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» Does everyone need higher education? Current issues of the modern world: is higher education necessary?

Does everyone need higher education? Current issues of the modern world: is higher education necessary?

I would like to comment on the situation as a teacher (from the other side of the barricades, so to speak). I communicate quite a lot with my students and many tell me why they entered and why. Parents and grandparents often force it. Often a person doesn’t know what to do after school, why not go to university? Often girls believe that education is a kind of dowry and that it is more interesting to talk to an educated wife. Many people go because “now there’s nowhere without a tower.” And only a small part comes to receive education with adequate expectations and understanding of the process.

In my opinion, to answer the question of whether it is worth it or not, we need to consider several trends and facts.

1. In general, to all people higher education no need. There are a huge number of jobs and specialties where a person needs specialized secondary education or just secondary education (completed school). For example, to work as a waiter, receptionist, secretary, courier, or barista, it is enough to graduate from school and undergo on-the-job training. If you are satisfied with this kind of work (they pay for it, by the way, often higher than for the work of specialists with higher education), then higher education will simply be a waste of 4-6 years of time (during which you will earn money at work and maybe get a couple of promotions ). Many students want to gain practical skills and algorithms (do it once, do it twice, here’s the result), they want a specific craft, from which they can live. This is a good request, but it is essentially a request for secondary specialized education. And this is not necessarily about electricians, plumbers and car mechanics. There are also hairdressers, manicurists, system administrators, jewelers and many, many others. These are good, necessary and paid professions. You can make a career in them and see the results of your work. Again, if you like this, then higher education will again be a waste of time and lost profit.

2. Unfortunately, people’s attitudes towards higher and secondary specialized education are not the same. In our country, higher education is still perceived with respect and honor. And they often speak about secondary special education with disdain (for example, “ugh, some kind of birder”, “this is for stupid people”, “why couldn’t you at least get into a bad university”?). I think this is completely wrong. This phenomenon has its roots in Soviet time, when specialists with higher education worked in more comfortable conditions, received a much higher salary and moved along career ladder. About 20% of people had higher education, and obtaining a diploma was a powerful bid for social success. The memory of those times is still alive in the minds of our parents and grandparents. The situation, however, has completely changed since the mid-80s (30 years have passed, but the stereotypes remain). The demand for specialists with higher education is not as great as the supply (thousands of university graduates are not in demand). And, on the contrary, the professions of a makeup artist, administrator or call center operator are in much greater demand, they pay more and higher education is essentially not needed there. Why waste 4-6 years?

3. Higher education now performs the functions that were previously performed by secondary education. Previously, the school did not hesitate to leave children who had not mastered it well enough for a second year. school curriculum. A grade of "one" was in use and a two had to be earned. No higher demands were made; the demands were simply adhered to more consistently and clearly. By the end of school, a person had not only basic set knowledge, but also a number of social skills sufficient to start adult life. Nowadays, a school graduate is rarely ready for anything. Everyone is given a certificate, repeaters are pulled up to 11th grade (even if they don’t really know the 7th grade program). But in the end, these people need to be sent somewhere so that they can “mature”, gain communication skills, and understand how, what and where. And so they are sent to a university for another 4 years to learn their wits. This is not about a full-fledged higher education, it is about socialization and entry into culture. + Of course, now there is objectively more information and a more complex social structure, people are growing up later than before (a global trend).

4. The quality of higher education leaves much to be desired (this applies to both regular and top universities). There are many reasons for this. This is also the mass exodus of teachers in the 90s. And insufficient funding, insufficiently high salaries. And excessive bureaucracy, endless checks. And as I wrote above, the level of preparation of applicants is not always sufficient (and often it’s not about knowledge, but about the ability to plan your time, communicate politely with teachers, independently complete tasks without super-detailed instructions, the ability to motivate yourself, etc. ).

5. Ultimately, higher education for many is a way to get some kind of magic crust. Its magic lies in the fact that parents and relatives will leave him alone. The magic is that the employer will not show off (and the employer requires higher education both where it is necessary and where it is not necessary).

