Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Literacy lesson in the middle group of kindergarten "autumn journey". Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the middle group “Sounds”

Literacy lesson in the middle group of kindergarten "autumn journey". Summary of educational activities for preparing for teaching literacy in the middle group “Sounds”

Goal: consolidate correct pronunciation sounds [v - v] in the speech of children.

1. Develop phonemic perception and the ability to isolate sounds [в - вь] in words;
2. To consolidate children’s knowledge about wild animals and their life in winter;
3. Teach children to find the first sound in words;
4. Teach children to breathe correctly through play.

Material: Vera's crow toy, large pictures depicting a fox, hare, squirrel, bear, wolf; mirrors for each child; medium-sized pictures: flowers, fork, carnation, chair, bucket, bear; lumps of cotton wool - snowflakes; small pictures: grapes, bicycle, cherry, dandelion, fox, tree, star, fish, doll...; picture of sounds [v - v] (big and small tree).

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory part. Children sit on rugs.
- Today a crow flew to us to warm up and play with us. And her crow's name is Vera. She told me one very interesting story. Now I’ll tell you this story.

II. Main part.
1. The story of Vera the crow.
* The crow Vera got bored sitting on the fence, and she decided to fly into the forest. It was already getting dark. The crow flew from one tree to another. Suddenly, the wind grew stronger, and a blizzard came into the forest.
- Guys, did you hear the blizzard howling in the evening? (children's answers)
She threw snow, covering the tracks of animals and birds, and howled loudly: v-v-v (children repeat after the teacher). Crow Vera found a large spreading spruce and hid on it. And the blizzard howled more and more: v-v-v (children repeat).
- Guys, where does the squirrel live? (in the hollow)
The squirrel feels good in a warm, dry hollow, the entrance to which she covered with her fluffy tail. She is not afraid of the blizzard (children howl). Good for the bear too. He is also not afraid of the blizzard, he sleeps and does not hear the terrible howl.
- Where does the bear sleep, guys? (in the den and sucks his paw)
And the fox settled comfortably in her hole, curled up in a ball, covered herself with her fluffy tail (the children howled like the wind). Even the hare dug a hole in the snowdrift and hid from the blizzard.
- Guys, what color is a hare’s fur coat in winter? (white)
- Why do you think the hare has a white coat in winter and gray in summer? (to hide in the snow; so that the fox and wolf do not notice him in the snow).
One crow, Vera, sits, ruffled, on a spruce tree. She is cold and scared in the forest. The frost began to get stronger in the morning, and the blizzard began to subside (first the teacher, and then the children say: v-v-v). The crow calmed down, but suddenly heard, right under the spruce tree on which it was sitting, the howl of a wolf: v-v-v (children repeat). The wolf complains about his wolf life, takes offense at the blizzard, which has covered up all the hare's traces. Vera the crow got scared of the wolf and flew back to the village, to our group.*

2. Articulation of sound - children sit on chairs near the board.
The teacher hands out mirrors for everyone to work with.
- Children, how did the blizzard howl in the forest at night? (v-v-v)
- What about in the morning? (wow-wow)
- How did the hungry wolf howl? (v-v-v)
This is an interesting sound we met today. To pronounce it correctly, you need to press your lower lip to your upper teeth, raise your upper lip slightly, and your neck should tremble.
When analyzing sound pronunciation, children use individual mirrors.
- What sound did you learn to pronounce? Let's say this sound to Vera the crow (children repeat the sounds [v and v]).

3. Working with pictures.
The teacher puts pictures on the typesetting canvas (flowers, fork, carnation, chair, bucket, bear). Asks to name the objects in the pictures.
- Guys, say it so that Vera the crow and I can hear the song of the blizzard [v and v]. For example: v-v-bucket.
- Which picture is missing here? (chair). Why? (there is no blizzard song in this word).
- Now let’s do this exercise - you need to determine the first sound in these words (flowers, fork, carnation, chair, bucket, bear).

4. Physical education session - game “Snowballs” (the teacher hands out cotton balls to the children).
- Guys, let's play snowballs. We will play like this: you need to blow on the snowballs so that they fly far from your palm. Watch how I will do it. Inhale through your nose, and then blow forcefully onto the snowflake (children's game).
- Why do we learn to breathe correctly and strongly? (to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly).

5. Game “Find the Blizzard Song” - children sit on chairs.
- Vera the crow brought us pictures to play the game “Find the Blizzard Song.”
The teacher distributes pictures to each child, but places them on the children’s palms with the pictures facing down. He asks them not to let anyone spy on what picture they gave him. At the teacher’s signal, the children turn over the pictures, say to themselves the name of the object that is depicted in the picture, and determine whether there is a blizzard song in this word.
- Guys, who have the blizzard song in the word, who heard this song, go to the board and show the picture to all the guys. Say your word so that we can hear the song of the blizzard.
All words are checked with all children.

