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» Business on sushi and rolls. Business in national cuisine: how to open a sushi bar

Business on sushi and rolls. Business in national cuisine: how to open a sushi bar

To open profitable business, you need to find a good niche. Most of the truly profitable niches have been occupied for a long time and the competition in them is very high. But there are many free industries in which you do not have to fight for a place in the sun for the sake of a minimum income. One such niche is home delivery of sushi. And if in big cities This business is more or less established, but in medium and small ones it is completely absent, despite the presence of demand.

Why is it beneficial?

The popularity of oriental food in Russia is growing every day - sushi and rolls have almost become national dishes. They are ordered to the home for a romantic evening, to the office for a snack, to a large group for parties.

Sushi is a tasty and nutritious food that is popular

At the same time, people often don’t want to go to a sushi bar or don’t have the opportunity. They prefer to make a phone call or order delicious food online. But really good services very little delivery. That is, we have a sought-after service in the complete absence of competitors.

How to calculate profitability

In order to evaluate profitability, it is necessary to draw up business plan for sushi and roll delivery in your city. To do this, you need to study the market in your city and find out about the presence of competitors. If they exist, then evaluate the list of their services, average cost sushi, delivery time, working hours, etc. You need to find their mistakes and suggest Better conditions for clients.

You will also need to think through and describe the following points:

  1. Is there demand in your city?
  2. What expenses are needed to start a business?
  3. How clients find out about you.
  4. How will delivery be organized?

Assessing demand

We already wrote above that sushi is a popular and sought-after food in Russia. Let’s add what is good about delivery and what advantage it gives over a restaurant.

The main advantage of food delivery is saving time. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to a restaurant at lunch or in the evening and spend a couple of hours there. By ordering delivery, the client saves time: he can have a normal snack during his lunch break or relax in the evening after work, rather than having to travel across the city to a catering establishment.

The second advantage is savings. Even with delivery to your address, sushi and rolls are often cheaper than in a restaurant due to its markups. Well, thirdly, it’s just convenient. Many people don't like going to sushi bars. They just want to sit at home, eat delicious food and watch an interesting movie. There are a lot of such people, and they will become the “backbone” of your business.

Sets - a good choice for large companies

How exactly to work

There are two options:

  1. Delivery of homemade sushi.
  2. Sushi delivery from operating restaurants and bars.

The second option is the most budget-friendly and simple, but brings minimal profit. It also has many risks since you cannot influence the quality of the final product. It is worth starting such a business only if you do not have start-up capital or for some reason you cannot open your own production.

The second option is more preferable. To do this, you will need to organize your kitchen, purchase food yourself and deliver your products to customers. In this case, expenses will be higher, but profits will also increase significantly. In addition, you will be able to control the entire process and develop, subsequently opening an entire chain in the region or a full-fledged restaurant.


Before opening sushi delivery , You should go to the tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. With an individual entrepreneur there is less paperwork, but an LLC will allow you to enter into contracts for the regular supply of food to offices or even restaurants. If you open your own kitchen, then you will also need to select a room (even 20 m2 is enough) and apply for permits from the sanitary station and fire inspectorate.

What should you buy?

If you are going to deliver already prepared food, then you do not need to buy anything at all. In fact, you can even do without a car - hire yourself a driver and pay him a certain percentage of each order.

If you organize your own production, then you will need:

  1. Rent a room (approximately 30 thousand per month).
  2. Make repairs to it, install a hood and fire alarm(approximately 20,000 rubles).
  3. Buy a professional rice cooker, refrigerator, thermoses and kitchen utensils (about 60,000 rubles).
  4. Buy a car (optional) - 250 thousand.
  5. Install a refrigerator in the car (10,000 rubles).

Note:you don’t have to rent a room in the very center - it’s better to choose a place in a residential area near the highway so as not to stand idle in traffic jams.

Buying a car is also optional. It’s easier to find a good driver who will deliver orders around the city for 70-100 rubles.

The team will consist of 3 people:

  1. An operator who will accept orders over the phone and via the Internet.
  2. Cook.
  3. Driver.

At first, you can play one of these roles - this will allow you to quickly recoup your investment.

In total, you will spend about 250 thousand rubles on opening (excluding the cost of the car).

