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» 10 most dangerous drinks in the world. The most dangerous drinks in the world are not for the faint of heart. Policy of double standards on the part of the media

10 most dangerous drinks in the world. The most dangerous drinks in the world are not for the faint of heart. Policy of double standards on the part of the media

What is the most important thing about a trip abroad? Here people's opinions differ. Some will say that the main thing is beautiful landscapes, others - that convenience and level of infrastructure development, for others, beauty comes first architectural masterpieces, but one can hardly argue with the fact that comparatively low prices with acceptable quality of service - important factor for many of us. And alcohol prices in in this case is not an exception at all.

The UK Post Office has published a ranking of cities with the cheapest alcohol in Europe. Calculations were carried out based on average cost 12 different alcoholic drinks: bottle of beer, glass of wine, glass of champagne, cocktail (long drink), tequila shot, glass of brandy, glass of liqueur, glass of gin and tonic, glass of rum and cola, glass of vodka with orange juice, glass of whiskey and soda and glasses of martini. The results are impressive. Intrigued? The list is just below.

10. London

In the capital of the United Kingdom, a pint of beer will cost you on average $5.48, and, for example, a glass of Rum-Cola will cost you $7.31. The total cost of a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $88.4.

9. Barcelona

If you want to drink a glass of wine in Barcelona, ​​look for an average price of $4.50. Vodka with juice will cost 10 dollars. The total cost of a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $88.

8. Amsterdam

If, after a bike ride along the embankments of numerous canals, you want to go to a bar and take a shot of tequila, it will cost $3.50. A whiskey and soda will cost $5.80. The total cost of a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $85.

7. Berlin

A beer in Berlin costs on average $4.1, a glass of brandy costs $5, and a martini costs $10. The total cost of a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $84.

6. Palma de Mallorca

A gin and tonic in the capital of the Balearic Islands will cost $8.4, and, for example, a glass of wine will cost $3.5. The total cost of a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $83.

5. Tallinn

A bottle of beer in Tallinn will cost you 3.8 dollars, and a glass of champagne will cost you 5.9 dollars. The total cost of a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $77.6.

4. Riga

In Riga, alcohol is even cheaper: a tequila shot is $4, rum and cola is $7, and beer is only $3.5. The total cost for a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $73.03.

3. Krakow

Next in line is Poland. In the ancient capital of Poland, Krakow, a glass of wine costs $4.40, vodka with juice costs $3.50, and a glass of brandy costs $4.85. The total cost for a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $49.44.

2. Budapest

Oh those ruined pubs of Budapest! The capital of Hungary ranks second in the ranking (this year it was displaced from the top of the pedestal by another wonderful city), and its prices are as follows: beer - 2.2 dollars, a glass of wine - 1.7 dollars, vodka with juice - 4.74 dollars . The total cost of a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $44.

1. Prague

The first place in the ranking is occupied by the capital of the Czech Republic, radiant Prague. The famous Czech beer here costs on average $1.80, rum-cola costs $4.14, and a tequila shot costs $2.53. The total cost of a set of 12 alcoholic drinks is $42.

Alcohol has a detrimental effect on human health - even the producers of strong drinks themselves do not hide this fact. There is a significant amount of research regarding its effects on morbidity and mortality in people consuming it at various doses.

Unfortunately, sad statistics do not stop millions of people from drinking alcoholic beverages. However, there are also those that not everyone dares to use.


Goldenrot is a Swiss cinnamon schnapps (contains 43.5% alcohol) containing very thin but clearly visible flakes of real gold. Each liter of goldenroth contains ~15 mg of gold.
Especially for this drink, sieves with tiny holes are produced that trap especially large gold flakes. However, most snobs who bought a bottle for more than 300 bucks drink the drink without straining, as a result of which tiny pieces of metal often damage the stomach lining; there have been cases when gold remained in the stomach for several months, causing the gourmet discomfort, burning and nausea. On exit a precious metal It can also get stuck, damage and cause suppuration in the rectum.

Gilpin Family Whiskey

This extremely rare drink of the gods is produced exclusively to order, which will certainly interest all whiskey connoisseurs without exception, who, however, are unlikely to be able to suppress their natural gag reflex after learning that the main ingredient is Gilpin Family Whiskey (translated from English as “Glipin Family Whiskey”) ") - urine of elderly people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
The author of this masterpiece is the outrageous designer and researcher James Gilpin, whom critics have more than once sent to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.
Mr. Glipin extracts urine from a group of elderly volunteers, including his own grandmother.
Before freshly collected urine is used to make whiskey, it undergoes a simple purification procedure - filtered through a regular water purification filter.

