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» Wife and children of Arkady Kobyakov. Personal life, biography of the singer. Arkady Kobyakov: biography, photo, personal life, cause of death Interview with Kobyakov’s wife after death

Wife and children of Arkady Kobyakov. Personal life, biography of the singer. Arkady Kobyakov: biography, photo, personal life, cause of death Interview with Kobyakov’s wife after death

Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich is a unique author and performer of his songs, who really knows what a zone is, since he spent most of his life behind barbed wire. That is why all his songs are pure truth. For the authenticity of his work, he received national recognition and love. His songs are distinguished not only by their unique melody, but also by the author’s real signature style that has developed over the years. They are permeated with pain and bitterness of the state of mind. This is especially noticeable in the songs from the “Prisoner Soul” cycle.

Arkady was born on June 2, 1976 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) into a family of simple workers. At the age of 6, he entered the Nizhny Novgorod Boys' Choir (Nizhny Novgorod Choir College named after L.K. Sivukhin). He continued his musical education at the Nizhny Novgorod State Academic Philharmonic named after. M. Rostropovich, but did not have time to complete his studies - because of his ardor and hooligan character, he received a prison term and went to serve his sentence in prison.

Arkady began his musical career in the zone, where he recorded more than 80 songs and also shot several videos. His songs “And the night is over the camp”, “Never”, “Farewell my friend” and many others are included in numerous chanson collections.

In 1993, a terrible tragedy separated Arkady from his closest and dearest people - his parents. They died in a car accident on his birthday. The tragic incident in the life of Arkady, at the moment of which the song “Hello Mom” appeared, clearly emphasizes the fact that further, not a single song written by him has a fictitious plot. Each song contains someone's real-life experience. For many, Arkady’s songs remain just a beautiful composition, but only until pain and sadness invest the deepest meaning in these heartfelt words and music. An open soul and true reality are the hallmarks of the character of his songs.

Official website:

On September 19, 2015, at 5:30 am, author and performer Arkady Kobyakov died suddenly in his apartment in Podolsk. He was 39 years old.

This message appeared on the page of Arkady Kobyakov’s official group “VKontakte” and on the page in “Odnoklassniki” of director Arkady Kobyakov S.A. Lekomtsev:
“Friends, family, thank you for your support and warm words addressed to our beloved and dear artist Arkady Kobyakov. His songs will live in our hearts and our souls. I inform you that the funeral will take place in Arkady’s homeland in Nizhny Novgorod. I officially inform you who wants to help “To see off the last journey of our dear and beloved artist, only Yuri Chekhov, Lyubov Golovkina and Margarita Zaginailo-Baturina are raising funds.”
Sergey Lekomtsev.

Farewell to Arkady Kobyakov will take place on September 22 from 10.00 to 12.00 at the address: Podolsk, st. Kirova, 38, bldg. 6 (1st city hospital in Podolsk).

“Shanson Information Portal” expresses its condolences to Arkady’s relatives and friends. Bright memory.

The sudden death of Arkady Kobyakov aroused interest among many of his fans not only in his work, but also in the biography and personal life of the famous chanson singer. In September 2015, he was found dead in his apartment. Doctors declared death from internal bleeding, the cause of which was an ulcer. The passing of this talented songwriter and wonderful performer was an unexpected and difficult loss.

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Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich was born on June 2, 1976 in Nizhny Novgorod (at the time of his birth the city was called Gorky). His father, Oleg Glebovich, and mother, Tatyana Yuryevna, were simple people, as “hard workers” would say then. My father worked at a car depot as a senior mechanic, and my mother worked at a children's toy factory. There was only one child in the family - Arkady. There was also a grandmother who instilled in the boy a love of music.

The boy studied at a regular Nizhny Novgorod secondary school. His musical abilities were unusual, which teachers paid attention to even in kindergarten. And at the age of 6 he was given to Nizhny Novgorod boys choir, where he learned to play the piano. But I didn’t have time to finish my studies. Although Arkady grew up as a sociable child, he was quite hot-tempered; “a hooligan” is the most common description of a teenager. In 1990 (at the age of 14), due to his hot temperament, he was sentenced to 3.5 years. This was his first prison sentence, which the guy served in a children's colony.

Shortly before his release in 1993, his father died in a completely ridiculous and tragic way, having been in a terrible accident while going on a date with his son. This incident left a deep mark on the soul, and most likely on the work, of Arkady Kobyakov.

