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» Asbestos cement sheets (slate). Flat asbestos-cement sheets Construction floors with asbestos-cement sheets

Asbestos cement sheets (slate). Flat asbestos-cement sheets Construction floors with asbestos-cement sheets

Asbestos cement sheet, better known as slate, has not lost its glory as a unique building material for many decades, being successfully used in modern construction.

Application area

Slate sheets today are made in two versions - wave and flat.

But if the profile corrugated sheet is used only as roofing, then flat finds much wider application.

It is used in the construction of residential buildings, as well as administrative and industrial facilities. In this case, a flat asbestos-cement sheet is used as permanent foundation formwork, used for the construction of unloaded partitions in a building, as one of the components of the pie flat roof, dry screeds for floors or as fencing for balconies and loggias.

In the production of sandwich panels, slate is a facing component.

IN agriculture it is used for the construction of fences, livestock pens, and cages in poultry farms.

Types of asbestos cement sheets

Slate is a mixture containing asbestos fiber, Portland cement and water. Distributed evenly throughout the total mass of the composition, it is asbestos that creates a reinforcing base, giving the sheets tensile strength.

Depending on the production technology, asbestos cement sheets are produced unpressed and pressed. The pressing method makes it possible to significantly improve its performance characteristics, thereby increasing strength and reducing porosity.

Since unpressed slate has lower strength and a 2 times shorter thaw-freeze cycle than its pressed counterpart, it is used only inside buildings.

Both types of slate have a low price, and unpressed asbestos cement sheet is much cheaper.

Advantages and disadvantages

This construction material It is no coincidence that it is in great demand. It is distinguished by high technical characteristics, the main of which are:

  • frost resistance and the ability to tolerate temperature changes well;
  • no deformation when heated;
  • high strength;
  • good sound insulation;
  • indifference to ultraviolet radiation;
  • high fire safety;
  • the ability not to accumulate or shield electromagnetic fields;
  • high anti-corrosion properties;
  • resistance to rot and mold;
  • ease of processing and ease of installation;
  • durability.

All types of slate have such properties. Along with this, flat pressed asbestos cement sheet has even better qualities:

  • twice the ability to withstand temperature changes;
  • higher safety margin;
  • very low porosity.

Thanks to the latter property, its water absorption is reduced, and the sheet successfully resists the appearance of moss on its surface.

The durability of 30 years, which is inherent in unpressed slate, increases to 40–45 years.

One of the main disadvantages is the relative fragility of the sheets, which requires increased attention during transportation and installation.

In addition, these include:

  • the heaviness of the sheets, which makes it impossible to lay them alone;
  • need for processing cutting tools cover the sections with special compounds;
  • the tendency (over time) for moss to appear.

Necessary protection

To increase service life and preservation performance characteristics All types of slate require additional painting. Thanks to this, over time, the sheets practically do not collapse, the release of asbestos particles into the air is reduced, the level of water absorption is reduced, which increases frost resistance, and also creates a barrier to the growth of lichens and mosses.

Asbestos cement sheet (slate) is treated with special acrylic paints. They not only create on its surface protective film, due to which the service life increases by 2 times, but also gives it an aesthetic appearance.

Installation features

Before you start laying slate on the roof or cladding walls, you need to purchase a respirator. It will prevent dust that is generated when cutting sheets from entering the respiratory tract.

You should also know that all sections must be immediately treated with acrylic paint.

Before installation, asbestos-cement sheets are inspected, sorting out broken ones and those that have chips.

Nails used to fasten sheets must be equipped with a galvanized head and a rubber washer. You can't kill them right away. First, you need to drill holes in the slate for them, and then carefully use a hammer to begin the fastening process.

During installation, in order not to damage the sheets, you should not walk on them. To move, you must use special ladders or walkways.

The roofing materials market is expanding every year. Various variations of existing and new materials appear on it. But there is one product that has remained unchanged for decades. We are talking about slate.

The wavy version of asbestos-cement sheets has become widespread, but flat sheets are also very popular. What are the advantages of such a material? This will be discussed in the article.