So is it worth it or not?

If you just want to earn money in peace, the content of your work activity is not so important to you, your relatives are putting pressure on you, and you want to “be no worse than everyone else,” then IT’S NOT WORTH IT. You will lose several years of your life without seeing the point in your actions. You'll miss out on the professional experience and money you could get if you went straight to work.

If it is important for you to engage in a specific job or area of ​​activity that requires in-depth training. If you want to engage in teaching and/or research activities. If you want to gain deep knowledge not only about how to do a specific job, but also understand how society and the world work. If you are committed to self-development in the intellectual sphere. Then it's WORTH it.

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A comment

The relevance of education is an eternal topic that does not subside for a minute. She inspired this review, in which we will both indict and defend higher education. Talk about its importance and meaninglessness.

After reading all our arguments, you will be able to better understand the topic and decide for yourself whether we need higher education or not. For your convenience, all arguments against the tower will begin with the word attack, the argument for higher education begins with the word protection.

Attack. Higher education is a waste of time.

Study at higher educational institution you will be from 4 to 6 years, depending on the choice of university. In addition, you need to complete the 10th and 11th grades of school, or in return study for 2 years at a technical school.

Instead of the time we spend studying, we could work and gain experience, which many employers value much more than a higher education mark.

Protection. Higher education helps you get a job.

The obvious cannot be denied. There are a huge number of vacancies where higher education is not required, but there are areas where having a specialized education is an advantage. The same is true for highly specialized vacancies.

In most cases, a college degree will not be a deciding factor in hiring you, but it will complement your strengths. Otherwise, you will need to shyly talk about why you did not get a higher education.

Attack. What is taught in universities is not applicable and will not help in real life.

You can't argue with this either. Even if your profession requires specialized knowledge and you have received the appropriate education, 95% of the knowledge acquired will never be useful to you. As does the knowledge of high school. In your life you will not solve equations or remember history Russian state or program in Pascal.

Even if 50 years ago this knowledge was relevant, now in the age of programs, computers and the Internet. Today programmers don't program in Pascal, they use Python, ruby ​​and C++. Designers do not draw in Paint or use 3D max, Illustrator and Photoshop. Online translators will allow us to read Chinese texts without knowing the language and we will understand what is written.

Protection. Communication with peers, connections and acquaintances.

Many of the people facing the choice dismiss this point without even thinking. We need a career. And there are some connections here. I have friends and I don’t need any more communication. And they will be wrong.

When you go to work, most likely you will be around people of different positions, ages, and work responsibilities. You may find it difficult to find mutual language with colleagues. There are jobs where there is no time for communication at all. For example, in a Call center. Your friends will go to university or go to work. Weekends will be few and far between and may never coincide.

Institute is a skill of communication and acquaintance. While receiving education, families are created and children are born. Colleagues at work rarely have enough common interests to form a relationship.

Attack. It is difficult to obtain the required specialty, and the left direction will only get in the way.

In our youth, we still don’t know who we are comfortable working with. We cannot consciously choose the right specialty due to little life experience. There are jokes about how few people work in this profession. Why does a chef need to be trained as a logistician? What about the customs officer? Such education will not help you in any way when applying for a job.

No, of course they will tell you, “You’re great,” but at the same time they will think, “You’re great, but your education is useless for our work.” In some cases, having a higher education will negatively affect the device.

Protection. Education teaches us systems thinking.

At school and at university we solve hundreds of problems, prepare presentations, take exams, and write tests. All these skills will be useful to us in our future life.

How is a philosophy exam essentially different from an interview? Both here and there you must show yourself and your knowledge in a favorable light. With what good job Is it different from working in lectures and seminars? The teacher knows the level of his students even before the exam, and forms an attitude towards the student. Your employer should have the same attitude towards you.

Thus, even if we discard the information that we memorize, we learn to work and cooperate with teachers.