Mandatory monthly expenses will be:

  1. Salary for staff (45,000 rubles).
  2. Rent and public utilities(35,000 rubles).

You will also need to spend about 10 thousand on advertising.

Basic operating principles

Your business will be successful only in one case - if you comply with everything we list below.

  1. Be sure to monitor the quality of the products. Everything should be fresh, tasty and appetizing.
  2. Delivery should take minimal time. It is optimal to get people to call in advance and place an order for a specific time. You must be as punctual as possible.
  3. High-quality advertising. You will need not only to distribute paper advertising, but also to create specialized topics on city forums, in in social networks, ideally create your own website with an order form and phone numbers. You can decorate your car with advertising and order the placement of several billboards.
  4. Conduct various promotions for clients. Create large sets for companies, introduce a discount system, make discounts.


How profitable is it to open a delivery service? The cost of one unit of sushi is about 8 rubles, but it sells for 40-50. Usually one person orders 6-10 sushi. On average, such a business brings in 200,000 rubles per month, of which about 70-80 will be “clean”. Thus, all investments pay off in 4 months.

Profitability can be increased by expanding the range. Offer your customers juices and soda, add pizza to the menu - this will allow you to reach a larger audience and build the most effective business.

In contact with

Japanese sushi is loved by Russians and is in demand in bars and specialized cafes along with traditional domestic dishes. Making sushi is not difficult if you know some of the subtleties and gain knowledge in sushi courses. Business on traditional rice with raw fish will be attractive both in a small province and in a large regional center. How to open a sushi bar from scratch, what subtleties beginners need to know and, in general, where to start a business, we will discuss in this article.

Business Features

The sushi bar traditionally serves ready-made Japanese cuisine, which can be consumed by visitors on the spot or taken away. A sushi bar can operate as an independent establishment or open on the basis of a small restaurant or cafe. A restaurant of any type can open a sushi bar on its premises and attract additional customers - lovers of Japanese sushi and rolls. Customers are offered a menu of rolls, sushi, hot and cold drinks. The main difference from a specialized cafe is the small area and the lack of hot dishes.

According to the method of placement they distinguish the following types sushi bar:

  • Stationary. It is located in a separate area in an already operating restaurant or catering facility. Small bars operating directly in large shopping centers are becoming increasingly popular.
  • Mobile. Located in a small van. Trade is carried out mainly seasonally. Pros: small investment, lower rent. Of the minuses: it is impossible to provide customers with a wide range of rolls and sushi.

Aspiring entrepreneurs are recommended to start a business by opening a small stationary bar at a large shopping or sports center. Since rolls and sushi - low calorie food, then young people will be happy to visit your bar after a workout or a long shopping trip.

Like any business, opening a sushi cafe has its pros and cons:

  • It is difficult to attract regular customers, since there are many similar bars in any large or small city.
  • Seafood ingredients have short time shelf life and must be stored under certain conditions. Therefore, it is impossible to prepare a large batch of portions in advance. Unpurchased goods will have to be written off, and this will affect profitability.
  • Since the food is specific, you need to find your target client. People with specific taste criteria will visit the bar. In a small urban village, these clients will not be enough to make the business profitable. Therefore, before opening, an analysis is carried out to determine whether this business will be profitable and how many competitors there are in your region.

Along with sushi and rolls, bar customers can purchase hot and cold drinks: coffee, tea, juices. You can offer customers light Japanese-style salads. This will complement the menu and attract more customers. Some bars serve alcoholic drinks: wine, chacha. But for this, a license to sell alcoholic beverages is purchased, and it can only be obtained by the owner of a stationary establishment that has passed a number of inspections.

As an additional service, customers are offered rolls and sushi for delivery and takeaway. To do this, the products are packaged in sealed plastic containers and delivered to the client. The delivery price should not exceed the cost of a taxi ride, since it will be unprofitable for customers to use the service, and they will not be able to earn more than 3% on this.

