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» Growing worms for fishermen as a business. Cardboard box. What you need to know about California worms

Growing worms for fishermen as a business. Cardboard box. What you need to know about California worms

Breeding worms as a business is a rather unusual but interesting idea for entrepreneurs. To some, it may seem completely irrelevant and unpromising. But in fact, you can make good money on this without investing practically anything into the business except your ingenuity and work. Such an idea can bring its owner a stable income, regardless of the economic situation in the country.

When deciding where to start and how to succeed in this business, an entrepreneur must first understand what worms are for. A closer look will reveal that they are used in various fields. This is not only fishing and agriculture, but also medicine.

This idea will be especially relevant for residents of villages and country houses. The countryside will allow you to start breeding worms at home with almost no investment - everything you need will be around.

Why should you start breeding worms?

Any entrepreneur, when opening his own business, wants to understand before starting whether the chosen business is profitable or not, how much income it can bring. To make sure that the idea of ​​breeding worms is relevant and in demand, it is worth learning in more detail about the advantages of such a business. These include:

  • Minimum investment. To grow worms you do not need expensive equipment, and purchasing young animals will cost 4,000 - 6,000 rubles.
  • Unpretentiousness. Worms do not require special care, but they quickly increase the population.
  • High demand. For example, earthworms are purchased for the production of fertilizers (compost) by fish and pet store owners.
  • Minimum documents. To open a business you will not need to obtain licenses, permits, or quality certificates. It will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur and start your activities.
  • Low competition. Few Russian entrepreneurs today are engaged in breeding worms. This niche is still vacant. Therefore, you can make a profit in it quickly and easily.

All this indicates high prospects for the business in question. With the right approach, an entrepreneur will be able to ensure high profitability and quick payback for his business.

A place to breed worms is perhaps the most important issue at the initial stage. Typically, entrepreneurs use their own gardens and summer cottages for this. Boxes with a height of 30 to 40 cm are installed on the ground. They are usually made of plastic or wood.

Entrepreneurs often reject the idea of ​​growing worms in captivity. In this case, the territory must be fenced with a special protective net. You can go another way - to concrete part of the ground, forming a kind of platform.

If an entrepreneur wants to breed worms all year round, then it is better for him to move the animals from the garden to closed premises. For example, you can equip a special barn for them or use a cellar.

White worms reproduce well not only in boxes, but also in smaller containers - jars, aquariums, and other vessels. But they require daily water changes (2 - 3 cm from the bottom surface). Not just any liquid can be used. It should be rain, aquarium or settled water.

Content Features

Worms are unpretentious, but this does not mean that you do not need to monitor them. The following conditions must be maintained:

  • temperature - from +15 to +25 0 C;
  • humidity - about 80%;
  • acidity - 7 pH;
  • limited light supply (for this, the boxes are covered with lids or hay, which prevents the worms from drying out).

You will also need specialized food for worms. They prefer to eat:

  • manure (goats, pigs, cows, rabbits);
  • various food waste (mainly vegetable and fruit);
  • paper (it must first be crushed and soaked in water);
  • tea leaves (from tea, coffee).

But when buying manure, you need to remember that it should not sit for more than 2 years. Otherwise, it will be deprived of almost all nutrients. Rabbit and goat manure can be given to the worms immediately after it appears, but pig and cow manure must sit for at least 6 months. Otherwise, the population may simply die.

When using food waste, it is necessary to prevent the ingress of meat, eggs and other animal components into it.

Worms do not require daily feeding. It is enough to give them food once every 1.5 - 2 weeks. But the higher the temperature, the more food will be required, since the activity of the worms will also increase.

It is important that the soil is loose. The compost must be constantly watered and loosened, but without mixing the layers. You will have to constantly monitor the activity of individuals, this will ensure their health.

Possible problems

It would seem that it could be simpler than growing worms. But this business also has its difficulties. Most often, breeders have to face the following difficulties:

  • Getting worms out of their habitat alive is not easy; the process takes a week. At the same time, it is important to finish feeding in a timely manner and distribute the soil. All this requires skill and dexterity.
  • Difficulties in removing worms from biomass. This problem is relevant for those entrepreneurs who use worms to produce compost. In this case, the earth is sifted through special boxes with holes.
  • To obtain maximum profit, you will have to organize a full production cycle. At the same time, growing worms will become an additional way to earn income, it will not be the main one.

Sales channels

It is very important to determine in advance possible distribution channels for finished products. We can talk about worms or compost, vermichai (worm tea). If an entrepreneur has enough money, he can open his own outlet. But it would be better if other goods were sold there. For example, this could be a fishing tackle and equipment store, a pet store, or a gardening fertilizer store. If an entrepreneur does not have money to open his own outlet, then he can use other sales channels:

  • summer residents (always need fertilizers to increase soil fertility);
  • fishermen;
  • pet stores;
  • fish farms;
  • agricultural enterprises engaged in growing vegetables and fruits (worm tea allows you to increase productivity several times).

