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» DIY built-in wardrobe made from various materials. Making a built-in wardrobe with your own hands, useful tips Making a built-in wardrobe with your own hands

DIY built-in wardrobe made from various materials. Making a built-in wardrobe with your own hands, useful tips Making a built-in wardrobe with your own hands

The problem of lack of free space is familiar to everyone. A lot of things, all of which are important and necessary from the point of view of the owners, are usually found in closets that take up a lot of space in small apartments.
Where can we find a way out of this situation? The solution is simple - install a wardrobe, and the appearance of your home will completely change. How to make, build and assemble a built-in wardrobe with your own hands? Do you want a built-in dressing room, hallway or bedroom? This article will help you do it yourself.

The problem of lack of free space is familiar to everyone. Where can we find a way out of this situation? The solution is simple - install a wardrobe, and the appearance of your home will completely change.

What are the benefits of built-in wardrobes (in the hallway or bedroom)?

  • most often it is installed in a niche of the room, thus saving precious centimeters of living space (this is very important, especially if the apartment is small);
  • Due to its design, it can accommodate a large number of things. It is much more spacious than ordinary bulky cabinets;
  • The main component of such a closet is sliding doors. Thanks to them, the wardrobe can stand very close to the sofa and there will never be any discomfort when opening and closing the doors;
  • has a wonderful appearance. Depending on personal preferences, this type of furniture can be made truly unique: it is decorated with mirrors, drawings, etc.;
  • often performs by zoning the area of ​​the room;
  • there is no empty space between it and the wall, which is usually an additional dust collector;
  • Safes, sockets and switches are often placed inside it, without spoiling the appearance of the walls of the apartment.

When deciding to have such a miracle at home, it is better to make a wardrobe yourself, because the cost of it in the store will not be affordable for everyone (from 13,000 to 300,000 rubles).

What type of wardrobe is better to choose?

Depending on the presence or absence of cabinet walls, this type of furniture has several types. Complete absence of side walls, top and bottom. They are completely replaced by the walls, floor and ceiling of the room (read how to properly plaster a ceiling). The shelves in such a cabinet are attached directly to the walls.

Let's consider features of this model:

  • the costs of manufacturing such furniture are minimal, because you only need to purchase chipboard for shelves;
  • have a large internal volume.

Among the disadvantages, it should only be noted that such a built-in wardrobe model is considered absolutely non-transportable. It will not be possible to move her to any other apartment.

  • Partial or complete presence of walls. The total cost of such a cabinet will be slightly higher than that of the previously reviewed models. However, they have one significant advantage - the ability to transport and install in another place (sometimes used as ordinary cabinets).

All types of built-in wardrobes can have doors or be without them. It depends on the personal preferences of each individual person.

Secrets to choosing the right height and width

Width of built-in wardrobe depends on the size of the niche in which it will be located. When deciding how many doors you will need (their maximum width is 90 cm), special attention should be paid to the guides along which the wheels will move. Their size does not exceed 4 m or 5 m (this depends on the manufacturer).

If the width of the recess in the wall is greater, then a chipboard partition will have to be installed between the guides. This must be done because metal joints will quickly deteriorate the condition of the door wheels.

Visually, it will never be noticeable that the cabinet consists of several parts. Everyone will close the sliding doors.

The smallest width of such furniture should not be less than 100 cm. This is explained by the fact that doors that are too narrow do not have good stability. If you still cannot do without a small wardrobe, you need to think about replacing the wheels in the guides with hinged mechanisms.

The height of the built-in wardrobe depends on whether there is a suspended ceiling in the room or not. Depending on this condition, this type of furniture has some varieties.

Height depends on the height of the niche:

  • if it is small (up to 200 cm), then it will not be possible to make the furniture different;
  • in the case when the height of the room is within 280 cm, then the cabinet is made up to the ceiling, because the traditional size of chipboard sheets is 278 cm;
  • if you need to make the cabinet tall, then place a mezzanine on its upper part or extend the side walls of the entire structure. The mezzanine has its own doors with individual guides.
  • The maximum height should not exceed 4 m.

In addition, the height of the built-in wardrobe depends on whether or not there is a suspended ceiling in the room (read how to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks). Depending on this condition, this type of furniture has several varieties:

  • if the cabinet has a wooden top cover that is not screwed to the ceiling and the distance between them is within a few centimeters, the product is made up to the ceiling;
  • in some cases, the top furniture rail can be mounted directly to the ceiling. This can be done if you screw a wooden beam onto a concrete base before installing the stretch ceiling. The cabinet guide is screwed directly to it with self-tapping screws. In this case, there will not be the slightest gap between the furniture and the ceiling;
  • the furniture does not reach the ceiling, but the intermediate distance is covered with a decorative wooden or plastic strip;
  • built-in wardrobe below the ceiling 50 cm or more. In this case, the gap is not closed by a mezzanine.

Step-by-step guide: making a built-in wardrobe

Preparatory stage

First of all, you need to take care of the condition of the niche in which the future structure will be located. To do this, it is cleaned of old finishing materials and the surface is well leveled (find out about this).

If the wardrobe does not have walls at all, then the surface of the recess in the wall can be painted in any color or covered with new wallpaper.

In the case where the furniture is mounted with side, top, bottom and rear walls, the niche must be absolutely flat. You can check this using plumb lines and levels. It is also necessary to measure the diagonals of the recess: from the upper right corner to the lower left and vice versa.

They must be absolutely the same. Cement mortar or plaster will help correct all errors. This is done in order to avoid distortions in the wardrobe.

After completing all preparatory work, it is necessary to perform drawing of the future cabinet. In this case, be sure to take into account the number, size and location of shelves. Only in this case will it be possible to make it truly convenient for all family members.

Having determined the width of the built-in wardrobe, you need to mark the places where the guides will be attached along which the sliding doors will move.

