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» Growing broilers for 200 heads. Technology for raising broilers at home

Growing broilers for 200 heads. Technology for raising broilers at home

Today, many people want to live well and get rich. Some people wonder how to raise broilers and where to sell them then? Will this bring positive results and significant revenue? There is an answer, raising broilers is profitable!

We are talking not only about financial enrichment, but also about the live meat that you will have on your farm. After all, broilers are a food product, you will always be sure that this meat is without antibiotics or other negative impurities or chemicals. From this perspective, raising broilers has become very popular and profitable at home. After all, if we consider the issue of raising chickens for meat supply, this is perhaps the ideal option.

Naturally, a broiler bird is not an ordinary chicken. Such an animal matures much faster and gains live weight. If you do everything correctly (care for, feed), then in a couple of months you can get a broiler’s net weight of up to 4 kg. Of course, everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance; there are also minor difficulties in growing. Such difficulties concern small chickens and baby broilers. They are quite tender than ordinary chicken babies, and accordingly require more attention and scrupulousness, especially in the first weeks of their existence.

Growing and breeding broilers at home

Before starting such a business, you should at least try to raise a dozen broilers from a very young age, and only then send them for sale. If you start growing it first, you can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, you yourself will experience all the theoretical knowledge in practice, you will have a clear idea of ​​the whole process, and already during cultivation it will be clear whether it is profitable to put them on sale, whether the cost part will pay off. Even if at first glance it seems that such a business is not profitable, you should not be upset, because for your efforts you will receive fairly good meat in good quantities. When raising chicks, the first three weeks are the most difficult. Sometimes people despair, become disillusioned with their chosen business and begin to look for other ways to make a profit.

Broiler breeds

Although it seems that broilers do not have such a clear breed, there are still some varieties, they are called crosses. The most common and early ripening crosses:

  1. One of the most famous crosses is Cobb 500. The subspecies is very effective and popular due to its tenacious qualities and the ideal ratio of weight gain to food consumed. In addition, the color of the carcass of this subspecies is very beautiful and has a pleasant yellow color, this is a good external indicator for sales. In one month, broilers grow up to 2 kg, during this period and another ten days it is recommended to kill the broiler.
  2. Very fast weight gain has a subtype called Ross 308. So the gain per day is approximately 60 grams. The disadvantage of Ross 308 is its pale tint of the carcass. Over a period of two months, the weight of the carcass is equal to two kilograms. Just two months is the most optimal period for slaughtering broilers.
  3. is a brother of Ross 308. This subspecies gains maximum weight in a month, 40 days, and the carcass weight gains 3 kg. This category of broiler is considered optimal today. The only downsides are the pale color and high price.
  4. The lowest consumed type of broiler is broiler-61; this category eats 2 kg of feed and gains 1 kg of live weight.

After purchasing the chicks, they need to be fed with medications, this will strengthen their health and immune system. Any distributor at a veterinary pharmacy will tell you how and what to water them with, although you can also get this information from those people who sell chickens. In the first ten days, broilers gain their health and immune system; if a small broiler gets sick, freezes or gets wet, then it will be lethargic for the rest of its days, and will not gain the required weight. In the first month, the chicks are very tender; they need a lot of attention and warmth, and the warmth should be in the literal sense. Babies should be kept warm. In addition to such procedures, their nutrition deserves a separate topic. In order for broiler chickens to quickly and fully gain weight, they must eat from the heart, with all their strength, accordingly, the feeders must always be full, this applies to both food and water. We will return to the issue of food later. It is still very important to make a warm abode for the chickens in the first days. Red lamps can help. As a rule, one such 250W lamp is used, but if a line for raising broilers is installed, then several lamps are used, but of lower power.

Also, baby broilers need sufficient space, this is necessary for their movements. Since they are not athletes and won't run that much, they just need a place to move away from the lamp when it gets too hot and come back under the lamp when it gets cool. It is worth considering that the lamp will not turn off during the first three weeks until the little chicks get stronger. Of course, the lamp can be turned off for a certain period, but you need to feel the edge and turn it on so that the broilers do not freeze. The signal will be their squeak so that it will be clear when to turn it on.

It is worth noting an important point. Small broilers should not have cold feet. So floor insulation is also an important part. Naturally, insulation is achieved in different ways, but if you decide to start growing it at your dacha, then the easiest and cheapest way is to lay a layer of hay, put a polyethylene film on top of it and then a piece of cotton rag. Of course, this method is not very pleasant, because the rag will have to be changed twice a day, a kind of “diaper”. If you have a lot of broilers and the process is put on line, then, of course, this method will not work.

Food and accommodation

In the chosen business, you should not forget about the important cost part called food and housing. The easiest way to feed birds is to give them feed. So you will need feeders and drinkers, which you can build yourself, or you can purchase in specialized stores. Feeders will help reduce the hassle of feeding broilers. For a clear example, if you feed broilers without using dry mixtures, then the birds will need to be fed 6 times a day. The intervals between such feeding are about three hours, and breaks are made only at night from 21:00 to 06:00. Such feeding requires giving both dry food and mash. At the same time, the mash should not linger in the feeders, because it quickly deteriorates.

The important point is that if raising broilers is a business and then the fattened chickens go for sale or slaughter, then you cannot do without compound feed. Compound feed includes many useful and necessary microelements and substances for broilers. So he will be able to fully ensure their rapid and full growth.

As for housing for broilers, a small box may be suitable for them, of course, if there are not hundreds of chickens, but if the option with a box is not very suitable, then the cage can also become a home. Moreover, building a cage will not be difficult. Such birds are raised for distant slaughter, so they do not need a lot of space. Their route should be from the lamp, where it is nice and warm, to the feeder and waterer, but also a small free area so that the chickens can cool off by moving away from the lamp. Approximate square footage for broiler livestock: 1 square meter for 30 chickens. meter, before slaughtering the bird, in adulthood they already need 1 square. meter for 10 broilers, this is approximately 8 weeks. Using this data, you can roughly calculate and build housing for the bird. Practice shows that when broilers reach the 4th week, during the period when they are no longer basking under the lamps, they are released from cages, boxes into a barn or large rooms. Having taken this step, do not forget about cleanliness and replacement of the litter.

Broiler breeding for sale

One of the important factors in raising broilers is a reliable and constant supplier. It depends on the supplier how high quality the chickens will be and whether he will slip a “pig in a poke”. The first rule when choosing a young broiler is not to chase the low cost “the miser pays twice.” The second important factor is the external behavior of the young animals and appetite. A healthy chicken is very mobile and clearly reacts to sharp sounds. The broiler's sleepy appearance and low activity indicate poor health or maintenance of the chickens; it is better not to buy these. You should also look at the back of each baby; the butt should be clean without any fecal residue. Broiler fluff should have a shiny appearance and be soft. To accurately understand the situation with the health of chickens and their activity, you can place a small batch of broilers in a box during purchase and drum your fingers on the side of the box. If the chickens are healthy they will follow the sound. Never buy broilers from factories. These people will never sell normal birds; they take them to their factory and sell them as defective birds, sometimes for ridiculous amounts of money.