Business registration

The opening begins with the registration of the sushi bar. If you plan to offer your customers only sushi, rolls and soft drinks, all you need to do is open an individual entrepreneur. If you plan to serve wine and other alcohol-containing drinks, then an LLC is registered. Beginners should opt for individual entrepreneurs and immediately switch to a simplified taxation system. To register an individual entrepreneur, the following documents are collected:

  • Application for registration legal entity. It is written according to the tax office model. When filling out, select the appropriate activity type code. The following OKVED are suitable for organizing a sushi bar: 56.10.2 “Preparation and sale of food, already prepared, from a mobile stall or vehicle (mobile bar)”; 56.1 “Operation of restaurants and other establishments Catering, which deliver ready-made portions to customers’ homes”; 56 “Preparation and provision of prepared food and drinks.”
  • Receipt from the bank confirming payment of the state duty.
  • Copies of the passport and TIN of the person for whom the individual entrepreneur is registered, certified by a notary.

In the future, with high profitability, the sale of alcoholic beverages will be independently organized on the basis of the cafe, but for this you will have to register an LLC and obtain a license. Beginners are recommended to initially open a small stationary cafe and at its base in summer time organize an outdoor stall. The outdoor bar will generate 70% of total revenue in the summer. But a place of trade is first selected, a lease is drawn up or a trade agreement is concluded with the owner. The price of a small zone for street trading in resort area can rise to 45,000 rubles.

Equipment and location

For a small stationary bar, the main thing is to position it correctly. The main mistake beginners make is incorrect choice space for your establishment. Here are a few simple recommendations to place the bar:

  • A place for a small business should have high traffic. Suitable: an entertainment center, a large shopping center with many departments and boutiques, a sports center.
  • There should be a parking area nearby. Since the sushi bar is mainly visited by people from 18 to 45 years old, in 50% of cases they will get to the place by private car.
  • Not suitable for placement: remote and residential areas of the city.

If a sports center is chosen as accommodation, then it is worth considering an additional menu. The assortment should include healthy food, but do not forget about the Japanese specifics of the bar.

The size of the rented area will depend on the number of seats. If you plan to have a bar counter and a small sushi case with several bar stools, then you need 20-25 sq. m, for a bar with several tables and its own kitchen you need at least 50 sq. m. Furniture planned for the room:

  • Seafood cutting table.
  • Table for forming rolls and sushi.
  • Cabinets for storing dry ingredients.
  • Showcase (sushi case).
  • Tables and chairs.
  • Bar counter and high chairs.
  • Hangers for visitors' clothes.

To organize a small bar you will need equipment:

  • Rice cooker.
  • Thermal chamber for storing cooked rice.
  • Fridge.
  • Cooking surface.
  • Cutting boards and Japanese knives.
  • Mat for forming rolls.
  • Dishes.
  • Dispensers.
  • Electric kettle.
  • Coffee maker.
  • Juicer.

For a large bar, an additional machine for automatically making rolls is purchased. In a small establishment, sushi and rolls are formed by hand by a sushi master. In order for the bar to be open every day, including weekends, a minimum of 2 sushi specialists and 2 support workers are required.


More detailed step-by-step instruction presented in the business plan. The business idea is profitable, but only if it is quickly promoted and placed correctly. The initial capital depends on the volume of the premises and the type of bar. The payback period for the project will be one to one and a half years. But if you organize additional outdoor trade in the summer, profitability will increase by 70-80%. It is not recommended to open a bar next to large Japanese restaurants and cafes. It will be difficult to compete with them. It is advantageous to place a bar in a ready-made restaurant or in an entertainment center where the traffic of target customers is high.

The business of selling sushi (Japanese cuisine) is highly profitable and quickly pays off. This is due to increasing consumer attention to Asian culture. The profitability of a sushi bar can reach 60% with a payback time of 2 years. High profitability is achieved due to the low cost of manufacturing rolls (the main product of sushi bars). In this article we will look at how to open a sushi bar from scratch and give an example of a business plan with calculations

Advantages and disadvantages of a sushi bar

Advantages Flaws
High business profitability (~60%), low cost of making sushi Expensive rental space in the city center, large premium shopping centers
Return on initial investment within 24 months Seasonality of visiting a sushi bar, so there are more visitors in winter than in summer
Narrowly targeted, specific niche and products Difficulty in finding qualified staff in Japanese cuisine

High business margins are achieved due to low costs. So the cost of producing one roll is 3-10 rubles, and it sells for 40 rubles. So profitability can reach 400%. For a sushi bar, a small room of 50 m² is enough. with standing places. Many seafood suppliers provide their own food free of charge to regular customers. refrigeration units, this allows you to reduce the cost of your own equipment.