In 1995, Arkady serves his sentence and is released from prison. In the same year he enters the Academic State Philharmonic named after M.L. Rostropovich, but he won’t have time to finish it either. In 1996, he found himself in prison for the second time. Having been released in 2002, without having had time to really enjoy his freedom, he went to prison for the third time for four years.

In 2006, immediately after his release, Arkady chansonnier starts working, he sings at corporate events and in restaurants. But this does not last long; in 2008, he receives a fourth term for five years. Arkady spent most of his already short life in prison:

  • 1993 – 3.5 years (theft),
  • 1996 – 6.5 years (robbery),
  • 2002 – 4 years (fraud),
  • 2008 – 5 years (fraud).

In the spring of 2013, he received his long-awaited freedom and completely immersed in creativity. Until his death, on September 19, 2015 at 5:30 am, the life of Arkady Kobyakov will end. Since Arkady lived in Podolsk in recent years, farewell to the artist took place there, but he was buried next to his parents in Nizhny Novgorod.

Personal life

Arkady was an open person all his life, a kind of "shirt-guy", who could win over any person. So, in 2006 (after three prison terms!), speaking at corporate events, he met a charming girl, Irina Tukhbaeva. Not afraid chansonnier’s “dark” past, Irina marries him. In 2008, their son Artemy was born.

Arkady has never hidden his personal life, and everyone can find numerous photographs of his family online, in many of which he looks tenderly and with delight at his wife. Perhaps the separation from family in 2008 (fourth prison term) was such a serious ordeal that Arkady will no longer break the law, the fourth term will be his last.


Various sources write that the artist became interested in creativity while still in a juvenile colony. But it would be more accurate to say that there he did not forget his love for music and continued to pursue it. Of course, life circumstances left their mark, and the style of his songs is chanson. His most striking song of those first years in prison was the song “Hello, Mom.” Poignant and sad, written immediately after the death of his father, it seemed to determine the subsequent style of all his songs: soulfulness, melody, personal sad life experience.

But Arkady’s development as a chanson artist began in his third term in the Yuzhny camp. Over the years (2002 - 2006) he wrote about 80 songs, and video clips were shot for the most famous ones. Arkady becomes a famous performer not only among the specific audience of the prison (prisoners and guards), but also outside it, among ordinary people, lovers of chanson.

From 2006 to 2008 he successfully worked as a chansonnier. He sang not only at parties with “criminal authorities”, but also at ordinary corporate events.

Arkady does not stop writing songs even in his last fourth imprisonment. And in 2011 he performed a concert for convicts, together with the famous chansonnier Yu.I. Bone. Around the same time (while in prison), he released his first official album, “Prisoner Soul.” When Arkady was released in 2013, on May 25 he gave his first solo concert at the Moscow club “Butyrka”.

Since the summer of 2014, he has been cooperating, quite actively and successfully, with the company “Gold of Chanson”. As part of this collaboration, his old songs were not only re-released, but new ones were also written. In 2014, music videos were shot for the songs “If You Love”, “Twinkle of the Stars”, “I’m Just a Passerby”, “I Won’t Forget”, “Nowhere to Run”, “Everything Is Behind”, “On the Chanson”, “Thousands” planets" and "Breeze". In the same 2014, Kobyakov’s second album “Veterok” was released.

In 2015 (in just six months), Arkady toured more than 100 Russian cities with concerts. In September, shortly before his death, another video was shot for the song “I’ll Leave at Dawn.” So Arkady left, as he “promised” in the song at dawn, at half past four in the morning.

After his death in 2016, his works were published:

  • album "Hello Mom"
  • new album “I will throw the world at your feet”,
  • video clips for the songs “I’ll Leave at Dawn”, “Such as Ice” and “Girl by the River”.

