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» Araucaria is a homemade spruce in a pot. Description of the plant, care at home. Caring for a potted Christmas tree Homemade Christmas tree in a pot name

Araucaria is a homemade spruce in a pot. Description of the plant, care at home. Caring for a potted Christmas tree Homemade Christmas tree in a pot name

Make you think. Is the two-week presence of a Christmas tree in the house worth such sacrifices? It’s even sadder to see the picture after the New Year, when discarded former “green beauties” are everywhere. Exists Alternative option buy a live Christmas tree. She will delight you with her appearance even after the winter holidays are over. No, this is not an artificial tree, but decorative spruce in a pot. Caring for it is a little more difficult, but in the end you will get a real beauty in your garden.

Choosing a Christmas tree

Spruce in a tub is great way slow down the deforestation of coniferous forests. In addition, it ceases to smell fragrant after a couple of days, and the crumbling needles continually dig into the heels. The same cannot be said about the planted spruce. Decorative types They amaze with their diversity; even the most sophisticated gourmet will be able to choose a plant to their liking.

If you decide to buy a Christmas tree and plant it yourself, pay attention to its root system. Its condition will become a harbinger of the plant. In conifers, it is predominantly deep. If, due to its length, the tree does not fit into the pot, find a larger container or plant it in open ground. Do not under any circumstances shorten the root of the plant, otherwise it will not live longer than a felled spruce. Decorative dwarf beauty has a more compact root system. Therefore, this species is excellent for growing in a pot.

When buying an already planted Christmas tree, keep in mind that in a cramped container the roots of the plant form quite tightly. Having chosen a suitable tree, do not rush to pay. Ask the seller to remove it from the pot to show the root. There are unscrupulous traders who cut off the offending part and sell the plant. We wrote above what will happen to such a tree.

Decorative spruce in a pot. Care and its features

On the eve of the New Year holidays, it's time to go for the symbol of the New Year. But what to do after buying a spruce? A description of the tree will help you learn the features of growing and caring for this plant.

Conifers grow quite slowly, so they can stay in a tub for several years. To do this, you need to properly maintain the spruce in the pot. How to care for such a plant is described below.

A spruce tree in a pot should be watered at least 3 times a week. best option- in one day. To do this, use 2-3 liters of water. Carefully ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, which can happen if the air in the apartment is dry.

Remember that a decorative spruce tree in a pot cannot remain in a heated room for more than two weeks. Caring for her room conditions uncomplicated: regular watering and high humidity. After the New Year holidays, send the winter beauty to the balcony or other cool but well-lit place. A sudden change in temperature can harm the plant, so it must be hardened off first. To do this, leave the tree for several nights in a room where it is about 7 degrees below zero. To prevent the root system from freezing, insulate the pot. Use hay, straw and other materials.

To improve tree growth and condition, replant the plant every 2-3 years. Choose a pot that is a few centimeters wider than the previous one.

Spruce, like all plants, requires regular watering, which stops with the onset of real frost. In spring, it is recommended to fertilize the soil and feed the tree with complex fertilizer, which is applied along with water.

We carry out formative pruning

This question arises for everyone who sets out to grow a spruce in a pot: “How to care for the plant so that it takes on a beautiful shape?” The answer is simpler than it seems. To get a lush tree with a symmetrical shape, it is necessary to regularly carry out formative pruning. This procedure is carried out in early spring in dry weather, when the plant has not yet entered the active growth phase. When pruning, adhere to natural shape crowns and shorten only too long bare branches. This will encourage branching and you will get a beautiful, lush tree. You need to cut the branch immediately after the joint from which new branches will come.

Important! You should not prune a weak or diseased tree, as after the procedure it may not recover and will begin to dry out. Shorten the branches only to the green needles, since the woody part does not produce new shoots.

Transplanting a Christmas tree from a pot into the garden

After the tree has successfully wintered, it can be transplanted into the garden. The best time for transplantation is spring. To do this, prepare a hole that will be slightly larger than the pot. Before planting, you need to fertilize the soil, so put compost at the bottom. Remove the tree from the pot and plant it in the hole. Then water thoroughly.

What can replace the Christmas tree?

