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» Firebird (tattoo): symbolic meaning and influence on the owner. Company "firebird"product catalog Called firebird

Firebird (tattoo): symbolic meaning and influence on the owner. Company "firebird"product catalog Called firebird

Chamkina Marina
Popova Irina


Summary of the myth

A work of Russian folk art

The Firebird is a fabulous bird from the Slavic epic, the embodiment of the radiant sun god and the angry thunder god.

In the popular imagination, the Firebird is inextricably linked with the heavenly fire-flame, and its radiance is as blinding to the eyes as the sun or lightning. Fairy-tale good fellows go after the Firebird, and great happiness comes to those who master at least one of its feathers.

The Firebird lives in the distant kingdom, the thirtieth state in a beautiful garden surrounding the tower of the Tsar Maiden. Golden apples grow in that garden, restoring youth to old people. During the day, the Firebird sits in a golden cage, singing heavenly songs to the Tsar Maiden. When the Firebird sings, stingray pearls fall from its beak. At night the Firebird flies through the garden, all burning like heat; will fly somewhere - everything around will light up at once. One of her feathers will be worth more than an entire kingdom, but the Firebird herself has no price at all.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Firebird Ivan Bilibin

The ancient Greek legend about the Phoenix bird, which, having grown old, soars into the heights of the sun, lights its nest with lightning and burns itself in that fire, only to be reborn later, has something similar to the Slavic legends about the Firebird.

The Germans call this bird der goldene Vogel, which is based on the direct philological and mythical connection of gold with fire and light.

Herodotus wrote down a legend about the wonderful Phoenix bird, eagle-like in appearance, with red and gold feathers; at a certain time, she takes off into the sanctuary of Helios, sings a funeral song and, burning in the solar flame, is again reborn from the ashes.

The bird-thrower of lightning arrows was at the same time both a whirlwind bird and a cloud bird; personifying the flame of a thunderstorm, it could at the same time serve as an emblem of the rising sun.

Firebird. Danila Serdyukov

Ancient man constantly drew an analogy between a day's dawn and a spring thunderstorm and depicted both in identical poetic pictures.

Just as a thunderstorm flame destroys dark clouds and ignites the luminary of the sun extinguished by them, so the glow of the morning dawn drives away the darkness of the night and brings out the clear sun: like a golden-winged, shining bird, it ascends to the vault of heaven and illuminates the wide earth with its rays. That the sun really appeared to be a bird is attested to by the Vedas: I knew you in spirit, says the poet to the rising sun, when you were still far away, you, bird rising from the clouds; I saw (your) winged head flowing along smooth paths and clean from dust.

Memories of the sun bird are still preserved in the Russian riddle, which calls the daylight a spinning bird: there is an old oak tree, on that oak there is a spinning bird; You can’t get anyone - neither the king nor the queen.

The sunbird sits on an old oak tree - this annual passage of time, folk fantasy likened to a growing tree on which the sunbird nests, lays white and black eggs and hatches from them day and night. Other riddles speak even more clearly about the representation of the sun as a bird: the clear falcon came, all the people went - i.e. people wake up with the dawn of day.

Images and symbols of myth

Golden Firebird. Georgy Kardava

The image of the Firebird among all peoples was the personification of light and warmth.

The golden feathers of the firebird's wings represented lightning in a stormy sky among the ancient Greeks. The bird seemed to shoot out its feathers, generating lightning.

The life and death of the firebird, its rebirth, meant the arrival of spring after a cold winter, a kind of solar movement around the Earth throughout the year.

The black and white eggs that the Sun Bird hatched on the tree of life meant day and night.

Finding the Firebird's feather and bringing it into the house meant that you were bringing happiness and prosperity to the house.

Communicative means of creating images and symbols

Firebird. Al Ka

First of all, these are fairy tales. Russian folk tale “The Firebird and Vasilisa the Princess”, “The Little Humpbacked Horse”, in tales about Ivan Tsarevich and Koshchei the Immortal, “The Return of the Firebird” - ballet (1993), “The Story of Richard, Milord and the Beautiful Heat-bird».

With the adoption of Christianity in Rus', the Firebird gradually becomes a Christian symbol, embodying resurrection and eternal life, but at the same time protecting the mysterious echoes of pagan rituals and the exoticism of the East.

All this makes Russian culture so extraordinary and mysterious, and it immediately becomes clear why at the beginning of the 20th century a group of artists, writers and composers, inspired by an energetic impresario in an attempt to show Russia to the West, managed to so beautifully convey Slavic motifs in oriental settings - an export commodity , known as Ballet Ruses. When Sergei Diaghilev, founder of the magazine and artistic association Russian Seasons of Arts and Enterprises, planned to stage a new ballet in Paris in 1910, he wanted to dedicate it to the Firebird from a Russian fairy tale.