For preparing most original Japanese dishes Exotic products are required that are difficult to find on the domestic market. Even vinegar, sugar, and salt are traditional.

As accompanying products, you can offer visitors hot and cold, as well as low-alcohol drinks, and original Japanese sweets. A real tea ceremony will be a good exotic entertainment for guests.

Stages of creating a business

Here is a list of necessary agreements and documents to create a business:

Opening a sushi bar: business registration

Let's analyze the different forms of doing business in the table below.

Form of business organization Benefits of use Documents for registration
IP ( individual entrepreneur) This form is used to create a small sushi bar with a small turnover
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement from a notary in form No. P21001;
  • application for transition to UTII (if the premises are less than 180 m2);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) This form is used to create a Japanese cuisine restaurant, with the ability to attract partnership capital and debt
  • application in form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • decision to open an LLC or protocol if there are several founders (partners);
  • receipt of payment of state duty (RUB 4,000);
  • copies of the founders’ passports certified by a notary;
  • application for transition to UTII (if the premises are less than 180 m2)

In law authorized capital LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

Registration of a sushi bar is carried out according to the following points of OKVED:

  • 55.30 “Activities of restaurants and cafes” - main type of activity;
  • 55.4 “Activities of bars”;
  • 55.52 “Supply of public catering products.”

Business taxation

The type of activity of a sushi bar refers to the type of activity to which UTII (single tax on imputed income) is applied. The tax rate for UTII is 15%. If a sushi bar, in addition to its main activity 55.30, provides services for the sale of sushi for takeaway, then such activity is taxed according to the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system). That is, accounting is carried out according to two taxation systems.

Sushi bar location

To locate a sushi bar, you need to focus on the following parameters:

  1. location in areas of heavy traffic: near the metro, cultural attractions;
  2. proximity to major shopping, business and business centers;
  3. lack of similar cafes and restaurants of Japanese cuisine in the vicinity.

It is more profitable to open a sushi bar in the city center, where it is convenient to meet after a working day. Dormitory neighborhoods are not suitable for this. The advantages include the close location of universities and office centers. During lunchtime, a business lunch can be arranged at the bar.

Decoration of the sushi bar premises

The main task of the sushi bar design is to create a traditionally Japanese atmosphere. The picture below shows the design options. If the emphasis is on a mini-cafe, then option No. 1 with a movable arrangement of furniture is suitable for this. If the goal is to make a premium seat, then the emphasis is on soft seats - option No. 2. For an express cafe and bar counter, option No. 3 is suitable. Mixed option soft and hard furniture is shown in picture No. 4.

Sushi bar design options

It is appropriate to provide a truly Japanese corner with a complete imitation of a real Japanese hall. But also in the hall with ordinary wooden tables you can use satin tablecloths and curtains embroidered with exotic flowers, fabulous birds and dragons. Underlined Japanese style vases with cherry blossom branches and Japanese patterns. In the corners you can place large floor vases and jugs.

Japanese restaurant equipment

When producing cold snacks, you can do without electric stoves. Only in some cases (this will be discussed later) may they be needed.

Here is a list necessary equipment for a sushi bar:

  • Sushi cases. Fish products spoil very quickly, but storing them in freezers ah undesirable. They are also subject to weathering. Therefore, sealed foreign-made refrigerated display cases - sushi cases - will be required.
  • Refrigeration units. It is advisable to purchase foreign refrigeration equipment.
  • Thermos flasks for storing cooked rice.
  • Professional rice cookers.
  • Knives, cutting boards, and dishes must be specifically designed for sushi. Ordinary knives quickly rust and become dull and can ruin the taste finished products. The boards quickly crumble, so that wooden “splinters” begin to get into the rolls and sushi.

The cost of all equipment will be ~180,000 rubles.

Personnel costs

Waiters serving customers at a sushi bar should, at least in appearance, somewhat resemble the Japanese. It is better to hire sociable and friendly young people of pleasant appearance. You need to take care of the original uniform for the staff.

Total payment wages per month will be from ~230,000 rubles.


Local and outdoor advertising in nearby shopping centers works best: banners, signs, banners and billboards. To increase visitor loyalty, you can issue discount cards for discounts. A good way to attract customers would be regular promotions, master classes and prize draws held in the bar.

