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» Sprayed thermal insulation: types, technology, materials. Sprayed insulation - coziness and comfort from a can Where this material is used

Sprayed thermal insulation: types, technology, materials. Sprayed insulation - coziness and comfort from a can Where this material is used

Spray insulation - 21st century technology

Sprayed thermal insulation is becoming more and more wide application in the construction of various objects

Just a few years ago, such technology was not thought about. And today, thanks to the developments of American scientists, it is becoming more and more famous and is gradually gaining popularity not only abroad, but in Russian regions.

Spraying with polyurethane foam has a number of significant advantages over other types of thermal insulation, the main ones being the performance of the following functions:

  • insulation;
  • waterproofing and protection of metals from corrosion;
  • high adhesion of sprayed polyurethane foams to any surfaces;
  • the speed of installation of insulation on the enclosing structures of large areas (including curvilinear outlines);
  • lack of mounting joints.

More and more professional specialists appear who, working in cooperation with manufacturing companies, successfully provide services for the application of PPU spraying technologies, taking into account the specific features of specific objects. Increasingly, spraying technology is being used when insulating cottages, as well as garages, warehouses, hangars, cold rooms etc.

Today, spraying with polyurethane foam insulates a lot in construction - from the foundation and walls to the roof.

Is it possible to spray thermal insulation with your own hands and what is the price of the issue

Spraying with polyurethane foam requires professionalism and sufficient qualifications of the contractor

Sprayed thermal insulation PPU (polyurethane foam) is applied to the most different surfaces, not excluding complex reliefs, and this becomes possible due to the exceptionally high adhesion of the material. For the same reason, usually the terms of preparatory work for the application of polyurethane foam insulation are minimal. The terms of spraying using American technology with Ecothermix polyurethane foam are impressive - vast areas are processed many times faster than other alternative materials are mounted.

Spraying is carried out on a special professional equipment high pressure. Therefore, it hardly makes sense to take it on yourself, there are some very important subtleties in business, and, like any technology, sprayed thermal insulation requires strict adherence, professionalism and appropriate qualifications.

For a shift, a team of workers is able to apply up to 350-400 sq.m. PPU thermal insulation with a thickness of 10-12 cm. Compared with the installation of insulation, for example, from mineral wool, the spraying is 5-7 times faster. Hence significant savings on the work of the contractor. Installation of sprayed thermal insulation takes not weeks, but several days.

Reviews of sprayed heaters

Due to its effectiveness, the insulation of the loggia by spraying is gaining popularity.

They insulated with the help of PPU spraying one small, but important object: the owners wanted to add a loggia to usable area rooms. It's been a year since everything was completed. what reviews do we have: thermal insulation is at a height, condensation does not form on insulated surfaces. In general, it was worth it, says the owner of the apartment, Svetlana Mikhailova. Although it was not cheap. As for quality, the majority of those interviewed by us are sure that in this case, as in many other construction cases, a lot depends on the qualifications of those who perform the polyurethane spraying operation.

pay attention to important nuance: the sprayed substance in the process of work will settle literally on all open objects. And then it will be very problematic to tear it off. So take care in advance about the safety of what should not be subject to application.

Service life of polyurethane foam

The service life of polyurethane foam is more than 30 years

Operational terms various materials determine their resistance to the so-called aging, i.e. the ability to maintain the declared qualities during operation at the level of the relevant requirements.
Tests of polyurethane foams were carried out in various climatic regions: moderately cold, hot dry, cold, frosty, hot humid. The results of these tests showed that the change in the controlled properties of polyurethane foam is small and remains at an acceptable level.
Special studies have been carried out to predict the thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam for 100 years. They show that the upper limit of applicability is limited mainly by the completion of gas exchange in the cells, i.e. diffusion of air through thin cellular layers. The change in the coefficient of thermal conductivity for this period amounted to about 30%, i.e. 0.3% per year of operation on average. It was found that this indicator for polyurethane foam is lower than that of other known thermal insulation materials used today in construction.
This means that polyurethane foam retains its thermal insulation properties longer than other materials.
Long-term UV irradiation of unprotected polyurethane foams in joints, corresponding to a half-century period of operation, does not significantly affect the physical and mechanical properties of the material at depths of 10 mm or more from the surface.
Long-term exposure to variable temperatures and cyclic deformation, corresponding to forty years of operation, shows that polyurethane foams do not paint, do not form cracks, and there are no other violations of the macrostructure.