Then the materials are selected. It is necessary to think about what the doors will be made of. If they are of poor quality, there is a possibility that they will be difficult to open. Preference should be given to laminated chipboard with a thickness of 0.8 cm.

Its average cost is 190 rubles. for 1 m2. When calculating the width of the required canvas, remember that one part must overlap the other by at least 50 mm.

You can also use glass doors, but their cost starts from 20,000 rubles. They are really durable because they are made from very strong, thick glass.

It is possible to prevent cracking of such material by covering it with a special reinforcing film. It will not be possible to install rollers on this type of sliding door without the help of a professional.

The assembly process can only begin when all visible parts of the chipboard have a beautiful edge.

Required Tools for assembly:

  • drill;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • construction corner;
  • hex wrench;
  • pencil.

Preparing the walls

Assemble the entire structure. If there are shelves, make sure that they do not extend beyond the cabinet.

  • Using a tape measure and a pencil, make markings along which the cabinet will be assembled;
  • put marks for shelves;
  • on all planes make holes through with an 8 mm drill, at the ends with a 5 mm drill (the depth should not exceed 0.6 cm);
  • assemble the entire structure. If there are shelves, make sure that they do not extend beyond the cabinet (this will interfere with the doors);
  • insert stoppers for canvases into the lower guide;
  • screw the upper and lower guides to the niche with self-tapping screws (parallel to each other);
  • for the stability of the canvases, screw at least two rollers on top and bottom;
  • insert the doors into the guides.

If there is no additional wardrobe, it is inserted into a recess in the wall and leveled using a level. You can screw furniture to the walls using dowels and screws.

Installation of a built-in wardrobe

For reliability, the structure is attached to the niche with dowels and screws.

  • make markings on the wall (location of shelves);
  • screw the metal corners to the walls with self-tapping screws (this is the base for the shelves);
  • secure the shelves to the corners;
  • connect the lower, upper and side parts to each other;
  • for reliability, the structure is attached to the niche with dowels and screws;
  • install guides to the lid and bottom of the cabinet;
  • Attach the rollers to the doors and insert them into the guides.

Sometimes after installing the doors, a small gap appears between her and the wall. A hexagon will help fix this. They need to tighten the bolt that secures the lower rollers.

How can you tell if a wardrobe is assembled correctly?

The following indicators will help determine this:

  • Complete absence of gaps between the doors and the wall.
  • The door leaves move freely along the guides.
  • All drawers (if any) open freely.
  • The canvases have an overlap.
  • The gap between the rod for hanging things on it (if there is one) and the back wall of the cabinet (or niche) should be at least 23 cm.

Having made a drawing and diagram of the cabinet and ordered materials, you can, of course, entrust the assembly work to a professional. However, you need to take into account that the cost of his services will cost approximately 3500-9000 rubles.

That is why, if you invite an assistant home, you can install the entire structure, the frame for the built-in wardrobe, yourself. The main thing is to maintain all the verticals and horizontals already at the initial stages, which will ensure the correct position of the entire built-in wardrobe and the excellent operation of its doors.

Video instruction

A built-in wardrobe can be installed in a bedroom or hallway, in a one-room apartment or a luxurious country house with a large area. These interior items are both extremely functional and modernly stylish; they fit into any interior. You can point out their main advantages:

  • Such furniture, with excellent capacity, occupies a minimum of free space in the house;
  • you can place all family wardrobe items in one place and get rid of excess furniture for clothes;
  • thanks to sliding doors, they do not require free space to open them;
  • doors on guides are safe, especially if there are children in the house, they will not pinch fingers like swing systems;
  • you can hang a large mirror on the outside;
  • sliding wardrobes have a modern fashionable design.

You can order a ready-made model of built-in wardrobes with installation services, assemble the structure yourself from factory parts, or completely manufacture the entire wardrobe yourself.

How to make a built-in corner cabinet with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

In order to do all the work correctly yourself, you must first decide on the location of the future wardrobe, taking into account the space for it, draw up drawings and diagrams detailing the external walls, ceilings, shelves, drawers and hanging rods with their dimensions. Then choose the materials and type of doors with a sliding mechanism and guides. When all the tools and materials are available, it is useful to create a description of the work, where all stages of manufacturing built-in furniture are indicated step by step.

The necessary materials and tools for building a wardrobe are as follows:

  • raw materials for the body, walls, shelves and doors (wood, lining, plasterboard, laminate, MDF, fiberboard);
  • metal guides;
  • rollers for doors;
  • fastening elements: bolts, screws, self-tapping screws, angles, brackets, profiles;
  • magnetic latches and stoppers for fixation;
  • soft dust collector;
  • building level;
  • roulette;
  • drill, screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver;
  • a hacksaw for sawing wooden materials or a knife for cutting plasterboard parts;
  • hexagon;
  • metal scissors or an angle grinder (grinder) with metal discs.

Natural wood is a traditional material for making furniture, which is now also prestigious. For sliding wardrobes, you should select straight-layer sheets without knots, cracks or chips, seasoned and treated with drying oil or emulsion. Wood is the purest natural material, which is durable and magnificent in appearance. But the disadvantages of a wardrobe include its heavy weight, high cost and exposure to moisture, which is important for the room where outerwear is stored.

Wood lining is a less durable material and requires fastening its individual boards. This can be done using PVA glue, joining tongues and grooves. This material is rarely used to create sliding wardrobes, mainly for models built into a niche.

Drywall is easy to process, easy to attach and is protected from moisture. But in itself it is very fragile, and under heavy weight it sags over time. But if you make a rigid frame from metal ribs and plasterboard sheets, you can get a reliable and durable structure. It is used to create internal shelves, niches and partitions in wardrobes due to ease of installation and low cost compared to wood and laminated boards. But sliding doors are not made from plasterboard, since it will crack if the doors are slammed shut regularly.