Sushi bar business plan: finances

To calculate net profit, it is necessary to estimate the initial investment costs of opening a sushi bar. The amount of costs consists of the following items: (execution of legal documents; acquisition of a license to sell alcohol for a period of 5 years; rental of premises; renovation of premises; purchase of equipment; purchase of necessary sanitary items; initial advertising costs; interior development, design and staff uniforms; purchase raw materials).

As a result, initial investment: ~1,500,000 rubles.

Calculation of monthly expenses and net profit

Average monthly expenses (paying taxes; renting premises; paying for water, sewerage, electricity; advertising; purchasing products; salaries to employees) will amount to more than 600,000 rubles.

Planned daily average gross income ~30,000 rubles. Monthly gross income ~800,000 rub. When monthly operating expenses are subtracted from this amount, the amount obtained is ~200,000 rubles. You must also deduct interest on the loan (if any) and your own salary. There will be approximately 100,000 rubles left. - net profit received by you. The payback period is 1-2 years.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability

(4 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback

(3 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business

(2.5 out of 5)
Sushi bar is profitable business with a payback period of 1-2 years, but requires the availability of specific raw materials and the search for highly specialized chefs. A key factor in business success is location and accessibility. Competition in the sushi bar market is fierce and small cafes are being absorbed by chain companies. The development of franchise business for chains such as Yakitoria and Tanuki will be promising.

You will learn what equipment you will need to open your own sushi bar. In what format can such an establishment be opened and how much money will be needed to start? And we are also on real example We'll tell you how to avoid difficulties when starting a business.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Are you looking for a relevant idea for a catering business? Open your own sushi bar! The implementation of this idea has many formats. Choose the most suitable one and act!

With you is Alexandra Kadyntseva, financial expert of HeatherBober magazine. From the article you will learn how to open your own sushi bar, how much it costs and how to act so as not to go broke.

1. Sushi bar as a business idea - all the PROS and CONS

Sushi and other Japanese dishes are to the taste of Russian consumers. These restaurants are visited by thousands of customers every day; other users order rice and fish dishes to their home or office.

Sushi bars operate in different formats: market with delivery, restaurant, food court. The most promising option is different variations of fast food sushi with delicious dishes and fast service.

Pros of a business idea:

  • high profitability;
  • quick payback with proper marketing;
  • relatively low starting investments;
  • simple production technology;
  • there is no need to rent a large area;
  • stable demand for products.


  • high competition;
  • high rent;
  • the difficulty of selecting qualified chefs for Japanese cuisine;
  • seasonality - peak demand for products occurs in autumn and winter periods, in the spring-summer period there is a slight decline.

2. Opening methods

There are several ways to open a sushi bar - on your own, using personal or borrowed funds from start-up capital, or through a franchise, that is, by joining an existing restaurant chain that is interested in expanding and opening new branches.

Let's look at the features of both methods.

On one's own

You yourself determine the format of the establishment, look for a location, enter into a lease agreement, hire staff, decorate the interior, and do advertising.

For a successful start and rapid achievement of profitability, you need good business plan, competitor analysis, finance for the purchase of equipment and the initial purchase of products. It is advisable to have experience in starting a business and know production technology. You need a “safety cushion” - money for unexpected start-up expenses.

Read more about independent organization Watch the video for sushi delivery:

By franchise

A franchise is your right to open an establishment under the leadership of the owners of a chain of sushi bars or restaurants that has already proven itself in the market. Such brands already have a recognizable name and a client audience. They are interested in expanding and training staff. By joining such a network, you will receive experience, specialist support and certain guarantees of success.

An example of a company providing franchising services in the restaurant industry is.

The brand is actively developing internationally and Russian market, is well recognized, has an effective management strategy. Joining the network is simple: choose the format of the institution that interests you, submit an application, sign an agreement and develop your business.

3. What types of sushi bar are there?

According to restaurant market experts, the current task of catering establishments is to turn going to a restaurant not into a luxury, but into a necessity. Sushi bars cope with this successfully. Several formats of such establishments are used all over the world, the purpose of which is to always be at hand so that a visitor can come in at any time, have a delicious meal, buy their favorite dishes for the road, or have them delivered to their home.

