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» Always blooming flower bed. Flower beds are the best. Choosing the size and location of the flower bed

Always blooming flower bed. Flower beds are the best. Choosing the size and location of the flower bed

Landscape design is not an area in which you can be guided solely by your own tastes. Without taking into account the all-season decorative effect, color unity and exactingness in the cultivation of certain plants, it is impossible. Do not rush "in the pool with your head"! Familiarize yourself with the most important principles of landscape design before you arrange a flower bed of perennials in your summer cottage!

Flower beds: definition and configuration

Flower beds are called areas that combine decorative leafy, decorative flowering, herbaceous and shrubby plants, garden paths and small architectural forms. They can be regular - with strict compositional lines, or landscape - with smooth outlines.

The sizes of flower beds are very different - from 1 sq.m to 1000 sq.m or more. The ratio of plants with small architectural forms and green lawn may also differ. The “golden proportion” is considered the one in which the first digit is greater than the second, and the sum of the first and second digits is equal to the third: 3:5:8; 8:11:19 etc.

According to the form and method of arrangement, flower beds are divided into subspecies:

  • Modular flower beds
    Flower beds that combine green spaces, decorative paving (stones, tiles) and small architectural forms (vases, fountains and containers).
  • Mixborders
    Mixed flower beds of arbitrary width and configuration. Most often they are a strip broken along the wall of the house, garden path or hedge.
  • Tapeworms
    Flowerbeds united according to some general principle: color, height of plants, shape of their leaves, etc. As a rule, they are placed in isolation, where they are best viewed.
  • Rabatki
    Long, relatively narrow beds (the ratio of length and width is about three to one), plain, or decorated with geometric patterns. Often included in a complex flower bed of perennials.
  • borders
    Narrow (10-50 cm) continuous bands of compact, undersized plants. Often used to border individual parts of a complex flower garden.
  • Rockeries
    Flower beds in which plants and stones are combined with each other. Otherwise known as rock gardens.
  • Rock gardens
    These are flower beds, the composition of which is based on plants of alpine and subalpine flora, planted on a hill.

plant grouping

There are hundreds of species of perennial plants in the world, and they all have different requirements for growing conditions: some are unpretentious - some need regular care, some require abundant watering - some do not tolerate excessive moisture .... Therefore, in order not to destroy others when caring for some plants, group them correctly! Also, consider your busyness. Consider how much time you are willing to devote to your flower arrangements.

In general, according to the requirements, perennials are divided into three groups: unpretentious, moderately labor-intensive and labor-intensive.

  1. Group. Perennial unpretentious flowers for flower beds
    This is a group of plants that are not demanding on lighting, humidity and soil type. They are resistant to diseases and pests, for many years they grow well in one place without a transplant, they are not afraid of cold weather. To maintain the beauty of a flower bed planted with unpretentious perennials, a minimum of time and effort is enough - watering during dry periods and annual spring processing.
    There are many plants in this group. , brunner, gelenium, geraniums (meadow and flat-leaved), gentian, doronicum, goldenrod, musky mallow, stonecrop, physostegia, chistets, some types of poppies, etc.
  2. Group. Moderately labor-intensive flowers for a flower bed
    This is a group of plants that do not require daily care, but need special growing conditions, as well as perennials that should be planted every two to three years.
    The second group includes aquilegia, armeria, arabis, cornflower, carnation, gaillardia, geranium, gentian, delphinium lily (various hybrids). This also includes iris, clematis, maclaya, large-flowered chamomile, bluebell, polyanthus rose, phlox, sage, echinacea.
  3. Group. Labor-intensive flowers for a flower bed
    These are crops that need painstaking daily care, complex agricultural technology, and special growing conditions. Plants of the third group are susceptible to diseases, afraid of cold weather and various pests.
    These are the majority of bulbous, lilies, roses, almost all gladioli, hyacinths, dahlias and chrysanthemums, begonias, kempfer, evening primrose, etc.

Beautiful perennial flower beds: planting tiering

The tiered (multi-level) planting allows the owners of the garden plot to view all the plants in an optimal decorative form, and the plants themselves to receive the necessary amount of sunlight without competing with each other.

Therefore, before planting, group all the plants in height - give each group its own place:

If an oval or round flower bed of perennials is arranged, then the tallest plants can be planted in the center. Plant plants of medium height around them. Undersized fill in the places left empty. If we are talking about planting like a mixboard, then plant tall plants in the background, and low plants in the foreground.

If desired, bring a few tall plants to the forefront or move aside for a solo display. They will become the nodal points of the ornament. Avoid being straight forward. Experiment!

Planning work. Scheme of a flower bed of perennials

Before you start planting plants, you need to draw a diagram of the flower garden on paper. A properly designed perennial flower bed is half the success of the whole event!

  • Flower bed size
    You should start with the distribution of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe free site. Think about how much space you are willing to take under the flower garden. If you wish, use the "classic" proportion, according to which about 13% of the area should be allocated for a residential building and outbuildings, 20% for a utility yard and garden paths, 12-15% for a flower garden, 33% for a garden and 23% under the garden
  • Flower garden contour
    Decide on the desired shape and draw the outline of the flower garden on the diagram.
  • Placement of tall and low plants
    Mark on the drawing a place for tall (80-150 cm), medium (40-70 cm) and low (up to 30 cm) plants.
  • Distance between plants
    When drawing up a plan, keep in mind that most perennials have been growing in one place for years, which means they need to leave free space “for growth”. In order for the flower garden not to seem empty, you can temporarily fill the gaps with beautiful annuals.
  • Color spectrum
    In order to choose the right color scheme for the future flower bed, use pieces of colored paper that matches the color of the selected plants in tone. If there is no desire to cut and lay out paper “bushes”, color the diagram with colored pencils.
  • Transferring the scheme "in nature"
    It will be easier to transfer the site planning project “in kind” if you break the paper scheme into squares, and then, taking into account the accepted scale, “square” the land plot. You can draw the ground with a sharp peg or lime powder. After that, it will not be difficult to transfer all the lines of the circuit to the ground. It remains only to outline the points at which, according to the plan, certain plants will be located.


When creating flower arrangements, one should not forget about the basic rules of color harmony. After all, it is not in vain that they say that the image of a particular garden is 99% determined by color.

Before starting work, study various photos of perennial flower beds and evaluate your feelings. Remember how certain shades affect an outside viewer. Calculate everything to the smallest detail and make your choice!

Attention! The names of popular plants and the color of their flowers can be found in Table No. 1.