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Biography, life story of Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov..Childhood and youth Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov was born on June 2, 1976. This happened in Nizhny Novgorod in a family of simple Soviet workers. Arkady, like all his Nizhny Novgorod peers, grew up in an ordinary secondary city school. The boy loved music from early childhood, so his parents sent the child at the age of six to sing in the Nizhny Novgorod Boys' Choir, which had long existed in this big city on the Volga. The boy grew up very hooligan, exposed to the influence of the street, so at the age of 14 Arkady found himself behind bars for the first time. He was convicted of theft and sentenced to three and a half years in a children's colony. In 1993, the parents got into an accident on the highway leading to Arzamas and died. It was then that Arkady wrote his poignant song, calling it “Hello, Mom.” Upon his release in 1995, Arkady entered the Academic State Philharmonic, which was named after Mstislav Leopoldovich Rostropovich, but the young man did not have the opportunity to complete his studies there. Committing robbery in a group resulted in the next sentence. In 1996, Kobyakov went to prison for six and a half years. Having been released from prison in 2002, but not having been free for even a year, Arkady Kobyakov was again sentenced to four years, this time for fraud. The beginning of musical creativity While serving his sentence in the Yuzhny camp, Arkady Kobyakov became interested in musical creativity quite seriously. The young man recorded about eighty songs in the chanson genre while sitting in the zone. As many as seven video clips were filmed at the camp. The name of Arkady Kobyakov became known not only to guards and convicts, but also to the general Russian public. Having been released from prison in 2006, Arkady began working as a chansonnier, performing in various restaurants; the singer was often invited to corporate parties. He also sang at gatherings of criminals, which were often attended by major authorities of the Russian mafia. Creative maturity Kobyakov seemed to have put an end to the past, got married in 2006, and two years later this young couple had a son. The boy was named Arseny. However, at the end of 2008, the young father was convicted of fraud and received five years in prison. While in the camp, Kobyakov continued to write songs; in 2011, he even gave a concert there for prisoners together with the famous Tyumen chansonnier Yuri Ivanovich Kost. While in prison there, Arkady prepared his first official album; he called this record “Prisoner Soul”. In the spring of 2013, Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov was released again and on May 24, at a Moscow club called “Butyrka,” he gave a solo concert. Having moved to the city of Podolsk, Arkady Olegovich continued to engage in musical creativity, relying on his biography and the talent of a unique performer, which allowed this singer to become a popular Russian chansonnier. However, at 5:30 am on September 19, 2015, Kobyakov died suddenly in his apartment in Podolsk. He was only 39 years old.

Arkady Kobyakov is a Russian singer, poet and composer. Most of his repertoire is devoted to “Zonov’s themes,” since the singer spent a long time behind bars.

Arkady Kobyakov's life passed in constant dynamics, since his character did not allow him to stand still or be inactive. We will look at the features of the singer in this article.

So, in front of you biography of Kobyakov.

Biography of Arkady Kobyakov

Arkady Olegovich Kobyakov was born on June 2, 1976 in. He grew up in a simple family with average income. His father, Oleg Glebovich, was a car mechanic, and his mother, Tatyana Yuryevna, worked at a toy factory.

In the biography of Arkady Kobyakov, his grandmother played a big role, who instilled in him a love of art from an early age.

Childhood and youth

When Arkady was 6 years old, his parents sent him to the local choir for boys to study piano. At the same time, Kobyakov liked to communicate with his peers.

Soon the street had a negative impact on the future singer, which led to the first imprisonment in his biography.

The young man was sent to a juvenile colony in the city of Ardatovsk for 3.5 years.

Creative biography of Kobyakov

During his stay in the colony, Arkady Kobyakov was informed of the death of his parents. In this regard, he wrote the song “Hello, Mom,” in which he expressed his feelings.

When he becomes famous, he will repeatedly perform this composition on stage in front of the audience.

Once free, Kobyakov decided to enter the Philharmonic to receive a higher musical education. He began his studies with interest, but was never able to finish the Philharmonic.

In 1996, Arkady and his comrades committed a robbery, after which he was again sent to prison for 6.5 years.

Musical career and recognition

After his release, Kobyakov returned to his old ways. In 2002, he was once again sent to prison for 4 years for fraudulent activities.

After serving his sentence, Kobyakov found himself back in prison. This time he was sentenced to 5 years.

In this regard, most of his compositions were composed in the zone. Arkady composed the largest number of songs while serving his 3rd term in the Yuzhny camp.

An interesting fact is that during this period of his biography, Kobyakov even managed to shoot 7 videos.

He soon gained popularity not only in his own zone, but also far beyond its borders. His songs were heard from the windows of different cities.

After his release in 2006, Kobyakov worked as a chansonnier in various restaurants, performing his own and other people’s compositions.

It would seem that there were some brightenings in his biography, but he did not remain free for long, and for committing another crime he was again sent to prison.

