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» April 8 Archangel Gabriel descends to earth. Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel (April 8). Read other prayers of the section "Orthodox prayer book"

April 8 Archangel Gabriel descends to earth. Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel (April 8). Read other prayers of the section "Orthodox prayer book"

The day of Gabriel and Vasily resounded in the national calendar as an echo of the holiday that had passed on the eve. Only, in contrast to the Annunciation, on April 8, no one was forbidden to work, but none of the perceptive people would do it themselves. Because it has long been noted that all the work done for Gabriel and Vasily was not for the future, and everything that was born on that day was insignificant and ugly. And although the young, not yet firmly on their feet, the owners, despite the precepts, were busy from the very morning, the old people, looking at them, only chuckled. They knew how the work for Gabriel and Vasily could end, unless this day fell on Saturday, because "there is no easier day opposite Saturday." Although she did not always bring good luck.

Archangel Gabriel was considered especially close to God. He is very revered in Christianity, Islam, Judaism. The people gave him the name Blagovest, having learned that it was the Archangel Gabriel who announced the birth of Jesus by Mary. Paradoxically, the ancient Slavs firmly entrenched the opinion that everything that was born on this day would be ugly. They said: "What was born on the day of Gabriel is terrible and ugly." Therefore, on April 8, they even tried not to spin, otherwise they got ugly things that no one wanted to wear and buy. It was even believed that a person born on this day would have a physical defect. By the way, a similar belief existed at Christmas. Such people were often ridiculed and said that nothing good would come of them.

On the Day of Gabriel the Blagovest, they began to plant tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkin, beans, melons, and watermelons. Potatoes were also planted for germination. To protect against powdery mildew and other pests, bushes of gooseberries and black currants were poured with boiling water. If by April 8 the snow finally melted, then they fed daffodils and tulips with nitrogen, and shelters were removed from lilies and peonies.

Archangel Gabriel was often prayed to get rid of a fever.

Folk omens for April 8

  1. If the bird cherry has blossomed, you can plant potatoes.
  2. What will the weather be like on April 8, so, according to signs, will it be on October 8
  3. Snow on the roofs lies - another 30 days it will not melt
  4. If the last yarn is not finished before this day, then the work will be delayed for a long time, and in the near future it is necessary to go out into the garden and into the field. They said: "In the spring the day is long, and the thread is short." The peasants said that lazy spinning wheels were attacked by a disease in which the hands go numb and are taken away (dryness)
  5. Bright sunrise on the Day of the Archangel Gabriel - you can remove the sled, since there will be no more snow
  6. Frosts on this day are a sign that spring will be cold, and summer will not come soon.
  7. Willow blossomed - you can put bees in the apiary
  8. Where the stars shine more strongly on April 8, from there the wind will blow in the morning.

... You have appeared to the prophets more than once,
By the will of God, he carried the word,
The prophet instructed you on his path,
Having the answer to the holy question -

Question about the will of God. I'm touching
Oh, beloved Archangel Gabriel!
I bow before the love of God
And I send gratitude from all my spiritual strength!

In the heavenly world, God is surrounded by a host of angels. This is clear to everyone, even children. Well, not everyone knows that light incorporeal creatures are divided into ranks. In the meantime, this is exactly what is happening. According to the existing hierarchy, the second closest to a person after the actual Angels are the Archangels. Every year on April 8, the Church celebrates a great celebration - the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel. We will find out what this date is and what merits the indicated archangel distinguished himself.

General information about the celebration

Feast of April 8 The celebration of the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel is the day following the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, which is directly connected with the previous day. After all, what is the meaning of the Annunciation? Archangel Gabriel, by the will of God, informed the Virgin Mary that she would conceive from the indulgence of the Holy Spirit and subsequently give birth to the son of Jesus - the Savior of the world. This is what the Bible says about it:

“In the sixth month, the Angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Galilee, called Nazareth, to the Virgin, betrothed to a husband named Joseph, from the house of David; the name of the Virgin: Mary. The angel, having entered to Her, said: Rejoice, blessed one! The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women. She, seeing him, was embarrassed by his words and wondered what kind of greeting it would be. And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for you have found grace with God; and behold, thou shalt conceive in the womb, and thou shalt bear a Son, and thou shalt call his name: Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father; and shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom shall have no end.”