"Seasons": a flowerbed of continuous flowering of perennials

Unfortunately, plants that are fragrant all year round do not exist in nature. Therefore, those who want to create a flower bed of continuous flowering need to use plants of various biological groups, clearly understanding which and when look the most impressive. This is often difficult. After all, if there are no problems with achieving the effect of flowering in the warm season (tall, medium and low-growing perennial flowers for spring-summer flower beds are presented in any store in the widest assortment), then the selection of flowers for decorating beds in the cold season often puts novice gardeners in dead end. There is an exit! We offer you our interesting variations on the theme "autumn-winter". Perhaps some of the ideas will find a place in your garden!


In early autumn, the garden will be decorated with medium and late varieties of panicled phlox. By planting phloxes in groups, and planting them with bergenia, you will get a beautiful composition of perennials that require minimal care.

Extremely good in autumn flower beds and perennial bulbs: botanical tulips of various varieties and their hybrids. Year by year they will grow, turning into large curtains.

Very beautiful against the background of autumn foliage will look perennial plants for flower beds, matched to match the woody "hat": lemon yellow goldenrod, orange rudbeckia, red-brown gelenium.

Tall New England asters - one of the latest flowers, will form the basis of the garden composition in November. Due to the large number of "reserve" buds in the inflorescence, they easily withstand light frosts. Red, white, blue and pink, asters will not lose their decorative effect until the snow.


Beautiful flower beds from perennials of the "winter time" - not fantasy, but reality! There are really not so many plants that are resistant to cold, however, among them there are those that have a strong emotional impact on a person!

For example, such as the "Queens of the East" chrysanthemums. Majestic, with bright double flowers, they are famous for their extremely long flowering. The latest varieties of chrysanthemums begin to bloom in September, and finish in the middle of winter (pictured: chrysanthemums in the snow).

When fluffy snow falls, crocuses and colchicum will rivet their eyes. Their colorful pink and lilac flowers can withstand extreme cold. Powdered with snow, they only slightly adhere to the ground, after which they straighten up and stand again, as if nothing had happened.

Cyclamens bloom during mild winters from December to February. They are so beautiful that they even have an annual festival dedicated to them in England.

Ornamental shrubs will become a real symbol of the New Year. Just imagine the attractive power of scarlet cotoneaster fruits on a white blanket of snow, and you will certainly want to plant them in your garden. Successful creativity!

Video: how to make a mixborder with your own hands

To diversify the landscape, it is not necessary to resort to the services of professional gardeners. Beautiful flower beds are obtained from unpretentious perennials. You can show your imagination and create a flower bed of perennials in the country with your own hands. When developing, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail - the place, shape, content, seasonality and color of the future flower garden. After getting acquainted with the basics of landscape design, you can start marking the site and planting ornamental plants.

Perennials for flower beds and flower beds

Creating a spectacular and bright flower bed requires a careful approach to the choice of plantings. It is important to take into account the growing conditions, height, color, seasonality and duration of perennial flowering.

Perennial flower garden

undersized perennials

The height of undersized perennial flowers for a flower bed does not exceed 30-40 cm. The following types are especially popular in gardens and summer cottages.

Primrose- undersized rhizomatous perennial with a height of not more than 30 cm. They are distinguished by a variety of bright colors, long and abundant flowering. If you plant different varieties of flowers in a flower bed (Aurikula, Fine-toothed, Julia), then you can admire the picturesque carpet from early spring to mid-summer.

Primula Auricula burgundy

Iris bearded dwarf- "garden orchid" with a peduncle height of 23-37 cm. Watercolor perennials grow well and form dense decorative plantings in a couple of years. The short flowering period is compensated by decorative leaves that remain attractive until late autumn.

Iris pygmy golovach

Aubrieta(aubrecia) - ground-blooded perennial. Bushes grow over time, forming a living carpet. Aubrieta has many small flowers of different colors - from white to blue and purple. Feature - flowering in two stages. The first - from the end of May to mid-July, the second - from the beginning to the end of September. Common varieties: Cascade, Hybrid and Deltoid.

Aubrieta "Purple Cascade"

garden begonia- low flowers for a flower bed with decorative leaves of burgundy, pink or olive color. In landscape design, three types of begonias are widely used: tuberous, ampelous and ever-flowering. The height of the bush is 15-30 cm, the diameter of the flower is up to 15 cm, the shape of the inflorescence resembles lotuses, roses or carnations.

Color variety of garden begonia

- blooms from June to September with funnel-shaped flowers of purple, blue, white or blue. Unpretentious to the composition of the soil and the illumination of the site. Terry bell varieties have a special charm. Shrub height - 25-30 cm, diameter - up to 30 cm.

Carpathian bell Karl Foster

To create a bright composition with their own hands, groundbloods are often used - beautiful short flowers in a flower bed can act as a bright accent or background of the entire composition. Ground-blooded perennials: awl-shaped phlox, yaskolka, woolly stakhis, thyme, periwinkle and creeping tenacious.

Medium growing ornamental plants

Medium-sized plants are considered to be plants with a height of 30 to 70 cm. A wide variety of species and varieties makes it interesting to combine them using different color solutions. When creating a flower garden, landscape designers choose:

Day-lily- unpretentious in cultivation, not demanding on top dressing and resistant to dry areas. The height of the peduncle is about 50-60 cm, the flowering period is from the beginning to the end of summer. The color range of daylilies is impressive.

Variety of daylily species

yarrow- inflorescences are collected in baskets. There are many varieties with white and red flowers in different shades. It is a long flowering perennial.

Yarrow ornamental garden

Phlox paniculate is interesting not only for its beautiful flowering, but also for its unusual forms of inflorescence. There are round, cylindrical, hemispherical, pyramidal and umbrella. There are early, middle and late phloxes. Popular varieties: Snow White, Selena, Tenor, Blue Paradise.

Phlox paniculata Cleopatra

Such representatives of medium-sized perennials diversify planting: Rhodiola, peony, gypsophila, iris, cornflower, chamomile, rudbeckia, echinacea, aquilegia.

tall perennials

Tall plants are soloists of the flower garden, setting the "mood" of the entire flower bed. They must be chosen with great care. If flowering perennials are inconspicuous, then the whole composition will lose its attractiveness.

The most beautiful tall flowers for a flower bed:

(plakun-grass) - blooms all summer, grows on different soils and is suitable for decorating flower beds of various garden styles. The height of the bush reaches 140 cm, the color of the flowers is raspberry.

loosestrife 'Lady Sackville'

stem-rose(mallow) combines elegance and simplicity at the same time. The flower goes equally well with undersized, medium-sized specimens in flower beds, mixborders and discounts. Fashionable shades of mallow: bright purple, lilac and yellow.