Attack. University graduates have incredibly high expectations.

Why do employers hate people with higher education? These are their high expectations. People come without knowledge, without experience, without work history and want to receive unrealistically big money. That is, the employer needs to train you to work for his money and at the same time he must pay you a high salary. A story about an interview for a web programmer position:

Our company needed a person who could quickly create websites with non-standard functionality. Salary was discussed during the interview depending on the candidate's skills.

One of those who came to the interview was a girl who had graduated from a second-rate university. She wrote six months of work experience on her resume. At the interview, she admitted that she had just graduated and had not yet worked.

Before we talk about this girl's skills, I'll talk about her expectations in financially. She is ready to work for 80,000 rubles. No more, no less. Apparently she heard that self-respecting programmers get paid that much. In fact, only good programmers get paid that much. If you don't have talent and high level training, then even with 5 years of work experience you will not receive more than 50,000-60,000 rubles.

Now let's talk about her knowledge. There are none at all. All her knowledge in programming is some kind of thesis on an issue related to databases. That is, our company, instead of a professional who immediately makes websites, will receive a girl who someone needs to train for about two years so that she can call herself a programmer. At the same time, she most likely will not become a good specialist. Do you think the employer will be happy about this prospect? And for 80,000 rubles a month? This person doesn’t want to receive less.

I would advise this girl to gain experience in a job that will pay 20,000-30,000 rubles. And after 2-3 years successful work and a bunch of completed projects to try out for such a highly paid position. She won’t succeed any other way, even if she is very talented.

Protection. There are positions where higher education is mandatory.

There are many high-paying places where having a higher education is mandatory. Yes, usually they add to this the presence of work experience, skills, and personal attractiveness. If an employer is so strict about choosing a candidate, then most likely there is a lot of competition for the position. But in this case, having a higher education is mandatory.

Attack. There are few such positions and there is always an alternative.

There really are such vacancies, but they are few. You will not be left without a job without a higher education. In addition, there are many jobs where you will be paid depending on sales, plan completion, number of projects and other indicators. In this case, having a higher education will not help you at all. Only your abilities and diligence will help you get more than others.

In addition, I would like to point out an international study. We analyzed all the world's billionaires in the hope of finding out whether their success in any way depends on the presence or absence of a higher education. As a result, we received a clear answer. Their condition does not depend in any way on education. Relatively speaking, half of billionaires have a higher education, and half do not.

Protection. Even skills that are useless at first can come in handy.

The skills that we learn at first glance may seem useless, but in fact they turn out to be in demand in life. Here's my personal opinion

We cannot always assess what skills will be useful to us in life. I always thought that my life would be connected with exact sciences. Other subjects were not given to me and I struggled with them under pressure.

I have been working as a programmer and internet marketer for more than 3 years. What knowledge was most useful to me at work? English language, Russian language and literature.

Programming languages ​​are similar in many ways to foreign languages. All syntax is written in English. Much important documentation is available exclusively in English and the translator does not help much in understanding the text.

In my work, I often have to accept, edit or write texts myself. My huge problems in punctuation and spelling, my relatively small vocabulary and expressions hinder my development.

These jobs are more related to school skills, but you can also learn a lot at the institute that you will use. For example, experience in conducting laboratory work in physics helps to better test new solutions.

Attack. Money spent on higher education is a whole capital.

How much money do we spend on higher education? Let's do the math together and then decide whether it will ever pay off.

This is the first time that our education is paid. We are looking at an average university. Prepare 100-120 thousand rubles per year. Plus, during training, the payment will increase by 10 percent. Inflation spurs price increases, and according to the agreement, 10% is an acceptable value. We need to study for an average of 5 years. 600,000 rubles disappeared.

Even if we don't pay tuition, we could work these 5 years, gain experience and earn an income. IN major cities without education, you will start with 20 thousand rubles and after 5-6 years, if you are ready to work, improve your working skills and become a specialist in your field, then you can count on 40-50 thousand rubles a month. On average 30 thousand rubles - 360 thousand per year, 1,860,000 rubles. Yes, you could become a millionaire! And if you also pay for training, you lose 2,460,000 rubles. Sorry, but this is the cost of an apartment in the near Moscow region.