Laminate, MDF and fiberboard are considered by many to be the most successful materials for the production of sliding wardrobes. They are durable, easy to process, and protected from moisture thanks to the special microstructure of the wood and moisture-resistant components added to the fibers. The laminated surface has a smooth, shiny appearance in any color and can be washed with a damp cloth. To produce such furniture, medium- and high-density fiberboard is used, which is less susceptible to mechanical damage and deformation.

The location should be chosen based on the area of ​​the apartment and the number of things stored. The easiest way is to build a wardrobe into a niche in the hallway, which is available in most apartments with a standard layout. Usually, from the moment of housewarming, they are equipped with hinged doors that can be easily dismantled. Three walls are already ready and all that remains is to equip the place with a system of guide rails and sliding doors.

A similar option can be used with a full-wall niche, using existing ceilings in any room. They will serve as three walls of the closet, the fourth with moving doors will have to be installed independently. Such models can be installed in the bedroom, nursery, or living room. The advantage is that all items of clothing are at hand in the living room, but the disadvantage is that such a design takes away the usable area of ​​the room.

In small apartments, to save room space, you can install a corner wardrobe yourself. In profile it will have a triangular shape, two existing walls of the room and a third being built - with a sliding door. Due to the small dimensions, only one leaf can be used. If the space of the living room allows, then many build a corner version of a rectangular shape. It already has 2 of its own walls, more internal space where you can place rods with hangers, drawers and shelving.

The finished model is a cabinet wardrobe with 4 walls. It can be placed across the room, then it will divide the room, performing the function of zoning. And if you place it close to the wall, then your clothes will have additional protection from cold and dampness.

In a country house, it is possible to equip a wardrobe in the attic, if the attic space is insulated, protected from moisture, and has a fine finish. There are two options for placing an external wall with sliding doors: along the inclined floors or across them. In any case, you cannot do without non-standard parts with beveled corners. This will complicate the assembly work, but will allow you to create an original interior and provide more free space on the 1st floor.

The assembly of the structure begins with the installation of the base. If it has adjustable legs, then you need to use them to create a horizontal level of the lower ceiling. The disadvantage of this design is that the lower part of the cabinet rises several centimeters above the floor, and dust penetrates into the voids. Next, you need to assemble the vertical stiffening ribs of the structure, attaching them to the base; their correct position determines the entire stability of the cabinet. After this, transverse ceilings, shelves and rods are installed. The thin rear wall is screwed or nailed to a ready-made rigid frame.

Then we assemble the sliding sash system. The bottom rail is installed first. It is not secured completely; first you need to insert it and try on the roller wheels from the door. Then the position of the upper rail is marked on them. Both tracks are attached to the body, the door on rollers is inserted inside and adjusted using the hex head screw at the bottom of the end. It is necessary that it moves freely along the guides without much effort. Then a duster brush is attached to the bottom of the sash, and fixing stops are attached to the side.

Lighting for a wardrobe is best selected from LED spotlights. They create an even and flicker-free light, are trouble-free and last much longer than conventional incandescent lamps. They consume low power, which saves energy, do not emit much heat, so the surrounding surface does not deteriorate under their influence.

If all the parts of the cabinet body are made independently, then for the upper part you can provide a special protrusion that extends beyond the plane of the folding doors. Round holes are cut out in it and lamps are mounted there in a row; 3-4 lamps are enough for 1 meter of length. This creates a modern and stylish design, and the inside of the cabinet will be effectively lit. This method requires additional wiring from the household network, but you can simplify the task by using battery-powered pendant lights. Lighting can also be installed in a cabinet niche, making it easier to navigate inside; touch sensors can be built in to save electricity or battery charge.

Facade decoration is most often done using a mirror. This is the most practical option for furniture that serves as a wardrobe. Since large full-length mirrors have a lot of weight, the design of sliding doors should be as strong as possible. It is worth choosing high-density MDF and chipboard or dense types of wood as materials; lining will not work. The facade of sliding wardrobes can be made of various decorative materials: colored plastic, transparent or translucent PVC, laminated plywood or light organic glass. The strength of facade materials is not important, since the internal stiffeners take the entire load.

The filling of the wardrobe should be carried out in accordance with your needs and the wealth of your personal wardrobe. But regardless of the amount of clothing, the standard model of such furniture should contain the following elements:

  • horizontal rods for hanging suits, coats, jackets, raincoats, jackets, shirts;
  • pull-out trouser bars;
  • closed and open shelves for small accessories;
  • drawers for underwear, T-shirts, knitwear, bedding;
  • lower shelves for shoes.

If the wardrobe has small dimensions, for example 3 doors in length, then you can install one longitudinal rod at 2/3 level, where you can hang all outerwear on hangers. Use the rest for drawers, and leave some space on top for open shelving. At the bottom, you can organize a full-length shoe compartment, which is separated from the main space by a horizontal shelf.

In more spacious models of wardrobes - the entire wall of the bedroom or large corner ones, you can make several rows of shelving, separate horizontal rods for summer and winter clothes, a compartment for trousers and open shelves at full height. You can even find a place for an interior mirror and try on outfits in front of it. Then the built-in wardrobe can turn into a full-fledged isolated dressing room.

Cost of work

Prices for materials depend on the specific region and suppliers. The most expensive raw material for the manufacture of sliding wardrobes is natural wood, especially elite varieties, aged for several years and treated with reinforcing compounds. Lower in cost are laminated MDF and chipboard, then high-quality polished lining. Moisture-resistant plasterboard is considered the cheapest, but it must be taken into account that it requires metal profiles in sufficient quantities, and the door will have to be made of other materials. In addition, you need to take into account the costs of fasteners, aluminum guides, rollers and stoppers.