Terry stock rose in the garden

Delphinium hybrid- candles of inflorescences grow up to 1-2.5 m. Bright plants for a flower bed bloom in June and continue to delight with their blue for a month. Varieties of white and purple delphinium have been bred.

blue and purple delphinium

A flower bed of perennial phlox, daylily and other medium-sized ones will be beautifully complemented by tall flowers, for example: mordovnik, hybrid goldenrod, astrantia, gelenium, mullein, Japanese keria, buzulnik, dahlia.

Perennial flowers of continuous flowering

By choosing the right varieties of perennials, the flowering period of the flower bed will be stretched from early June to mid-September. Choose your favorite perennial flowers that bloom all summer.

carnations. To create an ever-flowering flower bed with your own hands, low frost-resistant varieties are suitable: carnation grass, Ural, Fisher. It tolerates drought well, but requires regular division and rejuvenation.

Fischer's crimson carnation flowers

The height of candle-shaped inflorescences is 35-60 cm, the varietal palette includes lavender, purple, blue and pink tones.

oak sage in flower arrangement

Astrantia- unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer. To maintain flowering, fading flowers must be removed. Astrantia looks especially beautiful against the background of groundbloods and in mixborders.

Astrantia large - a flower of long flowering

When making a constantly blooming perennial flower bed, they also use:

  • blood red geranium;
  • soft cuff;
  • phlox caroline;
  • seaside army;
  • ptarmikolistny yarrow;
  • echinacea;
  • loosestrife is rod-shaped and willowy.

Corner flower garden of continuous flowering

For novice gardeners, it is better to use a ready-made scheme for flower beds of continuous flowering from perennials. The version of the flower garden proposed in the photo changes from season to season, retaining its decorative effect.

From the photo you can see how the accents are shifting, and the overall appearance of the flower bed is changing. It is possible to slightly change the color scheme of the composition in the summer by adding varieties of bluebell, delphinium and aquilegia of a different color. The spring appearance of the flower garden is determined by daffodils, irises and hellebore.

Secrets of flower coloring

The image of a flower bed of perennials is 90% determined by the color scheme. When developing a scheme with your own hands, it is important to consider the rules of color harmony:

  1. In a contrast planting, it is undesirable to mix plants of the same color - bright spots should form. The most spectacular and successful combinations: purple and yellow, blue and orange, green and red. A motley flower bed looks appropriate in the front area of ​​​​the site.
  2. In the recreation area, it is better to plant specimens of related shades. It is permissible to choose one color accent. Interesting options: red with burgundy or pink, blue with blue or purple. You can dilute the composition with white.
  3. Silver and white tones visually smooth out excessive variegation, and dark shades emphasize the expressiveness of bright plants.
  4. As a background for flowers of warm tones (yellow, red, orange), ground-blooded perennials of cold color (purple, blue, green) are suitable.

Advice. Previously, the composition scheme must be displayed on a sheet of paper - indicating all the colors. A visual picture will help you navigate the arrangement of color accents.

Classification of perennials by color

Forms of flower beds and flower beds for perennials

The size and shape of the flower bed is selected depending on the characteristics of the site: area, configuration and location of the house.

Choosing the size and location of the flower garden

The size of the flower arrangement should be directly proportional to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site. In a small garden, a neat, compact flower garden will look organic. On a spacious country estate, you can place several small or one large flower bed.

Choosing a place for arranging a flower garden

The composition of perennials should be placed in a place that is clearly visible from the windows of the house and from the front side of the site. When planning a drawing of a flower bed, you can be guided by the "classic" proportion, according to which:

  • 13% of the area is allocated for the house and buildings for household purposes;
  • 20% - garden paths and yard;
  • 50-55% - garden and vegetable garden;
  • 12-15% - flower plantations.

Drawing of a flower bed of continuous flowering

Features of different configurations

The shape of the landscape element can be limited only by the imagination of the performer, the size of the site and the characteristics of the soil. Which option to choose: geometric or free figured flower garden?

Oval and round flower bed. Concentric circles define the borders of flowering plantations, creating a spectacular composition - flowering begins from the outer perimeter and reaches a peak in the very center. Plants are grouped according to periods of decorativeness, due to which, during one season, the appearance of the planting changes several times.

Flower arrangement in a round shape

The advantage of a round composition is the possibility of planting different plants. Trees and shrubs can be placed in the center, and herbaceous along the edge of the circle.

Rectangular flower garden. The simplicity of the form is compensated by the creation of unique ornaments inside the perimeter. These can be rounded compositions, diagonal lines or broken polyhedrons.

Square flower garden. Primitive geometry allows you to create vivid paintings from perennial shrubs, undersized and ground-blooded plants that bloom all summer.

Triangular flower bed. Separately blooming triangles look beautiful, only with the “angular” shape of the site. In other cases, it is desirable to arrange them into graphic outlines, for example, a star. The composition of a complex configuration requires careful selection of plants. The best choice is herbaceous perennials (daffodils, periwinkle, adonis, alissum, hyacinth).

Triangular flower beds on the site

Long flower beds. Flower beds are placed along paths, fences, serve as a frame for landscape elements or zoning of the site. The so-called rabatki are symmetrical and asymmetrical.

The choice of a flower bed option should be determined by the general concept of architectural and landscape design, as well as the pattern of a floral pattern.

Schemes of flower beds and flower beds for perennials

Before you form a flower bed, you need to draw up a detailed plan for the composition. Below are ready-made schemes of flower beds, which take into account the flowering phases, plant height and color.

Path to the garden

The plan of the flower garden "Path to the garden" is suitable for decorating garden paths or framing the entrance to the site. In the composition, plants are selected that are unpretentious in care.

Circuit description:

  • A - Juniper - decorative perennial with soft needles, prefers sunny places and moderate watering.
  • B - Highlander Related - a low-growing plant up to 25 cm high, blooms all summer, and in autumn the foliage turns red.
  • C - Sage is a drought-resistant perennial that grows in one place for more than 8 years.
  • D - Potentilla - medium-sized shrub with white flowers, flowering period - from July to August.
  • E - Gelenium - a perennial herbaceous plant growing up to 1.5 m; needs frequent watering in summer.
  • F - Formium - stemless perennial with greenish-gray leaves, prefers sunny places and regular watering.

Flower framing scheme

Composition in pink colors

An interesting example is a flower bed of perennials in the same color scheme. Plants of different heights are harmoniously assembled into a single composition.

The flower bed project includes:

  • A - Sedum (rosary) - a short variety is selected.
  • B - Astra - a pink plant 25-30 cm high is planted in the composition (Happy End, Abenshine).
  • C - Dahlias - when planting, it is important to take care of good drainage, the flower needs regular watering.
  • D - Euonymus - the openwork crown of the shrub turns red in autumn; suitable winged, Sakhalin and warty species 1-1.5 m high.
  • E - Anemones - form thickets about 50 cm high; prefers partial shade and fertile soil.