Features of the material

Flat asbestos-cement sheets have found application not only as roofing material. The material is used for fencing areas, as well as for wall cladding. The method of application is due to the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to chemical and biological influences;
  • sufficient strength;
  • fire resistance;
  • ease of installation.

A sheet of flat slate with an area of ​​1.5 square meter and 1 cm thick will cost its owner about 350 rubles. This is a relatively low price. If we analyze the price range for corrugated sheets and metal tiles, then a project made from flat slate will cost half as much.

The service life of flat asbestos-cement sheets is practically unlimited when proper care. It is not susceptible to chemical and biological substances. Bacteria are not able to disrupt its structure, so it has been used for 30 years or more.

Asbestos-cement sheets do not ignite from open fire and do not smolder, so this material can be considered fireproof. The only problem is that open fire can cause the sheets to burst. But this does not prevent them from being used as an insulator for heating devices or chimneys. A high-quality asbestos cement sheet, which is 1 cm thick, can easily support one person.

It means that renovation work on the roof will not lead to damage. To install the sheets in the intended place, ordinary tools that are found in every home are enough. In the illustration above you can estimate the dimensions of asbestos cement sheets. The lineup quite wide, which makes it universal material. In addition, it is possible to choose a thickness of up to 30 mm.

Note! When laying slate on a surface, it is better to make calculations in such a way that there is no need to trim.

It is during pruning that most leaf damage occurs. It is better to purchase several smaller elements. A significant disadvantage of such slate is the possibility of damage. This happens during installation. It is almost impossible to carry out installation alone, since the weight of one element can reach 30 kg. Raising such an element on your own is quite problematic, and for the roof you will need more than one of them.

Another significant disadvantage is the health hazards of asbestos. Asbestos dust can not only cause allergic reaction, but also, according to some scientists, the development of cancer. Dust itself does not appear, but is formed only during the processing of products. It is quite easy to protect yourself from it by wearing a respirator on your face.

Types of material

The share of asbestos in the finished roofing material is only 18%. Its role is to increase strength and resistance to mechanical impact. In addition to the division into flat and wave slate, there are two more groups of flat elements:

  • without pressing;
  • pressed.

Slate without pressing is inferior in service life to the second option. The difference lies in the manufacturing process. Unpressed slate can only survive 25 freeze-thaw cycles. Its strength is lower than that of pressed material. This is explained by the stability, which is equal to 18 mPa. The density of this type of slate has a coefficient of 1.6 g/cm 3 . Strength to mechanical stress is at the level of 2 kJ/m 2.

The second type of slate has become more widespread than the first in private construction. It is obtained by applying high pressure from a press. Specifications in some respects they are superior to the previous version. For example, the density is increased to 1.8 g/cm 3 , and the impact strength is also higher, which is at the level of 2.5 2 kJ/m 2 . The service life is increased due to less porosity, which increases the number of freezing and thawing cycles to 50. Once this limit is reached, the strength is reduced by 60%.

Areas of use

Using slate as roofing material you won't surprise anyone. This also applies to cases where asbestos-cement sheets are used for fences. But in the countryside, the scope of application of slate is wider. For example, sheets are perfect for building various kinds of flower beds.

Thanks to the slate, a container is created into which the soil is poured. The increased surface level prevents freezing and also allows you to properly organize the space inside the greenhouse. In some cases, the landing site various plants make it terraced. In this case, asbestos-cement slate acts as holding supports for the soil.

Slate is also indispensable in construction activities. If there are scraps left after laying the material on the roof, they can be used as formwork for pouring a small foundation or border. Flat slate also comes into play. For example, it is an excellent filler for the construction of rubble-filled foundations.

Sheets with high density and thickness are used for arranging garden paths. In this case, a bedding is made for compaction in the form of a gravel and sand cushion, on which cut slate is laid. A video about decorating a house with sheets of flat slate is below.


The standard solution for roofing is pressed asbestos-cement sheets with a thickness of 8 mm or 1 cm. The strength of these elements is sufficient for installation on the roof. It is possible to use slate with a greater thickness, but this is not justified from the point of view of the costs that go towards the purchase of slate, as well as on reinforcing the sheathing, since it must withstand heavy loads.