Yes, you can say that you can work and study, but it is very difficult and will negatively affect either your studies or your work. In any case, you will miss out on a tidy sum. Moreover, from my life experience I can say that a candidate with a higher education, but without experience, will not receive more than 25-28 thousand rubles, while a specialist with five years of work experience can receive 50 thousand.

That is, you not only lose money, but also find yourself a less paid employee. The situation can change only after a year of work since you received your higher education. But by this time you have already lost your apartment.


Our task was to be objective during the dispute. We tried to put aside the interests of both sides. How far we succeeded is up to you to decide.

Everyone must decide for themselves whether they need education. Make a decision based on your life situation, aspirations, connections, interests. Our task was only to provide food for thought. We wish to make you right choice and not be disappointed in it later.

tough guy February 16, 2017 at 6:11 pm

Do you need to get a higher education?

  • Educational process in IT *

I recently had a very interesting discussion with a 17-year-old young man, which began with his phrase, “Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of school and became successful.” I saw in him the same stupidity and naivety that was in me, with the only difference that when I was 17 there was no Facebook, and my “uneducated” and successful idol was Bill Gates. I diligently explained to my parents that they were completely wrong, and that success can be achieved without a higher education. They, in turn, hammered into my head that with a diploma from a good university I would never be left without a job and stuff like that. In a discussion with a young man, I became convinced that this issue is still relevant. I hope that this text will help all 17-year-old “me” who cannot understand whether they need to study at a university or not.

“You won’t find a job without a diploma”

A phrase that I often heard from my parents in one interpretation or another. There is some truth in it, since from the point of view of the labor market, a specialist without a “crust” really has enormous difficulties in finding a job, and such an employee costs much less than “certified” ones, even if they are not from “top” universities. However, every time parents tell their children this, they are actually deceiving both themselves and their children. On the part of parents, there is a need for a stable and high-quality standard of living for their child, so they want him to have a diploma, because... this is a certain condition of “stability” in the existing system. But such formulations create an incorrect value system in children: they go for a diploma, and not for knowledge and brains, hence the reluctance to learn - skipping lectures, “freebies, come” and the like. For them, education = diploma, which is fundamentally wrong. The question is not at all that it is difficult to find a job without a diploma, the question is that you don’t need to go to university for a diploma.

“Mark Zuckerberg dropped out and became successful”

Mark Zuckerberg never dropped out of school, and neither did Bill Gates. Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison and others. They all abandoned systemic (classical) education in favor of self-education and very hard work. And 17-year-old me didn’t realize this at all. I was in illusions about the ease and coolness of entrepreneurship, about the uselessness of education (namely education, not a diploma), I wanted to go against the system and become a millionaire at the age of 20. But, no matter how trivial it may be, not every person is an entrepreneur. The essence of entrepreneurship is not only to generate cool ideas, but also to be able to implement them, and therefore to be able to take serious risks. Refusal of classical education is one of these risks. The thing about people like Mark Zuckerberg is that their self-education and talent allowed them to quickly get a cool result that took them out of classical system determining the value of personnel. They had cases that were orders of magnitude more valuable than diplomas from MIT and other “top” universities. Do you have absolute confidence that you can quickly create such cases? And to be honest?

Classical education or self-education

The most important advantage of classical education is the long-established system of motivation through tests, exams, coursework and other certifications. You find yourself in a system that constantly puts pressure on you and forces you to study. This is why students don’t like studying, but also what makes them study in principle. In the case of self-education, there will be no such system, which is the most important risk of abandoning classical education, which must be recognized. I know many examples of people who dropped out of universities and degenerated very quickly. Not because they are stupid or bad people, but because they did not have enough of their own will and interest to engage in self-education. In addition, at the age of 17, you most likely are not able to properly organize your own education in terms of the completeness, relevance and necessity of the knowledge acquired, at a time when classical education, although it gives a lot of unnecessary things, at the same time gives really a lot necessary.