In this article we will talk about how to make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions will help you understand the nuances and do everything right the first time.

Let's start with the fact that many people make the mistake of comparing a wardrobe with an integrated one. The doors of the built-in wardrobes open depending on the selected technology. If they open exclusively using a roller system, then it can safely be called a coupe.

Before making a cabinet

If you cannot classify yourself as an experienced craftsman who has been practicing for a long time in the production and installation of sliding wardrobes, then we advise you to start with a less complex model - a rectangular one.

Perhaps you are interested in radius cabinets? They look interesting, but you will have difficulties in manufacturing and installing the outer surface. Even a craftsman with experience in furniture making should not undertake the assembly of such a structure alone.

Where to place it? The easiest way is to place the cabinet in a closet or in a niche. This option simplifies your task: the tire, bottom and all the walls will already be there, all that remains is to install the doors and make the internal filling. A significant advantage in saving materials and minimal time consumption.

Select the contents of the wardrobe. How will clothes be distributed in the closet? Outerwear, for example, should be hung near the door so that moisture from it does not touch other things. Think through each drawer - the design of the furniture depends on it.

Cabinet materials

Choose what the structure will be made of. There is no need to save, as the reliability and appearance of the furniture depend on the material. For example, wood. It is not suitable for installation in a niche, because the humidity there is higher than in the room. The tree will begin to warp, lose its texture and even its shape. But! If you treat the wood with a protective material (drying oil, water-polymer clay), there will be no problems.

But what raw material is not worth purchasing is drywall. Not only is it quite weighty and fragile, it is also unreliable. It is impossible to make a durable structure from it. In addition, you must first build a strong base and only then attach the drywall.

The ideal option for a wardrobe is still chipboard, as well as MDF and laminate. They are all durable and high quality. They are lightweight and moisture resistant in operation. If you choose laminated chipboard, then its thickness should be at least 0.8 cm. Its average cost varies from 190 rubles per square meter.

If desired, you can use glass doors; their prices start from 20,000 rubles. They are made of durable glass, therefore they are reliable, and the formation of cracks can be prevented due to a durable reinforcing film. By the way, you won’t be able to install rollers on such doors yourself; you will need the help of a professional.

Drawings and diagrams of a built-in wardrobe

Having drawn the finished cabinet plan, make calculations. Double-check them to avoid mistakes in the future.

It’s not difficult to choose the number and dimensions of doors, but remember the standards:

  • The width of the doors is no more than 60 - 70 cm, otherwise misalignment may occur, since the leaf is very heavy, it will put pressure on the rollers, and the door itself cannot be closed without effort.
  • The overlap of the doors should be no more than 5 - 7 cm. With more overlap, folding things will become more difficult.
  • When planning the doors, keep in mind that about 5 cm will be taken away by the side profiles.

There are three main ways to hang doors:

  • Top rail is not very popular even though all the weight falls on the ceiling. As a result, the door may fall into the closet if it is pushed harder.
  • Monorail is an individual guide for each door. In this case, each carriage contains two pairs of rollers.
  • Bottom rail - the most common due to its simplicity, practicality and relatively low cost. The doors do not interfere with each other's movement and do not come out of the guides. Although the system itself has small errors: since the entire mass of the web is on the rollers, choose the highest quality ones.

Preparatory stage

After ready-made drawings and calculations, start with a niche. Its surface must be cleaned, getting rid of the old finish and leveled with putty.

If according to the design the cabinet does not have walls, then the niche can be painted in any color or covered with wallpaper. If the furniture will be installed with top, bottom, back and side walls, then the niche must be absolutely flat. A plumb line or level will help make sure of this.

Measure the diagonal of the recess: first from the upper right corner to the lower left, and then vice versa. As a result, they should be the same. If errors are nevertheless identified, they can be corrected using cement or plaster. Getting rid of unevenness is necessary to avoid distortions in the wardrobe.

So, the preparatory work is completed, it’s time to take on the drawing. Make marks in the places where the guides are secured along which the doors will move.

We prepare the walls and install

  1. Draw the markings along which the cabinet will be assembled using a pencil and tape measure.
  2. Label the shelves.
  3. Use an 8 mm drill to make through holes on all planes, and use a 5 mm drill to make through holes at the ends (the depth should not exceed 6 mm).
  4. Assemble the entire structure. You need to make sure that the shelves do not extend beyond the cabinet, otherwise they will create a hindrance.
  5. Place the blade stoppers in the lower guides.
  6. Screw the lower and upper guides parallel to each other using self-tapping screws.
  7. Screw two rollers on the bottom and top.
  8. Install the doors into the tracks.

If after installation there is a gap between the door and the wall, fix it with a hexagon. Just tighten the bolt that secures the lower rollers.

How to check quality

Do you doubt whether the wardrobe is assembled correctly? Several quality indicators will help dispel doubts:

  • there should be no gaps between the wall and the doors;
  • door leaves follow the guides freely;
  • drawers open easily;
  • the canvases overlap each other;
  • the distance between the rod for hanging clothes and the back of the closet (or niche) is at least 23 cm.

Now you know how to make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands. The step-by-step instructions are clear even to novice craftsmen, but if you still have questions, feel free to ask us in the comments.

If you have a small-sized apartment, where there is not enough free space to place things and wardrobe items, you should make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands, you can remake niches or openings in the walls in a Khrushchev-era building, or equip an attic for a dressing room. This will save space, which is not enough, and money. Of course, this task is quite labor-intensive, but with proper preparation, you can create or remodel a truly convenient built-in structure.

When making a built-in wardrobe with your own hands, the first thing you need to think about is drawing up a diagram and calculating the required materials. All the nuances should be taken into account in the calculation so that the use of finished furniture is as efficient as possible. It is worth considering where cabinets, shelves, hangers and other elements will be located for convenient use of the closet. An important advantage of a built-in wardrobe for owners of Khrushchev is the ability to build it “for yourself” in order to make maximum use of all the free space with cabinets, select the optimal sizes of shelves, and choose the location of all elements.

