Stairs.  Entry group.  Materials.  Doors.  Locks.  Design

Stairs. Entry group. Materials. Doors. Locks. Design

» Values ​​of houses by thirds. The meaning of houses

Values ​​of houses by thirds. The meaning of houses

In the natal chart you can find empty houses where there is not a single planet. Beginners studying astrology sometimes worry about this: “Oh, I have an empty seventh house! I will never get married!” This is a big mistake. There are many people with a blank who got married more than once or even twice. Many people who have earned billions of dollars have empty second or eighth houses of the horoscope, and sometimes both at once. Any house of the horoscope is very important. A house with a planet (or several) emphasizes certain areas of an individual's life, making the latter seem extremely relevant. The energy of the planet in the literal sense of the word forces a person to actively participate in the affairs of a “full” house and there is nowhere to hide from this, but the achievement of integrity by an individual is possible only in a complex, when the individual does not divide himself into parts, but tries to move through life harmoniously. It is also worth remembering that the Sun, Moon and other planets transit through one or another part of the horoscope, activating empty signs of the Zodiac and houses of the natal chart.

The sign of the cusp determines the manner and method of an individual's approach to solving situations in the house of the horoscope. If you have, then the cusp of the second house may be in Virgo, which indicates an attentive and careful attitude to finances. If even five planets are “crowded” in a house, the sign of the cusp still determines the attitude towards the affairs of this horoscope house.

  • The first house is demeanor, appearance.
  • Second house – money, abilities, talents, energy.
  • The third house is communication, immediate environment, brothers and sisters.
  • Fourth house – parents, roots, home, end of life.
  • Fifth house – entertainment, children, creativity, romance.
  • The sixth house is work, health, hygiene, daily affairs.
  • The seventh house is partnership, marriage, open friends and enemies.
  • The eighth house is other people's finances, sex, death, rebirth.
  • Ninth house – higher education, philosophy, travel.
  • The tenth house is career, positions and titles, reputation.
  • Eleventh house - friends, dreams, goals and aspirations, social movements.
  • Twelfth house – isolation from society, secrets, spirituality.

It is worth carefully considering the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the horoscope house. Her position gives a lot of information. If Virgo is on the cusp of the second house of finance, then Mercury (ruler of the Virgo sign) will give additional information about how the individual earns money. A person can be a psychologist, a publicist who writes on topics of self-development, or, for example, a nutritionist. With the cusp of the second house in Aries, and Mars (ruler of Aries) in the sixth house of the horoscope in Leo, an individual can earn money using his creative abilities, for example, working in a business related to festive events and the sale of fireworks, children's sports, or simply being a talented stripper , gigolo or marriage swindler. If Saturn is in opposition to such Mars, then the person (or rather the ego of the individual) will be dissatisfied with his work. The result will be achieved only through patient and measured actions. With Mars trine to Chiron, dead ends at work are possible; with Uranus trine, an unexpected bonus can occur.

The expression of the approach to affairs of the horoscope house is determined by the sign on its cusp

  • The house cusp in Aries is direct, energetic, proactive.
  • The house cusp in Taurus is productive, thoughtful, practical.
  • The house cusp in Gemini is flexible, sociable, changeable.
  • House cusp in Cancer – intuitive, careful, caring.
  • The house cusp in Leo is creative, festive, expressive.
  • The house cusp in Virgo is analytical, attentive, critical.
  • House cusp in Libra – diplomatic, aesthetic, fair.
  • The house cusp in Scorpio is intense, insightful, transformative.
  • The house cusp in Sagittarius is open, global, authoritative.
  • The house cusp in Capricorn is responsible, conservative, hierarchical.
  • The house cusp in Aquarius is extraordinary, independent, unpredictable.
  • The house cusp in Pisces is receptive, deceptive, compassionate.

Each house in the natal chart characterizes one or another area of ​​a person’s life. By correctly interpreting the meanings of the houses of the horoscope, you can obtain valuable information about yourself and about important events in life, understand their nature and adjust your attitude towards the world. In Vedic astrology, houses are called bhavas.

All houses and their meanings in the natal chart

Meanings of horoscope houses

First houseor Lagna Bhava (House of Personality)

The house is responsible for self-awareness, physique, appearance, outlook on life, self-identity, self-esteem, self-expression. Any planets in this house greatly influence your personality and how others perceive you. Karaka (indicator) of the 1st house is the Sun.