III. Bottom line.
Showing a diagram of the sounds [в] and [вь] (small and a big tree).
- Guys, Vera the crow drew pictures of blizzards, they are different. Do you think in this picture (the big tree) how a blizzard howls? (strong - v-v-v)
- Why do you think so? (a large tree is drawn).
A question is asked about another picture, which shows a small tree. Then everyone sings the blizzard song in chorus: v-v-v and v-v-v.
Vera really liked how you guys did this lesson. And she promises that she will fly to visit us again. Let's all tell her together “Goodbye!”
Children say goodbye to the crow Vera. The teacher praises the children for Good work in class. The lesson ends.


  1. Learn to isolate the sound U from a series of vowels, highlight the initial percussion sound against the background of a word, to hear words with the sound U.
  2. Develop auditory attention, phonemic and visual perception, general and fine motor skills, thinking.
  3. Exercise in the ability to change the pitch and strength of the voice, in the use of antonyms quietly and loudly, big small; finish the sentence with meaning.
  4. Develop the ability to formulate plural nouns and nouns with a diminutive suffix.
  5. Increase interest in pre-literacy activities.

Equipment: individual mirrors, simple pencils, image of the girl Uli, a large and small airplane, object pictures: iron, fishing rod, snail, duck, ducklings, ears; "tracks" of the aircraft.

Plan - outline. Progress of the lesson

I. Organizing time.

The speech therapist invites the children to sit down in a given sequence: Veronica, Katya, Sophia, Lisa, Camilla, Maxim.

II. Articulation exercises.

The speech therapist shows a picture of a girl: “This is Ulya, Ulyana.” (The name is repeated first by everyone in chorus, then by individual children.)
What is the first sound in this name? (U). What exercise do our lips resemble when we pronounce U? (“Tube”) Performing exercises in front of a mirror: “Tube”, “Smile”, “The house opens”, “Curious tongue”.

III. Articulation of the sound U.

Say the sound U again and look at each other, in what position are your lips? Teeth?
The lips are like a tube, the teeth do not close, they are closed with the lips. Is the voice sleeping or singing? (singing means the sound is ringing). What can you do with the sound U? (stretch, sing). Children pronounce the sound “U” in chorus and one at a time.

IV. Isolating the sound U by articulation “Guess what sound”

The speech therapist silently pronounces vowel sounds: a-o-u-i-a-u-a-i-o-u... Having identified the sound, the children pronounce it out loud, and when U, they also clap their hands (catch the sound).

V. Physical education “Loud-quiet”

There are two pictures on the board depicting a large and a small plane. -Are the planes the same or different? What is the affectionate name for a small plane? (airplane). The plane is flying, its engine is humming: U-U-U. How does a big plane sound? (loud). Small? (quiet). We alternately “fly” and hum like small and large airplanes. Show with your voice how the plane takes off (increasing the voice with the sound U), how the plane lands? (weakening of voice power).

VI. Isolating the sound U from a word.

The speech therapist pronounces words with initial stressed vowel sounds, the children determine the first sound in the word, call it; Having heard U at the beginning of the word, they spread their arms to the sides - the wings of an airplane.

Lexical material: duck, autumn, fishing rod, aster, ears, needles, stork, street, cloud, dinner, windows, August, morning, Ira.

VII. Didactic game"One is many."

The teacher explains the conditions of the game: “I will talk about one subject, and you will talk about many.”
Vocabulary material: snail—snails, iron—irons, duck—ducks, fishing rod—fishing rods, smile—smiles, street—streets, beetle—beetles,

VIII. Didactic game “Finish the sentence” (based on object pictures).

Give each child an object picture: iron, fishing rod, snail, duck, duckling, ears. The speech therapist begins the sentence, and the child whose picture matches the meaning finishes it. The child picks up his picture and repeats the entire sentence.
- Mom irons things... (with an iron).
- For fishing you need... (a fishing rod).
- He wears a house... (snail).
- The boy has a pain... (ear).
- Swimming on the pond... (duck)
- Mother duck calls her...(ducklings)

IX. Fine motor skills exercise “Traces of an airplane.”

Take pencils and draw paths from the plane along the points and sing the song: U-U-U.
What sound did you study in class? Let's say goodbye to him: stretch our arms forward and say Oooh.

Topic: Sounds [M], [M"] and letters M, m.

Goals: to clarify knowledge about the sounds [M], [M"]; to train children in identifying the sounds [M], [M"] in words and determining the positions of sounds in words; acquaintance with the letters M, m; learn to read reverse and forward syllables; continue to strengthen graphic skills; develop visual perception, phonemic hearing; develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: Phil and Karkush toys, colored squares for making word patterns, toys - a car, a ball; tumblers (blue and green, drawings of a car and a ball, drawings for games, a card with a letter, houses for letters, syllabic tables, a typesetting canvas, a cash register for letters; on the table everyone has a set: a mirror, signal cards, a diagram of the word and colored squares for sound analysis, counting sticks, colored pencils, pencil, notebook.

