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» Why does a person need a lunar calendar? Why does a gardener need a lunar calendar? Features of plant growth in different phases of the Moon

Why does a person need a lunar calendar? Why does a gardener need a lunar calendar? Features of plant growth in different phases of the Moon

The moon influences a person’s biorhythms, his mental and emotional state. Therefore, when planning your activities, take into account the position of the moon.

Often, activities that were started during an unfavorable period do not bring the desired results. What’s better, everything can go wrong: meetings are cancelled, projects need to be redone from scratch, in general, everything is like in the song:"Crocodile can't be caught, coconut can't grow" .

Let's figure out which days and for which types of activities are favorable

Lunar phases - brief description and recommendations

I phase of the Moon (1-7 lunar days)

This period is characterized by a gradual increase in human energy. Time to plan activities and draw up business plans. Clearly imagine what you want to achieve and gradually begin to move towards your goal. Physical stress on the body should be increasing; do not overload yourself right away.

II phase of the moon (8-15 lunar day )

Human energy continues to increase and will reach its maximum during the full moon. This is a period of active action, plan the bulk of your accomplishments for these days (with the exception of Full Moon days). Physical activity on the body before the full moon should gradually decrease: from medium to low.

III phase of the Moon (16-22 lunar day )

The energy begins to decrease. It’s worth getting things ready for completion. You can also start new things, provided that they can be completed before the new moon. Physical activity can be increased.

IV phase of the moon (23-30 lunar day )

The energy continues to decrease. The period of completion, summing up, analysis and putting things in order. It’s worth “cleaning up the tails” and putting everything in order. Sort out the correspondence and search for information. Physical activity should be moderate, and should be reduced closer to the new moon.

Favorable lunar days for your endeavors

The most favorable lunar days: 3, 7, 12, 16, 24, 28

Unfavorable lunar day: 4, 18, 26

The heaviest lunar days: 9, 15, 23, 29

Neutral lunar day: 8, 11, 14, 19, 20, 25

Moon in signs — brief description and recommendations

Moon in Aries

Favorable period for short-term projects. Ideal for outdoor activities, sports and competitions. The likelihood of spontaneous purchases and rash actions increases. Activity increases, irritability and aggression are possible. Beware of piercing, cutting, explosive, flammable objects/substances and vehicles. Unfavorable moment for surgery.

Moon in Taurus

This period is favorable for any financial transactions, investments, cooperation in the future will bring benefits. The Moon in Taurus makes a person cautious and thorough. A craving for beauty, comfort and safety awakens. Large purchases will be successful. Visit a hairdresser or beauty salon - it will give you a special splendor.

Moon in Gemini

The Moon in Gemini encourages movement, communication and curiosity. A good time for communications, correspondence and business trips. Geminis are characterized by a certain superficiality, which is why you should not enter into long-term contracts. Take walks, short trips, communicate, explore the world. But be careful, during this period there is a high probability of becoming a victim of fraud. Impulsive purchases and the acquisition of unnecessary items are likely. Information is easily absorbed, so use these days to study.

Moon in the sign of Cancer

A good period for buying/selling a house, land and antiques. Sensitivity, touchiness and sentimentality increase. Wonderful days for romantic dates, home gatherings, studying the family tree and the history of your native land.

Moon in Leo

Perhaps during this period you will want to become a “star” - to be in the spotlight, to show off your generosity and nobility. Increases activity, pride and self-confidence. Use these days for PR, promotions, presentations, and relaxation. Spend leisure time with your children. Favorable days for buying beautiful clothes, expensive accessories and jewelry made of precious metals and precious stones.

Moon in Virgo

These days are good for doing tedious work that requires perseverance, attention and precision. If you have dreamed of having a pet, this is the best time to get one. These days are great for finding a job, solving work issues, logical problems, training, writing a report, and distributing a budget. Strengthen your health - it's time for procedures and diagnostics.

Moon in Libra

Favorable period for partnership. These days you may feel unsure of yourself, you will hesitate to make choices and decisions. These days are perfect for activities related to art, consulting, law, everything harmonious and beautiful. A great time for going out, public activities and love affairs.

Moon in the sign of Scorpio

You may become secretive, suspicious, and willing to take risks. The Moon in Scorpio increases strong-willed qualities. A favorable moment for resolving matters related to banking, tax, and insurance. The likelihood of an emergency is increasing. Engage in self-knowledge, spiritual search, meditation.

Moon in Sagittarius

A favorable period for long-distance business trips, resolving legal issues, litigation, paperwork and making large purchases, transactions with foreign partners, teaching, advanced training, and admission to a higher educational institution. On days when the Moon passes through the sign of Sagittarius, interest in philosophy, religion, foreign cultures, and self-development may increase. Great days for romantic dates.