In addition to Christmas trees, other fir, holly, sciadopitis and others are grown in pots. These trees reach small sizes and grow very slowly, which is a good substitute if you are not satisfied with a decorative spruce in a pot. Caring for pine or fir is the same as caring for a Christmas tree. The only difference is that pine can withstand quite severe frosts if the tree is hardened first. Glauca Globosa. The height does not exceed one and a half meters. The needles are bluish in color, frost-resistant and unpretentious.

Montgomery. The height of this spruce is about two meters. Tolerates drought, frost and pruning well. Spruce has an unusual color. Bluish needles are at the tips of the branches, greener ones are closer to the trunk.


It turns out that not every plant sold under the guise of a “New Year’s tree” is capable of growing in a garden, much less on a balcony in a limited amount of soil and without snow cover. We still have to work out how to preserve it before planting it in the garden.

Before you go shopping, you should decide how you want to use the plant after the holiday. The answer to this question will help determine not only the type of conifer, but also its size, crown habitus and the size of the pot in which the plant is planted.

If you are going to plant a plant in the garden after the holiday, you should study the issue of winter hardiness of the selected species and variety (shape), find out the size of an adult plant (whether it will be large tree about 20 m tall or a dwarf not exceeding 1 m) and his location preferences in order to approximately know where and with which neighbors he can place the purchase.

So, among coniferous species there are no shade-loving species, but common spruce, firs and thujas can tolerate slight shading, and forms with colored needles are more light-loving. Pine is more drought-resistant compared to thuja, spruce and fir. All of them require well-drained soil of medium texture (loam), since they cannot tolerate stagnant water.

It should be noted that Canadian spruce and western thuja can turn brown (burn) in late winter - early spring. Resistant to middle lane Russian spruce, E. prickly, E. Canadian, Scots pine, p. cedar, village Weymouth, balsam fir, whitebark fir, monochrome fir, subalpine fir, Korean fir and western thuja.

But from the acquisition of the so-called “Danish fir” (Nordmann fir, or Caucasian fir), black pine, p. small-flowered ‘Negishi’, p. Geldreich’s ‘Compact Gem’ and ‘Malinki’ are best avoided. They are not suitable for our climate.

If your balcony is insulated and the temperature on it does not drop below -5... -7 °C, you can buy ordinary conifers that are resistant to the middle zone. If the temperature on the balcony and outside does not differ much, pay attention to the more winter-hardy species and shapes (Scots pine ‘Watereri’, ‘Nana’, ‘Compressa’, ‘Beuvronensis’), since on the balcony, even when covered with kraft paper and non-woven material, the conditions are harsher than in open ground.

The entire range of conifers offered for the role of New Year's tree can be conditionally divided according to two decorative characteristics: the shape of the crown and the color of the needles.

The pyramidal shape of the crown is characteristic of most fir trees (including Korean fir varieties 'Silberlocke' and 'Samling'), common spruce 'Columnaris', e. prickly ‘Iseli Fastigiate’, e. Serbian, e. Canadian 'Conica', thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' and 'Brabant', Scots pine Fastigiata, as well as the species plant, p. European cedar and s. Korean.

Blue needles are characteristic of prickly spruce varieties 'Hoopsii', 'Glauca', 'Fat Albert', Scots pine ‘Glauca’, p. cedar dwarf 'Glauca', With. Veymutova 'Amerland'.

If you grow a tree on the balcony, pay attention to the slow-growing forms of Canadian spruce ‘Nana’, ‘Conica’, ‘Echiniformis’, i.e. ordinary ‘Nidiformis’ and ‘Little Gem’, e. Serbian ‘Nana’, western thuja 'Tiny Tim'.

The thuja occidentalis has a conical or ovoid shape of the crown. ‘Yellow Ribbon’, ‘Smaragd Witbonf’, ‘Wagneri’, ‘Woodwardii’.

In order to avoid making an unfortunate mistake when purchasing and not to purchase a plant that was initially doomed to death, you need to know a few simple rules.

Information about spruce is welcome

See if there are labels on the plants: this is not only a significant “plus” for the manufacturer and confirmation of the quality of the product, but also brief, succinct information for the buyer about preferences specific culture(light/shade, dry/wet), its growth pattern and winter hardiness. All this is important to know when purchasing a plant for a more or less long term.

Where is the Christmas tree from?