Do I have enough motivation to develop?

For a long time I had no interest in studying, I was always lazy and studied with grades of three or four. After my second year of study at MEPhI, I realized that I was doing the wrong thing and transferred to a commercial, non-prestigious university, where I formally continued my path to obtaining a diploma, but in reality I concentrated on “work.” Moreover, I soon found a “dream job”, where I was paid a very good salary, and where I had to do practically nothing. After a year and a half, I realized that, to put it mildly, I had become stupid. I fell behind the trends, lost my competencies, my brain, not loaded with new tasks, atrophied, I stopped engaging in education, in short, I fell behind and fell behind very much. I measured my worth by the salary I received, not realizing that I was losing my real value day by day. The only thing that brought me out of this whirlpool was that I radically changed the direction of my work and “caught the wave” - I began to get real pleasure from my activities, which is why my laziness disappeared both in terms of work and in terms of education. I have shaken up my brain again, I have gained and continue to gain the necessary competencies and experience. I went to get a second higher education for the sake of education, and not for the sake of a diploma. I began to understand what exactly I wanted to study. I'm already thinking about where I will study next. In other words, you will only get real motivation at the moment when you find something you really want to do. Then you will begin to understand what exactly you need to study in order to achieve greater success in your business. But all this rarely happens at 17 years old, so what you see as your future now may not be what you want in 3-5 years.

Three main assets

What creates real value for you is: developed brains, accumulated knowledge and accumulated experience. Do everything to systematically pump up these assets. It doesn’t matter how you do it: studying at a university, reading books, participating in thematic parties, working for your uncle or for yourself. If you are absolutely sure that you know how to pump up all three assets without a classical education, how to stand on your feet (earn money), and are confident that your own motivation will be enough and that you understand exactly what you are going for and how you are going - go for it. But don’t have your head in the clouds, remember that you are building your life and someone else’s examples or advice should not be decisive in this. Be aware of all the risks and disadvantages of this approach. And yes, if you refuse classical education, still get a formal diploma; universities are a dime a dozen, it’s not difficult to do this without interrupting your other activities. The “crust” will not create additional value for you, but it is still needed. The rules are like this.

Tags: higher education, university, diploma, self-education, motivation

The answer to the question “Is education necessary?” depends on what meaning a person puts into this word. If we're talking about about a document confirming graduation from an educational institution, then in some cases you can do without it. The diploma itself does not give anything and should not be an end in itself. But if by education we mean the acquisition and improvement of knowledge, expansion of one’s horizons and professional skills, then it is necessary for the development of a person as an individual.

General education

Education is a set of knowledge, skills and abilities that a person acquires at different periods of his life. The educational process begins in childhood and can continue throughout life. You can acquire knowledge in educational institutions with the help of teachers or engage in self-education. The right to education is enshrined in the Constitution, the European Convention on Human Rights and other legal acts.

TO general education programs relate:

  1. Preschool education programs. small children, if it is not mandatory? Preschool education lays the foundation for the child’s intellectual and physical development. If parents for some reason cannot or do not want to take their child to the nursery preschool, they must engage in its education on their own.
  2. General education programs. General education also called school or secondary education. Without a certificate of secondary education, it is impossible to continue studying at a technical or higher educational institution, and therefore obtain a specialty. besides receiving the document? School not only provides basic knowledge in various subjects, but teaches discipline, adaptation in society, and develops character.
  3. Higher education programs. everyone? Of course not, since not every person aspires to become a civil servant, office worker or leader. Many build their lives differently, and for this they only need the knowledge gained at school, or after completing specialized courses, in the process of self-education. Although for a person with a higher education diploma, more prospects and opportunities open up.


Self-education is a kind of superstructure over the foundation of basic knowledge acquired at school or institute. The self-study program consists only of required material in accordance with the interests and needs of a particular person.

