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» Greed Wiktionary. Why are people greedy. Cause and explanation of people's greed

Greed Wiktionary. Why are people greedy. Cause and explanation of people's greed

The current world has become greedy. In other words, this concept can be defined as commercialism, avarice, greed for material wealth, greed. What does greed mean? This is an irrepressible craving for money or material goods, and often they are strangers. As a feeling, this phenomenon can be considered in many life examples.

In religion, greed is considered one of the deadly sins. A greedy person always carries anger towards others, trusts no one and avoids deep relationship. This leads to loneliness, when a person can be surrounded by people, but he will understand that he cannot be open to anyone.

Greed pushes people to do many things that they may later regret. Quite often various crimes (thefts, robberies, beatings, etc.) are committed on the basis of greed for material wealth. Modern people create . They are friends with each other because they want to get access to other people's money. Tales that a great love for money can lead to loneliness, devastation and unhappiness are not relevant in a world where everything revolves around money.

What does greed mean?

All people have some degree of greed. However, the site site considers that side of greed, which leads all the desires and actions of a person. What does greed mean? At this concept there are two definitions:

  1. Greed and greed.
  2. Passionate craving for something.

Usually a negative attitude towards greed arises if a person becomes greedy or selfish. It is at this time that he cares only about his own well-being, being ready for the worsening of the situation of another person.

The second concept of greed is not always negative. For example, if a person is eager to gain new knowledge or learn skills, it is difficult to call such greed bad.

Religion also considers greed as one of the 7 deadly sins. Only in a situation where a person is eager to gain new knowledge or find the truth, greed is considered justified. Otherwise, it provokes the development of such qualities in a person:

  • Atrocities.
  • Anger.

The greedy man of the modern world is called an individual who strives to receive a large number money. The modern world is supposedly run by money. It is considered normal to strive for obtaining and acquiring great wealth. However, this is a manifestation of greed, since often people choose such ways of their own enrichment that are associated with the use of others.

It's okay to strive for the best and comfortable life. However, greed, which is based on stinginess and greed, is already dangerous.

Many psychologists consider the feeling of greed to be natural. Once upon a time, everyone had to fight for their own survival, when many benefits were not enough. Now the need to get food has been replaced by earning money. Having them in large numbers, you can access many benefits.

Greed becomes dangerous when a person raises material goods to idols. He now lives for them, acts, thinks only of them. His mind is clouded, and his actions are aimed only at their acquisition.

What is greed? This is the desire to have more than a person has now. Greed is the desire to be the owner of better things than he currently has. It is the desire to consume, but not to give anything back. The following two qualities are associated with greed - greed and stinginess. Greed is the desire of a person to possess more and more wealth and blessings than he has today. Avarice is the desire to preserve, preserve the existing wealth.

It turns out that a person can earn or acquire those things that he needs, but because of greed, he will strive not only to save and preserve them, but also to increase and increase them. Is it good or not? Many psychologist-trainers teach their wards the art of conservation. So it's good. But, on the other hand, why should a person have more if he does not use what he already has? All this is greed - the desire to possess, to be the owner, and then decide what to use, and what will be "dead weight".

Feeling of greed

The feeling of greed is manifested in the manifestation of an overvalued idea that material goods should be acquired in large quantities. It remains remarkable that a person who acquires goods cannot get enough of them. He wants more. Thus, greed manifests itself in greed due to the fact that a person is always short of material wealth.

Greed is equated with idolatry, when a person overvalues ​​money or other material goods. At the same time, a person does not spare himself. He is willing to do anything to get what he wants. And the more they become, the more bigger man wants. He cannot get happiness from what he has achieved, because he believes that he has not yet achieved everything. This makes a person focused only on the greed and those ways that can realize his desire.

Greed gives rise to many other qualities in a person. It can be envy, which manifests itself in the address of those people who have the desired benefits. Envy suffocates a person so much that he “rots” from the inside.

Also, greed inflames self-interest. A person becomes ready for anything to achieve what he wants. He is not worried about the troubles of other people, he is able to perform any act if it provides him with the desired benefits.

A greedy person is never happy. This is due to the qualities that he shows in achieving his goals. As long as a person is cold towards others, does not spare himself and makes material things the main values ​​​​in the whole world, he is not able to achieve a natural feeling of happiness.

