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Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» DIY switch key. Flip key for a car: how to make it yourself, where to buy a housing How to make an ignition key switch

DIY switch key. Flip key for a car: how to make it yourself, where to buy a housing How to make an ignition key switch

I decided to tinker with a flip key, and one with fully working buttons. The key itself, although Chinese, is well made. It is compact, does not creak and does not fall apart in your hands. In general, it will do for experiments. And it’s not expensive, so it’s not a shame to break it :)

The initial fitting showed that the circuit from the remote control of my old alligator should fit without any problems, and the vertical arrangement of the buttons actually matches.

In reality, everything turned out to be not so simple and we had to sharpen both the circuit and the key body itself. But the biggest problem was the battery, which simply did not want to fit in the case.
I had to use a trick:

In fact, it consists of 8 small batteries connected in series, and without a metal holder they fit very well into the key body.

I wrapped them with tape and placed them in their place.

Initially I tried to adapt the blade from a spare standard key

But there is a technological hole on it that makes it brittle. In general, it didn’t last long :) Buy a special blade for this key right away. It costs 80 rubles. I sharpened it to my own key and easily installed it without fussing with a file :)

The key was originally created as a blank for modifications and therefore it is very easy to assemble/disassemble. This video from the Internet shows this very clearly.

Hello, in general, it so happened that when purchasing computers from the organization where I work part-time, the computers were purchased without an OS. The fact is that the unfortunate accounting department did not include operating systems in the bill, well, as they say, the master is the master. Regarding this, I made a proposal to install Linux OS on all new computers. Since no one purchased Microsoft licenses, the idea was met very negatively. After lengthy debate, it was decided that the system administrator would be relieved of all possible consequences. For this purpose, a local lawyer composed a certain statement in which the system administrator notifies his superiors that counterfeit software was installed on new computers. security. Thus, this was supposed to save my butt in case of verification. But, thank God, it didn’t come to that, and six months later a software package was purchased, including Microsoft windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010 Plus.

How to change the key in windows 7

Well, the keys have been received, but, as you probably already guessed, pirated operating systems and, accordingly, the same office package are installed on all computers. How can we legalize all the products installed at that time? Reinstalling all operating systems is not very attractive. And not our method, in fact, that’s why I’m writing this post on my computer blog. So, how to change the key in Windows 7? We do the following:

How to change the key for Microsoft Office 2010 Plus?

Changing the key is a little more complicated compared to Windows 7. Namely, you will have to delve into the Windows registry in order to delete the old key. At least this is the method that I know, if you know a better way, write in the comments, or provide a link with a description. In order to delete a key, in fact, as you probably already guessed, we need a registry editor.

  1. You can launch the Registry Editor in the following way: Start > Run when you see a window with an input field.
  2. Enter the regedit command there to launch the registry editor.
  3. After you have launched the Registry Editor, go to the following path:
  4. KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/MicrosoftOffice/"version number"/Registration/"version number". The version number refers to the version number :) for example, for Office 2010 it will be 14.0.
  5. I wrote it this way because this method is suitable for Microsoft Office XP/2003/2007/2010.
  6. In the Registration branch we look for two parameters DigitalProductID and ProductID.
  7. Once you have found them, select and delete both. Close the Registry Editor and launch any Microsoft Office application, such as Word. And re-enter the product key.

Are these simple ways to legalize Microsoft products? Without reinstalling them.

Well, as usual, comment, subscribe, read me on Twitter, visit my blog more often, love mom and dad, listen to music, distance yourself from your classmates, set your alarm for May 1st, don’t oversleep your work, send your boss to three letters. Good luck to all!