Arkady continued to compose songs. During this period, he recorded such albums as “Prisoner Soul”, “My Soul” and “Convoy”.

Work after release

In 2013, Arkady Kobyakov was released as a popular artist, whose compositions were listened to and sung by chanson fans with pleasure, and journalists were interested in his biography.

Kobyakov’s greatest fame was brought to him by the songs “Frog”, “Nowhere to Run”, “Violinist”, “In Spite of Fate” and others.

In the spring of the same 2013, Arkady gave a concert at the famous Moscow club “Butyrka”. Many people came to his performance, wanting to see their favorite artist live.

After this, Kobyakov gave a number of concerts in different Russian cities.

Personal life

Despite the fact that Arkady Kobyakov spent half his life in prison, this did not stop him from meeting girls. In his biography, there were only official marital relationships with one woman.

In 2006, in one of the clubs he met Irina Tukhbaeva. They started dating and soon got married. In 2008, they had a boy, Arseny.

An interesting fact is that Kobyakov always put family first in life. While serving his 4th term, he greatly missed his wife and child.

In prison, the singer wrote more than one song dedicated to his wife and son.

Death of Arkady Kobyakov

Shortly before his death, Kobyakov continued to actively engage in creativity and perform on stage. It seemed that now he would have a brilliant career as a chansonnier, but everything turned out differently.

Cause of death of Kobyakov

There were many rumors surrounding Kobyakov’s death, especially immediately after the tragedy. Some said that he was killed by “his own brothers”, someone insisted that he crossed the path of some “serious” people, etc. and so on.

What is the real reason for his death?

The official cause of Kobyakov’s death is internal bleeding caused by a stomach ulcer. And, I must say, this is the most natural and reasonable version.

The talented singer was buried in Nizhny Novgorod.

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There are people famous in show business with complex biographies, like Arkady Kobyakov. At the same time, his fate, although difficult, is interesting. He was destined to go through certain tests, and life provided the opportunity to make a choice and go on his own path. But... if the choice is made wrong, and a person always steps on the same rake, he passes away from life, even if he leaves behind a bright mark in his work.


Kobyakov Arkady Olegovich is a singer who wrote poetry and music and himself performed songs with a guitar in the chanson genre. It so happened that he wrote and sang about the difficult life of those arrested, about love, about the tossing of the soul and the spiritual values ​​of modern man.

Arkady was born in Nizhny Novgorod into a working-class family on June 2, 1976. His father is a car depot worker, and his mother made toys at a factory. The boy's talent manifested itself from early childhood. The kindergarten teacher noticed the child’s ability to sing. His grandmother, who lived with her parents, also drew attention to this. She insisted that her grandson be assigned to study in the choir, which had long existed in Nizhny Novgorod. So in 1982, at the age of six, Arkady was assigned to the piano department.


Arkady, like all his peers, studied at a comprehensive school. In elementary school, he was not so much an energetic child as a hooligan. Apparently, he lacked maternal love, and the internal emptiness that formed on this basis pushed him into the cruel world of the street. The mother left the family and did not take part in raising her son. She left for another man. At that time, Arkady was a little boy, and he needed his mother, who simply abandoned him. Studying at a music school did not save him from the dubious company of his peers and the thorny path of crimes.

Children's colony

In 1990, in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov, a fourteen-year-old boy, an event occurs as a result of which he ends up in a children's correctional colony for 3.5 years. It was a theft. In the colony, he continues to study at school and writes his first songs.

In 1993, before his release, his father died in a terrible accident on the highway leading to Arzamas. Six months before his release, Arkady learns that his mother is also gone - “people say that you have been gone for a long time.” In a correctional colony, he writes a poignant song, “Hello, Mom.”

And again prison

In the biography of Arkady Kobyakov (photo below), this imprisonment was not the only one. When he was released after a correctional colony, he made a decision: to start living correctly, without breaking the laws.

He entered the Philharmonic, but he did not have the chance to graduate. His past behind bars made itself felt. Arkady had no one except friends with a criminal past, and they pulled him back onto this slippery slope. Group robbery with these comrades brought Arkady to the bunk for the second time in 1996. The term was given 6.5 years.

And this is not the last “step” in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. The family could somehow protect him from the harmful influence of friends associated with the criminal world, but he had no one except these friends. His sentence came to an end, and in 2002 he was released to his long-awaited freedom. However, he forgot how to live in freedom. Without even serving a year, he ended up behind bars for another 4 years for fraud.