Progress of the lesson:

I Organizational moment:

Q: Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Who is this?

Filya and Karkusha.

Q: Where did they come to us from?

From the program " Good night kids"

Q: Karkusha and Filya really want to work out with you today. Can?

B: Then, come on in and take your seats. And you guests, please take a seat. And we begin our lesson.

II. Repetition of learned material:

Q: Guys, today we will continue our journey through the magical land of sounds and letters, we will get acquainted with new sounds and letters. Tell me, what is the difference between a letter and a sound?

We hear and pronounce sounds, but we do not see them, but we see, write, and read letters.

Q: We have already become familiar with some sounds and letters. Name them.

A, O, U, E, I.

Q: What are they?


Q: How are they pronounced?

Q: Look at the diagram of this word. What sounds does it consist of?

From vowels.

Q: How many are there?

Q: Choose short words for this diagram.

Aw! Wow! Eeyore!

III. Learning new material:

1) Introduction to the topic.

K.: Guys, can I tell you a riddle?

K.: He drinks gasoline like milk,

Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

You are familiar with her, of course. /car/

(a toy car is shown)

K.: Jump - jump, jump - jump,

The bun played out,

Ani jumps higher

Our cheerful...

Q: Guys, let's call these words again - guesses.

Car, ball.

Q: Name the first sounds of these words. Mmmachine.

B: Mmmball.

Q: Yes, and it is these sounds that we will talk about today.

2) Clarification of sound articulation.

B: Take the mirrors, smile. Let's first pronounce the sound [M] (in chorus, individually).

Q: And now the sound [M"] (in chorus, individually)

Q: What happens to our lips?

They first close and then open.

Q: Yes, but does the air come out freely?

Q: What's stopping him?

3) Characteristics of sounds.

Q: What are the names of sounds when something interferes with us when pronouncing them?


Q: So, what are the sounds [M] and [M"]?


Q: And we know that consonant sounds can be voiced or unvoiced. Let's determine which of our sounds are voiced or unvoiced. To do this, put your palm to your throat and pronounce the sounds [M] and [M"]. ... Do you feel your voice ringing?

Q: So what are the sounds [M] and [M"]?


Q: Yes, and consonants can also be soft and hard. What color do we denote solid sounds with?

Q: What about soft ones?


Q: Look at our assistants Tumblers. What does the blue Tumbler have in his pocket?

Drawing with a car.

Q: What is the first sound in this word?

Q: And since the blue Tumbler has a car, what is the sound [M]?

Solid and will be indicated in blue on the diagram.

Q: What about the green Tumbler, what is written on its pocket?

Q: What is the first sound?

Q: Is it hard or soft?

Soft and will be indicated on the diagram green.

Q: So, let's summarize. What sounds are [M] and [M"]?

Consonants, voiced, [M] - hard, indicated in blue, [M"] - soft, indicated in green.

4) Games to develop phonemic awareness

F: And in order to remember all this better, I suggest playing the game “Hard, Soft”

F: You have signal cards on your tables, one green and the other blue. I will name words with new sounds if you hear solid sound We raise the blue card; if it’s soft, we raise the green card.

F: Poppy, frost, broom, honey, milk. (showing pictures)

K: I want to play word games with you. Name vegetables with the sounds M or M.

Carrot, tomato.

K: Name fruits and berries with these sounds.

Currant, tangerine, raspberry, lemon.

K: Now name the spring months with the sound M.

March, May.

Q: I know another game, it’s called “Where does sound live? »

Q: You must determine the place of the sound in the word, in the middle, at the end or at the beginning, and also determine whether it is hard or soft and indicate it with your color on the diagram.

(children take cards and colored squares)

B: Mask, gnome, catfish, fly agaric, lemon, jellyfish. (showing pictures).

5) Physical education minute.

Q: Now let's rest a little. (go out onto the mats)

Girls and boys will run in circles,

They bounce like balls. Then they will sit down and rest.

Hands clap, And let's jump again.

They stomp their feet. Well, there’s no way to stop them!

6) Acquaintance with the letters M m (capital and uppercase).

Q: Guys, we talked about the sounds M and M. We heard them, pronounced them, and what to do to see them. What do we need for this?

Q: Q: Yes, we need a letter that represents these sounds. Here she is.

Stick and stick,

There is a tick between them.

And it’s clear to everyone at once:

The result is the letter M.

Q: Look at her carefully. What does she look like?

Q: How many elements does it have?

B: Make it out of sticks.

Q: Now let's write this letter in the air.

Q: We also need to place this letter in her apartment. Tell me, what house will she live in?

With a blue roof.

Q: Correct, because it is a consonant letter - it represents two consonant sounds. And since they are loud, the apartment will be on the left side, in the second entrance on the third floor. (set the letter)

Q: Now open your notebooks and do the same for yourself. First we paint over the roof of the house, and then we write the letter in her apartment.