Financial results

Growing Californian worms is considered the most profitable, since individuals of this variety produce valuable biomass faster than all their relatives. They are also used by fishermen and pet stores. Starting a business requires virtually no investment. If an entrepreneur has his own summer cottage, he can use it. To run a business you will need:

  • boxes;
  • feed;
  • systems for monitoring temperature, humidity and acidity of the environment;
  • worms

All this will require about 40,000 rubles. This business format can achieve profitability of 100 - 130%, and it will be able to pay off in 6 - 8 months. Moreover, profitability will increase over time. For the first 3 to 4 months, you will need to be actively involved in keeping and feeding the individuals. On average, income can vary from 40,000 to 200,000 rubles per month. With large scale production it will be possible to increase profitability to approximately 600%.

It will be important to take into account the need to invest in promotion - advertising will make the product recognizable and in demand, which means it will increase demand for the product.

Worm breeding as a business is not such a competitive niche, but very promising. Let's look at the details of growing worms and you can start breeding worms at home.

One of the many Chinese wisdoms says:

It is not the farmer who grows a good harvest who is rich, but the one who cultivated the land that gave it.

The lands of Russia of the last century were extremely depleted by the intensive use of mineral fertilizers; only today has organic farming begun to revive.

It is no secret that soil rich in organic matter of plant and animal origin is the most fertile, and ordinary earthworms make it so. They are the ones who process the remains of organic compounds into valuable fertile soil, which is called humus.

By the way, Western scientists have bred a special breed of worms that reproduce and work much more efficiently than their relatives - California worms .

This allows you to consider worm breeding as a business that requires virtually no investment.

Worm Breeding - Review and Business Prospects

Most people associate earthworms (they are also earthworms) primarily with fishing. But few people know that since the times of Ancient Rome they have been used in agriculture to produce vermicompost (vermicompost), which can be used as fertilizer. And due to their extremely high fertility, worms often become the basis of feed for domestic animals and birds.

But the scope of application of earthworms is not limited to this. In the West, scientists have been trying to use them as raw materials for the manufacture of medicines for several years now. With all this, earthworms are not only useful, but also unpretentious.

For example, food waste, hay and leaves are suitable as food for them. They can live at temperatures from + 10° C to + 30° C (ideally + 15... + 20° C). Once you start, you should take into account that for normal breathing these invertebrates need 60-80% humidity.

Many works and textbooks have been written about earthworms, but the potential of a vermiculture-based business can only be assessed by analyzing the successes and failures of entrepreneurs who are already engaged in this business.

The lion's share of worm farms is engaged in both the cultivation of worms for sale and the production of vermicompost. Moreover, farmers cannot clearly answer what brings more income. It is known that the main demand for vermicompost occurs in spring and autumn. People are interested in worms almost all year round. But they are usually sold in small quantities, and humus is bought in tons.

If you are engaged in agriculture, then having your own “worm” farm not only allows you to save on fertilizers, but also makes it possible to receive additional profit from the sale of worms and vermicompost. It is noteworthy that in the European Union such biofertilizer is the only type of fertilizer that farmers are allowed to use without restrictions.

Having started worm farming It is worth considering that agriculture can potentially be a market not only for humus, but also for worm biomass. As worm farmers explain, the worms themselves can be used as feed in poultry farms. However, such orders are received extremely rarely. The main buyers of worms are still fishermen.

Industry representatives are convinced that the market potential for worms and the fertilizers they produce is much greater than the grains that businesses get today. There is no understanding in the country that this direction is extremely useful for agriculture.

People abroad “adore” worms and the disgust that we have is being eradicated. " Our agronomists are not familiar with this technology and, as before, fertilize the land with pesticides in the proportions indicated in old Soviet textbooks“- one of those for whom worm breeding as a business.

Interesting information: From bait to fertilizer

Earthworms have been used as fishing bait for centuries. They were first put on a commercial production line in 1901 in the USA by the Shur-Bite Bait Company.

In the pre-war period in the States, the worm business was considered one of the most dynamically developing. After the end of World War II, the first farms appeared that not only supplied worms to fishermen, but also sold vermicompost to gardeners. In 1950, in New York alone there were more than 1 thousand outlets selling the worm.

Interest in the business was caused by low investments and high income. The story of the American fisherman Hugh Carter, who in the late 1940s began with only an old box, is indicative here. Soon, the entrepreneur created a heating workshop for growing worms, combining vermicomposting technology with the principles of an assembly line.

More than half a century after the worm boom in the US, rates continue to rise steadily today. In particular, vermicompost is in great demand. On the world market, prices for this product are dictated by Arab countries; they are the largest importers of vermicompost today. With wholesale supplies, the cost of one ton of humus can be $2 thousand. The main condition of the Arabs is not to import vermicompost made from pig manure to them.

When should you start such a business?

You can open a worm farm at any time of the year. But, as entrepreneurs advise, the best period to open this business is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. It is advisable to start in early summer if there is no warm room.

