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» The woman is flirting. A coquette - who she is and how she acts when seducing. A look from under the eyelashes

The woman is flirting. A coquette - who she is and how she acts when seducing. A look from under the eyelashes

It just so happened that since ancient times, many women have skillfully used their advantages, namely beauty, intelligence and charm, in order to conquer men’s hearts again and again. Coquetry is a kind of science with the help of which young ladies lure gentlemen into their silk networks.

Unfortunately, in the modern emancipated world, a woman’s natural desire to please a man has been mercilessly relegated to the niche of vulgarity and cheekiness. Coquetry began to be viewed not as a refined art of seduction, but rather as a flaw in education. Gradually, women began to forget about flirting, losing their former attractiveness in the eyes of men and becoming bitches.

But in vain! If you use this weapon skillfully and correctly, you can learn to charm men with one single glance. Coquetry is primarily flirting. Not to be confused with stupid antics!

Men adore women who are confident and know their worth. To become a real coquette, you must at least have a healthy sense of humor, tact, style and proportion. You need to be a cheerful and interesting conversationalist, be able to subtly manipulate a man, so that he doesn’t even notice it.

There are several simple rules with which you can easily master this purely feminine science.
First of all, if you decide to flirt, you need to be as natural as possible, which is of course difficult when you just started picking up or you really like a man, but try. You may look a little frivolous, but it should only seem so from the outside.

A real coquette is a strategist. She knows her movements and gestures well, seeing herself as if from the outside, and tries in advance to calculate possible situations and worthy ways out of them. If you have problems with this, rehearse a couple of possible dialogues near the mirror, study your facial expressions, smile, make your gestures seductive and learn to control them, while not forgetting that everything should look natural.
Coquetry is not a weapon of mass destruction. You can be nice and accommodating to all men, but your attention should be fixed on one person. In order to convince a man of your irresistibility, you must be confident in it yourself.

Of course, you shouldn’t openly brag about your merits; it will look stupid, at the very least. But you shouldn’t miss the opportunity to show off your talents.

Men, maybe even more than women, are susceptible to flattery and compliments. I hope the hint is clear? Looking at him with admiration, with childishly naive eyes, convince him that he is the most wonderful, strong, brave, smart, beautiful, etc.

Subtly hint that you have liked him for a long time and smile so that your smile promises him something more than flirting and you turn on all his natural instincts. The main thing is, again, not to overplay! and during communication, periodically “move away” - in order to ignite the passion of a hunter in a man.

In addition to the fact that you need to learn how to give compliments to men, you also need to learn how to accept them correctly. Look at yourself from the outside, how do you react when you are praised? Do you cast a frightened glance at a hunted animal or begin to make excuses, or maybe completely deny your merits or significantly reduce them? If yes, this speaks of internal complexes that are not acceptable in the science of coquetry!

A real woman knows that men are primarily interested in a woman’s appearance, and she knows how to gracefully accept a compliment, with gratitude and without unnecessary emotions. An embarrassed smile is acceptable, characterizing you as modest. But a woman who does not deny her talents.

If the relationship has begun, after a few “honey” dates, you should add a little tar to your relationship. You must learn to use both the carrot and the stick, that is, periodically keep a man in suspense, making him nervous from time to time.

Coquette women should be able to keep a man in suspense and occasionally make him nervous. For example, ignore the next date without explaining anything or answering his calls. And then say that you simply forgot or were busy with something more important.

The main thing is, don’t make excuses and don’t overact, and also remember that such procedures to shake up men should be carried out very carefully and extremely rarely.
And most importantly, do not forget that you are a real woman - mysterious, unpredictable and not too capricious, and then the men around you will remember this!

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The word “flirt” means to show one’s beauty and attractiveness, but to do it not openly, but as if unnoticed, by chance.

Flirty techniques are provocative and playful. For example, naked female knees invite men to certain actions, but the woman immediately makes it clear that this was completely accidental, and not for the purpose of seduction.