The root system of conifers is very fragile and vulnerable. If the plant was dug out of the ground hastily before the holiday and squeezed into a pot, then it is practically doomed to death. Therefore, you should not make purchases in dubious stores, on roadsides and places of spontaneous trade. If you really intend to keep your new pet, then choose a local nursery that professionally breeds conifers. As a last resort, you can purchase a Christmas tree from a reliable garden center. By the way, conifers in pots stored in winter period outdoors, must be covered with sawdust or snow.

No need to break!

You should definitely refrain from purchasing if the needles are falling off the plant. Signs that the tree is no longer viable are the following: the branches are brittle (in a living plant they are flexible and the roots look lifeless (healthy roots are succulent and have yellow or white tips).

Until you see it for yourself...

If possible, you should carefully remove the tree with roots from the pot, for which the container is first lightly squeezed with your hands and tapped. Ideally, the root system should completely encircle the entire lump. If the soil immediately crumbles and the roots stick out in different sides, then it is better to refrain from purchasing.

Negative factor

Be sure to pay attention to the moisture content of the substrate in the pot. Dry soil not only indicates poor quality of plant care, it is also an extremely negative factor for the tree itself. It has been noticed that coniferous crops whose roots have been overdried die almost one hundred percent.

Health is in the needles

Pay attention to the color of the needles. The presence of brown, brown or yellow shoots should alert you. This is a clear sign of disease or death of the plant. However, green needles

(blue, silver in some forms) is not a 100% guarantee of health. A coniferous plant can remain green all winter, and with the onset of spring warmth it can quickly crumble.

A large pot for a large Christmas tree!

A knowledgeable buyer will immediately pay attention to the proportionality of the container and the tree. It is unlikely that a beautiful lush plant could be grown in too small a pot. This means that it is very likely that the root system was severely pruned before planting in a new, cramped container, which will have an extremely negative impact on the further viability of the plant.

Christmas tree in a bag

Manufacturers can offer conifers not only in containers, but also with an earthen ball wrapped in burlap. After purchase, such a plant should be removed from the wrapper and planted in a container of a suitable size (preferably 3 - 5 cm in diameter and deeper than the existing lump). It is not advisable to purchase plants with an open root system. Even in regions with cool temperatures, not cold winter, even when dug up in a special area, such conifers take root worse than plants with a closed root system grown in compliance with agricultural techniques.

How to care for a Christmas tree in a pot

Immediately after purchase, you should not bring the plant into a warm room (room), nor should you take it outside after the holidays. Large temperature fluctuations are too much stress, which can lead to death. If you live in a private house, you should think about whether to dress up the purchased plant in front of the windows of the living room or children's room outside? At the same time, it is not necessary to plant it immediately - you can simply dig the pot deep into the snow.

After all, the plant was purchased specifically for the room; the coniferous plant should be placed on a balcony or terrace for a few days to ensure the smoothest possible temperature transition. During severe frosts, the temperature on the balcony, and especially on the terrace, is negative, so you should cover the pot with an unnecessary blanket or non-woven material. By placing the plant in this way, a weak polyp should be produced.

After 5-7 days (or later if time permits), the plant can be brought into the room. The optimal temperature for keeping it in the room is + 16...+19 ° C, which, of course, is uncomfortable for humans. Therefore, conifers usually have to put up with the +22… + 24 °C we are used to.

In an apartment or house, conifers need abundant watering and it is advisable high humidity air, for which the container can be placed on a wide platform with expanded clay poured on it. Water needs to be added there systematically. You can also put pieces of ice or snow in the pot - this is not only an additional source of moisture, but also an excellent way to cool the soil and air around the plant. Conifers react to lack of watering by dropping their needles and drying out the branches. Overwatering is also harmful: it causes root rot. Feeding is not needed, as it stimulates the growth of shoots, and our task is not to awaken the plant, but to keep it as safe and sound as possible. Young, weak, immature growth will certainly die when the plant is returned to the terrace or balcony after the holidays.

When placing a spruce tree in a room, you should not choose a place near a heat source (radiator, stove). No matter how romantic the picture of a spruce tree by the fireplace may be, not a trace of the plant’s beauty will remain next to the heat of the fire.


