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» Fire alarm entrance inspection report. Certificate of commissioning of equipment. Instructions for writing a water act for operation

Fire alarm entrance inspection report. Certificate of commissioning of equipment. Instructions for writing a water act for operation


Installation acceptance certificate automatic system fire alarm and smoke removal control at the facility: St. Petersburg, apt. 65 HRC, box 41 in operation

Working commission appointed by the General Director

Members of the representative commission:

Conducted an inspection of the work performed and established:

1. The installation and commissioning organization AOZT NTF “EVIR” presented for acceptance the fire alarm and smoke removal control installation PP KP0119-2160-1, consisting of:

installed in a residential building at the address: St. Petersburg, block 65 SCh, kor. 41 according to project No. 12217.41/kor APP, developed by JSC LENNIIPROEKT.

2. Installation work was carried out by JSC NTF "EVIR" (licenses: UGPS GUVD of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region No. 000737 dated April 16, 1998, Administration of St. Petersburg GC No. 78-07639 dated 10/09/98) from March 10 to June 9, 2000.

Estimated cost installation work 7257 rub. in 1984 prices. The actual cost of installation work is 173,152 rubles.

4. Insulation resistance measurement results: normal.

5. Defects and deficiencies identified during the comprehensive inspection have been eliminated (if necessary, indicate in the appendix to this act).

Commission conclusion:

Technical means of fire alarm and smoke removal control that have undergone comprehensive testing, including commissioning, shall be considered accepted for operation since “___”_____________200__.

In this case, the contractor AOZT NTF "EVIR" undertakes to perform warranty repairs of the alarm system within twelve months, subject to the customer's compliance with the current operating rules. The customer is obliged to use the alarm in strict accordance with the instructions, and if a malfunction is detected, immediately notify JSC NTF “EVIR”.

List of documentation attached to the act.

1. Certificate of completion of installation work.

2. Certificate of completion of commissioning works.

3. The act of measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring.

4. Certificate of incoming control.

5. Certificate of inspection of hidden work.

6. List of installed instruments and devices.

7. Copies of equipment certificates.

8. Copies of licenses.

Chairman of the commission ___________________________________/ Kuznetsova Yu. N.

Members of the commission: _____________________________________________/ Portnov D.V.

Any devices installed to ensure the safety of the enterprise are subject to periodic inspection - this rule has already become an axiom. The most common category of such equipment is an automatic fire alarm (AFS), without which no enterprise can do today.

The basic operating principles of the APS include:

  1. Fire detection at an early stage
  2. Launching public warning systems
  3. Enabling evacuation control systems
  4. Launch ventilation system
  5. Turning on automatic fire extinguishing systems

Early detection of the source of fire and properly carried out timely evacuation will help avoid casualties among people in the building. Starting the ventilation system is necessary to create overpressure, which will prevent smoke from entering the evacuation routes - halls and staircases.

If the building has elevators, then the APS returns them to the first floor, where they remain with open doors. In the event of a fire, the evacuation of people in elevators is prohibited due to the threat of smoke in the elevator shaft, and personnel must leave the building using the stairs.

Systems used to eliminate fires are divided into several groups:

  1. Water or water-foam
  2. Powder
  3. Gas

The systems of the first group are the most common, and devices from the other two are used when it is impossible to use water, for example, in electrical substations or museums where valuable exhibits that will be damaged by water are stored: documents, books, paintings, works of art and other objects.

Form and sample of the inspection report

Fire alarm installation must be carried out by specialists in compliance with all standards fire safety, GOSTs and standards, and before starting work, the equipment must pass incoming inspection.

However, does the installation of a fire alarm guarantee that in the event of an emergency? emergency, in this case of a fire, will the alarm system work on time and help protect the health of personnel and material resources of the enterprise?

This question can be answered in the affirmative only when the equipment is in good condition. That is, it is necessary to constantly monitor its performance, and it is important not to confuse this procedure with maintenance of this equipment. Checking the functionality of the fire alarm system is carried out by the company's employees, and for its maintenance it is necessary to involve contractors - representatives of companies with a special license, since this service falls under the scope of Federal Law“On licensing of certain types of activities.”

Each of these procedures has its own regulations and frequency. The results of maintenance are entered into the registration log, and the control is completed by drawing up a special document - a certificate of verification of the operability of fire safety equipment of buildings and structures.

The form of this document is defined in Appendix No. 19 to the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation No. 292 of May 28, 2012. The act indicates the address of the object being inspected, the type installed system, a list of work performed, inspection deadlines and a final conclusion on the condition of the equipment. The document must be signed by officials and certified with a seal.

