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» Meaning of the word galya. Galina, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls. Galina and pets

Meaning of the word galya. Galina, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls. Galina and pets

The name Galina comes from the name of the mythical creature Galene, who looked like a mermaid and was responsible for calm weather in the ocean or sea. From the ancient Greek language it is translated as “silence”, “calmness” and “serenity”. There is another version of the origin of the name - from the word "galli", the full interpretation of which is "chicken" or hen." Name days are celebrated according to the church calendar once a year. This is March 23 - the day of the martyr Galina.

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Other forms and diminutive variations of the name: Galinochka, Galka, Galchonok, Galechka, Gala, Galusya, Galya, Galyunya, Galinushka, Galinka, Galusichka, Galyan, Galyukha, Galka, Gaska, Ganya, Galushka, Galyasya, Galyusenka, Galenka, Lina , Galusik.

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      Christian legend about Galina

      Martyr Galina of Corinth was born into a pagan family in the city of Corinth. The girl met the wise old man Kodrat and changed her religion to Christianity. The cruel Emperor Dacia II gave the order to imprison the old man and his students, including Galina. The merciless ruler wanted to force Christians to renounce their faith and mocked people in every possible way, but the martyrs did not abandon Christ in order to save their lives, and bravely accepted the death sentence. Galina Korinthskaya's head was cut off, but the girl believed in the Lord until the last second and was not afraid of impending death.

      • Childhood

        A girl named Galya is obedient and reasonable, but when especially necessary, she knows how to convince her parents and insist on her own. She is growing up to be a very active and inquisitive child. The girl is not inclined to express her emotions violently and behaves with restraint when communicating with peers and relatives. She loves animals very much and has many pets, taking care of them herself.

        A girl with this name will never complain or cry in front of strangers; she is independent and from childhood knows how to take responsibility for her actions. Galya becomes the life of the party, she is friendly and sociable.

        The girl is distinguished from other children by her special intelligence and intelligence; she enjoys going to school and attending many extra classes and clubs. She is partial to sports and creativity, talented and artistic.


        Having matured, Galina becomes a charming and pretty girl who carefully monitors her appearance and has good manners. She is cultured and well-mannered, does not succumb to the bad influence of her peers and has no bad habits. The girl studies diligently and prepares for exams, striving to be the best at the university and among her peers.

        Galya is a strong-willed person who is not used to retreating from assigned tasks. She almost never panics or becomes depressed, devotes all her free time to studying and does not like noisy parties and love affairs.

        The character of the girl depending on the time of year in which Galina was born:

    1. 1. Winter - practical and reliable, strict and fair. Winter Galya is independent, strong-willed, and a born leader.
    2. 2. Summer is an open and active nature. Summer Galina is impulsive and active, she cannot stand everyday life and routine.
    3. 3. Spring - energetic and talkative, sometimes annoying and overly talkative. She does not know how to listen and calmly accept criticism, she is stubborn and willful.
    4. 4. Autumn is a sincere, sociable and impatient person. Autumn Galya is vindictive, but will never take revenge on her offender, considering it below her own dignity.


    Galina's fate is successful and favorable, since she clearly defines her goals and always achieves what she wants. The secret of the name lies in the vital energy, activity and determination of a woman.

    Features inherent in owners of the name Galina:

    Characteristic Description
    Personality typeSanguine
    Basic character traitsSociability, purposefulness
    Positive traitsPersistence, discipline, cheerfulness, kindness, responsibility, honesty, determination, independence
    Negative sidesStubbornness, pride, resentment, self-centeredness
    Mental capacityGalina has a subtle analytical mind and excellent memory, a high level of concentration and well-developed logical thinking
    Intuitive abilitiesA woman has excellent intuition, but rarely trusts her sixth sense
    Interests and hobbiesHandicrafts, cooking, gardening, literature, sports, travel
    ProfessionsFinancier, banker, economist, accountant, scientist, singer, writer, TV presenter, journalist, judge, teacher
    HealthGalina is hardy and has good health, as she carefully monitors the condition of her body and adheres to a healthy lifestyle.
    SexGalina enters into an intimate relationship with a man to satisfy her own needs; she does not seek to give sexual pleasure to her partner and be tender or passionate with him. A woman thinks exclusively about herself and takes a leading position in sexual relationships; she does not like to experiment
    PsycheIt is almost impossible to convince a woman; she does not compromise and does not admit her mistakes. Galina is used to relying only on herself and does not ask for help from her loved ones, coping with difficulties alone
    FriendshipGalya loves friendly conversations and meetings; she has many friends and good acquaintances. She values ​​her comrades, but you can’t always count on Galina’s help, since the woman is not ready to sacrifice her own well-being even for the sake of her closest friend
    MoralGalina is capable of meanness and betrayal for her own benefit. She cannot be called a highly moral person, she is pragmatic and calculating
    BusinessGalina quickly achieves success in her own business. She skillfully organizes the work process and achieves good results in a short period of time