Thus, polyurethane foam has a high durability of operation. Its service life is more than 30 years with the preservation of most of the declared properties.

Eco-friendly sprayed thermal insulation ecothermix

Ecothermix - perhaps the most environmentally friendly of all spray materials

Ecothermix is ​​a sprayable thermal insulation material with an open-porous structure, high thermal insulation properties at a relatively low density of 9-12 kg / m3, this material is based on vegetable soybean oils, foamed in a special way on water based. Sprayed Ecothermix is ​​good because it does not contain harmful substances, chemical substances that deplete the ozone layer, and also it does not contain freon and formaldehyde.

Ecothermix is ​​considered a 100% environmentally friendly ("green") building material.
The scope of ecothermix is ​​now constantly expanding: it is used for internal and external seamless insulation, as well as for soundproofing various construction projects, including residential, public, industrial, commercial and warehouse buildings, in particular, roofs, walls, various partitions, floors, ceilings . Increasingly, the material is used in frame housing construction, and also finds application for thermal insulation of refrigerators, containers, tanks, and transport facilities.


We invite you to watch two videos.

One video shows modern Possibilities of sprayed thermal insulation technology.

The second will be of interest to those who want to learn more about equipment for spraying polyurethane foam on the example of Ecotermix.

The process of building insulation is constantly being improved and is accompanied by the introduction of more efficient technologies and promising materials. And now another category of heaters, sprayed onto the surface of the area to be insulated, has firmly taken a leading position in the choice of thermal insulators.

Advantages of sprayed insulation

This insulating material has a number of priority advantages, successfully competing with any roll and plate thermal insulators. A feature of the sprayed insulation is the simplicity of the insulation process. For this purpose, a balloon installation is used with high pressure, through which two structural components are sprayed, when combined, they form a polyurethane foam.

The similarity of such material, probably, was seen by many, using polyurethane foam for insulation. window openings. Sprayed insulation for walls looks similar.

The sprayed insulation has enough a light weight and can be applied with a layer of any thickness to the surface of any material without consequences. At the same time, sprayed heaters are also known for their technological parameters, which ensure the practicality of use:

  • The highest thermal conductivity index is noted for these materials, and is about 0.020-0.028 W / mS. In more modern heaters, this figure is even lower - 0.017 W / mS
  • Excellent sound insulation performance. This category of insulators successfully neutralizes even impact noise, providing silence in the room when building tools are working.
  • Vapor permeability of sprayed heat insulators allows absorbing moisture without creating comfortable conditions for condensation
  • The use of this material allows you to insulate even hard-to-reach places due to its texture
  • The adhesion parameters inherent in this thermal insulation material make it possible to insulate surfaces made of any materials

Warning. Even with all positive feedback about the adhesion of the sprayed materials, their preliminary preparation should not be neglected. Smooth, oily, and surfaces made of polyethylene and other materials can poorly adhere to the insulation without degreasing, especially if the structure of the heat insulator is with open cells.

  • The deadline for performing work with this insulation can also be called a record - for insulation 100-120 square meters 8-9 hours are enough with low labor intensity of the process
  • This is one of the few heaters, the device of which does not require equipping hydro and vapor barrier.
  • In the characteristics of the sprayed type insulation, resistance to manifestations of biological and chemical origin is also noted.

Are you wondering - Another plus of sprayed insulation is that it does not arouse interest among rodents, which have become a real problem when insulating with some other categories of insulation.