After purchasing from a plant, you should wash the needles, since the dust accumulated on them clogs the stomata and disrupts respiration and metabolic processes. You can wash it with a shower, having first wrapped the pot with the substrate in polyethylene so as not to over-moisten the lump.

What to do with live spruce after the New Year?

So, the holiday has died down, you admired the New Year's tree, the children played enough and danced around it...

What does the plant expect now?

As mentioned above, temperature changes are extremely undesirable, especially now, after warm room the plant “woke up”. If the size of the pot and the area of ​​the window sill allows, it is advisable to place the container by the window, where it is a little cooler than in the room itself. This is how you need to maintain the plant before planting it in the garden, providing it with timely watering. If the “spruce” has begun to grow, you can add additional light to it so that the growth is decorative and healthy.

When the plant is too large and the window sill is narrow, you can put it on an insulated balcony. But when negative temperature the tree must be insulated, and not only wrap the container well and place a layer of cardboard or insulation under it, but also throw 1-2 layers of non-woven material over the crown. In the future, it is necessary to ensure that the spring sun’s rays do not touch the New Year’s tree, otherwise under cover it may end up as if in a greenhouse: the shoots will begin to grow, and then, with daily drops in temperature, they will freeze.

Besides the harsh winters, coniferous plant Another problem awaits you on the balcony - a small volume of substrate. No matter how slow the growth rate of the plant, its roots need to develop, so it is advisable to annually transfer the coniferous plant to a new container. It should be 3-5 cm wider than the previous one.

After a few years, when the root system reaches a significant size and the container is too large, the plant will have to be planted in the garden. Conifers grown in containers require systematic feeding with complex mineral fertilizer. Feeding is carried out from April-May to the end of July. Starting from August, fertilizers containing nitrogen are eliminated.

If you plan to keep your coniferous plant on the balcony all year round, you should note that only a glazed space where the temperature does not drop below - 10 ... - 12 ° C is suitable for this purpose. And in order for the tree to survive harsher cold conditions, you will need to provide careful shelter, especially in the container. After all, coniferous shoots can be tolerated painlessly very coldy, which cannot be said about their root system.

If you do not have the opportunity to even keep a coniferous plant on the balcony, you can take it to the dacha. The pot with the green pet should be placed in a place protected from the wind as much as possible and the tree should be covered with snow to the very top.

Transplanting spruce from a pot into open ground


Before spring planting of plants in the garden, which is preferably carried out from the end of March to April, you should prepare landing hole. Its diameter should be approximately 20 - 30 cm larger than the diameter of the container. Drainage must be placed at the bottom. Soil mixture To fill the hole, it must contain turf soil, peat and sand (2:1:1).

When planting a plant, try not to disturb the earthen ball and damage the roots. You can spill or soak a lump of earth in a solution of a growth stimulator - this will help the plant adapt to new conditions and take root better. When planting, the root collar of conifers should neither be raised nor buried, it should be at the level of the soil - if the soil subsides after planting, the plant should be placed on a mound about 5-7 cm high.

If you want to decorate the same coniferous plant in your house for more than one year, then it will be most convenient to transplant it into a larger diameter container, which you then dig into the garden, and with the onset of winter, remove it from the ground and transport it to your apartment or balcony.

Finally, the second half of May has arrived. And if you notice that the buds on the New Year's tree are swollen, you can be congratulated: attention and care helped the plant stay alive and healthy.

Caring for a New Year's tree in a pot - questions and answers, advice from readers

IN Lately Before the New Year, trade began to offer small live Christmas trees in containers. This makes it possible to save the tree’s life by planting it in the country or in the city near the house. But how to make such a Christmas tree take root? Please advise!

Alexander Danilovich STARIKOV, Moscow region, Zelenograd

Indeed, there is a certain danger that during the New Year and Christmas holidays, living trees located in an unusual environment (living quarters) may not withstand such conditions. However, if you follow certain rules, it is quite possible to keep the Christmas tree alive through all the vicissitudes of the festivities. However, a New Year's tree can be pine, thuja, or juniper.

Choosing a tree

It is worth noting that there are two options for selling New Year trees - grown in containers and dug out of the ground. The former, of course, will be more hardy and, most likely, will survive forced stay indoors well. If the plants were dug up and planted in pots shortly before sale, damage to the root system is quite possible, which casts doubt on their adaptation after transplantation into the pound.