It would be better if rods for trampolines are built closer to the ceiling, this will allow you to make good use of the cabinet space at the top. Sufficient distance between shelves for clothes is up to 40 cm. If you plan to build in a TV, stereo system or other equipment in the future, you should allocate space. If you are making built-in kitchen furniture, think about the oven in advance. It will require a special place.

It is imperative to make drawings that clearly show how the built-in furniture will look. If you do not have the proper experience in drawing them up, you can find ready-made projects for calculations and manufacturing of built-in structures with the drawings below. It shows in detail how to make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands in a Khrushchev-era apartment, and also experts who understand cabinets or home craftsmen who have already made calculations before when they built a kitchen for a new oven in the country with their own hands or made a corner cabinet with their own hands give useful advice. There will also be photos of finished converted projects. You can take the help of computer programs to design a built-in cabinet with all the smallest details and diagrams.

Important design features:

  • Depending on whether the walls and ceiling are smooth in the place where the cabinet is planned to be built, the scope of further work is determined. It is necessary to eliminate all surface irregularities so that the structure is stable and does not collapse;
  • all fittings must be the same style and color, located at the same distance from each other;
  • Avoid using panels that are too long. They are quite difficult to install and may sag over time;
  • Much attention should be paid to the floor. Its surface must be smooth and hard. Parquet or linoleum will not be able to support furniture that is too heavy, and the laminate will move in waves;
  • When installing all the elements, it is necessary to take into account that large wooden parts will expand by a couple of millimeters due to exposure to moisture, so you should leave small gaps between them.

If you plan to add glass or mirror elements to the attic closet, it is better to use a special protective coating. It will help protect parts from scratches during use.

Material selection

The material plays an important role when we are planning the manufacture of a wardrobe or remodeling kitchen furniture for a new oven. Indicators such as the strength and durability of the built-in structure are taken into account. The most popular are wood, plasterboard, and wood-containing boards. The pros and cons of each material are shown in the table.

Material Advantages Flaws
Solid wood
  • has an attractive appearance, high strength;
  • with proper care it will withstand a long service life;
  • suitable for any interior.
  • not suitable if you want to build a cabinet into a niche, since the humidity in the niche is too high. This will cause the built-in furniture to lose its shape very quickly;
  • wood processing requires a certain tool and the skills to work with it from a home craftsman.
  • the most budget option;
  • easy to work with;
  • you can easily and without any special skills make curved elements and corner structures;
  • fits into any interior.
  • A do-it-yourself plasterboard cabinet is highly fragile and has low strength;
  • requires additional strong support.
Wood-based boards
  • a wide variety of materials, colors and textures;
  • affordable price;
  • high strength;
  • they are not afraid of exposure to moisture, they are easy to work with.
  • It will not be possible to make various figured elements from them.

To avoid the negative consequences of moisture on natural wood, you can treat it with drying oil or a special emulsion.

When choosing a material, you should also take into account in which room the cabinet will be used and under what conditions:

  • a built-in plasterboard cabinet cannot be installed in places with high humidity and significant temperature changes. For example, near the toilet, in the kitchen where the oven is built-in, or in the attic;
  • MDF and chipboard boards are considered a universal option. They are suitable if you are planning to make a closet in the toilet with your own hands in a Khrushchev-era building, where there is always not enough space, they make excellent built-in kitchens where you can install an oven, also an ideal option for a summer house or attic;
  • wood is best used for living rooms or bedrooms. It looks luxurious and presentable in any interior.

If we are talking about a small room in a Khrushchev-era building, you can think about the design of a corner built-in wardrobe. When arranging an attic house, for example, if it is a summer house, the corner location will also be very convenient.


Solid wood

Preparing parts and tools

After you have decided on the design, filling, and materials used, you should look at the diagram again and think about whether you took into account all the nuances before manufacturing. Will you need to add shelves or cabinets, will there be enough space in the closet. Before you begin the construction work itself, you can watch a video about do-it-yourself built-in cabinets, which other home craftsmen have already done. This will help you determine the sequence of upcoming work, the calculation of this or that material and tool.

It is necessary to prepare details for:

  • doors;
  • guides for wheels if the doors will open according to the principle of a sliding wardrobe;
  • rear and side panels, if you will install them;
  • roofs;
  • shelves for clothes and shoes;
  • trempel rods;
  • fasteners.

Elements of the room can be used as back, side panels, and floors if the walls are fairly smooth. This will help significantly reduce material costs. In this regard, new buildings are much more convenient compared to Khrushchev buildings. If there are defects or unevenness on the walls, it is better to use a separate structure that should be attached to the wall. A lighter and thinner material is usually chosen as the back panel, since the back side is not load-bearing.

If we are talking about a wardrobe, it is necessary to lay a durable floor in it so that the structure is level and the parts do not wear out quickly. If the cabinet is built into a wall or in the place where there was a niche, you can leave the floor of the room, but it must be level, covered with a suitable material.

As for tools, you should also take care of them in advance so that the process of building the cabinet does not drag on. To work you will need:

  • level, square;
  • pencil, awl, sharp knife;
  • drill with the necessary drills, screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal.

The set of tools will differ depending on the selected materials, design and location of the cabinet. The preparation of parts should begin with the calculation and cutting of sheets into parts. To do this, you need to draw the necessary elements with a margin of 3-3.5 mm. If you do not have sufficient experience in repairs, working with cutting tools and built-in cabinets, you can order cutting of sheets in a specialized workshop or store. There they will do it quickly, efficiently, strictly according to your sizes. After all the parts are cut into elements, it is necessary to cover the edges with PVC film.