Greed is associated with the manifestation of selfishness. This is explained by the fact that a person is trying to assert himself at the expense of money or goods. He feels his own dissatisfaction, emptiness, therefore, in this way he proves to the world his own significance. At the same time, fear seizes the person. He is afraid of losing everything he got. It is akin to death. This fear covers a person much more than happiness from the possession of material wealth.

A person is ready to go to any illegal actions, does not separate his own and someone else's. He becomes soulless and heartless.

Where does greed come from? There are many points of view on this question. Some say that greed is genetically transmitted, others say that it is acquired after passing through one's own birth, others - from personal experience. What can you say about the former Soviet people? Most likely, their greed is associated with that period of scarcity and collapse. Soviet Union when people had nothing to buy with their money, and then they were deprived of the same savings. It is precisely such a negative experience that pushes one to save and acquire things, without thinking about what they are for. “Someday it will come in handy!” - says any person who has experienced a shortage of goods in his life.

It is believed that greed is a consequence of material scarcity in childhood, as well as a sense of one's own worthlessness. Only through material goods can a person earn the approval of others, therefore he is engaged in obtaining them.

Often, greed for material wealth lies in their hoarding, which is vividly represented in the work of Gogol " Dead Souls"in the image of the hero Plyushkin. Man obtains material goods and accumulates them. It turns out that he is still dragging a beggarly existence. He is rich in the presence of material goods, but poor in their use.

The positive side of greed is the desire for self-improvement, self-realization, improvement of the world. The Man Who Thirsts a better life, operates and promotes progress. This is rated positively.

Examples of Greed

What are some examples of greed? Today there are a lot of them. These are people who sacrifice their health and time to do as much as possible at work, while getting money.

There are frequent cases of selfish goals in the creation love relationships. The so-called gigolos and girls looking for "daddies" are greedy people. They are ready to sacrifice their principles, moral principles and body, just to get access to other people's money.

How does greed manifest itself? A lot of what a person does is often controlled by their level of greed. Wealth is the main indicator of greed. To become rich, a person must strive to acquire and preserve the accumulated goods. Many rich people are greedy, that is, they earn money for their own consumption. And only a small part earns money not because of greed, but because of good organized work which brings him a high income.

Obesity or the problem of being overweight is also greed. A person subconsciously wants to accumulate as much fat as possible in order to be able to cope with a lack of calories in case of hunger. But is such a situation possible at present? In the countries of the former Soviet Union it is impossible, as in many other developed countries. Every resident knows that there will be a lot of food in the coming years, so there is no point in saving anything. But it is the greed of a person that pushes him to "save fat."

Various breakdowns household appliances, building collapses and accidents due to machine malfunctions are also a consequence of human greed. The so-called "owners", who control the health of this or that equipment, save their own money on quality workmanship or equipment repair. It is greed that often leads to the fact that the roofs of houses suddenly fall, break Appliances after a week of using them, either cars collide head-on due to brake failure.

Greed can be associated with negative emotions that people often experience. Envy, jealousy, detachment from people are some of the manifestations of greed. Why? manifests itself in the fact that a person wants to have something that he does not have, but another has. As a result, many people use envy to steal, steal what they would like to have in their possessions. Typical theft is a way to get what someone else has so that it becomes yours.

Jealousy is manifested in the desire to completely possess another person and protect him from encroachment by members of the opposite sex. Greed in this case It is manifested in the desire of a person to personally enjoy all the benefits that another person gives.

Shopaholism can also be attributed to an example of greed. A person cannot get enough of those benefits that he has already acquired, therefore he is looking for new things that he can buy.

The problem of greed

Greed creates many problems in a person's life. To begin with, a person wants to spend as little money as possible on their needs. He is ready to save on himself in order to save the earned pennies. He is ready to wear old things so as not to acquire new ones. He is ready to sweat in the garden so as not to buy food in the store.

The greedy person is the most envious. He envies those who already have those benefits that the person dreams of. At the same time, he can smile in his face, but behind his back he can do the most heinous deeds.

A greedy person is prone to any crime. He takes bribes, steals other people's things, blackmails in order to earn money, etc. In this case, the individual is guided by the fear of losing everything. If he managed to acquire material goods, after which he lost them, he feels “killed”.

