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» The meaning of stringing cases in the dictionary of linguistic terms. Stringing cases is Stringing cases examples

The meaning of stringing cases in the dictionary of linguistic terms. Stringing cases is Stringing cases examples

Correct construction of sentences

1) Gross mistake - misuse participle turnover. He must always indicate for additional action subject (subject). For example: Approaching to the house, I remembered past. It is possible to use a participial turnover in an impersonal sentence with an infinitive: Deciding test, must be remembered about the time allotted. Participial turnover should not be used if the action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the participle refer to different people or if the impersonal sentence has a logical subject expressed in the indirect case. For example: Driving up to the house, my head was spinning. You should use a construction with a subordinate clause: When I drove up to ...
2) The participle in relation to the word being defined can be in preposition and postposition, but never includes him into your composition. Wrong phrases: The snow-covered garden was visible through the windows; The students who arrived at the festival went to the assembly hall.
3) The composition of homogeneous members should not include a generic and specific concept: They bought me shoes and boots; Birds and rooks have flown in.
4) Errors occur when replacing direct speech with indirect speech, especially in the use of facial forms: She said: “I will come tomorrow” (correctly). She said she'll come tomorrow (That's right ). She said that I will come tomorrow(we are talking about one subject of action; the construction is incorrect).


Exercise 1. Determine the place of these words in the sentence.

1. (A) oak (B) tables were installed in the reading room. – [new]

2. Before speaking, think about (A) each (B) word. - [own]

3. (A) Your (B) statement will become an aphorism. - [it]

4. (A) there are many works about the childhood of the author (B). - [in world literature]

Task 2 . Match the subject and verb.

Most of the students did well...the final exams.

The concert featured... 21 singers.

An abyss of worries fell ... on the foreman.

Lots of birds perched... on the branches.

Seryozha and Petya waited a long time... for the return of their mother.

Task 3. Indicate what kind of control the following words require.

to worry => worry => for someone about someone touch treat someone to someone
blame in anything for anything put on put on what to whom / what to what
surprised surprised something to impede to brake anything
superiority advantage over something before something review review about what / what about what (about nothing!)
confidence faith into something into something identical identical with whom/what
pay pay something for something managing director than what

Task 4. Correct spelling mistakes in sentences.

This country, due to its uniqueness and diversity, attracts tourists.

These facts speak for the impossibility of efficient use of all resources. While preparing my homework, my phone was constantly distracting me.

The children played in the yard in the morning.

The wolf asked the fox to give me some fish.

The Dnieper River overflowed its banks this spring.

Thanks to the efforts of his parents, the son received an excellent education.

The artist was awarded a high award.

Is the indifference of parents to the fate of their children conceivable?

The tournament was attended by representatives of many countries: Austria, Hungary, Russia, Italy, France and others.

Your son is so smart!

The company has sold twenty-two preferential tourist vouchers.

The theme of nature in the lyrics of this poet is close to me.

Task 5. Choose the correct options, pay attention to the agreement of the subject and the predicate.

(/) Most of the students in our group successfully (a) defended, (b) defended) course project. (2) Another set of proposals (a) arose, b) arose) from the chief engineer. (3) However, a minority of employees (a) voted (b) voted against. (4) (a) sown, b) sown) one hundred and twenty hectares. (5) Several employees (a) refused, b) refused to work overtime. (6) Three job applications (a) lay, (b) lying) on ​​the table. (7) Thirty-two people (a) worked, (b) worked) at the new site. (8) One hundred and forty-one deputies (a) participated, (b) participated) in the session. (9) For the construction of a new facility (a) received, (b) received) one million dollars. (10) Thousand people (a) went, b) went) for retraining. (//) (a) Gone (b) passed) an hour and a half. (12) (a) New, (b) new) the city's environmentalist issued a statement.