Fijjtu Beer

"Armageddon" - the strongest beer in the world


The harm of ethyl alcohol and any of its derivatives is obvious and undeniable. But even realizing this, people still continue to drink, putting themselves and their health at constant risk. The range of drinks containing alcohol is huge today. To understand how to avoid serious consequences from drinking, it is important to find out which alcoholic drink is the most harmful and try to avoid drinking it.

Types of alcoholic drinks

The classification of alcohol-containing drinks based on their strength is as follows:

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Strong alcohol

This includes ethyl alcohol itself, as well as vodka, cognac, whiskey, rum, brandy, tequila, sambuca, and absinthe.

Medium strength alcoholic drinks

This includes white and red wine, cider, liqueurs, punches, grog, vermouth, including the beloved Martini, which is often classified as practically harmless drinks.

Low alcohol carbonated drinks

Champagne, sparkling wines, beer, ale.

Often the dangers of alcohol are judged precisely by its strength, and in light of this, beer and champagne seem to be practically harmless soft drinks that have nothing to do with alcoholism and its negative consequences. In reality, this is not the case at all: recent studies by Canadian scientists have proven that in last years More and more people are suffering from things other than cognac, whiskey and even low-quality vodka. The most dangerous alcoholic drinks in the world have a low percentage of ethyl alcohol, but at the same time they are quickly addictive and are drunk in large quantities.

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

Rating of the most harmful alcoholic drinks

Energy cocktails with added alcohol

Research was conducted at the Canadian University of Victoria, the results of which were published in mid-April 2017. According to data collected by scientists, greatest harm damage to their heart, brain and internal organs by those who prefer to mix alcohol with energy drinks or buy ready-made cocktails in cans. In addition to the obvious and proven harm to health, such people are more likely than other alcoholics to experience attacks of aggression and suicidal attacks. They are also characterized by increased injury rates: among fans of alcoholic energy drinks, there are several times more people involved in accidents while intoxicated than among those who prefer less risky drinks.

Canadian scientists explain this by saying that the stimulating effect of caffeine, which is necessarily included in such products, suppresses the relaxing, sedative effect of ethyl alcohol. As a result, a person not only does not realize the fact that he is drunk, but also does not understand the danger of his actions, considering them absolutely normal. Frequent consumption of alcoholic energy drinks is accompanied by memory loss and loss of consciousness.

Alcoholic cocktails

Few people can be convinced that such usual drinks, which they regularly drink in clubs and cafes, are dangerous. Light and tasty, Daiquiris, Margaritas, Cosmopolitans and other mixed liquor options seem no more dangerous than regular soda. They are not perceived as harmful, considering drinks of this kind to be simply pleasant and relaxing.

But doctors warn: often there is real poison in beautiful glasses. Typically, a cocktail includes: strong alcohol, carbonated drink, alcohol, sweet water or juice, syrup. All together this forms an explosive mixture, which is easily absorbed into the blood, causes sudden intoxication, increases sugar levels, causing everything internal organs work in emergency mode.

The pancreas begins to absorb sugar, the liver neutralizes the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol and at the same time absorbs glucose, the kidneys remove toxins from the blood and lymph, the heart works faster to ensure blood flow to all organs. And this effect is caused by just a glass of light cocktail. And what more people drinks such drinks, the worse he feels the next morning, because such a mode of operation turns out to be unbearable for the body, and then it takes a lot of energy to recover.

High-quality champagne, aged and prepared in compliance with all technologies, will not cause much harm if you drink one or two glasses. But large quantity will turn a pleasant drink into real poison. The sugar it contains has a negative effect on the liver and pancreas. Once in the intestines, champagne provokes the processes of rotting of incompletely digested foods. This is how carbon dioxide, which is part of women's favorite alcohol, works. Large doses of carbonated drinks can therefore cause acute poisoning.

Sparkling wines, which are often passed off as champagne, can be even more dangerous. The alcohol base, coupled with carbon dioxide, creates an explosive mixture that will knock even a strong man off his feet.


The fourth place among the most harmful alcohol is beer. This light, refreshing and popular drink is dangerous because it is quickly addictive and contains a large amount of phytoestrogens. Beer alcoholism today is even more common than addiction caused by strong alcoholic drinks. This is especially noticeable in youth environment: imperceptibly, bottle after bottle, boys and girls fall into bondage, from which it is very difficult to escape.