For construction rafter system boards with a section of 10 by 15 cm are used. Their strength is sufficient for the total weight of the roof made of asbestos-cement sheets. Maximum distance between rafter legs should not exceed one meter. The lathing must also have good strength, so bars with a cross-section of 5 cm are used.

Advice! Before installing the sheathing and rafter system, it is necessary to treat all elements with an antiseptic and fire retardants that prevent burning.

Before the laying of flat slate sheets begins, the roof is waterproofed. To do this, a vapor barrier is fixed to the rafters with a stapler. It needs to be positioned right side so that moisture does not accumulate under it. A sheathing is mounted on top of the vapor barrier, to which it is nailed flat slate. Asbestos-cement elements are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. This is done in order to cover the seams of the previous row. This is the only way to achieve good insulation. Each subsequent row is laid overlapping the first.

Fixation to the sheathing slats is not done with nails, as with the classic wave slate, but with the help of roofing screws. They are galvanized fasteners and are also made from of stainless steel. A rubber washer is placed between the fastener head and the slate sheet to seal the hole. Before screwing the self-tapping screw into the sheet, a hole is drilled, which should not be closer than seven centimeters near the edge.

After laying the asbestos-cement slate flooring, additional waterproofing is performed, which also extends the service life of the elements. Finishing consists of painting the surface special paint. To prevent the composition from peeling off, the surface is coated with a primer.

Asbestos cement sheets, price which are well established in the market, very decent material, tested by time and practice of use in construction. Flat pressed asbestos cement sheet produced for coatings various surfaces. Aceid sheets provide effective fire protection premises. They are very popular in the electrical industry due to their fire-resistant composition. Flat slate, price which is acceptable, due to its enormous popularity, is used for arranging the walls of the for various purposes, partitions and barriers.

Characteristics of asbestos cement and its main disadvantages

Flat asbestos cement sheet manufactured by creating a two-component composite. Fluffed asbestos combines with cement mortar and is formed layer by layer to a certain sheet thickness. The mixture is then pressed, dried and packaged for the consumer. The material and the technology itself are simple, economically justified, the products are beneficial in the construction industry, decorative design various surfaces.

Basic technical specifications asbestos cement products are as follows:

  • physical density of the material – 1800-2000 kg/m3;
  • water absorption per day – up to 20%;
  • frost resistance of products – up to 50 cycles (low);
  • geometric thicknesses in products – 6-10 mm;
  • bending strength – products are fragile;
  • The material is non-flammable and has good installation properties.

One of the most common in construction is flat asbestos cement sheet 10 mm. It is used for cladding various designs, when installing fences. Asbestos cement sheets, thickness which allows their use in composite structures of walls and partitions; they are very popular in the installation of prefabricated buildings and structures for industrial purposes.

The biggest disadvantage of asbestos cement is its non-compliance with environmental safety standards. Medicine has established that asbestos dust is harmful to humans. Therefore, the future of asbestos as a building component is bleak.

Introducing GLASS CEM panels!

Today in construction there is a material that successfully replaces asbestos cement - this is GLASS CEM. These panels are manufactured using a new vibration rolling technology, which makes their structure dense and hard. Front surface turns out smooth and even, which allows them to be used for any solutions where asbestos-cement sheets are used. The use of fiberglass mesh and mineral fillers gives the products strength, flexibility and durability.

We produce panels measuring 1200 x 2400 mm, thickness from 4 to 40 mm

  • It contains only environmentally friendly mineral materials: fractionated sand, granulated foam glass, expanded clay and alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh. All materials are hypoallergenic and do not have any effect on the human body.
  • Thanks to production technology, front side absolutely smooth, which means there is no need to carry out any leveling work before finishing.
  • Glass sheets do not delaminate, do not swell or deform even after prolonged exposure to damp room. Therefore, they can be used to finish swimming pools, saunas and basements.
  • Biostability. The surface of the canvas is resistant to fungi and mold, as well as acids and alkalis.
  • Strength. The material is not afraid of any mechanical stress.
  • Easy to install. The sheets are easy to work with, they are cut and do not crumble, and also do not crack during installation.
  • Ease. Compared to fiber cement boards, GLASS GLASS sheets are lighter.
  • Fire resistance and frost resistance. The material is 100% fire-resistant class NG1, KM0 and resists high and low temperatures.