    Compatibility of Galina in love and marriage, depending on the man’s name:

    Love and marriage

    Galina has an attractive appearance and refined taste, so this woman does not need male attention. Young people are actively interested in the girl and give her expensive gifts, which Galya accepts with pleasure, but does not promise anything to her admirers in return. A woman cannot be called an amorous and frivolous person; she chooses a partner for herself, guided by her mind, and not by her own heart and tender feelings for her chosen one. Her man must be wealthy and intelligent, soft and flexible, honest and devoted to his beloved.

    A woman is extremely demanding of her future husband. She will not forgive deception and hypocrisy and will not tolerate the weakness and bad habits of her potential spouse.

    A man must come to terms with the fact that he will always occupy a secondary role in the family, while the woman will become the head of the family and will make all decisions independently. All household members must obey Galina unquestioningly and not criticize her behavior.

    A woman with a similar name is likely to remarry, since not every man can withstand the difficult and uncompromising character of such a wife.

One of the most beautiful melodic names, which for many millennia has not lost popularity among parents who dream of the best fate for their little ones, is Galina. Before baptizing your baby, a prerequisite is a careful study of the details, which can even change the instructions outlined by fate in advance. Galina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - rarely does an adult not try to find out everything connected with him, because there is a lot of fascinating stuff here.

The meaning of the name Galina for a girl is brief

One of the most important activities that brings a lot of pleasure to the parents of a baby who appeared in the house just a few days ago is searching for a name. It can not only decorate a child, but also give him many pleasant moments in the future. That is why you should carefully study all the details, of which there are not so few. Galina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - useful information can be found in mythology, specialized literature, and Christian sources. One should not refuse this opportunity to give a child a happy future - it is the name that can cope with this.

The meaning of the name Galina for a girl is briefly “silence”, “serenity”. Already from this secret meaning, which was originally laid down here, thousands of years ago, it can be determined that the baby will be calm, quiet, and will not cause problems for adults either in childhood or in adolescence. The roots of this name stretch deep into the past of one of the most famous countries in ancient times - Greece. In addition to many brave immortal heroes and harsh but fair gods, Ancient Greece gave many names that are still revered in different parts of the globe.

What does the name Galina mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

For thousands of years, Orthodox literature has been considered the only reliable source that can tell in more detail about the secret meaning of the name. The church calendar will certainly provide interesting and truthful information that will help not only determine the future of the baby, but will also greatly help adults in raising their daughter. In Orthodox sources, which include the calendar, there will certainly be information about which saints will certainly watch over a child throughout her life, serve as a talisman for her, protect her from illnesses and problems, and help in decision-making.

What does the name Galina mean for a girl according to the church calendar? If you compare the Orthodox interpretation and the meaning that has been preserved since the times of Ancient Greece, you will notice that they are the same. Christian sources also say that it has two meanings - “serenity” and “silence”. This secret meaning will certainly affect the character and the whole life of the girl - she will go through it without turbulent events, problems and difficult situations.

The secret of the name Galina, name day, signs

How will the secret of the name Galina affect the events that await the girl? The main thing that is recommended to find out is whether the child will be looked after by the patron saints. As the church calendar testifies, the girl will have only one guardian angel in the person of the holy great martyr. You need to honor the patroness on March 23 - it is on this day that relatives should congratulate the baby and give gifts. We must not forget that this is not the main thing on the name day, because it is important to honor the saint who cares for the child. You definitely need to ask her for mercy towards your baby, to set her on the right path, to protect her from troubles and illnesses.