According to many years of observations, it is most profitable to buy a worm and put it into production at least 2-3 months before February. In autumn and winter, the worm's adaptation to new substrates takes a little longer. In February, the peak of worm activity occurs, and the buyer does not lose the season.

Start off worm farming as a business in the fall it is also beneficial because there are no problems with food for worms. In particular, in addition to manure, you can use tops that remain after harvesting. An autumn start is more profitable, because before spring – the period of maximum activity of Californian worms – there is already guaranteed to be an adapted “stock” capable of doubling at this time.

Which “hard workers” to choose. California worm

There are several thousand species of earthworms in nature, but in order to become as a business Only a few of them will do. In Russia, mainly two types of worms are bred on special farms: Californian and the worm - " prospector ».

The latter type, according to most market participants, is more suitable for commercial use. After all, one individual “miner,” as biologists assure, is capable of producing 1.5 thousand of its own kind every year. Here the American relative is slightly inferior to it, breeding up to 400-500 individuals per year.

Regarding breeding worms at home, “pedigreed” individuals are not required here; local worms, accustomed to their habitat, are quite suitable. Their adaptation in the closed conditions of the farm will take place without any problems and they will begin to reproduce much faster. Hence the conclusion - it is better to collect the worms yourself.

To do this, you need to dig a small hole in the ground and fill it with rotten leaves or manure. This filler should be moistened (but not too much) and covered with cardboard and board. Within a week you can collect the first batch of worms. It is worth noting that their relocation into a box must be carried out with part of the soil where they lived. To breed earthworms per 1 m² of nursery, it is enough to collect about a kilogram, on average this is about 1000 individuals.

Regarding breeding worms at home, “pedigreed” individuals are not required here; local worms, accustomed to their habitat, are quite suitable

Where to breed worms. Is it possible to breed worms at home?

There are no special requirements for selecting premises for a farm; the main thing is that its area meets the needs of the entrepreneur. If we are talking about breeding worms at home, then it is, of course, better to breed worms in a heated area, for example, in a cellar or garage. Otherwise, when the air temperature drops below + 4°C, the worms hibernate and you can forget about doing business in winter.

If it is planned to grow worms all year round, then the farm area should be calculated taking into account the large increase in their numbers. On large worm farms, their numbers reach hundreds of thousands.

Earthworm breeding is carried out in boxes that you can make yourself, of the sizes that are needed in each specific case. Here are a few options for making them:

  • Wooden box . Such a box is made of boards at least 2.5 cm thick. Its optimal size is 1x2x0.5 m. A hole is drilled in the bottom of the box, and the box itself is installed on wooden blocks with an angle, ensuring the outflow of the most valuable liquid (read about it below). All corners and seams are covered with tin tape to prevent rodents from getting inside. Don’t forget about the lid, which can be made from boards, or it can also be a sheet of plywood, the main thing is that there are holes in the lid for air circulation;
  • Plastic container . It is advisable to buy this type of “housing” for worms when you already have some experience in the field of growing earthworms, since this is a rather expensive purchase and if it fails, it will be very disappointing to lose money. If you have chosen just such a nursery, then you should take into account its complete airtightness and you need to drill holes not only in the lid, but also on the side surfaces. When breeding worms in plastic containers, a hole for liquid drainage is also necessary;
  • Old refrigerator . Some experienced farmers use old refrigerators as nursery boxes. The refrigerator is installed with the door facing up, which is quite logical; all internal contents are removed as unnecessary. The walls of the refrigerator and its doors are equipped with openings for air access. Installation of all boxes for breeding worms is carried out on bars with a slight tilt, and the old refrigerator is no exception;
  • Cardboard box . The ideal nursery box for breeding worms for novice entrepreneurs is a cardboard box. Its size should be more than 40x30 cm. Cardboard is an environmentally friendly material that can be used by worms as food, and it is also ideal for air permeability. The only negative is the fragility of such “housing”, but this is not scary either. When the box becomes damp and worms begin to feed on it, it can easily be placed in another box or covered with fresh cardboard;
  • Vermicomposters . Such trusses can be purchased from specialized companies, and are the most convenient of all possible options, but also the most expensive.

Once you start, you should take into account the features of their natural habitat, where the soil in which they live can be divided into 3 “floors”.

The top layer of soil, rich in organic remains of plants and animals, serves as a food intake site. In the lower tier of the worms' residence, the products of their vital activity accumulate - humus and the same liquid, which is called worm "tea". Well, between these layers of soil the worms feel most comfortable, this is where the bulk of them live.

Nursery filling technology

The prepared container is half filled with humus, however, it can be mixed with shredded newspapers or cardboard. This mixture is moistened, but it should be taken into account that when it is compressed, no free moisture should be released. The compost filler actively releases ammonia for the first 2-3 days, so the infestation of worms should be postponed until it is completely removed.