Frequency of registration of the act and responsible persons

In the procedure for drawing up a report based on the results of a performance check fire alarm A representative of the enterprise (organization), who is responsible for the implementation of fire safety measures at the facility (enterprise, organization), must participate.

The head of the enterprise is obliged to publish - this can be himself or any employee. In any case, the person specified in the order must pass special course fire safety training with the issuance of an appropriate certificate.

The responsibilities of the head of the enterprise include ensuring compliance with fire safety requirements and fulfilling the requirements supervisory authorities, including those set out in decrees, instructions and other documents, carrying out fire prevention propaganda events, introducing into the collective agreement clauses affecting the safety of the work process, including fire safety, as well as monitoring the serviceability of all protective and fire extinguishing equipment and preventing their use for purposes that do not correspond to their purpose. These are only the main tasks, the solution of which must be ensured by the manager responsible for the safety of personnel and material assets.

A representative of the contractor company with whom the contract for servicing the alarms installed at the site must also participate in the inspection. A legal entity or individual entrepreneur, having the necessary license to perform this type of work. This requirement is a priority because an unlicensed contractor is not authorized to perform these inspections.

It would not be amiss to invite a State Fire Inspectorate inspector to such an event, which is especially important if this alarm has not previously been subject to inspection. Although the inspector of this organization is not obliged to attend such an event, contacting him will help to establish good relations with the State Fire Inspectorate service. And since you will have to cooperate with the inspector in the future, good relations will not hurt.

According to legal requirements, such an inspection must be carried out at least once a quarter.

In addition, inspections of enterprises by representatives of the State Fire Supervision Service are possible. Representatives of this structure will definitely inquire about the existence of an agreement for the maintenance of the APS with a licensed contractor. The frequency of scheduled alarm inspections by the contractor is one month. During this event, the serviceability of the system is assessed and the necessary measurements are made. If problems are found, they will be fixed free of charge.

State Fire Inspectorate inspectors will pay attention not only to the operability of the fire alarm system, but also to the condition of evacuation routes, the presence of signs in case of emergency evacuation, the absence or incorrect installation fire extinguishers, checking their pressure gauges and the date of refilling.

To avoid regulations and complaints from fire control authorities, it is necessary to correctly draw up documents about regularly carried out maintenance APS funds, as well as have developed and approved special instructions on fire safety.

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The execution of an equipment commissioning act always occurs when new equipment arrives at the enterprise, since from the moment it arrives there is a need to record the beginning of its use and enter it into accounting as fixed assets.


Before issuing a water certificate for operation

If the equipment requires any tests and inspections, then before drawing up this act all such procedures must be carried out and completed.

As a rule, new equipment is checked for defects, defects, defects, malfunctions, as well as whether it complies with the regulations and standards adopted by the enterprise, labor protection and fire safety requirements.

All these procedures are carried out by a specially created commission, consisting of at least two people, which is appointed by a separate order by the head of the organization.

Basic rules for drawing up a water act for operation

This document does not have a unified, mandatory form, so it can be compiled either in free form or according to a template developed and approved within the enterprise. The act can be written on a regular A4 sheet, or on the organization’s letterhead.

It must necessarily include information about the enterprise where the equipment is being put into operation, as well as detailed information about its name, technical characteristics, conditions of use, etc. The more complex the equipment, the more details it needs to be written down and the more points the act may contain.

This document must indicate the compliance of the equipment being introduced internal requirements organization and legal standards, and also recorded the presence of comments or identified malfunctions. If the facts of defects are confirmed, then a special document must be drawn up for the equipment and until the defects are eliminated, the equipment cannot be put into operation.

It should be remembered that after signing the act of putting the equipment into operation, the manufacturer’s warranty begins to apply to it.

Instructions for writing a water act for operation

  1. In the first part of the document, its name is written, and its essence is also briefly indicated (in this case, “about the commissioning of equipment”). The line below indicates locality, in which an act and date are created: day, month (in words), year. Then the composition of the commission that checked the equipment is entered: the positions of the employees are entered, as well as their last names, first names, and patronymics. Here you should also make a reference to the order of the director who appointed the commission (indicate the full name of the enterprise, surname, first name, patronymic, manager, number and date of the order).
  2. The main part is to certify the fact that the equipment has been examined and inspected by the commission. Here you need to enter its name, serial number, specifications, name of the manufacturer, place of manufacture of the equipment, etc. options. This is where they are recorded regulations, laws, documents on the basis of which the inspection was carried out and its timing.
  3. The third part of the document contains information about the condition and quality of the equipment being put into operation. If it is in good condition, then this should be noted; if it has any defects or malfunctions, then this should also be indicated. If there are any comments, they must be included in the act with all the details. Next, you should add a clause about the commissioning work carried out, as well as that the equipment meets all safety requirements (fire, technical, environmental, industrial).