Thus, in addition to the classic restaurant, street, food court, island, and “sushi delivery” formats have appeared. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Street with waiting area

This is a small room (up to 80 sq. meters) with two entrances, a contact counter for accepting orders, a waiting area and a kitchen. The establishment is focused on a menu with affordable prices, a simple assortment, and fast serving of dishes.

Fast service and delicious food are all that most visitors need

To start an establishment of this format, you will need about 1.8 million rubles. The projected average monthly profit for the year is 209,300 rubles with successful management and good advertising.

Food-Court with Kitchen Factory

A food court with a kitchen is a comfortable small restaurant or showcase with several tables on the territory of a shopping and entertainment center, where visitors order sushi and rolls. Its area does not exceed 30-50 square meters. meters. The structure has several seats, a contact counter for orders, and a kitchen.

Here you can have a snack or take your favorite treats with you

To start a food court you need an amount of 2.4 million rubles. According to forecasts, the average monthly net profit of the establishment for the first year will be 146,000 rubles.

Restaurant with seats and showcases

This is a full-fledged family restaurant with an area of ​​80-120 square meters, located both in the shopping center and in a separate room. The menu includes not only sushi, but also other Japanese dishes and seafood.

Japan's atmosphere and delicious food attract visitors all year round

Restaurant emphasis - cozy atmosphere, high quality service, delicious original dishes. To start a business in this format, you will spend about 3.7 million rubles. Expected profit for the first year is 297,000 rubles. (monthly average).

Island with landing

This is a mini-zone with an area of ​​20-30 square meters. meters with a contact stand, a display case and several seats and also with a small kitchen.

The purpose of the island is a food market, that is, the sale of ready-made dishes that customers take away or can taste on the spot, sitting at a small counter. The island is located in the passage areas of shopping centers.

Sushi island in the shopping center - an opportunity for visitors to refresh themselves without interrupting shopping and entertainment

The cost of opening the island will be approximately 1.5 million rubles. Expected profit: 290,000 rubles.

Home delivery

Establishment with small area(up to 50 square meters), a contact stand, a sofa or armchairs for visitors waiting to order, kitchen area. Orientation - courier delivery of ready-made dishes throughout the city according to orders on the website.

With the most economical expenses at the start, you will spend 250,000 rubles on opening a “point”. With proper management of affairs, such a project reaches zero within 3-4 months of work.

4. How to open a sushi bar from scratch - a detailed guide

Opening your own business is a multi-stage work, consisting of market analysis, drawing up a plan, recruiting personnel, preparing a menu, searching for suppliers, and an advertising campaign.

Choose your sushi bar format and get started.

Step 1. Draw up a business plan

This step by step guide, which displays everything related to the launch of a catering outlet: from the concept and justification for its choice, to the list of menu dishes and marketing strategy. The plan includes a calculation part describing the starting and monthly expenses, the amount of the announced net profit, and the time frame for reaching the break-even point.

Don't know how to write a business plan? There are many samples on the Internet ready-made plans for the restaurant industry. Choose the one closest to your concept and adapt it to your tasks and goals.

Step 2. Register your business

To register a case, register as an individual entrepreneur. OKVED for decorating a sushi bar 56.10 - activities of restaurants and provision of food delivery services. Code 56.10.1 is suitable, relating to the activities of all forms of restaurant business (cafeterias, bars, restaurants), 53.30, 55.4, 55.52, which also regulate activities in the field of public catering.

The optimal tax system for sushi delivery is the simplified tax system or a simplified system. UTII is used to operate the restaurant. If you intend to operate both a restaurant and delivery, use both systems.

In addition to documents to open a business, you will need a license to sell alcohol (if you intend to sell it), permission from Rospotrebnadzor, a conclusion from the SES, and the fire service.

Step 3. Choose a room

The choice of premises is based on the format you use for your business. It is advisable to open the food court, island and street in mall, in commonly visited places.

It is advisable to locate the restaurant in that part of the city where the shopping center is concentrated and there are a lot of people every day.

For sushi delivery, the territorial location of the establishment is not so important, since this form of business is associated with the operation of the website and the courier service.

The key factor in choosing a premises for rent is its compliance with fire regulations, SES requirements, safety precautions, cost of rent.