How to change windows 7 key

To change the Windows 7 product key, you need to run Command Prompt as an administrator. To do this, click “start”, write cmd in the search bar, right-click on the cmd.exe line that appears and “run as administrator”


XXXX - your new key for windows 7


How to change the key in windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 using system tools

Situations often arise when you need to change the Windows key. Whether it is purchasing a new license, or reactivation due to the loss of an old license. In general, there can be many reasons for changing the product key, and it is necessary to change it periodically. There is nothing complicated about changing the windows key. All you need is direct hands, a license key for your OS version, and access to the system administrator account.

Run Command Prompt with Administrator Rights

In order to change the windows product key, first of all you need to run the command prompt with administrator rights. If you already know how to do this, proceed to the activation point. Command Prompt without administrator rights will not be able to remove the windows key!

For those who are not in the know, here are step-by-step instructions:

How to run command prompt as administrator on windows 7

  • Open the Start menu
  • Go to "All Programs"
  • Open the Accessories folder
  • Find “Command Prompt” in the list, right-click on it

How to run command prompt as administrator in windows 8+

  • Open the Start menu
  • On your keyboard, type CMD (no need to press anything else, the search will open automatically)
  • “Command Prompt” appeared in the search results, right-click on it
  • Select "Run as administrator"

How to run command prompt as administrator on windows 10

On the latest version of Windows, you can launch the command line as an administrator in just two clicks:

  1. Right click on the Start menu
  2. Select Command Prompt (Admin)

How to change windows key

Now is the time to show how to change the windows key. This is done in 2 stages, first you need to remove the windows key, then install the windows key.

How to remove a windows key

In an open command prompt as an administrator, type the command slmgr.vbs /upk and press Enter.

After successfully deleting the current windows key, you will see the following message:

How to install windows key via command line

After deleting the old key, you need to install the windows key, to do this, enter the command lmgr.vbs /ipk XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX into the command line, where xxxx is your new key, consisting of five alphanumeric blocks. After entering, check that the entered key is correct and press Enter.

If you entered the correct key, you will see a message indicating that the new key was successfully installed.

To check, you can use the following commands (enter one at a time, press Enter after each command):

slmgr /dli slmgr /xpr slmgr /dlv

Step-by-step instructions on how to find out the key that is installed in your Windows can be found here.

Did you manage to change the windows key? Do you know other methods to change the key? Share in the comments!

We always answer questions. Ask!

Computer networks


You may need to change the Windows 7 key. This need may arise in the following cases:

You are upgrading from windows 7 beta to a licensed version of windows. You had a copy of windows 7 that was not genuine, but now you have purchased a license and want to change the key for windows 7. You have other needs due to which you want to change the key windows 7.SOLUTION:

1. Go to the Start menu and type CMD in the search box.

2. Right click on this cmd.exe icon and click Run as administrator.

3. Enter the following command:

The first command will remove the current product key, and the second will add a new one.

4. If you do everything correctly with a valid license key for Windows 7, you will see a message indicating a successful update:

5. Now you need to activate windows. To do this, go to Control Panel > System.

6. You will see the windows activation window as shown below, select:

7. Enter the windows key again in this window, the online check will begin if you are connected to the Internet.

8. You will receive a message about successful activation of windows


My blog is found using the following phrases

This article “Changing the key for Windows 7” is posted on the website Computer networks and multi-level Internet architecture ( for informational purposes.

Clarifications, corrections and discussions of the article “Changing the key for Windows 7” are under this text, in the comments.

You assume responsibility for all changes made to the system based on the advice in this article.

Copying the article “Changing the key for Windows 7” without providing a link to the source site Computer networks and multi-level Internet architecture ( is strictly prohibited.

How to change, remove or extend windows activation

Activating windows is a fairly simple and understandable procedure (well, at least more less) than what we are going to consider later in this article. What if you want to do something more advanced and complex with the license, for example, things like how to remove/change a product key, perform online activation or extend the activation time. It's not as simple as simple activation, which is performed using standard OS tools with a convenient graphical interface, but it's not that complicated either. In this article I will give you information on how and with what help this can be done.

