanical damage during harvesting. The tops are moderately affected by late blight and viral diseases.

Nikulinsky– All-Russian Research Institute of Chemical Chemistry. The variety is a table variety, but is suitable for industrial processing into granules and starch. The bush is tall and erect. The leaf is dark green, matte. The flower is pale red-violet with white tips on the outside. The tubers are round, light beige, with small eyes. The peel is reticulate, the flesh is white, not darkening when cut. The taste is good, the starch content is 16–21%. Keeping quality is good. Productivity 31–45 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer and mechanical damage to tubers during harvesting. Resistance to late blight is high, resistance to bacteriosis is average. The variety is relatively resistant to the Colorado potato beetle.

Gull– Research Institute of Agriculture of the North-East, State Scientific Institution Falenskaya Breeding Station. Table variety. Plants are semi-erect. The leaf is green. The corolla of the flower is white. The tubers are oval-round with small eyes. The peel is yellow. The pulp is light yellow. The taste is good to excellent, starch content is 12.2 - 15.3%. Productivity 24.2 – 41.4 t/ha. The variety is resistant to cancer, susceptible to late blight on tops and moderately susceptible to tubers.

Every person has tried a potato dish at least once. This vegetable is perfectly stored in the cellar for a year, maintaining its taste. However, potatoes that are just dug out of the ground are considered the most delicious and healthy. This is why early varieties of the crop are so valued.

All crop varieties can be divided into two main types: domestic and imported. It may happen that imported potatoes will produce a less rich harvest than domestic ones.

Early potatoes

The crop can also be classified according to its ripening period. Maturation is considered to be a period of time from the first shoots to the moment of harvesting.

Only the early ones have several divisions:

  • ultra-early 45-55 days;
  • early ripening 50-60 days;
  • mid-early 60-85 days.

Grows well in southern areas early and ultra early potatoes that ripen before the heat begins.

Vegetables can also be classified according to the purpose of cultivation:

  • table - used for preparing dishes;
  • technical - starch and alcohol are produced from it;
  • fodder – used for feeding livestock;
  • universal - something between technical and stern.

Any early variety can be classified according to its purpose. Early potatoes are good for eating in summer.

Ultra early

Ultra early (super early) disease resistant, gives a good harvest and has a short growing season.

Need to plant early late April-early May, as soon as the soil has warmed up to a temperature of 8-10 degrees. To keep potatoes for a long time, you should wait until the skin becomes thicker.

Ultra-early varieties ripen on average within 50 days. This potato variety is a real find for amateur farmers. The tubers contain many nutrients, are smooth, tasty and have a good presentation for sale.

The most popular ultra-early ones: “Riviera”, “”, “Timo”.

Early ripening

You can start digging up early maturing ones already. in 40-45 days. The variety is especially popular. The tubers are large, smooth, elongated, and the flesh is creamy.

The only thing is that early ripening varieties have a small percentage of starch; they remain hard during cooking. Preparations for planting begin in early April, a month before planting in open soil. At the beginning of May, tubers with sprouts can already be planted in the soil.

The advantage of early ripening is that it is not susceptible to infection by fungi and diseases.

The fruit has a beautiful appearance and has amazing taste properties. During periods of frost, they tolerate wintering well. In one season you can get 2 harvests.


Mid-early table use intended for consumption and animal feed.

The fruits are already ripening on day 60. Potatoes of this classification are well resistant to many infections, except late blight. Suitable for sale due to its aesthetic appearance. Has excellent taste.

Which variety is considered the earliest?

“Sorokodnevka” varieties are ultra-early and produce the first harvest already after 40 days after germination.

These include the following: “Bullfinch”, “”, “Luck”, “Zhukovsky early”, “Timo”, “Charoite”, “Meteor”, “”, “”.

For different geographical locations

Potatoes grown in central Russia are tastier than in the south.

The right climate and rich soils contribute to a rich harvest. Planting early ripening varieties makes it possible to get the first harvest in early July. The early ones appear already 50-60 days after planting.