Having tried to breed a small flock, it will become clear what the main costs will be (feed, electricity) and it will become obvious how profitable it is to raise poultry for sale. The geographical location should be taken into account, because the cost of meat varies in different areas. There are also different feedstuffs, both in cost and quality. But in 80% of cases, broilers for sale are a very profitable business. When raising a small herd, the cost part may seem large, but if it is a breeding line, then all the costs will wash away.

For example, on farms when raising a large number of broilers, they use deep litter or a mesh floor; this also allows them to earn money by selling valuable fertilizer. Also, the heating is computerized with temperature sensors; when the mark on the thermometer reaches the desired temperature, the lamps go out; when the space begins to cool, the lamps turn on. This computerization allows you to save on electricity. In any case, the details of the business plan and all calculations must be made based on the location.

Broilers can be sold in markets that specialize in agricultural activities. There you can sell poultry as meat and as a product for resale. Broilers can also be offered to markets or other stores, or to simple single buyers. The profitability of such a business is quite high.

Possible risks

The main risk that can be encountered in this matter is the mortality of chickens. Although the mortality rate is very high, with proper care and compliance with all rules and requirements, broilers will grow very quickly. In order for chickens to grow normally and not die, they must not eat food from the table, that is, human food. No vermicelli, meat, or bread should fall into the chicks’ feeder.

As a result, it can be noted that people did not just come up with automatic drinkers, automatic feeders, etc. All this was invented to save time. Take advantage of this.

Among agricultural enterprises, poultry farms stand out for their fast turnover and return on initial investments. Artificially bred broilers rapidly gain weight and are ready for slaughter for meat at the age of one and a half months. A good income comes from the sale of one-day-old chicks, where the costs are only for the purchase of eggs and maintenance of the incubator. As in any business, there are risks and pitfalls in raising broilers that can lead the enterprise to ruin. The main thing is to maintain a healthy population. Diseases and pestilence will negate the efforts of the poultry farmer and cause losses that cannot be immediately compensated.

Breeding broilers as a business idea

Spending money, investing labor and making a profit is the ideal business enterprise model. Breeding broilers fits neatly into it, because a novice entrepreneur has a number of advantages:

  • The broiler breeding technique has been developed in detail.
  • Caring for poultry does not require significant labor costs or highly paid personnel.
  • Large poultry farms supply eggs and chicks at wholesale prices.
  • Ready-made food is widely available for sale. It is not difficult to organize the production of your own feed in your own enterprise.
  • The costs of setting up a chicken coop are minimal.
  • Almost guaranteed 100% sales of finished products.

It is difficult to find another business that offers a less gentle regime at the start. An entrepreneur, if he has not lived in a village and does not have the skills to care for poultry, should study the features of breeding and take into account the risks that are inevitable from the moment the chickens hatch from the egg to the sale of finished carcasses.

  • Broilers are artificially bred meat hybrids. They gain weight quickly, but are not in good health. You should not expect egg production or valuable offspring from them.
  • A broiler older than 2 months loses its profitability. The costs of feeding and maintaining such birds are not justified. Their meat loses the taste and tenderness of one and a half month old chickens.
  • In order for a bird to reach its maximum weight before slaughter, its feed must be balanced in strict accordance with the recommendations.
  • The chicken coop creates a relatively crowded environment in which infection can easily be transmitted from one sick individual to another. Poultry farmers should monitor the health of their flock and immediately cull birds showing signs of disease.
  • It is necessary to organize sales by the time of slaughter, otherwise there will be additional costs for storage and freezing.
  • Incubating and raising day-old chicks for sale can be an addition to a chicken coop or a separate business. What is important here is primary control over the condition of the eggs before laying and maintaining the microclimate in the incubator necessary for the development of the embryo into a healthy chicken.

When risks are foreseen and prevented, the poultry farmer has the right to count on a return of funds with a profit that allows compensation for the initial investment within six months.

Broilers are a general name for meat chickens of many different types. In Russia, hybrids are popular and available, which are obtained by crossing Cornish roosters with White Plymouth rock hens. Two roosters and two hens are enough to open a breeding farm. But this method requires knowledge, skill, qualifications and the ability to control the mating order of roosters and hens. The matter is initially difficult for a beginning entrepreneur. But he has several options for developing poultry farming.

Which model to choose: analysis of benefits and risks

Buying eggs and raising chickens in an incubator (table)

Advantages Flaws
The initial investment is only for the purchase of an incubator, the current investment is the purchase of eggs and payment for electricity.The incubation period is 19–21 days, which cannot be interrupted.
The hatched chicks are ready for sale on the first day.Some embryos will not develop. Among those hatched there will be those that are not viable. Those that are not sold will have to be fed, incurring additional costs.
The second and third incubators do not significantly increase the overall maintenance labor costs, but produce larger broods and allow shorter chick hatching periods.Dependence on egg suppliers and prices for wholesale quantities. The need to quickly sell chickens often leads to sales at prices close to cost.

Purchase of one-day-old chicks (table)

pros Minuses
No hassle with removal. Possibility of culling weak and sick chickens at the time of purchase.The need to purchase in bulk to receive discounts.
One-day old chicks grow quickly and gain weight.The feed must be balanced in all respects. The lack of one of the components slows down development and leads to unnecessary costs.
Grown chickens are already a commodity for which there is demand.Such chickens are not yet ready for slaughter. They are of interest to a limited circle of poultry farmers.
After a month and a half, the broilers are ready for slaughter. This time is enough to organize sales.Unslaughtered chickens are the cost of feed; slaughtered and unsold chickens are the cost of storage and freezing.

Purchase of grown broilers (table)

Chicks up to 1 month old are considered mature.

Each of the three options is attractive in its own way. If the size of the farm and labor resources allow, then do all three at once. In this case, the advantages of some will diminish the disadvantages of others. The entire enterprise will benefit from harmony and balance.

Poultry farm step by step

Preparatory stage

If poultry is raised not only for personal consumption, but for sale and profit, then even before opening a business, it is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur and choose a taxation system.

  • Simplified, 6% of income.
  • Imputed, 15% of profit.
  • Patent, with annual purchase of a patent.

Which one is best is up to the entrepreneur to decide after consultation with a tax specialist. At the end of the financial year, you can switch from one to another.

In addition to individual entrepreneurs, other forms of business organization are possible. It is enough for a legal entity to make changes to the constituent documents and notify the tax office. It’s even easier for a registered peasant farm (peasant farm): its status allows the breeding of poultry and domesticated animals. Registration of a peasant farm is similar to the registration of an individual entrepreneur: application + fee + choice of taxes + agreement of participants of the peasant farm (not required for an individual owner).

The arrangement of the incubator and chicken coop (poultry farm) must comply with the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor in terms of compliance with sanitary standards and Rostekhnadzor in terms of fire safety and labor protection rules.

To sell chickens and eggs, veterinary certificates and certificates of conformity will be required; they are requested from the local offices of the State Veterinary Control. Depending on the type of cargo transported, 3 types of certificates are issued:

  • Form 1 - when transporting live animals, as well as biological objects used for their reproduction.
  • Form 2 - for food products and raw materials of animal origin.
  • Form 3 - non-food products, technical raw materials and animal feed.