As noted above, about a kilogram of worms is needed per 1 m² of nursery. Based on this calculation, they are planted in a hole in the prepared soil with part of the land where they lived. This place is leveled, moistened and covered with cardboard.

The worms are not disturbed for 2-3 days, giving them time to adapt to new living conditions. If worms spread in the nursery, we can conclude that acclimatization was successful. Now it's time to add feed.

In no case should we forget about constantly moistening the soil in the nursery, but you should not overdo it either, as this threatens the death of the worms.

As you know, they breathe through their skin and from excess moisture they begin to suffocate - this is the reason why worms appear on the surface of the soil during rain, so they look for an opportunity to enrich their simple body with oxygen.

It should be noted that the place where this takes place must be quiet and calm, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of strong noise and vibration.

Food for "pupils"

When preparing food for worms, you need to organize a compost heap. Suitable food scraps include fruit and vegetable scraps, egg shells, flour products, coffee grounds and tea leaves, as well as grass, leaves and manure.

The waste products of dogs and cats, manure, in the case of treating animals for worms, waste of garlic, onions and citrus fruits, as well as dairy products, oils, fats, fish and meat waste should be excluded from the diet.

The finished food is laid in a layer of 10 centimeters, approximately once a week. A simple way to determine if there is insufficient food for worms is to use ordinary toilet paper or newsprint, which is placed on top of fresh food and moistened.

When the worms begin to eat this paper, this is a sure sign that the food has run out and it is worth adding a new portion.

The waste products of dogs and cats, manure, in the case of treating animals for worms, waste of garlic, onions and citrus fruits, as well as dairy products, oils, fats, fish and meat waste should be excluded from the diet.


The worms reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 to 3 months and lay cocoons every week for the next 4 months. The maturation period of 1 cocoon is on average 2-3 weeks, from which up to 20 individuals emerge, which begin to reproduce after a few months. Thus, after 5-6 months the number of worms in one nursery increases 50 times!

If the number of worms per liter of soil exceeds 50 adult individuals, then it is necessary to relocate some of the worms or make the first profit by selling it. If this is not done, the worm population will cease naturally.

The worm sorting process occurs every 4-6 months. To implement this, the top layer of soil in the nursery is moved in one direction, then the layer of worm habitat and then the humus are removed. After this, they begin to sort the worms - mature individuals go to sell or expand the business, and small ones are returned back. The worm growing process resumes.

Possible implementation options

Sometimes it becomes unclear to an entrepreneur where he can sell finished products.

  1. Fishing . This is the first thing that comes to mind for any entrepreneur who is planning to breed worms. This is not surprising, since the worm is the most popular type of bait. Of course, this may seem like a stupid idea, but in reality it is far from true. In modern society, few people are willing to spend their precious time digging in the ground in search of the required amount of bait; it is much easier to buy it in fishing stores, where, in fact, grown worms are supplied. You can work with fishermen directly, but to do this you need to look for a client base yourself.
  2. Pet Shop . Another place where worms are quite in demand. They go to feed fish, birds and other lovers of this “dish”;
  3. Fish farms . For fish grown in artificially created conditions, worms are a delicacy. As a rule, such enterprises require huge quantities of such feed;
  4. Ecohumus . Do not forget about this valuable waste product of worms - it is used to increase soil fertility in the area. You can use humus yourself or sell it to summer residents and gardening organizations;
  5. Worm "tea" . This product is the most valuable in the entire worm breeding process. To collect this waste product of the worms, a drain is made in the bottom of the nursery box. Nowadays, the demand for eco-products is growing every day, and accordingly, environmentally friendly, natural fertilizers are becoming quite in demand. To evaluate the real value of worm “tea,” we can give the following example: the yield of tomatoes increases almost 2 times as a result of feeding them with this substance.

Economic efficiency

For a year of correct work on worm breeding it turns out about 20 thousand worms and more than a ton of humus from 2 m² (two square meters) of a nursery.

If you make a profit only from selling worms for 1.7 rubles. per piece, it turns out to be about 34,000 rubles. for a year. And if the area of ​​the nursery is increased to 20 square meters, then in a year you can get 340,000 rubles.

It should be noted that the cost of humus and worm “tea”, as well as large areas of nurseries, are not taken into account. Subject to minimal investments and waste-free production, the economic efficiency of earthworm breeding is obvious.

The average retail price of vermifarm products at the time of publication is as follows:

  • Separated vermicompost (purified) – 6800 -10200 r/t;
  • Unseparated vermicompost (unpurified) – 3400-5100 rubles/t;
  • California worms – 1150 RUR/1.5 thousand worms;
  • “Prospector” worm – 2400 RUR/1.5 thousand worms;
  • Worm for fishing - 200-800 rubles/1.5 thousand worms.

* Compiled based on data from open sources

Summarizing what has been written, we can conclude that the profitability of an earthworm breeding business, depending on the type of farm, can range from 200 to 700%. Moreover, an old barn and 17-34 thousand rubles are enough to start.