For the middle band Suitable for Russia: “Friendly”, “Ural Early”, “Luck”, “Sosnovsky”, “Belorussky”, “Slavyanka”, “Vyatka”.

For the Moscow region must be resistant to diseases and unpretentious to climate change. It is recommended to plant: “Spring”, “Zhukovsky”, “Timo”, “”, “Lugovskoy”.

For North-Western regions it is necessary to plant varieties that are most adapted to soil and climatic conditions: “Amorosa”, “Zhukovsky early”, “Impala”, “Karatop”, “Latona”, “Prigozhy 2”, “Freske”, “Adretta”, “Rozhdestvensky”, " ", "Aurora", " ".

Description of potato varieties

Let's look at the most popular:

Name Description
Alyona The ripening period is 50-60 days. The first shoots can be obtained after 45 days. It is characterized by high productivity, the color of the peel is red, the color of the pulp is cream. Preferred for cultivation in Western Siberian regions.
Ariel The ripening period is 50-70 days. First shoots after 45 days. You can get 2 harvests per year. The peel is light yellow, the flesh is creamy.
Timo The first root crops can be obtained in 45-50 days. The variety is suitable for growing on different types of soil. Fully matures in 70 days. The peel is light, the flesh is creamy.
Karatop The first harvest can be collected within 50 days. Vegetative period up to 65 days. Famous for its good yield and disease resistance. The potato skin is light, the flesh is yellow.
Bellarosa The first fruits appear after 45 days. The vegetative period is 50-60. The pulp is yellow, the peel is light pink and rough to the touch.
Lark Young potatoes can be dug up as early as 40 days. The skin has a bright yellow tint, the flesh is soft lemon.
Belongs to an extremely early variety. Full maturity is achieved in 65-75 days. The harvest can be obtained in 45 days. The peel is yellowish, and so is the flesh.
The peel is pink, the flesh is creamy lemon. The average germination time is 80 days.
Suitable for planting in the North-Western and Siberian regions. The first fruits can be harvested after 55-60 days. The skin is pinkish-lemon, the flesh is white.
Lileya Belarusian potatoes are characterized by high yields. The peel is a muted lemon shade, the flesh is light yellow. The young vegetable can be tasted after 50 days.
Red Scarlet The skin is bright red, the flesh is creamy yellowish. It bears fruit in 45-55 days.
Luck The peel is yellow, the flesh is the same. The first harvest is obtained on the 45th day. The entire growing season is 65 days.
Uladar A young harvest can be obtained in 45 days, the entire growing season is 75 days. Several fruitings per season are possible.
Bullfinch The peel is pinkish in color, the flesh is creamy. Ripening occurs on days 45-55.
Charoite The full growing season is 80-90 days. The first harvest can be obtained on the 60th day. The peel is yellow, with the same pulp.
Veneta A unique German variety. The peel is smooth, dark brown or yellow. The pulpy part is tender, light brown. Ripening occurs 50-55 days after germination.
Meteor Gets along well in the Siberian regions. The peel is yellow, the flesh is also bright yellow. Planting takes place in late April-early May. The first fruits ripen after 45 days.
It takes 60-80 days for the tubers to ripen; the first fruits are obtained on the 50th day. The peel is yellow in color and the flesh is creamy.
Riviera Receive fruits already on the 35th day after germination. The skin of the potato is yellow, and so is the flesh.
Rosara An early ripening German variety produces the first shoots already on the 50th day. The skin is red, the flesh is yellow, the tubers are well stored for a long time.

Foreign selection

Among the imported ones, the most popular are: “Bellarose”, “Red Scarlet”, “Romano”, “Impala”, “Ariel”, “Veneta”.

» Potato varieties

Potatoes have long been considered the most popular crop grown in Russia. Let's consider in the article which varieties are best to choose in order to get a high-quality and large harvest.

There is approximately 280 subspecies potatoes that can be grown in different climate zones. Many varieties have found their popularity in industrial production, some are loved by summer residents to plant on their plots. Let's look at the most popular varieties and types in a small catalog in alphabetical order.