A big advantage over asbestos cement sheet is the characteristics of GLASS Cement.
If we're talking about about the use of material for external works, durability and unwillingness to do major renovation after 5-10 years, then, undoubtedly, it is worth choosing GLASS CLASS.

Receive a Brochure describing and using GLASS CEM

The technical characteristics of the STEKLOTSEM panel are higher than flat asbestos cement sheet, price which is lower. Time moves inexorably forward, and with it new materials with new properties are born. Inferior to STEKLOTSEM in all respects and slate sheet, price which is one of the most attractive. Below are the characteristics of STEKLOTSEM panels:

  • density – 1400-1900 kg/m3;
  • water absorption – up to 4%;
  • bending
  • frost resistance – 150-300 cycles;
  • geometric material thickness – 4.0-40 mm;
  • strength – high;
  • non-flammable material (class NG1) KM0;
  • has good installation properties.

As you can see, almost all parameters exceed those of asbestos cement. Even according to this important indicator like fire safety, buy aceid leaf less profitable than a modern GLASS CEM panel. The benefits of using this advanced material are so obvious that before buy asbestos cement sheets, it is worth thinking carefully and weighing all the pros and cons of using this or that material. Our company will provide you with everything necessary materials high quality and in the required quantity.

Asbestos cement is a composite material. It is made from cement, asbestos and water. It has high physical and mechanical properties due to reinforcement cement stone thin asbestos fibers: high mechanical strength when bending, low density, low thermal conductivity, resistance to leaching by mineralized waters, low water resistance and high frost resistance. The disadvantages of asbestos cement are a decrease in strength when saturated with water, fragility and warping when humidity changes, and toxicity. The main raw materials for the production of asbestos-cement products are asbestos grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 (10...20% by weight), and Portland cement grades 300, 400, 500 (80...90%). In the production of colored asbestos-cement products, along with asbestos and cement, dyes are used, as well as colored varnishes, enamels and resins.

Safety and quality of slate

In order to choose high-quality slate that will last for many years, you need to know who and where produces this slate, since the quality of this material depends mainly on production conditions.

In addition, the quality of slate is significantly affected by its loading and transportation - they must be carried out in full compliance with the requirements established for this group of goods. Thus, loading and transporting slate should be as careful as possible - it is necessary to avoid hard impacts and other factors that can damage the slate.

There have been debates about the safety of asbestos-cement slate for a long time. Thus, in some European countries, asbestos-cement slate is prohibited for use, since it is recognized as a first-degree carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC - WHO).

However, it is worth noting that this same category also includes products such as gasoline, alcoholic beverages, wood dust, salted fish, tobacco, oral contraceptives, and many other substances with which a person comes into contact almost every day.

In addition, under normal conditions, the safety of slate can be increased by ordinary painting, which will prevent the spread of asbestos fibers in the air.

Slate manufacturers

Today, there are more than a dozen enterprises producing slate in Russia. These companies are located in various cities of the country, have different equipment - while some enterprises continue to use old Belarusian-made equipment, other plants have long been using modern European ones. technological lines. Naturally, in terms of quality, the latter will win.

Domestic slate of a new generation is currently produced by six out of ten plants in Russia - these are Volna Plant LLC, ACI OJSC Krasny Stroitel Plant, Sebryakovsky Asbestos Cement Products Plant OJSC, LATO OJSC, BelACI OJSC. Low price, wide range of colors and competitive consumer qualities make it especially popular, and today such slate can safely be called quality roofing for economy class.

Most of the imported slate supplies to Russia come from China. Chinese slate is characterized by good quality, but in terms of its consumer characteristics it is often inferior to its domestic counterparts, and higher in price.

Classification of asbestos-cement products

In shape - flat and profiled sheets; profiled ones are divided into wavy, double curvature and curly. By purpose - roofing, walling, cladding, for elements of building structures. According to the manufacturing method - pressed and unpressed. By size - small-sized up to 2000 mm long, and large-sized 2000 mm long or more. By type of finishing of the front surface - gray, unpainted and textured. IN low-rise construction Mostly fibrous asbestos-cement sheets are used.