For deliveries outside the Russian Federation (except for the countries of the Customs Union), export veterinary certificates are obtained at border veterinary points.

It should be noted that in the regions of Russia there may be local rules for the supply of poultry to meat processing plants, public catering, markets and trade organizations. Information about permits must be obtained from the executive authorities before opening a business.

What should a chicken coop be like?

06/03/2006 The Ministry of Agriculture issued an order detailing the rules for keeping poultry.

The basic requirements are as follows:

  • construction of a fence and mandatory water drains;
  • isolated walking areas;
  • a room made of easily cleaned materials;
  • bedding made of straw, sawdust, shavings;
  • natural and forced ventilation (without it, chickens get sick);
  • the length of the feeders within bird access is 4–5 cm for young birds, 6–8 cm for large birds;
  • The length of the drinkers is 1–3 cm per bird.

The chicken coop is a production facility and will require permits from local authorities to open. Its location should not conflict with the housing sector and nearby businesses. Standard projects have been developed; you can order a ready-made turnkey chicken coop. When self-building or when re-equipping a suitable room, the following must be provided:

  1. For four birds you need 1 m2, that is, for 100 broilers - 25 m2.
  2. It is permissible to build from boards; in this case, it is necessary to insulate the walls. On average, the construction and equipment of a chicken coop with an area of ​​25 m2 costs 80,000–90,000 rubles.
  3. Inside the chicken coop you need: perches for each chicken 30 cm wide, a sloping floor to drain dirt, lime on the walls (it prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes and bacteria), natural lighting through windows and electric lighting in short days and cloudy weather (birds need a lot light), a fenced enclosure for walking.

With a large number of livestock, it is better to abandon perches in favor of cages.

The industry offers standard cages for 10, 20 and 30 heads, all of which are equipped with automatic feed and water supply systems. The design of the cage is simple: by purchasing profile corners, metal mesh and sheets of tin, you can make the cages yourself. Size for 10 heads: 75 cm x 75 cm x 40 cm. Requires a pull-out tray for collecting litter. It is placed under the mesh floor. The cages are mounted in 3 tiers. An area of ​​0.75x0.75 m will accommodate 30 broilers.

Increased crowding requires constant monitoring of the atmosphere. Concentrations should not exceed:

  • ammonia - up to 15 mg/m³;
  • hydrogen sulfide - up to 5 mg/m³;
  • carbon dioxide - 0.35% by volume.

This is ensured by ventilation at an optimal speed of 0.2–0.4 m/s.

Personnel and equipment

Working in a poultry house is difficult; you need poultry-friendly staff. For a population of 500–1000 broilers, 1 electrician-fitter, 2 poultry workers, and 1 caretaker-handyman are hired.

The set of equipment is standard; the set is ordered immediately when preparing the chicken coop.

Table: sets of equipment for outdoor broiler rearing and cage breeding

Chickens and eggs are purchased from poultry farms and specialized farms. When choosing an incubator, not only the price and the number of eggs laid are important. The industry offers many models that are similar in their parameters. You should pay attention to customer reviews, especially regarding the reliability of climate control, the egg turning mechanism and the presence of an emergency battery. To check the quality of eggs and the condition of the embryos, an ovoscope device is purchased.

The ovoscope device illuminates the eggs and allows you to see all the contents

Care and feeding

Feed is purchased from wholesale suppliers with direct delivery or pickup. By concluding a long-term contract, you can achieve deferred and installment payments, as well as purchases on credit through a bank. Compound feeds are produced in the form of premixes for different ages of birds. The life of broilers is short, so they are usually ordered:

  • PK-5–1 - from birth to 10 days;
  • PK-5–2 - from 11 to 24 days;
  • PK-6 - from 25 days before slaughter.

The composition of the feed is indicated on the container and in the accompanying documents. In different proportions there will be corn, grain meal, wheat, barley, bone meal, fish meal, feed yeast, green feed and grass cuttings, ground chalk and fats. Knowing the ingredients, you can make the food yourself to save costs. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor how well the broilers eat homemade feed and gain weight so that the savings do not turn into losses from delayed development.

It has been proven that broilers gain weight faster on premixes, but this increases the cost of meat. In addition, in the first 2 weeks, chickens must be given vitamins either in mixtures, or they prepare their own complementary foods from fermented milk products, chopped eggs, grated carrots, crushed dandelion, and nettle leaves.

Chickens eat 5–6 grams of feed for up to 5 days, then it increases to 20 g by the 10th day. 11-day-olds are fed 6 times, after 20 days they switch to 4 meals a day with an increase in the volume of feed. Monthly animals are transferred to fattening mode and prepared for slaughter.

Slaughter and preparation for sale

Slaughter requires a specialist. Either a permanent worker who combines slaughter with other duties, or a temporary one who is hired for a few days every month and a half. Feeding is stopped 8–12 hours before slaughter. The bird will no longer gain weight. In addition, an empty stomach and intestines make cutting the carcass easier.

There are technological lines on which most of the work is automated, and the entire process takes a few minutes. First, the bird is caught, being careful not to injure it, and hung by its legs on a cutting conveyor.

Broilers ready for slaughter

What happens on the conveyor:

  • stunning, slaughter and bleeding;
  • scalding, plucking and singeing;
  • gutting and washing;
  • packaging and labeling;
  • cooling and freezing.

The last element can be changed according to consumer requests. Selling fresh slaughter without refrigeration or freezing reduces operating costs and production costs, and reduces production time.

Sales determine profit

Until the products are sold, it is impossible to predict the financial results of the enterprise. The ideal option is when purchasing organizations purchase broilers directly from the poultry farmer. Otherwise, you need to organize storage, transportation and transfer to retail chains or public catering. Marketing options must be worked out before slaughter.

An entrepreneur has several sales channels:

  • rented place on the market;
  • own retail outlet;
  • online store;
  • supplies to retail chains or purchasing organizations;
  • participation in fairs and regional poultry support programs;
  • supplies to catering establishments;
  • sales directly from your poultry farm.

As production develops, related products will appear, the sale of which will bring additional income.

  • day-old and grown-up chickens;
  • organic fertilizers - bird droppings and rotted bedding material;
  • raw materials for feed production - eggshells, waste from carcass cutting;
  • feather and down.

If production facilities and capacities allow, laying hens and breeding roosters are raised to supply eggs for incubation and for regular sale. When purchasing feed at wholesale prices, some are fed to their own poultry farm, the rest is sold at retail in small quantities to personal farms. There is always a demand for feed.

Advertising is never superfluous

The success of sales largely depends on how informed potential buyers are about poultry farm products. In the business plan, and then in the enterprise budget, advertising costs should be a separate line. The services of advertising agencies are not cheap, but they often carry out promotions to attract advertisers. There are other ways to promote a product to consumers without the ruinous costs of agencies. The poultry farmer will have to master the basics of the advertising business so that the consumer learns about the excellent quality of the poultry farm’s products. It is possible to use all suitable channels for disseminating information:

  • newspapers and free classifieds websites;
  • paid advertising printing;
  • installation of banners and distribution of leaflets;
  • website on the Internet and registration on social networks;
  • poultry breeding clubs and forums, public business events;
  • help from relatives, friends and acquaintances (word of mouth).