There are few signs associated with this holiday, but on this day everyone who grows flax tries to go to an open field in the morning. It is here that the saint gives a secret sign by which the harvest can be determined. If there is thick fog and it lasts long enough even after sunrise, you can hope that flax will certainly please you this year.

Origin of the name Galina and its meaning for children

Will the origin of the name Galina and its meaning for children surprise relatives and should they be given importance? Often, in order to determine the country that gave the world a beautiful name, you have to study many sources that do not always provide accurate data. You should not try to find out everything as reliably as possible - the origin will not affect the fate of the baby in any way. Parents can study the roots of the name and a brief history in order to tell the girl about it in due time, who will certainly be interested in this and ask about who her first namesakes were.

How can the future meaning of a name be affected? As many sources testify, the value can be determined to be not so small. Galina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - it’s all closely intertwined, and if you try to find out all the details, you will find information here that is not only fascinating, but also useful for adults. Since the secret meaning in it is promising, and indicates that the baby will have a calm, quiet disposition, parents will not have to devote much time to upbringing - this will not be necessary.

Character of a girl named Galina

What traits can the character of a girl named Galina show - positive or negative? Numerous sources, combined with a secret meaning that was laid down thousands of years ago, indicate that virtues will prevail. The main positive traits inherent in a baby named Galina:

  • diligence;
  • strength of character;
  • obedience;
  • performance;
  • tendency to self-sacrifice;
  • activity;
  • intelligence;
  • creative talent;
  • attentiveness;
  • intelligence.

Among the shortcomings, pride is usually distinguished, which is often inherent in girls. She won’t always show it to strangers, but her loved ones will be able to endure a lot because of Galina. She does not hesitate to show her superiority, which brings a lot of pain and anxiety to her family. Parents must respond to this trait in a timely manner, otherwise in adult life it can develop into considerable trouble. It is pride that will alienate loved ones and friends, will cause hatred from colleagues, and a negative attitude from management.

The fate of a girl named Galina

Will the fate of a girl named Galina be replete with good events? Adult relatives of the owner of this name need not worry - she is guaranteed a cloudless, happy future, especially if she learns to humble her pride. She will begin to choose a specialty from childhood, and may choose such professions.

Meaning of the name Galina: this name for a girl means “serenity”, “calm”, “silence”. Corresponds to the ancient Greek goddess of the calm sea Galena

Origin of the name Galina: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Galinka, Galya, Galyusha, Galyunya, Galyukha, Ganya, Gulya, Alya, Lina.

What does the name Galina mean: A girl with this name is balanced and comes out of any situation with honor. She is a responsible worker, a good housewife and mother. She will give her heart to a man who will idolize her

Angel Day and patron saints named after Galina: The name celebrates name day once a year: March 23 (10) - The Holy Martyr, together with other martyrs, died for the faith of Christ in 258. At the place of their torment, a source of clean water appeared.

Signs of the name Galina: If it’s a foggy day on Galina, the flax will be fibrous.


  • Zodiac – Aries
  • Planet – Sun
  • Color - raspberry
  • Auspicious tree - pine
  • Treasured plant - sweet pea
  • Patron - jackdaw
  • Talisman stone – garnet

Characteristics of the name

Positive features: The main features are firmness and confidence in one’s rightness. A woman bearing this name attaches great importance to obedience and diligence. This is creative talent. A girl with this name, despite her outward timidity, is capable of amazing performance, feat, self-sacrifice, but only for the sake of loved ones. The most socially active periods of her life are 15-25 years old, 45-65 years old. Galya completely devotes the middle period of her life to her family and children.

Negative features: Galina's character is full of contradictory qualities. She is quiet, shy and psychologically depressed in an unfamiliar and alien environment, but active, domineering and overly arrogant among those close to her. A girl named Galya is demanding of herself. It’s as if she’s trying to prove her worth to herself, testing her physical and psychological capabilities with unbearable stress.