Second houseor Dhana-bhava (House of Finance)

The house is responsible for your property (except real estate) and finances. Also - for your hidden talents, self-esteem and importance. The 2nd house determines how you get and spend your money, your attitude towards wealth and material possessions, and your potential for accumulating them. Karaka of the 2nd house is Jupiter.

Third houseor Bhratru-bhava (House of effort)

The sphere of responsibility at home is your desire and efforts towards the goal, as well as interaction with others: relatives, neighbors. This includes conversations, meetings, messaging, phone calls. The 3rd house is responsible for thinking and memory, primary and secondary education, short trips, transport. Karaka of the 3rd house is Mars.

Fourth houseor Shukha-bhava (Mother's House)

The house is responsible for your deepest emotions, self-satisfaction, real estate (your home and the place where you live now) and everything related to the concept of home: family, childhood, land, “roots”, a sense of personal security. The 4th house is responsible for parents, children, including your own motherhood or fatherhood. The karakas of the 4th house are Moon and Mercury.

Fifth houseor Putra-bhava (Children's House)

Relationships with children (both your own and in general), romantic relationships, luck in gambling are the sphere of responsibility of the 5th house. This house can tell about a person’s creative abilities, hobbies, and intelligence. Karaka of the 5th house is Jupiter.

Sixth houseor Satru-bhava (House of Diseases)

The house is responsible for health and everything connected with it: physical activity, diet, illness, performance. This house is also called the house of enemies, or struggle: it indicates obstacles and difficulties. The 6th house shows how well you do a particular job (except your career), as well as how you deal with stress. Karakas of the 6th house are Mars and Saturn.

Seventh houseor Kalatra bhava (House of partnership)

This house is also called the house of marriage, but it covers all personal relationships: business partnerships, litigation, divorce, enmity. Compared to the 5th house, the 7th is responsible for long-term, serious love and business relationships. Karaka of the 7th house is Venus.

Eighth houseor Mrityu-bhava (House of Death)

The house speaks of birth and death. And not necessarily in the physical sense: it can be a symbolic birth or death - a synonym for evolution and transformation. The house is responsible for inheritance, money earned by other people, as well as sexuality, power, secrets and interest in the occult. Karaka of the 8th house is Saturn.

Ninth houseor Bhagya-bhava (House of fortune)

Home of important thoughts and great ideas. The 9th house shows how the previous incarnation was lived. He talks about higher education, spiritual teacher, life philosophy, religious beliefs. Long-distance travel, dreams and aspirations, and wisdom are associated with this house. Karakas of the 9th house are Jupiter and Sun.

Tenth houseor Karma-bhava (House of Career)

House of status, honor, social power, prestige, reputation and professionalism. This includes financial success, but only in terms of power and position in society. It is not about obtaining material wealth, as in the 2nd house. The 10th house is about success for the sake of honor and social status.

Karakas of the 10th house are Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Sun.

Eleventh houseor Labha-bhava (House of Profit)

The house is responsible for an unexpected influx of finances, an additional source of income, your own business, and ambitions. The 11th house indicates influential people in your social circle. He also talks about sudden events, surprises, and how wishes will come true. Karaka of the 11th house is Jupiter. More about the 11th house

Twelfth Houseor Vraya-bhava (House of Loss)

The house shows what losses (expenses) await you. This house speaks of a person’s sexual satisfaction, his hidden self. The 12th house is responsible for subconscious habits from past incarnations. This house also talks about the tendency to self-deception, the level of spiritual realization, limitations and the degree of your dedication. Karaka of the 12th house is Saturn. More about the 12th house

Now that you know the meanings of the horoscope houses, look at your natal chart and plunge into the world of new useful knowledge about yourself and your life.

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Actually, a horoscope is considered a horoscope only when all twelve houses are marked in it. If there are no houses, this is no longer a horoscope, but a cosmogram, for the compilation of which only the signs of the Zodiac with the constellations of planets located in them are used.

For houses in the natal chart, a special calculation is made of the location of the planets for a given geographic latitude and longitude at a certain point in time.

Zodiac signs symbolize the potential that lies within a person. How this potential will manifest itself and in what areas of life it will be in demand is shown by the houses of the horoscope. It is the houses that provide information about how, where and to what extent a person’s characteristic properties will manifest themselves, his capabilities will be revealed and how all this will manifest itself in everyday life. Each house is a certain sphere of human life, therefore houses show a person’s life in society, what life forces a person to be, they show acquired habits, skills, methods, as well as the goals that life sets for a person and the methods by which a person will go towards your goal.

