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» A vivid presentation by a speech therapist about his work. Presentations for speech therapist. Who is a speech pathologist?

A vivid presentation by a speech therapist about his work. Presentations for speech therapist. Who is a speech pathologist?

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Who is a speech therapist?

According to the encyclopedic dictionary, speech therapy (from the Greek Logos - word and paidea - training) is a branch of defectology that studies speech disorders with normal hearing, and develops ways to overcome and prevent them. The word "speech therapist" Speech therapist is a specialist who studies speech disorders and develops ways to overcome them and warnings. According to Efremova’s dictionary Speech therapist – specialist in the field of speech therapy

There is a speech therapy center at the State Budgetary Educational Institution kindergarten No. 1958

What is a speech therapy center and what tasks does it perform? A speech therapy center in a preschool educational institution is organized to provide assistance to students who have problems with pronunciation of speech and disorders in the development of oral speech. The main tasks of the speech therapy center are: - correction of sound pronunciation of preschool children; - development of oral speech in preschoolers; - clarification of special knowledge in speech therapy among teachers, parents (legal representatives), and kindergarten students.

What does a speech therapist do at a speech therapy station? provides advisory assistance to preschool teachers and parents (legal representatives) of children in determining the causes of speech disorders and gives recommendations on how to overcome them; is responsible for the organization and timely identification of children with primary speech pathology and for the recruitment of groups; conducts classes with preschoolers to correct various oral speech disorders; during classes, carries out work to prevent and overcome difficulties in mastering the native language caused by a primary speech disorder; maintains contact with speech therapists and doctors of children's clinics and psychological, medical and pedagogical commissions;

Office Space for working with children Space for children's play activities Space for counseling

How does a speech therapist work?

Well, I’m a speech therapist myself

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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The problem of interpersonal relationships among preschoolers is one of the pressing problems of modern preschool education. It is in preschool childhood that relationships with others arise and develop...

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Presentation on the topic: Profession Speech therapist

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The essence of the profession of a speech therapist is quite simple - it is the correction of diction in children and adults, the elimination of its shortcomings, including stuttering, burr, lisp, etc. The essence of the profession of a speech therapist is quite simple - it is the correction of diction in children and adults, the elimination of its shortcomings, including stuttering, burr, lisp, etc. Such a specialist helps correct speech using special exercises, massage and other methods that improve articulation. The functions of a speech therapist may include working with many speech disorders, but as representatives of this profession themselves believe, it is better to concentrate on one area. Let's say, choose the treatment of stuttering or the elimination of dysgraphia and dyslexia (writing and reading problems).

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Who is a speech pathologist? Speech disorders occur not only in healthy children (without problems with hearing, vision and intelligence). There is a separate category - “difficult” children, and special specialists - speech therapists and speech pathologists - work with them. They develop not only articulation, but also the cognitive activity of children in general - memory, attention, perception, thinking and many other abilities and skills.

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Places of work As a rule, the position of a speech therapist is provided in educational and medical institutions: in kindergartens; in hospitals and clinics; in specialized centers for psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction, where hearing and speech disorders in children are treated. An alternative option for “employment” is opening your own private speech therapy office.

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History of the profession The beginnings of speech therapy appeared in Europe in the 17th century within the framework of deaf education - a branch that deals with the problems of deaf and hard of hearing children. In the presence of hearing, speech dysfunctions were not sought to be treated, considering them to be a problem of an exclusively physical nature. If they did take it, they treated it only with medical methods. Only from the middle of the 20th century did problems of articulation begin to be considered from the point of view of psychology, which led to the development of speech therapy as a science and as a separate profession.

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Responsibilities of a speech therapist The main job responsibilities of a speech therapist can be reduced to the following: examining clients and identifying the characteristics of their speech development; making a speech therapy diagnosis; determination of treatment methods and techniques; conducting individual and group speech production classes; development of exercises and “homework”; assessment of learning results based on the results of a certain period of time. A speech therapist can also be involved in maintaining reporting documentation and developing teaching aids.

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Requirements for a speech therapist The standard requirements for a speech therapist are: higher speech therapy (or defectology) education; work experience, including in a specific area (with children, with adults, with patients with cerebral palsy, with neurological patients, etc.). In rare cases, a speech therapist is required to have an original technique.

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Speech therapist's salary The salary of a speech therapist is very low and ranges from 15 to approximately 60 thousand rubles per month. Private institutions in the capital and large cities usually offer very decent salaries. The average salary of a speech therapist is just over 20,000 rubles. Another option for earning money is opening your own account. If a speech therapist manages to reach an adult audience who often speaks in public and needs clear, beautiful speech (representatives of business, politics and the media), you can earn very decent money.

For whatdoes the child need a speech therapist?

Parents do not always hear all the defects in their child’s speech.

    There is no area of ​​human activity where speech is not needed, at least at the learning stage.

    Correct speech makes it easier for a child to achieve success in society.