Galina's character: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Galina? She is distinguished by the tenacity with which she follows her chosen path and from which she cannot be led astray. She knows how to get out of the most difficult situations thanks to her hard work, friendliness and ability to be a sweet friend. She is quick and precise in action, but very impulsive and sensual - she easily gets carried away, and then it is too late... Love for children or for men is her great weakness. A woman named Galina is a good organizer, generally a “groovy” person and very kind, devoid of even a hint of vindictiveness.

As a rule, they are either very talkative - you can’t stop them! - or they are so silent that you can’t get a word out. No third meaning is given.

In early childhood, a girl is prone to infectious diseases, her immune system is weakened, and she may suffer from pharyngitis. She is calm, although “December” Galya is a little capricious and demanding. When communicating with peers, he does not strive for leadership, but loves outdoor games and can be an initiator. The young woman with the name is ready to give in to her persistent friend so as not to spoil the game. Adults should not raise their voices at her; she will understand everything anyway, and the harshness of the tone frightens and irritates her. Galochka has a poor appetite and needs a strict regimen. This girl loves to draw, and even more - to visit or wait for them at home. Sociable, kind girl. If she is not interested in guests, she will go about her business and will not disturb you. The tick is growing up as an impressionable, fearful child, sensitive to the grief of others; it is undesirable to tell scary stories in front of her, after which she sleeps poorly. It is advisable to engage her in sports: rhythmic gymnastics or tennis, which is also good for her health. She will ask with tears to buy her a colorful book and is more indifferent to dolls. Don't refuse her request to visit the zoo, even though you were already there with her last week. She is her father's daughter, she is better friends with boys than with girls, but she clearly understands that she herself is a girl. She loves to dress up, look good, and twirl in front of the mirror, but she finds it easier to communicate with boys. And the adult Gala is alien to the eternal women's problems, intrigues, and gossip.

In her youth, the girl loves to read books about travel and historical novels. He has a good memory and easily solves crosswords, charades and puzzles. Active by nature, she likes to go hiking and attend various clubs. She enjoys authority among the guys.

Galochka is a real hard worker. The name helps her to succeed everywhere: at work, in the garden, in entertainment - and at the same time remains attractive and charming. She is prudent, knows in advance what interests she pursues in any business and how to achieve success. Communicates with people who may be of some interest or benefit to her. With the right person, Galya is all goodwill and courtesy, but with the unnecessary person, who has exhausted her capabilities, amazingly quickly she begins to act coldly polite and even somewhat rude. Her mood quickly changes, and with it her attitude towards others.

The meaning of the name Galina is balance. As a child, he grows up to be a balanced child, in whom cheerfulness coexists perfectly with perseverance and obedience. She recognizes herself as a girl early on, loves to dress up, twirl in front of the mirror, and adores various jewelry and costume jewelry. And yet he prefers the company of boys, loves to play various outdoor games with them.

In his youth, a child with this name reads books about travel and historical novels. Active by nature, the name Galina loves to go hiking, attend various clubs and sections. She enjoys authority among the guys who consider her “their boyfriend.”

An adult girl is distinguished by the tenacity with which she follows her chosen path and from which no one can force her to turn away. She is no stranger to well-known female intrigues: who looked at them, who said what, moreover, she loves them, savors them, and then she will get out of the most difficult situation, thanks to her ability to be friendly and sweet.

Galya always wants to make an impression; it is important for her that people talk about her. She is very active, fast and agile, she is on time everywhere, but the main thing is that she very skillfully uses people, bringing down a waterfall of emotions and charm on the one she needs now. As soon as interest disappears, Galochka becomes coldly polite. The tick easily adapts to life, is both objective and subjective. At the same time, she devotes herself to several matters at once: caring for the welfare of her family, social activities, religion.

The name is characterized by categorical judgments. She keeps her word and tries to be obligatory. She loves to command, demands unquestioning obedience, but does not know how to obey herself. She has a strong will, but up to a certain limit, beyond which she can break. It is useless to enter into lengthy discussions with her: you will be buried under an avalanche of arguments.

Galina and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The marriage of a name with Alexei, Anatoly, Belyay, Bogolyub, Voislav, Vsevolod, Georgy, Gleb, Makar is favorable. The name is also combined with Sergei, Stanislav. Complex relationships of the name can arise with Anton, Bronislav, Nikolai, Svyatoslav.