Where to use spray insulation

Due to compliance with safety standards, sprayed insulation can be used for arranging public and residential buildings. The range of its application is quite universal:

  • Roof and attic structures
  • Floor insulation
  • Insulation of wall surfaces

Objects can be classified as follows:

  • industrial buildings
  • Outbuildings
  • Refrigeration equipment
  • Pipeline communications
  • Technological tanks

Important to consider! Although sprayed insulation is considered environmentally friendly, thoughtful precautions must be taken when insulating residential buildings. At the time of application of the material, a polymerization reaction occurs, accompanied by a high degree of toxicity. And only after the final solidification, the risk of poisoning disappears completely.

As for the type of materials on which it is possible to conduct insulation, there are no restrictions in this regard.

To date, manufacturers of heaters offer a huge selection of materials. But ? The choice of material should be made based on the configuration of the wall, its heat capacity and thickness.

Do-it-yourself sprayed insulation

Many owners of private houses, and even apartments, try to do all the housework with their own hands. But in this case do it without theoretical training and necessary equipment not easy.

In any case, for self-insulation polyurethane foam will require a balloon installation and the components necessary for this procedure, namely:

  • Polyol to be mixed in a container with freon
  • Isocyanate, also combined with freon 134

Both cylinders must be inflated until the pressure in them reaches at least 8 atmospheres.

Attention! At independent work with sprayed insulation, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment!

Sprayed insulation in cylinders

Insofar as independent process is not as complicated as its preparation, it will be easier to immediately resort to ready-made kits heater in cylinders. In addition, there will be no tangible difference in cost.

The sprayed insulation in cylinders is more practical, as it has a professionally performed factory preparation, including the optimal pressure regime.

The price of sprayed insulation

The cost of this insulation may seem somewhat higher than the materials of other categories. However, the economic efficiency of this thermal insulator is obvious when calculating, of course, the cost of other materials with the inclusion of additional equipment - profiles, sealants, fasteners and payment for the cost of professional work.

In the long term, the cost of thermal insulation with sprayed insulation pays off by reducing energy costs.

Sprayed polyurethane insulation Polynor

An example good choice such a heater can serve (Polynor). Its merits are evidenced by reviews of Polynor sprayed polyurethane insulation and instructions provided by the manufacturer in video format. The price of Polynor sprayed polyurethane insulation is identical to similar sprayed insulations in this category.

Thus, this type of thermal insulators is a priority in the choice of material for a number of technological indicators and for reasons of practical and budgetary value.

Video about sprayed insulation

The process of insulating the roof of a house with sprayed insulation.

Video about Polynor sprayed polyurethane insulation. Instructions for working with this material.

The sprayed method of insulation is valued for the absence of cold bridges, minimum load on the structure and high speed of work. The technology consists in the application and polymerization of foaming compositions based on polyurethane foam: one- and two-component. The only drawback is the need for expensive equipment, the insulation of small areas becomes unreasonably expensive. Thermal insulation in cylinders, provided by the proven Polynor brand, completely solves this problem.

This is a one-component polyurethane foam composition that forms filled carbon dioxide cells by absorbing water in contact with air. Such a structure has a uniquely low thermal conductivity - no higher than 0.028 W/m·K. This sprayed insulation is produced in small packaging cylinders, which makes it affordable for private consumers. It currently has no analogues - the usual polyurethane foam has an open structure, and two-component polyurethane foam is not applied without a foam generator.

The characteristics of the heater speak for themselves:

  • Short specific gravity(within 18-28 kg/m3).
  • The volume fraction of closed cells is up to 70%, which in itself is a unique value for one-component polyurethane foam.
  • Resistance to moisture and aggressive environments is high.
  • The water absorption of the insulation is not higher than 0.03% for 24 hours.
  • The upper temperature limit of operation is 121 °C.
  • High elasticity - there are no deformations during compression within 50%.
  • Insulation consumption - 890 ml per 1 m2 with a thickness of the applied layer of 5 mm.
  • Vapor permeability is zero.

Polynor belongs to safe and environmentally friendly building materials and does not emit harmful substances during operation, it is chemically inert to most reagents, with the exception of concentrated acids. But, like all heaters of this group, it collapses under the influence of ultraviolet radiation without additional protection. A plus is considered good adhesion not only with the work surface, but also with finishing building materials: paint or plaster.