Stringing cases

An arrangement in a chain, usually with sequential subordination, of several identical case forms. The house of the nephew of the coachman's wife, the doctor's brother (an example of A. M. Peshkovsky). Most often there is a similar accumulation of forms of the genitive case. The creative processing of the image of the courtyard goes along the line of enhancing the display of the tragedy of his fate (an example of K. I. Chukovsky). Stylistically, the neighborhood of even two forms of the genitive case is unfortunate, if one is formed by the genitive subject, and the other by the genitive object. The method of systematic and consistent presentation of the teacher's educational material (example M. Shaginyan). It is also possible to string forms:

a) instrumental case. The report was met with loud applause by the audience. The issue will be considered by the commission appointed by the directorate. The trainer was raised by an elephant trunk. You are dissatisfied with me.

b) dative case. Start preparing for exams. Strive to complete by the deadline.

c) prepositional case. He spoke about the discussion about working methods. The question of an agreement on mutual assistance was discussed.

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

See what "stringing cases" is in other dictionaries:

    case stringing- units (declension of cases, units). In syntactic style: a speech error resulting from the combination of a long series of case forms. The house of the nephew of the coachman's wife, the doctor's brother (an example of A. M. Peshkovsky). Most often, stringing occurs ... ...

    Stringing the same shapes

    Stringing the same shapes- 1. The accumulation of identical case forms makes it difficult to understand the text. The most common is the stringing of parental cases, for example: “In order to better formulate the matter of raising the theoretical level ...”; “In order to solve the problem of acceleration ... ... A guide to spelling and style

    case declension- The same as stringing cases ... Educational dictionary of stylistic terms

    accumulation of cases- Stringing one genitive case onto another, a chain reaction of cases leading to idle talk: the matter of the development of fiction (in: the development of fiction). S.p. reduces the expressiveness of speech ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    TABLE OF CONTENTS- SPELLING I. Spelling of vowels in the root § 1. Checked unstressed vowels § 2. Unchecked unstressed vowels § 3. Alternating vowels § 4. Vowels after hissing § 5. Vowels after q § 6. Letters e e § 7. Letter y II. Spelling consonants ... ... A guide to spelling and style

    STYLISTICS- @Word selection XXXV. Word choice § 139. Semantic and stylistic selection of lexical means § 140. Elimination of clericalism and clichés § 141. Pleonasms and tautologies § 142. Sympathy of speech § 143 ... A guide to spelling and style

The type of subordination, in which the main word requires a strictly defined case / prepositional case form from the dependent, is called control. There is a synonym for prepositional and non-prepositional constructions (interesting to everyone - interesting to everyone; his face turned red - his face turned red; go through the field - go through the field; return by train - return by train).

The genitive case of an object is the meaning of a noun in the genitive case, in which the object of the action is indicated (reading a book - reading a book; building a house - building a house). The genitive case of the subject is the meaning of a noun in the form of the genitive case, in which the subject of the action is indicated (the order of the boss - the boss ordered; the arrival of a friend - a friend arrived).

A stylistic mistake is the presence in one sentence of two words in the genitive case, but with different meanings (the government's search for money to pay pensions) or the ambiguity, ambiguity of the sentence with the genitive case of the noun (handover of the hostages - did they pass? Did they pass? A letter from the mother - to her or from her). Ambiguity can be caused by morphological homonymy of other case forms, for example, the dative case of the subject and the dative case of the object (In this case, the Democrats should have distributed literature for free. – Did the Democrats distribute literature or did they distribute literature to them?)

The stringing of cases also belongs to the category of stylistic errors. The essence of this error is that several words in one case form are located in a chain, depending on each other: Students of training courses for assistant drivers of electric trains. The stringing of the genitive case is often observed. The stringing of the genitive case in many cases is not a stylistic mistake, but a structural element of business or scientific speech, in which verbal nouns are often found, suggesting the use of another noun dependent on it in the genitive case: Study of variants of synonymous constructions; Development of methods for the use of minerals in the coastal areas of the Ob River. The stringing of other cases is less common and only as a stylistic mistake: Filling cracks with foam by our craftsmen; Agreement on the agreement on netting payments.