Corrugated asbestos-cement sheets, depending on the main dimensions and scope of application, are divided into corrugated sheets of ordinary profile VO, roofing reinforced profile VU-K, wall VU-S and VU-5, wavy unified profile UV-6 and UV-7.5, medium-wavy SV-40, wavy periodic section.

Corrugated sheets of ordinary VO profile. Sheets are produced with a length of 1200±15 mm, a width of 686 (+10, -5), a thickness of 5.5 (+0.7, -0.2), a height of 28±2, and a wave pitch of 115±2. Sheet weight 9.8 kg. The VO sheet covers 0.6 m2 of roof area.

For ordinary corrugated sheets, ridge parts K-1 and K-2 are produced, which are intended for constructing ridges; tray L-135 - for installing valleys, corner U-90 and U-120 - for installing the transition of the roof slope to smoke and ventilation pipes. When tested, asbestos-cement sheets of ordinary profile must withstand 25 cycles of alternating freezing and thawing without any signs of destruction; must be waterproof, i.e. After 24 hours of testing, no drops of water should appear on the bottom surface of the sheets. Sheets must have a bending strength of at least 16 MPa; the average density of sheets is not less than 1.6 g/cm3. The front surface of the sheets can be painted with natural mineral or artificial pigments, such as red lead, chromium oxide, redoxide, etc. During transportation, the sheets are stacked and secured. When loading and unloading, products must not be dropped from any height.

Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets of reinforced profile VU-K have a length of 2300...2800 mm, a width of 994, a thickness of 8, a wave height of 50. The wave pitch is 167 mm. Sheet weight 36...44 kg.

Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets of a unified profile UV-6 and UV-7.5 of enlarged size have a six-wave profile, sheet width 1125 mm, length 1750...2000 mm or 2500 mm, thickness 6...7.5 mm. The designation UV-7.5-1750 indicates the thickness and length of the sheet, mm. Wave height: overlapped - 45 mm; overlapping - 54 mm. Such sheets are more industrial in production roofing works and more reliable in operation. For example, each UV sheet covers about 1.5 m2 of roof and has 2 times fewer joints compared to VO sheets. The purpose of UV type sheets depends on their characteristics. For attic roofs of residential and public buildings and structures, UV-6-1750 sheets are used; for attic roof overhangs and wall railings industrial buildings- UV-6-2000; for roofs of industrial buildings - UV-7.5-1750; for roof elements of industrial buildings and structures - UV-7.5-2000; UV-7.5-2500. Sheets of the HC type are produced in the highest and first grade (Table 10).

Table 10. Physical and mechanical properties of sheets of a unified profile

Index Standards for sheets
premium first grade
UV-6 UV-7.5 UV-6 UV-7.5
Density, g/cm 3, not less 1,7 1,75 1,65 1,7
1470 2156 1470 2156
Bending strength, MPa, not less 17,6 19,6 15,7 18,6
Impact strength, kJ/m 2, not less 1,5 1,6 1,4 1,5

Sheets and roofing parts (ridge, transition, corner, etc.) are frost-resistant - they can withstand the following number of cycles of alternating freezing and thawing: UV-6 sheets and parts - 25 cycles, UV-7.5 sheets - 50 cycles.

Medium corrugated asbestos cement sheets SV-40 are produced in lengths of 1500...2500 mm, width 1130 mm, thickness 5.8 mm, with a wave pitch of 150 mm and a wave height of 40 mm. The sheets can withstand a concentrated load from the stamp of 1500 N. The tensile strength of the samples in the direction transverse to the wave crests is not less than 16 MPa. Average density asbestos cement 1.6 g/cm3. The weight of one sheet is 22...31.7 kg, depending on the size. Useful sheet area of ​​SV-40 grade is 90% larger usable area VO brand sheet, and the consumption of asbestos cement per 1 m2 of usable area is 5...6% lower. SV-40 sheets are used for roofing residential, public and agricultural buildings.

Roof base made of asbestos cement sheets

The basis for installing a roof made of asbestos-cement materials is a wooden sheathing laid along the rafters with a slope of at least 27%. The sheathing is made of bars with a cross-section of 60x60 mm, laid at a distance of 430 mm from each other, i.e. with a pitch of 530 mm.