“Winter” and “autumn” - patronymics are suitable: Vladimirovna, Antonovna, Alekseevna, Petrovna, Pavlovna, Mikhailovna, Borisovna.

“Summer” and “spring” - Stepanovna, Timurovna, Olegovna, Igorevna, Ivanovna, Leonidovna, Eduardovna.

Galina's love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Galina promise happiness in love? There are usually no problems with fans. Galya herself chooses. And often her husband becomes the most handsome, most skillful and thrifty guy, who recognizes his wife’s superiority not only over other women, but also over himself. In marriage, he is content with the position of a subordinate; such a position ultimately turns out to be more profitable than a protracted war for power. But it often happens that a woman of a less powerful character is more interested in Galochka’s husband than in herself.

There are usually no problems with fans. She chooses the name Galya herself and often her husband becomes the most handsome, most skillful and thrifty guy, recognizing Galinochka’s superiority not only over other women, but also over himself. In marriage, he is content with the position of a subordinate; such a position ultimately turns out to be more profitable than a protracted war for power. A meeting with a woman who is opposite in character often provokes the husband to take decisive steps. But you can't be alone for long. She needs a husband so that no one doubts her powers and charms. Galochka is attentive to her health and the cleanliness of her home.

Her greatest weakness is her love for children; they respond to her with the same love and devotion. She will always find a reason to be dissatisfied in her husband. But he is needed so that he does not allow him to withdraw into himself, especially when failures befall him, so that he is constantly nearby, but... not intrusive.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: He is a reliable, disciplined and efficient worker in any field of activity. The name Galina gives efficiency and the desire to be first in big sports. The creative talent of the name Galina is conducive to fame as a singer, actress, artist, and poet.

A “winter” girl named Galya can become the director of a savings bank, a general practitioner, the head of a think tank, a theater artist, a singer, an artist, or an architect.

“Autumn” Galochka - a commodity expert, head of a planning department, head of a department in trade, teacher, musician, actress.

“Spring” - a pharmacy manager, an art critic, a dressmaker, an engineer, a photojournalist, and a journalist.

“Summer” Galya - a notary, a secretary-assistant, a cook, a head teacher at a school, a teacher at a boarding school, a teacher, a teacher at a choreographic school, a cashier at a bank.

Business and career: At the same time, she Galina cares not so much about herself as about her charges. This is a gambling person, prone to risk, stock exchange and card games. She often manages to win.

A tick is often a teacher, educator, educator. She is usually a highly educated person, especially in the humanities. She has an interest in history, literature, painting, cinema, theater, and music.

She has time everywhere: at work, at home, at the dacha, to visit, help, support friends, of whom she has a large number, in entertainment. The meaning of the name Galina is that she loves company and is sure to be the center of attention. Galya has an excellent memory and a great interest in life and the world. If she believes and loves, is captured by some idea, considers something necessary for herself, she can move mountains. A girl named Galochka is that rare type of woman for whom all doors are always open, but if she loses faith in her strength and her destiny, she may suffer defeat.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Galina: In early childhood, Galochka is weak, her lungs are weakened, and she often suffers from bronchitis. The "summer" may have an umbilical hernia. The child is restless and capricious. She is Galina, if she was born in March - “March” - she is prone to follicular tonsillitis. Unstable nervous system. In early childhood, delayed physical development may be observed: he begins to walk and talk late. Requires increased attention, a long stay in the fresh air, the air of a pine forest and sea air are very useful.

The “December” one has trouble cutting teeth, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Gali is prone to bronchitis and whooping cough. At five years old she becomes a very emotional girl.

If she was born in November - the "November" - is prone to the disease giardiasis, liver damage occurs. Sometimes she has gallbladder diseases. At school she may be diagnosed with a disease such as ADHD. She can get tired quickly. He often suffers from tonsillitis. "November" Galya has an unbalanced nervous system, she is very stubborn and willful. The meaning of the name is temperament. This girl is overly temperamental, which persists into old age. Many of these girls are long-lived; they take care of themselves until they are very old, do gardening, and do physical labor.

