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» Root of the word. One-word words. Writing the root in single-root words. What is the difference between related words and related words

Root of the word. One-word words. Writing the root in single-root words. What is the difference between related words and related words

Language is in perpetual motion. The vocabulary is constantly changing, some expressions and words become a thing of the past, some acquire a different meaning, new lexical units, phrases, turns appear due to borrowings, the formation of words and the expansion of groups of cognate words. How not to get confused in all this diversity and understand how single-root words differ from the form of a word? Let's deal with this issue in order.

Lexical and grammatical meaning of the word

The lexical meaning is understood as the content of the word, the comparability between a certain set of sounds and the object of reality. For example, when we say "shop", we mean "small shop". The main semantic load is carried by the root “shop”, and the reduction property is superimposed due to the “-chik” suffix. Examples of such combinations: orange, jug, suit.

In addition, the word has a grammatical meaning. So, the noun has such categories as case, number, gender, the verb has number, person. It is thanks to the grammatical meaning that one can determine the relationship in which words are located.

How to distinguish word forms from cognate words based on lexical and grammatical meanings?

The lexical meaning of each word from the group of cognate words includes the meaning of the root. For example: mint (taste) - the same as mint; cherry (color) - same as cherry, etc.

The form of a word is inextricably linked with the concept of grammatical meaning. For example, changing the name of a noun according to cases (doll, doll, doll, dolls, dolls, etc.); verb change in persons and numbers (I draw, draw, draw, draw, draw, etc.) Based on the examples, it can be noted that only the ending changes, while the base remains unchanged. These are different forms of the same word. From the above, it becomes clear how the single-root word differs from the form of the word.

The Russian language is rich and diverse. Also, the ways of forming new lexical units are extensive and varied. Among them are:

  • suffix;
  • prefixal;
  • unsuffixed;
  • prefixed-suffixal;
  • transition from one part of speech to another;
  • addition.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

By suffixing or is meant that a suffix is ​​added to the original lexical unit. For example, kind - kind, fly - pilot, turn off - switch, brother - brotherhood, breakfast - have breakfast, etc.

Prefixation or prefix method implies that a prefix is ​​added to the original lexical unit. For example, interesting - interesting, go - come, surprising - no wonder, run - run, etc.

(or in other words, zero suffixation) implies cutting off the ending or discarding both the suffix and the ending. For example: blue - blue, rest - rest, break - break, etc.

Speaking about the prefix-suffix method, they mean the emergence of new words by adding both a prefix and a suffix to the original lexical unit. For example, a river is beyond the river, a ride is a rider, winter is winter-like, sleep is sleep, etc.

It's called substantiation. For example: teachers' room, ice cream, canteen, military, hot, etc.

Let's take a look at the addition method. It consists in combining two words into one word or combining only the stems through connecting vowels or without their participation. For example, radar, physical exercises, snowmobile, locomotive, brown-eyed, tragicomedy, light blue, southwestern, etc.

Groups of cognates

Thanks to the above word-building models, groups of single-root words arise. For all single-rooted, a single root is characteristic. When adding prefixes, suffixes to the same root, one-root words are obtained.

Let's look at an example. Let's take the root "-forest-" and make up a series of words with the same root: forest, wooded, forest, forest, forester, forest, copse, timber truck, lumberjack, forest park, woodland, woodland, etc. Or another example, the root "-years-". With this root, you can also choose your own series. Namely: fly, fly, pilot, takeoff, flight, raid, fly in, fly around, fly, rally, flying, etc. In the examples described above, we observe the emergence of groups of cognate words.

One-root lexical units can be not only different parts of speech. One-root can be the same parts of speech:

  • nouns with the same root: house, house, house, house;
  • adjectives with the same root: big, big, big;
  • cognate words verbs: run, run away, run, run, etc.

Examples of groups of cognate words with alternating roots

In Russian, there are roots with alternating letters. It can be both vowels and consonants. Let's look at examples.

Root "-lag-" / "-false-": put, hostage, lay, tax, dispose, cover, offer, etc.

Root "-grow-" / "-grow-" / "-grow-": grow, thickets, age, grow, plant, germinate, etc.

Root "-ter-" / "-tir-": wipe, wipe, wash, wiped, scrub, grater, etc.

Root "-steel-" / "-steel-": to lay, spread, bed, bedding, laid, etc.

Despite the alternation, all these words will be of the same root.

Examples of the difference between single-root words and word forms

So, how do single-root words differ from the form of a word? let's consider concrete examples to finally resolve this issue.

The noun is "travel". The forms will be a change in cases and numbers (hike, hikes, hikes, hikes, hikes, etc.). The same root will be those lexical units where the same root “-hod-” is present (hike, walk, approach, enter, come, hopeless, entrance, etc.).

Let's take the adjective "winter" as an example. Forms will be winter, winter, winter, winter, winter, winter, etc. Single-rooted, in turn, are: winter, winter, in winter, hibernate, hibernation, etc.

The above examples clearly prove how the same-root words differ from the form of the word.

comparison table

In the table below, we summarize and illustrate with examples how to distinguish the form of a word from a single-root word.

Now you can easily answer the question of how single-root words differ from the word form.