Flower garden decoration in pink colors

The combination of perennial flowers in a flower bed with representatives of coniferous crops creates a complete picture. This is no longer just a small flower garden, but a landscape composition.

To form a flower garden and arrange a patio, the following are involved:

  • A - Weymouth Pine - suitable for large areas, as an adult tree grows up to 70 m; in a small garden, you can replace it with a compact western thuja - the maximum height is 20 m.
  • B - Bamboo - exotic culture adds originality to the whole composition; spreading leaves give the recreation area more comfort.
  • C - Khosta - deciduous-decorative perennial; blue, gray, green and golden leaves with a border form lush bushes with tall peduncles.
  • D - Begonia - flowers can be planted directly in the ground or place begonias in pots; the second option somewhat facilitates the care of a whimsical plant.
  • E - Schizachirium paniculate - grayish-blue foliage is collected in a small bunch about 80 cm high; the cereal bush is picky about the composition of the soil and agrotechnical conditions.
  • F - Rudbeckia - herbaceous perennial of the Aster family; medium-sized species are used in the composition: rudbeckia is hairy, two-colored or encircling.

Patio landscaping scheme

With bright flower arrangements, you can interestingly beat garden paths, an artificial reservoir, small architectural forms, or simply decorate the front entrance with your own hands. Perennial plantings are an opportunity to admire your own creation for several seasons.

The borders of the island flower beds are smooth, beautifully shaped closed curved lines, oval in shape.

The largest plants are planted in the central part, low - along the borders.

What perennials to use?

Picking up plants with pink flowers is a simple task, there are many among the most popular garden plants - roses, carnations, lilies, phlox, astilbe.

For a minimal care flower garden, decorative stability throughout the season is desirable, that is, the plant should always look good, never look untidy, long flowering and interesting seasonal effects (autumn foliage color, fruits, etc.) are desirable.

In addition, the perennial must be non-aggressive and unpretentious (do not require frequent feeding, division, pruning, shelter, etc.), be resistant to pests and diseases.

The vast majority of perennials do not bloom for long, but you should not be sad about this: it is more correct to enjoy every moment of garden beauty, and its charm lies in continuous variability. In this flower bed, something will bloom all the time, it is especially spectacular in July.

The premieres of this flower bed are blue delphiniums. In the conditions of the Moscow region, they bloom for a month: the whole of July, starting from the end of June. The candle-shaped inflorescences of the delphinium give the flower garden a special expressiveness, but after flowering they must be removed. If you completely cut the stems, the delphiniums will bloom a second time in the fall, but this flowering will worsen the next year's flowering, so it is better to cut off only the inflorescences that have appeared. Next to the delphinium, any “chamomile” looks good, here it is echinacea.

The brightness of the composition is given by red lupins planted in front of the delphiniums, a meter-long Abendglut variety with dark red flowers in racemose inflorescences up to 40 cm long. It blooms from June for a month, if the faded inflorescences are removed, and again in August. Bright phloxes in pink tones support elegant summer flowering. In the center of the composition is planted a changeable mountaineer - a huge, constantly decorative, stable perennial.

  1. echinacea (Echinacea purpurea);
  2. panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata);
  3. host (Hosta), grade Hanky-Panky;
  4. lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus), cultivar Abendglut;
  5. ochitnik telephium, or hare cabbage, (Sedum telephium), Matrona variety;
  6. cuff (Alchemilla mollis);
  7. delphinium hybrid (Delphinium x hybrida)

During the growth period, the delphinium needs a large amount of nutrients. The first time it is fed at a shoot height of 10-15 cm with a complex mineral, even better - with a liquid organic fertilizer; the second time - during the budding period - use a fertilizer with a large proportion of potassium and phosphorus; the third - immediately after flowering - with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer without nitrogen for laying powerful renewal buds. Each top dressing should be accompanied by abundant watering - this rule has no exceptions. With a shoot height of 20-30 cm, to obtain powerful peduncles, thinning of the bushes is carried out, breaking the shoots in the center of the bush, leaving up to 10 shoots for varieties with few-flowered inflorescences, and up to 5 shoots for many-flowered ones. The inflorescences are tied up for the first time at a height of 40-50 cm, and the second - 100-120 cm.

Growing features

  • Spring. If necessary, the geyhera is divided, this operation is required for her once every 2-3 years. At a height of 10-15 cm, the delphinium is fed for the first time, at a height of 20-30 cm it is thinned out, at a height of 40-50 cm the stems are tied up - there is a lot of trouble with the delphinium. If you want to make a low-maintenance composition in the garden, exclude it from your "repertoire".
  • Summer. The largest perennial in this composition is the mountaineer changeable. It is interesting from the moment it emerges from the ground, acquires a special decorative effect from the end of June - the beginning of July during flowering, which lasts until mid-August. Huge fragrant paniculate inflorescences of small white flowers look like white clouds, and after flowering its fluffy panicles remain decorative. This highlander is unpretentious, hibernates without shelter, grows well on any soil. Greenish-yellow cuff flowers delight from June to August, its velvety leaves are always beautiful. Lupine blooms during June. Delphiniums in the Moscow region bloom throughout July, starting from the end of June. You have to constantly look after them - feed and tie up. Starting in July, echinacea blooms and geyher leaves are always beautiful. Ochitnik Maggopas with grayish-green, leaves reddening along the edge on purple stems is decorative from the moment it appears in the spring. The popular hosta Hanky-Panky planted here grows well in shade, partial shade and open areas. This is one of the first so-called "tricolor hostas" - its leaves are olive green, and the middle of the green apple leaf is bordered by a snow-white stripe.
  • Autumn. In September, light pink inflorescences appear at the Matrona stonecrop. With the advent of frost, all perennials are pruned, except for geyher, of course.

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)

Height 1 m.

Large inflorescences with a diameter of 13 cm - pink-purple petals around a convex cone.

Phlox paniculate (Phlox paniculate)

Height 0.7 m.

Lush paniculate inflorescences of pink flowers, black-purple stems.

Blooms in July

Hosta, Hanky-Panky cultivar

An olive green leaf has an apple green center bordered by a white stripe.

Decorative from mid-June until frost

Variable knotweed (Polygonum polymorpha)

Height up to 2 m

Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus), cultivar Abendglut

Height 1 m

Red flowers in racemes up to 40 cm long

It blooms from June for a month, when the faded inflorescences are removed again - in August

Height 40 cm

Grayish-green, reddening leaves on purple stems, light pink inflorescences in September.