Classifications of houses in the natal chart can be combined into groups according to characteristics, for example, by age:

I, IV, VII and X - childhood home,

II, V, VIII and IX - home of adulthood,

III, VI, IX and XII - old age home.

This division can be used when studying the stages of a person’s life path and some calendar calculations.

Another division suggests that houses from I to VIII speak about the material side of a person’s life, houses from IX to XI speak about his moral and spiritual life, and the XII house is that worldly vanity that often takes up a lot of space in the lives of many of us. But, of course, the main division is one in which each house is recognized as having a special, completely defined role.

1st HOUSE - “Point I”

He is responsible for personality, and character is often included here. Planets located in the first house determine a lot both in a person’s character and in his destiny. The type of personality and the sequence of certain life events depend on which planets are occupied and in what order. Corresponds to the sign of Aries, co-owner is Mars.

Main characteristics: appearance, constitution, manners, temperament, character, type of self-expression, self-perception.

2 HOUSE - “Point of opportunity”

He is responsible for property, income, and types of expenses. Material resources that a person possesses at the time of his birth through the fate of his parents or that he will have through his work activity, consciously acquiring them in one way or another during his life. As well as financial prospects, the possibility of winning the lottery or other games.

Main characteristics: resources, property, income, budget, wealth, cash, sources of income and types of spending.

3 HOUSE - “Communication Point”

Responsible for a person’s relationships with others - family, neighbors, close relatives, in short, for the circle of everyday communication. Also, since the third house corresponds to the constellation Gemini, whose co-owner is Mercury, it is responsible for various manifestations of a person’s higher nervous activity (type of perception, range of interests), as well as for business life - short-distance travel, correspondence, etc.

Main characteristics: brothers, sisters, neighbors, friends, communication, primary and secondary education, short trips, means of transportation, letters, papers, intelligence, nervous system.

4TH HOUSE - “Point of Origin”

The fourth house is the foundation on which a person rests and from which his ascent up the social ladder begins. It is here that the foundation for future social victories is laid, which will later find expression through the 10th house: authority among professionals, prestige and reputation in society.

Main characteristics: family roots, parental home, own home, real estate, homeland, family, father or mother, unconscious, intimate, beginning and end of life. In the female horoscope - sex life.

5TH HOUSE - “Point of attraction”

Children, art and all sorts of pleasures, perhaps whims. It corresponds to the constellation Leo, its owner is ; this is what “the heart is attached to”, without which a person cannot imagine himself, as well as the fruits of his labors that he will leave on earth - be it physical descendants, works of art or legends about his deeds.

Main characteristics: Love, erotica, relaxation, entertainment, play, pleasure, children, excitement, creativity, art, success, fame.

6TH HOUSE - “Power Point”

The key concepts for this house are daily (routine) work, performance of official duties, and health care. The 6th house brings together two themes: work and health. He points out that comfortably organized working conditions are the key to both physical and mental health.

Main characteristics: service, daily worries, responsibilities, subordinates, pets, well-being, illness, treatment, debts.

7TH HOUSE - “Point You”

Responsible for marriage and for the partner whom a person chooses; the partner can also be a business partner. Social relations and unions are also subordinated to this house. Partnership by voluntary agreement, contract. Legally registered connections and unions: legally registered marriage, church wedding, legal joint
married life, open enemies, competitors, contracts, lawsuits. His co-housewife is .

8TH HOUSE - “Border Point”

The 8th field is called the house of life and death. There is no contradiction here, given that death in metaphysical terms only means a gate, a transition to a new life. The 8th House is also responsible for the material assets and financial affairs of a marriage or business partner.

Main characteristics: common capital, inheritance, insurance, wills, notarial affairs, investigations, crisis, transformations, life expectancy, violent death, secrets, sex, occult abilities.

9TH HOUSE - “Spirit Point”

This is the home of intellectual life, religion and travel, especially long-distance travel, for example, abroad. It corresponds to the constellation Sagittarius, its co-owner is .

Main characteristics: worldview, philosophical beliefs, faith, religion, higher education, long-distance travel, legal cases, authority, public institutions.