The case of the controlled word depends on its part-of-speech affiliation.
If the dependent word is a noun, then gender. P.: proof of which proof of a theorem, proof of correctness; evidence of guilt.
If the dependent word is a demonstrative pronoun, then dat. P .: proof of which- the following facts serve as proof of this. BAS-2 qualifies this control as obsolete.

Cannot be combined in one sentence Genitive subject and parent object. The first one indicates the producer of the action ( Speaker's speech, arrival of the delegation), second On the action object ( Reading a book, selecting illustrations). When corrected, the genitive subject is usually replaced by the instrumental: instead of: Sequential presentation of the lesson material by the student say: Consistent presentation by the student of the material of the lesson.

In some cases, ambiguity may arise when using even one genitive case: Reading Mayakovsky left an indelible impression (did the poet himself read or were his poems read?). For the first value, you can say: Mayakovsky reading his works...; For the second value: Reading Mayakovsky's poems...

At two or several homogeneous members a common controlled word is put only if the control words require the same case and preposition: Read and outline a book, write out and check quotes Etc.

Incorrect are sentences in which there is a common object with words that require different management, for example: To love and be fond of poetry (To love What? Get involved How? ) .

Usually such sentences can be corrected by adding a pronoun to the second control word, replacing the noun object of the first word: love Poetry and enjoy it.


An arrangement in a chain, usually with sequential subordination, of several identical case forms. The house of the nephew of the coachman's wife, the doctor's brother (an example of A. M. Peshkovsky). Most often there is a similar accumulation of forms of the genitive case. The creative processing of the image of the courtyard goes along the line of enhancing the display of the tragedy of his fate (an example of K. I. Chukovsky). Stylistically, the neighborhood of even two forms of the genitive case is unfortunate, if one is formed by the genitive subject, and the other by the genitive object. The method of systematic and consistent presentation of the teacher's educational material (example M. Shaginyan). It is also possible to string forms:

a) instrumental case. The report was met with loud applause by the audience. The issue will be considered by the commission appointed by the directorate. The trainer was raised by an elephant trunk. You are dissatisfied with me.

b) dative case. Start preparing for exams. Strive to complete by the deadline.

c) prepositional case. He spoke about the discussion about working methods. The question of an agreement on mutual assistance was discussed.