Children are taught to select related words for spell checking, starting from the first grade. However, even some high school students find it difficult to complete this task. Moreover, adults often experience difficulties helping their children with homework in the Russian language. They are confused by such definitions as "related" and "cognate" words. Many have forgotten how they differ from each other.

The wording in modern textbooks is rather vague and cannot always clarify the situation. Let's try to figure out what is meant by related words in modern linguistics, and how they differ from cognates.

So, related in Russian lexemes are called:

  • with the same root
  • close in meaning;
  • etymologically ascending to the same nest (i.e. formed from the same etymon);
  • different set of prefixes and suffixes.

For example: forest - forester - forester - forest; walk - cross - exit - incoming - all-terrain vehicle - stilts.

Related lexemes may refer to both to one and to different parts of speech: pain(noun), sick(adjective), get sick(verb), painfully(adverb). Having a common root, and hence a common main meaning, such words differ slightly from each other in their lexical meaning.

Nevertheless, the shades of these meanings can be explained using the etymon from which they are all derived. A patient is someone who is in pain. To be sick is to be in pain. Pain is the way pain feels.

Related words separately - word forms separately

It is important not to confuse related words with word forms. The latter have the same root, but different endings (inflections). Sun - sun - sun; read - reading - read- all these are not different lexemes, but forms of the same word. With the help of endings, only the grammatical meaning changes (case, tense, person, number, etc.), but the lexical meaning remains unchanged.

The root is one - it means related?

However, most often related words are confused with cognate words. Few are able to clearly explain what their difference is. Moreover, often these concepts are used as synonyms, which is not entirely true.

To begin with, let's remember that such words are called monosyllabic, which have the same root but different prefixes and suffixes. Unlike related ones, they do not have to be similar in meaning. From this point of view, the noun driver and adjective water are single-rooted, since they have a common root - waters. But they are not related, as they have completely different lexical meanings.

We can draw the following conclusion: all related lexemes are cognate, but not all cognate words are cognate.

It is important to remember this when choosing a test word so as not to make a mistake with the explanation of a particular spelling. Often students do not pay attention to the meaning of lexemes and try to explain the spelling of the adjective. tearful- noun slime, spelling a noun gudgeon- in a word squeak.

Rules for the selection of related lexemes in Russian

Consider the rules that will help you not to make a mistake when performing a similar task..

Selecting the root. There are two ways to do this. The first is to understand how the given word is formed. For example, builder noun derived from verb build using the suffix body.

Sometimes you can't find the root right off the bat. Then we try to change the beginning and end of the given lexeme: retell - tell, express, tell, retell, story, fairy tale, fabulous. Root here - tale.

We educate as much as possible cognates, not forgetting that all of them should be close in their meaning.

Here it would be useful to recall that in the Russian language there is 5 main ways of word formation:

  1. Prefixal(prefix). For example: read - re + read, before + read.
  2. suffix. Cheese - cheese + ok, birch - birch + ovy, lace - lace + nitsa.
  3. prefix-suffix: water - under + water + nickname, yard - at + yard + ny, dream - once + dream + sya.
  4. Suffixless(used when forming a noun from verbs or adjectives): wide - breadth, bring - import.
  5. Addition. Words or their stems can be formed, for example: school + boarding school - boarding school, + flies - airplane, white + teeth - white-toothed. Sometimes when word formation in this way, the stem can be reduced: salary + salary salary.

There are other, less common ways of word formation, for example, abbreviation (Moscow State University Moscow State University). However, for the selection of related lexemes, the methods listed above are mainly used.

In the process of searching for cognate words, one should not lose sight of such a phenomenon as alternation of consonants and vowels in roots. Moreover - sometimes the vowel in the root can completely "disappear". For example: freeze - freeze, state - presentation, sing - sing, read - reading, shine - candle, drive - driving, sculpt - sculpt. Despite the different sounding, these pairs of lexemes are of the same root. It is easy to prove this, based on their similar lexical meaning.

Such alternations can be explained historically. They are associated with the loss of some vowel sounds ( flatter - to flatter), the identity of consonants (gz, sksh, xsh: friend - friends, squeak - squeak, hearing - listen) and other phonetic processes.

Sometimes words that are originally related and have the same root, over time, diverge in their lexical meaning. AT modern language they are called "historically related". An example is the lexemes trouble - victory, nail - carnation, which are now not considered related, although they have a common root.

And finally, the most main secret in the selection of related words - regular workouts and big vocabulary . Only in this case, the test words will be automatically remembered, and your letter will be literate.


With the help of this video, it will be easier for you to understand what related words and word forms are.

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That the concept of "related words" children begin to study already in the first grade, high school students do not feel very confident when completing assignments for the selection of related words.

I am sure that the difficulties are caused by the inconsistent knowledge and insufficient vocabulary of schoolchildren.

I propose an algorithm, using which, students will be able to quickly select related words for any

First, let's define what is called related words. Related words are lexemes (words) close in meaning with the same root, but different prefixes and suffixes.

Example: clan - relative - geek - relatives - give birth - maternity - generic.

All words are close in meaning, have the same root - genus-.