10TH HOUSE - “Goal point”

House of professional or social success, career. It corresponds to the constellation Capricorn, its co-owner is . The tenth house is one of the most important fields. The vertex of this house is the highest point in the horoscope. It symbolizes a person’s aspirations and career ambitions, without which he would be able to achieve little in society. This house is responsible for the standard of living. The maximum that a person can achieve in profession and life.

Main characteristics: career, occupation, professional achievements, success, social status, reputation, awards mother, karma, mother or father.

What parts does a horoscope consist of? Any horoscope consists of a circle - 12 signs of the Zodiac and 12 houses of the horoscope. A full circle is 360 degrees, each sign is 30 degrees. The second component is the planets, which are located in the inner circle relative to the signs. The third component is aspects between planets. Certain distances between planets, which we denote by lines. Relationships between planets are similar to relationships between people.

Houses of the horoscope

Aspects are drawn in the inner circle of the horoscope. Signs, planets and aspects - a cosmogram (without the houses of the horoscope), it carries information, but we need a horoscope. The fourth part is the houses of the horoscope. Professional astrology begins at the house level. The houses of the horoscope are laid out in the outermost circle. The way information is presented is very important.

And this is the most successful horoscope architecture. House is not a very good name. The concept of a horoscope house has nothing to do with lom as an apartment, it comes from Dominus - God (We will also write Houses with a capital letter). Calculated at the time of birth and specifically at the place of birth. The cosmogram does not take into account the place of birth. Each House of the horoscope is responsible for a certain aspect of our life, houses made of laminated veneer lumber.

What do the houses of the horoscope mean?

The houses of the horoscope will give us the daily rotation of the Celestial sphere. Although there is no daily rotation of the Celestial Sphere, there is a rotation of the Earth around its axis, but c. astrology is accepted as such. It seems to us that during the day the celestial sphere around us the Great makes a complete revolution. All 360 degrees of all 12 signs of the Zodiac rotate once.

Horoscope houses - a snapshot of the Celestial sphere at the moment of birth. A horoscope is a photograph of the sky at the moment of birth, but astrologers not only take photographs, but also decipher them. Photography involves retouching. We will also retouch our objects of study.

We watch the sky, first of all we see the horizon (the landscape may be different, but the horizon is always visible). The horizon is another visual illusion. The horizon is not an entirely straight line, but rather a rounded one, but at the edges, we see nothing below the horizon. If you stand under the night sky for a long time, you can observe that this entire stellar zodiac circle is turning.

In astrology, on the left is East (East), on the right is West (West), at the top is South - 8, at the bottom is North - N. All stars rotate clockwise. This is the model of rotation of the celestial sphere. At the moment of birth, first of all, we fix the degree that was in the east and this degree is called the ascendant Asc - ascending (lat.). Theoretically, it could be any of the 360 ​​degrees.

Horoscope houses and Ascendant

The Ascendant Asc plays a very important role in astrology. Even if he was born on May 6, his Sun sign is Taurus, but at the moment of birth any degree could be rising; according to the ascendant, he could be anything. Not only the moment of birth is important, but also the place. The ascendant is the moment of a person’s birth, an individual characteristic of a person, every 4 minutes during the day the degree changes (360 degrees are passed in 24 hours).

If a person is born in 4 minutes, the person already has a different ascendant, and in 20 minutes already 5 degrees will rise, a completely different person. The Ascendant determines our physical constitution. Is there anything common in the physical constitution of people of the same sign, no - solar signs have nothing in common with the physical constitution.

But if you line up people with different solar signs, but with the same ascendant, then they will be outwardly similar; the constitution is determined not by the Sun, but by the ascendant. The life cycle is likened to one day, the moment of our birth the Sun rises in the east, then we grow, reach the top, then the Sun sets, death occurs.

East is the beginning of life. When building churches, there is a rule: the altar of the church should be oriented to the East. The western point carries the meaning of the cessation of life; the western wall should be painted with pictures of the Last Judgment.

Ascendant Asc is the degree that at the moment of birth rose above the 1st horizon. Solar signs have nothing to do with Asc. Always oriented to the east. East - birth.

Dsс is the degree opposite Асс, which at the moment of birth fell below the horizon; on the western side the Sun sets below the horizon.

Асс and Dсс are one axis in opposite signs.

The highest point in the sky above the head is the zenith in astronomy; in MS astrology, the zenith of the horoscope. The point opposite to it (under the feet) is the nadir in astronomy, JC in astrology.

MC corresponds to the south, JС - to the north.