Having chosen a premises, try to negotiate with the landlord to reduce the rent for the first 2-3 months.

Many landlords will agree to a price reduction provided an advance payment equals the full monthly rental cost. When drawing up a lease agreement, reflect all the terms of cooperation so that you do not have to deal with an unexpected “change of mood” of the owner of the space.

Step 4. We purchase equipment

I will give an example of purchasing equipment for a small (50 sq. meters) sushi delivery, since among all formats, opening it requires the minimum starting capital:

Type of equipment Cost in rubles
1 Kitchen shelving, contact stand, sofa and table for waiting for orders50 000
2 Fridge20 000
3 Freezer15 000
4 2 rice cookers12 000
5 Kitchen scales3 000
6 Boxes, knives, dishes, small kitchen equipment15 000
7 Computer + 1C database, video surveillance30 000
Total: 145 000

Step 5. Selecting personnel

To open a small sushi delivery service, you need a small staff of employees: 2 cooks, 2 dispatchers, 2 couriers. Personnel must have sanitary certificates and special clothing. Look for experienced chefs who know the techniques for preparing several types of sushi.

Table of monthly staff costs:

Step 6. Create a menu and purchase products

Ask your chefs to prepare all the types of sushi and rolls they know. Invite your friends or family members to choose the most delicious ones. The key to the success of any establishment is delicious cuisine, so you must be confident in the quality and taste of the dishes. As you gradually master the market and customer demand, you will add or remove some dishes from the list.

To organize uninterrupted supply, find 2-3 food suppliers. Constantly monitor the prices and range they offer. Suppliers compete with each other. To win in this competition, show them your competitors’ price lists, ask for discounts, check the quality of the products.

Step 7. Launch advertising and wait for clients

Make your own website where customers can view the menu, work schedule, book tables or order food at home. The main thing in online advertising of a sushi bar is spectacular photos dishes and competent promotion in Yandex and Google.

To do this, you will need SEO optimization of the site: in your region, it should be located on the first page of search results so that customers can easily find you.

Having built up an audience, offer clients bonuses, discount cards, “compliments” from the chef, and closely monitor the quality of dishes and service.

Don’t know what to name the bar and what logo to come up with? Entrust this to professional designers. Among them there are many freelancers who are ready to offer several options at a price quite affordable for a novice entrepreneur.

5. How much does it cost?

Opening a small point for delivering sushi and rolls to your home will cost you 250,000 rubles including all start-up costs. This amount includes rent, cost of equipment, initial purchase of products, advertising, and hiring personnel.

To compare the costs of opening an island with franchised locations:

Add 400,000 rubles as a lump sum contribution to the total amount.

Opening a franchise is more expensive, but this method guarantees the success of the enterprise. Working as a franchise, you can easily overcome all the difficulties that await beginning restaurateurs.

6. Possible difficulties when opening a sushi bar

As a restaurateur starting from scratch, you risk facing the following difficulties:

  1. A weak advertising campaign that does not attract the desired number of customers.
  2. Ignorance of the market and competition.
  3. Difficulties in setting up smooth bar operation.
  4. Frequent changes of personnel, difficulties in attracting qualified specialists.
  5. Low quality of purchased products.
  6. Incorrect menu design.
  7. Difficulties with correct design tax reporting documents.

7. How can they be solved?

All these difficulties can be solved by purchasing a franchise. If you don’t want to risk your funds or are not entirely sure that you will be able to get promoted and stay afloat, join an already existing project offering franchising services.

A sushi bar is quite a profitable business, so opening one would be the right and profitable decision

Sushi bars are more profitable than other food outlets

Savings on equipment

Everyone knows that opening food outlets involves large financial investments in expensive equipment. And since you can open a sushi bar with at the lowest cost, because their products are mainly cold snacks, then this type of food business stands out among all others.

Yes and expensive refrigeration equipment Often the owner of a sushi bar does not have to spend money. Today, many seafood suppliers install their own refrigeration units for free for regular customers.

Savings on rental space

Restaurateurs claim that in order to open a sushi bar, a huge area of ​​150 square meters is not required at all. You can easily get by with 50-meter rooms. And if necessary, you can place a minibar with standing places at 10-20 meters. For example, it is very convenient to sell goods in large supermarkets and supermarkets, where there is high traffic and buyers even buy products “to take away”.