» Worms

Soil, as you know, is the foundation of all living and developing things on our planet, the basis of life. In order for its power not to dry up, the fertility of the soil must be constantly restored, and the most important workers in this direction are earthworms. Everything ingenious is extremely simple - the quality of the land, its fertility and high crop yields directly depend on the waste product of the ordinary earthworm. We will tell you further how to breed it at home, how and what to feed it and what care to take.

Breeding worms at home is not at all difficult. And the matter can become a very serious business, and there are at least two good reasons for this:

  • creeping creatures multiply very quickly, gain useful biomass and are an excellent feed for poultry (poultry farms, farms engaged in poultry breeding and egg production);
  • the product of active vital activity is vermicompost– the highest quality and environmentally friendly fertilizer for farms and greenhouses.

In addition, in pharmacology these animal organisms are also used to make medicines. The use of vermicompost on personal plots and in the household will significantly increase the egg production of poultry, soil fertility, and increase the yield of vegetables and fruits without the use of chemical fertilizers.

Varieties of annelids

The most common common representative of bristle annelids is the earthworm. But it is they, which are freely found in nature, that are least suitable for reproduction in artificial conditions. Representatives of this subspecies reproduce rather slowly, have difficulty adapting to new conditions and unfamiliar food, and live relatively short lives. They are, perhaps, only suitable for breeding for your own personal household needs.

For industrial breeding and production of vermicompost, the Russian scientist, Professor A. M. Igonin bred a special breed “Staratel”. By crossing different breeds of species living at a sufficient distance from each other, he was able to obtain individuals with completely new qualities:

  • long life expectancy - from 4 to 16 years;
  • reproduces quickly;
  • easily tolerates changing food (any type of food can be used - from fallen leaves and grass to human food waste).

Prospectors adapt as quickly as possible to the conditions of artificial propagation and provide an excellent increase in biomass and humus.

Another variety that meets the requirements for industrial production is the red Californian worm. Individuals of KKCH also multiply very quickly, increase their useful mass, process various organic human waste into vermicompost, and serve as an excellent protein feed for agricultural and fish farming.

The prospector worm is the fastest reproducing individual. In 1 year it can produce offspring of 1500 worms

Household breeding technology

Necessary equipment and place for breeding

If you decide to start breeding worms, you first need to carry out preparatory work - choose and prepare a place or container. The containers can be wooden, plastic or cardboard boxes (it is clear that cardboard containers will have to be changed frequently), and piles.

They are placed in a barn, garage, or any other specially designated place where the necessary conditions can be met - substrate humidity of at least 70-80% and temperature from 12-15 o C to 22-24 o C. Worms can also be bred in normal conditions. compost heap, pit.

One convenient option is to use two or three perforated boxes stacked on top of each other. The lowest one has holes around the perimeter at the top of the sides. This box is intended for vermicha – the liquid component of vermicompost. A box with perforated walls and bottom is placed on top of it, a nutrient medium for worms is placed in it and individuals are populated; the top of the boxes should be covered with burlap or other “breathable” fabric, since creepy crawlies love dark and damp places.

Making a worm

You can breed individuals on the street, right in the garden, by separating a certain place for this and fencing it with boards or other available material.

Approximate dimensions of the worm: width 1-1.2 m, height 30-40 cm, length arbitrary. Compost is placed on the bottom in a thick layer, leveled and well moistened. Then for 5-7 days the compost heap needs to be covered with material that allows air to pass through.

This could be old burlap, cardboard, or a layer of straw, which need to be watered from time to time with rain or well-settled water (at least 2-3 days).

Chlorine must completely evaporate, since it is poisonous for worms of any kind.

After a week on each square. m, a recess is made in which the creepers are placed, and again the worm chamber is covered with breathable material.

Compost preparation

As compost for putting in boxes or pits, you can use mixtures of rotted manure, bird droppings, peat, straw, leaves and stems of vegetables and weeds, crushed eggshells and food waste.

Fresh manure should never be used; it contains a large amount of ammonia and the individuals die. Rotted manure 2-3 years old will also be of little use, since it no longer contains useful nutrients.

All organic materials suitable for cultivation are collected on a heap (or in a specially designated place), covered and, periodically moistened, kept for 1.5-2 months.

Own vermifarm

If you decide to get your own small worm farm, then, first of all, you need to arrange a place to keep the worms, stock up on containers, prepare compost and provide comfortable conditions for breeding.

The purchase of breeding stock is of decisive importance. The most suitable species, as already mentioned, are California red worms or prospectors. One family consists of 1500 individuals. In order to populate 1 cubic. m of compost requires 1-3 families of breeding stock.

Moving into a new place must be done with great care. First, a few individuals are released into a small amount of prepared soil in a separate container, the soil is leveled and the container is closed. After a couple of days you need to add some food. If all the worms are active, mobile, and have a characteristic red color, the entire population can be populated. If dead individuals are found, then it is necessary to correct the acidity of the soil (the most favorable environment is considered to be with an acid index of 6.5-7.5 pH).