However, not all people striving for wealth can be called self-interested. Much depends on the actions they take to achieve their goals. If a person develops, learns new information, improves his work, then the achieved benefits become obvious and justified.

Greedy people talk a lot about money. All their conversations are related to money. That is why it is difficult for them to establish contacts with people. A small part is ready to communicate only on the topic of money. People with moral principles simply will not be able to find a common language with greedy interlocutors.


Greedy people often get sick. This is due to the tension that they have as a result of constant dissatisfaction with life. The result of such a life is death alone, but in material wealth.

Detachment from people is the desire of a person to have as little as possible in common with his own kind. Often this manifests itself in the desire to live alone. “But how can greed manifest itself here?” - you ask. Do you think why a person wants to live alone, and not with another person or the outside world? He has something that he wants to own alone, be it money, his own body, emotions and feelings, an apartment, etc. A loner wants to consume himself and not share his goods with anyone. This is also a kind of greed.

More and more psychologists and spiritual mentors say that cancer is a manifestation of human greed. cancer cell wants to live apart from other cells of the body, seeks to consume and absorb, giving nothing in return. This is how many people live. And so cancer is one of the most common diseases of modern society.

Everyone has heard the word “greed” at least once in their life. What does this mean, and what human traits does it indicate? Greed (or acquisitiveness) in the religions of the world is This vice lies in the fact that a person does not control his desire to acquire more and more material values. At the same time, he does not receive any moral satisfaction from this. Greed is a pathological desire for gain.

Greed - what is it?

In fact, there are many vices that poison human existence. But one of the most insidious and sometimes even terrible is greed. It causes greed, anger and self-interest in a person. But at the same time, it is acquisitiveness that causes suffering from unfulfilled desires. Greed prevents a person from becoming happy. It leads away from true values. It is difficult to overcome it, it takes away the will and aspirations for kindness. sows discord and strife.

How does greed affect a person?

So, greed causes a burning desire in a person to get more money. Sometimes it comes to the point that people with such a defect stop spending their savings altogether. They are hoarding them. At the same time, feeling unhappy, they literally languish over their wealth. They stop noticing around them everything that cannot bring them money. In addition, greed is a source for the emergence of other, no less terrible vices.

What vices does covetousness breed?

Greed - what is this mental "illness"? And what other vices does it cause in a person? First of all, greed entails an irrepressible desire to benefit from everything. A person does not shun even the misfortunes of others. There is no place in the soul for compassion or pity, there is only the desire to gain. But, as you know, happiness is when you give, not receive. That is why self-interest has not yet brought true peace to anyone.

Another vice that accompanies greed is envy. It exhausts and “eats” a person from the inside. Do not forget about greed. The unwillingness to share repels the greedy person. He remains alone in his desire to keep all his savings. It is these vices that are the reason that throughout the history of mankind, blood has been shed over gold and other riches.

Symptoms of money-grubbing

Perhaps there is no more painful vice than greed. The synonyms of this word - "acquisitiveness", "gluttony" and "greed", fully complement the current picture. Sometimes the pettiness of such people reaches the extreme. A greedy person always carefully calculates the cost of even the smallest purchase. He will not leave the cash register without counting the entire change. And if a penny is not enough there, he will make a scandal and take it away at any cost.

Greedy people talk about money all the time. They complain about their lack. They envy and harm those who earn more than them. At the same time, such a person may well occupy a good position and be provided. Greedy people buy the cheapest clothes, food, they never spend money on entertainment. Even if they have a hobby, it is always associated with the idea of ​​saving money. For example, a person who is prone to money-grubbing can buy a dacha, so you can provide yourself with food and not spend money, or he sews clothes, although at the same time altering old trousers and sweaters.

Greedy people will not miss the opportunity to get money illegally, they always take bribes, do not disdain blackmail and theft. Such a person will constantly demand money from relatives, but he will not give it back. provokes scandals. At the same time, he can steal from a relative or friend who lives worse than himself. Acquisitiveness can take it to extremes. Greedy people will not disdain to search garbage barrels, they hope to find there something that will allow them to save money, for example, old furniture, clothing or metal that can be traded for money.

