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» Starry sky in the evening. Starry sky in the evening Planet next to the moon in May

Starry sky in the evening. Starry sky in the evening Planet next to the moon in May

The last month of calendar spring is characterized by a further increase in daylight hours. And from the beginning of the month in the middle latitudes of Russia, the period of white nights begins, which will last until August. This means that the evening navigational twilight smoothly turns into the morning, and the sky does not completely darken. But even in such conditions, amateur astronomers, including beginners, have something to observe in the sky. For example, in May 2018, in the evenings in the western part of the sky it will be possible to observe bright Venus, and at night three bright planets will be visible at once - Jupiter, Saturn and Mars (listed in order of increasing sunrise time). On May 9, Jupiter will be in opposition to the Sun!

Before we talk in detail about what the most noticeable astronomical phenomena await us in May 2018, we will inform our readers about them in brief form. Please note that Here (and further in the review) Universal Time (UT) is given. T Moscow = UT + 3 hours. :

May 04 – The Moon will pass north of Saturn (+0.3 mag.). In Russia, the phenomenon is visible on the night of May 4-5
May 05 – Maximum of the η–Aquarids meteor shower
May 06 – Moon at apogee (distance to Earth 404,458 km) at 00:35
May 06 – The Moon will pass north of Mars (–0.5 mag.). The phenomenon is visible in the 2nd half of the night until dawn
May 08 – Moon in last quarter phase at 02:09
May 09 – Jupiter in opposition to the Sun!
May 15 – New Moon at 11:48
May 17 – The Moon will pass south of Venus (–3.9 mag.)
May 17 – Moon at perigee (distance to Earth 363,777 km) at 21:06
May 22 – Moon near Regulus (α Leo)
May 22 – Moon in first quarter phase at 03:49
May 27 – The Moon will pass north of Jupiter (–2.5 mag.)
May 29 – Full Moon at 14:20

Our main star is the Sun

At the beginning of May, the Sun moves through the constellation Aries, and from the 14th it moves into the constellation Taurus, in which on June 21 the Sun will reach its northernmost declination and the summer solstice will begin. And exactly a month before this event, our daylight will pass to the southeast, which can still be observed in the evening sky in early May.

As the declination of the sun increases, the length of daylight hours also increases. At the latitude of Moscow it will increase from 15:22 on May 1 to 17:09 on the 31st.

In recent months, solar activity remains at a very low level, which characterizes the final phase of the outgoing 24th eleven-year cycle of solar activity. Therefore, the formation of sunspots on the solar disk has already become rare. And the appearance of large sunspots accessible to observation by amateur means is a completely rare event. At the time of preparation of this review, the last time such spots passed across the solar disk was on February 5–16.

Our natural satellite is the Moon

Moon phases in May 2018: last quarter - May 8 (at 02:09), new moon - May 15 (at 11:48), first quarter - May 22 (at 03:49), full moon - May 29 (at 14: 20).


The main planet of May 2018 will, of course, be Jupiter, since on May 9 this giant planet will be in opposition to the Sun. And, despite the fact that in middle and especially northern latitudes Jupiter will be visible low above the horizon, due to its high brightness (–2.3 mag.) it is difficult not to notice it. This bright planet will shine throughout the night in the southern sky against the background of the constellation Libra as a very bright yellow star. Get to know this largest planet in the solar system already on the first evening in May, looking to the southeast after 22:00 local time. There, on May 1st, a bright full Moon will be located low above the horizon, and to the right of it you will notice a bright yellow star. This is Jupiter. And an even closer approach of the Moon in the sky with Jupiter will occur at the end of the month - on the evening of May 27. The Full Moon will pass north of this bright planet at an angular distance of about 3°.

If you look at Jupiter through binoculars, you can see its four brightest satellites (moons): Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto. By sketching their positions every hour or two, you will notice changes in the position of each satellite in relation to each other, as well as to the bright disk of the planet.

At the same time, owners of even small telescopes will be able to observe the setting of Jupiter’s satellites behind the planet’s shadow and their appearance from behind its disk. And the most experienced observers, at high magnification, can observe the shadows of satellites cast on the planet’s disk as they pass against its background.

Even with small telescopes, one or two thin dark stripes in the cloud layer of the planet, parallel to its equator, are visible on the disk of Jupiter. In larger telescopes, other features of the planet's atmosphere are also visible - fainter cloud bands, a large red spot.

Bands and zones of Jupiter for observations in amateur telescopes.