There is a command line tool called Slmgr.vbs that comes with Windows that provides capabilities not available in the standard activation interface, which is located in the Update and Security window, which can be reached by opening the Start menu and selecting Settings.

First: Open a command prompt with administrator rights

This is required to use Slmgr.vbs. In Windows 10 or 8, right-click the Start button (or Win + X) and select Command Prompt (Admin). In Windows 7, find Command Prompt in the Start menu, in the All Programs > System Tools list. Right-click on it and select “Run as administrator.”

View activation/license information

To display basic license and activation information, run the command below, which will tell you what version of windows you have, part of the product key for you to identify, and will show you if the system is activated.

To get more detailed information about the license, including activation ID, installation ID, and other detailed information, enter the following command:

View the license expiration date

To find out the current system activation period, use the command below. Since retail licenses for, say, home computers are activated on a perpetual basis, which will never expire, the command will be useful for commercial KMS organizations and servers. However, you can check the expiration date of your license to make sure it is permanent.

Programs for cleaning your computer from junk

How to remove a product key

With Slmgr.vbs you can also remove the product key of the current windows system. After running the command below, reboot your computer and your operating system will not have a product key, which means windows will become inactive - without a license.

This allows you to transfer the license to another computer if necessary. For example, if you want to give an old computer to a friend, but want to keep the license for yourself. However, as you know, Windows activation will be “tied” to the hardware of the computer on which it is installed, so it won’t be possible to simply transfer it, but it is still possible, but that’s not about that now (that will be in the next articles).

To remove a license key, enter the following command at the command prompt:

However, the command does not remove the activation completely. Windows also stores the product key in the registry because this is sometimes necessary when setting up your computer, and also to prevent malware from stealing the key and accessing the registry. In addition, the future owner of the computer (if he is more or less computer savvy) can easily remove the key from the registry, so you must also be sure to remove it from the registry with the following command:

How to set or change your product key

Using slmgr.vbs you can enter a new product key. If the windows system is already activated, using the command below you can replace the old key with a new valid one (instead of #####-#####-#####-#####-##### enter the new one key). After this, it is recommended to restart your computer.

This can also be done in the Activation Settings screen in Computer Settings, but the following command allows you to do this from the command line:

slmgr.vbs /ipk #####-#####-#####-#####-#####

Windows activation

Windows activation online

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With the following command you can try to activate windows via the Internet.

Activate windows offline

To get the installation identifier (ID) for offline activation, run the following command:

Now you need to receive a system activation confirmation code by phone. Go to the official Microsoft Windows Activation Help page. Following the instructions given, call the Microsoft Product Activation Center (there is nothing wrong with that, you will follow the instructions of the robot) and provide the installation ID received above and you will receive an activation code (if everything is confirmed successfully). This may help you activate the windows system without an internet connection.

Instead of ACTIVATIONID, enter the activation ID. which you received:

slmgr.vbs /atp ACTIVATIONID

After that, to make sure that your OS is activated, you can use the following commands.


You may need to change the Windows 7 key. This need may arise in the following cases:

You are upgrading from Windows 7 beta to a licensed version of Windows. You had a copy of Windows 7 that was not genuine, but now you have purchased a license and want to change the key for Windows 7. You have other needs due to which you want to change the key Windows 7 SOLUTION:

1. Go to the Start menu and type CMD in the search box.

2. Right click on this cmd.exe icon and click Run as administrator.

3. Enter the following command:

The first command will remove the current product key, and the second will add a new one.

4. If you do everything correctly with a valid Windows 7 license key, you will see a successful update message:

5. Now you need to activate Windows. To do this, go to Control Panel > System.

6. You will see the Windows Activation window as shown below, select:

7. Enter the Windows key again in this window, online verification will begin if you are connected to the Internet.

8. You will receive a message indicating successful Windows activation

My blog is found using the following phrases

Changing the Windows activation key is a common situation in the world of users, especially those who frequently reinstall the system. The need to resort to this arises when the demo period disappears and you receive Windows with limited functionality or simply decide to somehow purchase a Windows key for your demo version. That is why today we decided to tell you how to change your Windows activation key.