Meeting Irina

In 2006, freedom again, but not for long, only for 2 years. But it was at this time that he met his future wife (pictured). A glimpse finally appeared in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. Irina Tukhbaeva, like a ray of light and warmth, entered Arkady’s life and, as much as she could, warmed his soul.

They met at a party where Arkady performed his songs. It seems that love broke out between them at first sight. Irina was not embarrassed by her lover’s criminal past. The courtship did not last long. His proposal to marry him was met with her “yes.” There was no delay with children, and their first-born Arseny was born in 2008.

There is no doubt that Arkady was a good father or husband. He tried to devote more time to his family without infringing on their attention. After the concerts he had a lot to hurry about. According to his friends, he adored his wife and son.

However, someone who is accustomed to committing crimes cannot be restrained from breaking the law by his wife and children. There is another black streak in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov - at the end of 2008 he was convicted of fraud. The punishment was a five-year sentence in a camp - from 2008 to 2013. Only when he finds himself behind bars does he begin to realize that he has lost the opportunity to be close to his growing son. In his diary, he admits that separation from his wife and child is the greatest punishment of all camp deprivations.

Creativity in the life of Kobyakov

When did Arkady engage in creativity? He had enough time for this. He wrote songs both in prison and in freedom. He wrote in his diary that his only outlet in prison was creativity. He began composing songs while still in a children's colony. And the first listeners were the guards and prisoners like him. It was there that his popular songs were written, and there are more than 80 of them. These include:

  • “And you are like ice”;
  • "I'm just a passerby";
  • "I will throw the world at your feet";
  • "Everything is behind";
  • "Hello, Mom";
  • “And it’s night over the camp”;
  • "I'll leave at dawn";
  • "Oh, if only I knew."

During his last stay in the Yuzhny camp, Arkady recorded songs he had written and shot several videos. In those two years (2006-2008) before the last trip to prison, a bright streak finally flashed in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. He has a wife and child, work in restaurants and cafes, where he performs his songs. Kobyakov repeatedly performs at gatherings of crime bosses and even receives an offer from one of them to gain a foothold on the stage with an offer to sponsor his start. But Arkady is not attracted by such a generous offer. He does not want to sell his soulful songs for money and delve into the world of stage intrigue.

During his last imprisonment, Arkady writes songs. In 2011, he, together with the Tyumen chansonnier (Yuri Kost), gives his concert in the zone and is preparing for the release of the official album “Prisoner Soul”. In May 2013, Arkady Kobyakov held a solo concert in the Moscow club Butyrka.

Long-awaited freedom

Released after imprisonment in 2013, Arkady and his family move to live in Podolsk. He continues to write songs and works part-time at parties and corporate events, where chanson lovers constantly invited him.

There are quite a lot of facts about creativity, arrests and fate in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. Family and family photos are not in the public domain, so there are very few of them on the Internet. And Arkady didn’t really like to conduct photo shoots, he did what he loved. Kobyakov wrote songs, many of which were dedicated to his wife Irina. He loved her until his last breath.

Death of Kobyakov

The morning of September 19, 2015 did not foretell anything bad. But this date became the saddest and last page in the biography of Arkady Kobyakov. The cause of death was determined by doctors after an autopsy - a stomach ulcer with internal bleeding. In principle, this is not surprising. Out of the 39 years he lived, Arkady spent 19 years in camps, and the food there, of course, was not homemade or restaurant. This lifestyle could lead to illness. If the ulcer is not treated, it turns into a perforated one, which is most likely what happened in the case of Arkady.

According to the stories of friends, while still in a correctional colony, Kobyakov ended up in a punishment cell for several months for his insolence towards the warden. The conditions of being there could really seriously undermine the health of a young guy. Then the disease could only progress and lead to its logical conclusion, which is what happened in his life.

Arkady Kobyakov was only 39 years old at the time of his death. They said goodbye to Arkady in Podolsk in the funeral hall, but Irina Tukhbaeva decided to bury her husband in his hometown - Nizhny Novgorod. The singer's grave is located in the city cemetery. The monument depicts a smiling Arkady. Several years have passed since his death, but fans continue to come to him and bring fresh flowers to his grave, still not believing that their idol has passed away.