The manufacturer does not indicate the sound absorption coefficient, but reviews note a good ability to dampen noise, this sprayed thermal insulation is often considered as part of the system acoustic protection premises. But main reason applications - unique heat retention: after spraying this insulation, losses are reduced by up to 40%. A 5 cm layer of Polynor provides an energy-saving effect comparable to 60 mm foam, 90 mineral wool, 760 foam concrete and 1720 brickwork.

Appropriateness of use

The scope of sprayed thermal insulation includes:

  • Facades with the condition of mandatory protection with siding or plaster.
  • Internal walls and partitions in private houses and industrial premises.
  • Pipelines and communication systems.
  • Verandas, attics, attics, cellars.
  • Premises with small area: loggias and balconies.
  • Containers with a complex shape, vehicles (if necessary, thermal insulation of vans or walls).
  • Metal surfaces: doors in warehouses and garage doors.

Sprayed polyurethane foam is not used in layered masonry and closed frame structures due to the difficulty of access, but it does an excellent job of filling gaps and open voids. The material is suitable for both indoor and external insulation It is resistant to changes in temperature and moisture. Provides problem-free adhesion to work surfaces such as wood, concrete, steel, cast iron, aluminium, plywood, brick and glass. The restrictions taken into account include the low fire safety class of the insulation (G3 - normal combustible, not supporting independent combustion) and zero vapor permeability.

Advantages of the method and insulation

The main advantage of sprayed thermal insulation is the ability to create a seamless energy-saving layer on your own in an extremely short period of time. The technology does not require the installation of a frame or crate, the insulation has an increased quality of adhesion to almost all building structures and surfaces, regardless of their angle of inclination. The sprayed material is convenient in calculation, application and transportation, exactly one cylinder is used per 1 m2. If necessary, re-applying insulation is allowed, but for most objects a standard layer of 5 mm is sufficient.

Reviews confirm the consumption declared by the manufacturer and performance characteristics, it is noted that paint and plaster adhere well to the material, there is no accumulation of condensate on the surfaces. Not everyone considers this insulation affordable, but most tend to believe that its price is justified. Spraying does not require auxiliary building materials and complex equipment, there is no need for overly thorough preparation of the working base. The sprayed insulation in cylinders is consumed without residue, the process does not depend on the complexity of the design, the isolation of hard-to-reach areas is not a problem.

Mounting technology

The process of applying thermal insulation begins with surface preparation: degreasing, cleaning from debris and peeling old building materials. The evenness of the base is of no importance and only affects the consumption of Polynor. The insulation has unique adhesion properties, so all non-insulated structures are closed from foam, in a frozen state it is difficult to remove it. The nozzle for sprayed thermal insulation is included in the kit, in theory the thickness of the layer is controlled without problems, but in practice uniformity requires experience. For installation, guides, frame or crate are not needed.

The surface is slightly moistened: sprayed PPU does not like dust. A prerequisite technology is the use of PPE: mask, suit and respirator. After the cylinder with insulation, the nozzle is screwed on, it is well shaken and sent to desired area. The thickness of the spraying is regulated by changing the pressure on the trigger of the construction gun. At the end of the work, all tools are washed with a special cleaner (Polynor Cleaner).

Several nuances are noted:

  • The process of foam formation depends on the conditions: air temperature and lack of wind and dust. During the spraying of the material, the heater in the cylinders is recommended to be shaken periodically.
  • The nozzle included in the kit must not be used for the installation of ordinary construction foam.
  • The average polymerization speed is 40 minutes, for the final hardening it takes at least 3 days.
  • Polynor sprayed polyurethane insulation requires UV protection and can be painted, plastered or concealed without delay.
  • Despite the high resistance to moisture and aggressive media this insulation does not have hydrophobic properties, it is not used in areas that are constantly in contact with the ground. Simply put, Polynor does not need a vapor barrier, but is not suitable for use as a standalone waterproofing.