During the period of maturation of the name Galina, you should pay attention to gynecology, there may be inflammation of the ovaries. Some Ticks suffer from poor wound healing, which is associated with their blood type; many of them have the third or fourth group. Galya does not have complete mutual understanding with her mother, and psychopathy develops. As she gets older, she experiences polyarthritis in her arms and legs.

Galina's fate in history

What does the name Galina mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Galina Sergeevna Ulanova is a great Russian ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor, four-time laureate of the State and Lenin Prize. In 1928–1944 she danced at the Opera and Ballet Theater. Kirov in Leningrad, and her enchanting talent manifested itself from the very first steps on pointe shoes. In 1944–1960 Galina Ulanova led the main roles in the Bolshoi Theater ballets, in the roles of Odette-Odile (Swan Lake), Giselle (Giselle), Juliet (Romeo and Juliet), Raymonda (Raymonda), Masha (The Nutcracker) ), Aurora ("Sleeping Beauty") and many others, indescribably beautiful, unsurpassed roles, the beauty and expressiveness of which cannot be captured by any filming. After 1960, Galina Ulanova worked as a choreographer-tutor, passing on to new generations of actors what has always distinguished her art: the rare harmony of all expressive means of choreography, which form the basis of the traditions of the Russian ballet school.
  2. Galina Volchek is a Russian actress, director, People's Artist of the USSR, Artistic Director of the Sovremennik Theater.
  3. Galina Brezhneva is the daughter of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L.I. Brezhnev.
  4. Galina Bannikova - Soviet graphic artist, type artist.
  5. Galina Vishnevskaya - singer of the classical repertoire, People's Artist of the USSR.
  6. Galina Benislavskaya is a friend and literary secretary of Sergei Yesenin.
  7. Galina Starovoitova is a Russian political and statesman, human rights activist.
  8. Galina Polskikh is a Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  9. Galina Kulakova - athlete, Olympic champion in cross-country skiing (born 1942).
  10. Galina Mozhaeva (born 1929) - cytologist, biophysicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  11. Galina Shatalova - neurosurgeon, candidate of medical sciences; teacher of healthy lifestyle, winner of the Burdenko Prize.
  12. Galina Ustvolskaya is a composer whose work is better known in the West than in Russia.
  13. Galina Shcherbakova is a writer, author of the story “You Never Even Dreamed of...”.

Galina in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name Galina in different languages ​​has a slightly different sound. The meaning of the name Galina in Bulgarian: Galina, in Polish: Halina, in Danish: Galina, in Slovenian: Galina, in Italian: Galina.

Meaning of the name: Translated from Greek, Galina means “quiet”, “calm”, “serene”, “sea surface”. Translated from Spanish it translates as “hen”, “chicken”.

Origin of the name: Galina is a Greek name that in ancient Greek mythology is compared to the goddess Galena, who was responsible for calm weather at sea. The patron saint of the name is the holy martyr Galina, who was executed in 258. At the place where the martyr Galina was killed, a clean spring with clear and cold water appeared. This name is quite common and is one of the top five female names.
Other forms: Galya, Galka, Galinka, Glyuka, Gala, Galyunya, Galyukha, Galusha, Ganna, Tasya, Gulya, Galka, Glyuka.

February – 23rd;

March – 23rd;

April – 29th.

Characteristics of the name

The secret of the name Galina endows its owner with such qualities as poise, categoricalness, and responsibility. Women with this name are calm and strive to live every minute of their lives with dignity and correctly.

As a child, Galina grows up as an obedient child, she studies well and pleases her parents with good grades. Likes to dress up and spend a lot of time in front of the mirror, prefers to be friends only with boys. At a young age she loves to read books, especially she is attracted to fantastic stories, novels, and travel stories. She is very active, loves hiking, and attends various clubs.

Adult Galina is also very active, always manages to do everything, and loves to be the center of attention. He carries out all tasks with great responsibility and brings them to the end. Galina loves noisy companies, she is very responsible, friendly and persistent. She has many friends whom she is always ready to help. Before making decisions, she will think through her every future step several dozen times.