In addition to Jupiter, in May 2018, budding astronomy enthusiasts will also be able to get acquainted with such bright planets as Venus, Mars and Saturn. And if Venus can be found on May evenings after sunset in the northwestern part of the sky against the background of the evening dawn, then acquaintance with Saturn and Mars will have to be “postponed” until the second half of the night, since both planets in May of this year are best visible at night .

So, during May, Venus will move through the constellation Taurus, and from May 20 – through Gemini. Venus is the brightest planet in the earth's sky. Its brightness will be –3.9 mag. And if, about an hour after sunset, you look into the western - northwestern part of the sky, then not high above the horizon you will see a luminary that looks like a very bright yellowish star. Venus is in front of you!

In the first days of May, to the right of Venus it will be possible to find a very beautiful one, consisting of a compact group of 6 stars, visible to the naked eye in the form of a tiny bucket. And to the left and below Venus, let’s pay attention to the bright orange star Aldebaran (α Tauri) with a group of fainter stars, forming together with it a figure similar to a house with a sharp roof leaning towards the horizon. These stars, with the exception of Aldebaran, belong to another bright open star cluster called . The Pleiades, Hyades, and Aldebaran are part of the constellation Taurus.

Moving east, Venus will move away in the sky from Aldebaran and the Pleiades every day, moving towards the constellation Gemini. And in the early evening of May 17, the Moon will pass south of Venus.

On the evening of May 21, Venus will pass slightly north of the open star cluster M35 in Gemini, but binoculars will be needed to observe it.

On May 31, Venus will be in the central part of the constellation Gemini. Above Venus, notice two bright stars. The one that is highest is Castor (α Gemini), and the one that is brighter, to the left and slightly lower is Pollux (β Gemini).

Now let's talk about the visibility conditions of Mars and Saturn. At the beginning of May, both planets will be visiting the constellation Sagittarius, the southernmost of the zodiac constellations. Therefore, both Mars and Saturn in middle and especially northern latitudes will be visible low above the horizon. And the rising time of both planets is still after midnight. Saturn is located west of Mars, so it rises a little earlier. And during the night hours of May 5, the waning Moon will pass north of Saturn in the phase between the full moon and the last quarter. And if you look at the Moon that night, a bright matte white star just below and to the right of the bright lunar disk is the planet Saturn.

The brightness of Saturn is +0.3 mag, so it competes in the sky in brilliance with the brightest stars. And if we move our gaze to the left of the Moon, here we will find an even brighter luminary, similar to a reddish star. This is Mars. Its brightness has already reached a negative value and is –0.5 mag. Therefore, during the May night, it is second in brilliance only to the Moon and Jupiter. The Moon will pass close to Mars on the night of May 6th. And on May 16, Mars will move into the constellation Capricorn. By the end of the month, its brightness will increase to -1.6 mag, which will make Mars clearly visible in the sky. Well, there’s very little left – a little less than two months.

If you look at Saturn through a small telescope or powerful binoculars (for example, 15X70), you will notice a wide ring around the planet's disk. But with binoculars it's impossible to see any additional detail in the rings, while even with a small telescope you can see the thin, dark Cassini gap - the gap between Saturn's outer rings. You can also see the planet's shadow cast on the planet's rings. The largest satellite of Saturn, Titan, can be observed with a small telescope or binoculars. It is the second largest planetary satellite in the Solar System after Jupiter's moon Ganymede. And both of these large satellites are accessible to observation with binoculars!

It is worth noting that this year, as well as in the next few years, the rings of Saturn are deployed at a large angle in relation to the earthly observer, which makes their observations extremely favorable. But this angle is constantly changing and in some years we see Saturn as if “edge-on”, which makes the rings invisible.

Meteor showers

On May 5, the maximum of the η-Aquarids meteor shower will occur, which can be observed from the end of April. The zenith hour number (i.e., how many meteors with a brightness of up to +6.5 mag we could observe with the radiant position at the zenith) of this shower associated with Halley’s comet is 65 meteors per hour. The famous Perseids, for example, have a zenith hour number of 100. Moreover, the η-Aquarid radiant is located near the star η Aquarius, which determined the name of the meteor shower. But the constellation Aquarius rises in the early morning in early May, so this meteor shower is best observed in the predawn hours. In addition, observations in 2018 will be hampered by the bright Moon in the phase between the full moon and the last quarter.

starry sky

Interactive map of the evening starry sky in mid-May 2018 at the latitude of Moscow (controlled with the mouse). Developer: Stuart Lowe