You can determine whether a plant is really grown in a container like this: try to remove it a little (4-5 cm) from the container and carefully examine the roots. They should densely braid the lump, and at the very edge they should have a yellowish color.

In dug up trees, the root system will most likely separate from the earth clod, since it has not had time to “grow into it.” It is best to avoid purchasing such plants.

Health check

While the tree gets from the place of cultivation to the counter, a certain time usually passes. And it could have been in the store itself for a relatively long time. And it is quite possible that the plant did not receive proper care. To find out whether the seedling has received watering, you should knock on the container: the duller the sound, the more dry the soil ball is. You can also stick your index finger into the soil to control the moisture content. Overdried plants should also be discarded; it is quite possible that they are already dead. After all, the needles on conifers do not fall off immediately after the plants die.

But even if the humidity is okay, inspect the plant and touch the needles. Damaged bark, dried twigs, yellowed and dry needles can be alarming. It should be green and elastic.

Rules for green "guests"

Since the home environment is unfavorable for conifers, we must try to keep their stay indoors as short as possible. At least, you shouldn’t keep the plants warm for more than two weeks.

For the same reason, it is best to place green “guests” away from heating radiators and other heat sources, and ventilate the room from time to time. You should also try to increase air humidity using special humidifiers. You can periodically spray water from a spray bottle.

The soil in which the tree grows must be watered daily. At the slightest yellowing of the crown, the plant should first be taken to a cooler room, where it should remain for a day or two, and then outside. The same thing - with gradual adaptation to the cold - must be done when the time comes to plant the plant in open ground. This can be done with a lump of earth in winter - the planting hole must be filled with a mixture of earth and peat. An agronomist answered a reader's question


New Year- a family holiday and kind, and somehow this kindness does not fit in with the fact that from the first of the month until the end of the New Year holidays, the number of used-up spruce trees in the city’s landfills increases like an avalanche. At this time, hundreds of thousands of young trees are destroyed as a tribute to tradition.

An artificial spruce is beautiful, but there is absolutely no romance, so many reluctantly choose living, but already cut down spruce trees.

But there is a way out of the situation - you need to buy a live spruce in a pot and grow it at home. All you will need to do is bring the spruce in from the street on New Year’s Eve, decorate it and then take it out into the cold again.

Spruce cannot be kept in the house for a long time, she reacts negatively to dry and hot air, and the soil in the pot dries out very quickly, so you need to be careful and careful.

When choosing a live spruce in a pot, give preference natural trees devoid of unnecessary decorations such as sparkles, artificial snow and the like. This may hide some kind of plant defect.

The most common - this is a transplant of spruce from open ground into a pot a few weeks or even days before the New Year. Alas, such a spruce is akin to a cut one - the likelihood that it will continue to grow in a pot is negligible. Usually, after ten days or even faster, after you bring it into the house, such spruce trees will actively begin to shed needles, and the remaining ones will begin to turn yellow.

In addition to decorated fir trees, you should not take those that are simply dug up with a clod of earth and wrapped in burlap. You can purchase such spruces only if you are going to plant them on your site, but they will no longer grow in a pot.

The best option is to purchase spruce from specialized nurseries with a good reputation and be prepared for a serious price for such a tree. Such a spruce will not only effectively decorate the room, but will also improve the health of the air in the house, fill it with the New Year's aroma and lift your spirits.

After you purchase and bring the spruce home, be sure to place it in the brightest and preferably cool place possible, then humidify the air in the room, water the soil in the pot and spray the needles with water.

If the air in the house is dry, then you need to place a bucket or bowl of water next to the spruce so that it, as it evaporates, maintains air humidity at an optimal level, at least near the tree.

If funds allow, you can buy an electric humidifier.

But even under these conditions, you need to spray the needles with water from a spray bottle at least once every couple of days and preferably use melt water (snow, ice) and always at room temperature.

You need to water the soil in the pot as it dries, avoiding waterlogging or drying out of the soil, and also use melt water.

As the spruce tree grows at home, its needles may still begin to turn yellow, and this manifests itself gradually from the very tips of the needles - this indicates that there is too little moisture in the soil or air, and its deficiency will urgently need to be eliminated.