Coquetry is a kind of game, it is flirtation, seduction. This is a person who, with his behavior and appearance, is trying to arouse interest (including erotic) in his person.

What is the concept of "flirty"

Coquetry, as it were, attracts to itself; it is a natural mechanism that is designed to deprive the opposite sex of reason.

They say that ultrasound experts claim that already in the womb you can see whether this baby will be flirty. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that every single one of the kids knows how to flirt, even though no one taught them this, they know how to do it intuitively, by nature. As children, girls love to spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, trying on their mother's shoes and jewelry. At the same time, they identify themselves with beautiful young ladies, princesses, queens, whom they saw somewhere in pictures, in films. Girls want to be like them, also to conquer men and enjoy their beauty. And this is also a manifestation of childish coquetry.

Coquetry cannot be equated with flirting. A flirtatious child can show his attractiveness to everyone without exception.
Whereas a flirting person always has a specific addressee for whom this flirting is intended.

Coquetry is a bait, and femininity is used as a way to draw attention to one’s charms. Real, positive men like those women who are not only beautiful, but can also show their cozy, beautiful and kind inner world, their spirituality. The highest aerobatics of coquetry is to discover the feminine qualities of your person.

Coquetry is the art of revealing the nature of a woman. Skillful coquetry can use in its arsenal not one image, but several. When meeting someone, you can use only one technique, for example, “making eyes.” But as the relationship develops, the number of coquetry techniques develops and increases. The woman may speak in a childish voice. At first, when meeting her, this may even be touching, but if she does not change her behavior over time, this may cause some confusion among others. Experienced coquetry keeps men's emotions in some tension.

Origin of the word

This French word is “coquet”, it means “cockerel”, “a man prone to flirting”, i.e. the one who resembles this bird - colorful, demonstrative and loving. If you look at Dahl’s dictionary, “coquette” is a beauty and a mince. She shows off, is nice, preens. Both Russian and French hint that when we flirt, we copy the mating behavior of birds.

When, in what cases, and by whom is it used?

One of the personality traits can be coquetry: to attract interest in oneself, to demonstrate one’s best sides of appearance in order to attract a man, to arouse people’s interest in oneself, to captivate, to please.

Coquetry is the behavior of a person who seeks to please another, usually the opposite sex, and for this uses his most attractive and beautiful features of appearance, character, femininity, his slimness, and attractiveness.

This is the property that helps a girl create some sexual overtones around herself. The desire to please, interest, intrigue with your outfit, your behavior, your speech, and flirting is a love game. An elegant, graceful pose, an inviting smile, a languid gaze, behavior with a cutesy touch, gestures with special softness are signs of coquetry.


  • Languid,
  • sly,
  • cutesy,
  • playful,
  • elegant,
  • refined,
  • conceited,
  • smartly decorated,
  • with an attractive appearance,
  • Charm,
  • attraction,
  • affection,
  • charm,
  • seduction.

Usage examples

The goal of coquetry is to reveal your feminine nature, your true merits, to arouse admiration, but at the same time not to “play” artificially; there is no “surrogate” in coquetry.

Examples of coquetry: a flirtatious gait, a flirtatious look, as if beckoning somewhere, flirtatious movements, very smooth and graceful, this is softness in movements, grace, this is a soft, pleasant voice.

A flirtatious woman “tests” a man with her actions and tests the strength of his feelings. Coquetry, of course, is a female personality trait, but men are not without this trait and can manifest it in various circumstances. It happens that female coquetry is expressed in the variability of mood and female behavior.

It must be said that coquetry is not just adherence to the ideals of beauty and attractiveness. Most likely, this is a set of established actions with the help of which a girl or woman strives to please. Special techniques help not only to make a good impression, but also to maintain attention to yourself. For many years, women skillfully flaunted their perfections; they were deliberately taught this in their families.