How to feed earthworms

Earthworms are true vegetarians and they cannot tolerate protein foods: meat, fish, eggs. When buying breeding stock, you need to find out what the seller fed his wards, since the most common food is the one they tried “from birth”. Nevertheless, they quickly get used to new food, especially Prospectors. It takes some time to get used to a certain type of food, so new components should be introduced into the food supply gradually, giving the worms the opportunity to adapt.

Plant remains, potato peelings, cabbage leaves, various food waste from the kitchen of plant origin, tea and coffee grounds, straw, grass, dry bread are suitable as feeding. Just everything you add to the compost pile should be shredded for easier and faster processing by the creeps. Otherwise, the process of acidification, fermentation or rotting of the products may begin.

You need to feed every 2-3 weeks. Pour the fertilizer over the entire surface of the boxes or piles, evenly, 7-10 cm thick, until the thickness of the processed humus reaches 50-60 cm and the substrate takes the form of evenly processed biomass. The approximate cycle time is 3-4 months from the time of stocking.

Feed the worms every 2-3 weeks

Care and reproduction

The main care on worm farms or worm farms is to maintain the temperature regime, timely feeding, and maintaining the humidity level when watering with warm rain or settled water.

Being in favorable conditions, the worms begin to reproduce. In the compost they lay cocoons - small balls of yellow-sand color. Each cocoon contains several eggs, from which small worms appear 2-3 weeks later, and after another 7-8 weeks they are ready to produce offspring. The unsurpassed leaders in reproduction speed are Prospectors - one individual produces offspring of 1,500 individuals per year.

Possible markets

Growing worms can really become a profitable business if you worry about the market for processed products and increased livestock in advance.

  1. Vermicompost is an environmentally friendly fertilizer, highly effective in increasing the productivity of agricultural crops, growing seedlings, flowers, etc. Therefore, consumers of vermicompost can be farmers, greenhouses, flower greenhouses, as well as private entrepreneurs engaged in plant cultivation.
  2. Living biomass is a valuable nutritious protein feed for poultry farms and poultry farms.
  3. Live food in the form of worms serves as an indispensable nutritional product for fish farms.
  4. Worms are in great demand as food for pets in zoological stores.

Profitability of production

According to the calculations of farmers involved in earthworm breeding, the profitability of a vermifarm is within 150%. One Prospector per year produces offspring of 1,500 individuals and about 100 kg of the most valuable fertilizer - vermicompost. From 1 ton of prepared compost you can get up to 600 kg of high-quality fertilizer and 10-15 kg of new individuals.

Farms for growing worms and producing vermicompost are not only cost-effective and profitable farming, but also enrich the environment with useful substances and the opportunity to obtain environmentally friendly food products.

When fishing, both artificial and natural types of bait are used. Regardless of the season and fishing method, the worm is not inferior to artificial bait. It is not always possible to buy the necessary worm in a store, and the price of such a purchase can be overpriced.

Breeding worms at home is not a very difficult task; it is enough to have the necessary information.

Rules and features of breeding

Types and characteristics of worms:

The most popular in the field of worm breeding is the "prospector". This is a representative of one of the species of Californian red worms. It differs from its counterparts in its high level of productivity and fertility. He has a well-developed instinct of self-preservation. At low temperatures, the “prospector” burrows to a safe depth. The temperature range for reproduction is from +8 to +29 °C. An adult is capable of producing about 1,500 worms per year. The worm is unpretentious in food and quickly gets used to other types of food. Resistant to many types of diseases.

California red worm is easy to grow at home. He is less prolific than his fellows. On average, 400 new individuals appear per year. An adult worm reaches 8 cm in length and weighs 1 g. Like the “prospector”, the main advantage is the speed of biomass production. The resulting vermicompost is rich in enzymes, the maximum amount of microelements and active substances. Comfortable conditions for the successful life of the red worm will be a temperature of 15-25 degrees and a relative humidity of 60%. In such conditions, he can live for about 16 years. The disadvantages of the California worm include pickiness in the choice of food, increased heat tolerance and the negative impact of direct sunlight.

The advantage of ordinary earthworms is their good adaptation to the environment. This type of worm is considered a universal bait - more than a dozen different types of fish bite well on it. The length of the grown worm reaches 15-30 cm; specimens that have reached 40 cm are often found. The main disadvantages are low life expectancy (up to 4 years), passivity in reproduction. Despite the disadvantages, earthworms are unpretentious in nutrition and have fairly active growth.

A mealworm is the larva of a beetle. It withstands temperature changes and has a high reproduction rate at home. For development, a comfortable temperature is considered to be 28 degrees, while humidity should not fall below 50%. They are not whimsical in their choice of food.