Unoccupied niche

Today, Japanese cuisine is just beginning to gain momentum. This business still has free places. Therefore, we can highlight this point as a positive fact that speaks for the opening of Japanese mini-restaurants.

High profitability of production

Third most important factor, raising this business high above all others and others - the high profitability of Japanese sushi bars. After all, the cost of one roll ranges from 3 to 10 rubles. However, you can rarely buy a roll for less than 40 rubles. Nine times added value! Is this not real profitability, is this not a fabulous benefit?! That is why it is considered extremely profitable today to open a sushi bar.

Sushi bar equipment

But you shouldn’t go to such an extreme, thinking that to produce high-quality Japanese dishes you don’t need to spend money on equipment. Of course, cold appetizers allow you to do without stoves. But this production also has its own nuances.

Sushi cases

Fish products spoil extremely quickly, but do not “like” freezers. In addition, they are subject to “weathering”. Therefore, for finished products, special sealed refrigerated display cases of imported manufacture are required - sushi cases.

Refrigeration units for food storage

Our domestic refrigeration equipment for a sushi bar, alas, is much inferior in quality to foreign ones, so saving at this stage can only result in unnecessary expenses.

Thermoses for storing cooked rice

And it is better to purchase this equipment at specialized points.

Professional rice cookers

At home, housewives try to imitate Japanese dishes, using ordinary stoves and even microwave ovens. The output is interesting dishes, possibly nutritious and tasty. But they are still far from real Japanese masterpieces.

Knives, utensils and cutting boards

Practice proves that both knives and boards should be specially designed for sushi. Ordinary knives begin to dull and rust quite quickly, thereby spoiling the taste of the finished product, and the boards crumble too quickly, which can lead to wooden splinters getting into the rolls and sushi.

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Thus, a businessman spends about 130 thousand rubles on equipment. .

Highly qualified sushi chefs are one of the most important components of success when opening a sushi bar

The most important components of enterprise success

High quality source material

Neither local rice nor our fish are suitable for preparing real Japanese dishes. Even vinegar, salt and sugar are required completely different, and not those to which Russian people are accustomed. Therefore, it is necessary to organize the supply of Japanese products so that the bar can truly boast high quality produced dishes.

Qualified sushi chefs and chef

It is necessary to select professionals or train future employees so that they receive qualifications high level. The salary good specialists you should be paid “at the level”: a chef should be paid at least 40 thousand rubles, and sushi chefs – from 17 thousand.

Menu update

It is necessary to regularly add new dishes to the bar menu. To do this, the chef must go on business trips, get acquainted with new products in other sushi bars, and look for recipes on the Internet and special culinary publications.

By the way, as accompanying products in a sushi bar, you can offer visitors original Japanese sweets, cold and hot, as well as low-alcohol drinks.

And as an exotic entertainment, it would be useful to offer guests a real famous tea ceremony for a certain fee.

Service staff

The waiters who will serve customers should at least slightly resemble the Japanese in appearance. In addition, they should be friendly and sociable young people of pleasant appearance. You should also develop an original uniform for them.

Room design

Create original cozy design indoors is one of the main tasks for those who decide to open a sushi bar. Nice combination European style with an exotic touch of the East should be soft, but not flashy.

For example, you should not force guests to sit on the floor or force them to eat wooden sticks. Chopsticks are offered to everyone without exception; at the request of clients, waiters must always have European cutlery.

It is also quite appropriate to create a truly Japanese corner, completely imitating a real Japanese hall.

But satin curtains and tablecloths embroidered with amazing fairy-tale birds, dragons and magical exotic flowers will be very appropriate in a room with ordinary wooden tables. The stylization will be complemented by a vase with a Japanese pattern and a sprig of cherry blossoms. You can also place large floor-standing jugs and vases in the corners.

Sushi bar location

It is very important to determine the place where it is most profitable to open a sushi bar. First of all, you should remember that sushi and rolls, as well as the tea ceremony, are by no means cheap entertainment. Therefore, it is worth finding an area where fairly wealthy people live.

Locations near large office centers and universities are also considered successful. If you organize a business lunch at the bar at lunchtime, a stream of clientele will fill the restaurant from the very first day after opening. True, then you will still need to purchase at least one electric stove for the equipment.