    Speech is an element of social adaptation.

    Clear speech removes restrictions in choosing a profession.

    Often parents believe that bad speech will go away on its own. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

    People with speech disorders often develop inferiority complexes.

    If you do not correct your pronunciation before school, it will be very difficult to do so later, as it will become a habit.

    If a child mixes sounds in pronunciation, then he will also write, because first he pronounces what he is going to write.

When does a child need help from a speech therapist?

As sad as it may be, most children today have some kind of speech problem. A three-year-old child refuses to speak in words - he expresses himself with gestures, and is capricious when he is not understood. “Without five minutes, a first-grader” will not master the insidious sound “r”, or even be unable to express his thoughts coherently. And it happens that a child seems to speak perfectly well, but when he goes to school, he experiences difficulties with reading and writing. Where do speech therapy problems come from? What should a parent remember to minimize them? When and what exactly should you start worrying about, and what will “go away on its own”?

“Porridge in the mouth”: what is it made from?

It was once believed that speech problems “lived” exclusively in the mouth. Well, a little lower. It seems logical: a person speaks with his tongue, lips, vocal cords, well, the lungs responsible for breathing... Only in the second half of the twentieth century, when science advanced in the study of higher nervous activity, something not so obvious became clear: the initiator of speech is the human brain. It is from this that it gives the command to all other organs that generate articulate sounds that form words and phrases

The origins of speech problems are often "laid" during pregnancy when the main areas of the brain form and develop. Intoxication, taking certain medications, infectious diseases, injuries, unhealthy lifestyle of the expectant mother - all this can have long-term consequences, as well as the general psychological background of pregnancy.

An even greater influence on how the child will subsequently speak is moment of birth. There is a lot of research proving a direct connection between birth injuries, asphyxia and other complications during childbirth - and speech problems in the future. But even just a quick or, on the contrary, prolonged labor, the usual maternity hospital stress that a newborn experiences, and even more so unjustified medical interventions during labor - all this can affect when and how the child speaks.

From here conclusion: The more natural the pregnancy and childbirth were, the healthier the family leads, the greater the chance that at least “perinatal factors” will not affect speech development. But, alas, even this does not guarantee that the child will not have speech therapy problems! After all, a child comes into the modern world with all its “filling” that is by no means favorable for mental development.

The environment in which a child grows up today is often filled with “superfluous things” and devoid of what is necessary. And this, alas, also occurs in families that profess the idea of ​​conscious parenthood. It’s just that we, adults, no longer notice many factors of this environment - we are accustomed to them as a given.

Be attentive to your baby, try to notice the first speech difficulties, and a speech therapist will help you cope with them!

Teacher-speech therapist Barysheva O.V.

It is known that childhood is the most favorable age for the formation of perception and reproduction of speech. A child’s speech is not only a means of communication, but also the most important indicator of intellectual and mental development. It should be remembered that in order to successfully master the school curriculum, complete and competent speech is necessary. Therefore, the acquisition of writing and reading skills during the school period largely depends on how successfully and timely the sound pronunciation, lexical-grammatical and coherent aspects of speech in childhood are corrected.

Functions of a speech therapist: - conducts in-depth speech therapy examination to determine the structure and severity of existing disorders; - plans the directions and content of individual and subgroup correctional work; - carries out work aimed at maximum correction of deviations in the development of speech and mental processes.

What does a speech therapist develop and correct? - understanding speech; - sound pronunciation; - lexical and grammatical structure of speech; - coherent speech; - activation of speech activity; - mental processes (memory, attention, thinking, perception); - fine and gross motor skills (preparing the hand for writing).

What does a speech therapist use? modern methodological and didactic aids; painting material; didactic games on production, automation and differentiation of sounds; lexical and grammatical exercises; toys; massage techniques; computer technologies.

Who is at risk? Internal (endogenous) causes: children born from an unfavorable pregnancy: burdened heredity, illness, bad habits, toxicosis, mental and social stress of the mother, fetal hypoxia; unfavorable course and outcome of labor: prolonged/rapid, breech presentation, umbilical cord entanglement, birth trauma.

External (exogenous) reasons: negative emotional environment; mental trauma (psychotraumatic situation); neuropsychiatric disorders; prematurity; physical weakness of the body; frequent illnesses; negative speech environment in the family.

Stages of correctional work: diagnostic: the state of sound pronunciation, lexical and grammatical structure, coherent speech, features of the development of mental processes are determined; preparatory: formation of the articulatory base, development of phonemic and mental processes; correctional: production, automation and introduction of sounds into independent speech, assimilation and improvement of lexical and grammatical categories, instilling communication skills.