According to the manufacturer, subject to all these simple conditions, thermal insulation will last at least 35 years. The work is carried out by one person, for specialists, spraying 1 m2 takes no more than 2 minutes, the lion's share of the time is spent on shaking and washing the tool. Auxiliary building materials: expensive vapor barrier membranes or reinforcing meshes are not used, which has a positive effect on the costs and labor intensity of the insulation process.


Price professional services for Polynor spraying is 650 rubles per 1 m2, the savings in self-application are obvious. Construction companies are contacted if they need quick thermal insulation of objects with a large area: cottages, industrial premises, attics, basements, wagons and vehicles. The only way to save money is to buy sprayed liquid polyurethane foam in bulk from a trusted supplier. It should be remembered that the consumption of insulation increases during work in the cold season, the optimum air temperature is above + 20 ° C.

So that the new room is not cold, builders use modern technologies and materials. As thermal insulation, it is customary to use mineral wool, felt, penoplex. They do their job well, but are ideal only for flat surfaces. Spray insulation will help fill all the cracks and recesses. It gets into hard-to-reach places and becomes reliable protection by cold.

Consists of polyol and isocyanate. At the time of spraying, these substances enter the mixing chamber of the equipment, where they are joined by compressed air. For the polymerization of the sprayed PPU layer, two components are mixed, which react with each other. Then they exit through the sprayer and form a reliable foam coating on the surface.

The sprayed polyurethane foam insulation has the following characteristics:

  • Volume weight from 25 to 32 kg/m3.
  • Thermal conductivity is about 0.2 W/m2.

It has good sound insulation. It is provided thanks to the foamy structure penetrating into any cracks. Polyurethane foam is resistant to moisture and aggressive environments.

Application of sprayed insulation

Features of thermal insulation allow it to be used for various surfaces:

  1. Roofs. Polyurethane foam is applied with inside, thanks to this, it is possible to start insulating the roof with sprayed insulation not only at the stage of building a house, but also after putting it into operation. PPU gives the structure reliability, increases sound insulation, removes defects from the base and strengthens.
  2. Attics. Internal thermal insulation spray foam is ideal for uneven surfaces, because it easily lays down and penetrates into hard-to-reach places. The whole job takes several hours. The material protects the structure from the cold in winter time and helps keep you cool in summer.
  3. Stan. Can be used outside or inside the building. They are performed both at the stage of building a house, and during repairs. Helps protect the surface from negative impact precipitation. According to user reviews, wall insulation with sprayed polyurethane foam is easy, the main thing is to properly prepare the base and apply a protective suit.
  4. Polov. It lays down well and forms a continuous coating, which makes the room much more comfortable, since it does not penetrate into it cold air. Sprayed floor insulation not only improves the heating of the building, but also gives strength to the base.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages are:

  • Not complicated preparatory work, there is no need to mount the frame, as when using mineral wool or polystyrene foam.
  • Good adhesion - easily adheres to any surfaces.
  • Sprayed thermal insulation can be further processed, it can be painted, plastered or covered with siding.
  • Long service life - can last from 20 to 50 years.
  • It gives the structure resistance to moisture, it does not rot, mold does not form on it.
  • The sprayed polyurethane foam is environmentally friendly, but when ignited, it releases toxic substances.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • High cost. To buy a sprayed insulation system, you will have to pay an average of 200 rubles / kg.
  • Mandatory use of special clothing. During spraying, the insulation scatters around, can get into the eyes or onto the skin. It is washed off very badly and irritates the mucous membrane.
  • Spray equipment required. It represents special machine low pressure.
  • Low resistance to ultraviolet, therefore, after drying, the surface is recommended to be painted.
  • Fire susceptibility. Insulation by spraying polyurethane foam should be carried out only when a fire retardant is added to it.

Popular manufacturers of spray foam

Among the most famous brands It should be noted:

1. Ecothermix. The main advantage is that it does not contain harmful chemicals. Sprayed polyurethane foam thermal insulation Ecotermix contains vegetable oils that foam water-based. There are different types:

  • Ecothermix 300 - is a closed cell, used for outdoor work.
  • Ecotermix 600 - designed for internal processing.