Remember: words that differ only in endings are not related. This is the form of a single word. Example: table - table - table (the ending indicates different cases of one word).

It should be borne in mind that etymologically related words today can differ significantly in meaning. Examples: cosmos - cosmetics, veteran and veterinarian, long and authentic. If the etymological meaning of words causes difficulty, you need to refer to the etymological dictionary.

And now we are learning to identify and select related words.

  • We change the word to find its stem. Dining room: dining room, in the dining room, no canteens. there will be tables
  • We determine what this basis is formed from. The word "canteen" is an adjective derived from the noun table.
  • By adding suffixes and prefixes to the root, we form related words:

TABLE - throne - TABLE - table - TABLE.

Sometimes it is difficult to determine which root is common to related words. To define it, we proceed as follows.

Now a little theory: in Russian, related words can be formed in the following ways:

  • Prefixed (prefixed): peace - truce + truce, move - in + move.
  • Suffixal: world - world + ok, world + yane, world + new.
  • peace - reconciliation + peace + eneration, move - in + walking + walking.
  • Postfixal: some - some, some, some. In this case, related words form a postfix, which is attached to the whole word.
  • Fusion: highly paid - highly paid, fast dissolving - fast dissolving.
  • Truncation: specialist - specialist, computer - computer.
  • Abbreviated: Russian Federation- RF, ATM - ATM.
  • Addition. There are several options here. Whole words can be added (sofa bed, chair-bed), their parts (steamboat, plane), or part of a word with a whole (milk carrier, cement carrier).

When forming related words, one should not lose sight of homonymy: the phenomenon when the roots of words, having completely different meanings, sound and are spelled the same. So a series of words: vodka-water-water - is not related to another series: driver - wiring - wires.

Related words are words that have the same root and are close in meaning. One-root etymons are those that have the same root, but differ in prefixes and suffixes. They can be different parts of speech or one. In their general essence, related words are always very similar to each other: house, house, home, house, homebody, home.

What are we being taught

From the first years of schooling, children are taught to pick up words with the same root. In this science, there are several basic rules that we describe below:

Words must have the same root (the root is the main part of the word that carries the main lexical meaning);

The form of the same utterance and related words are completely different things, for example: gardener, garden, garden - related; gardener, gardeners, gardener - one word in different forms;

It is impossible to allow a mechanical selection of sayings similar to each other, because the sounds at the root can be combined, but the words will be unrelated, for example, driver and water;

Root words are not always a noun, for example driver (noun), drive (verb), driver (adjective) - they have the same basis, but they are different parts speech;

It is worth using collections of related words by searching for suffixes and prefixes - running, running, running;

Related words are the basis for the selection of etymons of verification, which allows you to make a minimum of errors.

Consider the basics of Russian grammar

In studying the order of selection of similar sayings, there are several important rules:

Etymons derived from the same word are called single-root, the explanation of which allows the use of the same term, for example, a fungus is a small mushroom, a mycelium is a place where a mushroom grows, and so on;

Such expressions should have a pronounced connection in meaning;

Sometimes statements can be close in meaning, but not have a common part - they are not related;

It is necessary to select related words with the help of prefixes;

Modified etymons (door, doors, door) are not related;

The role of the vowel sound in single-root test words is important - it must be stressed.

Before starting to select related words, you must first think, then double-check, and finally write. If you train this process of brain activity, words with the same root will automatically form in your head, so that the risk of making a mistake will tend to zero. In any speech, words complement each other, helping a person to express them in speech form or on paper. Therefore, it is worth helping the brain by asking some question commands. Thanks to this, the formation of words occurs - hints that help determine the necessary letter in the spelling of the word.

Some features of related words

There is a science of etymology that allows you to find family ties between words, and explains their origin. Etymologically related words are words that have undergone phonetic and semantic changes in the process of their development. You can take a simple example: the word "carnation" is written through the letter "o" due to the fact that it was named because of the similarity of the plant's flowers to nails. It is precisely such word-formation processes that etymology deals with.

(lexemes) having the same root, but referring to various parts speech (white - whiteness - turn white).

To pick up a single-root word, it is not necessary to know word formation well, especially since elementary information on this section of the Russian language is taught back in primary school. However, it will not be superfluous to remember that related words consist in a certain set of postfixes (prefixes) and postfixes (only suffixes). Words that have the same root, but differ only in inflections (endings), are not related words, this is a form of the same word: river-a, river-u.

Explain the words with the same root to the children. To do this, they need to remember such parts the words, like the prefix and . Ask the guys with these morphemes one-root the words with any root. For example, with the root "run". They should get a similar word: - running - running - running - defector, etc.

The work of students in the formation of single-root words is important. This skill allows you to easily cope with the selection of test words and avoid mistakes in writing.

word formation, knows, in fact, everyone. At least, native speakers of a particular language are engaged in this process automatically, without thinking that the spoken lexical units are the result of word formation. What word formation?


To understand, one should first understand the morphological subtleties inherent in each word. It's no secret that it is a set, each of which performs its own function. Root, suffix, ending, base, prefix. All of them are morphemes and, one way or another, participate in word formation. However, the main means that ensure the word-formation process are