+ (monitor posture and correct task completion, encouragement)

Q: Please note that in this apartment there will be two sounds, which are designated by one letter.

7) Reading syllables according to the syllable table.

F: Guys, let's read the syllables with a new letter.

(individually, in chorus)

IV. Work in a notebook.

Q: And now I suggest stretching our fingers.

(finger gymnastics)

B: Well done. Look again at how the letter M is written (I show it on the board) And now we write one line at a time in capital and capital letter M.

V. Sound-letter analysis.

Q: Guys, tell me, what do you think is the best favorite word for all the children in the world?

Q: Let's look at this word and make a diagram of it, and then read it.

(drawing up a diagram of the word, signing it with letters from the box of letters (at the board)

Q: Now come up with beautiful sentences with this word.

VI. Bottom line. Generalization.

F: Well done guys, thank you all very much. We really enjoyed your stay. But it’s time for us to say goodbye to you and hurry to film the new program “Good Night Kids.” And we will definitely come to you again. Goodbye!

Q: Our lesson has come to an end, tell me what sounds we became familiar with?

What are they?

Q: What letter represent these sounds?

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational institution"General developmental kindergarten No. 141"

“Sounds [M], [M"] and letters M, m.”

Educator: Korneva L.N.-VKK

Voronezh 2017


Topic: Sounds [M], [M"] and letters M, m.

Goals: to clarify knowledge about the sounds [M], [M"]; to train children in identifying the sounds [M], [M"] in words and determining the positions of sounds in words; acquaintance with the letters M, m; learn to read reverse and forward syllables; continue to strengthen graphic skills; develop visual perception, phonemic hearing; develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Equipment: colored squares for making diagrams of words, toys - a car, a ball, drawings of a car and a ball, drawings for games, a card with a letter, houses for letters, syllabic tables, a typesetting canvas, a cash register for letters; On the table, everyone has a set: signal cards, a diagram of the word and colored squares for sound analysis, counting sticks, colored pencils, a simple pencil, and a notebook.

Progress of the lesson:
I Organizational moment:

Guys! Let's welcome the guests.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend,

Let's hold hands tighter

And let's smile at each other!

Guys! What's your mood today? (kind, cheerful, joyful, spring, good...)

Tell me, what time of year is it now?

How many spring months do you know? Name them? What's spring like? (late, sunny, warm, floral, long-awaited, beautiful and .....)
II. Repetition of learned material:
Q: Guys, today we will continue our journey through the magical land of sounds and letters, we will get acquainted with new sounds and letters. Tell me, what is the difference between a letter and a sound?
(We hear, pronounce sounds, but do not see, but we see, write, read letters)
Q: We have already become familiar with some sounds and letters. Name them.
A, O, U, E, I.
Q: What are they? (vowels)

Q: How are they pronounced? (Free, easy, with voice)

Q: Can you name these letters? (P, S, V, K, T, N) What are they? (consonants)
III. Learning new material:
1) Introduction to the topic.
Q: Guys, can I tell you a riddle?

B: He drinks gasoline like milk,
Can run far.
Carries goods and people.
You are familiar with her, of course. (CAR)
(a toy car is shown)

B: Jump - jump, jump - jump,
The bun played out,
Ani jumps higher
Our funny... (BALL)

Q: Guys, let's call these words again - guesses.
(car, ball)
Q: Name the first sounds of these words. Mmmachine. [M]
B: Mmmball. [M"]
Q: Yes, and it is these sounds that we will talk about today. Let's first pronounce the sound [M] (in chorus, individually).
Q: And now the sound [M"] (in chorus, individually)
Q: What happens to our lips?
+ They first close and then open.
Q: Yes, but does the air come out freely? (No).
Q: What's stopping him? (lips).
2) Characteristics of sounds.
Q: What are the names of sounds when something interferes with us when pronouncing them?
+ consonants.
Q: So, what are the sounds [M] and [M"]? (consonants).
Q: And we know that consonant sounds can be voiced or unvoiced. Yes, and consonant sounds can be soft and hard. What color do we denote solid sounds with? (blue).
Q: What about soft ones? (green).
Q: Is it hard or soft?
+ Soft and will be indicated in green on the diagram.
Q: So, let's summarize. What sounds are [M] and [M"]?
+ Consonants, voiced, [M] – hard, indicated in blue, [M"] – soft, indicated in green.

Q: I know the game, it’s called “Where does sound live? »
Q: You must determine the place of the sound in the word, in the middle, at the end or at the beginning, and also determine whether it is hard or soft and indicate it with your color on the diagram.
(children take cards and colored squares)
B: Mask, gnome, catfish, fly agaric, lemon, jellyfish, poppy, frost, honey, tomato. (showing pictures).

Q: Game “Guess how many syllables are in a word?”There are long words, consisting of several syllables, and there are short words, consisting of one syllable.
Physical education minute

We raise our hands

We give up

We give hands

And we run around!