Causes of "gluttony"

Greed - is it a habit or a mental illness? One thing is for sure, the problems of acquisitiveness have very old roots, to be more precise, they grow from childhood. If the child grew up in poor family and he was constantly denied purchases, justified by the lack of money, then, most likely, it will become the determining factor in his adult life. He will draw on the experience of his parents. And to any request for a purchase, he will respond: “No money!” He only gains confidence when there are bills in his wallet. But one problem remains: a greedy person does not have a feeling of satiety, he is always short of money.

Another reason for the emergence of money-grubbing in a person is a clear family model of behavior. If mom or dad constantly put money in the sheets, saved on everything, avoided spending and always tried to snatch something for free, the child adopts this behavior, considering it the only correct one.

What's wrong with greed?

So what is wrong with greed? The meaning of the word implies obsession with money. What does it threaten? Any insanity is detrimental to the psyche. The personality suffers and is distorted. It collapses and degrades. replaced by material ones. But as our ancestors noted, money cannot bring happiness. They are only a means to achieve the desired, but not the ultimate goal itself. The accumulation of a large amount of finance causes fears and brings care. A person dooms himself to life "in a golden cage." His thoughts are spinning in circles. The only thing he cares about is where to find more more money and not lose what you have accumulated. He is constantly afraid of being robbed.

Such people are incapable of giving. In addition, they show greed in sales, getting even on this. A greedy person takes loans. He falls into financial slavery. Oddly enough, initially he does not think about percentages. A loan for him is a way to make a purchase without spending what he has already saved up. But the tragedy plays out when you have to pay the bills. The paradox of greed is that a person does not get richer, on the contrary, he gets poorer. After all, poverty is not when there is not enough money, it is when they are constantly lacking.

Is greed a mental disorder?

The problem of greed always lies in a mental disorder. It arises under the influence of external factors. In the world around us, material values ​​are imposed on us, which push the spiritual sphere of life into the background. People are given products that they don't really need. Greed does not lead to the satisfaction of needs, on the contrary, it leads to insatiable need. From this, a person cannot know happiness, it destroys the psyche and aggravates the condition.

Consequences of money-grubbing

Greed and greed are addictions. Of course, acquisitiveness cannot but affect relationships in the family. A greedy person is always trying to cut costs. He saves on everything and everyone. Trying to accumulate as much money as possible, he infringes on the clothes and food of his children. But it's one thing when they collect for new housing, cutting family budget, but it’s completely different - to save money only for the sake of their quantity. People who suffer from acquisitiveness do not have specific goals. They simply keep their finances, denying themselves and loved ones everything.

Greedy people almost always have problems in relationships with others. Nobody wants to do business with them. This person has no friends. He is not liked in the team. A person suffering from greed will never chip in gifts for colleagues. But at the same time, he will always attend dinners that others have dumped. And he will be offended if he is not allowed. After all, it is beneficial to celebrate, as they say, for free.

How to overcome greed?

Can greed be overcome? The meaning of this vice clearly makes it clear that a person has erected false values ​​and guidelines. Money is everything to him! But in reality, people start their pursuit of material values ​​when they cannot find happiness. Therefore, in order to free yourself from acquisitiveness, it is necessary to understand that true riches are spiritual. Happiness is within us, and a person can know it only by sharing. It does not depend on the amount of money in the account and gold on the neck, in the ears and on the fingers. The opposite of greed has always been generosity. Giving something away can make your life easier.

To get rid of money-grubbing, you need to stop collecting banknotes and coins. Money should be spent on what really brings pleasure. Only by finding your purpose in life can you experience peace. In order to feel truly happy, money is not needed at all.

greedy, greedy, greedy; greedy, greedy, greedy. Greedy, greedy. Greedy man. Greedy for money or for money. || Passionate (poet.). Hungry for knowledge. || Hungry; insatiable, gluttonous (book obsolete). Dictionary Ushakova. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

greedy- greedy; briefly the form is greedy, greedy ... Russian spelling dictionary

greedy- greedy, short. f. greedy, greedy (wrongly greedy), greedy, greedy... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

greedy- This adjective belongs to the high style and is rarely used in colloquial speech. And the word greedy was formed from the common Slavic verb alkat, which originally meant to want to eat. AT modern language the word greedy is rare… … Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Krylov

greedy- Old Russian - greedy, greedy. Old Slavonic - lachn, alchn. The word "greedy" was already known in the Old Russian language and became widespread during the appearance of writing in Rus' (9th century). In the Old Russian language, the word came from ... ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Semenov