The final preparatory work is the selection of accessories. This includes handles for doors, pull-out shelves, tramples, hooks, “Euro-screws” with plugs.


The sequence of fastening all parts

A built-in wardrobe, made by yourself, allows you to make the most of the available space. If such a possibility exists, elements of the room are used as the bottom, roof, side, and rear walls. It is rarely possible to build a cabinet into a wall without both side walls; this is only possible in a niche or when designing furniture along the entire length of the wall. In any case, this opportunity to save money is worth taking advantage of.

The entire process of assembling the structure can be divided into the following stages:

  • markings are made for future holes for mounting screws. In other words, they transfer the drawing to the wall where the furniture is being designed. This is a very important stage that requires maximum precision;
  • install first the bottom and then the walls of the cabinet;
  • after the main frame has been built in, install the back wall and attach the upper shelves, this will make the built-in structure more rigid;
  • install the roof - even when making a cabinet under the ceiling, you must still leave a gap of at least 7 cm, otherwise you will not be able to fasten the “Euroscrews”. In any case, you won’t be able to use a screwdriver here; you can only tighten the screws with your hands or pliers, and tighten them with a wrench or a “ratchet”;
  • mount the side shelves using “Euroscrews” or corners, 4 pieces for each shelf. Install tramp rods and boxes;
  • The doors are assembled last. Here the sequence of actions depends on the choice of door type - sliding or hinged.

Preparing the installation site and developing a drawing

Preparation and fastening of the frame

Fastening the frame frames of the future cabinet

Drywall cutting

Fastening drywall


Shelf material

Installation of shelves and guides

Door installation

Installing doors is one of the most critical stages in assembling a built-in wardrobe, since it is the doors that represent the façade of the entire structure. When installing swing doors you may encounter the following difficulties:

  • if you did not install side panels, but used the wall of the room instead, it will be very difficult to insert elements for furniture hinges;
  • An additional tool may be required for drilling large blind holes; not every home craftsman has such a router.

If you plan to install sliding doors, then the easiest way is to attach the guides for them using self-tapping screws, and screw the rollers to the doors themselves. If the floors and canvases are fairly smooth, there will be no problems with installation.

Depending on the material from which the door is made, additional cladding may be required. It can be self-adhesive, PVC film, colorless varnish, etc.

Installing sliding wardrobe doors yourself will require maximum attention and accuracy. Often this design is complemented with a mirror cloth for maximum ease of use. First of all, the rear door is installed; for this you will need screws, screws, rollers, corners, and a seal. The running profiles are secured at the top and bottom. Install the profile handle, corners from below on both sides, and running rollers. The fittings for the front door are attached in the same way.

If you plan to install a mirror, you need to apply a seal along the entire length of the profile; if you plan to insert chipboard, no seal is needed. Lastly, the doors themselves are installed in the grooves of the profiles, and the contents of the cabinet are equipped with tremors, baskets and other useful storage elements. Doors should close and open smoothly, without jerking or unnecessary sounds.

If all stages of manufacturing a built-in wardrobe are carried out as accurately and accurately as possible, then repairing built-in wardrobes will not take very long, and the design itself will only bring convenience and will help keep the house tidy. The video will help you better understand how to make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands. Having better studied the process of how the installation occurs, you will not have to redo anything and everything will work out the first time.

Installation of a compartment door

Spacious wardrobes with a convenient sliding door system are not only a decoration for any interior, but also a necessary element in the arrangement of modern housing. There is a large selection of ready-made models with different sizes and configurations. If for some reason a person could not choose a suitable option for himself, you can make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands.

To build a structure yourself, you need to collect a small set of tools, prepare a supply of materials and additional accessories for finishing the structure. Before starting work, you will need to determine the purpose and number of main sections and make the necessary measurements. In addition, you need to choose the design direction, type of lighting, style of decoration and fittings. Assembling a built-in storage system yourself is not as difficult as it seems. You can use step-by-step instructions that describe each stage in detail.

Example of a built-in design drawing

What are sliding wardrobes

A built-in wardrobe involves a special design for storing personal belongings, equipped in a niche. Often there is no back wall, and the main parts are attached to the floor, ceiling, and side walls of the room. The main difference from analogues is the sliding door mechanism. The doors move along guides in both directions. When open, they do not take up any useful living space.

Work order

The wardrobe manufacturing process consists of the following stages:

  • selection of materials;
  • determination of the location and dimensions of the structure;
  • design of door panels;
  • developing a plan and selecting a method for attaching shelves;
  • preparatory finishing work in the niche;
  • drawing up a drawing based on the measurements taken;
  • acquisition of necessary panels, auxiliary equipment, accessories;
  • sawing sheets, forming blank parts;
  • frame assembly, adjustment and installation of all elements;
  • installation of lighting (if necessary);
  • finishing the front side of the cabinet and installing doors.

Assembly master at work

Materials and tools

The development of a drawing of the future cabinet, a list of necessary tools, and an installation diagram depend on the choice of materials.

Wood and lining

The traditional raw material for furniture is wood. Cabinet furniture made from natural wood lasts for many years, looks expensive, and emphasizes the status of the owner of the house.

Expert opinion

Alexander Didenko

Using untreated wooden parts to furnish a niche is not the best choice. Due to the humidity that forms against the background of the temperature difference inside and outside the structure, they can become deformed. To avoid this, it is better to use straight-layer planks made of solid wood and coated with special protective agents.

Unlike wood, lining does not require pre-treatment. Plastic or MDF panels are suitable for compartment construction. The boards are easily joined into grooves and secured with glue. Wood is used to frame the door frames.


Finishing with plasterboard makes it possible to experiment. It is difficult to find a better facing material, but it is not recommended to use it as a base for a frame. The fragile structure of the sheets does not meet the requirements for load-bearing structures. The panels must be attached to a complex system of metal profiles. The finished wardrobe is covered with putty and a layer of decorative cladding. These cabinets are not designed to store heavy items.