The bars are laid out and secured to the rafters with nails and screws, moving from the eaves to the ridge. The roof sheathing is made in such a way that a whole number of sheets can be laid on it in both the transverse and longitudinal directions. Sometimes this is impossible, then edged sheets are inserted into the roof. The roof sheathing should not have any deflections or instability when walking on it. Check the linear dimensions of individual bars; the bars cannot be made from defective wood. Clearances are allowed no more than one per 1 m, with a width of no more than 5 mm. Noticed defects must be corrected before work on covering the roof with asbestos-cement sheets begins. To ensure that the sheets fit tightly onto the sheathing, leveling strips 3 mm high are placed under the odd-numbered bars. The accuracy of laying the purlins is checked by measuring the distances between their axes, which should be equal to the length standard sheet minus the overlap. The base of the roof for asbestos-cement tiles of the eternit type is a flooring made of boards 25 mm thick and 120 mm wide with a gap of 5 mm between them. Each tile is secured to the deck with two wide-headed galvanized nails. The bases for asbestos-cement roofing are arranged at a significant slope - 30...35% in order to avoid roof leakage. For asbestos-cement sheet roofing, this disadvantage is less pronounced.

Roofing made of asbestos cement sheets

Installation of asbestos-cement roofing. Asbestos-cement sheets are laid diagonally overlapping, from bottom to top, in rows - from left to right or from right to left. Eaves and gutters are covered with pre-prepared strips of roofing steel. In the first row of the eaves overhang, edge sheets are laid and secured with two 2.5x35 mm nails. The second and subsequent four rows begin with laying half sheets, which are reinforced with staples and nails. All subsequent odd-numbered rows begin with laying whole sheets, reinforced with two nails.

Starting from the third row, the lower corners of each sheet are secured with anti-wind buttons. Before covering the ridge and ribs, ridge bars and roofing felt tape are reinforced. The latter is laid so that snow does not blow into the attic. One of the main requirements when laying asbestos-cement sheets is to correctly lay out the mesh on the slopes with a step in the longitudinal direction - along the roof slope - 255 mm, and in the transverse direction - along the overhang - 235 mm. Sheets cannot be nailed tightly. The heads of the nails should only be in contact with the planes of the sheets. Otherwise, the sheets will crack or vibrate in windy weather. Roofing made from asbestos-cement sheets does not require special care; its durability is 25 years or more. To increase service life, it can be painted with light- and weather-resistant oil paints and colored enamels PF-115, PF-133. To obtain a silver-colored roof, add aluminum powder to the varnish XB-784 or GF-166 in an amount of 6...10% by weight of the varnish. The sheets are secured to the sheathing with nails, screws and partially anti-wind clips. The roof sheathing is made in such a way that a whole number of sheets can be laid on it in both longitudinal and transverse directions.

Roofing made of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets: a - general form; b - ridge knot; c - longitudinal overlap and fastening of sheets to the sheathing; 1 - sheathing; 2 - nail; 3 - steel washer; 4 - gasket made of roofing felt; 5 - roofing felt tape.
The junction of the slope to the wall in the longitudinal direction: 1 - sheathing block; 2 - sheet VO; 3 - nail; 4 - angle 120; 5, 6 - ridge parts; 7 - solution; 8 - mastic.

The sheets are laid in parallel rows in the direction from one gable to the other. Laying begins with the cornice row and ends with the ridge row. Finishing dormer windows and pipes is shown in the figure.

To eliminate cracks in the transverse and especially longitudinal overlaps of UV and VU sheets, sealing mastics are used, for example, thiokol sealants AM-0.5; sealing non-hardening construction; sealant UT-31. The mastic is applied with wooden spatulas to the overlapping edges of the sheets in a strip 60...70 wide with a layer thickness of 6...7 mm, after which the overlapping sheet is lightly pressed.