Coquette behavior techniques:

  • Corrects her hair.
  • Shakes his hair.
  • Draws attention to wrists, bracelets or watches.
  • Strokes his neck.
  • Feminine gait, soft gestures.
  • A frank look, an open smile.
  • Sense of style, straight posture.
  • Beautiful voice, competent speech.
  • Communication is easy and he has a sense of humor.
  • Cuteness, female helplessness.
  • Unavailability.
  • Playfulness.
  • The ability to suddenly disappear while maintaining interest in oneself.

There are many girls in the world. Charming, beautiful and wonderful. A real representative of the stronger sex is unlikely to ignore such women. But as soon as he notices at least one, or even better, several signs of flirtatious behavior, as soon as such a girl looks at him, all other girls will fade into the background for him, and he will certainly strive to pay attention to this girl.

It happens that coquetry is confused with affectation. But it should be said that affectation is when girls behave manneredly and ceremoniously, arrogantly, they seem to be playing a role. Such behavior is perceived by others more negatively than positively. A cutesy woman does not look attractive, quite the contrary.

Quality "Charm" means attractive power, charming qualities of a woman. Charm is different from coquetry. Charm is a personality quality, and coquetry is conscious actions to seduce others.

There is also "charm", it is also a human quality that is more innate than acquired.

It may be surprising, but among the male sex, not everyone likes flirty girls. Some of them consider this property not attractive; they believe that a flirtatious girl seems to want to deceive a man, lure him into her love network, and then deceive him.

Since ancient times, women have mastered the skills of coquetry - an indispensable weapon in the fight for men's hearts. But in modern society, the ability to flirt is considered almost a vice.

Not every lady can declare that she is a coquette. But in fact, the rest, those who do not have this gift and do not even strive to learn it, are losing a lot. When used skillfully, coquetry can be turned into the main advantage of a woman. A skillful coquette is one who can both attract attention and push away a gentleman. She does this so skillfully and appropriately that the man does not have any anger towards her. Thus, an experienced woman, a coquette, first charms and attracts, and then can quickly lose interest in her admirer. But as soon as she realizes that he has begun to free himself from the shackles she has placed, she throws her irrepressible charms into battle with renewed vigor. At the same time, the coquette demonstrates with all her appearance that nothing happened. And in general, in the clutches of an experienced lady who knows a lot about coquetry, a man is more likely a weak-willed slave who does not even understand that he is being so skillfully manipulated.

Well, we can say with confidence that if you learn the basics of coquetry, then any of your chosen ones will stand on their hind legs in the blink of an eye. Here is a list of rules that all aspiring coquettes should adhere to:

1. Always remain natural: in behavior, views, emotions;

2. Don’t be frivolous, first learn how to seduce one man. And when you learn, you will understand that giving smiles to everyone is generally a sign of bad taste and upbringing;

3. When going on a first date (), or any other event with a high density of male population, say to yourself that you are the most amazing and sexy. Very soon you will notice the fruits of such self-hypnosis - men will begin to look at you with interest;

4. At a meeting with your gentleman, start flirting with him, tell him how you missed him, and what an uncontrollable passion you have for him. A man must feel with every fiber of his soul what is your only and most desirable;

5. You can make him nervous, for the thrill of sensations. For example, being late, not showing up on a date, not answering calls, or showing by your behavior that you are bored with him. However, it is important not to overact here.

In general, always remain positive, be mysterious and unpredictable, try to be extraordinary, and not boring and monotonous. And then finding a life partner won’t take much time!

Woman's coquetry.

“Charm is a mixture of naturalness and coquetry.” Andre Maurois, French writer.
The dictionary interprets the word coquetry as follows: it is a manner of behavior inherent in a woman who really wants to please. And “to flirt” also means to flaunt some of one’s dignity, but not explicitly and demonstratively, but using more subtle techniques.
In fact, coquetry is an art to the highest degree, which in the modern world is no longer expressed as clearly as it was in the time of our grandmothers. Then, either with disapproval, but more often with hidden envy, they said after attractive and unique persons with a characteristic intonation: “Coquette.”