This worm is a favorite treat for many fish. The yellow liquid inside it has a specific smell that drives fish crazy. These worms are similar in appearance to red worms. The difference lies in the conditions of detention. To create a habitat you need: sawdust, manure, rotted hay or straw, black soil, wet leaves. All this is mixed and pressed well. The greater the soil pressure, the more comfortable it is for worms to live there. They have no preferences for temperature conditions and high humidity.

There are also specially bred worms for fishing. This type of worm reproduces sluggishly, but has a very fleshy body structure. Caring for them has certain difficulties associated with the constant maintenance of increased optimal living conditions.

Worm feeding

Worms feed on rotten or dead plant debris. It is recommended to include potato peelings, stale bread, cabbage leaves, banana skins, kefir diluted with water, grass, rotting straw, leftover grounds of used tea or coffee, chicken droppings, manure, and boiled vegetables into their diet.

The following ingredients should not be added to worm food:

  • meat-containing waste;
  • citrus peel;
  • eggs;
  • fermented milk products (the acidity of the environment increases);
  • fresh manure (emits destructive heat up to 70 ° C).

Before serving food, it is well ground in a meat grinder. The composition of the feed must be constant. When changing their diet, individuals must undergo adaptation over several weeks.

You need to add a new portion of food 2-3 times a month. It all depends on the temperature regime - the warmer it is, the more often and more the worms eat food. Don't forget, excess food leads to fermentation of the soil, increasing its acidity level.

Worms for breeding

Worms are most often purchased from pet stores, the Internet, and fishing stores. When making a purchase, you should pay special attention to their appearance and general condition. They should be active and of a single color.

How to increase your fish catch?

Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. .
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Inoculation technology and rules for caring for worms

You can breed worms not only in the village or in the country. Any place without noise and unnecessary vibration is suitable for this: in an apartment on a balcony or a “dark” room, in a garage, in a garden or other utility room. The main condition is compliance with the optimal temperature regime and sufficient humidity (70%). Unpleasant odors can be avoided by sprinkling the feed with soil or vermicompost.

To breed worms at home, you will need to buy a vermicomposter or make a worm house with your own hands. This design is a plastic or wooden box (box), about 40cm high. The breeding container must have ventilation holes.

Holes are drilled in the top of the box or lid. The structure is installed at a slight angle in order to drain the vermichain formed during the life of the worms through a hole drilled in the bottom. An old refrigerator can act as a worm trap. It is placed with the doors facing up, holes being drilled in advance.

If you don’t want to make a worm farm, you can purchase a ready-made special product for growing worms - a vermicomposter. It is made in the form of two plastic boxes installed one on top of the other. Both have holes for ventilation and special slots at the bottom. The bottom drawer, located on legs, has a built-in tap. It is used to drain the resulting vermicelli.

After preparing the soil mixture, on the 2-3rd day a hole is made in it and the first residents are moved into the worm house. Afterwards, distribute the soil evenly and cover with a lid. We add food two days after moving in.

To know the required level of soil acidity, we carry out a test settlement in a smaller container. For breeding worms, the optimal acidity of the soil mixture will fluctuate in the range of 6.6-7.7 pH. With higher acidity, the worms begin to die. Its level is reduced by adding eggshells, chalk or limestone to the soil. To increase acidity, sawdust, straw or plant remains are used.

If within a week the surface of the substrate is clean and the worms are actively mobile, then the colonization was successful.

Worms are fed once every 1.5-2 weeks. The food is applied evenly to the entire surface of the box, 5-7 cm thick. Under favorable conditions, worms reproduce very quickly, so it is necessary to have pre-prepared worm nests for relocation. Constantly monitor the humidity. The watering procedure is carried out with warm (room temperature +24 °C) water, using a watering can with small holes.

When the substrate layer is more than 20 cm, it is necessary to loosen it to enrich the soil with oxygen. Mixing is carried out with special forks or other tools with rounded ends. This procedure should be carried out twice a week.

As a result of the vital activity of worms, the soil located in the box is divided into three zones. The top layer contains nutrients. The layer in the middle is used by adult individuals for housing. All the products of their active processing are collected in the bottom layer, which is why it is so important. This layer increases over time. After 3-4 months, the worms are transplanted into a new container, along with a small part of the substrate of the lower layer. And the process begins again.

Reproduction of worms

A new generation of worms emerges from cocoons. One female can lay only one cocoon per week. After a month, newborn worms appear. On average, 20 worms hatch from a cocoon. In two months they grow to the size of an adult. During the year, the worm lays up to 24 cocoons. During the growth period, the worms actively feed, so you will have to feed more often.

Comfortable conditions for reproduction: temperature in the range from +20 to +24 degrees, humidity 70%. It is advisable to keep different types of worms in separate boxes.