Financial component of the matter

You cannot start a business without calculating future costs. It is necessary to determine, at least as a first approximation, what the investments will be used for. The calculation for a poultry house with 1,000 broilers is presented in the table below.

Table: initial investment

If you don’t have your own premises, then you need to add the costs of renting or purchasing. Prices for ready-made poultry houses (fully equipped according to a standard turnkey project) vary from 9,000 to 11,000 rubles per 1 m2. The premises for 1,000 heads will cost 2 million rubles.

As an option, you can order a prefabricated hangar at a price of 600 rubles/m2. The price of an empty hangar will be 150,000–200,000 rubles. The cost of converting it into a poultry farm is approximately the same amount. Total expenses: 350,000 rub.

Table: monthly expenses

Based on the results of the first month, the entrepreneur will spend 600,000–700,000 rubles. But already in the second, slaughter will begin and the first income will appear.

Table: calculation of profitability of 1 thousand broilers with an average bird weight of 1.8 kg

In fact, financial indicators will be better, because in six months stable sales of related products will begin - organic fertilizers, raw materials for feed, eggs, feathers, and so on.

Video: raising broilers at home

In this material:

Broilers are a type of chicken bred for the meat market. Poultry does not require complex care and a long feeding time compared to piglets and calves, so the payback period is much shorter. For the business to be profitable, a clear and well-thought-out business plan for broiler breeding with calculations at the start and preliminary income is required.

Features of the broiler breeding business

Poultry farming is much simpler than the business of raising and slaughtering cattle. Despite this, each direction has its own characteristics. In the case of broilers this is:

  • place – when building a chicken coop, it is worth considering that the birds do not require a large area. The approximate ratio is 13-18 heads per square meter. There will be nothing bad if the room seems a little larger, but such an approach will have a negative impact on the financial side;
  • equipment – ​​rapid growth of poultry requires special conditions. This includes a certain temperature and light regime;
  • infections - chickens are the most susceptible to diseases of all animals, so it is necessary to take into account the financial costs of preventive measures, as well as the risks associated with the extinction of part of the brood or all of the offspring;
  • sales - given that broilers grow in a short time (50-60 days), it is necessary to find sales channels for products in a timely manner.

Help: if you have no experience in breeding chickens, it is recommended to initially purchase a small number of chickens with subsequent sale. This will reduce the degree of bankruptcy of the enterprise, and with a successful start it will provide excellent experience for further business on a larger scale.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • small investments at the start;
  • the size of the business directly depends on the desire and financial side of the entrepreneur;
  • quick payback due to the short growth period of the bird;
  • lack of special conditions for keeping broilers - a standard chicken coop with balanced light and a heat source is sufficient;
  • no need for special food - broilers eat regular grain crops.
  • risks associated with avian infections and die-offs;
  • high competition;
  • instability of the financial market associated with the seasonality of poultry sales (meat is cheaper in summer than in winter).

If you find reliable and profitable sales channels, then competition and lower prices for meat will not play a significant role. Especially if you focus on the number of birds bred. The most important risk is disease and extinction of the livestock, which entails loss of invested funds.

Market and competitor assessment – ​​preliminary stage

Breeding broilers for the purpose of selling carcasses involves analyzing the market, purchasing power and searching for distribution channels. First of all, you will have to compete with local poultry farms, so a couple of important points are necessary:

  1. At the initial stage, you should not focus on large-scale production - factories work using a completely different technology, often losing in product quality, but compensating for this in the quantity of goods sold. This is unacceptable for an entrepreneur.
  2. Delivery of products - each meat buyer has its own conditions. Someone accepts goods on their territory, so you should think about transport and methods of transportation. Pickup is often provided, which is much more convenient.

The competitive struggle in poultry breeding is that there are too many products grown, so the final cost of the carcass is greatly underestimated. It would be useful to make inquiries about poultry farms and private production in neighboring regions, and look for distribution channels in those places where the sale of broiler carcasses is least concentrated.

Organizational plan

The organization of poultry farming begins with the registration of business activities. Only then can you proceed to the purchase of building materials and construction of the premises. The organizational plan also includes purchasing the necessary equipment, chickens to raise, and recruiting personnel. In fact, some stages can be swapped or combined. For example, if a chicken coop is not being built on its own, but through hired workers, then in parallel you can already move on to purchasing equipment and recruiting employees to care for the future farm.

Registration of activities

Growing broilers allows you to choose any form of doing business - individual entrepreneur, peasant farm or LLC. For beginning entrepreneurs, the ideal option would be to open an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm, since these 2 types are simpler to register. If the future involves creating a full-fledged poultry farm or factory, then it makes sense to immediately register a limited liability company.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is simple - submission of documents (passport, TIN and application) and payment of the state fee. The recommended taxation system is simplified tax system 6%.

Registration of a peasant farm is practically no different from the previous type - an agreement on the creation of a peasant farm is added to the documents. The tax system is the Unified Agricultural Tax.

The establishment of an LLC requires the provision of a company charter, the presence of an authorized capital and a decision on organizing a legal entity. The tax system is the simplified tax system.

The procedure for registering any type of business activity takes place at the tax service, so all questions that arise can be asked on the spot.

Construction of a chicken coop

Before starting the construction of the premises, it is worth deciding on the choice of site and its compliance with the approved legal norms. The land plot must be fenced, equipped with water drains and isolated poultry runs.

Criteria for a chicken coop:

  1. The wall material should be easy to clean from dirt, dust and chicken feces.
  2. The floor surface is covered with shavings, straw or hay, which is periodically replaced with dry material when dirty.
  3. Ventilation outlets are required.
  4. The length of the feeders depends on the age of the bird. Chickens – 5 cm, adult broilers – 8 cm.
  5. Drinking bowls – 3 cm for one individual.

To increase the comfort of living creatures, automatic lighting and heat supply systems are installed. To prevent infection, the walls of the chicken coop are covered with lime.

Broilers can be kept either in a common flock on the floor (with the obligatory separation of young animals and adults) or in cages. Approximate number of chickens per 1 sq. m. – 15-18 heads.

What equipment will you need?

Minimum list:

  • drinking bowls;
  • water containers;
  • feeders;
  • containers for mixed feed;
  • lamps for lighting and heating;
  • ventilation equipment;
  • fan heater;
  • litter;
  • heating radiators;
  • cells or material for their manufacture;
  • additional consumables.

Purchase of chickens

First of all, you need to find a trusted poultry supplier. Here it would be useful to make inquiries on the Internet, as well as look at the documentation and permission to sell chickens. The business must be registered legally with the necessary papers - certificates from the SES, veterinary service.

Birds are selected according to age. Professional breeders know that chickens need to be purchased at an early age so that they grow up on the main farm. This will have a positive effect on the health of the individual and the rate of weight gain.

It is not forbidden to buy an adult bird at the age of 1 month, but here it is worth considering that after a month the animals are subject to slaughter and sale, and it is impossible to gain full experience in breeding chickens in this way.