Its main advantage is the large, even fruit.

Main characteristics:

  • early ripening variety;
  • productive - 500 c/ha;
  • most popular for cooking in restaurants;
  • high resistance to diseases;
  • contains high levels of starch up to 17%.

Idaho is the most popular variety for restaurant cooking.

Planting is carried out in early spring, when the frosts have already passed and the temperature reaches 8 degrees.

- most popular in the CIS countries.

Main characteristics:

  • early ripening, in the south you can get several harvests per season;
  • with proper watering and fertilizing, high yield – 350 c/ha;
  • a large oval-shaped root vegetable (approximately 200-500g fruit).

You should know that it grows poorly in soil without fertilizing. It is recommended to grow it after legumes.

Red Scarlet

Its characteristics are not inferior even to Belarusian ones. It is characterized by medium-sized root vegetables with excellent taste characteristics.

Often used for preparing dishes in restaurants.

Main characteristics:

  • the bush is low-growing, blooms with lilac flowers;
  • the variety is susceptible to diseases: phytosphorosis and scab;
  • the fruit is shaped like an oblong oval;
  • the peel is red to pinkish-violet;
  • cream-colored pulp;
  • tolerates heat well;
  • the weight of one fruit can be from 70-200 grams;
  • on one bush up to 15 tubers.

Rosara is an early ripening, ripens within 70 days. Used in new and modern industry for the preparation of dry raw materials.

Main characteristics:

  • the pulp has a soft yellow tint;
  • on average, the fruit weighs about 70-130g;
  • fruit shape is oval, slightly elongated;
  • holds its shape well due to its low starch content;
  • productivity 500 c/ha.

Refers to late potato varieties. Fully matures later 110-130 days after germination.

Main characteristics:

  • high yield, 1 hectare can produce up to 20 tons potatoes;
  • the color of the tubers is pink-yellow;
  • the weight of one fetus varies from 100-150 gr;
  • pulp is white-yellow;
  • the taste is amazing;
  • susceptible to the disease - late blight;
  • has a high shelf life.

The plant is planted in the spring, when there is no longer frost, but the soil is still moist.

Well adapted to many climatic conditions, it is actively planted on farms.

Main characteristics:

  • the shape of the fruit is smooth, oval;
  • the pulp is light yellow;
  • fetal weight 100-300 gr.;
  • retains its shape well when cooked;
  • has a wonderful potato taste;
  • does not require constant feeding with fertilizers.

Planting begins only after the soil warms up to +10 degrees. Does not require watering. Minus - his cannot be stored for a long time, as it begins to wither.


The German early-ripening potato variety has excellent taste properties and is distinguished by the content of a large amount of starch in the fruit.

Main characteristics:

  • from 1 hundred square meters you can collect up to 400 kg potatoes;
  • root vegetables are round in shape, small in size with yellow skin;
  • the pulp is bright yellow;
  • average potato weight 60-130g;
  • prone to black parasite infection.

Considered one of the best hybrid varieties.

Ripens within 75 days, during which time potatoes can be harvested. Potatoes should be planted as soon as the air temperature reaches 10 degrees.


The most delicious Dutch, considered one of the most delicious potato root crops.

Main characteristics:

  • from 1 hundred square meters they collect up to 220 kg harvest;
  • tuber weight varies from 150 to 350 g;
  • About 20 fruits come from one bush.

Dauphiné is one of the most delicious potato varieties

The most suitable variety for those who want to grow potatoes for themselves.

Main characteristics:

  • has excellent taste;
  • gives a high yield up to 390 kg per hectare;
  • the weight of the tuber reaches 400 gr;
  • bushes of the variety are tall, strong, up to 80 cm;
  • softens well when cooked;
  • resistant to diseases such as powdery mildew and fungi.

There are several varieties based on ripening time. It is considered elite and grows well in any conditions.