As for the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel directly, the very word “cathedral” is an indication of the general glorification of the bright messenger by Christians. On this day, it is customary to honor one of the highest disembodied servants of God, being in the temple among other parishioners, because the news that the Virgin Mary once received from Gabriel turned out to be important for all of humanity as a whole. The celebration of the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel from time immemorial existed in the lands of Israel. This celebration was spelled out in the Jerusalem charter and the charter of the great monastery of St. Sava, where it is said: to make the specified date special, to celebrate with joyful chants.

About Archangel Gabriel

Honored on April 8 on the feast of the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel, the good herald of the Lord's will is one of the seven spirits "who lift up the prayers of the saints and ascend before the glory of the Holy One" (Tov. 12:15). In translation, the name "Gabriel" means neither more nor less - "the power of God" or "God is my strength." It is of Chaldean origin and became known to the inhabitants of the Jewish land only after the Babylonian captivity. Archangel Gabriel, judging by the ancient description, was a beautiful incorporeal creature with 140 pairs of wings. He is the ruler of Eden, paradise itself, and the head of the cherubim. On icons and frescoes, the Archangel is depicted in different ways, but invariably with an attribute that makes it clear to those contemplating and praying about who is in front of them. In the messenger's hand, one can see either a lantern with a candle inside, or a branch from the tree of paradise. These symbols are not accidental: the first personifies the fate of man, created by the Lord God and hidden for the time being from understanding by its owner; the second - there is a branch that the highest angel handed over to the Virgin Mary, informing her of the imminent conception of the Messiah. In the left hand of the herald, a mirror made of japsis is sometimes depicted. The latter is a reflection of one's own conscience and God's word, the truth.

It is worth noting that in the early images, the Archangel Gabriel looks like a person dressed in a rich outfit and with a crown on his head, and in her hand is a scepter. On later canvases, the scepter is replaced by a lily. However, some frescoes depict not even a flower in Gabriel’s hand, but a scroll with the words “Ave Maria” inscribed on it. Orthodox icons, on the other hand, show us the Archangel-Annunciator, clutching an olive branch in his fingers. This symbol means a sign of reconciliation between God and creation. As a rule, such an image of Gabriel is placed in Orthodox churches above the Royal Doors.

Returning to the Old Testament story, when the future Mother of God heard the good news from the lips of the Archangel Gabriel, it is worth considering: why did the Creator send the second of the seven commanding angels to Mary? After all, in theory, the first in rank, Michael, was supposed to be the good herald. Theologians answer the question this way: all seven archangels are equal in strength and power, differing from each other only by a serial number. At the same time, each of the ruling angels performs his ministry. And if Michael is the winner of adversaries (enemies), then Gabriel is the messenger of the Mysteries of God. That is why Michael did not become the angel that informed Mary about the birth of the Divine Infant in her, because he has a different mission, and instead of the heavenly branch of the world, he holds a naked sword of conviction in his hand. By the way, the Archangel Gabriel brought good news not only to the Blessed Virgin.

He also announced, according to legend, to Mary's parents - Joachim and Anna - about the birth of his daughter: "She will give salvation to the world, and She will receive the name of Mary." He also announced the birth of a child - John the Baptist - to the priest Zechariah and his elderly wife Elizabeth. It is believed that it was he who visited Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, and it was the Archangel Gabriel who revealed to the Mother of God the secret of her Dormition.

Some theosophists are of the opinion that in the heavenly world the commanding angel in question lives in the seventh or tenth dimension (heaven) and sits to the left of the Creator. There is also a version that is completely delusional at first glance about the female essence of the Archangel.

What to Pray for the Good Herald

Today, Archangel Gabriel should be prayed on a variety of occasions, because he does not cease to fulfill the mission assigned to him by God regarding the world of people. First of all, spouses suffering from infertility should contact the ruling angel. The Archangel will also help parents who have difficulties with the adoption (adoption) of an adopted child. Hearing sincere prayers offered to him, Gabriel protects future mothers and children, whom women carry under their hearts, from stress.