Social significance of the myth

The Firebird is an extraordinary creature that is found in the mythology of different peoples of the world. In each mythology, her image is given a somewhat similar interpretation. All legends have one thing in common, which unites the meaning of the myth of the Firebird. The Firebird is our light. If you analyze all the legends about this creature, light was the main thing in her entire image. Light gives warmth. Warmth gives life. Without the Sun there would be no life on Earth.

Firebird Company


Store Address

Metro station

Metro "Ulitsa 1905 Goda"

Store Address

Moscow, Zvenigorodskoe shosse, 4, shopping center "Electronics on Presnya", yellow line, stand B-12

Operating mode

Every day from 10:00 to 20:00

How to get there

Metro "Ulitsa 1905 Goda", the first car from the center, exit to the left side, walk to the intersection of Street 1905 with Zvenigorodskoye Shosse, turn right and after 150 meters on the right side the entrance to the territory of the shopping center. Convenient access from the new eight-lane Zvenigorodskoe highway will provide maximum convenience to buyers arriving by personal vehicle.

About the company "Firebird"

Dear friends!

"Firebird" welcomes you and thanks you for your interest in our company.

The Firebird company was founded in 2001.

Firebird products are united by a common idea - providing a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. The company's task, or as they say now, the mission, is to make kitchen life convenient, beautiful and environmentally friendly. We work under the motto - “There are no trifles in the kitchen!”, offering customers exclusive products for the kitchen and home from the world's best manufacturers.

When choosing products, "Firebird" gives preference to environmentally friendly and functional goods, highlighting among suppliers European manufacturers, countries with a high production culture, and, as a result, high quality of the goods produced.

Currently, the company cooperates with 12 foreign partners from Germany, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Sweden. We are pleased to note that our partners value cooperation with Firebird and fulfill their obligations by providing exclusive rights to distribute their products.

The site presents modern kitchen utensils and useful household appliances, a wide range of baking products, special tools for decorating dishes and carving, and many other interesting products.

"Firebird" will help you arrange your home and a harmony of beauty and health will reign in it. Our products will serve faithfully. They will change your idea of ​​household chores and turn the ordinary process of cooking into an exciting and joyful event.

We are sure that our products will not leave you indifferent.

Thank you for your attention, we wish you pleasant viewing and successful shopping!

FIREBIRD - a fabulous bird with bright, golden plumage with a tint of red.

COMMON PACK. They say that he flies in the same flock with the Firebird, and even joins them.

CHARACTER: Firebirds are good-natured and idle by nature, they rarely pay attention to what is going on around them, and there is little that can distract the bird from its favorite pastime - singing.

ELEMENT. The Firebird is a bird of two elements. Like all birds, the Firebird belongs to the elements; but in its inner essence, in character and way of life, it is closer to the elements.

The firebird on the coats of arms of the city of Palekh and Yuzhsky district of the Ivanovo region, State Enterprise Khotkovo of the Moscow region.

There is a MONUMENT TO THE FIREBIRD in the city of Astrakhan. The Firebird takes off from the wall of the Theater for Young Spectators.

THE INcarnation of the God of the Storm. They say that the Firebird is the embodiment of Perun himself, the God of Thunder, thunder and lightning.

APPEARANCE. Each feather of the Firebird burns and shines with golden fire, so brightly that everything around is illuminated and illuminated with hot light, and even on a dark night it can become so light, as if thousands of thousands of candles are lit, as if Yarilo himself is burning in the sky.

SINGING. Firebirds love to sing, and when they sing, brilliant sparkling lightning and beautiful light pearls scatter from their beaks all over the area. This is how she lives and lives, sings her pearl songs and plays in the Sun with her beautiful golden plumage.

HORSE-FIRE. The Firebird is also the embodiment of that fire, which is associated with the Horse-Fire. The Firebird and the Fire-Horse visit Iriy together, and everyone there does what their heart desires: the Firebird sings his magical songs and scatters pearls, and the Fire-Horse flaunts under the rays of the sun: he dreams of getting into the harness of God Yarila himself. .

(52) Found on the Internet and edited for the site.

The Firebird is a wonderful bird in East Slavic mythology. The Firebird is the goal of the quest of various heroes of Russian fairy tales. This is a bird whose feathers have the ability to shine and their brilliance amazes human vision. Getting the firebird involves great difficulties and is one of the main tasks that the king (father) sets to his sons in the fairy tale. Only the gentle youngest son manages to get the firebird. According to a Russian fairy tale, each of her feathers “is so wonderful and bright that if you bring it into a dark room, it shines as if a great many candles were lit in that chamber.” The golden color of the Firebird, its golden cage is associated with the fact that the bird flies from another (“thirtieth kingdom”), where everything that is painted golden comes from.