IN: Games to develop phonemic awareness
Q: And in order to remember all this better, I suggest playing
game "Hard, Soft"
You have signal cards on your tables, one green and the other blue. I will name words with new sounds; if you hear a hard sound, raise a blue card, if you hear a soft sound, raise a green card.
(Poppy seed, frost, broom, honey, milk.) (showing pictures)

Q: Guys! You each have cards with a picture on your table, you need to name what is depicted and determine the first sound in this word.
Q: Now name the spring months with the sound M.
(March, May). .
Introducing the letters M.
Q: Guys, we talked about the sounds M and M'. We heard them, pronounced them, and what to do to see them. What do we need for this?
Q: Yes, we need a letter that represents these sounds. Here she is.
Stick and stick,
There is a tick between them.
And it’s clear to everyone at once:
The result is the letter M.
Q: Look at her carefully. What does she look like?
Q: Now let's write this letter in the air. .)

Q: Guys, tell me, what do you think is the favorite word for all children in the world? (MOTHER)

Q: Let's make a sentence with this word.

Q: What is the name of our country? What is the name of the capital of our Motherland? Name the first sound in these words...

Q: And now I suggest stretching our fingers.

Finger gymnastics.

One two three four-

Who lives in our apartment?

Dad, mom, brother, sister,

Murka the cat, two kittens,

My puppy, cricket and me-

That's my whole family!

B: Well done. Look again at how the letter M is written (I show it on the board). Now let’s color the letter M and the picture.

Bottom line. Generalization.
Q: Our lesson has come to an end, tell me, what sounds did we become familiar with? What are they?
Q: What letter represent these sounds?
Q: Well done!

Teaching preschoolers literacy. For classes with children 3-7 years old Varentsova Natalya Sergeevna

Lesson plans for the middle group

Lesson 1

Program content. Introducing children to the term “word”. Expanding ideas about the diversity of words. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

Material. Characters from the fairy tale “Kolobok”, basket, prize chips.

Progress of the lesson

Work based on the fairy tale "Kolobok". The teacher invites the children to remember the fairy tale “Kolobok” and name its characters. The child names the hero of the fairy tale, for example a bear, and takes it. The teacher says: “Sasha, you will be a bear.” Similar work is carried out with the rest of the characters in the fairy tale. At the same time, the teacher emphasizes that each character is called a certain word.

Reading the poem “Plim” by I. Tokmakova. The teacher reads a poem.

A spoon is a spoon.

The soup is eaten with a spoon.

A cat is a cat.

The cat has seven kittens.

A rag is a rag

I'll wipe the table with a rag.

A hat is a hat.

I got dressed and went.

And I came up with a word

A funny word is plim.

I repeat again -

Plim, plim, plim!

Here he jumps and jumps -

Plim, plim, plim.

And it doesn't mean anything

Plim, plim, plim.

Didactic game "Children's World". Children name words for toys that can be bought in " Children's world" For correct answers, the kids receive chips, which they then put into a common basket. The teacher praises the children for how much different words they called.

The teacher suggests remembering the “magical forest and fairy-tale meadow” where they once met a deer and a bunny. Children pretend to be animals (see lesson 8, younger group).

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the expressiveness of the movements: the deer walks proudly and importantly, raising its legs high; the bunny's ears are tense or folded when he cowardly hides, etc.

Lesson 2

Program content. Introducing children to sound words. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

Material. Subject pictures depicting animals, birds, fish, a basket, prize chips, a mirror.

Progress of the lesson

Didactic game "Zoo". Children name the animals that live in the zoo. For the correct answer, kids receive chips. For children who cannot cope with the task, the teacher offers pictures of familiar animals that they must name. During the game, the teacher each time focuses the children’s attention on the term “word”: “Tanya said the word ‘hippopotamus’, and Vova said the word ‘parrot’...”

At the end of the game, all the chips are placed in a basket.

Reading the poem by A. Barto “Word Game”.

Say it louder

The word "thunder" -

The word thunders

Like thunder.

Say it quietly:

“Six little mice!” -

And immediately the mice

They will rustle.

"Cuckoo on a bitch" -

You will hear:

Will you say a word?

"Leaf Fall" -

And the leaves are falling

The teacher generalizes: “Any word can be said both quietly and loudly.”

Game “Who did you meet in the forest?” The teacher invites the children to “go for a walk in the forest.” In the forest they meet a hare. The teacher says: “These are bunny ears” (shows the index and middle fingers raised up, the remaining fingers clenched). The bunny jumps along the path: jump-jump, ears clap-clap.” (Imitates this movement with his fingers.) The guys repeat the movement several times.

The children go further and meet a deer. Children raise their arms above their heads, palms open, fingers tense. If this movement does not work, the teacher invites the children to look in the mirror, at each other, and compare who has the better horns. You can also ask children to imitate the gait of a deer. The deer walks importantly, raising its legs high, proudly turning its head in different directions.