Reviews of the sprayed thermal insulation Ecothermix indicate economical consumption. After application, it is installed in the house comfortable temperature which is maintained throughout the year.

2. Polynor is produced in cylinders, which allows you to correctly calculate the required amount of PPU. The sprayed polyurethane foam insulation Polynor is easy to use, it does not need to be purchased for its application. optional equipment. Ease of use affects the cost, the price of Polynor per cylinder is on average 400 rubles.

3. Heatlok Soy can be applied to outdoor and internal works. The composition includes natural ingredients: soy and vegetable oils. It is a monolithic mass that envelops the base, adheres well to it and prevents the formation of corrosion.

How to apply with your own hands?

Before proceeding to insulate the surface with sprayed polyurethane foam, you need to prepare it. It must be dry, clean and even. Optimum temperature the processed base is from 13 to 15°C. To carry out the work, cylinders are needed in which components are placed in liquid form. With the help of a pump, substances are taken in to form foam. Then the mixture of 2 components enters the spray gun.

For houses located in the middle and northern strip of our country, the issue of insulation is always relevant. The market offers the modern consumer a huge number of different materials necessary for the insulation of walls and roofs of buildings. IN Lately sprayed thermal insulation based on polyurethane foam is gaining popularity. The simplicity and reliability of this type of insulation allows you to do all the work yourself.

Varieties and details about PPU

Several types of insulation can be applied by spraying:

  • urea-formaldehyde foam - penoizol (KPF), which requires a foam generator. The composition is mixed with water, forming a foam, and when it hardens, it becomes like a mounting foam;
  • ceramic liquid insulation in the form of a suspension, which is suitable for all types of surfaces (brick, concrete, wood, metal, plastic, etc.). Safe, tolerates painting, wallpapering, plastering;
  • filler foam, which is suitable for warming any premises; It has no smell, and after hardening it takes on a cellular structure and retains heat well. Durable and suitable for high-rise buildings.

Sprayed polyurethane insulation is a type of foam. These gas-filled plastics are obtained by foaming and then curing certain liquid mixtures. The cells of the resulting substance are filled with carbon dioxide, air, sometimes other gases are used.

About 98% of the volume of this insulation is occupied by gas, solid accounts for only 2%. This circumstance determines main feature gas-filled plastics of this kind - low specific gravity.

Popular manufacturers and prices

The most popular manufacturers of sprayed insulation are the following:

  • SEALECTION, designed for interior work;
  • HEATLOK SOY, which can be applied inside and out;
  • Ecothermix 300 (for outdoor use with 92% closed cells) and Ecothermix 600 (for indoor use with open cells).

Approximate prices for external thermal insulation with a foam layer of 2.5 cm / m2 it can reach up to 500 rubles, for a layer of 5 cm / m2 - up to 800-900 rubles. Internal thermal insulation requires a layer of at least 10 cm / m2 and will require approximately 500-600 rubles at a density of 10 kg / m3. For walls and foundations, the cost calculation will be close to internal insulation. The price should also include the cost of equipment and equipment for work.


The most noteworthy quality for the user is ease of transportation and cost-effectiveness. Polyurethane foam is stored in small metal containers, light enough and quite convenient for transportation and storage. This material is absolutely non-toxic, therefore it is safe for human health and pets.

This property of polyurethane foam is especially important when warming the room from the inside. Neither temperature changes nor interactions with liquid provoke this material to release harmful substances, so the whole process can be done by hand, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Additional benefits

Sprayed thermal insulation absorbs noise well and has excellent waterproofing properties. This means that moisture will not accumulate in your walls, fungus will not start. Both in the cold and in the warm season, a comfortable atmosphere in the desired temperature range will be maintained in the house.

Since the sprayed thermal insulation is applied in one layer, there are no joints and seams in the coating. This means that there will be no leakage of precious heat even in the most problematic areas.

The composition of PPU includes various anti-corrosion substances. Therefore, when PPU is applied to metal surfaces, a layer is formed that retains heat and at the same time protects the metal from moisture and rust.

Polyurethane foam ignites slowly and quickly extinguishes in the absence of oxygen. Therefore, the chances of its ignition are very small. If you want to reduce the likelihood of ignition to zero, you should treat the coating with a layer of special paint.