It would be good to remember the age of real coquetry and grace (and these two concepts are very closely intertwined with each other) during the reign of Queen Elizabeth of England. She was truly a master at dressing up and masterfully flirting! Her play did not stop for a moment. Modern women would need to take her short course on manners of behavior and communication with men.
Why does a woman need these cunning tricks, incredibly feminine and often ambiguous? The dominant reason is, of course, given to the desire to please and attract the admiring glances of the opposite sex. This desire is most often subconscious and is associated with the characteristics of the female psyche. Of course, every woman wants to get married, and this is a normal desire - to find a man who would be a worthy match. This is why, first of all, a woman uses her main weapon - coquetry.
Only here you need to make a small digression. As practice shows, it does not end from the moment of marriage. It turns out that a woman who was known as a coquette feels so comfortable in this role that she is not in a conscious hurry to part with it. She needs coquetry in order to express herself and then, being married, this becomes a need and an integral part of behavior. This, of course, cannot be condemned if it does not go beyond morality.
Why has coquetry existed in society for centuries and not a single generation is in a hurry to part with it as an unnecessary attribute? Let's try to figure it out. F. Nietzsche also wrote that a man remains dependent on risk and games for the rest of his life. Nature has decreed that a woman (and especially a coquette) in a man’s life is his most dangerous game. The woman knows about this addiction and behaves accordingly, namely in the most mysterious way. She either provokes or remains cold and inaccessible. This game is based on the fact that a man, having received the long-awaited prey, does not lose interest in the woman. In other words, coquetry is like a leash, the length of which is not as long as men would like.
In order to stir up interest in herself, a woman tries to be unpredictable and delightful, she intrigues a man until the very end. Can coquetry, which is accompanied by a beautiful and long-lasting female gaze directed at a man, a pleasant voice and a gentle smile, be called unpleasant? Of course not! This look is pleasant to any person, and what’s more, they want to see it again.
A woman is a coquette who masterfully masters the techniques of attracting the attention of men and is always the center of attention. Now let's try to take a short course in coquetry, or rather, just the basics of it.
First we train the holding of a gentle gaze, then a light, charming smile is added, then we add a relaxed mood, and in the end it’s all together. Repeating these simple techniques will lead to the process of “accumulation” and real men will definitely be yours.
A coquette woman always looks at her partner with undisguised interest. Little lights light up in her eyes, she is looking forward to a new relationship with a man. She shows her sincere interest, but does it with restraint.
You can learn coquetry naturally, especially if your partner already arouses genuine interest in you. Nothing will stop you from flirting, even if you have only recently met, you just need to prepare yourself in advance.
Pay attention to the smell of the perfume you use; preference is given to jasmine or patchouli. It is believed that they are the ones that attract men. Sexuality, which is also part of coquetry, the color red is undeniable, but be careful, it means aggression.
If you want to please, choose a delicate range of yellow shades. Old, proven techniques of coquetry still have a greater effect.
It is important to be able to handle coquetry and not forget about such an important indicator as measure. True, not everyone succeeds. As F. La Rochefoucauld, a moralist writer of the 17th century, wrote: “Women do not know the whole boundlessness of their coquetry.” Excessive emphasis on one’s own person, accompanied by defiant gestures, no longer has anything in common with light, almost weightless and so necessary for both women and men, coquetry.

A woman's coquetry in no way means that she is of easy virtue. The grace with which a woman demonstrates it makes the lives of both men and women more diverse. This is, by and large, the same game between the two sexes and the attention that comes from both sides, certain signals of sympathy and disposition towards each other.
Through coquetry, a woman tries to show her advantages, and they, in turn, can become the key to a successful personal life. How can you deny a woman the need to demonstrate her beauty every day, because without her the world would not be so interesting?!

Tamara Damashcan Moldova