The guys go out into the clearing and meet a turtle. When portraying a turtle, each child clenches his fingers into a fist and moves his thumb to the side. The children hide their fingers, then show them again. (You can depict a snake in the same way: put your thumb out from under your clenched fist and move it like the head of a snake.)

Lesson 3

Program content. Expanding ideas about the meaning of words. Comparing words by sound. Development of the ability to select words-friends to given word. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

Material. Basket, prize chips, ball.

Progress of the lesson

Reading of A. Shibaev’s poem “A name is given to everything...”.

Everything has a name -

Both the beast and the object,

There are plenty of things

And there are no nameless ones!

And all that the eye can see is

Above us and below us, -

And all that is in our memory is

Signified by words.

Speaks of solid stone

And the hard word is “Granite”.

And for things

What is softest of all

Softer words:

"Fluff, moss, fur."

Didactic game "Shop". Children name the objects and toys they want to buy. For each correct answer they receive prize chips. Then they put them in a basket.

“That's how many words you named! - says the teacher. “They all sound different, but some sound similar.”

Game "Name the Pair". Children form a circle. The teacher stands in the center of the circle, says a word and throws the ball to one of the children. The child names a word that sounds similar and returns the ball back. For example: jackdaw - stick, bear - cone, river - stove, stove - candle, floor - table, crab - poppy, Masha the Confused etc.

In this game, you can use a “magic wand” instead of a ball.

Game “Who did you meet in the forest?” The teacher asks the children to remember the turtle (see lesson 2, middle group) and draw it with their hands. If there is sun, you can show the children a shadow theater.

Lesson 4

Program content. Expanding your understanding of words. Getting to know the length of words. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

Material. Study guide “Sound clock” (from the book by A. I. Maksakov and G. A. Tumakova “Teach by playing.” - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2005) or object pictures (clock, bow, cows, geese, ball, car , airplane, cancer, fish, house, steamship, etc.), arrow; small toys, chips, basket.

Progress of the lesson

Reading the poem “Li-mon” by G. Satyr.

What is this “li”?

What is this "mon"?

The sounds have no meaning.

But they barely whisper:

"Li-mon" -

It will immediately become sour.

Measuring the length of words. The teacher notices that there are long and short words, that each of them can be measured in claps or steps. (The term “syllable” is not used.)

The teacher asks the children to measure words: elephant, frog, mother, doll, bag, cherry, road, car, steamship etc. Children measure the number of syllables in words by clapping or walking them. You can place small toys or chips in accordance with the number of syllables in a word (sequentially in the process of clapping or walking).

Working with the “Sound Clock” manual (Fig. 9). The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures, name first short, then long words and measure them with claps or steps.

By working with the Sound Clock and moving the hands, children determine the length of words.

Didactic game “Name the tasty words.” Children fill a basket of “tasty things”, putting into it chips that the teacher gives for each correctly named word.

Game "Apple Tree". The children stand in a circle and the teacher reads the poem while performing the appropriate movements. Children repeat the actions after the teacher.

There is an apple tree by the road. (Hands clasped above head.)

An apple hangs on a branch. (Wrists together, palms slightly apart, fingers slightly clenched.)

I shook the branch hard (Children move their hands clasped above their heads back and forth.)

Here we have an apple. (Hands in front of you, wrists connected, fingers “holding» apple.)

I'll dig into the sweet apple, (Children show how to eat an apple.)

Oh, what a pleasant taste! (Stroke the belly with the palm.)

The game is repeated several times.

Rice. 9

Lesson 5

Program content. Teaching children how to distinguish sounds in words. Introduction to the term "sound". Consolidating knowledge about the length of words. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

Material. Flannelgraph, object pictures depicting a beetle, giraffe, ice cream, knife, acorn, etc. (7–9 pieces, the names of 5–6 of them have the sound zh), small toys or chips, mirror.

Progress of the lesson

Reading a poem by G. Vieru:

A beetle flies over a meadow

He was tired of walking.

Game "The Bugs Have Arrived".“Beetles flew to us from the forest. Hear how they buzz: “Zh-zh-zh-zh,” says the teacher and shows with his hand how the beetles fly (children repeat the movements and onomatopoeia). - They were tired and sat down to rest on a leaf (palm). We rested and flew into the forest again (imitates the flight of a beetle, pronouncing the sound z at first loudly, then quieter and quieter). The beetles flew away, but left us their song. Which one? (W-w-w.) The teacher offers to say the word beetles, emphasizing the sound g. (The sound z is pronounced without the vowel sound.)

Game "Find the picture." The teacher displays pictures on a flannelgraph. Children take turns finding pictures whose names contain the sound zh, name the words and intonationally highlight the sound zh.

Game "Telegraph". The teacher explains to the children the rules of the telegraph and offers to send a telegram. The teacher names several one-, two- and three-syllable words, and the children “transmit them by telegraph” (clap them, tap out the number of syllables in them). To prevent children from getting lost, you can lay out small toys or chips in accordance with the number of syllables in a word.