Modern versions of Windows provide a trial period of one month, after which you are required to purchase an activation key or another way to obtain an access code.

If you do not want to purchase a key, you will still have the opportunity to use your system, but its functionality will be significantly limited, there will be a corresponding inscription on the desktop, the desktop background will always change to black when rebooting and other inconveniences.

There is also the possibility of extending the trial period by 90 days, but this only delays the activation period of the system, so we will not discuss this option in detail.

There are no pitfalls associated with changing the key, such as a certain number of attempts or complete blocking when you insert a key that is no longer valid. The action is performed simply, the first method will be the interface option of entering the key, others use the command line and the “Run” applet, let's start with the main method.

Most often, one method is enough to perform the necessary actions. Several options are described rather so that you can determine the most convenient method for you.

Entering the activation key through “System”

1. Open the Start menu;

2. Right-click on the “My Computer” control;

3. Select the “Properties” option;

4. At the bottom of the page you will see the “Windows Activation” section, which will have a corresponding button, clicking which will take you to the desired window.

If you do not have this button, but your current Windows key is indicated, then you already have a verified code that activated the system. If for some reason you were unable to use this method, there are others for you that are just as easy to use.

How to change the activation key using Slui.exe?

This command is a workaround for following the same window that you should have seen in the first case.

1. Open the “Run” applet, it is called by the hotkey combination Win + R;

2. Enter our command Slui.exe into the line;

3. A window will open in front of you in which you should enter the key to activate Windows;

In fact, both methods lead to one place; you can choose the more convenient or suitable method from these two. The following method provides the same functionality, but using the command line.

Changing a key with the command line

You should make sure that you have access to an account that has administrative rights (there may be more than one).

1. Open the “Run” line by pressing Win + R at the same time;

2. Enter the cmd command;

3. In the window that opens, you should set the line slmgr.vbs -ipk XXXXX-YYYYY-XXXXX-YYYYY, substituting your key in place of X and Y.

4. You can also immediately verify the authenticity of the key by entering the command slmgr.vbs –ato.

Thanks to these several methods, you can easily activate the system and get rid of annoying pop-up messages about a demo version of the system or a pirated version. Immediately after checking the key for validity, you will have access to all functions of the operating system, which is worth the effort.

All the paths described above work approximately the same on all operating systems, so you can use the instructions for your Windows. A slight difference in the 8th line is that there is no “Start” button, but you can still access the desired location by clicking on the “My Computer” shortcut. The last two methods work completely identically for all systems.

Among other things, if you encounter difficulties after entering the key, this indicates that the code itself is incorrect, perhaps you used an outdated identifier or made a mistake when typing letters.

Also, if you have a repack or a pirated version of the system, difficulties may arise with the verification utility itself, which can be blocked by the host file. In other words, the IP address accessed by the function can be changed to local. In this case, key verification will occur at the local level, which means that your newly purchased key simply does not exist yet due to outdated system data. This method is often used by people who assemble Windows. To fix this error, you can try to follow the path %WinDir%\System32\Drivers\Etc and replace the hosts file with the standard one. After this, try entering your key again.

If you still have questions on the topic “How to change the Windows activation key?”, you can ask them in the comments

- a fairly simple and understandable procedure (well, at least more or less) than what we are going to consider later in this article. What if you want to do something more advanced and complex with the license, for example, things like how to remove/change a product key, perform online activation or extend the activation time. It's not as simple as simple activation, which is performed using standard OS tools with a convenient graphical interface, but it's not that complicated either. In this article I will give you information on how and with what help this can be done.

There is a command line tool called Slmgr.vbs that comes with Windows that provides capabilities not available in the standard activation interface, which is found in the Update & Security window, accessible by opening the Start menu and selecting Settings.