If you look at the starry sky around 23:00 local time, you will notice that the bucket is located high above your head - near the zenith. The two outermost stars of his handle will point to the constellation Bootes with the bright star Arcturus (α Bootes). This spring constellation is located high in the southern part of the sky. And much lower than Arcturus, your attention in May 2018 will be attracted by a luminary that looks like a very bright yellow star. But this is not a star at all, but a planet - Jupiter, which on May 9 will be in opposition to the Sun. This means that in May there will be the most favorable conditions for observing this largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is visiting the constellation Libra. And just to the right of Jupiter, pay attention to the asterisk +2.7 mag. Zuben Elgenubi (α Libra). If we look at it through binoculars, we will see that the main blue star at an angular distance of about 5’ has a yellowish satellite +5.2 mag. Both stars have similar proper motions, but the very large distance between them still gives reason to doubt the physical connection of these stars. But, in any case, this is a very beautiful star pair when observed through binoculars.

Monthly forecasts analyze the major aspects of the planets. You can read detailed descriptions of each day of the month in weekly forecasts. I draw the reader’s attention to the fact that we are talking about the Hamburg astrological school, and interactions that are important from the point of view of this school are described.

The time indicated everywhere is Moscow (GMT +3).

Planets in signs:

Sun in Taurus 01.05. – 20.05. Sun in Gemini 20.05. (23.31 pm) – 31.05.

Mercury (R;D) in Aries 01.05. – 16.05. Mercury in Taurus 16.05. (07:06 pm) – 31.05.

The Lunar Nodes axis changes signs to Leo-Aquarius in the last hour 05/09/2017

The remaining planets (except the Moon) do not change sign in May 2017. All month, Venus is in Aries, Mars in Gemini, Jupiter (R) in Libra, Saturn (R) in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto (R) in Capricorn.

From April 9 to May 3, 2017, Mercury moves backward. The Mercury retrograde phase can cause difficulties and slowdowns in matters related to information, calculations, communication and movement. This is worth keeping in mind in order to devote more attention and time to these areas of life during this period. This is especially true for solar and ascendant Gemini and Virgo.

The results of the revolution from winter to summer, which nature makes in Aries, need to be consolidated and developed. Everything living needs time to get used to new conditions, begin to grow, turn green and bloom. This work falls during the time of Taurus, the ruling sign of Venus and the exaltation of the Moon. Taurus is a female sign, it is not distinguished by speed and aggression, but feelings and sensations play a huge role here. A true Taurus knows how to enjoy the simplest things: colors, smells and sounds of nature, affectionate touches, comfortable clothes and delicious food. Traditionally, most of May is considered a time for continuing things started earlier, accumulating and increasing potential (including financial and material).

This May, of course, has its own characteristics. The owner of Taurus - Venus - will remain in Aries all month, where she is not entirely adequate and is trying to take over the functions of Mars. It seems that in May there will be a lot of passions, madness, a riot of feelings, fleeting romances, which are often associated with mistakes and disappointments. This is also indicated by the upcoming tense aspects of Venus with Hades, Jupiter, Pluto and Zeus. But, compared to March and April, when Venus moved back and was then frozen by Saturn for a long time, its May state is already a big plus. The mistakes of youth are better than coldness and apathy. In addition, Mercury has been in Taurus since May 16 and makes very good aspects. Earth signs have a beneficial effect on the mind. I assume that, even being under the control of Venus, Mercury gives us good opportunities for a balanced and leisurely analysis of what is happening. I would like to use them. But this is all in the second half of the month, which, apparently, will be more balanced and calm than the first. And at the beginning of May... Until May 4, Mercury is retrograde, and almost the entire first half of the month (until 14.05) it is in conjunction with Uranus. At this time, it is difficult to expect balanced thoughts and clear conclusions from Mercury. On the contrary, the processes of thinking and communication will accelerate, becoming chaotic and more conflicting. Naturally, the speed when moving will increase. Sudden incidents are possible when traveling. From May 1 to May 13, sensational and incredible news, both global and personal, is likely to appear. The reception of Mercury and Mars on May 01 - 16 will also throw firewood into the Mercury firebox. Any agreements during this period will go through a stage of disputes and disagreements, and this stage may become the final outcome of the meeting. The action of Mars in areas of life not related to Mercury will be weakly expressed in May. At the beginning and end of the month, Mars will be afflicted by Neptune and Saturn. Both periods are associated with weakness, the danger of illness and possible troubles at work.