Moon in Capricorn

A favorable period for long-term projects (only if the Moon does not wan) and matters that require the manifestation of such qualities as perseverance, perseverance, and a conservative approach. A good time to buy/sell antiques and land. These days you shouldn't expect quick results. You may encounter difficulties when trying to show feelings, feel emotional constraint and restraint. Going on a visit and attending all sorts of celebrations will not bring the desired pleasure.

Moon in Aquarius

This period is good for invention and research, joining parties and communities, working with electricity and electrical appliances, communicating with friends, and consulting an astrologer. The Moon in Aquarius will tend towards unpredictability, impulsiveness, creativity and sometimes even eccentricity. These days you can change your image, way of thinking, seriously puzzle others and yourself.

Moon in Pisces

This period is favorable for contacting a psychologist, working in the field of chemistry, pharmaceuticals and the alcohol industry. Postpone financial issues until a more favorable period. Beware of confusion and deception. Compassion, sentimentality, sensitivity and intuition are enhanced. Addicted people may develop a special craving for intoxicating and psychotropic substances these days.

Not long ago on our portal we published an article “Zodiac Signs. The Devil’s Dozen”, which you can always find using our search. It said that the conventionality and approximate nature of the calculations cast doubt on the veracity of horoscopes and the scientific validity of astrology. However, according to modern laws of democratic media, we also publish a different point of view. And you, dear readers, draw a conclusion for yourself whose opinion is closer to you.
Hi all. Olechka Vinogradova is with you, and today I want to tell you a little, and maybe everything about the Moon. About our companion, which was often sung in art and culture. Well, at least that's all I know. Indeed, let's remember together: Sailor Moon, Dunno on the Moon, Moonwalk, Moonlight Sonata, Butusov's Man on the Moon, The Far Side of the Moon and this list can go on for hours. And this is not surprising, because the Moon not only inspires a person, it also directly influences him. The phases of the Moon affect a person’s health and even his destiny.
And it was precisely the period of changing phases of the Moon that formed the basis for the compilation of the Lunar calendar.
Interestingly, the lunar calendar existed 30 thousand years ago. Scientists archaeologists have found such calendars in caves in France and Germany.Various signs were carved on the horns and bones of animals and even on the rocks and stones in these caves.The bone plate from Abri Blanchard, according to many scientists, is a primitive lunar calendar.

Similar signs were found in England and Scotland.All these archaeological finds tell us that the ancients believed in the influence of the moon on humans.
Why do you and I need the Lunar calendar?
It's simple! We need it in order to correct life situations. When we carefully study the calendar, say in May, we will be able to plan all our affairs. When and with whom is it better to go on vacation and make plans for work. You must understand that the calendar does not do anything for you, it is not a miracle or magic, the lunar calendar can only significantly simplify your life.
Well, in conclusion, I want to say that several online resources helped me when writing this article. I would also like to mention the “Phelomena” website where you can read the lunar calendar in April, May and, of course, other months. That's all for me today, Olechka Vinogradova was with you. See you very soon in new articles of the Experiment portal. Bye.

Keywords: Why does a person need a lunar calendar, the first lunar calendar, the lunar calendar in April, in May, everything about the Moon, Dunno, man on the moon, Butusov

The phrase “lunar calendar” is repeated at every turn. Currently, its popularity has grown significantly. Some people look at when it is possible to cut hair according to the lunar calendar, others when it is possible to plant seedlings and do other things on the site according to it.

Why is it so important? Many people still don’t know the answer. Therefore, I decided to write an article that will answer the question: lunar calendar, what is it for?

The gardener's lunar calendar has been known since ancient times. Ancient people compiled it through long-term observations of the Moon, a celestial body that is a satellite of the Earth. Its influence on the Earth was known even then. It mainly affects all life on Earth, including plants in the garden.
Existing Moon phases, that is, periods of action have different effects on the growth and development of plants. For example, days when the Moon arrives in its full form are unfavorable for planting or replanting plants. Also, on new moon days, you need to postpone all processes associated with preparing seeds for planting; on these days it is better not to disturb or touch seedlings at all.

It is believed that all the “living” juices and powers of the plant on the days of the full moon are in the stems and fruits, flowers and buds. But on the days of the new moon, on the contrary - in the rhizome and tubers. All gardeners adhere to the rule that it is necessary to sow seeds on the waxing Moon, then active and proper growth of plants is ensured, and accordingly the harvest will be rich. If the plant has tuberous or root fruits, then it should be planted on the days of the waning moon. This will provide the plant with an influx of strength into the root system, and the development of underground fruits will occur more actively. Tuberous vegetables include potatoes, sweet potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes. Root vegetables include carrots, radishes, parsnips, celery, turnips, beets, horseradish, rutabaga, radishes and parsley.
That is why, taking into account all these rules, a calendar for each year is drawn up to help the gardener. In addition to the lunar phases, when working in the garden or vegetable plot, it is necessary to take into account under which sign of the Zodiac the celestial assistant is currently located. This is explained by the fact that all 12 signs differ from each other in terms of yield. Some signs have a positive effect on the productive properties of the plant, while some, on the contrary, cause dormancy in plants and a lack of fertility. For example, if you plant an apple tree during the waxing moon, and even when it is in the sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, then you need to take care of additional space for storing apples, as well as for winter apple preparations. Simply put, the harvest will be excellent.