Pedagogical concept of a speech therapist teacher

“Childhood is the most important period of human life, not preparation for a future life, but a real, bright, original, unique life. And how his childhood passed, who led the child by the hand during his childhood years, what entered his mind and heart from the world around him - this decisively determines what kind of person today’s child will become.”
V.A. Sukhomlinsky

In the preschool education system, speech development occupies a leading place. D The pre-school period is a period of active acquisition by the child of spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech. Being the most important means of human communication and knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for introducing the values ​​of spiritual culture, as well as a necessary condition for education and training. Speech accompanies almost every child’s activity. The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities to know reality, the more complete his future relationships with peers and adults, his behavior, becauseThe success of the individual in the future depends on this.

Children with speech impairments are children who have developmental disabilities with normal hearing and intact intelligence. Speech disorders are diverse; they can manifest themselves in impaired pronunciation, grammatical structure, poor vocabulary, as well as impaired tempo and fluency of speech.

Timely assistance from specialists, in particular a speech therapist, is of great importance for the child and parents. In my opinion, in the hands of a speech therapist the most valuable asset is the child, his development and prospects. For a child with speech disorders, the specialist he sees is of great importance. I think that a speech therapist, or more correctly a teacher-speech therapist, is a teacher who can combine an artist, a musician, a designer, a diplomat, a psychologist... We can go on and on.

“But why an artist?” - you ask. Yes, because any word, phrase, sentence must be pronounced in such a way that the child wants to speak beautifully or, as speech therapists like to repeat, “correctly.” Children are drawn into the theatrical performance with pleasure, in which they begin to hear and understand the word.

And a speech therapist teacher also needs to be a musician in order to be able to perform speech, and therefore singing, breathing. Hear, sing vowel sounds, convey the rhythm - who else but a musician, which means a speech therapist teacher can do this! Aristotle also wrote: “Speech that is pleasing to the ear is a kind of music.”

Why is a speech therapist teacher also a designer? Yes, because he knows how to create convenience, beauty, i.e. conditions for mastering speech. What can be conducive to communication? An attractive environment, each object in which carries meaning, aesthetic pleasure and always a mystery or riddle.

Undoubtedly, success in work also depends on the deep professional knowledge of the speech therapist, his awareness of domestic and foreign achievements of sciences related to speech therapy, as well as on creative activity and initiative.

The personality of a speech therapist is multifaceted. It accumulates professional competence, speech etiquette, culture of interpersonal relationships, endurance and patience, tolerance, goodwill and resourcefulness, and the speech therapist also has a smile at his disposal.

Lo A therapist not only opens up unlimited communication opportunities for a child, but also instills in him confidence in his own strengths and contributes to the development of his cognitive abilities. By expanding the boundaries of communication - both among peers and with adults - the child becomes more emotional, inquisitive and responsive; His views on the world and his relationships with others change.

In order to open up the child, I myself try to be open. I try to put myself in his place, to understand his inner state and personality traits. L Love for children is the main language in communicating with them. Children help us, adults, see the world in a new way every time: notice details, never cease to be surprised, and therefore do not grow old and feel happy! From my work experience, I know that accepting a child as a full partner in cooperation is the key to successful correctional and educational activities, that is, “joint creativity” is the most productive and efficient.

Speech is, first of all, the result of coordinated activity of both speech and non-speech areas of the brain. It cannot be formed in isolation from thinking, memory, attention and perception and directly depends on the level of their development. Using special didactic tools, games and play exercises, I put students in conditions where they need to solve non-standard problems, combine existing knowledge, put forward hypotheses, and look for ways to solve problems.Such elements of problem-based and developmental learning technologies allow you to develop the speed of mental reactions, originality of thinking, ingenuity, initiative, and the ability to see a problem. These are the qualities that will be in demand in a society in which children will have to work, create, and be active citizens.

In my work, I focus on the use of gaming technology, technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child and health-saving educational technologies (breathing and articulation gymnastics, speech therapy massage, finger gymnastics, physical education and dynamic breaks, relaxation exercises).

In order to fully correct speech disorders, I use logorhythmic techniques and elements of sand therapy.

I believe that the profession of “Speech therapist” is no less complex and responsible than other professions. After all, a speech therapist teacher must have an excellent knowledge of not only the theory of his work, but also be an excellent practitioner, which is what I strive for.

It's always very interesting with preschoolers. Of course, there are difficulties, but children bring more joy than sorrow, and by the end of the year you become so close to them that you part with a heavy heart.

The realization that children came to me with multiple speech defects, and left with clear speech, that they fell in love with their native Russian language; that the knowledge, skills, acquired by studying with me will help them in the future when studying at school and, in general, in life - fills my heart with joy and pride in my profession!


Teacher-speech therapist Artist Musician Designer Diplomat Psychologist

By expanding the boundaries of communication, the child becomes more emotional, inquisitive and responsive...

Love for children is the main language in communicating with them. Children help us, adults, see the world in a new way every time: notice details, never cease to be surprised, and therefore do not grow old and feel happy!

Elements of problem-based and developmental learning technologies allow you to develop original thinking, ingenuity and initiative.

Health-saving technologies

Logorhythmics, elements of sand therapy

Breaking up is always hard...