The meaning of the horoscope houses

The moment of our birth is a sacred moment, everyone receives their own horoscope and their own destiny. The moment of birth is completely non-random, it is a fateful moment. The value of horoscope houses lies in their living connection with our lives. Each house is responsible for its own sphere.

1 Horoscope house

The relative and midwife are the home of our birth. Personality as such, the main characteristics of a person, his physical constitution (facial features, height, weight, physique).

2 House of horoscope

The bourgeois counts money - he is responsible for our financial situation. Personal money and property. Vitality, nutrition, personal money and property, income, acquisitions, savings.

3 Horoscope house

Two neighbors are talking - the house of our everyday communication, neighbors. Secondary education and short trips. Close circle, brothers, sisters.

4 Horoscope house

Father and son cultivate their native land. Our parents, homeland, real estate, heredity, ancestors, roots, end of life.

5 Horoscope house

House of love, creativity, entertainment, children. Scene. Every child is a product of creativity, creativity is the creation of something new.

6 Horoscope house

Home of illnesses, responsibilities and pets. Place of duty, subordinates, colleagues, hygiene, health and illness.

7 Horoscope house

Wedding ritual - the house of marriage and partnership, partners in business, open enemies, official authorities, trials.

8 Horoscope house

A skeleton with a scythe mows down the harvest of life - the house of death, inheritance, receiving money due to other people's disasters. Crises and disasters, death, inheritance, banks, fiscal authorities, other people's money.

9 Horoscope house

Priests are the home of religion and spirituality. Higher education, science, abroad, travel.

10 Horoscope house

The sovereign sits under God - power, career, authority, reputation, superiors, social environment, upcoming changes.

11 Horoscope house

Allegory - wheel (steering wheel) - house of change, house of the future, astrology, friends, sponsors, philanthropists, public funds, prospects.

12 Horoscope house

Prison, imprisonment house, everything secret in life, secret enemies, solitude and imprisonment, life in nature, wild animals.

Beginning of the Houses of the Horoscope

It’s not very good in three Houses ~ in 6, 8, 12 - unhappy Houses. Astrology does not end with Houses, circles, God and Angels stand above them.

There is an analogy between the 12 Houses and the 12 signs of the Zodiac, it is not literal, because Asc in any sign of the Zodiac, but the first House is similar to Aries, the second to Taurus.

1 Horoscope house

Starts with Asc - Aries, Houses occupy some space, sometimes more than 30 degrees, in the signs of the Zodiac exactly 30 degrees

2 House of horoscope

Sort of Taurus, abbreviated body, our bodily life, nutrition, vitality

3 Horoscope house

Like Gemini under the planet Mercury

4 Horoscope house

Starts with JC - the lowest point. Parents, family, our heredity, the end of life (what circumstances), corresponds to midnight - the dark time, the house of our conception - our home.

5 Horoscope house

The analogue of Leo is children, love, the excitement of play, the stage is the fun of creativity. The more positive in the horoscope in the 5th House, the more children. Will there be any?

6 Horoscope house analogous to Virgo (house of servants in old astrology). Place of duty, subordinates and colleagues, but not bosses, animal house, the topic of hygiene, health and illness. Health depends on lifestyle.

7 Horoscope house

Begins with Dsс, analogue of Libra. Chiron. They consider official relationships - marriage, spouses, business partners, open enemies, official bodies, lawsuits, divorce. Love and children are in the 5th House (personal life), and spouses are in the 7th (family life).

8 Horoscope house

Analogue of Scorpio. Disasters are happening, after the discovery of Uranus, death is ambiguous, disasters, crises, inheritance, bodies that control other people’s money are possible: banks, the tax office.

9 Horoscope house

Analogous to Sagittarius. Abroad, long-distance travel, higher education, religion, science, spirituality, Chiron the teacher.

10 Horoscope house

The highest analogue of Capricorn begins with MC. Career, power, authority, our superiors, the house of official recognition.

11 Horoscope house

Analogue of Aquarius. Public life, but not official, is our friends, sponsors, philanthropists and public foundations, organizations. Astrology is also based on the 11th House.

12 Horoscope house

Analogue of Pisces. Everything is secret in our life. Neptune is bringing on the fog. Secret enemies, those who do not behave like enemies, solitude and imprisonment (prison, monastery, hospitals), life in nature, wild animals.

Nodal important points of the horizon. The horizon line connects Асс and Dсс. The observer sees only that part of the horoscope that is above the horizon (7-12 Houses).