Cuff (Alchemilla mollis)

Height 30 cm

Velvety leaves, greenish-yellow flowers from June to August

Height 30 cm

Very dark black-purple leaves, blooms from June for two months

Delphinium hybrid (Delphinium x hybrida)

Height up to 2 m

Blue flowers in a huge pyramidal inflorescence

Flower garden with perennials in white and blue tones

White flower garden - purity and tranquility, freshness and elegance. You cannot create it by simply planting plants with white flowers in one place. Plants with gray, silvery and white-variegated leaves will make it exciting and expressive - with a white border or center, with white spots or a pattern.

The white color is especially bright against the background of dark green leaves.

Try to get the right balance between the amount of white and green. For a white flower garden, the structure, the contrast of plant shapes, leaf shapes and textures is even more important than for any other. The famous English creator of mixborders advised including small accents of blue in white flower beds.

You can experiment by adding a small amount of lemon yellow or pale orange instead of blue. If it seems to you that there is still not enough white in such a flower garden, you can increase its amount with the help of small architectural forms: a white bench, arch, pergola, flowerpot or sculpture.

Flower garden scheme 3 x 4 m

  1. Fassen catnip (Nepeta x faassenii);
  2. panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata), variety "New";
  3. host (Hosta);
  4. hybrid delphinium (Delphinium x hybrida), grade Elegans;
  5. lightning "Variegata" (Molinia coerulea var. variegata);
  6. ochitnik telephium, or hare cabbage (Sedum telephium), Autumn Charm variety;
  7. pearl anafalis (Anaphalis margaritacea);
  8. Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)

When creating white compositions, plants of any life form can be used. Of the trees and shrubs, willow-leaved pear, willow, loch-leaved, narrow-leaved sucker, white deren "Elegantissima", exochord, action, hydrangeas, mock oranges, lilacs, spring flowering spireas are suitable. There are a lot of perennials with white flowers, these are anemones, aquilegia, asters and, astrantias and bells, cimicifuga, clematis, delphiniums, echinacea, geraniums, irises, lilies, roses, peonies, tulips, daffodils, small bulbs. Suitable leaves for such a flower garden will be provided by hosts, brunners, lungworts and chistets.

Growing features

  • Spring. The composition is planted on a fairly fertile neutral garden soil in a lighted place protected from the wind. All plants planted here do not require special care, except for the delphinium and phlox, which require constant care. Delphinium at a shoot height of 10-15 cm is fed for the first time, at a height of 20-30 cm it is thinned out, at a height of 40-50 cm the stems are tied up. Phloxes also need to be properly fed in order to get lush flowering, for the first time this is done in the spring - with nitrogen fertilizers during the period of intensive growth. In the spring, it is desirable to mulch the composition, it is not only beautiful, but also very useful for plants.
  • Summer. Three types of plants from the previous composition are used here, but white-flowered varieties are selected, these are echinacea, phlox paniculata and stonecrop. There are many white varieties of echinacea, they differ in height, as well as in the color of tubular flowers that form a “bump” in the center of the inflorescence, it can be brown, red or green.

The phlox paniculata "New" has white flowers with a blue lining, quite in the theme of our composition. Echinacea and phlox bloom from July. In summer, you need to do at least two top dressings of phloxes: during budding and flowering, complex fertilizer with a large dose of potassium and phosphorus, and after flowering, complex fertilizer with an increased amount of phosphorus to prepare plants for winter. To the place here is the white-edged sedum Autumn Charm, very decorative from the moment it appeared from the ground.

The catnip blooms for a long time - from June to September. Delphiniums in the Moscow region bloom throughout July, starting from the end of June, requiring constant care, watering, fertilizing and garters. Here is a variety with light blue flowers. Variegated mountaineer, pearl anafalis (its stem and leaves are white-pubescent, white inflorescences), Variegata lightning and blue hosta are always decorative. This composition needs watering in dry summers.

  • Autumn. Ochitnik Autumn Charm blooms in September-October for more than a month. With the advent of frost, all perennials are pruned.
  • Winter. In winter, there is nothing to look at in this composition.

Variable Highlander (Polygonum polymorphs)

Height up to 2 m

Large white paniculate inflorescences

Blooms from late June to mid-August, decorative even after flowering

Panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata), variety "New"

Height 70 cm

White flowers with blue lining

Blooms in July

Fassen's catnip (Nepeta x faassenii)

Height 50 cm

Small fragrant lavender flowers in long racemes

Long flowering - from June to September

Height 50-70 cm

Large, strongly pressed blue leaves, white flowers

Decorative all season, blooms in July

Delphinium hybrid (Delphinium x hybrida), grade Elegans

Height up to 2 m.

Light blue flowers with a black center in a huge pyramidal inflorescence.

Blooms from the end of June for 20-30 days, after flowering it is not decorative

Molinia "Variegata" (Molinia coerulea var. variegata)

Height 50 cm

Leaves with longitudinal stripes of yellowish-cream color, white spikelets

Decorative throughout the season

Ochitnik telephium, or hare cabbage (Sedum telephium), Autumn Charm variety

Height 40 cm

White edging on each leaf, flowering in September-October for more than a month Decorative from the moment it emerges from the ground

Anafalis pearl (Anaphalis margaritacea)

Height 40 cm

Stem and leaves are white-pubescent, inflorescences are white

Decorative throughout the season

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea)

Height 1 m

Large inflorescences consisting of white petals around a huge orange-green "cone"

Blooms from late July to September

Flower garden with perennials in pink and purple tones

Pink is considered a feminine color: even the color of the dowry for newborn girls is pink. Psychologists say that for two out of three women this is the most favorite color. In nature, it is quite common, pleasing to the eye, nicely combined with the green color of the foliage, especially with dark green leaves.

Combinations of pink flowers with gray-green and bluish-green leaves look sophisticated. Relating to pastel colors, calm pink, like blue and pale yellow, visually enlarges the size of the garden, blurring the boundaries of flower arrangements. Pink creates a romantic mood in the garden, a feeling of harmony and tranquility. Interspersed with silvery-gray foliage and white flowers will add sophistication to such compositions.

The combination of pink flowers of varying degrees of saturation is a win-win option, the combination of pink flowers with dark purple looks luxurious. In the gray garden, Gertrude Jekyll used pink and lilac flowers to match the gray leaves.