Current Aspects:

The axis of the Lunar nodes from May 1 to 16 will form a tau square with Admet. This configuration implies limiting connections and contacts, and caution in making new acquaintances. The circle of communication becomes closer, but more reliable, interlocutors discover new facets in each other. This is especially true for owners of personal planets in the last degree of fixed signs and the first degree of mutable signs. In particular, those born on February 17-20, May 20-22, August 22-24, November 21-23.

The conjunction of Saturn and Cupid will end in May. From the beginning of May, the influence of the aspect will weaken, but it will finally cease to operate only on May 27. 2017. This is a classic aspect of discord in partnerships, loss of integrity in the family and team. Not the most favorable time for meeting and bringing people together, starting to live together and getting married. This especially applies to owners of personal planets in 26–29 degrees of mutable signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Pisces). In particular, to those who celebrate birthdays on December 18 - 21, June 17 - 21, March 16 - 20, September 19 - 23.

May in pieces:

may 13. The sun is in opposition to Poseidon. Manifestation of the spiritual side of life. Days of clarity and objectivity in assessing reality. A good time for spiritual practices, harmonization of yourself and the world around you.

May 1 – 13. Mercury (R;D) conjunct Uranus. Stopping retro-Mercury and turning it into direct motion (May 4) will occur near Uranus in Aries. In connection with this, there will be some chaos in communication and movement. Be prepared to act according to the situation. A lot of unexpected news and contacts can be combined with the cancellation of long-scheduled negotiations, the postponement of planned meetings, etc. Sudden trips or flights are likely, or, on the contrary, you will have to stay at home, contrary to plans. This aspect promotes the development of ingenuity and creative thinking, invention, finding simple ways out of difficult situations, etc.

May 6 – 9. Venus square Hades. Unlucky days for honest and open relationships based on love and sympathy. Quarrels, weakening of warmth and trust are likely. Unfavorable time for business related to design, image, trade in jewelry and art objects. And also for visits to hairdressers and beauty salons.

May 9 – 13. Mars square Neptune. Unfavorable time for work and physical activity. There is a high probability of wrong steps and wrong decisions. There is a lack of strength and a tendency to infectious diseases.

May 12 – 15. Venus square Kronos. Good days for contacts with superiors. General mood of generosity and kindness. At this time, it is likely to receive gifts. Don’t forget to do a good deed in return, not necessarily to the giver.

May 14 – 18. Mercury forms a tau square with Vulcan and Apollo. Active and successful communication, not without tense moments (disputes and differences of opinion) during the discussion. Favorable time for travel, including long-distance ones. A repetition or continuation of the Mercury events of April 17 – 23, 2017 is likely.

May 17 – 21. Venus in opposition to Jupiter. Days of great opportunities and great appetites in the field of relationships and desires. Dissatisfaction with the attention shown, a feeling of lack of love and harmony in life, especially among women. Sorrows associated with poverty and lost profits.

May 18 – 21. Sun-Admet conjunction in tau square to the axis of the Lunar nodes. Obstacles in business, slowing down the pace of life. Days of reducing connections and contacts, communicating in a close and intimate environment.

May 23 – 26. Venus forms a tau square with Zeus and Pluto. A riot of desires that are difficult to resist. Falling in love, manifestation of extravagance and impulsiveness in relationships. The desire for freedom and changeable moods, especially in women. Increased likelihood of quarrels and conflicts between loved ones.

May 25 – 27. Mercury opposes Poseidon. Days of sincerity and clarity of thoughts, possible insights. Opportunities to understand yourself and set the right goals for the future. The conversations and prayers of these days require the utmost honesty.

May 26 – 30. Opposition of Mars with Saturn. Problems and difficulties in the professional sphere. . Interruption or termination of work. The danger of destructive actions increases. Illnesses and equipment breakdowns are possible. Increased risk of injury.

May 31. Mars in opposition to Cupid. The desire for collective work and the unification of disparate efforts. Working meetings and negotiations are relevant.

That's all. May has long been considered the best time to enjoy life. Let's not break traditions. Wishing you youth and joy in the coming days of May!

If you do not understand astrological terms, but want to know how this or that aspect will affect your life (and whether it will affect it at all), contact me personally, I will try to help you. My coordinates. Mail [email protected] , [email protected], phone +7 915 239 43 86 Skype talyana-selyanka.

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Forecasts for the week are published on Sunday in the appropriate section.