Laminate sheets, MDF and fiberboard panels

Planks made of wood chips visually imitate solid wood. There are surfaces with different relief and structure. The protective coating prevents swelling or delamination of the ends of the parts. The fabrics are resistant to mechanical damage. Building a closet is inexpensive. The process itself does not require outside help.

Please note: fiberboard sheets must be of medium or high density.

Necessary equipment

To make a homemade built-in structure, you need special devices and a supply of consumables.

List of tools:

  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • level for geometry control;
  • jigsaw for fitting parts;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • hammer.

You will also need components such as rods for hangers, guides for the movement of doors, and a door mechanism.

Filling the wardrobe

Design and drawing development

Work on the design of the future cabinet begins with planning the contents. After determining the location where the sections will be located, you can begin to calculate and display the measurements on the drawing.

Internal layout plan

When designing, it is customary to adhere to the following rules:

  • it is better to place the section with outerwear on the side so that moisture does not spread around the perimeter;
  • for small accessories you need to allocate a prominent place so that they are always at hand;
  • It is recommended to store clothes, bed linen, and towels on top, since moisture collects within half a meter from the floor and dust rises;
  • To store valuable items, it is necessary to provide several drawers.

Example of interior space

Based on the planning results, it is necessary to determine the minimum width of the shelves. This parameter will be useful at the stage of calculating the valves.

Measurements and drawing

To take measurements correctly, you need to take into account several recommendations. The walls in a niche are rarely even. Errors in uneven finishing of corners are usually invisible, but a difference of even 2 mm is striking.

It is recommended to measure the width at a minimum of three points. The back wall is measured from the top, middle, bottom. Then, using a similar principle, the dimensions of the facade are determined. Height measurements are also taken in three places, separately for the front and rear walls.

Advice. To ensure that the finished structure fits into the niche without gaps, before installation all errors are carefully calculated and allowances for installation are added.

When displaying measurements on a drawing, you need to sum up the thickness of the material with the edge tape, add 10 cm for the sliding door mechanism.

Blanks and accessories

It is better to order sawing into individual parts according to finished sizes from sellers of furniture materials. As a rule, such a service is provided in construction stores and retail suppliers. The advantages of this solution are:

  • availability of equipment that allows sawing large sheets of blanks with millimeter precision;
  • professionals calculate the optimal arrangement of parts in the sheet, which saves material, the remainder is transferred to the buyer;
  • delivery of finished parts is easier than large-sized sheets, the risk of damage during transportation is reduced;
  • sellers can arrange promotions when the service can be much cheaper or even free for large orders of materials, which is a nice bonus.

The ends of the parts are also additionally framed. Edge finishing provides protection of elements from moisture and temperature fluctuations. The edges of the blanks will take on a finished look.

Edging slabs with different thicknesses of trimming tape

D For laminated planks and MDF panels, the minimum thickness of the cabinet elements should be from 1.6 cm, sashes - from 2.5 cm.

All necessary fittings, accessories, and decorative elements are sold in special stores.

Preparatory work in the niche

In order for the walls and ceiling to serve as a body for the future cabinet, you will need to prepare them first. The main purpose of finishing is that the surface should not spread dust onto storage items. Processing is easy. You will need to remove the old cladding and apply acrylic emulsion to the cleaned surface.

Expert opinion

Alexander Didenko

Furniture assembler at Mabaks

Wallpaper or paint can be easily removed with a surfactant remover. The composition of the substance is harmless and has no pungent odor. After just half an hour, the old finish can be easily removed with a spatula. Before painting, it is recommended to apply with a foam roller water based primer(For example,OLYMP, TEX) overlapping several times, with a break of one day.

Housing Installation

In order to secure the frame the first time, it is recommended that it clearly demonstrates the nuances of installation. For built-in wardrobes, the frame functions are performed by the floor, ceiling, walls and frame for attaching the compartment guide parts.

Important: it is unacceptable to mount the frame panel on an uneven surface. If there is a sloping ceiling, curved walls or different levels of the floor surface, the door leaves will not move correctly. Before installation, you will need to prepare a level base.

Laminate or wood board inserts are used to level the surface. The correct geometry is checked with a level. The frame with auxiliary strips is built into the wall using self-tapping screws.

The gaps are masked with pre-prepared decorative strips - friezes. Additional elements are cut out to match all the details and fixed with special glue.

Assembly nuances

The ceiling height frame must be assembled in a vertical position. If you combine elements on the floor, when the body is raised, the length of the side diagonal will exceed the distance from floor to ceiling. The finished structure cannot be lifted and built into a niche.

The order of work with a suspended ceiling

The choice of a specific technology depends on the condition of the repair and the skills of the performer.

Door preparation

The key element of a compartment storage system is the door. Installation work takes place in three stages:

  • determining the width and number of doors;
  • choice of suspension design;
  • installation of stoppers.

Calculation of the number of canvases in accordance with the width of the sashes

Comfort during operation depends on the number of wardrobe doors. More convenient are those models with 2-3 doors. It is not recommended to install doors that are too wide. Over time, panels may become seized at the top of the fasteners. Distortions are also likely to occur due to the large weight of the elements. The maximum canvas size is 60-70 cm.

For correct calculation, it is necessary to take into account the amount of overlap. If there is insufficient overlap between the door panels, gaps will be visually noticeable. If there is excessive overlap, it is more problematic to plan the internal placement for a compartment in a hallway or closet with limited space. The optimal overlap width is within 5-7 cm.

The influence of the number of valves on calculations

Another important point- The width of the panel should not exceed the dimensions of the narrowest storage compartment. Incorrect calculation will lead to partial or complete blocking of access to the section.