Character of the name

Women named Galina are very independent, she is not very interested in the opinions of other people. She is independent but has a calm disposition. He will listen to the advice of other people, but will do it as he sees fit; because of this, conflicts often arise. Likes to confront people with facts. Galina considers herself an independent and independent woman who has the right to solve her problems herself. She is kind and hardworking, has many friends, honest and responsible.

“Winter” - responsible, independent;

“Autumn” - friendly, hardworking;

“Summer” - calm, reasonable;

Fate of the name

As a child, Galina does not cause problems for her parents; she is calm, but at the same time very curious and active, loves to read and play various games. Galina is a creative person, enjoys drawing, and loves to walk in the park or playground. In the future she dreams of being a singer or dancer. Regardless of what Galina does, she does it for self-affirmation.

Galina is quite attractive, has many fans, has good taste, and loves to experiment with her appearance. Galina has an excellent memory and a great interest in life, she believes that she is capable of moving mountains and achieving the success she needs. Galina is that rare type of woman who is always open to others, she loves to hold in difficult times, always believes in herself and accepts defeats with dignity.

Adult Galya loves to be the center of attention; she has well-developed intuition and high intelligence. Women with this name are a little calculating; they always think through their plans ahead. They like to communicate with people for profit, but at the same time they are interesting to the interlocutor, have an analytical mind, are kind and sensitive. Galina's mood can change quickly, but this does not in any way affect her relationships with friends or loved ones.

When choosing a profession, Galina prefers to work with people. She will make a good teacher, speaker, medical worker, and manager. She takes her profession responsibly, you can entrust her with important tasks and you can be sure that Galya will not let you down.

In relationships with men, she is picky, looking for the only one who can hold her in difficult times. Gala likes strong men with a good sense of humor, and he must be responsible and honest. Galina always takes care of her family, she is a wonderful housewife, loving mother and wife.

As a child, Galya often suffered from infectious diseases and colds. Adult Gala should take care of her nervous system and avoid stress and excessive physical activity.

Positive traits of the name

Galina is a kind and confident woman, she is cheerful and gifted, she loves to surprise people and be the center of attention. Women with this name love life very much, they are active and hardworking, they always strive to do good deeds, but they also do not forget about their well-being.

Negative traits of the name

By nature, Galina is proud, a little shy, domineering and demanding both of herself and her loved ones. Such women always strive to show their independence and authority.

Name compatibility Galina

Galina will have a successful marriage with Alexey, Andrey, Victor, Georgy, Maxim, Mikhail. Difficult relationships are most likely expected with Valery, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Grigory, Kirill, Leonid, Peter.

The name Galina has a very unusual origin. According to legends, it appeared on behalf of the Greek mythical creature - Galene, who resembles a mermaid and creates calm seas. From this it turns out that the origin of the name Galina, like most modern Russian names, is Greek, and its meaning is “serenity, calm, peace.”

The girl, for whom her parents chose the name Galya, is a calm child, confident in her abilities. This is her amazing quality - Galya is active and energetic, loves to go for walks and frolic with her peers, but at the same time she is completely calm and does not torment her parents with hysterics.

He gets acquainted with people the same age easily and quickly enters into friendly relations. Galya often makes friends with boys, because she does not particularly trust the female sex. At the same time, she loves to preen herself and admire herself in front of the mirror.

A girl named Galina has good inclinations to master the school curriculum and, as a rule, studies quite well. She combines perseverance with an excellent memory - it’s hard to imagine a more successful combination for a student.

Gala is lucky in how her perseverance during school and work time is combined with uncontrollable activity during rest. The girl easily learns both exact and humanitarian subjects, but subsequently her choice still falls on the latter.

This name has many derivatives and abbreviated forms. The short forms of the name Galina are: Galya, Galyukha, Galinusha, Galyunya, Ina, Alya, Galinka, Galka, Galusya, Gasya, Linu, Galukha. The name Galina has only one synonym – Galini.

Secrets of Gali's character

Galya is extremely persistent - if she has already chosen the path she intends to follow, nothing can bring her down. Her hard work, friendliness, and ability to make useful contacts and friendships help her cope with any life situation and overcome any obstacle.