Help: young chickens are much cheaper than mature broilers, so you need to buy livestock at a very early age - a few days after hatching.

Feeding and caring for birds

Feeding is an important stage in broiler breeding, affecting health and rate of weight gain. There are several time intervals, each of which provides for features in the bird’s diet:

  • the first 5 days - the hatched chicks do not know how to take food on their own, so food is given forcibly. Diet - fermented milk products, crushed boiled eggs, and closer to the 5th day they begin to provide compound feed for the young animals. The maximum dose is 5 g per day per chicken;
  • age 5-10 days – chopped carrots, greens, feed dose increased to 20 g;
  • starting from the 11th day, the frequency of feeding is 6 times a day. Boiled potatoes and soybeans are added to the above diet. The products are mixed with compound feed;
  • from day 20, the frequency of feeding is reduced to 4 times a day, which is compensated by an increased volume of food. Bone meal, beans, peas are added;
  • starting from one month of age, the main ingredient becomes a special feed for adults.

You can prepare the feed yourself or buy a ready-made mixture. The composition should include not only the main ingredients (corn, grain, flour, chaff), but also minerals and vitamins.

Help: according to statistics, chickens gain weight faster on ready-made feed. However, the disadvantage of such mixtures is their inflated price. The livestock will practically not lose any meat if you purchase the components separately and mix them in the required proportions. The procedure requires increased attention and precision, and ultimately allows you to save 30-40% of money.

Farm staff

When the number of heads is 500-1000 units, hired employees are practically not required. After building a chicken coop and purchasing chickens, the entrepreneur is able to independently change the water, provide food and care for the birds. On the other hand, it takes a lot of time, and monitoring the equipment requires special knowledge.

Taking into account the nuances voiced, 2 people will be required to maintain a poultry farm:

  • a technician responsible for supplying light and heat, as well as monitoring the operation of the ventilation system;
  • a worker whose responsibilities include timely feeding of birds and maintaining order in the premises.

Subsequently, you need to hire an accountant and a specialist in finding distribution channels, but at first the entrepreneur is able to do this personally.

Search for chicken sales channels

The distribution channel depends on the volume of poultry raised. For example, if it is planned to breed up to 100 animals, then the products can be supplied to retail outlets. If the number of broilers is higher, then it makes sense to enter into an agreement for the supply of carcasses to wholesalers. Meat processing plants, sausage shops located in the region, or companies purchasing broilers for sale in the capital. Think over a plan for combining distribution channels - sell some wholesale, some to retail chains.

The procedure for finding buyers can be divided into active and passive. The first option is a personal visit to meat processing plants and factories in order to obtain information about cooperation. In addition, places of sale can be found through advertisements in newspapers or on the Internet.

The second option is to place your own advertisement in the media, advertising services on the Internet and printed materials. In this case, you don’t need to do anything, and the buyers themselves will call and offer their conditions.

Financial plan

One of the main stages is calculating expenses and income. After this, it will become clear how profitable the broiler breeding business is and how much money it requires at the start.

Investments in broiler business

Initial expenses:

  • construction of a chicken coop for 500 - 1,000 (50 sq. m.) - 60,000 rubles;
  • purchase of chickens – 25,000 rubles (1,000 heads at a price of 25 rubles per individual);
  • equipment – ​​25,000 rubles (material for cages, drinking bowls, feeders);
  • technical equipment – ​​20,000 rubles (lamps, additional heat sources);

Result: 130,000 rubles.


Expenses for 2 months:

  • salary for employees - 40,000 rubles (15,000/month for a worker, 5,000/month for a technician whose activity consists of periodically visiting the site to check equipment).
  • purchase of feed – 20,000 rubles;
  • utility costs - 30,000 rubles.

Result: 90,000 rubles.

Income from meat sales

When calculating profits, it is worth taking into account the risk of death of chicks or adults from various factors (disease, destruction by predators). On average, out of 1,000 birds, up to 100 birds die, so only 900 carcasses are taken into account below.

The average weight of clean meat of one broiler is 1.7 kg. The cost per kilogram is 130 rubles. The total is:

  • 900 multiplied by 1.7 = 1,530 kg is the total weight;
  • 1,530 multiplied by 130 = 198,900 rubles - this is the total profit from the sale of meat.

Result: almost 200 thousand “dirty” income in 2 months.

Profit calculation

198,900 – 90,000 = 108,900 rubles net profit.

Is it profitable to raise broiler chickens, profitability

It is worth understanding that the resulting net profit does not take into account start-up costs, so in the first 2 months the entrepreneur will not even recoup the funds spent on building a chicken coop.

In the future, with an established scheme, regular income will be 100 thousand or more rubles. Payback varies within 4-6 months, which depends on the speed of sales and the pricing policy of buyers.

Profitability – net income/total profit multiplied by 100%.

108 900/198 900*100 = 55%.

Based on all the calculations and indicators, the direct benefits of broiler breeding and the rate of return on business become visible.

Owning a poultry breeding business is much more profitable than a similar business raising animals. Chickens are unpretentious in food, grow quickly, and meat is always in demand because it has a low price and has dietary properties. In just a few months, raising broilers for sale can be turned into a serious enterprise with a high cash turnover.

Broiler is a type of chicken that is raised for meat. Breeding broilers brings profit to poultry farm owners. There are two areas of business - raising chickens for sale alive or fattening grown broilers and then slaughtering them. To organize a poultry farm on your site, study the requirements for such enterprises and draw up a business plan for future production.

Broiler breeding concept

Unlike many other types of livestock farming, raising chickens is economically profitable. So, to raise a bull for meat, an entrepreneur spends a year or two, and the period of fattening a broiler is 70 days. The activities of a large poultry farm include the following areas:

  • feeding and raising chickens;
  • incubating chickens from eggs;
  • selection work to develop new breeds and hybrids;
  • sale of meat and by-products;
  • production of compound feeds.
Floor breeding of broilers requires large areas

If you are not ready to invest, start small: try raising day-old chicks from eggs. The cost of one egg is from 8 rubles/piece, and chickens can be sold three times more expensive - 20–25 rubles/piece. Having successfully sold the chickens, you will recoup the cost of purchasing eggs and receive funds to purchase a new batch. Then you can only engage in selling chickens or develop a business and raise broilers.

Positive aspects and risks of business

The obvious advantages of the “chicken” business are the short period of raising chickens and the small area of ​​the chicken coop. A broiler reaches a weight of 1.7 kg in 60–70 days, and the stocking density when kept in cages is 20 birds per 1 square meter. m.

Raising broilers does not require special feed or equipment. The main thing is to provide enough warmth and light, as well as follow the diet.

Risks you may face:

  • infections, which leads to a decrease in bird numbers;
  • lack of weight of broilers due to poor quality feed;
  • jumps in market prices for meat.

To prevent risks, purchase eggs only from breeding poultry farms, enter into supply agreements and specify the responsibilities of the parties. Buy one-month-old chicks from reputable hatcheries. Raise as many heads as you can sell.