Main characteristics:

  • productivity up to 350 kg from one hundred square meters;
  • for planting, you need to choose unsprouted tubers; after germination, plant those with short sprouts;
  • tubers with long shoots are not allowed for sowing;
  • belongs to the middle-late;
  • ripening occurs in 75-90 days;
  • oval in shape, with light yellow skin and creamy flesh;
  • They love warmth, so it is recommended to plant them when the frosts have passed.

It is considered an early ripening table variety.

On the 45th day you can already get the first harvest, but in general the harvest time is 70-75 day.

Main characteristics:

  • from each bush you can collect 2 kg each fruits;
  • resistant to weather conditions, tolerates transportation well;
  • practically immune to diseases, there is a possibility of infection with late blight and viral diseases;
  • the flesh is pale yellow;
  • requires care, watering, adding organic matter;
  • keeps well during the winter.


Refers to the elite, which require special care. If you follow all the rules you can collect up to 950 c/ha.

Main characteristics:

  • tuber weight 170 gr;
  • refers to mid-season (on average 90 days);
  • from a bush you can collect up to 15 kg of root vegetables;
  • tolerates winter well and is well stored for a long time.

Brought out by breeders in Germany 25 years ago. It is still loved by gourmets due to its excellent taste.

Main characteristics:

  • the peel has a yellow tint, slightly rough to the touch;
  • the pulp may be light yellow or deep yellow;
  • the shape of the root crop is round-oval;
  • average fetal weight 140 gr.;
  • the variety can be planted in open ground at the end of April, propagated by tubers;
  • full ripening occurs in 65-80 days;
  • high-yielding, from 1 hectare you can get up to 45 tons.

It is an early ripening plant, tolerates heat and sudden temperature changes well.

This subspecies can be found in all regions of Russia.

Main characteristics:

  • root weight varies from 80 to 200 g;
  • the peel has a soft amber tint;
  • the pulp is light yellow;
  • before planting it is recommended to treat with copper sulfate;
  • collected from one hectare 250 quintals potatoes;
  • planting takes place in early May.

Early ripening potatoes have a pleasant taste.

Main characteristics:

  • fruit of elongated oval shape;
  • the peel is yellow, the flesh is light cream;
  • the tuber weighs about 80-200 gr;
  • contains a high level of starch up to 17%;
  • there is a possibility of infection with late blight;
  • productivity 300 c/ha.

The taste of potatoes improves if they contain a large amount of starch. You can influence the taste of the fruit with proper care: watering, fertilizer.

Potato subspecies

Different varieties of potatoes are suitable not for all regions of Russia. Although most are acclimatized to the temperate zone, there are varieties that are most suitable for central Russia and Siberia.

Potatoes also differ in the shade of their pulp, taste characteristics, and ripening time. Based on this, they can be classified as follows:

Classification of varieties by growth

Types by yield

Classification by ripening time

All of the above potato varieties have excellent characteristics and taste. Most are disease resistant and have high yields.

Kira Stoletova

Today, red potato varieties are increasingly gaining popularity among gardeners, thanks to their beautiful fruits and delicate taste. Red potatoes, as well as fruits with white and yellow skins, can be used to make popular French fries, boiled or fried. Large red potatoes come in different varieties and are divided into early, mid-early and late varieties. Many gardeners wonder which potatoes are better, with yellow or red skin?

In fact, each variety has its own advantages; red potatoes with white flesh look brighter in appearance. Also, the variety of varieties of red-skinned potatoes will not leave any gardener indifferent. Gardeners should choose the red potato variety that best suits your climate.

Red scarlet

Red Scarlet is an early variety of Dutch selection. Grows within 80 days. During flowering, the potato stem is short and has a red-violet tint. Productivity level up to 600 c/ha. Red scarlet is most suitable for the southern part of Russia. One fruit weighs 90 grams. The shape of the tuber is slightly oblong and smooth, the surface is without grooves. The fruit has few eyes.