greedy- to what, to what and for what. Greedy for money (for money, for money) ... Control Dictionary

greedy- very greedy... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

greedy- oh, oh; a / lchen, a / lchna, a / lchny Showing an uncontrollable desire to receive something. in more than necessary quantity; selfish, selfish. Greedy for money. Synonyms: greedy / insatiable / insatiable related words: a / personal, a / personal ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Tsslav. loans. from Art. glory. alchn (Supr., etc.) along with lachn. To dainty, hungry. Wed still Slovenian. lačǝn, Czech. lačny, other Prussian. alkīns sober, lit. alkanas sober, hungry; cf. Trautman, BSW 6 ff. [Compare also Hüttl Worth 80. - T.] ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Fasmer


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Greed people- this is the love of money, money-grubbing, greed, in other words, it is an immoderate desire to receive money or other material benefits. In Catholic theology, human greed is considered one of the main flaws, the main vices, mortal sins, since it leads to an increase in troubles and worries, internal anger, unsociableness. In addition, the described vice tirelessly provokes fear of loss and anger.

The word greed is associated with greed (covetousness), which is condemned by all nations. Often this sin serves as a motive for committing a serious illegal act or is the cause of a tragedy.

Feeling of greed

Acquisitiveness or greed is a vice, which consists in the lack of personal control over own desire receive material benefits. At the same time, as these very benefits accumulate, the feeling of satisfaction does not appear, on the contrary, greed inflames more and more. In other words, greed, greed meaning is an abnormal attraction, a pathological craving for profit, easy money.

This vice is an extreme manifestation of the desire for exorbitant acquisition of something. Every feeling of greed is condemned as idolatry.

Acquisitiveness generates in the individual a burning thirst to get a lot of money. Often, this desire leads people to stop spending any money. However, at the same time, greedy individuals do not feel happy, they behave like the notorious fairy-tale character Koschey - they wither over the "gold". Miserly people stop noticing people the world. They see only what can bring them profit or income.

The greed of people is dangerous because it gives rise to many other no less serious vices. For example, greed and are inseparable. Envy seems to eat a person from the inside, depletes his soul. In addition, greed awakens self-interest in the individual, which consists in an irrepressible desire to benefit from everything. Such a person stops at nothing, does not disdain the misfortunes of others. In his soul, the desire for profit left no room for compassion or pity.

The greedy subject deprives himself of happiness. After all, happiness does not live in selfish and greedy hearts. He is nourished by kindness, a sincere desire to give, to help. That is why greed, greed, greed cannot bring true peace, joy and prosperity.

Another vice that accompanies greed is greed, which repels the people of a greedy person. The desire to save for yourself all your profits turns into loneliness for a greedy person.

The reason for the greed of people lies in the substitution of the concepts of moral, ethical and cultural life values. A subject insatiable for money mistakenly takes material goods for happiness.

Greed and envy, greed and self-interest are the offspring of the human "Ego". Money lovers, driven by the desire to compensate for the thirst for asserting their own significance, try to drown out personal dissatisfaction, inner emptiness, loneliness by accumulating material values. Therefore, it is believed that greed is a manifestation of selfishness. It combines two sides: stinginess and greed.

Human greed, in addition to the above disadvantages, also has the following negative manifestations. It does not distinguish between one's own or someone else's, pushes people to serious crimes, violations of the law, turns a person into an envious and unprincipled creature. The love of money gives rise to a persistent fear of losing material wealth. At the same time, experienced by self-interested people, it is much more than the joy of owning money.

The feeling of greed invariably leads to the degradation of the personality, the destruction of its internal foundations. Self-interested people lose their ability to be compassionate and become "soulless", and, consequently, lose the opportunity to feel happy and loved.

A number of researchers believe that the nature of greed lies in a psychological pathology called syllogomania, pathological hoarding or Plyushkin's syndrome (in accordance with the character of the same name in N. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls"). This disorder is found in the tendency to collect and save unnecessary things. The described ailment may be the result of a lack of material attention in childhood or a pathological feeling of uselessness to other people, worthlessness, which seeks to compensate for the possession of things.

Another destructive manifestation of greed is shopaholism or oniomania. This disorder is expressed in an irrepressible passion to make purchases. The pleasure that shopaholics get from shopping is akin to a drug. Moreover, it calls psychological dependence, which leads to an increase in consumer loans, the result of which is need, decay and degradation.