When the Christmas tree has already fulfilled its New Year's role, you will need to remove all the decorations from it and place it in the yard or on the balcony, where the temperature will not be higher than +6 degrees. When placing a spruce tree on the balcony, you also need to periodically water the soil in the pot, but when you put it outside, the spruce tree needs to be covered with snow as well as possible so that the roots in the pot do not freeze.

IN spring time spruce must be protected from exposure to direct sunlight, otherwise the needles from sunburn may also begin to turn yellow and fall off.

If you wish, you can transplant the spruce with a lump of earth into the garden, but then keep in mind that it is better not to replant it back into the pot, because the spruce is very afraid of transplantation.

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  • If we talk about house plants that fit perfectly into the interior of any apartment and delight the eye with delicate greenery, then, first of all, it is worth mentioning asparagus.

    This fluffy Christmas tree with long hanging stems looks great both on the windowsill and in a flower pot on the wall. Asparagus is also suitable for equipping recently fashionable phytowalls.

    Origin of the curiosity

    There are more than 200 types of asparagus, but as an indoor decorative flower Only a few of them are grown. This plant is essentially an asparagus, although it sometimes resembles a fern.

    The shoots of some types of asparagus are even edible, just like regular asparagus growing in the garden.

    Asparagus – perennial with long branches resembling vines. Its leaves take the form of shoots called cladodes.

    It is these needle-shaped formations that give it such an attractive decorative appearance and make it look like an unusual Christmas tree with soft needles.

    This plant blooms with small, inconspicuous, although pleasant-smelling flowers. But small bright red or dark blue berries look original in the greenery of asparagus and decorate it very much.

    Asparagus is native to the subtropical forests of the Mediterranean, Asia and South Africa. Therefore, the plant is thermophilic and does not do well with a lack of moisture.

    True, some of its species can easily overwinter in the open ground in a fairly cool climate.

    For every most sophisticated taste

    Despite the variety of species of this plant, only a few are grown at home.

    The most popular varieties of asparagus include the following:

    1. Pinnate has the appearance of a branching shrub and is more similar to a fern than all other varieties. It has thin branches, sometimes more than a meter long, and black and blue poisonous fruits. Although at home it blooms, which means it rarely bears fruit. Of all plant species, this is the most shade-loving; it can even grow completely in artificial lighting. But still, in winter it is better to move the plant closer to the window.
    2. Dense-flowered or asparagus Sprenger very impressive beautiful plant with small leaves-needles. Its long branches descend like vines, so it is better to plant it in a flowerpot. This species bears fruit; its bright red berries look original in the dense greenery. It is one of the most heat-loving species of indoor asparagus and does not tolerate temperatures below 15˚.
    3. Ethiopian (Meyer) It is less common among amateur gardeners than the first two species, although its long fluffy stems look very elegant. The fact is that this species is demanding on temperature conditions and does not tolerate temperatures below +12˚ and above +18˚. Therefore, it is grown more often in winter gardens, greenhouses and glassed-in loggias.
    4. Crescent native to the mountain forests of India. It is not even a shrub, but rather a fast-growing vine that can reach 6 meters in length. It is called so because its leaves (cladodes) are crescent-shaped. This species is quite unpretentious and does not tolerate hot temperatures well. Sun rays and too cold temperature.

    In the photo, sickle-shaped asparagus

    This is what pinnate asparagus is like - a selection of photographs of the handsome man:

    First acquaintance - first mistakes

    Asparagus is a fairly popular indoor plant, which is not surprising. Its delicate fluffy greenery can charm even a person who is not too keen on floriculture.

    Although this plant is not too capricious, if you want to get one, you should still pay attention to a number of important points:

    1. Selecting a location. Decorative asparagus is a light-loving flower, so you need to choose a well-lit place. But, at the same time, bright sun is harmful for many species. If the window of the room in which you plan to place the asparagus faces south, then the window sill is not suitable for the plant. It should be placed at a distance, for example, in a flowerpot on the wall adjacent to the window.
    2. Optimal temperature. On the one hand, as a plant of the subtropical zone, asparagus (at least most of its species) does not tolerate cold well. However, he also does not like heat, especially if the air in the apartment is dry. Therefore, the plant must be protected from drafts and placed away from heating devices. The optimal temperature for this plant is 15-20 degrees.
    3. Soil Features. In order for asparagus to be comfortable and always delight the eye with fresh and juicy greens, the soil for it should not be too acidic, loose and 2/3 consist of sand and humus. It’s also good to add a little bone meal to it.