  1. It is better to cover the bottom of the box with a mesh, this makes it easier to sift out the vermicompost.
  2. You can keep earthworms and red worms together in one worm bin.
  3. Cow dung becomes suitable for food only after 6 months.
  4. The resulting vermicompost is effectively used to fertilize strawberries, greenhouse vegetables, and indoor plants.
  5. Some types of worms are used to produce medicines.
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Worm breeding technology
        • Similar business ideas:

The California worm was bred in the late 50s in the USA for the purpose of accelerating the disposal of organic waste. As a result of selection, a worm was obtained that is characterized by increased mobility, fertility and a high rate of waste processing. At the same time, he eats twice his own weight per day. From the waste processed by the worm, an excellent fertilizer is obtained - vermicompost, the bacterial microflora of which is a thousand times greater than manure. According to businessmen, the profitability of a worm farm can reach 200 - 700%.

You can make money from a “wormy” business in the following areas:

  1. Sale of Californian worms for fishing through retail outlets;
  2. Sale of worms to fish and poultry farms as feed;
  3. Sale of fertilizer - vermicompost, which is obtained as a result of the life of a worm;
  4. Sale of breeding stock to those wishing to start their own worm breeding.

For personal purposes, some craftsmen manage to grow Californian worms all year round in ordinary boxes made of wood or plywood. In this case, the basement or balcony in the apartment is often used as a room.

The California worm is a hermaphrodite. In one year, just one worm can produce another 1,500 copies. At the same time, worms eat any organic waste: banana peels, apple cores, citrus peels, drunken tea, etc. The same manure that remains after keeping cattle is an excellent food source.

Provided you have a personal subsidiary plot, it is enough to invest no more than 50 thousand rubles in a home business for breeding worms. The main costs will be spent on purchasing breeding stock and making boxes with substance for winter maintenance of worms. Also, depending on the scale of production, it is necessary to have an appropriate feed supply. Otherwise, the business will not be profitable.

In the summer, to obtain good vermicompost, worms are transferred from the basement to the street. Compost heaps made from household waste, rotted manure, weeds and sawdust are used as habitats. To maintain optimal moisture, the compost should be watered at least 2-3 times a week.

The California worm is very attractive to fishing shops and to fishermen themselves. It is mobile, “moves” on the hook for a long time and the fish bite on it better than on an ordinary earthworm.

How much money do you need to start this business?

The selling price of worms ranges from 25 kopecks to 1 ruble per piece, depending on the region. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities the price is naturally higher. At the same time, the demand for worms, especially during the spring and summer fishing seasons, is very high.

With a home business, everything is clear - small batches of worms can be grown even in the basement. However, breeding worms and producing vermicompost on an industrial scale will require completely different investments. According to entrepreneurs who have been working in this business for several years, investments in a worm farm should be at least 1 million rubles. Otherwise, you will have to wait a very long time for the return. The high costs of such a “banal business” are primarily due to the fact that breeding worms requires adherence to strict technology: temperature conditions, air humidity, etc. Especially in temperate regions where the worms still need to overwinter. In addition, to receive the first batch of vermicompost, you will have to wait at least 18 months, and during this period you need to pay wages and taxes. Plus, a lot of money needs to be invested in advertising and searching for large customers. This is how the first million is spent.

This business will be truly profitable if you export vermicompost to European countries or the United Arab Emirates. Where there are always problems with soil fertility, this product will be in high demand.

Video on the topic:

Step-by-step plan for starting a worm breeding business

To open your own worm breeding business you will need:

  • find a sales market;
  • register as a business entity. One of these options is registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • conclude a lease agreement for a land plot, or obtain documents confirming ownership of the land;
  • purchase special equipment;
  • build greenhouses;
  • purchase the necessary material to prepare the soil for breeding worms;
  • provide the necessary communications (light, water supply);
  • purchase your first batch of worms.

How much can you earn from breeding worms?

To understand how much you can earn from breeding worms, you need to know their selling price. The price of 1000 pieces of royal worm is 1000 rubles. At the same time, a commercial worm is sold at a price of 1000 rubles. for one kilogram, that's about 2000 worms. With an investment of 10,000 rubles to purchase a batch, the livestock can increase to 5 million. By selling the entire batch, we can get about 1 million in net income.

Which equipment to choose

To breed worms, there is no need to purchase any special, expensive equipment. It will be enough to buy special containers. You can also place a pile of substrate indoors.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a worm breeding business?

When registering, you must indicate code 01.49.7 - breeding of other animals, which includes earthworms on farms.

What documents are needed to open a business?

To open a business you will need:

  • registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • land lease agreement or ownership of it;
  • agreement for the removal and disposal of waste.

Which tax system to choose

When choosing a taxation system, we focus on the Unified Agricultural Tax - the unified agricultural tax.

Do you need a permit to open a worm breeding business?

To open a worm breeding business, no permits or additional licenses are required.

Worm breeding technology

The technology for breeding worms is as follows:

  • site preparation;
  • acquisition of livestock;
  • moving the herd to a prepared place;
  • the process of processing vermicompost directly;
  • cultivation of worms and their reproduction;
  • collection of products for sale;
  • if necessary, replacing or adding a layer of humus.