Dictionary of linguistic terms. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, word meanings and what is STRINGING OF CASES in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • STRINGING in the Full accentuated paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    stringing, stringing, stringing, stringing, stringing, stringing, stringing, stringing, stringing, stringing, stringing, stringing, ...
  • STRINGING in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    putting on, sticking, nailing, ...
  • STRINGING in the New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    cf. The process of action by value. verb: ...
  • STRINGING in the Dictionary of the Russian Language Lopatin:
    nanization, ...
  • STRINGING in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    stringing, ...
  • STRINGING in the Spelling Dictionary:
    nanization, ...
  • STRINGING in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language Ushakov:
    stringing, pl. no, cf. Action on verb. …
  • STRINGING in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    stringing cf. The process of action by value. verb: ...
  • STRINGING in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language Efremova:
    cf. process of action according to ch. …
  • STRINGING in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    cf. 1. the process of action according to Ch. string 2. The result of this ...
  • HORA in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - the concept of the philosophy of postmodernism, fixing in its content the phenomenon of self-movement of semiotic environments, characterized by immanent pulsating versifications of its direction and forms. …
  • IMPOSSIBILITY in the Dictionary of Postmodernism:
    - a concept that fixes the modality of being and thinking, radically alternative not only to reality, but also to possibility. In classical philosophy under N. ...
    During the centuries-old existence of the Russian language, its sounds and forms, its syntactic structure and lexical composition have undergone significant changes. Follow…
  • FINNISH LANGUAGE in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    - belongs to the system of Finno-Ugric languages ​​\u200b\u200b(see), is common in Finland [except for parts inhabited by Swedes, Lapps (Saami), ...
  • STORY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    a broad, vague genre term that does not lend itself to a single definition. In its historical development, both the very term "story" and the one it embraces ...
  • COURTY LITERATURE in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    - a set of literary works of the Western European Christian Middle Ages, united by a complex of homogeneous thematic and stylistic features. Basically …
  • LULLABIES in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    songs performed by a mother or a nanny while rocking a child. Their purpose is to soothe and lull the child with a measured rhythm and monotonous motive, ...
    language, Ostyak language, Khanty language. Distributed in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs of the Tyumen Region, in the Aleksandrovsky and Kargasoksky districts ...
  • DECLINE (IN LINGUISTICS) in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    case inflection. S. is characteristic of names, pronouns and nominal forms of the verb. Case meanings (see Case) are expressed in any language, ...
  • ANIMATION in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    one of the categorical language forms, characteristic mainly of nouns that denote the names of living beings, and constituting a universal semantic opposition O. ...
  • AGENS in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    the source of the verbal action, the subject, the producer of the action (in contrast to the patient - the object of the action). In Indo-European languages, A. is expressed in the form of the nominative ...
    (in the linguistic sense) - in the meaning of human speech. This name is used in Russian Y. figuratively, metaphorically, and the main, visible organ ...
  • FINNISH LANGUAGE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Suomi) - belongs to the Finnish-Ugric group and is distributed throughout Finland (where it is spoken by about 2,200,000 people), with the exception of ...
  • URAL-ALTAI LANGUAGES in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    also known as "Altaic", "Turanian", "Finno-Ugric-Tatar"; they are spoken by numerous peoples inhabiting mainly northeastern and, partly, central Asia, ...
  • TIBETAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • BUGLEARUS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    For S. and beads made from glass tubes (see Glass production), the composition of the mass is used mainly fusible on a lead-alkaline base, ...
  • SYNTAX in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Greek ???????? - "system, system", in grammar "construction, grammatical structure of speech") - in Europe. grammar, this term denoted that part of it, ...
  • OBJECT, CONCEPT IN GRAMMAR in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    O. or addition in the sentence - expresses the relation of the subject to the action, the carrier of which is the subject. This relationship is expressed by various indirect ...
  • HEBREW in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    E. the language belongs to the middle group of Semitic languages ​​and occupies a middle place between Arabic and Aramaic, that is, northern Semitic ...
  • DUAL in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (dualis) - was usually used to refer to two objects that complement each other, that is, paired in nature (parts of the body, etc. ...
  • CASE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • CASE
    the grammatical category of the name, expressing its syntactic relationship to other words of the sentence, as well as any separate form of this category (concrete case). …
  • GRADATION in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    [from Latin gradatio gradual elevation, strengthening] 1) gradual transition from one to another, measured, consistent transition from a lower level ...
  • FINNISH LANGUAGE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
    ? also known as "Altaic", "Turanian", "Finno-Ugric-Tatar"; they are spoken by numerous peoples, inhabiting mainly the northeastern and, partly, central ...
  • DECORATIONS* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • TIBETAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • BUGLEARUS in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? For S. and beads made from glass tubes (see Glass production), the composition of the mass is used mainly fusible on lead-alkaline ...
  • SYNTAX in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (Greek ????????? "system, system", in grammar "construction, grammatical structure of speech") ? in Europe grammar, this term denoted that part of it, ...
  • OBJECT, IN GRAMMAR in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    O. or an addition to the sentence? expresses the relation of the object to the action, the carrier of which is the subject. This relationship is expressed by various indirect ...
  • DUAL in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (dualis) ? was usually used to refer to two objects that complement each other, that is, paired in nature (parts of the body, etc. ...
    —ONE OF THE Baltic-Finnish languages ​​(southern group). Distributed in Est. SSR (NUMBER of speakers 938.2 thousand people; 1979, census), in other districts ...
  • ESKIMO-ALEUTIC LANGUAGES in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    - a genetically isolated family of languages, conditionally assigned to the Paleoasian languages. Distribution area - Chukotka Peninsula (USSR), about. Bering (USSR), Peninsula ...
  • FINNO-UGRIAN LANGUAGES in the Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    — a family of languages ​​that is part of a larger genetic association of languages ​​called the Uralic languages. Before it was proven genetically. kinship ...