The polyurethane foam insulation technology allows for thermal insulation both during initial construction and during overhaul building. Sprayed thermal insulation PPU is widely used for insulation:

  • roofs of various buildings;
  • walls of industrial and residential buildings;
  • vegetable stores and refrigerated warehouses;
  • pipelines, process tanks, non-residential premises.

Spray insulation can be carried out on surfaces such as reinforced concrete, aluminum, asbestos cement, concrete, composites, and so on. Due to its properties, polyurethane foam adheres perfectly to any surface and completely fills any cracks and breaks.

Preparation for work

The process of warming is quite capable of being done by any owner. Sprayed thermal insulation will require two components:

  • prepared mixture of blowing agents, polyester constituents, foam regulators and fire extinguishing agent;
  • a substance based on isocyanate.

The first ingredient is thoroughly shaken. Usually, a mixing mechanism is used for this, do-it-yourself work may not give the desired accuracy. The isocyanate is carefully checked for the presence of foreign impurities. If they are found, the second ingredient is heated to 700С and mixed. Before use, the mixture is filtered through a metal sieve. The components are used in a 1:1 ratio.

It is important to remember that the ingredients must not come into contact with water, steam or moist air; not allowed to hit them. foreign objects. Containers in which the components for insulation remain must be tightly closed.

All ingredients are best used in short term immediately after preparation.

The whole process of applying insulation foam is carried out by low-pressure machines. In addition to machines, for work you will need:

  • protective glasses;
  • overalls and footwear, rubber or cotton gloves;
  • additional equipment: gas mask, thermometer and respirator.

Surface preparation for application

Before you start spraying with foam, you should prepare the work surface. To do this, it is cleaned of dirt and wiped dry. The surface should not have cracks and dents with a diameter of more than 6 mm, otherwise the setting (adhesion) will be incomplete. If it rains on the day scheduled for work or there is high humidity, start applying the foam should not be.

Choose a dry, sunny day for work, on which the temperature of the working surface does not exceed 30 ° C. If the surface is hot, then the foam consumption will be more than normal due to poor foaming.

How is the application

From two containers, a mixture is collected in a certain amount using a pump. After that, the dispenser pistol, which has a nozzle, is filled with the mixture. The compressor pressurizes the gun to a certain value.

The components of the mixture are mixed and fall on the work surface. A thick foam is formed, which cools and hardens rather quickly. All equipment is equipped with electronic sensors that monitor the working pressure in hoses and containers, air temperature, and so on.

Work technology

Spray should be applied in a liquid state. At low surface temperatures, a thin layer of insulation foam is applied to the surface. Only after the complete hardening of the preliminary layer, the insulation process can be continued.

Polyurethane foam is applied at first to hard-to-reach areas of the surface - ventilation holes, chimneys, difficult sections of walls, and so on. Each subsequent layer of foam is applied only after the previous layer has completely hardened. Standard Thickness applied insulation - no more than 1.5 cm. For optimal insulation, it is necessary to apply at least three layers of foam.

Even if the area of ​​work is large, it is necessary to complete all the work in one day. If it was not possible to fulfill this condition, then by the beginning of the next stage it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface again.

Those areas of the surface that will not be sprayed should be protected from foam with a piece of dense matter.


Although PU foam is not a toxic material, handling it can lead to accidents. To prevent this from happening, basic safety measures should be observed.

Most important elements the safety of the insulation process is serviceable equipment and protective clothing. It is better to carry out the entire spraying process in a special suit in which the human skin will be completely protected from contact with PPU. The mucous membranes of the eyes should be covered with glasses, the respiratory tract with a respirator or gas mask.

The instruction will help beginners to properly prepare the sprayed composition and load this heater into the construction gun. It is also required to have a special solvent on hand so that if drops of foamy insulation get on the skin, immediately wash it off. The cost of work is determined individually and depends on the complexity of the working surface and the thickness of the applied foam. The exact price of insulation installation can be said only after a visual inspection of the building.