From the final figure you need to subtract about 4-5 cm for the side posts that limit the movement of the doors from the wall.

The calculation procedure is as follows:

  1. Calculations are made based on the total width of the future cabinet.
  2. The number of overlaps is determined as the sum of the sashes minus one.
  3. If the resulting value is greater than the maximum allowable panel width, the number of sashes is increased by one.
  4. You will need to repeat the calculations until you reach the permissible width of the web.

Example calculation

Initial data: opening - 175 cm, minimum shelf width - 45 cm. With these parameters it is impossible to make a double-leaf door system. The parameters of one panel will exceed the permissible value. With three sashes, the following result is obtained: 175–10 (or 14 cm for two overlaps) – 5 cm for the side slats = 160 (or 156) cm. When divided into three slats, the size of one panel is 53 or 52 cm, which is larger than necessary. In this case, you will need to change to 3 overlaps and 4 sashes. The result will be canvases 39/37 cm wide. Each additional sash significantly affects the rise in cost of the project. It is advisable to redo the original filling so that the shelf size is 55 cm. For convenience, you can use ours.

Suspension systems

There are single-rail systems for moving canvases and double-rail mechanisms of lower and upper types. depends on the design parameters, the intended use of the niche, and the allocated budget.

Hanging system for cabinet doors

Lower suspension

The most reliable mechanism. The movement of the shutters is ensured by rollers at the bottom, and at the top they prevent the leaf from falling out.

Advice. When purchasing accessories, you need to pay attention to the quality of the rollers. Parts must withstand increased load at the bottom of the device.

To install, you will need to fix the sash in the upper groove, then insert it into the lower one.

The operation of such a mechanism can be affected by a floor that has sagged over time. You also need to regularly clean the rollers so that the accumulated layer of dust does not interfere with the movement of the doors.

Bottom roller arrangement

Upper support

When moving, the upper rail ensures smooth operation of the mechanism without unnecessary noise. The device is inexpensive and easy to install. In order for the panel to fit into the groove, it must be tilted. It is imperative to supplement the system with lower guides so that the doors do not rub against each other.

The main disadvantage is the unreliable fastening of the sash. Accidental pressing releases the rollers from the recess. Because of this, the door leaf falls inward.

Upper support system

Single rail mechanism

The monorail system operates by two pairs of rollers moving along a separate guide bar. This type of fastening allows you to do without rails on the floor. The device is also not resistant to force. Therefore, it is recommended to strengthen the mechanism with a lower set of rollers with slats for movement. The robust suspension allows the installation of wide panels.

In addition to numerous advantages, the monosystem has several disadvantages:

  1. The cost of the mechanism is above average.
  2. The gap between the sash and the rails must be decorated with a special insert.
  3. Difficult installation technology. It is necessary to place the carriages on the rails in advance and fix the box to the ceiling surface. The final stage is attaching the door. Outside help is required to hang the sashes.
  4. The complete suspension needs to be adjusted.

Locking elements

Most often, mechanical latches are used for coupes.

There are two types of stoppers:

  • recess in the guide bar;
  • latch in the form of a flat spring.

Spring-action clamps are a pair of antennae, between which the wheel falls. If the rollers roll over, the sides of the grooves are fixed by abutting tendrils.

Suspension systems use a rubber stopper

Regular opening and closing often leads to misalignment and inevitable damage to the latch. The best prevention of breakdowns is the use of high quality fittings and careful use.

Fastening the shelves

Another simple fastening method is to use a regular MDF plinth of a suitable texture and color. It is screwed to the wall with self-tapping screws. The plinth pieces are taken one third less than the length of the shelf, the ends are cut at an oblique angle so that the fasteners are less noticeable.

Painting and installation of doors

If you plan to paint the door panels, it is better to apply the paint before installing the shelves. This will give you the time needed for the surface to dry completely.

Acrylic-based enamel coating is excellent for decorating cabinets. There is a large selection of colors for this finish. The dried surface acquires a glossy shine and is easy to clean.

Furniture is often coated with drying oil. Before painting, it is recommended to apply a layer of primer to ensure uniform distribution of the coloring matter. Thorough surface preparation helps preserve the original appearance for many years.

You can begin installation after all parts have dried. The doors should be installed according to the specifications included in the packaging with the suspension mechanism.

Correct installation of doors


For lighting, it is recommended to install LED backlighting, which consumes little electricity, is safe and does not heat up. The resulting light is quite enough to illuminate a large dressing room. The light bulbs are powered from a power supply connected to a common network.

For your information. Wardrobes are made from fire-resistant materials. It is unacceptable to provide lighting in the closet at 220 V.


In most cases, the façade is decorated with mirror inserts, drawings, and a combination of overlays of different textures.

Advice. Mirrors mounted on a wood base greatly weigh down the canvas. It is better to buy acrylic surfaces.

An interesting option for doors is . A non-standard façade is made to individual measurements. For production, inexpensive solid pine with a beautiful texture and high strength is used. Surface treatment is simple and suitable for painting.

The finished wardrobe must be inspected for defects, protruding chips, and open screws. It is necessary to eliminate all defects that could damage the items stored inside.

Comparison of costs for a ready-made and homemade cabinet

Making a sliding wardrobe built into the wall with your own hands will cost approximately 5-10 thousand rubles, including payment for sawing work (information for 2018). If you have minimal skills, you will have to spend 4-6 days. If you have at least some experience in making furniture, then it will take 2-5 days to build a wardrobe.

It’s hard to find a ready-made wardrobe for less than 20 thousand rubles. The standard lead time for an individual order from the manufacturer is two weeks.

Homemade cabinets and partitions are cheaper than factory ones. But such work will require higher level skills. Furniture craftsmen with an established workflow will cope with such an order much faster. Converting a niche into a wardrobe is a great way to turn empty space into a useful functional area.