    In conclusion, in this part, a separate paragraph needs to summarize that the equipment has passed the test and is ready for use.

The penultimate part of the document contains conclusions on the entire above procedure. If there are no complaints about the equipment, then here you need to enter that the equipment will be put into operation on such and such a date at such and such an address (the address of the enterprises where it will be used is indicated).

If there are complaints, then you should write “not ready for use until identified defects are eliminated.” Next you need to add a warranty clause.

After entering all the information into the act, links to all annexes to it with numbers and dates are included.

The act must be certified by the signatures of the inspection commission. The document can also be certified by a seal, but not necessarily, since since 2016 the presence of a seal has legal entities is not a requirement by law, but is voluntary.

Regulatory documentation -> Manual for the governing document RD 78.145-93 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Security, fire and security-fire alarm systems and complexes. Rules for production and acceptance of work ->


16.1. For acceptance into operation of installed technical means alarm system, a working commission is appointed by order of the head of the customer’s organization (enterprises).

The procedure and duration of the work of the working commission is determined by the customer in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87 and RD78.145-93.

16.2. The working commission includes representatives of:

organization (enterprise) - customer (chairman of the commission);

installation and commissioning organization; commissioning organization: security departments;

state fire supervision authorities.

If necessary, other specialists may be involved.

16.3. The commission must begin work on acceptance no later than three days (not counting general weekends and holidays) from the date of notification by the installation and commissioning organization about the readiness of technical equipment for delivery.

16.4. When accepting technical equipment into operation, the installation and commissioning organization must present to the working commission: as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with changes made to them); technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises; certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying the quality of materials, products and equipment used in installation work; inspection report (Appendix 1);

act of transfer of equipment, products and materials for installation (according to the form of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation);

act of readiness of buildings and structures for installation work (Appendix 2);

act on incoming inspection (Appendix 3);

certificate of completion of installation work (Appendix 5);

certificate of testing of protective pipelines with separation seals for leaks (Appendix 8);

act of measuring the insulation resistance of electrical wiring (Appendix 9);

certificate of inspection of hidden work on laying electrical wiring on walls, ceilings, and floors (Appendix 10);

certificate of inspection of hidden works (sewage) (Appendix 11);

certificate of inspection of hidden work (laying cable lines in the ground) (Appendix 12);

protocol for warming up cables on drums (Appendix 13);

completion certificate commissioning works(Appendix 14);

list of installed devices and detectors (Appendix 16).


1. When handing over and accepting into operation technical signaling equipment at sites where installation work was carried out according to inspection reports, technical documentation of the manufacturing enterprises is presented, as well as documents in accordance with Appendices 1,3,9,10 14,16 and the equipment transfer certificate , products and materials for installation according to the form of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

2. An act of transfer of equipment products and materials for installation (form of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation) is presented if the installation and commissioning organization accepts signaling equipment for installation from the customer.

3. A certificate of completion of installation work is submitted if the installation organization performed only the installation of technical signaling equipment.

4. Acts in accordance with Appendices 11 and 12 of this manual are submitted if the installation and commissioning organization carried out work on laying lines in the sewer and ground

The protocol for warming up cables on reels is presented in the case when, when unwinding the cable during negative temperatures it was warmed up.

16.5. Acceptance into operation of installed technical signaling equipment without carrying out comprehensive adjustment (comprehensive testing) is not allowed.

16.6. Upon acceptance for commissioning of completed installation work and adjustment of technical signaling equipment, the working commission carries out:

quality control and compliance of completed installation and adjustment work project documentation(inspection report), technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

checking the condition of engineering and technical equipment for equipping the perimeter of the facility and means of strengthening security;

measurement of the insulation resistance of the alarm loop, which must be at least 1 MOhm;

measuring the resistance of the alarm loop;

testing the performance of installed control panels, control panels and detectors.

Commission in necessary cases carries out other checks and measurements of parameters agreed upon technical specifications to the installed equipment.

16.7. The test methodology for commissioning installed technical signaling equipment is determined by the acceptance committee in accordance with technical documentation manufacturing enterprises.