Broiler growing technologies

As mentioned above, broilers can be raised for meat or for selling chickens, the technologies differ.

To get meat

An entrepreneur purchases one-month-old chickens and places them in a chicken coop with sufficient light and heat (30⁰C). The chicken coop lighting system is designed so that the lamps turn on for two hours and then turn off for the same time. Growing is based on the correct selection of feed and diet. Feed is sold at bases, veterinary stores and wholesale suppliers. Optimal composition for chickens: 50% corn, the rest - soybean meal, wheat, milk powder. Later, yeast, flour (fish and grass), mineral components, and feed fat are added to the feed.

To accelerate weight gain, broilers are limited in their ability to move. Following the growing technology, after two months the entrepreneur receives healthy meat birds, ready for slaughter and sale.

For sale of chickens

Chicks are raised under a brood hen or in an incubator. The first method is more difficult: you need to determine when the chicken is ready for incubation. From 11 to 21 eggs are placed under the hen, and the hatching area is fenced off. Once every two days, the hen is removed from the clutch and fed so that she does not die from lack of food. Chicks hatch at 20–22 days. The key risk of the method is that the chicken may abandon the eggs before they finish sitting, and then the money spent will be lost.

It is much easier to raise chickens in an incubator. Home devices can hold up to 100 eggs, industrial ones - up to 8–10 thousand eggs. When buying an incubator, do not rely on devices with an automatic egg turning system - most do not turn them correctly. Provide a backup power source or water heating system to avoid losing chicks due to a power outage.

The simplest DIY incubator

Step-by-step instructions for opening a poultry farm

To open a broiler breeding business, register an organization and select premises for the poultry farm. Purchase equipment and hire staff to help. Then purchase the first batch of chickens and start growing.

Business registration and certification

The business can be registered as an individual entrepreneur, LLC or farm (peasant farm). The required documents for registration are shown in the table.

Table: lists of required documents

IP OOO peasant farm
Application in form P21001, signed by the future entrepreneur (signed at the tax authority).Application for state registration of LLC in form P11001.Photocopy of the passport of the manager (head of the peasant farm).
Copies of passport pages.Charter of the company - 2 copies.Application for opening a peasant farm (form P21002).
Receipt for payment of state duty - 800 rubles.The decision to establish a company for an LLC with one founder or the minutes of the general meeting of founders and the agreement on the establishment of the company, if the LLC has more than one founder.Receipt for payment of state duty - 800 rubles.
Notification of the transition to a simplified taxation system (if a taxation system is chosen).Receipt for payment of state duty - 4000 rubles.
Agreement on the creation of a peasant farm (necessary if the number of participants in the peasant farm is more than 1 person).
Notification of the transition to a simplified taxation system (if this taxation system is chosen).Application for transition to the Unified Agricultural Tax regime.

After registering the company, obtain permits from the SES and fire inspection authorities. Provide veterinary certificates and a certificate of conformity for the products.

Requirements for the site and premises of the chicken coop

  • the site must be fenced and equipped with water drains;
  • walking areas should be isolated;
  • a room made of easily cleaned materials;
  • the floors need bedding made of straw, sawdust, shavings;
  • the poultry farm must be equipped with ventilation;
  • the length of the feeders within bird access is 4–5 cm for young birds, 6–8 cm for large birds;
  • The length of the drinkers is 1–3 cm per bird.

To create comfortable conditions, equip your farm with automatic lighting and heating systems. Electric heating is acceptable in a small room. Cover the walls with lime to prevent infections.

Broilers are kept on the floor or in cages. Having chosen the first option, equip a pen for free walking of birds. Planting density is 12–18 heads per square meter. Place a bedding of sawdust or shavings on the floor. The height of the litter is 10 cm, it is completely replaced for each batch of broilers.

Install automatic drinkers and feeders. For small chickens, use vacuum drinkers and tray feeders; for adults, use automatic sets of equipment such as pulp and paper mills.

For cage housing, order or make cages yourself. Optimal dimensions of the structure: width - 1 m, height - 40 cm, battery - 3 floors, tray - at an angle of 20 cm on the front side, 7–10 cm on the back side. Planting density is 20–30 heads per square meter.

Broiler cages

Measure the air speed and gas concentration in the chicken coop daily: optimal speed - 0.2–0.4 m/s, ammonia concentration - up to 15 mg/cub.m, hydrogen sulfide - up to 5 mg/cub.m, carbon dioxide - 0. 35% of volume.

The sound pressure level in the farm room should be less than 90 dB on the “A” scale of the sound level meter.


  • two poultry houses;
  • electrician-fitter;
  • watchman-handyman.

Choose experienced employees who are bird-friendly and willing to do the “dirty” work.

Purchase of equipment (table)

The set of equipment for raising broilers is partially regulated by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The complete set is presented in the table.

An incubator is needed to raise chicks from eggs. The incubator is selected by:

Choose models with a ventilation system and an independent battery to avoid the death of chickens from uneven heating or power outages.

Video: DIY broiler cage

How to choose eggs and chicks

Broilers are bred by crossing meat breeds with each other. As a result, hybrid crosses of birds are obtained. Successful breeds for breeding with high productivity: Lohmann, Dominant, Ross, Smena, Tetra.

Best crosses: Ross -308, Cobb-500, Smena-7.

When choosing chickens, contact trusted producers. Buy birds that are 10 days old, active, with clear eyes, clean bottoms and even feathers. Inspect the wings - they should fit snugly to the body.

Healthy chickens are fluffy, without discharge from the eyes

Take eggs for the incubator that are smooth, of the same shape and size, and have a uniform surface structure and color. Check the eggs with an ovoscope for:

  • the presence of a fetus - there is a dark spot inside;
  • the location of the yolk is in the center;
  • number of yolks - one;
  • size and position of the air chamber - in the blunt part of the egg, less than 1.5 cm.

An ovoscope is a device for monitoring the development of an embryo in an egg using transillumination.

Candling an egg with an ovoscope

To ensure the quality of the eggs, re-inspect and analyze them on days 7–10. Two days before the chicks hatch, do a third check - the air chamber should occupy 2/3 of the egg, and the volume of protein should be minimal.

Buy chickens and eggs from industrial factories and hatcheries. At the market there is a risk of purchasing a sick bird of an unknown breed.

Features of keeping and feeding birds

For the first five days after birth, broilers are force-fed. The chicks are given fermented milk products and chopped eggs, and later they are introduced to starter feed. The amount of food per chick is up to 5 g per day.

For birds older than 5 days, add grated carrots, crushed dandelion, nettle leaves, and increase the proportion of feed in the food composition. The amount of food per bird is up to 20 g per day.

On the eleventh day of life, broilers are fed six times a day, adding fish, potatoes, soybeans, baker's yeast, and fresh herbs to the feed.

After 20 days, feed the chickens four times a day, increasing the amount of food. Beans and meat and bone meal are added to food.

Upon reaching one month of age, the composition of the livestock is assessed and the diet of the chickens is reviewed. Starter feed is replaced with fattening mixtures for adult broilers.

You can prepare the feed yourself. The composition of the starting premix for chickens and adult birds is given in the table.