  • Tolerance to dry summers.
  • No darkening due to damage.
  • Popular among farmers.
  • Good taste.
  • Security level.
  • Easy to transport.
  • With frequent use for planting, it does not change its original varietal qualities.

The disadvantages include an average level of resistance to popular vegetable diseases, for example, common scab. During tuber germination, potatoes may lose their smoothness.

Borodyansky pink

Borodyansky pink is an early potato variety. This type has a table purpose. The variety has large green leaves and a small bush with white flowers. During the period of active growth, flowering is weakly expressed. One vegetable weighs up to 130 grams. The approximate yield per hectare is at least 250 centners. It has excellent taste. This variety is suitable for making purees. Some gardeners compare the Borodyansky pink variety with the Red Riding Hood and Zarya varieties. It is stored for a long time and the fruit does not become cracked.

The variety can be transported to any region of the country and beyond.

Potatoes are considered one of the best varieties for sale, since the vegetable has almost 100% high-quality fruit and good presentation. The tuber shape is original. It can be round or slightly oval with numerous small eyes. The flesh is white or creamy, the skin is pink or reddish.


  • An unpretentious type of potato (can be planted in any soil and under different climatic conditions).
  • Borodyansky pink bears fruit well.
  • The variety has high-quality tubers.
  • The species is resistant to most diseases.

Zhukovsky early

Among all the early potato varieties available, Zhukovsky early is one of the early varieties. The fruits are always large. The skin is pink or red. Inside is a fruit with yellow or white flesh. The taste of early Zhukovsky is delicate and slightly sweet. This type of potato is suitable for mashing, boiling and making French fries. Subject to the correct storage conditions, early Zhukovsky is stored on average for up to 6-12 months without loss of taste and beneficial qualities. Zhukovsky early is resistant to nematodes and scab. With proper watering and care of plantings, it can grow on poor soils and still produce a bountiful harvest.


  • Stable yield level.
  • High percentage of fruitfulness.
  • Produces purple-red inflorescences.
  • Potatoes have many shoots.
  • The variety is distinguished by its taste, which is why it is also chosen for making chips.

The yield per hectare is approximately 300-600 centners, which is a high figure.


Bellarosa potatoes, or popularly gardeners affectionately call this variety - rose, are usually classified as one of the earliest varieties with a high yield percentage. The name of this variety comes from the fruits, which have a soft pink or reddish tint. During plant growth, the bush has a red-violet color and light yellow fruit pulp. Chefs highlight the excellent taste qualities, which makes the Bellarosa variety famous in the trade. The average yield level generally exceeds 320 c/ha. The potatoes are not rough and do not become stained during storage.


  • High survival rate in different soil types.
  • External attractiveness of the fruit.
  • Unlike other varieties, bellarosa easily tolerates various types of viruses and diseases.
  • Ripens in 65 days.

Simple red

Simple red refers to varieties that ripen later than usual. The average ripening period for simple red is 82-87 days. Fruit with pink or reddish skin. The pulp inside the fruit is light in color.


  • Starch content 19%.
  • When cooked, the tubers do not become soft, so this type is also suitable for frying and making French fries.
  • Simple Red has an excellent, delicate fruit taste.
  • With proper care, potatoes can be stored for a long time.
  • Productivity 250-400 c/g.


Romano potatoes are considered an early and abundantly productive variety. It fits well in any season and is preserved throughout the long winter period. Romano is resistant to common diseases and viruses at an average level of indicator. It can be more traumatic from ordinary scab, so it is necessary to carry out additional treatment for this infection.


  • Stable yield percentage.
  • The peel is well preserved when stored for a long time.
  • The fruits are a beautiful red-violet hue, with white flesh.

Romano potatoes are planted in soil warmed by sunlight at a temperature of at least 15 degrees.