Secondly, the Archangel patronizes, according to popular belief, people whose work activity is somehow connected with art and communication. Journalists, writers, poets, musicians, painters, artists, teachers - all gain the ability to better absorb information as a result of fervent prayers to Gabriel. And everyone in need will be surprised to feel a surge of inspiration by making a corresponding request to the Archangel. Of course, it will also help in creative self-realization.

To all people, without exception, subject to sincere faith in miraculous support, the commanding angel will give hope for the best, heal the soul from fears, and encourage with the desired good news. It is not for nothing that sometimes the Archangel Gabriel is depicted with a trumpet as a symbol of the annunciation.

We sincerely congratulate all Christians on the holiday of April 8, on the celebration of the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel!

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Archangel Gabriel was chosen by God to proclaim to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and with Her and to all people, the great joy of the Incarnation of the Savior Jesus Christ, the Son of God. That is why the day after the feast of the Annunciation, April 8, according to the new style, Christians venerate the Archangel Gabriel, who served the Sacrament of our salvation.

If the number of Archangels begins with Michael, the champion and conqueror of the enemies of God, then Gabriel is in second place. The Lord sends him to proclaim and explain the Divine Mysteries.

Archangel Gabriel is one of the seven main angels who, according to the book of Tobit, “bring the prayers of the saints and enter before the glory of the Holy One” (Tov. 12, 15). The name Gabriel means "the power of God" in Hebrew.

Archangel Gabriel is mentioned several times in Scripture as a heavenly messenger whom God sends to announce to people His plans for the salvation of the human race.

He taught Moses, who had escaped the hands of the Pharaoh, in the wilderness to write books, told him about the beginning of the world and the creation of the first man Adam, told him about the life and deeds of the former patriarchs, told him about the flood and the separation of languages, explained to him the location of the heavenly planets and elements, taught him arithmetic, geometry and all kinds of wisdom.

In the Orthodox Church on April 8, following the Feast Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary(April 7), followed by the day Commemoration of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel. This year, also on this day, April 9, the Feast of Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem("Palm Sunday").

Once I heard how one grandmother said that today is the Annunciation, and tomorrow there will be the Annunciation. So I learned about the Day of the Archangel Gabriel.

Here is what the Orthodox Church says about him:



Ar-khan-gel Gav-ri-il was chosen by the Lord-by-house in order to bless De-ve Mary, and with Her - to all people, ve- great joy about the incarnation of the Son of God. In this way, on the next day, after the Bla-go-ve-shche-tion, pro-glorifying the Pre-clean Virgin, we b-go-da-rim the State -po-yes and in-chi-ta-em Him in-slan-ni-ka Ar-khan-ge-la Gav-ri-i-la, in the service of -she-go spa-se-niya.

The Holy Ar-khi-stra-tig Gav-ri-il is a servant of the Divine All-might-gu-s-stva. He proclaimed vet-ho-for-vet-no-mu-lo-ve-che-stvo about the future in the incarnation of the Son of God: inspire-new- lal pro-ro-ka Mo-and-sey at the pi-sa-nii of the book of Genesis; pro-ro-ku Da-ni-i-lu proclaimed about the coming fates of the Jews-rei-go-on-ro-da ( Dan.8:16; Dan.9:21-24); appeared to the great Anna with the news of the birth of the Pre-blessed De-you Mary from her. Holy Ar-khi-stra-tig Gav-ri-il did not depart-step-but would-be-shaft with the holy Ot-ro-ko-vice Ma-ri-ey in Ieru-sa-lim- in the temple and subsequently guarded Her at all times of her earthly life. He appeared to the priest-no-ku Za-ha-rii, foretelling the birth of the Pred-te-chi of the Lord-under-nya - John-on the Cre-sti-te-la. The Lord sent him to St. Joseph Ob-ruch-ni-ku: he appeared to him in a dream to open the secret of the incarnation of the Sy- on God from the Pre-holy De-you Mary, pre-du-pre-dil about the plans of Iro-da and ordered to run to Egypt with Mla-den -tsem and Bo-go-ro-di-tsey. When the Lord crossed His-and-mi stra-da-ni-i-mi prayed in Gath-si-man-sa-du to kro-va-vo-go-ta , to strengthen Him, according to the Church of Pre-da-tion, Ar-khan-gel Gav-ri-il was sent from Heaven, the name of someone signified cha-et “Fortress of God" ( Luke 22:43). Zhe-ny-mi-ro-no-si-tsy heard from Ar-khi-stra-ti-ga the good news about the Resurrection of Christ.