First: Open a command prompt with administrator rights

This is required to use Slmgr.vbs. In Windows 10 or 8, right-click the Start button (or Win + X) and select Command Prompt (Admin). In Windows 7, find Command Prompt in the Start menu, under All Programs > System Tools. Right-click on it and select “Run as administrator.”

View activation/license information

To display basic license and activation information, run the command below, which will tell you what version of Windows you have, part of the product key for you to identify, and will show you whether the system is activated.

To get more detailed information about the license, including activation ID, installation ID, and other detailed information, enter the following command:

View the license expiration date

To find out the current system activation period, use the command below. Since retail licenses for, say, home computers are activated on a perpetual basis, which will never expire, the command will be useful for commercial KMS organizations and servers. However, you can check the expiration date of your license to make sure it is permanent.

How to remove a product key

With Slmgr.vbs you can also remove the product key of your current Windows system. After running the command below, restart your computer and your operating system will not have a product key, which means Windows will become inactive - without a license.

This allows you to transfer the license to another computer if necessary. For example, if you want to give an old computer to a friend, but want to keep the license for yourself. However, as you know, Windows activation will be “tied” to the hardware of the computer on which it is installed, so it won’t be possible to simply transfer it, but it is still possible, but that’s not about that now (that will be in the next articles).

To remove a license key, enter the following command at the command prompt:

However, the command does not remove the activation completely. Windows also stores the product key in the registry because it is sometimes necessary when setting up your computer, and also to prevent malware from stealing the key and accessing the registry. In addition, the future owner of the computer (if he is more or less computer savvy) can easily remove the key from the registry, so you must also be sure to remove it from the registry with the following command:

How to set or change your product key

Using slmgr.vbs you can enter a new product key. If the Windows system is already activated, using the command below you can replace the old key with a new valid one (instead of #####-#####-#####-#####-##### enter the new one key). After this, it is recommended to restart your computer.

This can also be done in the Activation Settings screen in Computer Settings, but the following command allows you to do this from the command line:

slmgr.vbs /ipk #####-#####-#####-#####-#####

Windows activation

Activate Windows online

With the following command you can try to activate Windows via the Internet.

Activate Windows offline

To get the installation identifier (ID) for offline activation, run the following command:

Now you need to receive a system activation confirmation code by phone. Go to the official Microsoft Windows Activation Help page. Following the instructions given, call the Microsoft Product Activation Center (there is nothing wrong with that, you will follow the instructions of the robot) and provide the installation ID received above and you will receive an activation code (if everything is confirmed successfully). This may help you activate Windows without an Internet connection.

Instead of ACTIVATIONID, enter the activation ID. which you received:

slmgr.vbs /atp ACTIVATIONID

After that, to make sure that your OS is activated, you can use the following commands:

slmgr.vbs /dli or slmgr.vbs /dlv

How to extend activation

Take Windows 7 for example, which has a 30-day trial period before it starts asking you for a product key. You can extend the trial period, i.e. reset this trial period back to 30 days by running the command below.


However, you will not be able to extend the trial period over and over again and indefinitely - the command can only be used a few times. If you want to know how many times, enter the command slmgr.vbs /dlv. I don’t remember exactly, but for each version, it seems, there is a different “number of times”. In Windows 7, if I'm not mistaken, 3 times, and 5 times on Windows Server 2008 R2. With the exception of Windows 10, the option works in all earlier versions.

Using Slmgr.vbs for remote computers

Slmgr typically runs on the current computer, but you have the ability to remotely administer computers on your network if you have access to them. For example, the first command below applies to the current computer, and the second applies to the remote computer. You just need to know the Computer name, username and password.

slmgr.vbs /option

slmgr.vbs computernameusernamepassword/option

With the Slmgr.vbs command, you can use other commands related to system activation. See Slmgr.vbs Parameters for more details.