Regular consumption of large doses of beer causes changes in the structure and thickness of the heart muscle, which makes it difficult for it to work. The production of sex hormones is suppressed, which affects reproductive function. Live beer containing a large number of calories, provokes obesity. This effect occurs regardless of what kind of beer you drink: a safe foamy drink simply does not exist.

Less harmful, according to scientific research, are strong alcoholic drinks. This is due to the fact that the number of additives in them is minimal and the body does not need to fight several aggressive substances at once. Cognac in small doses will not have a pronounced effect negative impact, moreover, it effectively reduces arterial pressure and makes some viruses less active. But all this corresponds to reality only if we're talking about about a dose not exceeding 50 grams.


They are less harmful than other low-alcohol drinks, since they do not contain carbon dioxide and are traditionally consumed in small doses. Their only significant drawback is too much sugar. For this reason, they are contraindicated in patients with diabetes, as well as in people prone to obesity.

In reasonable doses, both white and red wine are considered medicinal drinks. But only if we are talking about real wines obtained by fermenting grapes. Doctors recommend that women choose red wines, as they contain a very powerful antioxidant that helps fight age-related changes in the body. But red wine is more likely to cause allergies than white varieties.


The safest alcohol is considered to be the favorite among Russians. Reviver, which is also popular abroad today. This statement is true only if we talk about reasonable doses and high quality product. The safety of vodka is explained by a number of circumstances:

  • Minimum calorie content.
  • No carbohydrates in the composition.
  • A simple composition (alcohol and water).

High-quality vodka almost never results in a severe hangover, but doctors warn that a good snack is a must when drinking this strong alcoholic drink.

Thus, the most harmful alcoholic drink is a weak carbonated cocktail with added caffeine and other stimulants. You should categorically refuse to use it. Today, the issue of production and distribution of alcoholic energy drinks has been taken under state control, and in the near future Russia will join those 14 states in which such drinks are prohibited from being sold through the retail network.

For those who cannot completely abstain from alcohol, doctors recommend choosing high-quality strong alcohol for feasts and not creating cocktails based on it. In this case, it will be possible to minimize the risk and reduce the harm caused to the body.

Alcoholic drinks are popular all over the world. It is difficult to find an adult who has never drank alcohol. But sometimes the desire to try something new goes beyond all limits. Here are 12 of the strangest alcoholic drinks of our time.

1. Rice vodka infused with baby mice

The idea of ​​adding animal bodies to strong alcoholic drinks is not new: manufacturers add scorpions, snakes, and caterpillars. In Korea, these little mice are no older three weeks- they are already quite large, but have not yet grown hair. The mice are placed in a bottle, filled with rice vodka and the bottle is placed in a cool, dark place. After a year, the drink is completely ready for consumption.

Manufacturers claim that the taste of vodka is simply amazing. Such vodka, according to their assurances, is, first of all, a medicine, and if you drink it regularly, no diseases will be terrible. The statement is somewhat dubious, but there are many who want to buy this unusual drink.

2. Goldenrot

The cost of one bottle of the Swiss drink Goldenrot is about $300. In essence, this is an ordinary, albeit strong (53.5%) schnapps with cinnamon, but during production, gold flakes are added to the drink. Yes, real gold - each liter contains at least 15 mg of gold shavings.

Small gold flakes are clearly visible in the drink. Heavy metal is unsafe for health, so the kit includes a sieve with tiny holes. It is recommended to strain the drink before drinking, but most snobby buyers neglect this and suffer from the consequences - constant nausea and a burning sensation in the stomach. There have been cases where gold accumulated in the rectum and surgery had to be performed. But will this stop a real gourmet?

3. Chicha

Chicha was invented by the Incas more than six centuries ago, and the recipe has not changed over the centuries: women chew corn kernels to a paste, spit the resulting mass into a jug, then dilute the paste warm water, bottled in clay bottles and placed in a dark, damp place.

Nowadays they add cumin or anise to chicha and chew the grains less thoroughly. But in Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Costa Rica, remote from civilization, they still adhere to traditional recipe. True, even in these countries they are trying to ban the drink, imposing fines, since the authorities are convinced that chicha can cause dangerous diseases.