How horoscope houses affect planets

In the houses of the horoscope, all planets experience the same essential virtues as in the signs of the Zodiac. For example, you were born at dawn, at 5 am (which means the SUN is in your first house) in August - according to the horoscope you are Leo, according to the Sun you are Aries, you will behave like an Aries.

The 1st house begins with the ascendant (counterclockwise). In the 1st house, 1C are born, who were born before sunrise from 4 to 6 am. The first house of the horoscope corresponds to the sign of Aries, here the Sun is in exaltation, this is its strongest position. This person feels his power, is very self-confident, a born leader.

Sun in the Houses of the horoscope

As a rule, if the Sun is in the 1st house, a bright personality will grow. Not outwardly handsome (this is Venus), but he will behave in such a way that people will pay attention to him. If the Sun itself is in Aries, and even in the 1st house, this is the Sun twice in exaltation. The Sun in the sign is the month in which you were born (monthly slice), and the Sun in the 1st house is the time of birth during the day (diurnal slice).

Sun in the 1st house of the horoscope

Due to its exaltation, it will overpower the sign. 12th house from 6 to 8 am, closed - man.

Sun in the 2nd house of the horoscope

House of property and money, from 2 to 4 o'clock. Activity in the material sphere. Karl Marx was interested in capital. The background of the revolution according to Marx was economic, take everything and divide it. In Brussels, in the center of the city, there is a rich building, inlaid with gold, where K. Marx vegetated with his family, he lived his life very luxuriously, why was he so worried about the question of injustice.

L. Tolstoy also suffered from the same theme, he was also born in the 2nd house. Active when it comes to material matters. Catherine 2 went down in history as a woman with a huge number of dresses (this is also the 2nd house)

Sun in the 3rd house of the horoscope

(0-2hours) relates to siblings, travel and secondary education. Activity in the process of communication, travel, in adolescence (when he receives secondary education) he is very active. Peter 1. The power of brothers and sisters.

Sun in the 4th house of the horoscope

(22-24 hours) is connected with the parental family, with the Motherland, with relatives, actively maintains family ties, people see him as an exponent of their interests, active in preserving the well-being of the Motherland. Favorable for a politician. The sun is the father. Luzhkov. Goebbels, when he spoke, it seemed to the Germans that he was a spokesman for the interests of the nation. Their rise to power will seem quite natural.

Sun in the 5th house of the horoscope

(20-22 hours) is analogous to the 5th sign of the Zodiac - Leo, and the Sun in Leo is super active. Theme of entertainment, love, gambling. Creation. An excellent teacher, but he may not have his own children. This is a born actor by his behavior, not by profession. The Sun in 1 - thirsts for power, in 5 - this is Apollo, the patron of the muses.

Sun in the 6th house of the horoscope

18-20, when most people return home, this is a place of service, great activity at work, a pronounced sense of duty, a person with the Sun in the 6th house is a service worker. It helps those who work where hierarchy is respected, activity in a subordinate position, not as a boss, but as a subordinate, good trainers.

Sun in the 7th house of the horoscope

Begins with the descendant) is responsible for our partnerships and marriage partnerships, and business relationships, the judicial system. Here the Sun is fallen, but not weak. Sun - power, 7th house partners, strong desire for power over partners.

In the case of the 1st house, a person’s power seems quite natural, in the 7th house it doesn’t seem so, a person wants, he himself dreams of being a leader, undisguised lust for power, an active desire for power over a partner, primarily in marriage (this is for men, for women - it can mean the terrible lust for power of her husband, if she herself is still power-hungry, then this may mean a struggle for power in the family. Etc.

Sun in the 12th house of the horoscope The man is very secretive.

Houses in astrology (houses of the horoscope) are responsible for the event-based interpretation of the natal chart. The articles in this section will describe the characteristics of astrological houses in traditional astrology. If we consider the natal chart (horoscope) without taking into account the astrological houses, i.e. cosmogram, then we can only understand the psychological level of the individual. Houses and planets in houses show where, in what areas of life, a given person will have the most important and significant lessons and events. Those. The houses of the natal chart are different areas of a person’s life.