Scheme of a flower garden with perennials 3 x 4 m

  1. changeable mountaineer (Polygonum polymorpha);
  2. Monarda hybrid (Monarda x hybrida);
  3. astrantia (Astrantia major), Claret variety;
  4. bergenia (Bergenia);
  5. panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata), variety "Dragon";
  6. hybrid geykhera (Heuchera x hybrida), grade Obsidian;
  7. blood red geranium (Geranium sanguineum), Compactum variety;
  8. ochitnik telephium, or hare cabbage (Sedum telephium), Matrona variety;
  9. bluebell (Campanula lactiflora), variety Loddon Anna

Of course, the list does not end with this, at our service are varieties of veronicas and veronicastrums, lilacs, summer flowering spireas, rhododendrons, primroses, monards, loosestrife, bells, bergenia, astrantias. Many varieties of large-leaved hydrangeas have pink inflorescences, the inflorescences of almost all varieties of paniculate hydrangeas turn pink by the end of summer, and varieties of tree-like hydrangeas with pink flowers have appeared.

Growing features

  • Spring. Badan blossoms in May. Sedum Maiopa is interesting from the moment of germination, its grayish-green leaves are good, reddening along the edge, on purple stems. In order to get lush flowering, it is necessary to properly feed the phloxes - the first time this is done in the spring - with nitrogen fertilizers during the period of intensive growth. In the spring, it is desirable to mulch the composition, it is not only beautiful, but also very useful for plants.
  • Summer. Astrantia Claret blooms in June-August for 35-40 days. Highlander changeable blooms from late June to mid-August, it is decorative even after flowering. Campanula lactiflora Loddon Anna blooms profusely with pink flowers for two months in July-August. This type of bell has many advantages. Unlike many other bluebells, it is always decorative, its roots are taproot, so it grows well on heavy soils. Bell-shaped flowers are collected in large inflorescences, if you cut off faded inflorescences, then repeated flowering will be especially lush. The flowers are fragrant and attract bees and bumblebees.

In July, Phlox "Dragon" blooms profusely with pink flowers. Perhaps this is the only demanding care plant in the composition. In summer, you need to do at least two top dressings of phloxes: during budding and flowering, complex fertilizer with a large dose of potassium and phosphorus, and after flowering, complex fertilizer with an increased amount of phosphorus to prepare plants for winter. In July-August, pink monarda pleases with flowers. The blood-red geranium blooms profusely and for a long time, from mid-June to August. Beautiful dark leaves of Obsidian geyhera.

  • Autumn. Sedumma Ggopa blooms in September. With the advent of autumn frosts, the stems and leaves of all perennials are removed, except for geyhera.
  • Winter. In winter, the composition is of no interest.

Variable Highlander (Polygonum polymorphs)

Height up to 2 m

Large white paniculate inflorescences

Blooms from late June to mid-August, decorative even after flowering

Astrantia (Astrantia major), Claret variety

Height 60 cm

Dark purple flowers

Blooms in June-August for 35-40 days

Monarda hybrid (Monarda x hybrida)

Height 70 cm

Pink fragrant flowers attract insects

Blooms in July-August

Badan (Bergenia)

Height 40 cm

Attractive leaves turn purple in autumn.

Blooms in May

The plant is decorative from snow to snow

Panicled phlox (Phlox paniculata), grade "Dragon"

Height 0.7-0.8 m

Purple-pink flowers with silver-gray streaks along the edge of the petals, black-purple stems

Blooms in July

Heuchera hybrid (Heuchera x hybrida), variety Obsidian

Height 30 cm

Very dark black-purple leaves, blooms from June for two months.

ornamental plant

Blood-red geranium (Geranium sanguineum), Compactum variety

Height 30 cm

Numerous small pink flowers against a background of elegant leaves

Blooms profusely and for a long time, from mid-June to August, decorative before and after flowering

Ochitnik telephium, or hare cabbage (Sedum telephium), Matrona variety

Height 40 cm

Greyish green, reddening leaves on purple stems, light pink inflorescences in September

Decorative from the moment of appearance in the spring until the end of the season

Campanula lactiflora, cultivar Loddon Anna

Height 1.2 m

Pink fragrant bell-shaped flowers are collected in large inflorescences

Blooms for two months in July-August. If you cut off faded inflorescences, re-blooming will be especially lush.

Flower garden with perennials for a shady area

There are plants whose main advantage is chic leaves, many of them grow with pleasure in partial shade and shade. Shade lovers rarely boast spectacular flowering, but their leaves are extraordinarily good. In the center of the composition is the imposing Kamchatka meadowsweet, a powerful plant up to 2 m tall with large five-lobed leaves.

In June-July for 2-3 weeks it blooms with large paniculate inflorescences of creamy small flowers. The soil under the meadowsweet should not dry out, insufficient watering in the heat will lead to temporary withering of the leaves and inflorescences. Another shade-lover with chic leaves is a pinnate variety. Its expressive leaves are purple when blooming, later - dark green with relief venation, blooms for 20-25 days in July with pink fragrant panicles.

Like life in the shade and black cohosh, perennials with ornamental leaves and elegant inflorescences of small flowers with numerous stamens. Calling the hosta the queen of the shade has long been a commonplace; the classic blue hosta variety Love Pat grows here. And astilbes like to grow in moist semi-shady places. Pale pink and white astilbes look elegant next to bergenia and pachysandra. Their chic inflorescences effectively contrast with the dense large leaves of the host.

The scheme of the shady flower garden of perennials 3 x 4 m

  1. astilba (Astilbe japonica), cultivar Deutschland;
  2. hakonechloa (Hakonechloa macra), cultivar Aureola;
  3. Filipendula kamchatka (Filipendula camtschatica);
  4. astilbe Thunberg (Astilbe thunbergii), cultivar Straussenfeder;
  5. pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis);
  6. host (Hosta), grade Love Pat;
  7. Rogersia pinnata (Rodgersia pinnata), variety Superba;
  8. bergenia (Bergenia);
  9. black cohosh, black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)

Are there any cereals that like to grow in partial shade? One of them is a graceful hakonechloa. A compact bush grows in one direction, asymmetrically, its bamboo-like foliage forms an unusual cascade. Here the frost-resistant Aureola variety with long golden leaves with green longitudinal stripes is used. Hakonehloa looks especially good at the front edge of the flower garden, where it shows the effect of a waterfall.

Everyone loves flowers. A flower bed of continuous flowering can give a lot of colors to your garden. Indeed, well, what a charm this blooming flower bed, playing with many colors, is in a summer cottage or in a personal plot! Such beauty could rightfully be proud of any summer resident - flower grower. If such a flower bed is your dream, then opt for perennials, they will only gain strength and beauty from year to year, unlike annuals that live and bloom for only one year. Caring for perennials is minimal - they need timely pruning, watering and top dressing.

In this article, we will present you with suitable planting schemes, note some of the nuances, and tell you about perennial plants for flower beds. Let's start with the last one.

Types of perennials

Our article will present a diagram of a continuous flowering flower bed for beginners. But first of all, it is worth talking about the flowers that will inhabit such a flower bed. Perennials are divided according to the principle of height - tall, medium and short. Let us consider in detail the last species - undersized plants.