Table: feed composition

If you want to buy food rather than prepare it yourself, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • composition of minerals;
  • nutritional value;
  • degree of swelling;
  • size of granules;
  • cleanliness of the feed.

Look for the letters PK in the food labeling - they indicate that it is intended for broilers. The composition of mixtures for broilers includes:

  • wheat and corn;
  • proteins - yeast, meal;
  • minerals - chalk, phosphates, table salt.

Types of factory premixes for different ages of poultry:

  • PK-5–1 - from birth to 10 days;
  • PK-5–2 - from 11 to 24 days;
  • PK-6 - from 25 days before slaughter.

In addition to feeding, chicks need to be given vitamins during the first 14 days of life. It has been proven that with ready-made premixes, broiler weight gain is faster, but the cost of meat increases. Choose the type of feeding depending on your goals and availability of finances.

Video: how to raise broiler chickens

Slaughter and preparation for sale

If you have chosen a full production cycle, hire an employee to slaughter the poultry. Before slaughter, broilers are not fed for 8–12 hours. Birds are caught carefully without injuring them. The sequence of slaughter and pre-sale preparation of the carcass:

  1. Stun and kill.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Plucking and gutting.
  4. Searing and washing.
  5. Packaging and labeling.
  6. Freezing.

Sales of finished products

Before purchasing poultry stock, agree on distribution channels for your products. Possible options:

  • independently on the market;
  • through retail chains;
  • at city fairs;
  • individually from the farm.

Additional sources of income are the sale of day-old chicks and eggs. Buyers for chickens can be found on business forums. To establish yourself, sell quality products and don’t forget about advertising. In the future, you will be able to open your own points of sale of meat.

Business advertising

The competitive advantage of a small farm is that broilers are raised in “home” conditions. The quality of meat and eggs is not comparable to factory-made ones: focus on this in advertising.

  • retail chains (banners, leaflets);
  • city ​​venues, fairs;
  • Internet (your website, social network page).

Create a marketing plan and advertising schedule. Plan a budget for disseminating information. And, of course, tell your friends about yourself and your work - word of mouth should also work.

Financial plan

Before starting a business, draw up a financial production plan taking into account the number of heads and type of cultivation. Below is a plan for a mini-farm for 1 thousand heads at slaughter at the age of 60 days. The method of cultivation is on the floor.

Table: initial costs

Table: costs per batch of broilers

Income, project profitability and payback periods (table)

The calculation of income is given for raising a batch of broilers for 1 thousand heads when slaughtered at the age of 60 days when raised on the floor.

Farming is one of the most promising areas in our time. Issues of organizing activities need to be approached competently. The main thing is to maintain the health of the livestock. Various diseases and malnutrition can nullify any efforts. Only if the conditions are met, growing broilers as a business will become a highly profitable project.

Raising broilers is an excellent way of doing business, which has a lot of undeniable advantages. These include:

  1. A business model that has been studied and developed in detail for a long time.
  2. Low cost of maintaining a livestock of chickens, as well as no need for highly competent personnel (low wages).
  3. The presence of many farms on the market supplying young chickens and eggs at low prices.
  4. Minimum costs for arranging a chicken coop, as well as material and technical equipment and the acquisition of documents necessary to open a business.
  5. High demand. In some regions, the shortage of chicken meat reaches 20-30%. This will allow you not only to quickly find suppliers, but also to sell products at prices slightly higher than the national average.

The lack of initial knowledge regarding bird breeding and low costs make this direction one of the simplest.

However, in addition to the positive aspects, there are also negative aspects of doing business, as well as many risks. The most unpleasant thing you can encounter is:

  1. Possible development of infectious and inflammatory pathologies.
  2. Lack of weight in broilers due to poor quality feed. If the age of the broiler exceeds 60 days, then all the taste of the meat is lost, it becomes tough and dry, therefore, the costs of further cultivation are not justified. When the bird has not gained the required weight (1.8-2.5 kg), it does not pay off.
  3. Unexpected price hikes for chicken meat due to various reasons.
  4. Lack of regular customers. If supplies are intermittent, storage and freezing entails significant costs.

Broiler breeding technologies

Broilers can be raised either to sell chickens or to produce meat. Both methods differ significantly, both in profitability and in the equipment of the poultry farm.

Getting meat

Usually it starts with purchasing young chickens (20-25 days) and placing them in a chicken coop with a sufficient level of heating (from 30 degrees) and lighting. The light supply system must work smoothly and provide alternating lighting (2 hours on, 2 hours off, etc.). Much attention should be paid to balanced food and proper care.

In order for chickens to quickly gain body weight, their freedom of movement is limited, which allows them to accumulate the maximum energy value obtained from food.

After about 2 months, the bird is ready for slaughter and sale. Then all stages are repeated.

Chickens for sale

Breeding young chicks can be done using an incubator or under brood hens. The second method is much more complicated. From 10 to 20 eggs should be placed under each bird, and the hatching area should be fenced off so that nothing disturbs the “mother” and she herself cannot abandon her offspring. From 20-22 days the new generation hatches.

Another option is an incubator. Simple farm units can hold an average of up to 150 eggs, industrial ones – over 10,000. Such technical devices turn the eggs themselves and ensure temperature maintenance and control.

It is important to take care of emergency power sources (for example, water heating elements) so that in the event of technical problems or problems with the power supply, all chickens will not die.

Business plan and calculations

Opening a home farm is extremely simple, but building a full-fledged poultry farm requires huge costs, although the profitability will be higher. An approximate scheme of one-time initial investments for 4000 population units can be presented as follows:

Expense itemApproximate amount, in rubles
Rent of premises per year55000
Homemade cells80000
Heating and ventilation systems, light sources320000
Equipment for feeding and water supply, bedding300000
Chickens – 4,000 pcs. Additionally – 400 pcs. (risk compensation in case of death)170000
Equipment for slaughter and short-term storage of carcasses400000
Poultry feed mixtures350000

In the case of such an arrangement, the costs for each cycle (2 months) will look like this:

However, such expenses bring tangible profits. If we take the average price for 1 kg of chicken meat (150 rubles) and the average weight (2 kg), then 4,000 chickens, the total weight of which is 8,000 kg, will bring 1,200,000 rubles.

As a result, about 63% of the initial investment was recouped. Under favorable conditions, up to 6 cycles can be implemented each year.

Preparation of documents for business implementation

The business can be carried out in the form of a limited liability company, individual entrepreneurship or household. Each type requires its own specific set of documents:

an application form P 21001 signed by the tax authorities;application form P 11001;application according to form P 21002;
passport and its copy;charter in 2 versions;certificate of payment of state duty (about 800 rubles);
document confirming payment of state duty (about 800 rubles);a receipt indicating payment of the state duty (3,800 rubles);agreement on the establishment of a farm (to be filled out if there are 2 or more participants);
charter, provided in 2 copies;passport and its copy (manager’s identity card is provided);application to switch to ECXH mode.

After creating a business and registering it, you should contact the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services to obtain permission. A veterinary certificate and a product quality certificate are required.