Independent acquisition of additional knowledge, mastery of skills and abilities provides complete freedom to choose sources of information, as well as the amount of time spent. This is the beauty of this type of education.

Functions of education and its value for society

Education as a part of social culture performs several interrelated functions:

  1. Reproduction function. It consists of the reproduction of culture in new generations on the basis of professional experience, achievements of science and art, spiritual and cultural values. Education creates a sense of responsibility to future generations for the preservation and enrichment of cultural heritage.
  2. Development function. Implies the development of individual human personalities and society as a whole. Education helps young people to join the life of society, integrate into the social system, become a full-fledged citizen of the country, and achieve success in society. Education influences social status human, provides mobility, promotes self-affirmation.

The potential of any state and its prospects further development directly depend on the level of moral, economic and cultural spheres. Education is a fundamental factor in interaction between members of society and the attractiveness of the country as a whole.

The importance of education for a person

Speaking about the benefits of education for society, it is impossible to underestimate its importance directly for each individual. In the modern world, education is one of the main value orientations in society. Education means not only the acquisition of professional knowledge and skills, but also personal development. An educated person has a number of advantages:

  • freedom and independence;
  • stability of existence;
  • universalism (the need for harmony, justice, tolerance);
  • success in society, social approval;
  • power, respectful attitude of others.

Currently, education is not a priority for a select few, but is available to everyone. Therefore, each of us is the arbiter of our own destiny.

Is higher education necessary to achieve success and material wealth? Today this question can already be classified as rhetorical. The employer requires a diploma of higher education; already from elementary school, teachers and parents talk about the importance of studying at a university. At the same time, everyone knows that a diploma does not at all guarantee employment in a good position, and there are plenty of ways for self-realization and professional growth in the modern world even without it. In addition, everyone has many successful and decently earning acquaintances without education. Maybe then it’s not worth spending priceless years of youth and significant funds to obtain the coveted diploma?

Some statistics

An analysis of a survey conducted among Russians suggests that higher education is valued quite highly today. Thus, as many as 74% of respondents are confident in the need for it. At the same time, 24% consider early employment of young people a priority.

About 67% of Russians are ready to spend heavily on the education of their children and grandchildren. Moreover, only 57% of older people agree to save for the future of their offspring.

Young people, on the contrary, are more determined – as many as 80% are firmly convinced of the benefits of education.
It is interesting that obtaining a higher education in the eyes of the majority of respondents is not only an opportunity for material well-being, but also a path to self-improvement. This suggests that our population considers spiritual growth and human development important.

Why against

Among those same 26% of people surveyed who are skeptical about higher education, many cite the following arguments.

  • Price

It’s good if the graduate is on a budget and does not pay tuition, otherwise the family will face serious costs.

  • Time

Why do you need a higher education if you can go straight to work? Anyone young man I want to start earning money and gain independence from my parents as early as possible, and not wait 4-5 years, struggling with textbooks.

  • Irrationality of education

Higher education involves studying many unnecessary and uninteresting subjects that will never be useful in the future.

  • Number of universities

Nowadays, the number of so-called commercial institutions has increased. Low passing scores correspond to the quality of teaching. The qualifications of teachers in such institutions also leave much to be desired.

  • Lack of practical skills of graduates

Unlike technical schools and colleges that provide working specialties, a university provides only theoretical knowledge in the field of profession.

  • No guarantees

No one can say with complete confidence that having received the long-awaited diploma, they will be able to get a prestigious job in their specialty.
At first glance, it is difficult to disagree with many statements, because the university really does not provide any working specialty, does not teach how to make money or build own business. But why then are so many students sitting in classes, taking coursework, tests, laboratory and theses? Maybe, in fact, the race for higher education takes away an extra 4-5 years of youth, after which you will have to go to a lower position and earn pennies, instead of going to work right away and becoming rich and successful.