These include plants that do not exceed 30 cm in height. They are excellent for creating flower carpets. These are flowers such as:

  • Mylnyanki.
  • Carpathian bell.
  • Gentians.
  • Aubrieta.
  • Aquilegia.
  • Phloxes.
  • Dwarf aster.

There are several rules for planting undersized perennials.

In order to achieve the lush color of such crops, it is simply necessary to plant them on the sunny sides of the site, otherwise you will not see the expected result.

From fertilizers, focus on flower preparations, nitrogen fertilizers will only lead to a set of green mass with flowers.

In order for a visual carpet of flowers to turn out on a flower bed, they need to be planted close to each other.

So that the weeds do not ruin your offspring, timely weeding of the flower bed is required, in addition to the appearance, this will simply prevent the weeds from drowning out your flowers.

Medium-sized perennials.

These are plants 30-80 cm high. They can be planted in a flower bed both alone and in the form of several tiers with undersized and tall counterparts. These include flowers such as -

  • peonies,
  • yarrow,
  • roses,
  • daylilies,
  • pink radios.

When landing on a flower bed, you need to leave a place for their further growth, otherwise they will block their undersized colleagues.

Tall plants.

These are plants with a height of 80+ cm. Without such giants, a beautiful multi-tiered flower bed cannot be arranged in any way. These are beauties like:

  • stock - roses,
  • basilisks,
  • window sills,
  • mallow,
  • winding sunflowers.

What are the benefits of continuously blooming flower beds? Their features

A flower bed of continuous flowering perennials has its own characteristics. For example, a perfectly blooming flower bed can only be obtained on the sunny side of the site, keep this in mind when choosing a place for a flower garden. After the point in this matter, it is still necessary to zone the place of the future flower bed for each type of plant. If you take into account the nuances of flowering perennials, you can easily achieve lush, beautiful and continuous flowering.

Before planting, it is necessary to fertilize and lighten the soil by adding sand, expanded clay and brick chips to it, they will serve as baking powder.

You will have a flower bed with a number of advantages:

  1. Long blooming flower garden.
  2. Weeding, watering and top dressing - all the care for such beauty.
  3. All summer long it will delight you with its appearance.
  4. Once you make an investment in seeds, for many years you will provide yourself with the highlight of your backyard.
  5. Perennials are picky and can tolerate partial shade, and even shade, if it is not possible to place a flower garden on the sunny side.
  6. Such a flower bed will not deplete the soil at all, perennials do not suffer from this.

Choosing seasonal plants

First, decide what effect you need in the flower bed, it can be the seasons, an imitation of a stream, etc. Then you can start choosing the right plants. Let's give an example of a flower bed with seasons.

Gentle spring.

One of the signs of spring is just the primroses blooming in the flower bed. These include primroses, pansies, daisies, crocuses, tulips, lungwort, daffodils. Having blossomed first, they will delight you with their flowering for a month. Behind them, in May, it is worth waiting for the flowering of late varieties of tulips, lupins, peonies, aquilegia. And towards the end of May, hyacinths, royal hazel grouse, and others join them.

Summer shift.

In summer, there is a real abundance in terms of flowering plants. Zinnias, levkoy, lyatrises, delphiniums, amaranths, hibiscuses, roses, and marigolds begin to bloom in a lush color.

This can also include plants such as echinacea, lily, monarda, lamb and rudbeckia. With good care, not only the appearance of their flowers will please your eyes throughout the summer, but you will also feel their most pleasant aromas.

If suddenly there are gaps between perennials, you can easily fill them with annuals. They will not spoil the appearance of your flower bed at all.

Autumn time.

When the annuals fade, but there are still enough warm days of early autumn and Indian summer, these days your flower bed will be decorated with the flowering of carnations, begonias, ageratum, remontant roses. Planted asters, sage, coreopsis, stonecrop and gelenium will add color to the autumn carpet. And until the very frosts, craspedias, decorative onions and yarrows bloom.

Flower bed layout. Simple circuits

It is worth noting that a flowerbed of continuous flowering can be created with your own hands. If your site allows you to make a large flower bed, then its scheme may look something like this:

In the center we plant tall species.

Closer to the edges we have a carpet of undersized perennials.

But when choosing color combinations, it is important to observe harmony, a symphony of colors. If possible, we express color accents.

If you plan to place a flower bed closer to the fence, then it is worth planting tall flowers near it, then we harmoniously lower the tiers in the direction from the fence.

We give examples of simple schemes for your flower beds.

Create flower harmony

First, decide on the main colors, then you can already add harmoniously combined shades to them. Usually blue or purple colors are taken as the basis, warm and bright shades are added to them.

We give you an approximate combination of colors and shades in the flower beds:

One of the rules is to plant flowers of the same shade in large groups, then they look much better, otherwise the flowerbed from afar will not have the look that you would like to see. By shades, they are most often used in pairs of blue / yellow or red / green.

If the flower bed is planned to be in a recreation area, then it should be made more monochromatic, it is worth focusing on blue with purple or blue with red flowers. This option will soothe and tune in to relaxation after a hard day.

White flowers will perfectly dilute, if necessary, intense colors that can become somewhat aggressive in their intensity. As a background, flowers with grayish foliage are most suitable, black flowers will give the flowerbed the best shape, and in general, gray, black and white colors will perfectly fit into any color symphony.

If you are a romantic or a dreamer, a pastel-colored flower bed will perfectly help to create such moods.

Monocolor flower beds with different shades of the same color look great.

Flowerbeds with warm shades visually decrease, and with cold ones, on the contrary, they increase.

If you also plant plants with beautiful foliage in the flower bed, then it will perfectly decorate the flower bed before and after the flowers themselves bloom.

More diagram examples:

It's just great if you independently developed the scheme of your future flower bed. If you know some rules, this will be completely easy to do. And we will tell you the design options for a dry stream, gates, tell you about the options for flower beds in partial shade or tell you a flower garden with fast-growing plants.

like a stream

A dry, but beautifully designed stream bed will honorably replace a real source or spring for you. A competent approach to this issue will more than pay off with a stunning effect.

The channel itself is created from elongated pebbles of various sizes, and if translucent blue or blue glass beads are thrown between them, then the effect of the presence of water will be provided to you!

And now we turn to the design of the channel with plants. A flowerbed with a continuous flowering cycle will fit very well here. We will show you an approximate landing scheme:

Bamboo - leaf-grate grows near the water, so its presence will become a harmonious touch in a dry riverbed. It can be replaced with an ostrich if desired.

Bearded irises will look best at the mouth of your stream.

And opposite them, lobelia will look great.