There are many different house systems in astrology. The Koch and Placidus house systems are the two main systems by which most modern astrologers work. Which of these systems to choose, only you, over time, will be able to answer this question for yourself - experimentally. For some, the Koch house system works better, for others, the Placidus system. I settled on the Koch house system. The famous astrologer Konstantin Daragan works according to the Placidus house system, and astrologer Stefan Arroyo recommends the Koch house system. In general, the choice is yours, try both systems, analyze.

Horoscope Houses

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December

Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 19 95 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 194 6 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 192 1 1920

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59


Horoscope House ① First House ② Second House ③ Third House ④ Fourth House ⑤ Fifth House ⑥ Sixth House ⑦ Seventh House ⑧ Eighth House ⑨ Ninth House ⑩ Tenth House ⑪ Eleventh House ⑫ Twelfth House

House System Koch System Placidus System Topocentric System

Find out the Sign!

House Types

In astrology, houses are divided into threes and fours. These groups have a special meaning in helping us understand the overall picture of the connection between houses and life.

  • CORNER HOUSES(so named because they are in the "corners" of the chart.) These are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth houses. Planets in these houses indicate that you will achieve some success in life.
  • MEDIUM HOUSES(They are also called successive, subsequent, permanent.) These are the second, fifth, eighth and eleventh houses. Planets in these houses indicate your constancy, willpower and determination.
  • END HOUSES(They are also called the houses of fall, variables, cadent.) These are the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses. Planets in these houses indicate an active mind and a willingness to share ideas.

Meaning of Houses

I house characterizes the inner self of a person. Behavior and way of self-expression. The first house of the horoscope shows how a person sees himself, how he feels from within himself. In the first house of the horoscope, the personality and the body are one.

II house indicates the individual's ability to possess, property. "Weight". Economic skills; ability to implement, embodiment. This house is often interpreted as the “house of money,” but this is inaccurate; rather, we are talking about natural property, resources. Slave owner-slave relationship. Conditions for stability.

III house- communication. Free communication with others like you; participation in informal brotherhoods (“house of brothers”). Frank conversations. Life Environment and its perception. Adequacy to local properties of the environment. Generation of information. Social-information typification. Language. Money as abstracted coefficients of invested labor.

IV house- this is the area of ​​the horoscope where a person feels the greatest security and need in his life. The people closest to us walk through this house - our family, our loved ones. The desire to give a feeling of relatedness and need to loved ones.

V house- the burning of personality, its warmth. Love. Personal strength and brightness; ability to achieve feat. Free disclosure of personal potential. Gambling, game. Roles. Free leisure; theater. Creation. Children (able to play).

VI house responsible for abilities, skills and habits. Gives you the opportunity to keep your world and body in good condition. The theme is maintenance and, in particular, maintaining health. Everyday affairs. Everyday life (in modern society, they are usually filled with work). The employment relationship between employer and employee is therefore a “house of servants.” Functional stereotypes of personality, its ability to objectify.

VII house indicates the properties of a conscious personality, capable of meeting the requirements of society and entering into free relationships. The public appearance (image) of a person. His social capabilities. Contracts; marriage contract. Human partner qualities.

VIII house is a carrier of energy. Polarization, choice of path, attraction. Gender and sexual intercourse. Family life. Desires (especially passionate ones). Survival, resilience and zeal (indifference, passionarity). Banks, money and financial activities.

IX house- consciousness and the problem of personality integration. Personal ideal. Values. Human behavior in society. Outlook, worldview, orientation. Developing a personal philosophy. Spiritual education. Cults and culture. Travel, attention to foreign things (“home of long-distance travel”). The ability to consciously strive; life strategy.

X house indicates social status, career, profession. Ability to perform public duty; responsibility. The boss-subordinate relationship. External achievements of a person; degree and nature of fame. Security, social security; powers. "House of Collective Security". On a personal level - the form of being, its specific constitution and place in the sun.

XI house- ability for free friendship. Opportunities, resourcefulness (“home of friends and hopes”). Social activities, services to society. Functioning in a team. The fate (life scenario) of a person, the variety of life situations (vicissitudes).

XII house indicates the unconscious part of the world and a person’s dependence on irresistible circumstances or vices. "House of Secret Enemies" Fears, phobias; repressed into the subconscious; dreams. Developing motivation in conditions of uncertainty. Tastes, incentives. Mystical abilities. Conscience. Theme of sacrifice. Searches for the Absolute, often in voluntary or forced isolation from society. Impersonal service; in particular, impersonal creativity (“words and music are folk”). Social psychology: morals, anecdotes, likes and dislikes. Faith.