4. Snake wine

Snake wine was invented in Vietnam, but over time the preparation technology migrated to other Asian countries. The basis of the drink is poisonous snake, placed in a bottle, and main feature wine is a poison dissolved in alcohol. The poison is neutralized by ethanol, so the drink is safe for health. Sometimes many small snakes are placed in the wine, cockroaches, centipedes, tiny turtles or birds are added for beauty and the drink is infused for several months.

The second preparation recipe: the body of a recently killed snake is cut open, the juices of its body are added directly to a bowl of wine and drunk.

You should drink snake wine in small sips so that you can fully concentrate on the taste.

5. Ayahuasca

Translated from the Quechua language, the word “ayahuasca” is translated as “liana of the dead” - this is the name of the melon vine from which the drink is prepared. Ayahuasca can only be tasted in one of the wild tribes of the Amazon. The Indians believe that with the help of the drink they gain contact with the world of the dead. Not surprising: the vine is a powerful psychotropic drug, and the drink has a hallucinogenic effect.

6. Changaa

Changaa is an African version of moonshine made in the slums of Kenya. There is nothing new in the recipe - grains like sorghum and corn are distilled and drunk, but Africa is Africa. ABOUT sanitary standards There is no need to talk about quality, and the drink is often “seasoned” with sand, dirt, and even human feces. And to make the taste completely unforgettable, battery acid, jet fuel or embalming fluid are added to the changaa.

In order to get drunk, 300 grams is enough for a large, tall man. The consequences of consumption are corresponding - a severe hangover, severe headache, nausea and aches throughout the body, risk of complete memory loss. The literal translation of the name of the drink - “kill me quickly” - you can’t help but believe, given its components.

7. Everclear

Everclear is the strongest liqueur in the world. Since the alcohol concentration in this liqueur is 95%, pure form it is not drunk, but used to create cocktails or as a base for other alcoholic drinks.

Of course, by and large, Everclear is not a liqueur at all, but a real alcohol, but it is called a liqueur because of its relatively mild aftertaste. The liqueur is made from grain crops, and its fantastic strength caused it to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

8. Beer Fijjtu

Now it is no longer possible to try Fijjtu - the only plant in the world existed for five years and was closed in 2003.

9. Gilpin Family Whiskey

Collection whiskey Gilpin Family Whiskey is produced exclusively to order. The amazing drink was invented by designer and researcher James Gilpin.

The drink has an amazing taste, combining traditional bitterness and soft astringency. Gilpin Family Whiskey has even been called the drink of the gods. True, at that time it was not yet known what was included in its composition.

One of the main ingredients is the urine of elderly people suffering from type 2 diabetes. By the way, one of the main “suppliers” of raw materials is Gilpin’s own grandmother. The urine is filtered through a water purification filter and added to the drink. There are plenty of people who want to buy whiskey, because it is a collectible drink! And probably everyone has friends whom they really want to treat to something similar...

10. Tsongsul

Tsongsul is not very popular even in the country of origin, Korea, and it sells very poorly around the world, but it is still made in fairly large quantities.

According to tradition, the main ingredients of tsongsul are human feces And medicinal herbs. All this is kneaded into a fine paste and infused with alcohol for four months. The taste of the drink, according to those who drank it, does not cause any disgust. There is even a known case when Korean journalists decided to make fun of young Chinese women. The girls found the drink pleasant, especially the aftertaste. However, having learned what the wine was made from, they sharply changed their minds.

11. Molort

Molort is considered the most disgusting tasting drink in the world. It is a not very strong (35%) wormwood schnapps. It is difficult to say what the taste is like, but it is described exclusively as “real poison”, “abomination”, “disgusting rubbish” and so on. In addition, the aroma of molort is reminiscent of a whole range of unpleasant odors - just imagine how all turpentine, ink and burnt rubber smell together.

Why is it made and who drinks it? Complex issue. Most likely thrill seekers.

12. Rotten Toe Cocktail

All the drinks described above are nothing compared to the signature cocktail of the Canadian bar “Sourtoe Cocktail Club”. Its “highlight” is a real toe of a real human foot, filled with anything - from beer to whiskey or alcohol. The cost of one glass is five dollars.

According to legend, in 1973, a certain captain Dick Sievens threw his amputated finger into a friend’s glass, and since then the tradition has taken root. You can join the elite club only with a recommendation from one of its members. If you don't drink a cocktail, there's no point in joining. Regular members of the club prefer “their” fingers, and if you come for the first time, you will receive a second-hand finger, used many times.