Game "Apple Tree". The teacher, together with the children, repeats the poem about the apple tree (see lesson 4, middle group). At the same time, children carefully look at each other or in the mirror.

Lesson 6

Program content.

Material. Fan, prize chips, basket.

Progress of the lesson

Reading a poem. w:

Jumping Frog -

Eyes on the top of the head,

Hide from the frog

Mosquitoes and flies.

The teacher asks the children which sound was repeated most often in the poem. Children pronounce words with the sound sh, emphasizing it intonationally: frog, jumper, top, fly.

Game "Wind-breeze". The teacher asks the children what song the wind sings. (Sh-sh-ui.) When the teacher says: “It’s blowing strong wind"- the children make a sound ui loud; and when he says: “A weak wind is blowing,” the guys make the sound ui quiet.

Game “Name the words with the sound w.” bear, cat, baby, noise, bump etc. For each correct answer they receive chips, which they put in a basket at the end of the game. (The correct answer is also considered to be the pronunciation of words nosh-ka, loshka, yesh, nosh etc.).

Game "Fan". The teacher shows the children a fan, tells them what it is for, and demonstrates how to use it. Then he invites the children to quickly connect the straightened, tense fingers on both hands (starting with the little finger) - they will get a fan.

Lesson 7

Program content. Teaching children how to distinguish sounds in words. Comparing words by sound. Development of the ability to select words with a given sound. Development of finger movements.

Material. Flannelograph, subject pictures depicting a fox, a hare, a magpie, a fly, a wolf; basket, prize chips.

Progress of the lesson

Reading a tongue twister. The teacher says a tongue twister:

Two Puppies Cheek to Cheek

They pinch the brush in the corner.

Children determine which sound is repeated most often in a tongue twister, name it and pronounce the tongue twister 3–4 times, emphasizing the sound intonationally sch.

Game “Name the words with the sound u”. Children name words, for example: cabbage soup, sorrel, tongs, pike, grove, goldfinch etc. For each correct answer they receive chips, which they put in a basket at the end of the game

Game "Words-friends". The teacher displays pictures of a fox, a hare, a magpie, a fly, and a wolf on a flannelgraph. Children look at the pictures and name them. The teacher suggests finding characters from familiar fairy tales and matching their names with words-friends: white-sided magpie, little sister fox, clattering fly, runaway bunny, clicking wolf and so on.

Game "Butterflies". The teacher invites the children to turn into butterflies and fly to a “fairy meadow.” Children raise their arms above their heads, pressing their hands outer side towards each other and move their fingers freely, like wings.

Lesson 8

Program content. Teaching children how to distinguish sounds in words. Development of the ability to select words with a given sound. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

Material. Prize chips, basket.

Progress of the lesson

Reading a poem.

Chick - Chick - Chicks,

There is water in a tub.

Who is afraid of me (fighter)

I won’t give them some water.

Here are the chickens running,

They are not afraid of (fighter) Natka!

Near the tub of saucer,

They will all get drunk (drunk).

c. c.

Game “Name the words with the sound t.” Children name words, for example: heron, circus, princess, bird, hoof, tsk-tsk etc. For each correct answer they receive chips, which they then put in a basket.

Game "Guess the riddle." The teacher invites children to use familiar movements, characteristic sounds, intonations, and gestures to portray some animal or fairy-tale character. Children take turns asking riddles, and the rest of the children guess them.

By organizing this game, you can build a stage, an auditorium, and distribute tickets to children.

Lesson 9

Program content. Teaching children how to distinguish sounds in words. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

Material. Prize chips, basket.

Progress of the lesson

Reading a poem. The teacher reads a poem, highlighting the sound h.

Turtle, not bored,

He sits for an hour over a Cup of Tea.

The turtle makes everyone laugh

Because he's in no hurry.

Children determine which sound is repeated most often in the poem, name it and read the poem, highlighting the sound intonationally h. Then name the words with the sound h.

Game “Name the words with the sound h.” For example: teapot, stuffed animal, cups, black, worm, night, swing, brown and etc.

Game "Beehive". Children hold their hands in front of them and clench their fingers into fists, depicting a beehive. Then they “release the bees one at a time,” bending their fingers, starting with the little finger. At the same time, children depict how bees buzz. Then the guys bend their fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb (“the bees are gathering in hive houses”). The exercise is performed on both hands.

Lesson 10

Program content. Teaching children how to distinguish sounds in words. Development of ideas about hard and soft consonant sounds. Development of the ability to select words for a given sound.

Material. Prize chips, basket.

Progress of the lesson

Game "Big and small balls". The teacher invites the children to “pump up” a large ball with a large pump. Children imitate the teacher and “pump up” a large ball, saying: “Ssss.” Then the teacher says that there is still a small ball, and it needs to be “pumped up” with a small pump (ss-s-s-s). The game is repeated several times. When the teacher says: “Big ball,” the children say: “Ssss,” and when he says: “Small ball,” the children say: “Sssssss.”