The problem of greed lies not so much in the desire to accumulate material wealth as in the desire to preserve them. Sometimes such an attraction makes people drag out a miserable existence, having a solid capital behind them. Therefore, you need to understand that being stingy and wanting more are not synonymous.

There is a separate type of people who never stop there, they always want more. Such subjects enrich themselves not for the sake of their own gain, but due to the fact that they constantly set new goals for themselves.

Striving for, craving for, striving to remake the world into better side are positive side feelings of greed.

In addition, progress is inextricably linked with human greed, which is a kind of engine of development. After all, scientists, doctors, professors, industrialists constantly want to reach great heights. side effect such attraction is progress. No thirst for knowledge modern world would be deprived of many discoveries, and Homo sapiens would not have gone far from primitive man.

What does greed mean

The term greed, its meaning today more often implies greed. This term has two meanings. The first is self-interested and greedy man, and the second - an individual passionately desiring something. The first interpretation is considered to be a vice, because if the subject is burning for new impressions, knowledge, and not for money, then it is hardly worth condemning him for this.

The sin of greed is considered the second of the seven greatest vices of mankind (mortal sins). It's connected with negative traits that awakens greed, such as: anger, envy and atrocities. Religion allows only one kind of justified greed - "happy are those who thirst and hunger for righteousness, for they will be satisfied" (Gospels of Matthew). This phrase can be interpreted as follows - the unquenchable thirst for knowledge is justified.

Thus, greed is the value, which for successful and happy life difficult to overestimate, is the path to nowhere. Many scientists consider greed to be a kind of idolatry, where money acts as an idol.

Greed can be represented as an insatiable thirst for profit and material wealth. It consists in the substitution of spiritual values ​​for material ones. A greedy person cannot be considered mentally healthy. The desire to live in comfort is a completely normal desire of the individual, but when such a desire combines excessive greed and stinginess, it becomes an addiction, a disease.

The origins of covetousness go back to distant times in the history of mankind, when the forefathers modern man there was a constant lack of resources, such as food. From this we can assume that the rudiments of greed are embedded in the individual. genetic level. Greed with the advent of monetary units later transformed. Its content has changed. Now a person seeks not just to survive, but is focused on the thirst for profit, on money, which allows you to buy almost everything in the world.

Vivid examples of greed can be cited from the literature. This vice is colorfully described in Pushkin's work "The Miserly Knight" and in Gogol's poem "Dead Souls". These literary masterpieces show an unvarnished passion for wealth, profit, and collecting unnecessary things. The writers showed how a completely normal desire for a person is transformed into an obsession, an overvalued mania that can destroy its carrier. After all, it transforms the consciousness of the individual, replacing the mind with a blind passion.

The problem of greed

The sin of greed is often understood as such human attitudes as the desire to possess great material wealth, greed for money, unwillingness to part with it, the thirst for hoarding and money-grubbing. At the same time, a non-greedy individual often performs actions that can be conditionally attributed to the described vice.

For example, he spares money for loved ones or his own person. Sometimes such behavior can be justified by need or prudence, but often defies reasonable explanation.

It is believed that the problem of greed is always hidden behind a mental disorder that arises under the influence of environmental factors. Unfortunately, the modern world imposes an increased value of material goods, while depreciating the spiritual component more and more.

Greed is not able to lead a person to satisfy his own needs. It, on the contrary, leads to an even greater need, as a result of which the individual cannot know joy and happiness. This is devastating to the psyche.

The word greed has the following synonyms: money-grubbing, covetousness, greed, gluttony.

There is no more painful flaw than greed. The money-loving individual always carefully calculates the value of even the most insignificant acquisition. He will not leave the cash register until he counts the entire change. The lack of one penny can lead to a scandal. Greedy subjects talk exclusively about money. They are constantly missing them. They are eaten by envy of people who earn more. Money-loving individuals are able to harm those who have more material wealth than they do. It does not matter that they themselves occupy a high position and earn well. Greedy individuals buy only the cheapest food, clothes. They will not spend a penny on entertainment. Any hobby of mean people is always associated with the desire to save money. For example, a person predisposed to covetousness may acquire country cottage area for the sake of providing herself with food, which will have a cost many times cheaper than the store, or she will buy sewing machine to sew clothes yourself or alter old ones.