Poskharsky's bell will perfectly fit into the very bed of the stream.

Aubrieta hybrids can be picturesquely scattered between planted perennials.

To the right, opposite the shaving, a large-leaved plant, for example, a large-leaved brunner, which also has bright flowers, will harmoniously look.

Opposite the Brunera, it is great to plant the awl-leaved bryozoan.

Toward the end of the channel, you can place a creeping tenacious.

And the last chord in the floral ensemble can again be an ostrich, or the same bamboo - leaf-grate.

You can add or subtract something in this scheme to your taste, this is just a suitable sample.

Beautiful flowering gate

The arched gate on the site just asks to be decorated with a frame of flowers. Curly perennials are the best way to cope with this task. Properly distributing flowers to achieve continuous flowering, throughout the summer season, your gate will only change its images with shifting flowering of flowers.

So, first we divide the flower bed into tiers.

On the first tier there will be undersized perennials. For example, let's give Pozharsky's bells, stonecrop creaker, cushion aster, oak sage, rock stonecrop, fox-tailed feather bristle.

You can put yellow yarrows on the middle tier, and place flowers closer to the gate, for example, spikelet liatris, long-leaved veronica, rod-like millet. To the right of the gate we will plant chamomile-like flowers - cushion aster, New Belgian or brilliant rudbeckia.

And we decorate the last tier with tall perennials, they can even hide a fence. Stock looks great here - roses, David's budley, sunflowers, as well as glossy rudbeckia.

And now the turn has come, in fact, to the climbing plants with which the gate arch will be entwined. A climbing rose on one side, and Jacquement's clematis on the other, in the center of the arch they will meet and intertwine.

The material of the fence is completely unprincipled for such designs; these flowers will decorate any base.

Fast growing plants in the flower beds

After winter, I especially want to enjoy spring colors, and of course, flowers as soon as possible. We look forward to the flowering of primroses. In the first year, perennials will not bring you such joy, but from the second year you can already count on them with might and main, especially if your flower garden is located on a warm and sunny side, near a fence, or near a wall, as well as next to conifers.

The scheme of such landings differs little from the above, but still has its own zest.

  • The upper tier is planted with multi-colored stock - roses.
  • A sunflower will look harmonious next to them.
  • Icelandic poppies will feel great on the middle tier.
  • Gaillardia can be planted next to them.
  • Cardinal lobelia will help you put a bright accent, located throughout the flower bed.
  • The whaler will add a noble blue color to the flower bed.
  • Next, we have Poskharsky's bells.
  • On the edge we launch a blue katananhe.
  • Gravilat will enhance the presence of undersized plant representatives.
  • Stonecrop blooms and pleases you until autumn, so its presence in the flower bed is also necessary.
  • Geichera will give completeness to the entire flower arrangement.

The same care for all representatives of the flora will greatly facilitate your country life. And behind the flower garden there may be an unpresentable structure or fence disguised by it.

Do flower beds grow in partial shade

Well, there is no suitable open and sunny place for a flower bed on your site, but you want to have flowers, what should you do? Walking past neighbors' lots and admiring their flowers? But no, in partial shade it is also possible to form, with the right selection, a very good-looking flower bed.

The secret of such a composition lies in the right combination of colors and simple greenery. With the function of pleasant greenery, the function will perfectly cope, and the magnificent dicentra will take on the role of background flowers, it begins to bloom in May, and has a very presentable appearance. Red epimedium is also useful for the same background purposes.
Liriope muskare-like on the middle tier will be a background plant.

In custody.

We have given you only relative schemes, you can easily, having understood the principle of their formation, you can make and implement your schemes and your flower beds, then they will be original and in the singular for the whole district. In general, with our instructions, you will definitely succeed in creating a bed of continuous flowering.

You can also watch a video on this topic: Flowerbed of continuous flowering.

15 basic schemes for a flower garden will help you make a beautiful flower bed with your own hands - always use any, even the smallest place in the garden, to plant your favorite flowers.

Flower garden at the gazebo:

Chubushnik. . Holly. Mirabilis. Sage. Coreopsis.

Before starting the breakdown of the flower garden, we will calculate on paper how many plants we need. We divide the flower garden scheme on a scale into squares with a side of 1 m, mark the contours of planting each type of flower, calculate the area for each.

Front flower garden at the entrance "Welcome":

Rose. Petunia. Thuya. Delphinium. Lilies. Astra is a perennial. Cuff.

The calculated planting area for each type of flower is divided by the average planting rate per 1 sq. m: for large 100-120 cm - 2-3 pieces, medium 40-90 cm - 4-6 pieces, low 20-40 cm - 7-9 pieces. and dwarf plants 5-20 cm - 16-20 pcs.

Flower garden at the entrance to the house:

Virginia. Rose. Sedum. Balsam. Woolly cleaner. Miscanthus sinensis.

We transfer the flower garden scheme to the garden plot. The contours of the flower garden can be marked with sand, chalk, sawdust.

Flower garden "Path to the garden":

Juniper. Highlander. Sage. Bloodroot. Helenium. Formium.

We prepare the ground - we dig to a depth of 40 cm and select the roots, or remove the top layer of turf and fill in specially prepared soil. We mark the contours of planting for each type of flower.

Fragrant flower garden for a sunny place:

Hibiscus. Kufei. Penstemon. Vatochnik. Petunia.

Water flowers 2-3 hours before planting. The best time to plant flowers is early morning, evening or when it rains.

Flower garden next to the bench:

Malvaviscus. Fern. Mouse hyacinth. Sunflower. Goryanka. Lemon verbena.

We start planting from the center of the flower bed to the edges. When planting from pots at a seedling, we straighten the roots, tamp the soil at the neck of each plant.

Pergola flower garden:

Geichera. Lilac. Space. Baptisia. Hellebore. Flowering deren.

After planting, we water the flower garden abundantly, if necessary, we support the seedlings with a stick. Cover from the hot sun during the day.

Flower garden "Magic Waltz" to attract butterflies:

Thuya. Buddley David. Zinnia. Goldenrod. Echinacea purpurea.

Don't worry if a plant doesn't take root, using seedlings with closed roots - from pots, you can plant a new plant at any time.

Flower garden next to the recreation area:

Tagetis. Sedum. Daisies. Wand millet. Budley. Sage.

Take your time to expect instant results from setting up a new flower garden. In the first year, the flower garden may seem empty (free areas can be temporarily filled with annuals), but after a year or two the flower garden will show itself in all its splendor - just wait until perennials grow in the flower bed.

Flower garden near the gate:

Blooming apple tree. Kalina. Clematis. Action. Bell. Veronica.

Flower garden along the path:

Plantarium. Coreopsis. Petunia. Creeping tenacious.