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that sounds With And s They are similar, but there is also a difference between them. "Sound With sounds firm, it's "big brother", and the sound s pronounced tenderly, softly, this is “little brother.” The following figures can be used as real images of older and younger brothers:

Blue color

Green color

Reading a poem. The teacher reads a poem, emphasizing the sounds si intonation.

The mouse sat in the corner,

Ate a piece of bagel.

G. Vieru

Game “Name words with sounds s and s.” Children name words (juice, magpie, seven, himself, beads, nose, elk, Lucy, earrings, pine etc.), and the teacher puts the chips into two groups: puts the chip to the “big pump” (picture with the image of “big brother”), when the children name a word with the sound s, and to the “little pump” (picture with the image of “little brother") - when they pronounce a word with a sound s. Then the chips are put into a basket

Game "Beehive". See lesson 9, middle group.

Lesson 11

Program content.

Material. Flannelograph, subject pictures, the names of which contain sounds h And зъ, and pictures whose titles do not contain these sounds; pictures of large and small mosquitoes, prize chips, and a basket.

Progress of the lesson

"Walk in the Woods" The teacher and the children “go” to the forest for a walk to listen to what sounds live in it (the wind is noisy, a brook is babbling, birds are singing, animals are growling, beetles are buzzing, etc.).

Reading an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s poem “The Tsokotukha Fly.”

Suddenly it flies from somewhere

Little mosquito

And his hand is burning

Small flashlight.

The teacher asks the children: “What song does the mosquito sing? (Z-z-z.) How he sings big mosquito? (Z-z-z.) How does the little mosquito sing?” (Z-z-z.)

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the sounds of ziz are similar, but there is also a difference between them: “The little mosquito sings its song tenderly, softly: “Zz-z-z,” and the big mosquito sings hard, firmly: “Z-z-z- z"". The teacher invites the children to sing the song of the big and small mosquitoes.

Game "Arrange the pictures."“Each child has 2-3 pictures, the names of which contain sounds h And oh, and one picture each, the title of which does not contain these sounds. On the flannelgraph there are images of large and small mosquitoes (you can conventional images). The teacher invites the children to divide the pictures into two groups: cards with a sound in the name h, place cards with a sound in the name next to the large mosquito s, place next to a small mosquito. The teacher together with the children checks the correctness of the task.

Game “Name the words with the sounds z and z.” The children name the words, and the teacher arranges the chips into two groups: puts the chip next to the large mosquito when the children name the word with the sound h, and next to a small mosquito - when they pronounce a word with a sound з. Then the chips are put into a basket.

Lesson 12

Program content. Teaching children how to distinguish sounds in words. Distinguishing between hard and soft consonants. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

Material. Large and small baskets (boxes, bags, etc.), prize chips.

Progress of the lesson Reading an excerpt from the poem “Stream” by L. Kvitko (translation by E. Blaginina). The teacher reads a poem, emphasizing the sound intonationally To:

Goat with Hooves -


It would be nice to get drunk:

Jump (K) – jump (K).

Children determine the sound that is repeated most often in the poem (sound To), call words with this sound. The teacher explains that sound To sounds firm - this is “big brother”. Then he asks to name his “little brother,” which sounds soft. (Sound k.)

Game "Shop". Children “buy” products (chips) with sound To and put them in a large basket (sausage, milk, candy, chocolate, flounder etc.) and products with sound ky, which are put in a small basket (kefir, sausages, sprat, cake, sausages and etc.).

Exercise "Waves". The guys place their hands intertwined in their hands at chest level and move them rhythmically. To create a rhythm, you can read an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “The Ship”:

The boat is sailing, sailing,

The ship is golden.

Lucky, lucky gifts,

Gifts for you and me.

Lesson 13

Program content. Teaching children how to distinguish sounds in words. Development of the ability to determine the first sound in a word. Distinguishing between hard and soft consonants. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound. Mastering the action of syllabic division of words. Development of voluntary movements of the fingers.

Material. Toys and objects (according to the number of children), prize chips, ball.

Progress of the lesson

Game "Name the first sound." The teacher invites 4-5 children to stand in a row at the board. Then he asks which of the guys is standing first. The teacher explains to the children that words also have a first sound, for example, in the word cone the first sound is sh in a word poppy- sound m, in a word forest- sound l.

The teacher gives the children toys and objects (doll, car, bear, hare, ball, cup, spoon, ball, etc.) and asks them to identify the first sounds in their names.

Game "Name the Pair". Children stand in a circle. The teacher names a hard consonant sound ( soft sound) and throws a ball to the child, who responds by calling a soft sound (hard sound) and returning the ball. Instead of a ball, you can use a magic wand, with which the teacher touches the child.

Game "Telegraph". Children name words consisting of one, two and three syllables and measure their length.

Exercise "Waves". See lesson 12, middle group. From the book The Secret of Happy Parents

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