Important aspects of running a chicken business

To breed healthy chickens and obtain a constant profit, a whole range of small nuances should be taken into account: from the purchase of young chickens, to the selection of personnel and the sale of products.

Buying chickens or eggs: which is more profitable for a start?

The simplest option is to buy chickens that are no more than a few days old. They are extremely cheap, and the chance of making a profit is high. If you are not confident in the integrity of the supplier and in your experience, you should seek the help of a specialist when purchasing future broilers.

The main indicators are as follows:

  • age up to 10 days;
  • activity and mobility;
  • clean feathers and cloaca opening, no tearing;
  • the wings are pressed to the body and practically do not participate in movement.

Chicks are very delicate and fragile; special containers are required for their transportation.

For transportation, you can use small cardboard boxes that can fit no more than 30 individuals closely.

A more difficult option is purchasing eggs. Their price is approximately 1.5-2 times less than the cost of chickens. Buying eggs involves many risks, for example, the presence of defective eggs, from which none will hatch, or a generation with any diseases, including those dangerous for other birds.

Keeping chickens

The bird house should be located in a west-east direction, and the windows should face south. This will maximize the level of illumination. It is better to place the door on the sunrise side.

It is recommended to build a “chicken house” on a hill to create a dry environment. This makes walking easier. Birds also do not like noise and constant danger. It is better to move the construction away from major highways, other enterprises (especially the chemical industry) and cities.

The air temperature should always be within standard limits: 28-30 degrees in summer and 15 or more in winter. For additional protection from drafts and cold, you need to choose high-quality double-glazed windows and install shutters.

The foundation of the chicken coop should provide ventilation to the floor and protect it from ferrets and rats. The simplest is columnar. Before installation, the top layer of soil is removed by 20-25 cm. The supports are installed around the perimeter (the base is brick or stone masonry), and the distance between each supporting element should not exceed 100 cm. A hole is dug under each support to a depth of 0.6 meters. After installation, the pillars should rise 25-30 cm above ground level.

The floor should be double, which will provide reliable protection from the cold in winter. Insulation is placed between the floorings.

The walls of the chicken coop should be built to a height of at least 180 cm. The frame is made of timber and covered on both sides with boards, between which insulation is laid: mineral wool, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam, sawdust. To provide additional antimicrobial protection, the walls are treated from the inside with a layer of lime.

Installing windows is an important issue. The area of ​​glass required is equal to ¼ of the floor area. The glazing should be double, and the gap between the frame and the wall frames should not allow air to pass through.

The roof should be made with two slopes. And the attic is perfect for storing food and other supplies. Slate with roofing felt underlay is used for the roof. The height difference is set at 40-45 cm.

For every 5 broilers there should be at least 1.5 meters of perch, which is best placed in one tier at a height from the floor within 50-60 cm.

The perches should be round and not rotate so that the birds are comfortable.

Near the chicken coop there is an open-air cage with free access. Area: 0.5 m2 for each chicken. The frame is made of welded metal profiles or timber, then covered with a mesh, the diameter of each cell of which should not be more than 3-5 cm.

Video - Chicken coop diagram for broilers

Required Equipment

When choosing a large scale of business, you need to do everything to facilitate personal work and maximize productivity, i.e. It is necessary to purchase specialized equipment, which includes:

  • nipple type drinkers;
  • drop collections;
  • can drinking bowls with a volume of at least 6 liters;
  • automatic feeders, capacity 5-6 liters;
  • feed storage;
  • supply and exhaust ventilation system;
  • llamas, which are a source of light and additional heating, with a power of at least 100 W.

If birds are bred in cages, then cage batteries and frame fans with heat emitters are additionally purchased. When growing on the floor, you need a fan heater and a slatted floor with bedding.

Feeding chicks and chickens

A young body urgently needs proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as multivitamin and mineral complexes. The following foods can be used:

  • fish flour;
  • corn;
  • wheat;
  • salt;

The amount of food directly depends on age. The correct dosage ensures the prevention of developmental disorders.

Chicken ageFeeding frequencyNorm of dry food per day, in grams
7 days8 times a day15
7-14 days6 times a day25
14-21 days4 times a day90
From 21 daysEvery 12 hours150

Chickens must consume their allotted amount of feed for one meal at a time. If the chicks do not finish eating, this indicates either low quality food or some kind of disease.

For feeding, you can use both dry mixtures and prepare mash by diluting 0.5 kg of food in 250 ml of whey or milk. The composition deteriorates quickly (within 40 minutes), so you need to give it immediately.

Self-preparing food

Ready-made balanced food for chickens is much more expensive than making it yourself. Before the age of 15 days, it is recommended to give the following components:

  • 50% - corn;
  • 17% - wheat;
  • 15% - cake;
  • 11% - cottage cheese;
  • 9% - barley.

From the fifth day, bone meal, chalk and crushed shells are added to the food (up to 2 grams per day). This ensures adequate digestion and absorption of food.

From the 2nd week of life, the diet expands significantly and looks like this:

  • 48% - crushed corn;
  • 19% - cake;
  • 13% - wheat;
  • 7% - fishmeal;
  • 5% - yeast;
  • 3% - dry milk without fat;
  • 3% - fresh herbs;
  • 1% - special feed fat.

Starting from the 21st day of life, you can replace up to 20% of grains with boiled potatoes.

Prevention of disease development

If some chicks are noticeably lagging behind in development (lower body weight, no motor activity), then they are discarded, as they can be carriers of infectious agents.

Starting from 2 weeks, chicks are given mixtures to prevent coccidiosis. Baycox (3 grams per 500 ml of water) and vitamin B are perfect.

Every 14 days, drinkers and feeders should be completely disinfected. Treatment is carried out with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Method: soaking. Duration: 15-20 minutes.

Slaughter and storage of broilers

Chicken meat must be in marketable condition, so the slaughtering procedure should be treated with special attention. For low production volumes, a regular ax is perfect. After cutting off the head, the carcass is immersed in boiling water to make it easier to remove the feathers. After cleaning, exposure to a direct source of fire is necessary, which allows you to give it a marketable appearance.

For a storage period of 1 to 6 days, temperatures from 0 to 4 degrees are suitable. If they need to lie for a long time (up to 2-4 months), then they are first cooled for 15 hours at a temperature of about 3 degrees, and then placed in a chamber with a mark of -10 degrees. After defrosting, the product will have a lower taste profile.

Video - Broiler slaughter

Sales of finished products

The best way is direct sale of meat to organizations that will carry out further processing. If this option does not turn up, then consumers will have to decide on their own issues of storage and delivery. Sales channels can be the following:

  • a point in a market or shopping center;
  • opening a company store;
  • sale via the Internet;
  • sales through large retail chains;
  • trade fairs;
  • cooperation with public catering networks.

At the initial stages of running a business, in order to make yourself known, you need to use advertising, the nature of which can be any:

  • sites with free and paid advertisements;
  • newspapers;
  • signs;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • maintaining your own website or online store;
  • thematic communities on social networks.

Thus, breeding broilers for sale can be an excellent, highly profitable business. However, many small nuances need to be taken into account. Failure to comply with the conditions or inattention at any stage leads to huge losses!