Recall on this day the many-fold apparitions of the holy Ar-khi-stra-ti-ga Gav-ri-i-la and his zealous work the fullness of the divine will, is-in-breathing his ho-yes-tay-stvo before the Lord-house about christ-a-nah, Pra-vo- the glorious Church invites its children with faith and user-di-em to run in prayers to the ve-li-ko-mu An-ge- lu.

"... Subsequently comprehending church literature, Anthony more and more often came to the conclusion that in that memorable vision, the Archangel Gabriel himself appeared to him - herald of joy and salvation, forerunner and minister of the Divine omnipotence of the miracles and mysteries of God, albeit in a vision somewhat unusual for church ideas."

"Archangel Gabriel in Christianity; in Islam, as you know, Jabrail is the most revered angel, broadcasting to the prophets the will and revelations of Allah."

Tatiana, Kyiv

By: Category: 03/04/2012

Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel It is celebrated the day after the Annunciation, that is, March 26 (April 8). The word "cathedral" means a prayer meeting in honor of the Archangel Gabriel, who brought the Virgin Mary the news of the birth of the Savior of the world from Her.

26 July this holiday is celebrated a second time. The reason for its establishment was probably the consecration in the 17th century in Constantinople of a temple erected in the name of the holy Archangel.

The Archangel Gabriel was chosen by the Lord in order to proclaim to the Virgin Mary, and with Her and to all people, great joy about the Incarnation of the Son of God. Therefore, the day after the Annunciation, having glorified the Most Pure Virgin, we thank the Lord and honor His messenger Archangel Gabriel, who served the sacrament of our salvation.

The Holy Archangel Gabriel is a servant of the Divine Omnipotence. He proclaimed to the Old Testament mankind about the future incarnation of the Son of God: he inspired the prophet Moses when writing the book of Genesis; the prophet Daniel announced the future fate of the Jewish people (Dan. 8, 16; Dan. 9, 21-24); appeared to the righteous Anna with the news of the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary from her. The Holy Archangel Gabriel relentlessly dwelt with the Holy Maiden Mary in the Temple of Jerusalem and subsequently guarded Her throughout her earthly life. He appeared to the priest Zechariah, predicting the birth of the Forerunner of the Lord, John the Baptist. The Lord sent him to Saint Joseph the Betrothed: he appeared to him in a dream to reveal to him the mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God from the Blessed Virgin Mary, warned him of Herod's plans, and commanded him to flee to Egypt with the Child and the Mother of God. When the Lord, before His sufferings, prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane until he was sweating blood, to strengthen Him, according to Church Tradition, the Archangel Gabriel was sent from Heaven, whose name means “Fortress of God” (Lk. 22, 43). The myrrh-bearing women heard from the Archangel the joyful news of the Resurrection of Christ.

Remembering on this day the repeated appearances of the holy Archangel Gabriel and his zealous fulfillment of the Divine will, confessing his intercession before the Lord for Christians, the Orthodox Church calls on her children with faith and zeal to resort in prayers to the great Angel.

On icons, the archangel Gabriel is sometimes depicted with a branch of paradise (a white lily) in his hand, which, according to legend, he brought to the Virgin Mary on the day of the Annunciation.

Troparion of the Archangel Gabriel

voice 4

Archangel of the heavenly armies, / we pray to you forever, unworthy, / yes, with your prayers, protect us / with shelter for the wings of your immaterial glory, / preserving us, falling down diligently and crying out: / deliver us from troubles, / / ​​as the clerk of the Higher powers.