Of course - for

Naturally, among those who have not graduated from universities there are many people who have achieved success in every sense, so there is no point in saying that having a higher education is absolutely necessary. However, there are many serious reasons to still enroll in a university.

  • Developing intuition

A university is not needed for a student to store formulas, constants and theorems in his head. He must teach to think, understand and not be afraid of completely new tasks and extreme situations. A person with a higher education receives certain skills and a map of such human knowledge that allows him to intuitively accept correct solution. This is the true value of higher education, and not the presence of encyclopedic erudition.

  • Always in good shape

The young graduate has a flexible and powerful brain that is capable of learning quickly. This session clearly proves this! But education is also very useful for older people. By mastering new information, a person forces the brain to work and prevents it from aging. In fact, educated and well-read people do not lose mental clarity and have excellent memory.

  • Connections

Study time is a great opportunity to acquire useful contacts, which we cannot do without in our time.

  • Changing career path

Anything can happen in life. Often, even if you have a decent job, you won’t be able to get a job without a specialized higher education.

  • "Educated" is a priority

Any manager, when hiring an employee, prepares for the fact that he will have to be trained and retrained, introduced to the realities of a particular enterprise. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a red-diploma student or just a smart person. However, the “crust” will still be a big plus in favor of the applicant.

  • "Walk while you're young"

Student years are the most vivid impressions and memories. They will last a lifetime. This is the time when young people not only learn to be independent, but also fall in love, go out, have fun, and create strong friendships. There is simply no point in missing out on all this!

Many, after receiving an education, do not stop there and continue to develop and improve themselves throughout their lives. Such people often become successful. The main thing here is that education becomes a means and not an end in itself. If a person doesn’t want to learn, why force him? Maybe someone likes the work of a welder, then he should go to a vocational school, where he will be taught the craft and given a decent and high paying job. And for those who dream of acting, it is better to listen to their heart and boldly comprehend the basics of art. Otherwise it's unlikely to work out good specialist in another area. How often can you meet those who have studied for 5 years at the institute for a specialty that is uninteresting to them, but do not want to work, and cannot!

You can’t become a dropout either the best option. Such a person cannot be trusted. What employer would want to have an employee who is not used to getting things done?
Therefore, most often the most successful students are those who:

  • choose a profession based on the call of their hearts, and not on parental insistence;
  • receive education purposefully, consciously, clearly imagining themselves in professional activities;
  • do not deviate from their goals and improve their education even when employed.

Who needs your higher education diploma

Often in our time, job advertisements contain a requirement for a higher education.

It is understandable when we are talking about specialists such as doctors, teachers, engineers, lawyers, etc. But why would an employer have a sales consultant with an education, or a secretary, or even a security guard?

Often he wants to be sure that he is hiring a person who, at a minimum, knows how to communicate with people and behave within the bounds of decency. And he hardly needs the crust itself.

This is easy to check by phone. All you have to do is call the ad and ask if you need a higher education diploma. Most likely, you will be told that it is desirable, but not required.
Psychology will explain everything here. By asking the right question, you will show yourself as a competent and intelligent person who sincerely does not understand how a higher education can be useful in the performance of work duties.

But why then are such requirements presented to applicants? Most often, this is necessary in order to scare away unwanted people who want to apply for a vacant position.

Employer's opinion

To make it easier to understand the employer’s motives, it is enough to listen to the opinion of one of them.
Elena, who is the head of a department at one of the large companies in Moscow, has had to select personnel more than once: “There are professional areas in which you cannot do without higher education in any case - doctors, engineers, teachers... Trade does not require a “tower”, but When selecting employees for my department, I give preference to certified candidates. Why? As an employer, I need, first of all, literate people who can communicate and think. Without education, I’m ready to hire only a person with “bright eyes” and experience.”
Employers are confident that a person who has graduated from a university is able to work, has a broad outlook and knows how to analyze information.

What kind of education to have - everyone decides for himself. And even if it is not an extreme necessity or a guarantee of success in life, but with it comes a career path and life path may become much easier.