In addition, greedy subjects will never miss a chance to profit from illegal activities. Such people do not disdain blackmail, they always take bribes, they calmly go for theft. They constantly demand money from loved ones on loan, while “forgetting” to give back. Miserly men invariably provoke scandals. They can commit theft from a close person or friend, even if he lives much worse than themselves. Covetousness often brings a person to extremes. So, for example, a greedy subject does not disdain to swarm in garbage cans, because he hopes to find there something that will help save money (old furniture or clothes).

Selfish people are constantly tormented by the fear of losing their own savings and at the same time they are haunted by the desire to accumulate a huge amount of money as quickly as possible, which for them is the guarantor of psychological freedom and physical security.

However, it cannot be argued that all misers are the same. Each greedy individual manifests his own desire for gain in different ways. So, some may not hide their own greed inherent in them: they wear out old worn things, limit themselves in food, do not go on vacation, save literally on everything. Others, on the contrary, may hide their own greed under the guise of a generous person. Such people always brag about their immense kindness, generosity, tell how much they do for loved ones, how much money they spend on them.

Greed is comparable to disease. It is dangerous because it is often accompanied by mental breakdowns. In addition, the tireless thirst for money can lead to the fact that in one day a person will blow everything he has earned. At first they bring stinginess to the point of absurdity, then they also spend money unrestrainedly.

The outcome of greed is rather unfavorable, however, as are the consequences of any other addictions. First of all, acquisitiveness adversely affects relationships within the family. After all, striving for hoarding, he limits in all his own children. If they were trying to save money for the sake of acquiring more comfortable housing, such behavior would be understandable, but the subjects, greedy, have no specific goals. They simply save their own finances by denying everything to the family.

In addition, greedy people always have problems in communicative interaction with others, since there are practically no people who want to communicate with them or do business with them. Miserly people do not have friends and they are not liked in the team. After all, a greedy subject will never chip in for presents to colleagues. At the same time, he will never refuse to attend a banquet for nothing, he will even be offended if he is “forgotten” to call.

Examples of greed from fiction, and from life they show that excessive stinginess, greed only lead to sin and do not bring happiness to the owner of these qualities.

In addition, human greed affects health in many ways. For example, through psychosomatic connections passing between internal organs and the cerebral cortex, through a violation of the neuroendocrine regulation of metabolic processes, through a sleep disorder. After all, when the desire to get a lot of money is transformed into an obsession, it does not give a person peace of mind even at night. As a result, the individual does not get enough sleep, in the mornings he feels overwhelmed and tired. Envy and anger, which are constant companions of greed, lead to an increase in the production of adrenaline and an increase in the level of norepinephrine in the blood, which contributes to the development of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension. The physical condition is further complicated by the fact that greedy people save even on their own health.

Greed gives birth to evil in people, therefore greed is called one of the most impartial manifestations in Christianity: anger, greed and crime are born by greed. Only the insatiable greed for knowledge and doing good deeds is justified, and everything else is discussed below in the article.

Why are people greedy

Under greed, it is most often customary to understand specific personal data:

  • the desire to have and spend more money on yourself;
  • lack of desire to lose their wealth;
  • desire for accumulation and acquisitiveness.

Sometimes, a completely non-greedy person can show actions that are associated with greed, for example, unwillingness to spend money on themselves or their loved ones - this can be caused by a material situation or a number of circumstances.

Greed has existed at all times - this is a natural quality of character, since material wealth has always determined the level of existence and life. Greed is a trait in a person's character that can be brought up by parents or appear under the influence of various external factors, such as poverty, etc.


Words such as greed or greedy are now used only in literary genres. More often they will say about a person “greedy” or “stingy”.

Yes, these terms are fundamentally different. Greed is the desire to get more, and stinginess is the desire to spend the least. The greedy seeks to increase his gain, while the miser seeks to moderate his spending.

Greedy or Thrifty?

Concepts such as "prudence" or "thrift" are close to greed and greed, but they differ from each other. Thriftiness is an attempt to profit from a small saving, and greed is not a subconscious decision to stop spending money, trying to accumulate as much as possible. Greed has always ended badly, just remember Greek myth about King Midas, who turned everything into gold with a touch. We advise you to read