The Firebird can act as a kidnapper, in this case becoming closer to the Fire Serpent: she takes the mother of the hero of the fairy tale “far away.” A comparative analysis suggests an ancient connection between the Firebird and the Slovak “fire bird” with other mythological images embodying fire, in particular with the fire horse-bird. Mythologists (Afanasyev) explained the firebird as the personification of fire, light, sun. Leaving aside arbitrary mythological explanations, we can compare the firebird with the medieval, very popular both in our and Western European literature, stories of the “Physiologist” about the wonderful Phoenix bird, reborn from the ashes.

Firebird, painting by artist Viktor Korolkov

Historical reference.
Physiologist - a collection of articles and information about animals and stones, which began in the 2nd or 3rd century AD, presumably in Alexandria. This is a monument to collective creativity. It is based on observations belonging to classical writers, not without the influence of Eastern legends. The selection of these observations was made by Christian writers, who set themselves the goal of bringing them closer to Holy Scripture and Christian tradition. The Physiologist consists of individual chapters, up to 50 in number, describing animals and birds, insects, minerals, etc. and a listing of their features and properties, with symbolic interpretations (the properties of animals, for example, are compared with Christian virtues).

The Physiologist included such animals as the phoenix, sirens, centaurs, gorgon, unicorn; the listing of the properties of other animals and especially the symbolic interpretations transport the reader into a completely fabulous world. Nevertheless, the Physiologist enjoyed authority in Muscovite Rus' even in the 17th century. Slavic translations of the Physiologist have been preserved only in Russian copies. The language of the oldest edition indicates the Bulgarian origin of the translation (before the 13th century). The Physiologist's tales were reflected in some ancient Russian articles in various collections, and partly also in folk poetic works; physiological symbolism also penetrated into monuments of art (for example, iconography). In Western Europe, the Physiologist was very popular; in the 13th century it was translated from Latin into the national languages ​​of Europe and became part of medieval encyclopedias. At the same time, its symbolic side somewhat lost its significance, and the Physiologist himself in the Middle Ages took the form of a natural science work, the “Bestiary.”

The fashion for tattoos is eternal. People have long sought to decorate their bodies with intricate designs that remind them of a particular event in their lives. Some, of course, do not imply a specific meaning in the chosen tattoo, but this does not mean that the image does not have it. One of the most common and beautiful images on the body is the mythical Firebird. A tattoo of such a fabulous nature is intended to be a bright ornament on a person’s body, which in difficult times will make him smile and remember something bright.

An image from Russian fairy tales

This magical creature in Rus' was considered a symbol of rebirth, new life and even resurrection, which connects it with its overseas brother - the Phoenix. Light and rebirth from the ashes are the main features of living lights that came to us from legends. In ancient times, this bird was for the Slavs a kind of deity who was responsible for sunlight. Our ancestors really believed that they were protected by none other than the Firebird.

A tattoo, like the mythical creature itself, can also be responsible for the sun, only not in the sky, but in the human soul.

This fictional character was closely associated with fire, and not just because of his sultry appearance. Just as fire can burn forever, moving from one log to another, so the Firebird was either a dying or a reborn magical creature. This is where the ancient Roman tradition of putting it on coins came from, since it was believed that this was a symbol of the indestructibility and eternal life of the state.

As for more recent times, during the spread of Christianity in Rus', the Firebird was considered a symbol of the eternal life of the soul. A tattoo with such an image also has a life-affirming meaning.

There are many examples when a root tattoo changed a person’s character, for example, an image of a skull will not bring anything good, but a picture with a kitten or puppy will make its owner softer and friendlier. Based on the above, we can say with certainty that it is positive and does not promise anything bad to its owner.

Meaning of tattoo

However, no matter how beautiful the image of the Firebird was in ancient Russian culture, it cannot be interpreted as 100% positive from the point of view of tattoos. The first and most basic is immortality - this is where it comes to mind

The following interpretation differs from the previous ones. It is noteworthy that, among other things, the cosmic symbol of infinity can be identified by the Firebird. A tattoo will give the owner powerful protection from bad influences only if the person himself puts such meaning into it. Otherwise, it will “burn” the owner, that is, change his essence. He can completely change his tastes and become a completely different person.

How is the Firebird depicted on a tattoo?

A bird on the hand in the form of a motley sleeve looks very good. It can be multi-colored and shimmer with all the shades of the rainbow, or consist of the usual bright orange or scarlet color. It is often depicted in flight - it seems to flutter from the chest onto the hand of its owner, reliably protecting him from the evil eye. Looks good on the back. It looks very impressive when bright, seemingly fiery feathers adorn the skin.

There are a great many images, but only the lover of body designs will decide what his Firebird (tattoo) will be. You can see photos with different tattoo options in the article.