Selected astronomical events of the month (Moscow time):

1st of May— long-period variable star R Leo near maximum brightness (5m),
May 2— The Moon (Ф = 0.46+) passes 4 degrees south of the open star cluster Manger (M44),
May 3— Moon in first quarter phase,
May 4th— maximum eastern libration of the Moon (the best time to observe the Sea of ​​Crises),
May 4th— lunar coverage (Ф = 0.64+) of the star Regulus with visibility in Australia and the Pacific and Indian oceans,
5 May— Moon (Ф= 0.7+) in the ascending node of its orbit,
5 May— Mars passes 6 degrees north of Aldebaran,
the 6th of May— maximum action of the eta-Aquarids meteor shower (hourly number — 40 meteors),
May 7— Moon (Ф= 0.92+) near Jupiter,
9th May— Mercury conjunct Uranus,
May 10— Moon in full moon phase,
May 11— maximum southern libration of the Moon (possibility of observing the south pole of the Moon),
12 May— The Moon (Ф = 0.96-) is at the apogee of its orbit at a distance of 406,210 km. from the center of the Earth,
may 13— Moon (Ф=0.92-) near Saturn,
May 14— maximum southern declination of the Moon (-19.2 degrees),
May 17— Mercury at maximum morning (western) elongation: (26 degrees),
May 19— Moon in last quarter phase,
May 19— Moon (Ф = 0.5-) in the descending node of its orbit,
May 20— maximum western libration of the Moon (best time to observe the Grimaldi crater),
May 20— lunar coverage (Ф = 0.38-) of Neptune with visibility in Africa and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans,
22nd of May— Moon (F = 0.15-) near Venus,
May, 23rd— long-period variable star RT Cygni near maximum brightness (6m),
May, 23rd— Moon (Ф= 0.1-) near Uranus,
May 24— Moon (F = 0.05-) near Mercury,
May 25— maximum northern libration of the Moon (possibility of observing the north pole of the Moon),
May 25— The moon is in the new moon phase,
26 of May— The Moon (Ф = 0.0) at the perigee of its orbit at a distance of 357210 km. from the center of the Earth (closest Moon in 2017),
26 of May— lunar coverage (Ф = 0.0) of the star Aldebaran (not visible),
May 27— Moon (F = 0.05+ near Mars,
May 27— maximum northern declination of the Moon (+19.3 degrees),
May 29— long-period variable star S Hercules near maximum brightness (6m),
May 30— The Moon (Ф = 0.25+) passes 4 degrees south of the open star cluster Manger (M44),
May 31— Moon (Ф= 0.35+) in the ascending node of the orbit,
May 31— coverage by the Moon (Ф = 0.41+) Regula with visibility in Africa and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

Sun moves through the constellation Aries until May 14, and then moves into the constellation Taurus and remains there until the end of the month. The declination of the daylight gradually increases, and the length of the day increases rapidly from 15 hours 23 minutes at the beginning of the month to 17 hours 09 minutes at the end of May. From May 22, evening astronomical twilight merges with morning twilight (until July 22). These data are valid for the latitude of Moscow, where the midday altitude of the Sun for the month of May will increase from 49 to 56 degrees. The higher you go to the north, the shorter the night. At the latitude of Murmansk, for example, a dark sky can only be observed at the end of summer. Observations of spots and other formations on the surface of the daylight can be carried out through a telescope or binoculars and even with the naked eye (if the spots are large enough). But we must remember that a visual study of the Sun through a telescope or other optical instruments must (!!) be carried out using a solar filter (recommendations for observing the Sun are available in the Nebosvod magazine http://astronet.ш/db/msg/1222232) .