Therefore, knowing all the nuances of lunar processes, when focusing on the lunar calendar, you can expect a rich offspring. You should not ignore the lunar calendar, since it was used far before our era. These significant discoveries have been passed down through the centuries; we must try to preserve them and use them for our own purposes.

Not long ago on our portal we published an article “Zodiac Signs. The Devil’s Dozen”, which you can always find using our search. It said that the conventionality and approximate nature of the calculations cast doubt on the veracity of horoscopes and the scientific validity of astrology. However, according to modern laws of democratic media, we also publish a different point of view. And you, dear readers, draw a conclusion for yourself whose opinion is closer to you.
Hi all. Olechka Vinogradova is with you, and today I want to tell you a little, and maybe everything about the Moon. About our companion, which was often sung in art and culture. Well, at least that's all I know. Indeed, let's remember together: Sailor Moon, Dunno on the Moon, Moonwalk, Moonlight Sonata, Butusov's Man on the Moon, The Far Side of the Moon and this list can go on for hours. And this is not surprising, because the Moon not only inspires a person, it also directly influences him. The phases of the Moon affect a person’s health and even his destiny.
And it was precisely the period of changing phases of the Moon that formed the basis for the compilation of the Lunar calendar.
Interestingly, the lunar calendar existed 30 thousand years ago. Scientists archaeologists have found such calendars in caves in France and Germany.Various signs were carved on the horns and bones of animals and even on the rocks and stones in these caves.The bone plate from Abri Blanchard, according to many scientists, is a primitive lunar calendar.

Similar signs were found in England and Scotland.All these archaeological finds tell us that the ancients believed in the influence of the moon on humans.
Why do you and I need the Lunar calendar?
It's simple! We need it in order to correct life situations. When we carefully study the calendar, say in May, we will be able to plan all our affairs. When and with whom is it better to go on vacation and make plans for work. You must understand that the calendar does not do anything for you, it is not a miracle or magic, the lunar calendar can only significantly simplify your life.
Well, in conclusion, I want to say that several online resources helped me when writing this article. I would also like to mention the “Phelomena” website where you can read the lunar calendar in April, May and, of course, other months. That's all for me today, Olechka Vinogradova was with you. See you very soon in new articles of the Experiment portal. Bye.

Keywords: Why does a person need a lunar calendar, the first lunar calendar, the lunar calendar in April, in May, everything about the Moon, Dunno, man on the moon, Butusov

Since the Moon influences many aspects of our lives, it is necessary to know in what area and how to act, what to do, and what to avoid on the path to success. The Lunar Calendar for July or for any other month will give advice and recommendations on how to avoid unpleasant situations and move towards achieving the desired results.

How can the lunar calendar help?

Knowing how the Moon influences and what character its energy has in different phases, you can build your life in such a way as to overcome all obstacles, and direct your actions in the right direction, receiving only benefit from everything that happens. Thanks to the lunar calendar, you can easily navigate the upcoming lunar cycles and put this information into practice for your benefit.

Each lunar day has a special energy that can facilitate or, conversely, hinder specific activities. The lunar calendar tells us when and what is best to start doing, and what should be postponed until later.

The data described in it allows you to plan your business activities, recreation, and wellness procedures. Based on the lunar calendar, you can distribute your energy and time as efficiently and rationally as possible and achieve unprecedented heights in one or another area of ​​life. Haircut calendar for July, for example, will be able to tell you on which day it is worth changing your hairstyle or cutting the ends of various zodiac signs in order not only to improve the condition of your hair, but also to bring positivity and joy into your life.

How much does the Moon influence a person?

A certain gravity of the Moon first of all affects the water, because everyone knows that it is because of it that sea ebbs and flows arise. Since the human body consists of more than seventy percent water, we ourselves are largely susceptible to this effect.

For example, during the new moon we accumulate vital energy, and when the moon grows, we experience a surge of strength. During the full moon, our activity is at its maximum point, but as the moon wanes, we become somewhat apathetic and tired. All this speaks to the need for knowledge about lunar cycles in order to plan your life to achieve maximum results in any area of ​​life, be it relationships with the opposite sex, in business, health and much more.

The lunar calendar will tell you when you should start making plans for future activities, and when you should be less active, when it is better to start making your dreams come true, and when you can analyze your activities to identify mistakes and achievements.

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