The Rocco variety differs from other types of potatoes in its visual appeal, as it has a pronounced red color of the tubers. Rocco is classified as a medium-early ripening type. Approximately 95% of marketable tubers are obtained from one bush. It is recommended to store potatoes mainly in the cold season, since they germinate quickly at warm temperatures. Vegetable growers advise planting this variety in warm and fertilized soil. To get a good result, it is not recommended to injure the vegetable or break off its sprouts. Rocco has a high percentage of resistance to infectious vegetable diseases. Loves moist soil, which must be maintained throughout growth from the moment the tubers appear.


  • The shape of the fruit is oval.
  • The Rocco variety is unpretentious to climatic conditions.
  • The variety is resistant to various diseases.

According to available data, the yield level reaches 400 c/ha. Rocco is mainly chosen by sellers for retail trade.


Picasso potatoes are a variety of tubers with high yields. It is considered a mid-late vegetable obtained from Dutch selection. Has a great need for fertilized soils. The potato bush stands out for its long trunk and abundant white flowering.


  • It preserves its fruits in their original form for a long time, preserving their taste and healing properties.
  • The tuber has an oval shape and is easy to clean.
  • The Picasso species is resistant to common diseases.

Externally, the potato is yellow-red in color with red splashes mainly in the eye area. Approximately 95% of the marketable product is obtained from the bush.


It is worth noting an equally tasty type of potato, zdabytak, which is popular in the central region of Russia. The variety is externally round in shape, the standard fruit size is up to 130 grams. The pulp is white. The outer side has small but frequent eyes.

In appearance, the plant is similar to the following varieties:

  • Belarusian


  • If you store the fruits in a suitable room and several varieties of potatoes at once, then the type of fruit will last for a whole year without spoiling.
  • With proper planting and regular care, the plant produces a bountiful harvest.

Peter's mystery

The Peter's riddle variety grows well in the northwestern part of Russia and is a medium ripening variety (80-95 days). Intended for table use, starch content 10-12.5%. The fruits are adapted for excessively wet and cold soils. In Russia, the Peter's riddle variety is the most common among all available varieties, due to its versatility and resistance to variable climates. The shape of the fruit is oblong. The top layer of the peel is pink. The inside is creamy pink.


  • In preparation, this type of fruit is often combined with various types of meat and vegetables. Suitable for any dishes, as it has a sweetish taste.
  • The yield percentage is 300 c/ha.
  • Grows well in any conditions.

When preparing fruits for planting, you need to consider the following feature. In the spring, when preparing seed, tubers from storage should be taken unsprouted. It is best to germinate them a little before planting, so that the tubers have short and strong sprouts. Tubers that have grown long sprouts over the winter are categorically unacceptable for sowing the variety Peter's riddle. It is also impossible to break off or damage the sprouts of the seed.

If you follow the correct technology for planting this type of potato, you can reap a bountiful and high-quality harvest.


The Rodrigo variety ripens in 70-85 days and is a mid-late species. Productivity per hundred square meters is 450 kg. Rodrigo is a type of potato with red skin and yellow or white flesh. One fruit can weigh up to 800 grams with proper care. The Rodrigo variety has no disadvantages, as it is suitable for growing in any climate and on any soil. Rodrigo is best purchased by those gardeners who want to get a bountiful harvest at minimal cost, as well as by those who live in the north of Russia.


  • Smooth fruits with a minimum number of eyes are excellent for mechanical cleaning.
  • Rodrigo can be used for boiling, frying and making French fries.
  • Externally, dark red tubers look very beautiful.


The description states that the Ramona variety has red skin and white-yellow flesh. Ripens in 80-100 days and is a mid-late species. The yield per hundred square meters is small, only 100-150 kg. The Ramon variety is suitable for the south of our country and tolerates heat and persistent drought well. The fruits are oval-shaped, weighing about 70-90 grams. Ramona fruits are suitable for pureeing and frying.

Popular potato varieties. Description of varieties. Garden and vegetable garden issue 151

Red potatoes


The best potato varieties of Russian and foreign selection. Part 2

Potatoes with colored pulp


  • Fruits and bushes are almost never attacked by the Colorado potato beetle.
  • In one season you can get 2 harvests.
  • The variety is well transported and then stored for a long time.