16.8. If individual non-compliances of the work performed with the design documentation or the inspection report are detected, as well as the requirements of RD 78.145-93 “Security, fire and safety systems and complexes” security and fire alarm system. Rules for the production and acceptance of work”, the commission must draw up a report on the identified deviations, indicating the organizations responsible for their elimination. These organizations must eliminate the inconsistencies within 10 days, and the installation organization must again present the technical signaling equipment for delivery.

16.9. Installed technical alarm systems are considered accepted for operation if the inspection establishes:

installation and adjustment work was carried out in accordance with the requirements of these rules, technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

all elements building structures and protected areas of the facility are blocked according to the project or inspection report; all zones around the perimeter of the facility are blocked according to the project or inspection report;

measurement results are within normal limits;

tests of the performance of technical means gave positive results, while fire alarm technical means must, in the cases provided for by the design, ensure the shutdown of ventilation systems, the inclusion of smoke removal systems and air pressurization in staircases and vestibules in the event of a fire.

16.10. Installed PTUs are considered accepted for operation if the following conditions are met:

while ensuring high-quality television images on the screen of a video monitoring device (VCU);

total nonlinear image distortions should not exceed ±10%;

total geometric distortions of the image should not exceed ±4%;

The nominal size of the image on the VKU screen should be (394< 308) ±2 мм;

operator-free operation must be ensured, i.e. saving the image of the observed object, with interlaced image decomposition into 625 lines at 25 frames per second, under the influence of all destabilizing factors specified by the technical conditions for the installation;

the horizontal resolution of the installation, assessed by the vertical wedge of the image of the IT-72 test table on the VKU screen with table illumination of 200 lux and a relative lens aperture of 1:4, ensures the visibility of at least 500 television lines and at least 450 lines in the corners;

installations must provide the ability to operate television cameras with lenses;

After turning on the unit, the image should appear on the VKU screen no more than 2 minutes later.

16.11. The performance of security lighting is determined by the results of checking the lighting network for the correct ignition and combustion of lamps.

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11. Acceptance of technical signaling equipment into operation

11.1. Acceptance into operation of technical signaling equipment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.01.04-87.

11.2. To accept technical signaling equipment into operation, a working commission is appointed by order of the management of the customer’s organization (enterprise).

The procedure and duration of the work of the working commission are determined by the customer in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87 *.

The working commission includes representatives of:

organization (enterprise) of the customer (chairman of the commission);

installation and commissioning organization;

commissioning organization;

security units;

state fire supervision authorities.

If necessary, other specialists may be involved.

11.3. The commission must begin work on the acceptance of technical signaling equipment no later than three days (not counting general weekends and holidays) from the date of notification to the installation and commissioning organization that the technical equipment is ready for delivery.

11.4. When accepting technical signaling equipment into operation, the installation and commissioning organization must present to the working commission:

as-built documentation (a set of working drawings with changes made to them or an inspection report);

technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

certificates, technical passports or other documents certifying the quality of materials, products and equipment used in installation work;

production documentation(mandatory Appendix 1).

11.5. Acceptance into operation of technical signaling equipment without carrying out comprehensive adjustment and testing is not allowed.

11.6. Upon acceptance for commissioning of completed installation and adjustment of technical signaling equipment, the working commission carries out:

checking the quality and compliance of the installation and commissioning work performed with the design documentation (inspection report), technological maps and technical documentation of manufacturing enterprises;

measurement of the insulation resistance of the alarm loop, which must be at least 1 MOhm;

measuring the resistance of the alarm loop;

testing the performance of installed control panels and control systems.

The commission, if necessary, carries out other checks and measurements of parameters specified in the technical conditions for the installed equipment.

11.7. The test methodology for the installation of technical signaling equipment and their acceptance into operation is determined in each specific case by the working commission.

11.8. If individual inconsistencies in the work performed are detected with the design documentation or the inspection report, as well as the requirements of these Rules, the commission must draw up a report on the identified deviations, on the basis of which the installation and commissioning organization must eliminate them within ten days and again present the technical signaling equipment for delivery.

11.9. Technical signaling equipment is considered accepted for operation if the inspection establishes:

all elements of building structures and areas along the perimeter of the facility are blocked according to the project or inspection report;

installation and adjustment work was carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, technological maps and technical documentation of the manufacturing enterprises;

measurement results are within normal limits;

tests of the performance of technical alarm systems gave positive results, while fire alarm systems must ensure, in cases provided for by the project, the shutdown of ventilation systems, the inclusion of smoke removal systems and air supply to staircases and vestibules in the event of a fire.

11.10. The acceptance of technical signaling equipment into operation must be documented in an act in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 2.

11.11. The need to connect object alarms to centralized monitoring consoles is determined by security departments with the participation of representatives of the customer and fire departments.