Moon will begin to move across the May sky at a phase of 0.27+ in the constellation Gemini. During this period, the Moon rises to its greatest height above the horizon. On May 2, the lunar crescent at a phase of 0.37+ will move to the constellation Cancer, where it will enter the first quarter phase on May 3. On the same day, the lunar half-disk will move to the constellation Leo, where it will pass south of Regulus on May 4 at a phase of 0.64+ (covering the star with visibility in Australia and the Pacific and Indian oceans). Then the night luminary will continue to move through the expanses of the constellation Leo until May 6, when it enters the constellation Virgo (Ф = 0.8+). In this constellation, the Moon on May 8 will pass north of Jupiter at a phase of 0.92 and rush towards the constellation Libra, which it will enter on May 9. Here, on May 10, the bright Moon will enter the full moon phase, and on May 12, it will visit the constellation Scorpio, passing the apogee of its orbit on that day. On May 12 and 13, the Moon will move through the constellation Ophiuchus, showing off in the night sky low above the horizon and gradually decreasing its phase. On May 14, the night star will be near Saturn at a phase of about 0.9-, beginning its journey through the constellation Sagittarius, which will last until May 16. On this day, the lunar oval, with a phase close to 0.7, will move into the constellation Capricorn and will remain here until May 19, moving into the constellation Aquarius. On this day, the Moon will take the last quarter phase and rush towards Neptune, which it will cover at a phase of 0.38 - with visibility in Africa and the waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The crescent moon (Ф = 0.27-) will cross the border of the constellation Pisces on May 21, and on May 22 it will visit the constellation Cetus, passing south of Venus at a phase of about 0.15-. On May 23, the thin aging month will approach Uranus (in the constellation Pisces), and the next day - with Mercury (again in the constellation Cetus). Having briefly entered the constellation Aries on May 24, the Moon will move into the constellation Taurus and enter the new moon phase here. In the evening sky, the Moon will appear in the constellation Taurus on May 26 (being near the perigee of its orbit), having previously covered the Hyades and Aldebaran. But these occultations are not observable due to their proximity to the daylight. On the evening of May 27, the new moon will grace the western sky near Mars, then visiting the constellation Orion. On May 28 and 29, the Moon will be in the constellation Gemini, increasing its phase to almost 0.2+. Having traveled through the constellation Cancer, the crescent moon will enter the constellation Leo on May 31 at a phase of about 0.3+. Here, the Moon, at a phase of 0.41+, will cover Regulus for the second time in a month with visibility in Africa and the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and will end its path across the spring sky in the constellation Leo at a phase of 0.44+.

Large planets of the solar system.

Mercury moves through the constellations Pisces, Cetus and Aries. On May 2, in the constellation Pisces, the planet passes the stationary point with the transition to direct motion. Mercury has a period of morning visibility, but due to the small angle of inclination of the ecliptic to the horizon, it is not visible in the middle, and especially in the northern latitudes. The elongation of Mercury on May 18 reaches 26 degrees to the west, but even at such an angular distance from the Sun it will be possible to find it in the morning sky only in the southern latitudes of the country. The brightness of the planet increases over a month from +2.5t to -0.3t, the apparent diameter decreases from 11 to 6 arc seconds, and the phase increases from 0.1 to 0.64, i.e. Mercury, when observed through a telescope, has the appearance of a sickle, turning into a half-disk, and then into an oval with a decrease in the apparent diameter. By the end of the month, Mercury reduces its elongation to 22 degrees, and is still visible in the south of the country. In May 2016, Mercury passed across the disk of the Sun, and the next transit will take place on November 11, 2019.

Venus moves in the same direction with the Sun through the constellation Pisces, where it will spend the entire period described. The Morning Star is observed at twilight, but due to its high brightness (-4.6t) and distance from the Sun, it can be observed with the naked eye even at midday. It should be noted that observations of Venus during the daytime with a telescope are more efficient than before sunrise, because there is no glare factor due to the brightness of our celestial neighbor. The angular distance of the planet increases from 40 to 46 degrees. The apparent diameter of Venus decreases from 38" to 25", and the phase increases from 0.27 to 0.48. This means that the telescope observes an increasing thickness of the crescent with a simultaneous decrease in the apparent diameter of the planet.

Mars has direct motion and moves through the constellation Taurus, gradually decreasing its angular distance from the Sun. The planet is observed in the evening above the western horizon for about one hour. The planet's brightness is +1.6t, and its apparent diameter is 3.8". Mars is gradually moving away from Earth, and the opportunity to see the planet near opposition will appear only next year.

Jupiter moves backwards through the constellation Virgo (near Spica), being near opposition to the Sun. The gas giant is observed throughout the night with a visibility duration of about 6 hours. The angular diameter of the largest planet in the solar system decreases to 40.8” with a magnitude of -2.2t. The planet's disk is visible even through binoculars, and through a small telescope, stripes and other details are visible on the surface. The four large satellites are already visible with binoculars, and with medium-power telescopes in good visibility conditions you can observe the shadows of the satellites on the planet’s disk. Information about satellite configurations is in this CN. Saturn is moving backwards through the constellation Sagittarius. The ringed planet can be found in the night and morning skies over the southeastern and southern horizons and has a visibility of more than four hours. The planet's brightness remains at +0.2t with an apparent diameter of more than 18". With a small telescope you can observe the ring and the Titan satellite, as well as some of the other brighter satellites. The apparent dimensions of the planet's ring are on average 40×16” with an inclination of 26 degrees to the observer.