Repair of asbestos-cement roofing

Asbestos-cement roofing sheets have insufficient frost resistance due to the high porosity of the asbestos-cement material during operation. When surface wetted, the sheets warp, losing strength. The service life of such roofs is 10...15 years. The service life of roofs made from asbestos-cement sheets can be significantly increased if the sheets are subjected to hydrophobization before installation, which leads to the formation of a thin hydrophobic layer on the surface of the material, which prevents wetting of the surface and the penetration of water into the pores. Liquid emulsion GKZh-94, as well as aqueous solutions of GKZh-10 and GKZh-11 are used as a water repellent. To improve the quality of the protective water-repellent film, 1% aluminum stearate is added to the water repellent. Application of a water-repellent solution to asbestos-cement sheets laid in the roof should be done in dry conditions. warm time years on a cleaned surface by spraying, brushing or compressed air. The hydrophobized surface does not require further special care. The use of hydrophobization of asbestos-cement sheets makes it possible to reduce their water absorption by 3...5 times with a corresponding increase in their frost resistance. The service life of the hydrophobizing film is 5...7 years, after which repeated hydrophobization is required. If there is no mechanical damage on the roof, asbestos-cement roofing can be painted every 3...4 years oil paint liquid consistency. Sheets with cracks or chips are replaced with new ones. The damaged sheet is removed so that the adjacent one remains in place. The new sheet is laid by two roofers. One lifts the sheets that are weakened on the sides and top, and the other, having laid new leaf on the overlapped edge of the adjacent one, moves it towards the ridge. When the bottom edge of the new sheet coincides with the edge of this row, it is attached to the base. A broken or cracked tray is also replaced by two roofers.

We can all see many buildings with perfectly preserved slate roofs. It, unlike other roofing coverings, does not heat up in the sun and is able to withstand intense wind loads and the weight of a person. Slate is not a conductor of electricity, which is also important for roofing. This material is time-tested and is not going to leave the construction market.

What are asbestos cement sheets

Asbestos cement sheet, which is flat plate, is also in demand in many areas. It is made from cement and chrysotile-asbestos fibers by pressing a mixture of these components. Asbestos fibers, evenly distributed throughout the entire mass of the sheet, are a kind of reinforcing mesh that significantly improves all the characteristics of slate.

Such building slabs are easy to install and can last at least 50 years. Flat slate is characterized by high frost resistance and fire resistance. Tests show that even after 50 freezes, slate loses only 10% of its original strength.

Use of asbestos cement sheets

Asbestos cement sheets are used in a variety of building structures– in partitions, balcony railings, finishing of loggias, in ventilation shafts, V fixed formworks, installation of fences. In terms of characteristics such as sound insulation, air tightness, moisture tightness, slate is practically not inferior to modern materials, used in the manufacture of sandwich panels, as well as ventilated facades. Considering that slate has a very low cost, its popularity is understandable.

Flat slate is closest in basic indicators to cement-bonded particle boards, which are also made using cement. However, as a filler in DSP they use sawdust. Modern construction standards encourage consumers to take a more responsible approach to the issue of environmental safety. This factor is one of the reasons for the growing popularity of these materials. But it should be understood that asbestos-cement slabs and CBPB may have different characteristics.

The use of asbestos cement sheets in interior decoration

Since in cement bonded particle boards there is no asbestos, this material can be used in finishing interior spaces. But due to the presence of a certain amount of organic inclusions in the CBPB, the scope of application of these boards has to be narrowed. This is due, in particular, to the high absorbency wood materials. As a result of moistening, linear dimensions change CBPB slabs, their strength characteristics decrease.

Asbestos cement slabs practically do not change their geometric shape as a result of exposure to moisture. This material retains all its useful qualities throughout the entire service life. Although DSP is a low-flammable material, it is inferior in this indicator to asbestos-cement sheets.

If necessary, you can paint the flat slate yourself. To do this, the sheet is coated, and after it dries, the first layer of paint is applied. This layer is the main one, so it takes 2/3 of all the prepared paint. Then apply finishing layer, giving the surface a smooth and uniform appearance.m

Slate installation technology involves the use metal frame or lathing for fastening sheets. Holes are drilled for fasteners with countersinking for the caps. To fasten the asbestos cement sheet, you can use self-tapping screws with a countersunk head and a strong point, as well as screws.