Galya makes an excellent organizer - she is active, kind, people around her often call her groovy. A lot can be said about her kindness - Galina is not in the least capable of vindictiveness or malice in general.

As a child, Galya can be a little capricious and demanding. In interactions with peers, he does not strive to become the main one in the company, but often acts as the initiator of some kind of fun. In order not to spoil the general fun, he may give in to a persistent player in an argument.

Parents should take into account that they should not raise their voice at Galya - this smart girl will understand them perfectly, and a loud and harsh voice scares her and makes her feel extremely uncomfortable. As a child, he also often enjoys drawing. She loves to visit and is growing up to be a very hospitable girl.

This child is impressionable and fearful, knows how to sympathize and empathize, and feels the grief of others as his own. At an early age, you should not discuss bad news or scary stories in front of her - she will begin to have problems sleeping.

In his youth, he reads books, goes hiking, and loves puzzles. At work she becomes a real hard worker - she is often set as an example as an ideally efficient and responsible employee.

What fate awaits Galina

Over the course of her life, Galina remains the same purposeful and hardworking. At the same time, she cannot stand various tricks, tricks, omissions and intrigues. Everything that Galya achieves and achieves was achieved through honest, long and hard work.

At the same time, no matter how high she rises, she will keep her old friends and will never become arrogant - this is not typical of her. Friends value her for her reliability, self-criticism and ease of communication.

Galya will choose her profession based on her own preferences - she cares little about prestige or the financial component. However, no matter what path she chooses, Galina will become an unsurpassed professional in her chosen field.

She will be highly respected in the work team because she will never be noticed spreading any rumors or caught committing villainy. Galina is too honest for that. Suitable areas for her are teaching, medicine, design, finance.

Galka's responsibility is also manifested in the choice of her future spouse. She is ready to wait for many years for a man suitable for her, placing high demands on each of them. This woman makes an excellent housewife who can do any housework. She will become a caring and faithful wife, a loving and skillful mother.

Esoteric characteristics and name days

The secret of Galina's name is that she looks skeptically at the people around her. Even if she herself is not aware of this, she looks down on others, condescendingly. She also often thinks about her superiority. However, over the years this passes and she becomes even more kind to people.

  • Planet – sun;
  • Zodiac sign – Aries;
  • Animal mascot – jackdaw;
  • The color of the name is crimson;
  • Talisman tree – pine;
  • Talisman plant – sweet pea;
  • The stone is garnet.

Love and family

Galya has a pleasant appearance and an innate sense of style, thanks to which she will not be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. However, the choice will always remain hers, and she can choose long and carefully, carefully looking at the candidates.

Rationality and logic do not allow emotions to get the better of her, and she evaluates a potential future spouse as objectively as possible. Only after weighing all the pros and cons and making a positive decision, Galina will allow her feelings to come out and fall in love with a man.

Gali's marriage will be strong, long and comfortable if she has children from her husband. She will love children much more than her chosen one and even more than herself.

Work and career

This girl will treat work the same way she once treated the educational process. Work duties will be completed ahead of schedule and to the highest quality. It is unlikely that anyone else in the team can boast of such responsibility, diligence and professionalism.

The bosses, as a rule, notice such dedication and do not leave it without encouragement. Galya easily and faster than others gets promoted, climbing higher and higher on the career ladder, reaching leadership positions.

Organizing her own business will also not be difficult for her - her ability to think through a plan in detail, organize everything and prepare for implementation, as well as a loyal attitude towards employees will allow her to achieve success in this area.


From early childhood, bearers of this name monitor the condition of their body, strengthening the immune system and establishing various biological processes. They quickly and effectively treat infections and try to prevent the development of chronic diseases.

Compatibility of Galina with male names

An alliance with Alexey, Pavel, Stanislav, Georgy and Valery will be favorable for Galina. A less suitable pair for Galya would be: , .

Famous bearers of the name

Among women named Galina there are a lot of outstanding personalities who have achieved great success in a variety of fields:

  • Galina Ulanova - artist, ballerina, four times hero of socialist labor;
  • Galina Volchek – director, actress, performer;
  • Galina Mozhaeva – cytologist, biophysicist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Galina Kulakova is an Olympic champion.