Uranus(5.9t, 3.4”) moves in the same direction with the Sun in the constellation Pisces (near the star Omieron Psc). The planet will be visible in the morning twilight at the end of the month. Uranus, rotating “on its side,” is detected with the help of binoculars and search maps, and a telescope with a diameter of 80 mm or more with a magnification of more than 80 times and a transparent sky will help you to see the disk of Uranus. The planet can be seen with the naked eye during new moons in a dark, clear sky, but such an opportunity will arise only in late summer, autumn and winter. The moons of Uranus have a brightness less than 13t.

Neptune(7.9t, 2.3”) moves in the same direction as the Sun in the constellation Aquarius near the star lambda Aqr (3.7m). The planet is visible in the morning sky, but the further north you go, the worse the observation conditions are. To search for the planet, you will need binoculars and star maps in the Astronomical Calendar for 2017, and the disk will be visible in a telescope of 100 mm in diameter with a magnification of more than 100 times (with a clear sky). The series of occultations of Neptune by the Moon continues (the next occultation is on May 20). Neptune can be captured photographically with the simplest camera (even a stationary one) with a shutter speed of about 10 seconds. Neptune's moons have a brightness less than 13g.

From comets, visible in May from the territory of our country, three comets will have an estimated brightness of about 100000000000000 and brighter: Johnson (С/2015 V2), P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (41Р) and PANSTARRS (С/2015 ER61). The celestial wanderer Johnson (C/2015 V2) moves through the constellations Hercules and Bootes, having an estimated brightness of about 7m. P/Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak (4IP), with a maximum estimated brightness of about 8 tons, moves through the constellations Hercules and Lyra. PANSTARRS (C/2015 ER61) will be in the constellation Pisces throughout the month. The calculated gloss may not match the real one. Details of other comets of the month (with maps and brightness forecasts) are available at, and observational results are available at

Among the asteroids the brightest in May will be Vesta (7.9t) and 1Derera (8.5t). Vesta moves through the constellation Cancer, and 1Derera moves through the constellation Taurus. In total, in May the brightness of Yut will exceed 4 asteroids. Maps of the paths of these and other asteroids (comets) are given in the appendix to the KN (file mapkn052017.pdf). Information on occultation of stars by asteroids at

Of the relatively bright long-period variable stars(observed from the territory of Russia and the CIS) the maximum brightness this month (according to the calendar memo of Fedor Sharov, source - AAVSO) was reached: R Leo 5.8m - May 1, W Lyra 7.9t - May 1, X Giraffe 8.1t - 3 May, R Canis Minor 8.0t - May 3, RS Hercules 7.9t - May 4, X Unicorn 7.4t - May 6, T Centauri 5.5t - May 7, V Ophiuchus 7.5t - May 9, R Taurus 8.6t - May 9 , R Hare 6.8t - May 10, V Pegasus 8.7t - May 15, RV Eagle 9.0t - May 16, S Lesser Lion 8.6t - May 19, R Microscope 9.2t - May 19, X Whale 8.8t - May 19, V Cassiopeia 7.9t - May 19, R Chanterelles 8.1t - May 21, X Hydra 8.4t - May 22, S Orion 8.4t - May 23, RT Cygnus 7.3t - May 23, V Cancer 7.9t - May 28, S Hercules 7.6t - May 29. More information at http://www,

Clear skies and successful observations!

Please note that Here (and further in the review) Universal Time (UT) is given. T Moscow = UT + 3 hours. :

02 - The Moon (Ф=0.46) passes 4° south of the star. Manger clusters - 18h
03 - Moon in first quarter phase - 02:47
04 - Moon (Ф=0.64) passes 1° south of Regulus - 09h
04 - Moon in the ascending node of the orbit - 10:42
05 - Spring equinox on Mars
05 - Maximum of the Eta Aquarids meteor shower
05 - Mars passes 6° north of Aldebaran - 21h
07 - Moon (Ф=0.92) passes 1° north of Jupiter (-2.4m) - 23h
10 - Full Moon - 21:43
12 - Moon at apogee 19:51
13 - The Moon (Ф=0.92) passes 2° north of Saturn (0.2m) - 23h
17 - Mercury at greatest elongation: 25.8° - morning
19 - Moon in last quarter phase - 00:33
19 - Moon in the descending node of the orbit - 01:30
22 - Moon (Ф=0.15) passes 3° south of Venus (-4.6m) - 14h
24 - The Moon (Ф=0.05) passes 2.4° south of Mercury (0.0m) - 02h
25 - New Moon - 19:44 26 - Moon at perigee, closest Moon in 2017 - 01:22
30 - The Moon (Ф=0.25) passes 4° south of Sv. Manger clusters - 01h
31 - Moon in the ascending node of the orbit - 11:56
31 - Moon (Ф=0.41) passes 1.2° south of Regulus - 17h


Mercury. Conditions for observing the planet in our latitudes will be extremely unfavorable: the planet will rise above the horizon after the beginning of morning twilight, when the sky becomes too light.