An arrangement in a chain, usually with sequential subordination, of several identical case forms. The house of the nephew of the coachman's wife, the doctor's brother (an example of A. M. Peshkovsky). Most often there is a similar accumulation of forms of the genitive case. The creative processing of the image of the courtyard goes along the line of enhancing the display of the tragedy of his fate (an example of K. I. Chukovsky). Stylistically, the neighborhood of even two forms of the genitive case is unfortunate, if one is formed by the genitive subject, and the other by the genitive object. The method of systematic and consistent presentation of the teacher's educational material (example M. Shaginyan). It is also possible to string forms:

a) instrumental case. The report was met with loud applause by the audience. The issue will be considered by the commission appointed by the directorate. The trainer was raised by an elephant trunk. You are dissatisfied with me.

b) dative case. Start preparing for exams. Strive to complete by the deadline.

c) prepositional case. He spoke about the discussion about working methods. The question of an agreement on mutual assistance was discussed.

  • - preparation of tobacco leaves for drying. It consists in piercing the midrib of the leaf 1-1.5 cm from the petiole with special needles. Leaves move from needles to twine ...

    Agricultural dictionary-reference book

  • - 1. The accumulation of identical case forms makes it difficult to understand the text. The most common is the stringing of parental cases, for example: “In order to better set up the matter of raising the theoretical level ...” ...

    A guide to spelling and style

  • A guide to spelling and style

  • - Adjectives and nouns cognate with them in indirect cases without prepositions or with prepositions can act in the same function of definition, for example: fathers house - father's house, mountain peak - ...

    A guide to spelling and style

  • Terms and concepts of linguistics: Vocabulary. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography

  • - Stringing one genitive case onto another, a chain reaction of cases leading to idle talk: the matter of the development of fiction...
  • - 1) One of the language means, characteristic of book styles, including scientific speech. A chain of genitives helps to express accuracy: One feels the influence of the Aleutian baric depression and its cyclones 2)...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

  • - Etc. about...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - STRINGING, stringing, pl. no, cf. Action under ch. to string...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - stringing cf. 1. the process of action according to Ch. string 2. The result of such an action ...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

  • - nan"...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - ...

    Word forms

  • - The use of the multifaceted semantics of the word in a literary text as a stylistic device...

    Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

"stringing cases" in books


From the book Be an Amazon - ride fate author Andreeva Julia

Stringing Oh my God. A. Smir Just as water in a lake collects drop by drop, and how a plant grows millimeter by millimeter day by day, everything in the world develops according to the principle of gradualness. A newborn baby cannot immediately start talking

§ 163. Synonymous use of adjectives and oblique cases of nouns

author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

Section 163

From the book Spelling and Style Guide author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 204. Stringing identical forms 1. The accumulation of identical case forms makes it difficult to understand the text. The most common is the stringing of genitive cases, for example: “In order to better formulate the matter of raising the theoretical level ...”; "To solve the problem of acceleration

§ 165. Synonymous use of adjectives and oblique cases of nouns

author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

Section 165

§ 204. Stringing identical forms

From the book A Guide to Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing author Rosenthal Ditmar Elyashevich

§ 204. Stringing identical forms 1. The accumulation of identical case forms makes it difficult to understand the text. The most common is the stringing of forms of the genitive case, for example: “In order to better set up the matter of raising the standard of living ...”; “To solve the problem of accelerating the rise

On the variability of cases

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6462 (No. 19 2014) author Literary Newspaper

On the variability of cases M.Yu. Lermontov. View of Tiflis. Oil. 1837 We continue the publication of the series of essays "Notes on Lermontov" from the book of Anatoly Parpara, which is being prepared for publication. Now almost every schoolchild, quoting the line of Mikhail Lermontov “born from flame and light