    What you need to know about planting a plant

    If the plant has just been brought from the store, then you should not immediately replant it in a new bowl. Firstly, asparagus must adapt a little to new conditions. Secondly, you should water it well to soften the soil.

    Features of care

    Asparagus is not considered a capricious plant that requires any specific methods of growing at home and care.

    But, nevertheless, some of its features should be taken into account:

    • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
    • observe the temperature regime so that the flower does not suffer from either cold or heat;
    • like any tropical plant, it loves moisture, so it should be watered often, especially in summer, and sprayed;
    • the soil needs to be loosened from time to time;
    • drying branches should be pruned, this stimulates the growth of new greenery;
    • Once every two weeks it is recommended to apply fertilizers, both mineral and organic.

    The beauty blooms and smells

    Seasonal features of cultivation

    Caring for asparagus in summer and in the cold season differs, since winter for almost any plant is a time of rest.

    Summer time

    In summer, watering should be as abundant as possible - twice a week. It’s okay if water accumulates in the pan.

    Of course, the plant cannot be flooded, as this will cause rotting of the roots. In summer, it is also recommended to spray the flower once a week, this also helps to humidify the air.

    If the room is sunny, or the windows face south, then you need to take care of shading the asparagus. It's better to move it to summer time away from the sun.

    In the warm season, plants can be placed on a balcony or open loggia, but only if there is shade there.

    Asparagus pinnate

    Features of winter care

    Winter is a dormant period for flowers, and watering should be reduced to once a week, preventing the soil from drying out. In February, when young shoots begin to appear on the asparagus, watering can be increased.

    At this time, the main danger to the plant is from heating devices, and in winter it is necessary to place the flower away from them.

    Spring is transplant time

    Since asparagus grows quickly, it is recommended to replant young plants once a year, and older ones after 2 or 3 years.

    To do this, choose a more spacious pot and fill it with fresh soil mixture. During transplantation, you should carefully examine the roots of the flower and cut off any diseased or rotten ones.

    When replanting, it is recommended to divide heavily overgrown plants and place them in different pots.

    Meyer's asparagus

    Why does he get sick and die?

    The causes of flower disease are the same as for most indoor plants: overwatering or insufficient watering and pests.

    The most dangerous spider mite for domestic asparagus is a real problem for many gardeners.

    It's too small to notice right away and difficult to get rid of. Moreover, spraying with substances that kill the pest can destroy the plant itself.

    However, it should be remembered that the danger of asparagus damage spider mite increases in dry air, so spraying is a good preventative measure.

    How can you propagate a plant?

    Propagation of asparagus is possible both by seeds and cuttings.

    The seeds sprouted

    Seeds are usually sown in the spring, when the plant begins to grow rapidly. For this they do soil mixture from peat with sand.

    Before the first shoots appear, it is better to keep the box with the sown seeds in a dark and fairly warm place. When the seeds sprout, you need to transfer the seedlings to light, but not to the sun. As soon as the plants grow, they are transplanted into separate pots.

    At home, asparagus is often propagated by cuttings, separating them from the general bush when transplanting in the spring. Young shoots from last year are better suited for this.

    In order for the plants to take root well and take root, it is necessary to cover them with glass, such as a jar, for the first time. After 2-3 months, the seedlings will take root and can be opened.

    If these simple requirements for caring for asparagus are followed, the flower will live for at least 10 years and will decorate the house with its delicate delicate greenery and delight its owners.

    Horrifying pictures of half-cut down coniferous forests make you think. Is the two-week presence of a Christmas tree in the house worth such sacrifices? It’s even sadder to see the picture after the New Year, when discarded former “green beauties” are everywhere. There is an alternative option to purchase a live Christmas tree. She will delight you with her appearance even after the winter holidays are over. No, this is not an artificial tree, but a decorative spruce in a pot. Caring for it is a little more difficult, but in the end you will get a real beauty in your garden.