Venus. In May, the planet will be graced by pre-dawn twilight. Its high brightness allows you to admire it even after sunrise, already in the daytime sky. The illuminated part of the planet's disk - the phase - increases over the course of a month from 27% to 48% (which is easy to notice even with an increase of 30 - 40 times), and its apparent diameter, on the contrary, decreases from 38 to 25 arc seconds.

Mars. The Red Planet is visible in the evenings as a reddish star slightly brighter than 2nd magnitude in the constellation Taurus. At the beginning of the month, it will be located approximately 6° from Aldebaran (similar to Mars in color, but noticeably superior in brilliance). At the very end of May, the planet will practically disappear into the circumsolar halo.

Jupiter. In the first half of the month, the gas giant will be located near the antisolar point of the sky, remaining visible almost all night. The planet moves through the constellation Virgo. It is not difficult to see the main details of the Jupiterian disk even in 70 mm telescopes at magnifications of more than 30 times.

If you look at Jupiter through binoculars, you can see its four brightest satellites (moons): Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto. By sketching their positions every hour or two, you will notice changes in the position of each satellite in relation to each other, as well as to the bright disk of the planet. At the same time, owners of even small telescopes will be able to observe the setting of Jupiter’s satellites behind the planet’s shadow and their appearance from behind its disk. And the most experienced observers, at high magnification, can observe the shadows of satellites cast on the planet’s disk as they pass against its background.

Even with small telescopes, one or two thin dark stripes in the cloud layer of the planet, parallel to its equator, are visible on the disk of Jupiter. In larger telescopes, other features of the planet's atmosphere are also visible - fainter cloud bands, the Great Red Spot.

Bands and zones of Jupiter for observations in amateur telescopes.

Saturn. The planet is approaching opposition on June 15th. Its visibility conditions are noticeably worse than those of Jupiter. At the latitude of Moscow at the upper culmination it rises less than 18° above the horizon. However, a fairly high brightness (about zero magnitude) makes it easier to detect this object against the background of the relatively faint stars of the constellation Sagittarius. The rotation angle of the rings is currently maximum, so they can be easily seen in small amateur telescopes at magnifications of 25 - 30 times.

With the onset of warmth, it becomes possible to watch an unforgettable spectacle - May starfalls. Knowing the exact date of this phenomenon, you will not miss a single starfall and will be able to make your cherished wish in May 2017.

Starfall is an incredibly beautiful spectacle that not only pleases with its scale, but also has a positive effect on a person’s energy, filling and renewing it. In May 2017, the Aquarid star stream, coming from the constellation Aquarius, has special properties.

The Aquarid meteor shower is also called the Eta Aquarids because the meteors originate from the brightest star in the constellation Aquarius, Ethe. Such a starfall is not only the most romantic and delightful gift of nature, but also has a beneficial effect on human energy, awakening creativity and inspiration.

Watching the Aquarid meteor shower, you can unexpectedly find a way out of a difficult situation, make an important decision, or see your future path in life.

When can you see Aquarids in 2017?

The Eta Aquarids begin their journey at the end of April, and the starfall reaches its peak on May 5th. The best time to observe the meteor shower is from midnight to dawn: according to astronomers, the meteor shower will reach its highest frequency between 2 and 3 am.

In order not to miss this spectacle, you need to find a place that is not equipped with any light sources. It is best to go out of town and choose a field or open wasteland for observation. Don't forget to stock up on hot herbal tea, which increases energy, and sleeping bags for more comfort.

Where did the Aquarids meteor shower come from?

The stellar shower originates from the world-famous Comet Halley: its return to the Solar System is accompanied by the ejection of fragments of rock and ice. Approaching the Earth, they become a powerful meteor shower, falling at a speed of 60-65 kilometers per second.

Halley's Comet passes through the Solar System twice a year, leaving behind two meteor showers: the Eta Aquarids in May and the Orionids in October.

This truly wonderful sight can bewitch and give a lot of pleasant memories and impressions to every person. It should be remembered that by watching a starfall, you can see the signs of the Universe and, with its help, fulfill your dreams. We wish you a beautiful starry sky and only a good mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2017 01:01

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Our lives are influenced by the Universe. Everything in it is interconnected and develops according to the laws of life, therefore...