    Spruce in a tub is a great way to slow down the deforestation of coniferous forests. In addition, a felled tree ceases to smell fragrant after a couple of days, and crumbling needles continually dig into the heels. The same cannot be said about the planted spruce. Decorative species amaze with their diversity; even the most sophisticated gourmet will be able to choose a plant to their liking.

    If you decide to buy a Christmas tree and plant it yourself, pay attention to its root system. Its condition will become a harbinger of the plant’s lifespan. Conifers have a predominantly deep root system. If, due to its length, the tree does not fit into the pot, find a larger container or plant it in open ground. Do not under any circumstances shorten the root of the plant, otherwise it will not live longer than a felled spruce. Decorative dwarf beauty has a more compact root system. Therefore, this species is excellent for growing in a pot.

    When buying an already planted Christmas tree, keep in mind that in a cramped container the roots of the plant form quite tightly. Having chosen a suitable tree, do not rush to pay. Ask the seller to remove it from the pot to show the root. There are unscrupulous traders who cut off the offending part and sell the plant. We wrote above what will happen to such a tree.

    On the eve of the New Year holidays, it's time to go for the symbol of the New Year. But what to do after buying a spruce? A description of the tree will help you learn the features of growing and caring for this plant.

    Conifers grow quite slowly, so they can stay in a tub for several years. To do this, you need to properly maintain the spruce in the pot. How to care for such a plant is described below.

    A spruce tree in a pot should be watered at least 3 times a week, the best option is every other day. To do this, use 2-3 liters of water. Carefully ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out, which can happen if the air in the apartment is dry.

    Remember that a decorative spruce tree in a pot cannot remain in a heated room for more than two weeks. Caring for it indoors is simple: regular watering and high humidity. After the New Year holidays, send the winter beauty to the balcony or other cool but well-lit place. A sudden change in temperature can harm the plant, so it must be hardened off first. To do this, leave the tree for several nights in a room where it is about 7 degrees below zero. To prevent the root system from freezing, insulate the pot. Use hay, straw and other materials.

    To improve tree growth and condition, replant the plant every 2-3 years. Choose a pot that is a few centimeters wider than the previous one.

    Spruce, like all plants, requires regular watering, which stops with the onset of real frost. In spring, it is recommended to fertilize the soil and feed the tree with complex mineral fertilizer, which is applied along with water.

    This question arises for everyone who sets out to grow a spruce in a pot: “How to care for the plant so that it takes on a beautiful shape?” The answer is simpler than it seems. To get a lush tree with a symmetrical shape, it is necessary to regularly carry out formative pruning. This procedure is carried out in early spring in dry weather, when the plant has not yet entered the active growth phase. When pruning, stick to the natural shape of the crown and only trim long, bare branches. This will encourage branching and you will get a beautiful, lush tree. You need to cut the branch immediately after the joint from which new branches will come.

    Important! You should not prune a weak or diseased tree, as after the procedure it may not recover and will begin to dry out. Shorten the branches only to the green needles, since the woody part does not produce new shoots.

    After the tree has successfully wintered, it can be transplanted into the garden. The best time for transplantation is spring. To do this, prepare a hole that will be slightly larger than the pot. Before planting, you need to fertilize the soil, so put compost at the bottom. Remove the tree from the pot and plant it in the hole. Then water thoroughly.

    In addition to Christmas trees, others are also grown in pots. coniferous trees: pine, fir, holly, sciadopitis and others. These trees reach small sizes and grow very slowly, which is a good substitute if you are not satisfied with a decorative spruce in a pot. Caring for pine or fir is the same as caring for a Christmas tree. The only difference is that pine can withstand quite severe frosts if the tree is hardened first.

    Maxwellii. The height of such a plant does not exceed one meter. It has thick needles and tolerates frost well.

    Nidiformis. The height of the plant is no more than 1 m, the width is 2 m. The crown has the shape of a nest. Frost-resistant, does not tolerate excess moisture.

    Tompa. Height 1 m, width - 1.5 m. The crown has a cone shape. The tree grows very slowly, but has thick and lush needles.

    Glauca Globosa. The height does not exceed one and a half meters. The needles are bluish in color, frost-resistant and unpretentious.

    Montgomery. The height of this spruce is about two meters. Tolerates drought, frost and pruning well. Spruce has an unusual color. Bluish needles are at the tips of the branches, greener ones are closer to the trunk.

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